
Marine Education Center Advisory Committee Meeting Jun 9, 2021

... pictures or something I mean when you're walking up you see the dumpster and then you see marine education Center I mean.

VOM Village

2 years ago

and actually yeah thank you forever hit record um doug i did get notification from doug that it's just the commitment and he hasn't been to like i think six or seven maybe even eight i don't even know how many meetings at this point but he um gracefully said he needed to step down so um i said that's all right i'd relay it to everybody um he's just got a lot going on with kids and i get it um i'd probably get it more as the years go on but uh let's try to maybe recruit someone new or we could ju
st kind of work as a group we have now might be my suggestion unless the village needs us to fill a spot dan um well you can as long as you're able to maintain a quorum for your meetings you're you're fine um but you know what you should do is have a doug send a letter stepping down or emails to sally roberts tell them they're stepping down from the board so uh it can be noted and then uh the board can uh try to uh solicit a new uh bring someone else in okay cool so we'll do i'll let doug know w
rite that email to sally directly and uh we'll we'll bring someone else on yeah major requirement for the committee so what was that age requirement i don't think so i know that i'm trying to think the youngest person i can ever recall being on a board is um i can't remember his name right now but he was on the traffic safety commission i would think 18 at least yeah i think he was 18 but he might have still had been in high school when he turned 18 and he was volunteering to be on you know boar
ds and commissions in the village that'd be quite the resume builder for an 18 year old on the village's appointed committee um but probably 18 not that i can speak for the village on that but i'd imagine just a legal adult that's probably yeah that's good to know caroline could you do me a favor and take the minutes today yeah showing up no problem would you be all right with that thank you so much um all right so with that being said with doug uh wish him all the best he's still i'd read his o
wn email i wrote a really nice email he fully intends to be around go to the center keep supporting the center he just didn't feel his great fit on that committee so we'll try to bring someone else in that'd be great excuse me not a great fit he just the time was it was just couldn't make the time um so let me get to the agenda um we're going to start with a staff report from you kyle please um okay uh everything's going well program's good um camp startup um two weeks from now i have um five st
aff um i capped the volunteers at like 25 they all start soon um the floating wetlands are in i saw them yeah they look good um then uh gosh there's there's a lot going on so i'm probably not even gonna tell you most of it uh then i'm gonna be doing i'm working with cornell and maritime and we're going to start they're donating uh seated oysters we could see if they'll work in the harbor i'm working with the dec on that as well can i ask you a question about that i don't want to take you off you
r off your report but i love that you're doing that um we're safe it sounds involved in some oyster restoration projects down in the bronx and it's not easy um i think that that's pretty newsworthy myself um could you just maybe not all the details kyle but could you just give us like top level so it sounds like you have the what is it the oyster gardening permit from dec that's the dc i'm working with joe and um stephanie over at dc two different departments but um it was kind of my go-to for m
y permit so um he's i'm getting the scientific permit uh in order to see the oysters in the harbor the first step for me is i'm gonna start testing them for that msx um bacteria that they were tested for in 1998 and that's why i went out there and kind of did a a pre-survey of the oysters in the harbor and they're all pretty much dead um so yeah a lot of the top top ones are dead so um it's an easy test to test if they have it so i'm going to do that i'm working with a bunch of high school stude
nts on their osr project for that just to get them involved but um that's going to be the first step for that it's really just a pre-pre to hopefully um seating the harbor and dc's actually the maritime i went down there a couple weeks ago and they they are doing their own um oyster project down there are you talking about suny maritime yeah shooting attacks yeah right below throgs neck and uh yeah i work with them they're good okay they're great yeah so they said they're doing the um kelp proje
ct as well so yeah they had better yields than we did our yields were pretty nice it looks and their stuff looks cool yes very nice people uh so they gave me all the information as well as um willing to donate some boxes and stuff to start with the oysters and cornell's been very great i just have to go pick up the seated oysters um because i have to do oyster on the shell or spat on the shell for the harbor so um yeah dc's uh really willing to do it i'm just kind of gonna do a pre-survey first
before i do anything crazy uh so um dc's up for that and that's gonna be the pre-pre of hopefully re rebuilding the the small little oyster reefs we do have and you're talking about the divide on the channel i'm not trying to grill you but you talk about where the channel splits that big section of oyster reef there there's a big section right there and then there's also a big section i don't know if you've ever noticed what you definitely have um right when you're coming into the east basin yea
h there's a red buoy there and it says rocks but it's totally oysters i thought they were alive i've never actually gone and i've always looked at them and thought there was a living room i honestly i think some of them are because obviously the goals get some of them but uh most of them are dead yeah i did go check i checked the whole uh i didn't check the one out in the middle that one might be more alive the one in the actual harbor is pretty much all dead all right so my point on this one is
um while the kelp didn't necessarily make big news worthy um brandon i know we were going to think about doing that but if we got enough for the lab but honestly a lot of slip got on the line and it was kind of just something where we got it done but if we brought a reporter out there they'd be like what's that brown slime on your line yeah um but i think with the oyster uh oyster i mean everyone likes the oyster right like the big oyster so when you do get the actual seating i think the dmx th
e dermals work you're doing is incredible when you actually get the seating permit which is hard i think but when you get it sounds like you're on the right track yeah it's pretty newsworthy um and i think that's worth us getting some some news on for sure yeah what's the timeline or just the uh you know just general timeline that you're thinking kyle um so cornell uh which i understand they're they're helping a lot of people but he's uh he's very excited to do it in mamaroneck um he was just a
little busy so i'm hoping to get this fat on shell if i can um i've also been very busy i'm hoping to i have to drive out to him which i'm happy to do um he is hoping in two weeks uh and for the permit i just have to get his um permit to get my permit if that makes sense so uh i i mean this is a huge project it's going to be a very long time um but to get the news involved i'm hoping to do the pre-survey this summer starting next month and then um once we do the pre-survey because i did a pre-pr
e survey to see if any of this fat uh was growing and they are but they're dying pretty quick um as soon as they are released on the la those few live oysters so um it could be a long time it could be never uh if they have them if they have the bacteria then they're not gonna grow uh so it's a it's a little bit of a hard time a hard question i can't really give a timeline because if they can't grow they they can't grow i'm hoping they do grow because that would be very good for the harbor especi
ally water quality so but yeah i mean it's just incredible projects so just keep us in the loop okay oh 100 yeah i don't want to um get the news involved until we we know for sure oh i agree i know the permit is hard to get so i know you're in the pre-process like that permit's not easy to get kyle so as you're working on yeah stephanie over who does the permits she's she's like i think you'll get it within the month um with what i told her and how i explained it to her so i said i'm not looking
right now to um make a nature reserve uh which they always get a little worried about because of you know the the uh army corps and dredging and stuff like that yeah yeah there's a lot of things you gotta exactly i said right now i just want to make sure they they can grow and she she was very on board so she mentioned the oyster gardening permit that they have where you could put out small sections on she didn't she just said to get the scientific right now just to get the data on if they can
grow so that's that's what we're working on right now so i'll just i'm just going to start getting data if they can grow good yeah that's awesome good for you that's yeah great that's a great project i know i wasn't going to do it because i have a lot on my plate but i was like ah i'm going to go for it it's a good one and you can incorporate a lot of too excited about it and i had i mean i had for some reason a billion people calling me about it that had found out that i had even thought about
doing kind of an educational oyster um in the water and they were like yacht clubs all around westchester were calling to say they they'd like to help and they'll donate the money and so i said why not let's do it all right cool keep us in the loop that's really good yeah so that's one of the bigger projects for sure but that's awesome yeah um okay so any other top top level updates you want to relay to us um the only other thing is the um the boom is done um for the the river i made with a girl
scout group we deployed it and it only goes out before the rain i just finished it we didn't have we were missing about a five foot section and that goes out at the mouth of the mamaroneck river um and that this is like a temporary one the fire departments in mamaroneck are gonna donate um their old fire hoses and that will be a better boom and as well as deflatable and more easily um put away so right now i'm just testing out um how how big we'll need that that boom um and it only goes out for
24 hours again a big dec thing uh only i only put it out for 24 hours i go out check it and then liam is gonna start checking it with that the robot um so that's another big thing but uh that's that's a smaller bigger thing maybe you get a couple social media posts out on that one we just got enough bottles from last cleanup on friday to finish the 10-foot section so i had to get all it has to be all floatable and i didn't want to just take out of a recycling bin so it's all from water that we
um cleaned from the cleanup so all the materials inside so that's a cool thing i will definitely i've been trying to up my social media game it's just it's me doing it so i've been behind but i don't know how it goes once you get in the flow of it though it's like yeah yeah just pop picture go my interns make fun of me and they're like oh i see her on instagram more and i'm like i'm trying yeah stop everything from coming if you if you go down to the harbor which you probably have caroline after
a rainstorm the garbage is just disgusting and it's all coming from the river there so that's the first step and then i'm gonna slowly start moving my way up to the storm drains because a lot of it's coming down from the store drains but that's the first step i'm going to see how much is coming down from the river and then slowly go up the river and start start checking each storm drain kind of putting a net and seeing what we could get from each storm drain where it's coming out the most of an
d dan your your engineers are all kyle i'm sure they are but your ms4 engineers are all gung-ho about that we are our ms4 engineers oh good yeah we're putting the report next year i love that that's outstanding yeah they're all happy because i do part of the ms4 i'm like this is gonna be great for you them thankfully kyle tracks all the attendees at our weekly cleanups so we can say how many people we had show up at our cleanups every year no that's great i was actually thinking more of the scre
ening of the storm dreams that'd be a great model uh if you guys do it for other municipalities to pick up on because that's not something everyone does that's what i was thinking it's going to be great for other people to see that's a and it's a win-win because the the storm drains are so big that like you know small like i know a lot of people are worried about their small children especially in residential areas and i won't i won't be blocking and dan and jerry know this i won't be blocking t
he storm drain once i get to that part of the project it's it's more of a screen at the bottom it's kind of like a net at the bottom to see what's coming through yeah it's not i'm not blocking i'm not putting a screen across the big drain i'm just i'm just gonna check that makes sense you might run into some flooding issues exactly exactly yeah i think i think most of our catch basins along post road have the what they call the n-type opening yeah it's not the full opening to allow the big float
ables to get down yeah yeah so you may want to concentrate on some other areas where we have something yeah that's what i was thinking dan i'm just i'm just gonna obviously uh i haven't done the full survey yet but cool impressive work um impressive work pe kyle engineer yeah you're gonna get that they're gonna get you a nice license for that next two that'd be awesome yeah that'd be good professional development for uh for naturalist troy i think yeah right i want to talk to tony about uh you k
now i think we do have a list of what we call high priority catch basins so you may want to talk to tony actively in public works about something i love that you're doing that yeah sure yeah good for you all right um thank you very much uh kyle anything else before we move on no you can move on okay cool thank you all right so just digging into a couple things uh one henry couldn't make it uh which i found out after i sent the agenda around um brendan you weren't with us last uh last month uh di
d you get a chance to read the questions if not maybe give them a look send henry your feedback um and dan and kyle one of the things that the village was going to look into if we could ask jerry or whoever wants to look into it is if we can form a focus group in the future um which could be a really good idea for just keeping growth going you know it's a lot of educational facilities do that bring people together focus group and help guide growth of the center um can we get i don't know if we'v
e gotten an answer on that is then someone got an answer on a yes or no for a focus group that was uh oh sorry dan go ahead there you go um i know uh jerry wanted to be a part of that i he wanted to take me out of that conversation so he was supposed to respond yeah so he wanted to take you oh i'll email jerry i'll leave jerry then okay very good um i'll maybe put dan on there too since he's here today as our kind of liaison that'd be great and then um i love the questions i love the idea the qu
antitative questions too kyle um i know henry offered to help though we're not trying to make work for you as much as help you and assist where we can so maybe if we could get henry in touch with the one of the interns you had thought might be a good person for him to work with and developing like a short set of like five numeric type questions that could be passed out after a program that'd be awesome if you're still on board yeah for sure okay cool so uh andrew's my new go-to he's here to um s
eptember so he will i'll i'll let him know that's his new job oh that's great it's really it'll be good for the center and get him in touch with henry i i wish i could do it but he's been uh he's running the programs now because i'm just practiced no no it's fine kyle it's actually something that i think this advisory committee can help with henry's got us he specializes in that type of work so he's offered to put his time up to do it so let's take him up on it yeah for sure what's andrew's last
name just for the minutes uh sterlinger s-t-e-r yeah l-i-n-g-e-r thank you yep thank you thank you for taking the good notes i like that thank you so much all right so uh next step so i think those are next steps all right jerry kyle if you could get henry in touch with andrew sterlinger that would be great um brandon if you had some input on the questions that went out just send them to the group you could sound like an old group that's fine just do track changes and a word document that'd be
probably nice yeah i don't i'm a google guy so uh if i have any feedback i'll uh should i just put it in an email do what you do my friend all right it's all good i haven't had microsoft word on a computer in a decade so really oh yeah that's fine anyway you want to send it's fine email is great that's a good red line whatever you want to do um okay and so just kind of buzzing through uh and we have some other business to cover too in the other business but ann and caroline you you all wanted to
talk tent talks and i thought i think your email said july are we targeting july now for these oh i'm very excited to share all right let's hear it caroline has been going so you know briefly it's really hard to find the speakers as we all know so i did my research and i rebranded my flyer and i found out ted talk student does not pay for their speakers so then i thought i we need to get pools of speakers from the community and i've already met with and caroline has i will i've spoken with nanc
y the head of the yard uh healthy yards project and their whole mission and cause details is what they're trying to save and preserve and what comes to the long island sound they're affiliated with the pollination the butterflies so i spoke with nancy at mamaroneck in my marinette office she's heads it caroline and i met with the the ladies who are on the committee i'm we're just waiting for a confirmation they were on board they want to stay to task they know how uh it it's to be and we're tryi
ng to target to uh july so i'm again we we got a verbal confirmation but i pinged them this morning i didn't hear back i'm hoping to get an answer this week so we get something on the calendar that would be my my biggest input on that is to get the word out excuse me get the word out soon and really yeah mark it advertise it you know yeah gorilla marketing and caroline i have these little flyers and i just have a series of um quick questions and you could direct me quickly or to discuss further
but yeah please i'm with regards to registration for it is that will that be required i i would ask for an email whether would i use my own or is there a village one so these type of questions if you could ask if um to whom we need permission to let the media know on regarding the approval of the flyer is that amongst the committee is that just between carol and i you i we need to know that because we're very forward and maybe we maybe we address these one like i think because we have dan kyle w
e're here so just going to number one right um typically with a village of a marinette kyle or dan maybe you can answer that question um for registration rsvp so we get a general idea of the head count you can usually expect like 30 of the people actually rsvp to something to show up in this type of case especially when it's free but um what has the village or what does the village use for that type of uh rsvp that's a um signup genius okay yeah we just used it for the um uh the cleanup event an
d uh yeah yeah so would i contact you dan um and is there an email because it within this flyer it's a very short brief flyer but i'm going to be asking the community are you a speaker do you know a speaker can you recommend a speaker and by doing that i plan to create a pool of speakers of people within our own community the ladies we met that one lady had two suggestions already so that's my whole idea it's not just for this year oh i hear you ann i'm sorry i thought you meant for this particu
lar event like an event right or a sign up so it sounds like when you sign up you're right we need it for this event but i would like i'd like to know do i need a private an email um because we're going to be asking people to let us know about the um their suggestions of speakers in order to create a bank of speakers no no i love that idea and what people might be interested in the community you know they're going to probably send speakers on things they're interested and then we'll decide who w
e want to speak but i need to create this so is it okay if i have a set up a gmail email or am i required to have one through the village i would think you would go through the village i don't like not as a municipal staff member but i think it's probably more appropriate to go through a village email and then um maybe even like uh kyle uh maybe you still have the constant contact for the village maybe something along those lines where someone could use like fill in or respond through a link to
topics or speakers that they have and then and could help kind of aggregate for you so you don't have to do all that work and then we could present it at a mec meeting and look at it together um i'm confused what what yeah what you want to put it on the constant contact or go through me an email that goes out from the village it doesn't have to be constant contact that was just what came to mind because i think you have one for the center but um it goes out to our contacts right village contacts
really why would be good asking for topics that they're interested in for the for these talks but then potential speakers is what ann was saying to have a pool of potential speakers too yeah no like i understand dan i don't i don't know i mean going through my email that would just make it a little insane it has to be a designated email yeah i think what you could probably do is work with it to create an email address that would automatically forward to whatever email address you wanted to move
to okay like it would automatically go to end yeah is that you dan i.t or oh cliff case is our rit director cliff yep all right i'm going to email you i think i need to have an address or something like that um you know i'm not quite sure how you know some of this stuff works a little bit too technically challenging with the uh sign up genius i don't know if is it can you say an individual campaign or does that is like you know oh yes you can i know i think that would you can i think that might
be best i'm just worried that people will start using that email um i don't know people email different emails all the time so that's the only thing i'm a little worried about sure i think the sign up genius was more for the rsvp like an event writer something like that where people can rsvp to the ted talk the email that we're talking about setting up is so people can provide feedback on what they might want to hear two separate things we're talking about i like the idea dan of getting in touc
h with cliff getting an email address from bomney so it's a bit more official but then having it forward to mec advisory committee members like the subcommittee probably ann and caroline kyle if you'd like to be on it too and then they can kind of aggregate it put it together save it and have this like pool of topics and speakers that yeah i'm i have like 15 of those things and i just create folders in outlook to you know automatically uh i have a filter to go to that folder so i have a feeling
that cliff can set up an email that forwards to anna carroll oh that's easy yeah yeah and will you if you email him will you can i be on that okay you're always moving forward you will be provided with all this because we're getting there we're going to have a lot of people um and then with regards to media to whom do we need permission that if we well we do have a public information officer which is uh robert in geneva okay yeah he's involved and he actually was on our um um concert our um comm
ittee for the environment um at the end he was a member of this committee as well he helps us out with the zoom right he helps me make sure i think you may have actually been in central the advisory committee at some point he probably did yeah so to whom would have to approve the the flyer itself it's pretty it's pretty simple but as far as wording and topic because when speaking with the women of the healthy yards they said that they would have to um have it approved by mamaroneck just to whom
yeah i think it would just be bigger so who do i need to have approved this that's for the village manager ultimately to jerry yeah i said i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't want to cut kyle out of this so you know if you're looking at oh the title is always included yeah i don't know maybe on this one we include brendan too he's got some experience with that kind of kind of make it pop a little bit or maybe give some feedback not to say anna caroline it won't work but let's have him weigh in on the l
anguage another part is that it's you know it's a community i'm gonna bring as many people as we can and one and also a way to draw the people where there's a food truck in the in the village um in the by the playground on thursdays he says he has a permit i asked him if he would be able to come park by the marine center because we're doing it between six and seven pm and if somebody wants to go get a drink it's right there or soda and he was more than happy but he said that i would need to get
permission or he would need permission so either him or i need to know is there a request that and to who would that be addressed to to ask for that evening for that time he could just park on the other side of the parking lot or closer to the marine center where we're holding the event i would that would be jason pinto i think that would be easily accepted especially if he's already there on other nights i would think jason was the recreation supervisor superintendent sorry okay and i i do we s
poke about attendant all but i i had a suggestion and i didn't get to i i brought it across with caroline and um so and by the police station the village area they have a tent and it's a a pretty large tent larger than ours i want we're asking to possibly use put that 10 over in the field right by the marine center so yeah that is a tent that we um uh got so for people who are going to court can line up stats that were renting that tent and that actually jogged my mind because we want to get rid
of that tent because uh you know with the lifting of most restrictions we're not going to need it anymore okay so uh yeah it's not as the village doesn't own that at some point i remember hearing kyle or someone say that their recreation has a tent though is that i have a tent it's just a smaller tent but if we're if we're doing it between six and seven i don't i don't see the heat being a problem but if i don't know i don't have the money to get a tent a rent attempt in my budget so right do y
ou think possibly i could ask jason because the whole idea and is tent talk so the thing is the thing is with the tents even recreation and just like dan said they're all rented they don't own those tents they somebody comes in puts those tents up and takes them down so all those tents are are completely stationary until they're they're not rented anymore okay it might be something if um we're not um just wanna throw something out there we can't solicit funds but um the you know uh helen and jun
e and sonny and some other people have kind of had this side group that you know they do that might be something they're interested in helping us because i think it's only like a couple hundred bucks maybe um maybe it's three to rent a tent for like a few hours at night and i get that it's tent talks it also gives us the flexibility if the weather is kind of iffy that we can still hold it and we can put like things in the tent like uh microphone and things like that and not worry that they're go
nna get wet if it starts to rain um i think that might be something good and i'm happy to get you in touch with helen to see if she'd be up for like underwriting that she's not an advisory committee member so it would be all right and she and i don't mean her specifically but her group that's kind of backed some some things up in the past and he's he's helen just for the minutes as well um rafferty yeah raffert with a y at the end i think it's rafferty it's r-a-f-f-e-r-t-y yeah okay yeah yeah so
what i'm hearing though is a few complexities i just want to make sure that we're still talking july it might be smart to move it to august just putting that out there i'm not saying we have to yeah i agree there's a lot of light and then it gives us time to hey get it out get the language approved get the email set up make sure we know the sign up genius see if we can get sponsorship of a tent from a non-committee member um i don't know if that's true committee members can we just can't go out
like fundraise but um and then we should be good to go kyle do you know if there's a av system like a screen projector um yeah i think i i believe recreation has uh av okay when you email jason ann or caroline just ask okay just confirm it right okay i'm sure they do but that's just and and like you you've seen just with jay um just she see me on the email so he knows that i'm involved oh of course of course jason knows yeah yeah and friend kyle i quickly throw it out of my hair i would love to
stop by anytime friday just uh you know to go over this and and get more face time even if it's five or ten minutes um just please let me know before the end of the call a good time so we can uh all be on the same page great yeah yeah um yeah i'm really excited about it and the ladies are uh the yards they um were you know their whole thing is just the the speaker who we we ask um is charismatic has years of experience of speaking so i i think it's really going to be great and i'm going to put
the word out all over town knock on doors guerrilla marketing and then when anne and i met with them as well and they were really good in terms of they you know because they have lots of stuff already but they said they could like you know tweak things so that they make the direct connection between what goes on people's yards affects the quality of water and the sound and so it's a real sort of it sort of meshes that there's sort of the it was a great idea for man it's just like the two organiz
ations just really it sort of all comes together really nicely and so they were and that yeah they were really good and really on board of it so yeah well done i think yeah i i mean i'm gonna try to push for july on but we'll see how it goes see how it goes i just want to just caution you not to rush it and then not have it marketed enough we want to get speakers there that's all that's where i'm coming from with uh getting the word out no i didn't mean speakers we want participants or people to
come listen you want to listen well they themselves even said that the land you know it's over a hundred people they had come and we wouldn't get that oh i'm sorry that was including people who watched it afterwards there wasn't and that was the other thing we were going to ask about being able to record it and maybe put it on the website or whatever afterwards because that they said that that was a really something that they did when they did a talk recently i think they had 30 or 40 maybe at
the talk but then within a week sort of 110 or 100 and whatever it was had sort of you know viewed it online as well yeah right so if we if we've got the capacity to record it and that might i don't if we do to put it online caroline sorry yeah record it yeah yeah i uh i still do the live shows and you're definitely right they it would be like 40 watching and then at the end of the week there's like 1.2 000 that have watched it so it's holy smokes i put it on the website that's for sure your liv
e feeds are great i think we would want a tripod and you know you could even use an iphone for this type of thing just make sure it stays powered but a tripod to just keep it still and then the audio can be hard to pick up with an iphone so i don't know is there an item there's an lmc tv i think i could talk to dina i think they they well she told me i could rent out they have tripods they have um sound buffs stuff like that that they will rent out to like public administration and it's it's for
free so i could talk to her as well if you need nice it's great yeah yeah i had uh this came up this conversation came up with the uh cleanup event and people say well who should we record an iphone i said if you don't want anyone to hear what you're with proper sound equipment it'll it'll look it's not professional it's yeah definitely do you think we could get roberts to do the recording because i mean like i personally don't feel capable of doing that and i'm not sure anne does i'm sure i'm
sure dina would even find somebody who did that she's always thinking yeah she wants she always wants to do stuff with the center especially so i'm i'm sure she'll be happy she stopped by yesterday to do that or one of her one of her interns i'm gonna ask her last name obviously um shoemaker so it's s c h m u c k e okay yeah thank you nice i don't know how you know the spelling of everyone's last series um well it sounds good and uh plenty to kind of sink everyone's teeth into there but anything
else on the questions so we have everything covered um i i think that i think that would be it i think i think so in case something comes up that's because uh should i just ping you but i think caroline we covered everything we her and i had met afterwards yeah i think so if we have a separate meeting and then we can um most important so at the event we wanted to put some sort of way in how it's possible indirectly for like if someone wants to make a donation or to support the only cash or cash
or check right now right well we were thinking of maybe like can we put like a fish tank with a so you eat money in it or something like some sort of passive nonsense right like and not put it in people's faces you know we're not gonna pass a basket we're promoting it's free but we felt that there are people that would be there and if and even if it's with coins for k you know they for people to do i we don't have a bunch of tanks we could do that that's fun yeah i thought you had something set
up in the in there already that was kind of like i do it's it's more of a smaller thing but if you're looking for a bigger like uh looking donation that looks like a tank i have i have tons of 10 gallon tanks that are it could be a fun twist on it that could be a fun twist on it so would that be okay to do then we'll put it you know just up front nothing it would just have to say i think dan and you could correct me i would have to say sponsorship welcome right okay perfect yeah perfect so uh y
eah we're hoping to i saw that basically yeah it's it just goes back to the we can't actively solicit for uh uh donations officially so you know i mean unofficially we can say you know you're welcome this is a great opportunity to donate some money we're always looking for funds but the minute we start actively soliciting we run into and i'll tell you what we could do dan maybe dan will make the first donation dan can put a c note in there right when everyone sits down and then there's a nice hu
ndred dollar bill at the bottom and it might just help people like gravitate towards that's not good then yeah or or like i said you you just do or you work you have it you know collected by the the friends of yeah that's true too yeah i think we should talk to helen and see how if they're up for participating on this one with us because that would make a lot of sense and then also you're going to be reaching out right for the tent to talk to her and then also i have met already with june from h
arbor island conservancy and let her know and she thought it was great um so i'm happy to go and believe she you know she works with on oh yeah maybe just talk with jun i mean maybe it's more of a harder island conservancy is the partnering group yeah there's zero 501 c three definitely maybe that's the questions um can i cut in for a sec before i forget um helen and i uh have been talking she and i didn't bring this up i there's a lot of things i probably didn't bring up um she is going she's d
oing a fundraiser for the center on her you know her friends of the marine center um trying to set it up with halftime and the northeast oyster company and she uh this is why i'm i'm bringing this up maybe um to bother june more than helen she's going to be donating ten thousand dollars match for the touch tank um and setting up this fundraiser to um get people to match her ten thousand dollars so yeah maybe maybe keep helen out of trying to keep her uh on the channel yeah let's talk about islan
d conservancy it seems like something they might be interested in you know they do harbor island type programming so uh let's see which one costs and then i have no problem asking june that's great so can i get gene and helen's last names because otherwise like sorry ellen rafferty um um i think there's two t's [Music] and hopefully all their ears are getting hot and rigging maybe they're tuned into the meeting right now is anyone trying to get in telling us to stop that dropping name dropping n
o that's cool all right we have no attendees at this time okay yeah so that's that's all that i have on my list for now that's a lot thank you so much no that's that's well thought out so very excited it's very exciting um see if july works if not maybe looked august okay would be my suggestion um okay and then under other business uh a couple things uh and that you had raised one was um just starting with one there was a bit of like a mud kind of slick spot i think it was by the um what are tho
se things that go to show the machine um is there a way dan or kyle we could have like uh parks and rec or someone facilities parks is looking into that okay good they're gonna um they've they've noticed themselves so it wasn't me even that brought it up to them uh so yes they're they're hoping to fix that asap yeah it's smart it's probably a sloping hazard um and then the other was the dumpster which i think we talked about years ago um was the potential of moving that dumpster away from that p
art of the building um i think what's that i said i i remember talking about this and that was pretty sure a hard no dan couldn't that was a pretty hard no but we have a new advisor we have to send pictures or something i mean when you're walking up you see the dumpster and then you see marine education center i mean yeah it's hard the fishermen are right there there's really no place to put it that's where they put their fish guts and nasty stuff on their phones can we move it you know build a
different pad shift it over it's just uh i know it's right where the guys come off but um i don't know it's a it's a bad sight which so could they put at the other end of the other end of the car or something no not that i mean i i not something i'm involved in dan could jump in on this one i just remember it being a very that's a that's a big project and the fisherman would not be happy with the harbor master on that one yeah i honestly i can't recall being a part of this conversation that came
up leon was our liaison then and he had he run it by and i mentioned to anne that we had talked about it before yeah but i know it is definitely an eyesore but it's uh i think it's a hard a bigger project than it looks to move that so just so we know who would i mean because unless you want it there kyle um no i don't i i don't care i know it's an eyesore um and i know we tried to move the soda machine as well and that that turned out very badly um even the benches even the benches were moved o
utside of my building because of people smoking right into the window and the amount of people unhappy about the benches moved i mean it's just it's a and that that whole platform there where the dumpster is is made for the dumpster so that would have to be all torn out and then a new one put in uh so i think that that it's a bigger project than it looks and i think it would take a lot of work but if you want to talk to the harbor master that's just is that something to talk to jeff about i know
jeff is that something to talk to jeff about that would be jeff or jeff on who's the parks foreman i'll take that one on yeah and i'm not guaranteeing anything anne but we could just relay that the advisory committee has a suggestion peter they don't have to take out the ramp they could leave that what's there we're just asking i'll just buy them yeah i'll run it by a man um but i but i do talk with jeff and get the other person in the minutes though for caroline what did you say is two jeffs y
eah uh jeff on is the parks foreman a-h-n-e okay i'll put a friendly just kind of friendly-ish formal kind of just requesting they can do what they want with it but we'll just make it from the advisory committee and just say if if it's feasible could you look at some other location for that dumpster and what sorry what's the harbour masters jeff what's his last name does anyone know i'm having a remember no it's not russo it's love yeah yeah all right it's jeff larusso l a caroline are you sso i
thought you said russo i hope joe's doing well and jeff's good you know he might just say nope not gonna happen but at least we put a formal request and then we'll kind of put it to bed the fishermen are very particular they put a sign up for my village vehicle and they got very upset so i can't imagine the dumpster being moved yeah i get where you're coming from man we it came up before sometimes oh yeah we've we've talked about it i wish it could be so we'll just maybe we'll revisit it every
four or five years i think it's been four years since we made the last request so you never know you never know all right um i think that was other business anyone else have anything else they want to bring up this time nope all right so plenty to send around caroline i know you'll be better than i am about getting them out so people can kind of work on the items they have listed i'd say okay and we're not meeting again until august so um you know and caroline anybody if you need to send stuff a
round just send it to the mec email address so people see it okay and in terms of the minute should i send you a draft first please editor you could send me a draft if you'd like or you could just send a draft to the whole group and they can weigh in together but if you want any clarification points i'd be happy to help yeah yeah sure okay great thanks i think i've got everyone's names nice all right and i think that's it so we can adjourn um kyle looks like you might have the ac on somewhere wi
th that sweat sweatshirt i know yeah my dog is i'll uh i wish you could see him he's a big boy he's he's a big pit bull and he gets hot very easily i'm freezing but he's hot kyle i morning or afternoon friday for like 10 minutes before um i'm thinking morning but let me just double check okay i'll email you separately okay and uh caroline i'll copy if it's in the morning i'm hoping caroline could come oh yeah so i have a paddleboard cleanup that's what i was like what do i have on friday i have
a paddleboard cleanup um at one so in the morning yeah is it caroline nine yeah nine's great to me i think i'll i'll thank you a reminder i appreciate it yeah please angry all right um thanks so much you know i was thinking and if you could get this in the notes right real quick one more thing um well i guess that tents going away dan that's what you just said but that tent was also set up so committees could meet under it right or it was offered to committees it'd be nice to meet in person if p
eople want to in august um let's throw that in the minutes and village can let us know if there's an appropriate place for us to do that okay cool at the last meeting people said they'd be up for meeting in person that's why i bring it up again all right that's it have a nice night everybody
