
Master Blender Grease Pencil: Epic Dove Animation Revealed!

1:40 Settings 2:20 Adding reference images 2:40 Trace Image to Grease Pencil 5:10 Rotating the Canvas 10:05 Connecting Points 10:55 Faster Navigation 14:55 Smoothing 16:00 Making Layers 16:44 Assigning Strokes to Layers Unlock the secrets of mesmerizing 2D animation as we dive into the world of Blender Grease Pencil! In this captivating tutorial, we'll guide you step-by-step in creating an epic flapping wings animation for a beautiful dove. Watch as your creativity takes flight, and discover the power of Blender's Grease Pencil tool to bring your artwork to life. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned animator, this tutorial will equip you with the skills to craft stunning animations that will leave your audience in awe. Join us on this thrilling journey and unleash your animation prowess today! Link to files:


8 months ago

you asked for it and this is the next part of the  grease pencil tutorial Series in this video we're going to make a dove flapping wings animation just  as you see in my last shorts video but we're gonna probably try to make that a little bit better open  up blender first of all obviously go to file new to the animation and here we are back again with  our 2D canvas what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to bring in two images one is the  background and one is the actual Dove that we're
going to trace in this video something to mention  before actually bringing them in is we're going to use tracing in this video because this is a  grease pencil tutorial not a drawing tutorial but I highly recommend that you avoid tracing as much  as possible if you want to become a good artist otherwise if you just keep tracing you're never  going to learn drawing and as a result you're never going to learn 2D animation obviously  and you're never going to become a good artist unfortunately so
I am going to put my  phone first of all on silent mode [Laughter] go to object mode by pressing tab you remember the  settings from the last video but just in case go to preferences keymap enable this tap for pi menu  and also I have the spacebar action to play for now I might change it during the video there's  another add-on that I have enabled if I go to enabled add-ons you see this add-on grease pencil  tools so you just search grease pencil Tools in here and enable it and I'm going to sho
w you in  a minute what it does and how it helps you hold Tab and go to object mode shift a and bring in an  image a reference image and we're going to bring in our Dove animation I don't know if I said it  or not but both the background and the dove are created by AI so no worries for the copyright  we have the dove something I want to show you before we go any forward is I'm going to select  the stroke and actually hide it we didn't have anything drawn yet but I'm going to select  this image a
nd click object and there's this very particular blender feature called Trace  image through grease pencil and if you do that and if you hit OK it's going to trace my image into a grease pencil object  and if I go to if I go to object mode you can see there are uh there are strokes and  stuff as you can see it drew the background thing but not this part you know what I'm saying  so it's not like what I wanted unfortunately at all so I'm just gonna not use trace the image  manually so I'm just go
nna go back remove that and enable the stroke again so there are some  settings that are generated when you use this 2D animation option to create your 2D animations  and it's that there are already some layers called lines and fills and also some materials already  created for you inside the materials and inside the grease pencil layers so we're just going  to jump right into draw mode and start drawing this is probably going to take a long time  I'm going to show you a little bit of the start
of how I'm going to draw this first of all  let's select this nothing oh I'm trying to erase Style sorry sorry Let's uh let's start  drawing as you can see it's not that good it's strength is low I'm  going to change this actually to pen pen where's the pen there we go there's the  pen and I'm going to zoom in and start drawing here's the time to show you what that add-on  was for the difference that 2D animation is in blender versus drawing on hand or in a notebook  has is uh probably you might
guess that you can't rotate the digital digital canvas in blender  but you can rotate your notebook but you are wrong obviously emotional damage because  first of all you can rotate the camera it takes a little bit of time but you can basically  rotate the camera by selecting the camera going into object mode and pressing n to bring up this  menu if you're a beginner and then changing the Y and you can basically rotate that but this add-on  even makes it easier if I go to draw mode and just zoo
m in a little bit and now if I press Ctrl  alt and press my middle Mouse button and move it up or down move my mouse so as you can see it's  doing that for me but it's a lot easier because we're using shortcuts so I'm just gonna  use this rotation of the camera [Music] thank you [Music] Something to note here is that I'm whenever  I make a huge mistake like for example here as you can see the line doesn't exactly fit the  reference image I immediately go to sculpt mode and I use my push brush to
push this in this  makes this makes it easier and you don't have to edit everything all at once which is obviously  you know you're not gonna do just as I said in the last video whenever you see yourself in the 3D  viewport like this and you're stuck you're just gonna press zero on the numpad and go back to  the 2D canvas view or the camera view [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] and then right now actually I want to connect  the new Strokes connect these
two points together so to do that what I found out was this there's  this particular option which is very useful you can actually go here and instead of origin  select stroke there are four options there are all points endpoints and first point  and we use the previous point in order to add the new Strokes that you're drawing to  that place you can use all points for now yeah if I just look at it in the 3D viewport  let's just see how that turned out to be I think that turned out pretty cool yea
h exactly  so let's just press zero on the numpad to go back and um yeah let's just keep drawing something which is very useful in here is the  walk navigation I use it a lot and I think you should too you just press F3 I usually use it  like this you type in walk navigation as you can see there is no shortcut on the keyboard but  it's very useful so I'm just gonna right click and add it to Quick favorites be warned when you  add something to Quick favorites in one mode in blender you will not b
e translated to other modes  as well which means you can't use the same thing in other modes as you can see I added that in I  think draw mode to lock navigation and when I go to object mode there's nothing in quick favorites  that's an edit mode yeah I already added that on another file and there they are walk navigation  onion skin lines we're going to talk about them pretty soon so let's just use walk navigation  and when you're using walk navigation you can scroll the mouse wheel to increase
speed and  you can go forward backward left and right by using wasd just like video games e goes up Q  goes down face teleports so when you want to go out make sure you press left Mouse button  if you press Escape or right Mouse button or anything else it's just gonna go back to the  previous place you were before entering walk navigation so let me just make the mistake in  pressing right click as you can see went back to previous location I'm going to use this I am going  to press the left Mou
se button there we go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] All right so we have ourselves a dove let's  just hide the reference image as you can see it's pretty cool but I agree needs a little bit of  smoothing so we are going to decrease the strength factor of smoothing two right around 0.5 and we're  going to start smoothing out all those nasty areas and I'm pushing a little bit hard on the drawing  tablet because we got the strength Factor a little bit down so it doesn't and we also got th
e  pressure I also got the pressure sensitivity on if you have a mouse and if you want to use a mouse  it's totally fine you can use it however you like let's get it especially here looks very harsh all right and I think that's fine so we're just  gonna be real tidy right from the start and we're gonna make ourselves a few grease pencil  layers you're going to make the left-wing layer and we're gonna make a right-wing layer and  we're gonna make a body and head layer and we're gonna make a tail
layer all right so let's just  assign the correct areas I am going to use the Circle select but not using this one I'm going  to press C and I use this a lot you press C and you can select the selection bigger or smaller  using your mouse wheel so like the left Mouse button and you select using shift left Mouse  button also hit OK using enter or okay using right Mouse button like this Circle  select so let's just select stuff yep this part as well I guess that's it anything  else nope okay you l
et's hit M and put them on the um left wing remember the bird is pointing at  us so this is the left wing not the right wing and just like Anatomy so yeah let's  select the right wing as well first of all deselect everything by pressing by left  clicking on somewhere absolutely unnecessary so yeah let's select here here deselect this maybe yeah because this is connected to this  it's probably better not to select it okay I think that's it let's check out one  more time and deselect these areas o
kay M and this is right-wing let's go to the body this is the body make it smaller that is the  body this is not the body this is the body this is the body  and this is indeed the body also this is also the body and um yeah that's pretty much it that's pretty much the entire  body so body head let's body and head there we go this one is the tail and we're going to fix that  right now selecting all of these foreign tail all right so that's tail, not this  one though this small one is the body, ok
ay that's the tail okay it's  not a small one it appears they're connected to each other yeah it's great because I can show you another  tool that tool is not available in edit mode but it's in draw mode if my computer stops messing  around you go to draw mode and select the cutter and you cut this area so it's cut and you go back  to edit mode as you can see how they are of two different Strokes and you hit M for this  and select body ahead you hit M for this and select the tail and now if you
hide  the tail it's going to hide this area which is great let's hide the body and head  and also let's now that I mentioned it let's um cut go to draw mode and cut this area right  around here yeah that was not good let me use my drawing tablet cut it yep exactly right there and  um yeah that really cut it that that destroyed it yeah it was it disappeared from the universe  what exactly happened I don't know so are they no they are not let's go back to draw  mode let's use cutter and uh yeah th
at it cuts literally cuts stroke placement let me see okay all right so apparently cutter actually  Cuts an entire area of a stroke so will it cut this no it'll just  cut the entire thing what about yep so I guess it doesn't work on this  so instead of that you can as well use an eraser my dear old friend and you  select Point, not Stroke and you erase the end and then you select Draw and  you change from Stroke to the origin and you draw something sorry, not the tail we  draw on which part was
this it was the right wing so let's draw and they were not connected  as you can see so you select these and M right wing and we select this, and M again it's  part of the body so let's hide the body tail body and head sorry body and head right wing  left wing and what is this exactly this probably I don't know is it part of  the body no it looks more like part of the left wing right wing  yeah let's put it on part of the right-wing and what about this  what is this maybe left wing it's nothing
that should be removed honestly  it's unnecessary I don't even know what it is so maybe just erase it yeah so let's just  get this okay we are perfectly organized and for the next part, I am going to start coloring our little drawing something  I did not do in the last Grease Pencil video so heads up for that it's enough for this video  I talked a lot I'll see you in the next one
