
Mastering Striking by Breaking Through Opponent's Defense

When you're in a fight and square off against your opponent, it may seem easy to connect with a jab or a cross. However, no matter what, every person will throw up some type of guard in a fight. Here, Kevin Goat demonstrates how to break through a person's guard to start striking. For more videos like this, we have put together an online course with Kevin Goat learn more about it here: For training gear visit our store: For more Kevin check out his YouTube channel: @Selfdefensegoat

Budo Brothers

8 hours ago

l e glav okay having a good guard is super  important for self-defense okay let's look at Kyle Kyle has his guard up I don't want to  throw any straight punches at him right because both of his hands are in the way in order for me  to hit him I'd have to step to the side and that's going to make it slower okay so this is where  you can use your wing Chong your gundo I don't care what you call it I call it clearing the hands  out of the way teach Concepts martial arts as I'm moving forward my rea
r hand is coming forward I'm  going to pox out pox Out means slapping hand okay if they're really stiff if you move forward and  this is like Rock Solid right if I step in and I can't clear it at least I've created space okay  but this is why when you do your psaw it wants you to go down a little bit so it slaps it out  of the way attack the anterior deltoid because it's one of the weaker parts of the shoulder  muscle okay especially versus the chest so as that's happening my rear hand is coming
up I  can go from here but look it that's pretty weak so I want to build some Force by bringing this in  and forward this why you kind of see I start off in like the Mayweather position where I'm like  this it's one so I can invite targets or I can shell if I need to but it's also so I can come  forward so as the hands are up I'm clearing the guard out of the way I'm coming in in this moment  here he choose or chose to become the defensive let's look at all the different options I have  right n
ow my left arm is closer to his face okay then his own so this hand can come up and it can  just strike is that going to be a big hit by no means but let's throw it out there for the wing  Chan Community you go to hit here you clear the inside you strike with this one you fox out chop  you elbow you can do all you want from there have to have fun okay so I'm clearing I come in option  number two the hand gets pushed a little bit that way not grabbing yet though so he's pushing  it over once I fe
el that the same sequential pattern of left hand right hand left hand comes  into play the left hand comes up to here and it can touch if I'm touching it it's called fuka log  floating on water I want to feel what this arm is doing this is very important because if his elbow  raises that hand tells this hand what to do let's say it does raise so my hand comes around and it's  just a straight punch looks kind of like Wing Chun there I enter boom his hand or his elbow raises  a little bit my elbow
raises now it's an overhand hit if you want to air on the side of caution  always go to that hook SL overhand just in case right so I'm here Wham I'm hitting now what do  I do though this little baby hit it's not going to do a lot of damage so now from here I can set  up my boxing sa if it's just a quick little hit boom then I hit him with that rear hand cross now  we're actually talking about doing a little bit more damage but what I found in my ears is a lot  of people don't touch okay they m
ight Parry your things like that what if you parries boom like an  elbow crush and come in okay but what if he grabs this is what typically happens is his guard is  up I'm here he grabs so now he grabs my elbow's going to come high that same feeling I had with  my hook punch now comes up the more stiff he is the more it helps me here one I want to think  about escaping out of that wrist two though I want to be driving my body weight down okay  ding jarn for the wing Chung Community boom sinking
elbow my left hand now can smack and  come here this is one of my favorite combos in the wing Chong World probably not too applicable  in self-defense unless you got some skills on you chop clinch elbow or here punch chop Cham punch  or elbow hit [ __ ] my side clinch knees like you can go to town on that stuff it's all about  destroying their guard if my hands are open like this Kyle should punch me in the face like it's  that simple if a jab lands across should come with it punk punk it's easy
okay try to hit that  jab cross so my guard prevents all that so if my hands are like this he's going to take that rear  hand clear that one out of the way he's going to try and hit me with that one and let's see if  he learned anything from the video he did oh he did Jun Doo interesting let's talk about that  so he's been hanging out with seu singot check out his videos too so he blocked it and then he  cleared like this and then he went back fist so he's just using the elbow nothing wrong wit
h that  look very similar sequential pattern that's what I trade in my students left hand right hand  left hand right hand that's what Kyle did nothing wrong with that left hand right hand left  hand right hand oh I just snuck this hand away so so it couldn't get grabbed if he grabs onto that  then that comes over and I can do all the fancy stuff okay somebody's guard can prevent them  from punching you if you have your hands like this you're accepting or asking for the punch to  come to your fa
ce put at least your lead hand in front and it forces them to throw something  circular because if something circular comes at them something straight can come back at them  stay safe thanks for watching the video you're obviously very dedicated towards your practice  of self-defense but there's only so much that you can learn from a quick couple minute videos  and this is why the Buddha brothers and I spend some serious time and effort and put together  a very very high quality product availabl
e on Buddha it covers all the ranges of  martial arts and everything that you need to do in order to be better at your self-defense but  what it also does is it walks you through how to train it how to train it by yourself how to  train it with a partner so that you're actually building the skills and the attributes needed  for self-defense yes watching the Quick videos and the shorts can do a lot but if you really  want to take a deep dive and learn a lot about self-defense this is
why we made this course  for you so make sure you train your ass off stay safe



Thanks for the great video💓💓


This video production helped me a lot liked🐨


I know you have to pay bills or gain views on videos where you need to pad your curriculum, however people should stop teaching this form of trapping. It never works against resisting opponent. Watch any wing chun sparring video (non Chi Sao). Watch any JKD sparring video. Simple traps like pulling down the arm like a slot machine lever works in pro boxing. But that's it.


Randy Orton 👀 ??


What diseases can be associated with sleep?🐱


Strong video!Good video, thank you💟💟