
Master's programme in International Politics and Governance

Read more about the Master's programme in International Politics og Governance


2 years ago

The world is becoming more challenging, more complex. Despite increasing cooperation at global and international level between countries and governments, NGOs, business actors, we also see increasing conflict and crises at all political levels. So what we need are experts who can identify and develop further solutions to these crises. There is no other programme here in Denmark that builds a bridge between academic immersion and professional training in terms of skills and qualifications that yo
u need to become an expert in international politics and governance. You gain great and useful insights into international, European, interregional, politics and governance. You focus on institutions such as the European Union, the WTO, but also NATO or the United Nations, and in doing so, you gain the skills you need to understand and analyze international politics and governance. We discuss some of the major policy issues of our time for instance, climate change mitigation and adaptation, heal
th and food policies, digitalization, and also very importantly, security issues. You will work solution oriented, with the focus on the issues that you yourself select so you can contribute to deciding and choosing which tools and perspectives help you follow your own interest in your studies. Throughout the programme, you will be trained to perform professionally at top level, both nationally and internationally. And through the project work that we do here at RUC, you will gain crucial team m
anagement skills. The programme provides interdisciplinary perspectives to these core challenges that we identify. The fundamental challenge of climate change, mitigation and adaptation simply has to be discussed through an interdisciplinary perspective. Interdisciplinarity is a core strength of the IPG teaching team. We have faculty coming from international relations, law and economics, politics, sociology, and anthropology across the whole range of social Sciences. IPG is taught by a very int
ernational, enthusiastic and diverse group of teachers. Our lecturers come, for instance, from Greece, from the UK, the US, Germany, and from France. The entire study environment at IPG is really international, it's pluralist and it's very open minded. And of course, during your studies you can also do internships all over the world, for instance at Embassies, at business organizations, but also international institutions like the United Nations, the European Union. This way you will already dur
ing your studies, gain professional experience and start setting up a network that will benefit you greatly later on in your career. Our graduates are needed almost everywhere as they bring integrated hands-on, highly professional skills and analysis and leadership to their future workplaces in public and private, national and international organizations and institutions. Some examples of future workplaces for our graduates include, for instance, national ministries, but also international or re
gional agencies, private sector businesses, as well as the cultural and nongovernmental sector. Some of our graduates also decide to continue with an academic career doing a PhD at this university or other research institutions. You're required to have basic knowledge in disciplines such as international relations, public administration, or comparative politics at bachelor level. It would also be to your advantage if you are ambitious and if you're dedicated and focused with regard to your study
programme and the longterm visions you have for your career and professional development. We need bright minds like you to identify and develop solutions and way forwards for the current international challenges that we're facing. So we're looking forward to welcoming you in the IPG programme.
