
Match Game (April 25, 1991 | #91_0201)

Match Game 91_0201 Aired February 24, 2024 at 11:00PM ET on BUZZR (Stream)

The Game Show Channel

4 days ago

[music playing] - Get ready to match the stars, actor and comedian Jimmie Walker, actress Sally Struthers, "Match Game's" own Charles Nelson Reilly, from "Coach," Pam Stone, comedian Soupy Sales, and actress and comedienne Andi Matheny, as we play the all-new star-studded "Match Game." And here's the star of "Match Game," Ross Shafer. - Hello, everybody. Hi. Welcome to the show. Thank you, Gene Wood. Very nice. Very nice. Soupy, now, if we were to see you in a nightclub, in a comedy club, where
would we see you? - At the best comedy clubs. - At the best. - No. This-- I'll be at Joey's Comedy Club in beautiful Allen Park, Michigan May 15 through the 19th. - Oh, so they can go out there and see you in Michigan. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Pam, are you appearing anywhere? - I'll be at the Ice House, the fabulous Ice House in Pasadena, California. - In Pasadena? You're going up to Clint Eastwood country? - I'm going up to Monterey May 8. Hello. Be there for a fabulous one night of Black come
dy in a seafood area. [laughter] - Sally, now will you tell us this grand announcement? You've been teasing us all week now. - (SINGING) Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll tell you tomorrow. - Oh, tomorrow? - It's only a day away. - We have to wait until tomorrow? - I can't tell you. My lawyer, ABC, they said I can't reveal anything until tomorrow. - All right. OK, so the pressure is on. Tomorrow, a big announcement from Sally Struthers. - Very exciting. - All right. We'll wait for that. Hi, Robin. How ar
e you? - Hi, Ross. - Good to see you again. - Doing very well, thank you. - You are doing well. You have $13,500. [cheering, applause] - All right. - Yes, yes. Bill, how are you? - Hi, Ross. How are you? - Good. Tell us about yourself. - Well, Ross, my name is Bill Anderson. I'm originally from Washington, DC. And now I work in the Caribbean on a cruise ship. - You do? What do you-- what do you do on the ship? - I'm a DJ, Disk Jockey. - Oh, you are? - Yes. - You flip the disk on the singles nigh
ts? - I spin around. Yeah, it's a tough job. - Yeah, but it's fun, isn't it? - There's so much I do. - Yeah, sure. All right. Want to play "Match Game"? - Sure do. - OK. - Win some money. - Correct matches here are worth $50. The winner will keep his or her money and go on to play Super Match for a shot at $10,000. And Robin is our champ, so she goes first. - A, please. - OK. And you even said please. - Please. - How polite. - Thank you. - Farmer Fred said, my dog Susie used to jump up and catch
a frisbee in her mouth. But she ran away. So I taught my blank to catch a Frisbee in her mouth. [music playing] I used to love Fang, by the way. - Well, you'll always be OK if it's nice weather and you have a roof over your mouth. - Here we have our answers. Just explain them to her. All right. Robin, Farmer Fred said, my dog Susie used to jump up and catch a frisbee in her mouth. But she ran away, so I taught my-- - Wife. - Wife to jump up and catch a frisbee in her mouth. [cheering, applause]
Fetch, Helen. Fetch. Jimmie. - In this case, I actually thought of the old nursery rhyme cow jumped over the moon. But of course, I came up with wife. Thank you so much. - Yeah. [cheering, applause] - Off to a good start, Jimmie. Sally? - Well, my dog Susie ran away and doesn't catch it in her mouth anymore. So now I have my spouse, Ethel. - My spouse, Ethel. That's a match. - His wife, Charlene. - This guy gets around. - Yeah. He does get around, doesn't he? - He gets around, this guy. - Pam.
- Can't believe I did something this stupid. Pig. - Pig. [buzzer] Pig. - Well, I once knew this farmer who couldn't keep his hands off of his wife, so he fired him. - See, I didn't get that either. - I got that. - I said wife. - Thanks, Soupy! - Wife. - Couldn't keep hands off his wife? - Farm hands. Wait a minute. Let me explain. - Wait, wait, wait. Soupy wants to explain something. - Couldn't keep his-- farmer couldn't keep his hands off of his wife, so he fired him. That's what they call peop
le that work on a farm. - Oh, farm hands. - Farm hands. - OK. - We're having a good time here. Join us. - All right. - OK. - We're having a good time. Join us. - Andi. - You will laugh. You will laugh at everything I say! - Oh! - Andi? - Wife. - Ah. - Yes. [cheering, applause] - Well, it was a worthy investment. - Thank you. Wasn't it? - The football coach said, Wendell is the wimpiest player I got. - How wimpy is he? - He's so wimpy, he's afraid to tackle the other players, so he only tackles t
he blanks. [music playing] - Over there I go to the gym all the time and we work out, and we hit as heavy as we can. - You hit as heavy as you can. - Look at Chuck. He's ready. - He's all brawn. - Oh, he's ready to go. - I lift Nerf weights. - The football coach said, Wendell's the wimpiest player I've got. He's afraid to tackle the other players, so he only tackles the-- - How about the cheerleaders? - He tackles the cheerleaders. - Yeah. [cheering, applause] - Good answer. - He's not wimpy. He
's smart. - He's a smart guy. This is amazing. Something's gone astray here. I can't believe it. There's nothing but matches everywhere on the "Match Game." - Look at that. You're coming out red hot, Jimmie. Sally? - Well, I assumed that a wimp would be too wimpy to go near the women, so I said he only pounces on the waterboy persons. [buzzer] - The water boy persons. No match. Sorry. Charles? He only tackles the-- - Were you a regular on the "Soupy Sales Show" in the mid-'60s? - Wrong show. You
're so silly. No, I was going to be a mystery guest, right? And I met him in New York. By chance he said, hi, what brings you to New York? I said, I'm going to be the mystery guest. I'm-- oh. So it's a very interesting story, and I know that it will be savored years after. Cheerleader. [cheering, applause] - It can be savored years after. Oh, children will be talking about that story. Pam? - Yes. - Only tackles the? - Bill, give me a B, give me an I, give me a L? Cheerleader. - Cheerleaders. [ch
eering, applause] - Well, it is only right that I would match Chuck because he's from Washington, and I have property in Washington. - Bill. - Bill. - Bill. - Yeah. Why did I say Chuck? - I don't know. I think you were thinking of Charles. - Yeah. Well, Bill, we have some-- because I have property. - You should take better notes. I mean, we just can't go in front of the camera like this. [laughter] - Anyway, as I was saying very unfunnily that I have property in Washington. The Hilton Hotel is h
olding two of my bags. I said cheerleader. - Cheerleader. [cheering, applause] Andi? - Ross, you know, every day you're looking more and more like a young George Maharis. You really are. - I am? - Yeah, I don't know. - "Route 66." - Yeah. Cheerleader. - There we go. - Woo! [music playing] - I know. Look at this. It is tied up. High score, and it's tied up. We'll take a little break. We'll be right back. - At the end of the first round, it's all tied up. We got five matches apiece there in the fi
rst round. Well, we should get high scores today. It's time to play Match-up now. We can build up our scores by playing against the clock. Robin, you're the champion. We'll start with you. Who do you want to play with? - (SINGSONGY) Pam. - Robin and I, we have a very good friendship. - Oh, fine. - You do? - Very special. - You guys hooked up yesterday. - We're in a clique, and you're not. - Yeah, fine. OK, I'll remember that. - That's right. - Until next time. - We'll show you some match-ups. Pi
ck what you think is the best answer. And then every time you and Pam agree, you get $50. Let's put 30 seconds on our clock. Ready, go. Heat of blank. Heat of battle, heat of the night. - Heat of the night. - Match. Buster blank. Buster Keaton, Buster Douglas. - Buster Douglas. - No match. Suit blank. Suit of armor, suit yourself. - Suit of armor. - Match. A la blank. A la king, a la mode. - A la mode. - Match. Duke blank. Duke Snyder, Duke Ellington. - Duke Ellington. - Match. Pin blank. Pin cu
shion, pinhead. - Pinhead. - Match. Charm blank. Charm school, charm bracelet. - Charm school. - No match. [buzzer] - Oh! Well, five. - You got five. That's all right. That's all right. OK, Bill. Who do you want to play with, Bill? - How about lovely Sally? - Yes, the lovely Sally Struthers. - Oh, thank you, Bill. - All right, $50 per match. We'll put 30 seconds on our clock. Ready? Go. Field of blank. Field of vision, "Field of Dreams." - "Field of Dreams." - Match. Orville blank. Orville Wrigh
t, Orville Redenbacher. - Orville Redenbacher. - Match. Standing blank. Standing invitation, standing rib roast. - Standing invitation. - Match. Pass blank. Password, pass go. - Pass go. - No match. Bull blank. Bull fight, Bull Durham. - Bull Durham. - Match. Run blank. Run for your life, Run D.M.C. - Run D.M.C. - No match. Pack blank. Pack mule, pack it in. [buzzer] Oh, not enough time. [applause] Oh, Robin, with a narrow lead, $500 to $450. We're coming right back. - You're slightly ahead now,
Robin. Bill, you get to go first. - Oh, how about B this time? - OK, how about B? - Thanks. - Oh, did you hear that Waldo the Great Hunter has gone modern? - Ooh. - Oh, yeah. Instead of using a machete, he cuts a path through the jungle with a blank. [music playing] We were nice to you. - Here they give you jelly beans. - Charles. Good. He's got his answer. All right, Bill. Waldo the Great Hunter has gone modern. Instead of using a machete, he cuts a path through the jungle with a? - How about
a weed wacker? - With a weed wacker. How about a weed wacker? [applause] Weed Whacker? - Weed Whacker? - Yeah. - Please. Weed wacker, of course! Why not? - Three for three. - Three for three, I'm rolling! Extra money. - Whoa. - Sally. - The thing is chainsaw. - The chainsaw. [buzzer] Charles? - I said chainsaw also. - Chainsaw also. - See? I rest my case. - Pam? - It's a Southern white thing. - What? Cuts through the jungle without-- a lawnmower. [buzzer] The groomed jungle look. Soupy? - Well,
I'm with the rest of the guys. I said chainsaw. [buzzer] - Chainsaw, sure. Andi? - I think this is a guy kind of thing. You know, I was going to say the garden weasel, but-- - That's right. - For $9.99. But because of my white roots, I too said chainsaw. - You said chainsaw also. Well, sorry about that one, Bill. Robin, here we go. Pete the pole vaulter said, I just competed in the messiest track meet. - Well, how messy was it? - It was so messy-- it was against Delicatessen High. And when I pol
e vaulted, I had to land in a giant container of blank. [music playing] - In the gourmet section, it's cream cheese. - Chitterlings. - Chitterlings. - Chitterlings and cream cheese. Everybody has their answer. Good. Robin, Pete the pole vaulter said, I just competed in the messiest track meet, and it was against Delicatessen High. When I-- when I pole vaulted, I had to land in a giant container of-- - Coleslaw. - Coleslaw. - Oh, yeah. - Pretty good answer. - I thought the ideal answer would be c
hitterlings, but I guess not. I don't know. I said coleslaw, delicatessen. - Yeah. - Is that four in a row? - That's four in a row. I'm rolling now. I can't leave until I'm stopped. I'm a mad man. - Sally? - Well, I was going to say that they were just going to land in a little container of maybe chopped liver, but instead I decided to go with coleslaw. [ding] [cheering, applause] - Oh, Charles? - Oh, I just was looking at the water at this time of the day. It's so beautiful. [laughter] - Had to
land in a giant container of what? - Chopped liver. - Chopped liver. - Aww. - Chopped liver. - Well, it's more interesting-- - Pam, when I pole vaulted, I had to land in a giant container of-- - --than coleslaw. - Well, if they'd gone to some of the delicatessens here in Hollywood, he would have landed in a big old vat of ox tongue. - Ox tongue? - Yeah. But he didn't. He landed in some tater salad. - In some tater salad. All right, Soupy. What did you have? - I went to a delicatessen last night
, and I asked a waiter what the catch of the day was, and he said fish sticks. So I said sour cream. - Sour cream. Andi? - This is another white thing. I said mayo. - In a mayo container. - What did she say? - Well, we've got a high score here, and it's still pretty close now, Bill with $500 and Robin with $600. Let's play Final Match-up now. Whoever's ahead at the end of this round wins the game, chance to play for a possible $10,000. So you're trailing. We'll go with you first. Bill, who would
you like to play with? - Oh, how about Soupy? - Yeah, how about Soupy? - Yay, Soupy. - How about old Soupy? - Match-ups are now worth $100. We'll give you 45 seconds instead of 30 to get as many as you can, but you have to get to $600 to stay in the game. Ready, Bill? Ready, Soup? Go. Blank on it. Count on it, sit on it. - Sit on it. - Match. Blank game. The name game, "The Newlywed Game." - "The Newlywed Game." - No match. Blank claim. Insurance claim, baggage claim. - Insurance claim. - No ma
tch. Blank draw. Quick draw, five-card draw. - Five-card draw. - No match. Blank formula. Grecian formula, secret formula. - Grecian formula. - No match. Blank cruise. Tom Cruise, Princess Cruise. - Princess cruise. - No match. Blank beaver. Eager beaver, "Leave It To Beaver." - "Leave It To Beaver." - No match. Blank lane. Fast lane, bowling lane. - Bowling lane. - No match. Blank stroke. Backstroke, brushstroke. - Backstroke. - That's a match. Blank shaker. Salt shaker, mover and shaker. - Sal
t shaker. - That's a match. [buzzer] - Well, and he's a on a cruise line, and he didn't get-- [applause] - Well. Oh, Bill, that was a tough one. That was a tough one. Robin, who do you want to play with? - Andi. That's my brother. - You want to play with Andi? - We're kind of becoming the Charlie's Angels of "Match Game," don't you think? - Yes, you are. - It's really kind of a girl thing here. - Well, Robin, needless to say, you're in a very good spot right now. And 45 seconds on our clock, you
get three right, you win this game. OK. Ready? - Uh-huh. - Go. Blank time. Wasting time, bedtime. - Bedtime. - Match. Blank tube. Boob tube, test tube. - Boob tube. - Match. Blank report. Weather report, book report. - Book report. - Match. - All right. [music playing] [cheering, applause] - Nice job. Nice job, Robin. - Wow, wow, wow, wow! - Here again, here again your fourth time. - I can't believe this. - Bill, we have to say goodbye to you. Thanks so much for playing. - Bye, Bill. - All righ
t. We'll take a break. We'll be right back. [music playing] [cheering, applause] - Four times. - Four times. - Four times, Robin. Very comfortable veteran now, huh? - Yes. - All right, let's see if we can't get the big money again. - OK. - All right. Polled a recent studio audience, got their best response to this, Robin. Ground blank. Guess the most popular answer, you get $500. Second most popular answer is worth $300. Third best answer is worth $200. Now, you can get some help here to help yo
u fill that in. - Charles. - Ground-- oh, Groundhog Day. - Groundhog or Groundhog Day. OK. Two more. - Pam. - Ground coffee. - Ground coffee. One more. - Sally. - I would have to say ground round. - Ground round. You have ground round, groundhog, ground coffee, or were you thinking of one? - No, I'm going to go with groundhog. - Groundhog. Ground beef? Nobody thought of ground beef? - Oh, yeah. What about-- what is the $200 answer, please? Ground zero. - Oh, there you go. - Oh, my. OK, $300 answ
er is ground beef. - Please, please, please, please. - Oh, will it be there? $500 answer, are you groundhog? - Yeah! [excited screaming] - Thanks, Charles. Yes. - Now I've got some matches. - I've never seen Charles so happy. - Oh. - OK, you have $500. Means you're going to play for at least 10 times that amount, or $10,000 by-- double that amount possibly by matching one of our stars head-to-head and a great spin here. Ready? Let's go up here, Robin. - Good luck, honey. - Thank you. - OK. - Swe
ep. [beeping] - All right, Robin. Give it a good spin. Let's hope it lands on a double. [beeping] - Come on, double! Double! - It went past your name. It just kind of lit up when it passed your name. - There you go, Pam. - Oh, man. Not again. - That's you, babe. - It's OK. - OK, OK, OK. - Pam is your partner. Playing for $5,000. To win that money, we have to have an exact match, as you know. Please, no help from our audience. Pam, write down your answer for this-- instant blank. [music playing]
Instant blank. [ding] Ooh, she's got an answer. OK, Robin. What were you thinking of? - Instant coffee. - Instant coffee. - Pam, if you don't match us-- - She's hiding behind me now, Pam. You got her hiding behind me. - Pam. - $5,000. - I'm scared she's going to come up and stick her tongue in my mouth. Coffee. - [screams] [music playing] - Oh, my god. [cheering, applause] - We're going to total up Robin's money and be right back. Stay with us. She's coming back one more time to see if she can't
get some more. And I don't have to tell you, I will see you at the Sandy Springs Punch Line in Atlanta through the weekend. - Bye! - Bye, everybody. [music playing] [cheering, applause] - This is Gene Wood speaking for "Match Game," a Mark Goodson television production. [music playing] [cheering, applause]
