
Medium (1985) - ENG subtitles

An excellent Polish movie from 1985. The action takes place before WWII in Tricity (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot) in Poland. Wagner, an occultist and parapsychologist makes contact with a powerful medium able to control several people at once. His motifs are unknown but soon the police discovers the terrifying truth.


10 years ago

- Have you put the cream in yet? - Yes, thank you. MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE A few words about today's eclipse Franciszek Adamczyk Retired captain and bandmaster Franciszek Adamczyk predicted date of death 2nd of October 1933 Correct. - You've made a contact. - Yes. Good morning, sir. Your ticket please. - He's controlling several people. - At the same time? Yes. Mistress, Rychter is burning some glass, instead of writing. Why is He controlling them? He is... ...very ill. Mortally ill. Three peo
ple are coming from different directions. Where are they? One of them... on the street. - What is the name of the street? - I couldn't see. Who is it? A man. In his 40s or 50s... A hat and a light coat, facial hair... I see a house. Does this house belong to the medium you made the contact with? Yes He entered the house. Go inside after him. I can't. The medium won't let me in. Where is the second person now? The second person is on a train. What's the station? Sopot. Where is the third p
erson? The third person is at a museum. It's a woman. Excuse me, madam! Madam, please! - Something happened. - He died! - No... either he died or is unconscious. - Try to reach him. No... it can't be done. Escuse me, sir. What is this place? Sir! I'm sorry! Very sorry... Lady! Lady! You left this behind you! Thank you... I don't know who He is. I don't know what He wants either. I only know that... He is a medium of an unusual power. The bleeding has stopped. Just a moment. Thank you. Who did th
is to you, sir? I don't know. Damned city! If you don't like our city then why are you here? Exactly! Why? Madam... Have I ever been here before? It's the first time I see you. Are you sure? Yes. I'm not leaving until I find out. This is unacceptable for a mistress to leave the classroom just like that. There is no excuse. Hans says it happened before. Good morning, superintendent. I see you've made your choice... ... Krank. It's not about my beliefs, sir. It's logical to side with the stronger.
Your opportunity is now. Hurry up... Anything new? No. Not really There was one phone call. Who called? Miss Wiemmer from the museum. What did she want? Some woman stole a dress from the exhibition. - What dress? - Very expensive. Half a century old. Yes... well that is an interesting story... ...for the homicide bureau! Ah, but there is something very intesting about it, superindendent. That woman stole that dress before. And every time she brought it back. Krank... If you're interested in suc
h stories you better transfer to the vice squad. There, you will be dealing with fetishists every day. And exhibitionists, prostitutes as well. - Excellent company for people like you. - I beg your pardon? If Mrs Biber needs help, send her a squad and stop bothering me with such rubbish! - Is that all? - Yes, sir. There will be total eclipse this afternoon, superintendent. They say it releases an extra aggression in people. - They're hungry. - It's not my fault, sir. The box is empty. Orwicz's s
hop isn't open yet. It's nine, superintendent. - Krank. - Yes? My shirt, please. He drinks every day. And he's always late for work. Is that all? No, gauleuter. I suspect that Superintendent Selin is involved in some shady business. What exactly? I don't know yet. But he hasn't been spending nights at home recently. Where then? On the beach. He was there this morning too. He comes to work unshaved. Changes his shirt. He breeds the red veil fish. He buys the food from Aleksander Orwicz who is Pol
ish and comes from Gransk... Enough Krank! Enough! I need some good evidence to get rid of him! I don't need meaningless rubbish like this! Amazing. Something happened, Krank? No no no... Now I understand Orwicz. I wouldn't let anyone in if I was him. Out of jealousy. No... He's not jealous. He's afraid. He believes their lives are connected. - What, Orwicz's and the turtle's? - Yes, one of them. He thinks he will die when that turtle dies. Thank you, sir. - There's enough for the whole quarter.
- Superintedent... There's still nobody at the owner's house. Perhaps he went out? Mr Orwicz would've let us know. I'm sure he'll come back. He's very ill. What is it? Diabetes. Diabetes? He inherited it from his father. Is it dangerous? Deadly dangerous. I'm really worried about him. I didn't know you can die from diabetes. - Did his father die because of it? - He had no chance. He was murdered. Murdered? Krank, you look as if you believe... ...that murders can be inherited too. The turtles ar
e in excellent condition. - I don't even know where Orwicz lives. - In Sopot. Lindenstrasse 11. Wait for me. Krank, watch out! Stop him! Police! Enough! Superintendent Selin speaking... Dispatch the ambulance to Lindenstrasse 11 immediately. I'm waiting. Name? My name is Netz. Jerzy Netz. I'm a banker. I'm married, I have two children. I was born on the 18th of January 189-- --6 Where do you live? In Berlin. Sonnenstrasse 17. Where are you staying? Grand Hotel. Check it. You're out of luck, Mr N
etz. It's all thanks to my red veil fish. I don't understand. Superintendent, I really didn't do anything wrong. Then why did you run away? Because... How did you get in here? Just like you, sir. The main door was open. - Did you have an appointment with Orwicz? - No, no, no... Why did you-- Why did you visit him? I don't know. I don't know him at all, superintendent. - You know what the punishment is? - No, no... The doctor would like to talk to you, superintendent. He arrived yestarday, 4 pm.
Went out around 11 pm. He came back this morning. Went out again. It's not his first time in here. Strange case, superintendent. No injuries. - Is he going to regain his consciousness? - I don't know. I think it might be a heart attack or a stroke. Something sudden. He's diabetic. Diabetes? Never thought about that. I'm taking him to the hospital. Krank! Go with them. It's all mine! Look, nothing else! I didn't steal anything! - Did you sleep in this bed? - Yes. In this one. Why not at the hotel
? I don't know that. What else do you remember? Then... I woke up and... I was sitting there... - I was sitting there! - Sit down, please. - You want me to sit down there? - Yes, please. Do you write poems? No, not at all. Know the bliss and pain I feel... As my love for you and hate... I would curse you and give my soul to you... This is your writing, isn't it? Well, yes but... What happened next? I heard the door bell. - Door bell? - Yes. And then I left the room. I went down the stairs... Tha
t way... And I went through this door. And into this room. Yes, it happened in here. He was sitting on the sofa. Could you show me how he was sitting? Me? Show? Yes, please. Show? So... It was something like that. Like that. He was sitting like that. Are you sure about it? Yes. Yes, I am sure. Please continue. I went towards this display case here. And from this drawer... ...I took an ampoule. Here it is. And a syringe. I filled the syringe like that... I filled the syringe with the content of t
he ampoule. And went over to the other one and gave him the injection. Did you say "other one"? The one sitting in the chair. - There was someone else in here? - Well, yes. Superintendent, it was happening all at the same time. They both had the fit. - Who was that? - I don't know. Show me the way he was sitting. Well, he was sitting... Like that. He was sitting like that. - Would you recognize him? - Oh no! I don't think so. He has his hat pulled over his eyes. I could see his beard. A light co
at. I gave him the injection. In his right hand. - What's this medicine? - I don't know. What happened next? He got up and.. He got up and... And went towards the door. But in a strange manner, you know. As if he was blind. Then he knocked the chair and left. I picked the chair up and put it back where it was and... Go on! And I started to panic. "What am I doing here?" There was a strange man in front of me. Who was unconscious. I was holding a syringe... But I don't even know how to give an in
jection! I took the syringe back. Put it back in the drawer. I even wanted to call the ambulance but thought I would be framed in it and... I gave up. I ran away. - Where to? - Back to the hotel. Then why did you come back? I realized I left my suitcase here. Superintendent, I have to leave this place immediately. Please let me go! You're not going anywhere. Then please, take me into custody. Behind metal bars so nothing can drag me out of there. You understand me, don't you? I have no reason to
lock you away. You will go back to the hotel. And don't leave your room. Are you interested in that subject? Yes, a little. I have something for you here. A rare book. "The key to the secret knowledge" You can't verify these prophecies. Those people are all dead now. I also have a book with the horoscopes of people who are still alive. They forsee the future. They're missing the times of death. You can't publish that. But the author of this book, Wagner, knows them all. He keeps them in sealed
envelopes in his office. He lives on the third floor. With his sister. Where were you born? In Warsaw. Please, can you tell me your date of birth? 17th of November 1902 Time? 6 o'clock... the morning. Exaclty 6 am? Yes... Is it that important? Every minute can change the horoscope. If you want the precise result, you need... know the exact time of your birth. I recommend this to every parent. Parapsychology is like mathematics. Some people think that every parapsychologist should ha
ve a cat a crystal ball some Egyptian goddess and a stuffed crocodile. Walls painted black In fact, it's all in your mind. In your brain there lies the answer to wether you become a great matematician a politician or a composer. Letters everywhere. If he wanted to answer all of them he would loose all his pension on it. But he has to make a living first. Sugar or preserve? Preserve please, if I may. You're right. I made it myself. The letters are usually from loonies. Or those who ask for a horo
scope. You want one, don't you? In fact, yes, I do. I never let him do mine. And I advise you the same. Why? Predicted date of death: It's today. Be careful. He can be one of those led by the medium. Superb! I'll make you another one. What is the purpose of your visit to Gdansk? I don't know. I don't remember going out of my home. I don't remember getting on the train. I regained my consciousness here on the train station. Is this your first time? No. It happened several times before. But I can'
t remember anything either. Have you tried talking about it? I went to my doctor. He said I have memory lapses. They aren't memory lapses. You are in a trance being controlled by someone. He took over your will entirely. No no... it's impossible. He can force you to do anything. If you receive the order to kill then you will kill me. I can't listen to this! It would be horrible! If they used Him... He would become a powerful weapon in their hands. Who is He? I don't know who that is. All I know
is... He is a medium of an unusual power. A medium? Yes... he lives in this city. Am I in danger? You will die. You must leave immediately. Before the eclipse, you will board the train and leave! You must leave! It's your only chance! The last stage of diabetes, superintendent. Coma. Are you really going to lead the investigation? No no... I would only like to know what is the cause of this illness. The cause of diabetes is deficiency of insulin. It's a hormone produced in pancreas. To prevent t
he catastrophy, we give tablet or injections with insuline. Very regularly. Does it mean that if the patient doesn't get it in time... This will happen. Sister! Excuse me. You look beautiful. Doctor! The patient can be killed that way Superintendent... Patients with diabetes have a choice. They can stay in the hospital or come here regularly for the insuline. Orwicz, like most people, chose the latter. And? He didn't turn up last night. Why didn't you try to find out why? He's not the only one.
We have hundreds of cases like this. He was aware of the consequences. And besides, he started the treatment too late. His kidneys were damaged already. Pneumonia... Atherosclerosis... Hopeless. - Did he know about it? - Yes. I told him. What if that was suicide? Actually I wanted to talk about it. - This way, please. - I'll be with you in a moment, doctor. - I'll be in my office. - Thank you. Krank! Check all information about Orwicz. Everything that's there. Understood? Get the files about his
father from the archive. With the photographs. Wait... Be carefull. - Does it mean that... - No it doesn't. Just be careful. All the documents are gone. How's that possible? - Possible, possible. - You haven't checked properly! If you do not trust me, sir... Check it for yourself. Nothing. It was the war. Some of the documentation burned. Some of it just went missing. Is it your first case? First. Orwicz... Where did I-- ah! It was all about a woman. Her name was Zofia. If I remember correctly.
I used to have excellent memory for names. Unfortunately, today... But... Where could I read about it? What do you think? I don't know. Please try to remember. It's extremely important. I'm sorry to say, I can't remember. You're out of luck. Goodbye. Just a moment! I think I can remember. The name of the killer was Wiktor. Wiktor? Wiktor Arlt. Why are you playing cat and mouse with me? Not at all. Please, sit down. Arlt went mad. Why? Sir... How can a woman make a man go mad? Mr Krauze, do you
realize how many crazy men would there be if... all of them went mad about the same thing? There is love... and there is infidelity. To some it doesn't mean anything. - To others-- - I feel sorry for them. Oooh, Mr Krank. Those things can have tragic consequences. If you don't believe me, you can read all about it. But where? Over there. Up above your head. Find Gdansk Newspaper from 1897. October. Remember, Krank... Newspapers are great treasures of knowledge for next generations. And they have
the feature of being made in many copies. You can never destroy all of them. Here it is! Brutal murder in Stefan Orwicz's villa Stefan Orwicz built it in 1981 for his wife. Complete chaos of styles. Italian reneissance outside, Gdansk style inside. Who was he? A banker. A very rich one. He travelled a lot. His only son, Aleksander, was born on 27th of March 1893. Zofia Orwicz was 22 at that time. And Stefan Orwicz? 46 Two years after his son was born, Stefan became ill. Diabetes. His condition
was assessed as very serious. In the beginning of 1897 he lost his eyesight. - Repeat. - He was blind. Dr Malicki moved into the house. He lived in this room. Dr Malicki looked after Stefan on official order from Zofia. And that's how they became lovers. Yes. Stefan wasn't dying so they decided to get rid of him. Easy. No no no... It's more complicated. - You see, they all-- - Were murdered. Yes. Mr Orwicz, Mrs Orwicz and Dr Malicki were murdered by Wiktor Arlt. He was Orwicz's personal assistan
d and secretary. Yes. He murdered because he was jealous. An attractive woman... a husband and two lovers. No, only one. Arlt was crazy in love. But it wasn't mutual. It's always called that way to make it look better. But it's true. She was a very beautiful woman. Arlt had a physical defect. - What was that? - He was hunchbacked. - Do you have his photograph? - No. But I've got one of his poems. He wrote poems for her. Here you go. "Know the bliss and pain I feel when I see your light." "As my
love for you and hate..." It's "Love and infidelity" To some, infidelity is nothing. To others... Superintendent... It can turn into tragedy. Listen... Where did they die? In Mrs Orwicz's bedroom. And what about Stefan Orwicz? In this chair. How did he die? They all died in the same way. The blows were delivered by an axe. An axe? Yes. On the head. Arlt went completely mad. When did it all happen? On the 3rd of October 1897. Dr Malicki's watch stopped at 1:09 pm. It means that... In one hour we'
re gonna have the 36th anniversary What happened to Arlt? He committed suicide. Sounds that you know this case well, superintendent. I'm looking for Orwicz's grave. In the main alley. The one with a white female statue. Police! Open the door! He's gone mad. No I haven't! How can I help you? Leave me alone! Can I help you, sir? Nobody can help me. Sir... I was sent by Superintendent Selin. We need your passport. Give it to me or I will have to use force. - Superintendent--- - Shhh... Have you got
it? Netz barricaded himself in his room. He tied himself to a chair. I think he's gone crazy. No, he hasn't. He's afraid. What of? Sit down. Here you go. Drink. Here's to you, Krank. You drink like a sparrow. When were you born? In 1909. What if you wanted to go back to 1913? What for? To be 4 years old again. What do you need? My memory, sir. I agree, Krank. Let's say, your abilities are unlimited. Time is not a chest of drawers, sir. And how do you know it isn't? I've never seen Orwicz in my
life. But somehow I know this house very well. Krank, maybe we travel in time, Maybe... Maybe time is a form of space? And if there was someone... Drink. It's October 1913. 12:27 pm. You are on the pier, having a walk. With your mother, father, sister, brother. What do you need to go back there? - People who were with me at that time. - Yes! You're right, Krank. What else? That place. Very good, Krank! - Do you understand now? - No. You're blind, obedient with no imagination! You'll make a good
police officer. Why don't you understand? Because those people aren't here any more! Father and brother died. My mother is old and sister got married and has children. Besides she got fat and ugly. - But they can be replaced. - With who? Their doubles. Zofia Orwicz. Dr Malicki. Wiktor Arlt. The hunchback. Superintendent, they really are doubles! He was looking for them since he's found out about his illness. Arlt's double dragged all the way from Berlin. We don't know about Malicki's double yet.
Zofia's double probably lives in Sopot. And Stefan Orwicz's double? He... also lives in Sopot. And what does he look like? I don't know. I haven't got his photo yet. Do you really think that... All of this is going to happen again? That they'll be murdered again? - Yes, that's what I think. - But why? For Aleksander Orwicz to be 4 years old again Krank, tell me... where was he during the murder? Children's room. Nobody can say why Arlt didn't kill him as well. Children's room. I've heard about
the eye of cyclone once The destructive force is raging and killing around it. But those who happen to be in the middle is completely safe. Apparently those who have found themselves in the eye of the cyclone dream about going back there. Superintendent, it means that... Aleksander Orwicz has found the secret of immortality! The secret of immort-- It's an absurd! An absurd, sir. This is a case for Wagner and not for the homicide bureau. What was the name? Wagner. And occultist and parapsychologi
sts. A member of Theosophical Society in London. World-class! Krank... This is the best news I've ever heard from you! Wagner. He's a charlatan. He's name is Orwicz. Aleksander Orwicz. He lives in Sopot. At Lindenstrasse 11. He owns a pet shop. Suffers from diabetes. This morning he lost consciousness. He's currently in the hospital looked after by Dr Mintzel. First floor, room two. Do you believe it can happen again? It won't matter to you, sir. The worst thing is that I can't help you. Can't i
t be stopped? With anything? It can. But Orwicz would need to be killed. Or one of the person he's controlling. If you do it, you'll be pronounced mad. And put in a madhouse. Or, more probably, found guilty of murder. Nice perspective for a superintendent... I could try... He can't be killed. There was a time when it was possible but we didn't know it was him. These pictures are the best proof that he made a mistake. He didn't forsee that he could loose his consciousness. He's still in coma. It'
s too late now. His brain is functioning properly. How do you know that? Don't try. He is a medium of an unusual power. Medium... Another medium! What? We need to find another medium! That will neutralize his power. Yes, but where to find such medium? I don't know anybody equally gifted. A duel of mediums... It's out last hope! Even if I know someone like that... I will never let it happen. Why not? Orwicz will destroy anyone who attempts to fight him. He's fighting for his life. So am I. You ha
ve to help me! My god! Greta! Greta! My god! Inspector Krank speaking. She was here again. Who? That woman. She took the dress. Grand Hotel? Room 420 please. No change. Strange... Faster, please! Bloody hell! Damn, I need to... I saw the woolen ball falling under the bed. Don't be afraid. Everyone's watching the eclipse. Nobody will come in here. And him? He's unconscious. The son of Satan! Satan is coming! Beautiful... I have bad news. The doctor is leaving. You're lying. No. He's packing his
bags now. What do I care? Where is Alek? In his room. Asleep. That Malicki is a coward. He only has the courage to visit you at night, when everyone is asleep. You told my husband, didn't you? No, if I did... If I told him, he would have been dead by now. God help me! Know the bliss and pain I feel when I see your light. As my love for you and hate, a battle have to fight, I would curse you and give my soul to you at once, Drowning in your eyes as bright as a thousand suns. I gladly throw my ver
y life at your feet As my maddening desire to love you is complete. And I would kill you with one glare of my eye For happiness with another man, I deny And to marry you to death, I will try. Beautiful. - Did you write it for me? - Yes. My god, you're on fire! - Wiktor! - Don't go. He's having a fit! Don't go! Help! Wiktor! You're not allowed to stand up! - I'm gonna call the doctor. - No! You... do... it... I was dreaming... that I can't see and I can't walk... Perhaps another doctor knows how
to cure diabetes. I don't. I'm leaving. Don't. You're going nowhere. He fired me. - I love you, you coward. - Put the clothes on! - Put them on now! - No! You're scared. The door... True love has nothing to hide! Quiet! The hunchback will tell him. Good. Very good. If he tells him.... my husband will die... No! You're amazing! You're great. What is it? Where is the boy? Where is the boy! He was murdered in the same way as Stefan Orwicz. Selin was his double. Dr Mintzel's medical opinion. Diabete
s. Dr Mintzel examined Selin two hours before his death. He was healthy. Dr Mintzel could have been wrong. It happened. It really happened. Aleksander Orwicz disappeared from the hospital. He is four at the moment. This is the proof that he lives. Take it away! Gauleuter, this isn't just the secret of immortality. With that boy you can control people. Kill without evidence. New weapon! New possibilities! I know how to get him. This would be an excellent gift for our Fuhrer... Krank He's been wit
h the turtles for 6 hours. Must be mad. Take me there. It's after midnight. The turtles are still alive. It means Orwicz is alive too. Enough of it, Krank. Go home. No... I can't go... I can't. He will come, gauleuter. I am sure! Their lives are connected. I've got him! Take him. Leave me! He will come! Let me go! New weapon! New possibilities! I told you! Let me go! That is Orwicz! Little Orwicz! Let me go! Orwicz! Orwicz!



Genialny film. Ależ mnie emocjonalnie wytarmosił!


Just watched this, Brilliant film. Thank you for uploading.


Znakomity ...estetycznie nieosiągalny dla naszego aktualnego stanu kinematografii .Już nie wspomnę o komediach romantycznych obrażających inteligencję ,różnica jest porażająca .


Nie wystarczy studiować w szkole filmowej, po pierwsze trzeba mieć talent , ta iskrę boża, po drugie pasje, niestety brak talentów, świetny film, dziekuje


Currently learning Polish and I actually understood some words when I heard them!


Dziękuję pięknie ♥️


A very entertaining film to watch. Thank you.


szkoda że teraz nie ma takich dobrych filmów, oglądając większość produkcji współczesnych często zasypiam z nudów


Piękny film.


Świetny film. Fabuła trochę przypomina powieść Salamandrę Grabińskiego, swoją drogą też polecam.


Czy ta historia ma jakiś pierwowzór w rzeczywistości? To znaczy - czy w przeszłości Sopotu bądź Trójmiasta wydarzyło się coś choćby w zarysie podobnego do historii opowiedzianej w tym filmie?😊


to jest genialny film


Opis po angielsku jest mylący. Owo "Tricity" to było autonomiczne terytorium - Wolne Miasto Gdańsk, które przed wojną nie należało do Polski. Po 1933 roku następowała "hitleryzacja" a nie polonizacja tego niezależnego terytorium. Sugerując się tym opisem, obcokrajowiec oglądający ten film, może pomysleć że narodowo-socjalistyczne bojówki SA to formacje polskie, swastyka to polski symbol, a scena w której Krank pucuje obrazek z Hitlerem to wyraz patriotryzmu wobec "polskiego fuhrera".


Film pierwsza klasa 👌


Super nastrój tego filmu.


Bardzo dziękuję Pani za odnegatyw8enie depresji.Wojciech Wuja. Trzecie ujęcie najpiękniejsze.


44:57 - w 1933 roku dzieciaki recytują "Samochwałę" Brzechwy, a ten wierszyk został wydany dopiero 5 czy 6 lat później :)


Nie chcę powtarzać poniższych, przepięknych komentarzy, jednak film zmusza do wypowiedzi, tyle tylko, że ciężko to ująć słowami. Tam gdzie się zaczyna prawdziwa sztuka, tam zaczyna się milczenie i tam gdzie znakomite dzieło udziela odpowiedzi na pytanie, którego nie zadaliśmy, budzi podziw.




A ta kamienica w Sopocie z roku na rok popada w ruinę.. Bywam tam co roku. To 5 min od Monciaka, przez piękny most nad jarem. Szkoda...taki piękny zabytek, a jakaś żulia go dojeżdza od lat.