
Meteor Shower by Ronan Mansfield | Computer Art and Animation

A student work produced at Syracuse University's College of Visual and Performing Arts with faculty advisor Heath Hanlin.

VPA SyracuseU

38 minutes ago

Oh my god, a shooting star! Where? Well it's not there anymore. Oh my god, I see one, another one! Where? Ah, you missed it. Holy shit! Oh my. Oh my god! What? What? Like a hundred shooting stars everywhere! The sky is ablaze! Ah, they're gone now. Oh my god, dude, a black hole just opened. What? It ate like six stars! Which stars? The ones that aren't there anymore. Oh my god, dude, turn around! Ah, dude, I swear the sun just rose for a second, really quick. Woah, all right, two horses, a mai
lbox, and  a Ram pickup truck just got sucked up by a UFO! What? Ah, they flew away. Oh my god, the sun came back, and it's having sex with the moon. What? Ah, the sun got whiskey dick and had to go home. Happens. Oh my god! Wait. But... But... But... Don't tell me. I'm going to turn around, and neither of us are going to look away, even if nothing's there. Okay. Just keep looking. All right, what happened before? A bigger UFO came and sucked up the first UFO. All right, maybe they'll come ba
ck. I don't think they're coming back. Dude, what if we turn around right when something awesome happens? [Kissing] Do you hear that? Yeah, sounds like crying. I'm going to turn around. Okay on three. Three. Two. One. Is the moon in a slightly  different spot? I can't tell. Keep watching. I think it is in a different spot. Maybe the moon  just always moves. Now I hear horses. Ah, fuck it. Hey, you saw that? Yeah, dude make a wish. Oh dude, you're going to give me the wish? Yeah dude go ahead. I
wish there was another one. Oh yeah! Let's go! Dope.
