
Mile-long RV encampment symbolizes growing housing crisis in Bay Area

Just miles away from some of the wealthiest zip codes in the country, a growing RV encampment in Marin County symbolizes the national housing crisis. STORY: #RV #homeless #housing #homelessness #rvencampment #marincounty #abc7news

ABC7 News Bay Area

9 months ago

effort to build a better Bay Area tonight we're looking at a mile long stretch of road in Marin County that has come in many ways to symbolize the bay area's growing housing crisis this crisis only worsened through the pandemic RV after RV car after car parked here because people have nowhere else to go ABC 7 News anchor Liz kreutz went to Binford Road today to report on the growing RV encampment who lives there and what's being done to help driving through Novato it's hard to miss Nestle betwee
n Highway 101 and a wildlife sanctuary this is Binford Road what do you call this neighborhood I don't I don't call it anything I just call it it's just the the strip where all VR reviews are like here are the long line of trailers and motorhomes goes on and on and on stretching for about a mile located just minutes away from some of the wealthiest ZIP codes in the country this growing RV encampment has come to symbolize the Haves and the have-nots in the seemingly affluent Marin County what we'
re seeing here at Binford Road is really a larger issue that we see all across the state which is the housing crisis we have the unhoused and homeless crisis that we're experiencing so this is the Captain's seat and Alicia Mackey has been homeless for three years I was trying to just hold my head above water like I was in Sonoma County so a month ago she moved South to Binford Road so what do you want folks to know about Binford Road we're not bad people we've just made bad choices maybe the cou
nty says there's roughly 130 Vehicles now lining Binford Road and about 90 people who live here and for many of those folks they tell us it was the pandemic that was the Tipping Point that trailer right there just asked Gordy Schaefer he's lived here for six years when you moved here six years ago what was Binford Road like there was about five or six motorhomes on the street this video shows Binford Road three years ago in 2012 bumper to bumper bumper County sanctioned resources there's now wee
kly trash pickup porta potties and hand washing stations on a weekly basis folks are out here multiple days during the week engaging with residents really hearing about their needs listening to their stories talking about you know what supports specifically they might need to be able to get back into housing Gary nadjarice is the County's director of homelessness who are these folks folks who are here are our family members our brothers and sisters our aunts and uncles our kids these are our nei
ghbors the goal they say is to get all these residents into permanent housing it's something Alicia and Gordy hope for too what's your goal for one year from now oh to be in my own place to be in my own place and to have a job I want to be out of here I would like to be out of here in Nevada Liz kreutz ABC 7 News
