
Mini Horse LOVES Strutting Around On Two Legs! | Dodo Kids | Animal Videos

Look who it is! It’s Alvin the mini horse! Alvin may be little, but he is fierce! He’s full of energy and is always trying to steal the spotlight. With that gorgeous hair, incredible talent and lovable charm, Alvin is the total package. And he’ll make sure you notice him, as he comes stumbling by on two legs! For another special Dodo Kids video, check out Ernie, an emu who loves to DANCE! ➡️ #animalvideos #videosforkids #animalvideosforkids

Dodo Kids

6 months ago

Look who it is! Badum, badum, badum! It’s Alvin the mini horse! Alvin may be little, but he is fierce. He may be tiny, but he is mighty. He may be small, but he has it all! The good looks! How does he keep his hair so silky smooth? The incredible talent. Show us what you've got, Alvin. Ugh, what a heartthrob! And of course, the charm. Aw, are you giving your mama some kisses? My heart cannot take it! Alvin knows he's a big deal. He loves the attention, and he demands you give it to him. And you
know what? We're gonna give it to him because he knows exactly what to do to catch our eye. Do that little thing with your hoof, Alvin. Ah, yes! I love it when he does the little hoof thing. I mean, you just can't keep your eyes off him. Look at him just casually standing on this rock. So dreamy! And hello! Who sits on the ground better than he does?! The answer is no one. Gosh, he knows exactly what he's doing with the cute, fuzzy face. Wait. Where did that fuzzy face go? Alvin, where are you?
Oh, there you are! And he's on his two legs?! Oh my gosh! Alvin, stop! You're making me blush! But see what he did there? He made us look for him. He knows we're obsessed. Sometimes I feel like we created a monster. Alvin wasn't always this outgoing. When he first came home, he was shy. He didn't really want anybody to notice him. But his mom, Paulina, had a feeling that he was destined to feel as big as the other horses. So she decided to give her new horse all of her attention. Slowly, Alvin
started to feel bold and confident and himself! Except there's one problem. Now Alvin expects attention all the time. See what I mean? No, Alvin, I'm not looking at you. I was looking at the forest behind you. OK, fine! You know my weakness is your two-leg trick! I just can't get enough of that. But when Alvin can't get the attention he thinks he deserves, he's usually just roaming on his own. But lately, Alvin has chosen to hang out with a new squad. The sheep gang! Alvin, is that you? What’re
you doing with these guys?! Ah-ha! This is all part of your plan! To make us look at you! Well, I'm not buying it, buddy. Oh, look! He's giving us a wave! I just can't take it. Fine, Alvin! You have my full attention. Alvin really is such a good boy and his fun-loving energy is infectious! Even though he is constantly trying to steal our focus and our hearts. But look at him! He's a superstar! Alvin, stop it! I cannot. I cannot. I have to go. I love you. Goodbye.
