
MLS Clinical Rotations Spotlight: Central Clinical Laboratory

... full time to clinical rotationsin the Mayo Clinic laboratories. During this time, each student completes a total of nine rotations.

Mayo Clinic Laboratories

6 years ago

In mid-January, the twenty four students in the MLS program transitioned from being in the class room full time to clinical rotationsin the Mayo Clinic laboratories. During this time, each student completes a total of nine rotations. All students share seven common rotations, which include the Bacteriology Laboratory, Central Clinical Laboratory, Hematology Laboratories, Immunology Laboratory, Phlebotomy, Transfusion Medicine, and Renal Analysis Laboratory. In addition, each student has a Microb
iology Laboratory elective and a Chemistry Laboratory elective. Rotations range from one to six weeks in length and have a MLS student capacity ranging from one to eight students. It is an exciting time for us as students as we finally get some real-world experience in our chosen field of study.
