
Mobile County could get a casino - NBC 15 WPMI

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NBC 15

2 weeks ago

[Music] a major announcement for Mobile County Today a casino may be in our future today three members of the Alabama house in one Senator outlined a bill that would be presented to lawmakers tomorrow it would give Alabama residents the chance to vote on gambling and if approved would allow not just a Statewide Lottery but a limited number of new casinos across the state nbc15's Darwin Singleton has been following the story all day for us Al Darren if this bill becomes law it would mean a big ja
ckpot for not not only Alabama but us right here mobile that's right Kim and the idea of gambling you might remember I'm sure you do went before voters in the state more than two decades ago and it failed then but these legislators think it's got a much better chance this time ask people about the idea of Permitting gambling in Alabama and it's a sure bet you'll find people who passionately love it or hate it but for those who support the idea they share a common complaint money is pouring out o
f Alabama would you enjoy it I definitely enjoy cuz I I get tired going over to Mississippi yeah oh you're giving your money to Mississippi then right that's what I'm doing okay so you rather keep it here keep it right here give us a chance to let us go out there and leave the money here mobile so you will vote yes oh yes most definitely but during a news conference today in Montgomery several state legislators studying the issue said isn't just Florida and Mississippi getting Alabama's cash I w
ent County to County and the situation was pretty much the same across the state El legal gaming is happening in all 67 counties of the state of Alabama so Thursday these Alabama legislators will introduce a bill that would legalize most forms of gambling in the state if voters approve it's been a long time since people have voiced their opinion on warning the vote on this particular issue and then we agree that we should provide that opportunity for people if passed into law the bill would esta
blish an independent Gaming Commission in Alabama that commission would watch over five approved forms of of gambling listed in the bill casino gambling a Statewide Lottery Sports Bing even Bingo and Raffles and when it comes to cinos 7even would be approved across the state one of them located in Mobile County although there's no indication on where it might be built but whoever does land a casino contract would have to meet a minimum bid of $5 million invest $35 million in its development and
break ground within 12 months of getting the license that's hundreds of millions of dollars before the first hand is dealt or dice is rolled so when it's up and running where would the money go the lottery will be 100% an education lottery school safety school resource officers and scholarships at State two-year colleges and technical schools the other bucket will be under the general fund that's where all of the gaming will go that will be your sports betting money and all your Casino dollars a
nd how much tax money will these activities bring in well the predictions are this a lottery could net 100 94 million for casinos between 298 million to 422 million for casinos that first one is for the lottery sports betting would be $10 million a year and an additional $300 million could come from a compact with the porch Creek Band of Indians for their gaming operations in the state so Kim we are talking about hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars that could come into the state or not
leave the state if this becomes law in November well that's a lot of money all right Darren thank you for the latest updates on this story and more be sure to follow NBC15 on Facebook X Instagram and at my



Good! This is long overdue.


Biloxi East could be coming to Mobile County.


So, would they reduce our property taxes since we pay a school tax?


They could turn the mobile Greyhound Park into a gaming entertainment resort that big piece of land behind the Burger King can be a family fun park with all kinds of games and activities and I would tear down the track itself and put a big outdoor amphitheater or an indoor arena like to have at the hard Rock and totally renovate the actual casino and get all those Amazon trucks out of there because it makes the place look like a dump!


And you can BET they won't lower or cut out Alabama taxes for tax payers. Their pockets get filled and our continue to empty!