
Mobility Series: Happy Healthy Hips - BODYWEIGHT ROUTINE for strong, pain-free hips

This video is sponsored by Sympleaf Sport CBD! If you're interested in learning more about their sport and wellness products visit their website at: This workout uses bodyweight mobility exercises to release pain and tightness in the hips and help you increase your mobility. Options available for all fitness levels, beginner to advanced. This mobility series will feature several 10-15 minute workouts focused on mobility and better movement. Some will be full body mobility, others will be specialized to hips, shoulders, back, core, knees and more. The workouts will feature bodyweight mobility exercises to improve range of motion, ease of movement, flexibility and strength, and will have options for all fitness levels, beginner to advanced. This is the second video in my new Mobility Series with Sympleaf Sport CBD. Keep an eye out for more videos in the coming weeks! 1️⃣ Subscribe HERE: (it's FREE and the best way to support my small business!!) Help me reach ONE MILLION subscribers, as this will help us reach more people and will allow me to develop many more programs for YOU! 🙏 2️⃣ Sign up for my FREE newsletter here: The newsletter allows you to get links to all the workouts in advance! Plus, keep up with my latest offerings and blogs on fitness and nutrition. 3️⃣ Need motivation, accountability, and nutrition guidance? Join the BodyFit Athletic Club (BAC) HERE: The BodyFit Athletic Club is a virtual community where we offer effortless and approachable nutrition, positive fitness, no-fuss recipes, accountability, motivation, and a supportive community for EVERY BODY - at a fraction of the cost of a standard gym membership. ➡️ My Equipment Everything I use HERE: Discounted TRX HERE: (save 15% off your TRX with coupon code: BODYFITBYAMY) Mini Bands: Hope Fitness Gear ➡️ MY OUTFITS Grab my newest outfits on my LTK profile HERE: ➡️ Connect With Me on Social Web: IG: FB Page: FREE Private Facebook Group: ➡️ Warm Up, Cool Down & Extra Stretching For an additional warm-up, start here: For some extra cooldown, go here: For some extended stretching (cause we all need it), check this out: Thanks for showing up today! Great job, everybody! Amy DISCLAIMER Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. As with any exercise program, if you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort at any point during your workout, you should stop immediately. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agree to do so at your own risk. 🚨 Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel HERE:

BodyFit By Amy

2 days ago

hey everybody I'm Amy from bodyfit by Amy and  this is Ryan from simp Leaf Sports CBD and this is your happy healthy hips Mobility workout this  is part of our Mobility series that I'm doing in partnership with simp Leaf sport CBD if you want  to get more information on any of their products check out the description below in this workout  we're going to be focusing on mobility of our hips we get full body Mobility but we want to focus on  those things that get the tightest we're going to do a q
uick work out going through some of those  Mobility exercises that are going to not only mobilize but we'll get some flexibility and we'll  get some good recovery as we go are you ready ready let's do it okay so we're going to start  just getting our body in alignment from a standing position so I always like to check in with our  posture because that makes a big difference when it comes to our Mobility so we're going to start  by stacking our ears over our shoulders shoulders over our rib cage
rib cage over our pelvis right  right over those hips hips over the knees over the ankles so a lot of times when we have hip  pain and tightness it could be because we're out of alignment often we tend to stick those  ribs out or we're hunched over because a lot of us get that from sitting at our desk all day right  looking at our phones so really trying to be aware of that posture and it goes beyond just pulling  those shoulders back really think about aligning your rib cage right over the pelv
is see how that  feels little soft Bend in the knees now that we're checked in with that posture we're just going to  March a little bit just to kind of get the blood flowing so it's great to get Mobility any time  that you can but when we do it before a workout after a workout those are really ideal times CU  our bodies are warm so we can roll through those shoulders and then to get focus on those hips  let's just add a little knee drive to the top so our hips are working in all different direc
tions  what's great about our hip joints ball and socket Jo joint they can move not only forward and back  but they move around into the side so we have our hip flexion hip extension we have let's go ahead  and take it to some rolls abduction adduction and we of course can roll to the front and the back  internal external rotation so switch that bring it in which is a little different right so these are  things that you could do at any point during your day if you need a little break standing up
from  your desk so you can get it either way to the b or to the front internal external just to really  loosen up those hips that again get really tight a lot of it because we do a lot of sitting right  sitting at our desk at our computer in our cars and then let's take it just little hamstring  curls so we're kind of opening up those hip flexors so even just some gentle movement blood  flow all of that is going to help your overall mobility and hip mobility so remembering that it  doesn't mean
that you have to be getting down on the mat doing a full routine just a little bit of  movement can help throughout your day so now that we've got that we're going to take it down to  a seated position and we're going to start with just a little hip stretch that you may know and  it's that classic seated butterfly so feet are together and within this you want to find what  feels good for you so you may have really good flexibility and be able to pull them in like Ryan  right or you may need the
m a little further out finding what's good for you a great modification  for this to is sitting on the edge of a chair and just letting your knees drop and then you can lean  into the out a little bit you can use your arms to gently push down to the ground the goal is not to  get these all the way to the ground the goal is to find what feels good for you and to increase your  Mobility as you go so I like to use the breath as you exhale trying to sink a little deeper inhale  and exhale and just g
ently pushing so again this is a great stretch it's one we often do at the  end of workouts but even just sitting in this position is going to really help that hip mobility  so now that we've got with this let's go with one of my favorites the 9090 switch so we do this a  lot in my other Mobility workouts so you want to put your legs in 9090 so yep you can be either  way yeah that's good yeah I'll go I'll match you don't worry so we're here it doesn't have to  be a perfect 9090 and again a great
modification would be to sit on the edge of the chair and we're  just going to switch this so we're moving through side to side now you may if you have longer legs  like Ryan need to take it one at a time you may be able to be a little more fluid with it and you  may need to use your hands for support so you do you you know what I always say be where you are  today if you need to put those hands back there if you need to go one at a time and you also  can turn your torso a little bit if you wan
t to get a little bit of that back stretch you  really can't talk about hip mobility without talking about back mobility and same thing when  we do our back Mobility workout we'll be talking about hips right they're connected so just taking  it again at your own pace and this is also a great modification for that pigeon pose which we're  not going to do today it is a good hip stretch but one that often can be difficult to get into  you can just rotate this 9090 and again if you want to turn your
torso get a little more of a  stretch through your back let's go one more each side it's funny you don't feel  like you're super tight until you start doing these and then you  realize other side right through here and then we're going to go ahead and come  down on to our backs so Ryan's going to come down on his back and we're going to just do a  little knee drop so this is a great one that you could do before you go to bed at night if you're  watching TV you can just get down on the carpet an
d just bringing your feet in a little closer  and we're just going to let one knee drop at a time so he's dropping one one knee and what  I like to do is put hands right on the hip so you can kind of feel you're not twisting in your  torso or your back you're letting that hip open just to get that little stretch and this is also  a great deep core exercise we do this a lot in deep core and pelvic floor training prenatal and  postnatal because you have to use that deep core which again connected
to the hips and our low back  to let that hip drop so Mobility yes we do I do a lot of cardio Mobility sneaky Mobility getting  it into your workout out but when we're really trying to improve that range of motion we want  to take it nice and slow and really make sure that you're working through what you want to be  working great so again great one to do you can stay down and we're going to come into a bridge  bridge you know it you love it classic exercise you're just going to tuck the pelvis a
nd then just  lift those hips to the ceiling now Ryan has really good mobility in those hip flexors I don't I don't  even know if I could get that high but the goal is to try to push through again without straining in  your back but because we're stretching through the hip flexors with this also the bridge as you know  it's a gluten hamstring exercise we can strengthen the back and the core through this but for the  purposes of opening up our hips great option to stretch through those hip flexor
s again you could  just do it on the floor maybe you're playing with your kids or again watching TV great option to  get both strength and stretch and really when it comes to Mobility you have to have strength when  it comes to strength you have to have Mobility let's get one more perfect good so go ahead and  come on up we are moving through these pretty quickly but you could do more on your own we  just want to really get a workout where we get a lot of different options to get that Mobility 
so we're going to come in this low lunge so we do this a lot in our yoga in our Pilates things  like that yeah you can add the little stretch up top and just leaning forward a little bit or or if  that doesn't feel good for you just a little tuck of your pelvis is going to you're going to feel  that hip flexor right just bringing your pelvis a little bit forward and you can also lean forward  if this is bothersome to your knee you can put a pillow or something folded up mat something  underneath
the other thing we can do is we can slide that front foot out a little bit creating  that space in the hips and then from here we're going to go into one of my favorite stretches  world's greatest stretch so we're going to put this hand down here even just holding it here you  can have that hand on the inside we're opening up creating space and we're going to reach that arm  up now you can you can lift up on that back knee or you can keep it down and we'll just do a  few little rotations so we'
re going to take it in rotating through the spine and taking it  up I'm going to show you what this looks like from the side so you can see again if you would  like to you can lift that back knee and drop it down in between but if you want you can also  just keep it it down you're still creating the space in your hips opening up through the Torso  that's why we call it the world's greatest cuz we get so many things working so go ahead let's  switch that to that other side we'll start with the lo
w lunge so we're coming up first again  if you need a little support for that knee leaning forward or tucking the pelvis creating  that space moving that front foot out just a bit and then and we'll take this hand  here reaching it up world's greatest stretch and taking it through lifting  up on the back knee if you want and you don't have to go the same Pace as us  you can take this slower or even quicker as long as you have good form you're  taking your time through that range of motion you ca
n feel the lunge part of it right  we get that strength especially in that front leg and take it down right here again hand on  the inside little opener right through here and since we're here let's just move back into  that child's pose little stretch back pressing that should the shoulders down now child's pose  again you can hang out in it for a second another great stretch that we love because it feels  good because we're getting a lot of things obviously backs shoulders but when you open  u
p your knees a bit you're going to open up those hips so you can take that a little moving  child's pose coming up and then taking it back down and coming through so a lot of our Mobility work  is just moving through a stretch adding repetitions right flexibility when we  hold when we really lengthen Mobility as we're moving through and thinking  about range of motion let's good one more hang out right there let your head drop and just to finish this out I'm going to  mix it up on you sorry I'm
going to have you come back down on your back last one we're  going to come into that figure four stretch right so a lot of us know this it can be like  a seated crossover but go ahead and bring your leg over here yep and so this again you can  do this sitting in a chair you can actually do this standing great way we get pureformance  we get glutes hip stretch you can keep it right here if that's good for you and even if you  need to move this leg out a little bit maybe that's a better option fo
r you or you can lift  it up and I'll have you grab underneath this leg and get a little more of a stretch so  whatever option works for you again that's why I love the stretch is you can start seated  you can start with that leg crossed over low you you can bring it up a little higher you  can move through it like Ryan's doing lifting your shoulders you can even press this top knee  down a little bit using your elbow gently and just moving through that let's switch that  to the other side anoth
er great stretch you know maybe you're in the middle of your workday  and you want to just cross that leg over even seated in your desk chair kitchen chair and just  opening up those hips that get really tight when we're moving through or sitting a lot in our  workday okay so just a couple more just like that and then last thing that's really great to  do just hug both knees in and you can let your head and neck relax just a little back stretch  if that's not right for you you can do it one at a
time again back lower back is connected to  those hips but I love stretches that you can do from your bed this is a great one for that you  can even just extend that leg down or you get a little more core kind of like a single leg  stretch from Pilates so you can just hang out there and relax if you want but that is all we're  going to be working through today again a lot of things thrown at you but just pick a few that  you can do throughout your day or come back to this video you can get it d
aily you can get it  more than once a day you can spread out these Mobility workouts throughout your week along  with your strength along with your endurance training all of it is going to make us move  better and make us feel better and Aid in our recovery hey thanks so much you can come up  now thank you so much to Ryan and simply Sports CBD again check out your the information down in  the description and we will see you for our next workout



Amy, thank you so much for creating this workout series. I have done several of your workouts over the years and doing them have helped me to reach my fitness goals. Recently, I was diagnosed with a stress fracture of the tibia and cannot put weight on my leg for six weeks. These mobility workouts have helped me to stay loose and strong, even though I can’t do regular workouts. Thank you for all the effort that you put into creating a variety of workouts for all levels and for those of us who are injured, but still want to work out. You’re amazing!


Some of my most favorite stretches!!! 😌


Hi Amy and Ryan! I’m really enjoying these mobility stretches on Saturdays. Thank-u my hips are feeling HAPPY 😃


Great video. I love the hips mobility series. :)😇 Great exercises for my hips. Thank you, Amy and Sympleaf Sport CBD!


Just absolutely love these videos. I suffered a work injury a few years ago I still have issues with my sciatica and major back pain. These mobility videos are so helpful. Please keep them going.


Thank you!!! My hips are happier for sure 😁


Thank you, Amy and Ryan, for these incredible mobility sessions!! I am LOVING both that have come out so far. I am a HUGE believer in stretching and mobility work and these are TOP notch!!! You both are true pros! I am recommending these to several people who I know that need this type of movement desperately (well, we ALL need this type of movement). You two are both fabulous. Thank you so much again. "See you" for Day #1 of Amplify tomorrow, Amy❤❤❤❤❤ these are a fantastic addition to your incredible workouts and programs!


love these stretches!!!!!


This felt extra amazing after my kettle bell workout 😅


Great hip stretches! Thank you!




Amy, how often you fart? Please answer this question🙏. I wish God’s blessings you and your family. Amen🙏🙏🙏