
MOBY DICK Action Movies Adventure Movies Full Movie English Subtitles

MOBY DICK Action Movies Adventure Movies Full Movie English Subtitles #ActionMovies #FreeMovies #OnlineMovies #NetflixMovies #TvMovies Stars: William Hurt, Ethan Hawke, Charlie Cox The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick! Hollywood Dubbed Tamil Movie Crocodile HD | English Super Hit Latest Film HD ... GREEN WAR || Hollywood Latest Movies in Hindi Dubbed 2018 | Full Action HD ... Killer Crocodile (1989) Full Hindi Dubbed Movie | Anthony Crenna, Ann ... AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO | Bay VΓ o

Action Movies

3 years ago

[Music] [Music] [Music] give me come back don't kill me please thank you sir call me ishmael pip nice to meet you pitt why did i take it into my head to go on a whaling voice something that was planned for me a long time ago perhaps so where you headed mister nantucket what you doing in nantucket going on a whaler gonna catch whales overwhelming thought was for the great whale himself there floated into my innermost soul endless processions of the whale one image haunted me most of all a grand h
ooded phantom like a snow hill of the [Music] year [Music] oh [Music] oh you shouldn't you shouldn't keep trying to do things that's all life is trying to do things i wish all whales at the bottom of the sea well that my dear is where they are most of the time three from the left feel on the sperm whale south sea surgeon a reliable man your mother says you are determined to become a whale man it's a hard life you have to make sacrifices there's no sausages or eggs or pudding no and only um this
good evening mr starbuck perhaps uh he will uh excuse us how are you kit what's your news she's not ready no we shall try try they do it make her seaworthy no and all good conscience jose great storm authority and all that's right and proper i'm ready to go that's what i was afraid of even if you are afraid then you know what you must do i'll have no man in my boat who's not afraid of a whale oh no it's your boat hey mr starbuck we both know whose boat it is sir do your damn job and get her in t
he water now yes cat [Music] [Music] are you scared of moby dick he's just a whale you sleep now goodnight my darling he isn't just another whale though is he he went for you they don't do that it's not natural he's old he's angry he doesn't get enough attention from females so we have something in common why do you say that because i knew it would make you come over here and look at me like that you don't need to go we have not i always have to go this isn't just another voyage you have somethi
ng in mind what the moment i have you in mind when do you see in an old man like me a fire that won't go out the steady hair so steady and the eyes by which i steer my cores [Music] okay [Music] [Music] get ready [Music] [Music] which way are you headed is a choice be your own man [Music] it is by perversion of these disobedience that the purity of his soul becomes sully the kingdom of god is within man there is this i'd like to start the beating off 25 do i see 25 25 30 40. [Music] tom who are
you sailing with are you hop oh reckon he'll have you i reckon he needs me excuse me i'm looking for a abuela try the merry rose thanks [Applause] i'm looking for the mary rose i thought we'd agree to this mr starback she's not ready double pin her and put her back in the water what is a week mr starbuck as first bait it is your job to ensure the captain wants are you going to tell him he can't have it to fear and raise my fears [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [
Music] [Music] on your grave [Music] you're in trouble now roy [Music] [Applause] here boys go darling line them up get them in all right to find your ship i don't think i was quite good enough for it there's nothing going at the moment not for me anyway where are you from michigan [Music] got any rooms you'll have to share that's fine who with he's not here he's uh off around town selling his head get that lot over there come on lad you better be turning flukes come on this will be your first t
ime then i'm trying for a whale ship oh yes good luck son um hey come on [Music] [Music] what's the matter you never said i was sharing with you a cannibal oh don't worry he's already eaten here quickly you share with him all right right here you tell him no no smoking in bed i think he understood the first time there's new second mate mr stub he's not from the island talked to a man from new bedford said he's good lives for the kill desperate to come out with you captain mr flask has returned t
o us with his man gagu seems our last trip out wetted their appetite and you mr starbuck on a voyage home last time after the whale took your leg you placed me under restraint you said things in your fever i can't forget that what things about the white whale about death your own death man and pain will say anything extraordinary thing to do to your face quick quick looking the way you do [Music] if you're looking to make some money try later when the pichuan sets up where it is captain ahab sti
ll looking piqua piqua we'll do that good luck thanks [Music] good evening gentlemen evening we're here on behalf of the pequod you of all people know the law mr bildad you can't come in here recruiting men under the influence needs must when the devil drives mr coffin quickly to our pool ours is a christian boat uh he's a presbyterian we don't hire cannibals i have no objection to any man's religion so long as that man pays me the same respect i assure you come on hold on the prophet 85th 80. 7
8 and a half 78. call it 75th we'll take your friend too [Music] so what kind of share do i get you get a 777th that's all read your bible boy careful it does not pay to be generous this would be your first time in a whale ship sir we're giving you an education you'll be fairly done by that you have my word all right show me that [Music] guess we know who's the senior partner now we're here [Music] come may i say something that depends what it is if it is when will i be rid of my brute or my hus
band then yes if it is please do not go on this voyage then no you may not say anything come to church with me if you must go to see then if there is a god and i suspect i would anger him more by a pretense of worship than by choosing to ignore his existence he said i wanted her out tomorrow they're doing what they can sir why are you making excuses for him mr starbuck tomorrow you heard the captain we picked the right ship good there we go [Music] i dreamed a dream [Music] [Music] away he's not
worthy of course he captain ahab i sailed with him on his last voyage i was his oarsman i was on his wheel boat they call me elijah and perhaps you shall sail with him again elijah if he goes to see again he will die and he knows it you see a horse made of american wood floating in the sea and then you'll be strangled by hemp and rope until he is quite dead i don't know what you're talking about ask your husband he knows he knows all about it [Music] beloved shipmates the last verse of the firs
t chapter of the book of jonah the lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up jonah elizabeth father had prepared in waiting great fish to swallow up jonah there may be among you today those who think they are the captains of their fates and the masters of their souls they are not they delude themselves just as jonah deluded himself the lord god has decided the sea will take you then it will swallow you just as surely as that whale swallowed jonah jonah is proud he will not accept help and he
will suffer for it do you know why jonah has gone against god jonah has cast himself out of the family of all those who walk in the lord's way she will find out your pride just as it found out jonas you may go down to the sea imagining that you will not have to surrender to its awful power but you will have to surrender the sea has a lesson to teach and the lesson is the lesson of he who made the waves and the billowing oceans rolling still as they rolled two thousand years ago humility shipmate
s putting aside ourselves this is the only way to be part of the heavenly family before you take the ship friends in whatever ship it may be make sure you take delight in the lord god may the peace of the lord be with you what if it makes it easier to hear me [Music] teaching you're dead too late for listening [Music] i believe some of you have signed on the pequod we sail tomorrow so please ship your things aboard now harpooners step forward tell me your name again quick quick you're my choice
mr stun name dashtego tribe and the last at the massachusetts sir you'll do mr flask do we have any choice no choice my name is pip i signed for cabin boy did you indeed to kill whales where are you from alabama there are no slaves in son you're welcome here and you friend of kwe kwik i didn't catch your name it's called ishmael israel what about you if you have the look of a good order fresh water saving mr stone okay we're at the great lakes and they gary canal sir you're welcome too until tom
orrow gentlemen crazy luck to the whalers success to the sailors wives don't trouble yourself prophecies for the weak minded i make my own destiny [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah anything down there about your souls about what or maybe you don't have one well no matter what we will do it's the easiest thing in the world for amanda look as if he's got a great secret what's he warning us against a soul is sock of a fifth wheel and a wagon we're going sailing now elijah we have no quarrel w
ith you go to church make you peace [Music] [Music] [Music] now mr starbuck are we ready and we are well then god bless you and have you in his holy keeping there she is my voice the lone atlantic plunge like fate away [Music] [Music] again [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] i don't [Applause] [Music] right [Music] fake [Applause] the fast [Music] foreign [Music] mr michigan get to work okay they say the first week's the worst thought you sailed before still killed i did and great lakes you ever hea
rd of him boy [Laughter] wow this is in prison this is freedom this is freedom isn't it pip you haven't found your c-legs yet huh goodnight boys [Music] [Music] uh oh he's out there somewhere you can smell him can't you you got a name boy cashmere ishmael son of abraham and that egyptian woman and he will be a wild man his hand will be against every man and every man's hand will be against him what's in a name it's been a while since i read my bible captain patience [Music] oh man you see this b
oys the 16 piece that's a doubloon you see it yes what do you do when you see a whale boys good and what do you do next man and what tune do you pull to man [Applause] a dead whale or a stove boat no me and nail perth your hammer please no first man who raises me a whale will have this 16 piece there's ounce of spanish gold mr blues but not just any whale that's no very particular whale a white-headed whale a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw with three holes punctured in
his starboard flute harpoons pressed into his back rusted corkscrews white white way you know boy i know keep it here are these what do they call him say it curse afraid to say the name afraid to say the name lest we summon him from the devil of prison building walls around you strike through the walls say the name say the name moby dick oh me dick it is moby dick that you are hunting say it say the name again was it not this fish moby dick that smashed your boat in two and took your leg was it
not moby dick yeah that took your leg captain who told you that mr i saw it with my own eyes sir you did indeed mr starbuck well boys i guess my secret side but can you hide from your shipmates nothing [Music] starbuck that was the win all right lads nobody dick he's the one who dismasted me brought me to the dead stump i walk on now alas poor rayam what was that a cursed whale that made a poor pagan lover i'll be forever in a day [Laughter] but will i lie down under it will i take it i will no
t lie down under it i will not take it i came here to hunt wales captain not for vengeance is vengeance not permitted these days is vengeance not come on to live do we not it'll be a sad day indeed when we live to hunt oh you're not gay hey mr starbuck is that it a little too much for you i am game for anything if it comes fairly in the way of business my vengeance will fetch a good price vengeance on a dumb animal it sounds blasphemous to me if you talk to me blasphemy and strike the sun it ins
ulted me and i will chase him across every sea that there is will you chase him with me across both sides of land and all sides of earth until he spouts black blood and rolls over will you do it you'll do that for me won't you with me yes and let us drink to it [Applause] quick eye copy every man must drink [Music] everyone oh [Music] boy he who is not with us is against us right mr starback is it not [Music] drink up lad there's the starbucks with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is all
you need is a harpoon and something to throw it in no you need permission you ask the sea to steer you bless the blade you carry you strike with a strong hand and you give thanks to the whale is that before you chop it up and boil it down captain wants to see him yes you getting promoted some men aren't made for whale be careful a bad feeling on a ship can spread in a heartbeat although be careful sorry i'm first mate mr stubb is second mate mr flash third mate that is all you need to know the
captain likes men who can think for themselves just don't think too much your vest on tacos welcome to the court of king ahab here i sit in the state next to me is mr starbuck below him is mr stub little mr flass down there third mate last you see boy yes sir everything is done in an orderly fashion here sir dinner mr starbar coming mr stump the young man will be serving us i have heard and he's a great believer in fairness but what are we believing on that mr stop order sir order a merit precis
ely thank you now flasks an officer he wishes he could fist a bit of pork as he did before the mast now he's promoted to hunger there's the vanity of glory insanity of life now order and merit last in first out we can clear the plates now mr flask hasn't quite finished it clear all right what's the starbuck you may call the harpooner you're leaving mr flask to last night just clearing an order of precedence sir oh does the young man have your permission to take your plate take his plate then res
et the places did you lend him money no sir your relative not that i know officer you ever see a squall come in over a thousand miles the sky goes black and boiling and he races across the heavens and we will have to take in these sails in a moment in a breath or boom thank you there are no on my ship mission only sailors and if i ever hear you calling that again i'll turn you back i'm blue where you go now [Music] practice to your hands flee boys one dollar for a clean hit [Music] wait for my w
ord i don't think it was a clean hit lean hit sir and i don't think so put your hand down one dollar um down here now so who are you boy what are you thinking of i think you can do anything you like is that it you're a big man is that it nothing green about you is there you've been wailing all your life perhaps this is my command boy i know every man on this ship they know what they can and cannot do when i watch them i know when to act when to stay silent see like a well-run family only from wh
at i hear you do not know a great deal about such things have you ever seen a whale boy no sir you have any idea how big they are his liver is too cartilage you can go to 100 feet long and teeth you think i'm scared sir not scared oh it's a tiny little thing with a few lances up against this angry do mountain understand what that's like you have any idea oh i think you can i think that's something you can do very well imagine the show's over back to work you call that a beating a real beating ta
kes half an hour to an hour it's nice to see that you can laugh about it we never stand for this in chicago well i guess this isn't chicago uh-huh where's chicago it's a long long way from here [Music] so [Music] how long until we get a whale quickly maybe day maybe month quick week does not find whale we'll find quick land look land [Applause] michigan tell your mother to give your sisters a bath run away um we're at the island sir and we are running late oh we're making good headway he will be
sitting out for the cape by now so bring her in as usual sir um we say along that's an order we going hunting putting ourselves a pickle joey pepper come on boys gentlemen no you heard mr stop i think it's time for us it's time for us don't feel right ask yourselves how come we didn't stop at them islands back there why is our captain keeping us hungry why are we eating fresh food he's not the one keeping us hungry one thing i know i didn't sign up to be treated like no animal what did you sign
up for hmm because i signed up to catch whites where are the whales he found us anywhere else patience brother all we are being given are promises and we can't fill our bellies on promise the whole ship's on a promise that's how it works just dangerous right we have to have patience and we have to try and get along we're all equals here hi it's true hey schmidt sir i know you don't want to be late for your watch [Music] so is that a whale no i don't think so better be sure next time [Music] [Mu
sic] give ear unto my words o lord my meditation way hear my loud cry my king my god for i to thee who pray lord thou shalt early hear my voice i early will direct my prayer to thee in looking up and answer will expect that's nice how excellent in all the earth lord our lord is thy name who has thy glory far advanced above the story frame my prayer to thee in looking up my answer will expect for thou art not god that doth on wickedness delight neither shall evil dwell with thee nor fools stand i
n my sight you know someday i'm gonna kill me some whales oh first blood for that is property of 10. [Music] [Music] go oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll see oh sweetheart [Music] the next best thing is away [Music] me [Music] so uh look at me look at me looking all right somebody help me get this man down [Music] uh [Music] what did you see secure them guys hear him not there in the ocean just the other side of our wooden wall heard of whales captain on the windward beam why is he
here what does he want uh females or young cubs sir females of course he wants them he's here to mate for a moment i thought he was looking for us but no he's done what he came to do he's moving away from the hurt he's moving off and we happen to be in this i'm gonna lose him fix the course southwest uh no sir that's the other way from where they stopped the ship not aware i was asking for your opinion come on guys help all right now pimp give him some room all right oh level boys you keep your
level well i'm the windward beam permission to lower boats they need this sir it's been 13 months in nothing make it clear first trip we'll forgive him we'll captain his right mind would do a thing like that steer away from a whole herd of waves [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] this your first whale what do you think it was that bumped our boat made that poor sailor fall wanna come with me and have a look is let's all right um [Music] oh [Music] oh the white whale might be [Music] um stay oh course
watch your stroke you smell watch your stroke it's a stuffed whale boys we want to get ourselves a girl at the edge of the herd boys that's all those have been after us get down smith get down this is stunned whale boys i love that whale or i swear i love you right now good work time get down [Applause] come on boys [Applause] [Music] he'll be ripped in half [Applause] what's wrong are you came out of my sights in the water what happened that stopped well mr starbuck first blood [Music] get aro
und get the orange back in the water that is stumped and don't you forget it easy don't slap the oars here she is easy we almost come on boys [Music] here we go here we go [Music] all the way [Music] [Applause] give me some [Music] all right she's getting tired all right she's tired [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] keep it going boys keep going keep driving now holders he's down there boys oh that's coming out easy boys [Music] [Applause] all right nice of you to join us mr bles
s come on in glad to see you and the girls arrested come on put the cat on mr flowers she smells like your mother here's to a short and prosperous venture what happened to the bloody wind oh my he's there though boys you want that doubloon you look sharp lads look like this easy now gently [Music] what's up oh [Music] [Applause] you shouldn't have um on that boat and i don't want to ever have to tell you that again [Music] oh is ah foreign here then was this gray-headed ungodly old man chasing w
ith curses a whale around the world at the head of a crew of mongol renegades and castaways and cannibals how was it we responded to the old man's anger what evil magic possessed our souls so that his hate seemed ours [Music] the white whale seemed the gliding great demon of the seas of life i could see nothing in him but the deadliest evil we had chased the whale over the watery moors slaughtered her in the valleys of the deep and then towed her alongside and beheaded her her great padded skin
was the property of her executioners and no sooner had we decanted our oil into the casks than we would be off again to fight another way how long could leviathan endure so why to chase [Music] wasn't so bad was it man [Music] [Applause] that's the way to do it when no bull whale comes at you stand firm we'll have him on the other side of you want the ship for by then captain what makes you say that and the old bulls don't stay around the herd long dude you read that in that book did you get ind
eed sir if i knew what whale was gonna do i'd be a very rich man boy mr starbucks make sure these men have a drink they burned up will he be back sir he'll be back someone hung up my wife on a hook i'd be back [Laughter] and when he comes we'll be ready for him will we know all right [Music] have you seen pets [Music] like an orange [Music] [Music] yes um [Music] [Music] uh is okay [Applause] okay feed the place boys she'll burn herself up smush me up the steak cooker smells like the left within
a day of judgment does it not and i should help here some help man down larva inside needs some help hold up all right show up guys gotta come all right ready one two three what exactly do you think you're doing rescuing a member of the ship company mr tub i thought i told you to move some barrels time is money all right get back to where you are swept off the board sir i have to bring him on down the captain's quarters what you need young man glass of whiskey i let's get rid of this creature w
ork to be done i want her off my ship and i want men on both masts double watch all night you won't stay long about come take care of your lad sir right lego free quake michigan down below oh you know sir you reached at a distance this close to me i could have touched him then he died he is he is beautiful as if he was showing you i'm here and this is my territory your very presence was a challenge to him and if you challenge him this creature changes anyone who shares his spirit is a challenge
to him he thinks he owns the ocean i felt his strength sir i felt the presence i was in his mouth my little mouth imagined and afterwards for a while i was like a madman sometimes wondering mr starbuck things have not deviated from that position do you think that no sir you were close to him you understand nobody dick just saying it enough to scare the hell out of a man yes that's white he's the power on the cheeks of the dead you ever seen a dead man no sir we paint such pretty things on the un
iverse but in fact it is all space it's all emptiness it's all whiteness like the whale oh he's in your blood now he's clutched your heart where do you think you're going get back down there this is my whale still killed check every barrel leaks cost money and i win every part by this what did i do wrong get that skin on a fire there's nothing wrong with this wheelie you'll get used to it fred time to get out of here you'll be as black as the rest of us do you know what these are they call them
veins like the veins in your body that's that veins i carry the blood around your body blood goes down and around the back and these are the tracks that the whale makes just like the attractive swallow makes going south to find warmer weather we make tracks too going this way and then across the globe looking for food and shelter lose him so easily once he's on that of course of course of course he could go anywhere he has the whole world in his disposal but he's here standing his ground here no
w later mr starbucks uh [Music] most excellent head you dive deep where no man goes seen enough to split the planets you've been where untold hopes and anchors rotten have not a word to say you know we do anything we like with you we turn you into hard cash into heat and light for all america big isn't she she has sisters even bigger and we can see them i don't think we need to concern ourselves with this one's sisters there's only one whale moby dick this lad here saw him last night he not more
than 300 yards away let's get out of here as fast as possible there no need to be afraid of him boys i never said i was scared cotton he's the one who scared the white whale we don't even know where this white whale is i think we do sir look at all those birds on the star with bow look at all those birds let him let him all right he's moving on by put up sail net course northeast mr starbucks crazy lights hold your tongue you all saw that thing you all did we go up against it and we'll die know
your place didn't we swear an oath death to moby dick hey we need to turn our backs on our duty gentlemen we just doff our caps make way carry on proceed sir whale who are we to interrupt your progress through the world make war on the whole damn fishery he's evil he's evil he will kill and maim and plunder the seas until we stop him i thought you said there was no danger in him sir there is danger when i say there is mr starbuck what in god's name what are we doing we're turning our back on 30
0 barrels to chase a white railway we i'm giving orders mr stump euro banus is your duty northeast all hands get that head off my ship put on marcel move quick oh my god [Music] [Music] spill the wind so this is your ship now mr starbuck he's trying to ram us on no account already sales that we'll have no man on my ship who's afraid of a well you misquote me sir all my words are my own mr starbuck you would do well well remember that closing sir 300 yards [Music] coming straight at us [Music] he
dived wait now you can take in sale mr starbuck have you lost your mind are we to wait for him to strike us from below you sir what have you lost he's here man he's almost in our grasp have you lost all courage where is he what's his strategy he's gone god do not imagine that you can escape where i swear that you will not at every crossroads of the sea i will be there until i see you spout black blood roll back into the sea and die what about the girls captain look sir there's 30 off play and n
ot spooked they're waiting for us shall we turn back please sir let's turn back he's headed north east toward the south china sea that's where we'll go northeast what are you waiting for mr starbuck you really think you could track one whale across all that ocean of course will you give that order or do i have to do your job as well as my own last time i looked you were my first night or is it time for more restraint yes i told you before you were not yourself this is a happy or some other man i
seem to know myself quite well i answer my name when i call myself ahab hey present and correct hey i repeat will you give the order northeast keep on all sails cram on all you can northeast top gallons cram on all you can sharp eye for spout sharp eye you put them in a straight jacket he was crazy with anger and hatred he swore vengeance on a whale elijah spoke of a prophecy this fever the captain talked to his own death and he saw a hearse on the water he was to die by hanging the men don't l
ike it we heard say he was a bastard now i chase him one whale across thousands of miles of desolate ocean oh we have his address mr stop the south china sea run away or maybe enough for him mrs starbuck oil we got ourselves a leap mr stark nice work mr smith the ship and check every barrel then the captain is not going to like that well he can't go against him mrs starbuck because if he does it's proof plain he's not fit it's not right he kept me does anyone know exactly where we're headed yeah
20 degrees east of north java the white whales feeding grounds and what are we going to do when we come up against that thing captain knows what he's doing he has a plan we just have to follow him we do not speak against the captain it's a big fish it's all it is that's the deputation hey guppy tell me is the quality of the food come on where he goes you go let's see that's good it's friendship it's just that for life hi mr starbuck and mr stubbs not your friend sir they speak against you you h
eard this ishmael oh i had noticed is it any wonder when we chase leviathan across the water he planes to slaughter him in the valley of the deep he makes the sea seed like a boiling pound and we aim to track him and kill him with whose help jesus christ our lord and savior although i'm told he's mr starbucks close and personal friend i do not think so we are alone i'm not afraid sir no i can see that will you look into the fire with me wander out of the way of understanding quick quick afraid o
f nothing i am not afraid of my crew young man come you may say anything you like in front of these lads there's a leak in the hole we have to up burdens and take a look are you telling me that we have to heave too for a week and tinker with a parcel of old hoops those casks of oil are what we are here for sir i am captain of this ship i'm telling you that i want no more talk of casks of oil i sailed with you all my life i mean you no harm the one you should fear is yourself old man ahab beware
there's something there there's something there well listen to the voice of reason tomorrow gentlemen [Applause] you mr blast off burns gentlemen pearls to gallon sales close reef topsails four and aft we pause here a while gentlemen can't lose our precious cargo money here's the money and sweet reason see to those casks mr stub you are what a captain said gentlemen top man lay aloft were you not in charge of storing the barrels mr stubb yes sir it was a very serious matter mr stub we are engage
d in a great enterprise here are we not because of you we have to take days out you get to it and quickly too you you two and you down we need the boy here proceed keep me informed mr starbuck to go down below yes mr stark just because you're not looking at me don't mean i can't see you boy yes mr star quickly now lads mr stub quickly [Music] i can't breathe i can't do this i can't take it anymore please don't send me back he's lifting me back miss you again there you go there's a barrel in ther
e it's leaking and you need to find it don't go back in there are you disobeying orders sailor no sir i need help oh [Music] let me out please [Music] would you catch your breath miss you can go back to work um [Music] [Music] how do you know he'll be here at this exact point there's nothing random in nature young man animals return to the same spot again and again and again as do we we think imagine that we have free will but all the time we are born and tangled in whale lines and meshed in a f
uture that is laid down for us as precisely as the way the rope runs from the coil and harpoon only three don't the future will be white bother trying to change it hope i presume you are referring to the superstitious nonsense all the men are whispering elijah we give him prophets names but they're not prophets he has a sermon on my approaching death he trusts it up for anyone who will listen but i will die in the manner of my choosing boy our freedom lies in the struggle to escape what bates la
id down to make our future for ourselves i couldn't agree more sir the first lauren will be to weaken him that'll be all throw get out cut the line that we have to then remember he has no vision to his rear while he's still trashing about this way in that one boat comes in from behind the other should come in from the side he can see i'm distracted yeah i'll put you on the masthead you look only for him you see another whale or whales you don't call it that's what you want no time for anything e
lse the only thing works nice damn ship and the captain max this is watts creatures i am no man's creature country boy you remember that no mr stop a great whaleman turning us away from a shawl chase a fish he can't even see oh you got some milk on you michigan that's just the way i like it no your friend queequeg is the best we have sir almost well he is good so he can go in the second bone i'll go in the lead and then when moby dick breaches come on watch listen you don't own me oh you touch m
e you sucker okay stop it [Music] don't do it back down him down i told him i told him if he touched me i'd kill him of course what shall we do vlog him put him in irons in the hole it is the work of the ship it has to be done he will be flogged mr starbuck those are my orders if that's your order sir i'd like to flogging myself sir with your permission your justice boys that's what gives us order else we're nothing but animals put the sailor in the hall for now i will judge this business in the
morning in my cabin mr starbuck mr stub you will attend you too may attempt to see all done fairly have i done squarely by you lad hi sir we have matters of great importance in hand and we'll let nothing come in their way we have to be as one i said until tomorrow six bells you heard the captain we found the leak sir six spells mr stop right back to work tegu are you a passenger on this ship or you own a living now move your black ass nothing sir nothing inside as far as the horizon sir mr stub
bs shall we have your account of the matter i gave this man an order and he refused to obey it and not the whole is a dirty business hmm pretty quick yeah he does not complain we have a noble task at hand boys are we too fight amongst ourselves it needs to be taking an answer everyone on the quarter deck now mr stubby is all yours one oh one do you want us to fight over the hold it's not right what precisely is not right mr starbuck what is happening here is setting men against each other like a
nimals anything is permitted on this ship you would do well to remember that divided rule is that the way and so good order crumbles sir i have heard speaking you're a foolish boy this has nothing to do with a breach of discipline and everything to do with a damn white whale get him mr stuff oh no when i say so mr starbuck enough mr stop there that was a fair fight hey that's always a fair fight we always win throw some water over him lads isn't water he needs he needs a surgeon sometimes dogs n
eed kenneling mr starbuck and mad dogs need restraint any further grievances mr stub no sir and the leak is fixed to you say yes i trust you we have no objections if we continue on our business notion all right lads let's get the poor bastard down all right maggie's head easy now alright quickly something wrong with with what happened to steel kill quick way wait he kind of asked for it right maybe we picked the wrong ship what oh hey okay okay we got it yeah get blanket water [Music] [Music] ju
st watch that twist not well quickly boat they're in formation they're doing a sweep sir sir ship laura bell it's the rachel out of nantucket go and tell the captain i'm looking for something someone oh thank god you're my last chance thank god thank god you're here so the flag's on your ship captain how many men have you lost no it's my son sir tom i know i'm captain you can fish this boy in nantucket he's a credit to you sir he had a harpoon in the white whale and he just ran to the northeast
he didn't die oh no run run is the only word for sir amen he's gone sir our boy's gone north east you say we in the rachel head west and we take a course together we can call the sea between here and java we are chasing the white whale it is where your sun will be is it because we understand each other i'm concerned with myself it's the boat we're looking for sir the lad would have cut long ago starbucks please don't tell me things they already know i know what we're looking for we're losing tim
e you know you can't do this no my son sir no you can't do this it's my son i touch you i have i serve my boy why won't you help him please i am what do you suppose will bring that man more satisfaction if i've returned with the body of his dead child or the head of his murderer and when you find him when you when you kill moby dick if if you kill moby dick it will be over what are you teaching you how to act like a man do you dare do as much you may live to regret that remark sir you mean the w
hale right now you're one of us amanda james [Music] straight to hell hmm put on marcel we have everything up there more canada i tell you sir there is none why are you looking at me like that mr sparkle you know very well captain whoa damn you [Music] young pepper you think you're captain crazy will the whale perish do you think and he faded away from the earth come here uh come down uh you're relieved of your duties sir the captain said i'm aware of what the captain said you're relieved uh is
welcome to the sick way what leader measuring him from his coffin quick quick quick quick still no wind no morbidity no quick quick i'm not gonna let that happen i rip my heart from the cage or that i were as in months past as in the days when god preserved me when his candles shined upon my head and when by his light i walked through darkness as i was in the days of my youth when the secret of god was upon my tabernacle the blessing of him because of your precious captain is he not your captain
also sir i love the old man that's the heart of it but he has poisoned all your heads with this war on moby dick we are sick ishmael got close to the white whale he cursed us all how still and peaceful is the grave the life's famed past the appointed house by heaven seize us all at last you want this don't you this life you don't want moby dick that white oh my captain i would like to see nick duck it again i'm afraid i don't know what it is or why i keep pushing and crowding and jamming myself
on all the time we'll die sir we will die chasing that damn fish have we not outwitted that thousand times you and i [Music] a great shroud of the sea i will sleep on the field in my mary waiting for me what's that this is my home you can't die quickly you have a while to kill we can't do it without you i'm here to read the last right he has a different bible mr flask the marx on his body will guide his people to his soul and bring it home can't die quick we have a whale to kill can't do withou
t you you kill a whale we all go home ugh oh [Music] come on the guards are not ready for you yet my friend obey that we have to protect against the squash sir keep as much sail up as we have another wind carrier let us prepare we'll be blindsided sir it'll rip us apart secure the castles [Music] first can you smooth anything apart not anything cut huh these wrinkles from my forehead can you wipe the care from my face oh you're working too but i will make a harpoon razor for the white whale to c
ut into him to cut it he's mine i know he is now i have him in my sights are you with me my boys i cry captain captain we need you you need to take in sale i will boyce come on i'll finish it is it that difficult when you say pagans you lend your power to my blade temper it with your blood we take joy in iron and fire and blood will sail through it in nominee [Music] diablo [Music] um i've seen this before i have no fear nothing can touch us now my voice captain i am your captain mr starva i am
lord god almighty as far as you're concerned i can shape the elements to my purposes as surely as i can steer this ship across the ocean to hunt the whale did you not in blood and fire you are bound to your own we drank from the same cop did we look at it to cut the heart out of the white whales we can feel through it and we will [Music] we will go on together we go on together in the name of jesus this madness has to stop you have enslaved the crew to a false communion you encouraged the worst
in their nature and presented his marriage some men die at low tide others at full flood but die we must i must kill him or he must kill me and there's an end of it you seem to forget that you are not the only man on this boat god made us to live to aspire for the best in ourselves and in each other scruples does mommy dick have the will of god the murmuring of the fates the whale they are all the same the world is a white canvas on which we paint our own story we are not so very different you a
nd i we're brothers under the skin madness you want blood just as much as i do i do not and yet you seek mine now for the first time in my life i wish god made me other than i am well then old friend let us start again oh my god did i not tell you mr starbuck world is there to be mastered pretty sir not long now boys we'll have all the coin you want when we are through when we kill this monster i won't have enough oil to power america will we now push me up mr stop [Music] long after the green g
rass grows over us there will be songs sung in the ends of nantucket about captain ahab and his clue yes the famous boldest boys ever took to see will be immortal last [Music] [Music] my sheep and my [Music] first birth captain northeast gathering finally indeed boy follow them issue the order if you please mr starbucks give the order if you please mr stop nothing's shocked all right you hurt him man the boats stop by the falls [Music] there is no shame in cutting a line [Applause] sharp and qui
ck very good sir a strong hand and a good heart your sword of justice we exhaust him until he has no more fight in him mr starva then when he lies wallowing in his own blood we will reel him in no sir not today i will not follow you there is no enemy out there the only enemy is as such you fail me as first mate my failure before god was to raise a gun against you my success was not to shoot gentlemen i ask you all to please open your eyes our captain is taking us to the bottom of the sea this ol
d man has no respect i am the fates lieutenant no one can finish me stop promotion consider yourself first mate queequeg sailed with him ishmael with me according to our oath that's the moby [Music] dick [Music] um giveaway together [Music] [Applause] boys the white world is ours grow for your lives we'll boil the sea with his blood these enormous voice oh sweet jesus look at the size of it [Music] for his heart right now and bring barrels of gold back to that jacket the white wheel sir he's on
it boys he's on him don't run up got it stop oh lord [Music] hold ours molding over salted death but we will have our revenge i'll spit my last breath again [Music] grab those sticks boys grab yours pull revenge pull for revenge for mr stop and quake leg and our mates this is the one whoa dead whale or stove boat [Music] oh boy leave him we're going for the whale give away together keep steady lads we're on course courage boys [Applause] quick come on give me your hand give me your hand hold doo
rs there they come yeah first birds boys kind of whale men are spooked by a couple of birds what he's learned where is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh mobby dick just shrugged him off his back how shall we proceed my son the whale must be weakened what is your theory what does your instinct tell you we've lost 10 men sir save the soul we've lost 10 men captain there's only us please it's impossible we are not going to bow down before him are we lads onward slow and steady he'll find us um it's
madness he'll kill us anyway if we don't kill him he'll find us he'll come to us oh easy steady that's it that's it harpoon ship yours push up your arms now all right are you ready boys get bored [Music] boys he's playing with us about abandon ship oh captain is here it comes boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] captain is [Music] [Music] i [Music] you will live you can take me to hell and back on this road they're coming my boss ah [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] put your foot down please help me i'll
be there i can't move it all right not frightened sir there's no coward into starbucks i know that i have never known a braver cotton boy i'll stay with you son thank you mr starbuck thank you we'll be together i'm not going anywhere i'll be right here with you there's nothing to be afraid of we'll go down together [Applause] ugh [Music] i floated on that coffin for almost one whole day and night while the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago the unharming shar
ks glided by me as if with padlocks on their mouths until a sail drew nearer to pick me up at last the rachel still searching for her missing son only to find an orphanage [Music] foreign my love was drowned [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you



If anyone hasn't seen this version of the story.. It's actually pretty good. I'd recommend watching this once at least! Good acting and good visuals.


Thank you uploader,seen it before but awesome to see it again. πŸ‘πŸ‘


Why do all boat movies have bad endings 🧐


πŸ‘πŸ‘ Ethan Hawke


Mersi b oss .great you are.muahhh 13.02.2021




Closer to the original by Melville. Better than the Hollywood version with Gregory Peck.
