
Modeling a Sci-fi Icosphere in Blender | Teaser

A teaser for Rachel's step-by-step tutorial going over the entire modeling process for this sci-fi icosphere in Blender and Hard Ops. - Blender Market - Teachable - buy on Gumroad - on Creative Shrimp - Rachel on Twitter - Rachel on Artstation - Rachel on Instagram

Creative Shrimp

2 years ago

Hey guys! I'm Rachel and in this tutorial I'll be showing you how to make this sci-fi sphere in Blender, but the hard surface techniques that I'll be showing you can be applied to a variety of different projects. I'll be going over the entire process in a step-by-step format from modeling and cloth simulation to lighting and rendering an Eevee. I'll be using the add-on Hard Ops for most of this project so it is suggested to get the add-on to follow along with the videos. This tutorial is beginne
r friendly, so if you have a basic knowledge of Blender 2.8 and 2.9 you will be good to go! thanks and i'll see you there.



Blenderheads, enjoy! :) and feel free to share :)


Thank you so much Rachel for all the hard work


Rachel is one of those instructors that makes you feel confident with tools. Highly recommend to check her channel out as well. Hope to see more collab with the great Shrimp aka Gleb.


Cool. I'll be snagging this. Thank you!


Gleb, Maybe courses about texturing in blender?


To those who have bought this, I ran into a bit of a problem that I can't figure out on my own. Is there any way one of you could help figure out what the problem is? Essentially, when I activate Instancing > Faces, the hexagon doesn't stick to the parent but is instead underneath it. Any idea what could be causing this?


Does one store give more money to the artist than the other?


Cool, but too late... I immigrate to ZBrush )


It's really too bad. two minutes in and I've spent the last 4 hours trying to figure out why Instancing the Faces after parenting the one Hexagon makes absolute chaos. Like Duc Tran below, there's some weirdness going on when Object Properties> Instancing > Faces that looks completely different than Rachel's. Since this entire tutorial hinges around those faces copying each other to make each face look similar... this is an "A" bug non-progression game stopper.