
Moistcr1tikal Reacts to "Youtuber Accidentally Exposes the Scam He's Promoting" by Coffeezilla

Moistcr1tikal Reacts to "Youtuber Accidentally Exposes the Scam He's Promoting" by Coffeezilla Fan-made Moistcr1tikal clips channel. Not affiliated with Moistcr1tikal. Please Like, Comment & Subscribe for more. Turn Notifications On for the latest highlights. Original Video: ___________________________________________ Go follow Moistcr1tikal/Penguinz0 Twitch: Youtube: Twitter: ___________________________________________ #moistcr1tikal #coffeezilla #ishowspeed #moisty #penguinz0 #crypto #reaction #funny #gaming If you're reading this, thank you for watching. I genuinely hope you have a great day!

Moistcr1tikal Reacts To

1 year ago

in the prime vowel yeah I talked about this a  couple days ago so I when I watched the speed stream I got to see most of it as it unfolded it  was so wild so speed recently did an entire stream dedicated to Shilling a crypto called paradox  metaverse it's embarrassing it's uh the whole stream was a disaster so it started with a PS5  giveaway so you see all the ps5s behind them and the whole whole thing with the giveaway is you  know give it to the chat thanks for supporting Paradox metaverse to
the moon and speed would  take out a sledgehammer and break the ps5s which I think is terrible I think it's a fat L I already  talked about that but the crypto itself is so bad the creators even got interviewed by coffeezilla  on stream and they made themselves look so stupid so unbelievably stupid I couldn't believe they  even accepted the interview they were unprepared they damn near it confessed to it all just being  a scam to begin with it was baffling absolute nonsense and I sent all of it
well back back track  a bit I sent it all to coffeezilla right before like uh going live so a couple hours before  and coffeezilla started researching it and he made this video he did the interview it has  been so entertaining to see so now I'm excited to watch the video I I did see that he shouted  me out in the comments here for tipping him off and I I got butterflies in my stomach to be to  something like this before coffeezilla is crazy so I'm happy to help I also did a ton of research  on i
t I went deep into the weeds one of the people behind the crypto scam is a YouTuber named  money kicks whose dad is worth like 2.1 billion so it has so many layers it's such  an interesting little rabbit hole especially For Speed just for you Paradox crypto  me Paradox I actually ended up confronting the people behind all of this and it didn't exactly  go well advertising 10x to 100x is that a get rich quick scheme yes or no no he did them so  much credit there because talking to them was like h
itting your head against the wall so he'd  asked him a point-blank question and they do the standard circular talk around it forever and no  matter how many times coffee would be like yes or no they'd still just go into their spiel about  [ __ ] that is completely irrelevant to whatever they're saying it was frustrating but still  overall entertaining trying to get to all of this but first let's start at the beginning everyone  started as a live stream to meet Cristiano Ronaldo and give away ps5
s quickly turn into a nightmare  fake the news being used to promote a scam literally they used somebody Cristiano Ronaldo who  couldn't play soccer and was wearing a bi Paradox crypto coin t-shirt and it quickly so good the  live chat started calling Paradox coin a scam in the middle of this sponsored so I looked into this  a little bit this guy has made an entire career off looking like Cristiano Ronaldo so he was in  another YouTuber's video from a few years back called the Cristiano Ronaldo
prank and they just  walked him around with security and got people's reactions so this guy he doesn't play soccer  or anything like that he just goes and promotes things that they want someone that looks like  Ronaldo to do I don't know the legality of using an impersonator and playing it off like it's the  real guy to promote your your [ __ ] coin I don't know how that's legal probably isn't but it's a  bold move regardless so they had him here and they try and play it straight like this is Ro
naldo and  you have to keep in mind speeds audience most of them lean on the very young side so they might not  know that so they'll see this is Ronaldo they'll see speed freaking out doing his patented yelling  and screaming and breaking things and then be like oh my God Ronaldo is saying buy Paradox crypto Dad  Dad we need to get your credit card quick Ronaldo and speed are saying this is the next thing to  the Moon quick so it's a it was a huge disaster a bi-paradox crypto coin t-shirt  and i
t quickly got worse the live chat started calling paradoxcoin a scam  in the middle of this sponsored stream and called I show speed a sellout  which caused him to get very angry oh that is crazy bro like them comments like  that bro it's making me like that's crazy bro the fact I ever made it I tried the fact that  I just think of me like that it's just crazy I hate that bro they are so weird bro crazy he  also tried to guilt-trip the fans because there was a lot of donors coming through like t
hat  that were like this is a scam speed you have to know this is a scam and be like what why are  you guys saying that you're hurting my feelings the fact you think of me like that makes me really  upset and you know I would never do that to you guys it just you're making me really sad right  now just guilt-tripping them he's like I just want to see W's in the chat no more else no more  of that just W's in the chat only mods only W's it was it was [ __ ] embarrassing Shameless now  yeah it is i
mportant to remember speed himself is a kid he is 17 and people keep using that as  an excuse and I think to some level that's fine because he should have people around him that  are able to sniff out scams like this but speed also clearly knew what he was doing the audio in  here that leaked because he didn't mute all of the mics so it got picked up pretty much confirms  that he knew this was kind of shady [ __ ] to begin with he is not 19 he says he's 19 he is 17  he was born in 2005. he is a
minor he is a kid it is a meme that he says he's 19. we double  checked last night he is born in 2005 he's 17. but his team around him is clearly not actually looking out for him for allowing him  to do [ __ ] like this and be used see when people think of me as a sellout  as I literally sell out now to be honest I don't watch much of ishow speeds content I  know he's a popular streamer and from what I understand he's followed primarily by a  bunch of teenagers who think comedy is now we know co
medy is subjective but I do  think one thing is objectively hilarious and that is the fact that all these  teenagers and kids called this guy out I mean just think about it the target of  most crypto scams is gullible people and who's more gullible than kids and teenagers  so when those people see right through your skin you know who's more gullible than kids  and teenagers is adults who think they're early I would wager the most gullible people  on the planet are like the mid-20s people on the
cusp of what they think is new technology  or anything that will make them money I think those are the most gullible people you see  that all the time from the crypto Community hey can someone recover my nfts I clicked on a  link in my emails talking about minting new uh boof tokens and now all of a sudden my whole nft  collection's gone I think I got fished any help like you never hear the end of that [ __ ] I think  they are much more gullible than kids 100 percent the only problem is he forgo
t to  fully mute the mic so what do I do now yeah now before we get to the rest of this  audio of speed exposing the scam let's talk about Paradox coin the thing he's promoting  how do do we know this is a scam anyways well I checked out their website to learn more where  they call themselves a picture of Gaming to answer that question how do we know this is a scam in the  first place I think every crypto project should be guilty until proven innocent if any crypto startup  comes around you shou
ld assume it's a scam until they prove otherwise that is the safest way of  navigating the crypto space 100 [ __ ] percent but the one thing I really took away from  Paradox is that they're not one thing the Paradox metaverse is actually seven things  each one possibly dumber than the last and I'm gonna explain them so first up is  the Paradox game which has yes out of the PS2 era which made me wonder why they'd  be giving away people [ __ ] yeah trying to make your games look worse by compariso
n but  it gets even crazier because I spoke to the founders and they called their game Triple A  quality and I took issues it's pretty close it is actually this is up there with like  the new Saints Row Crackdown three maybe like it's not far off also from what I was  reading they used a lot of stock assets so from and I don't know this for sure because I'm  not familiar with all the stock assets available but that would mean that they're not even like  actually building it ground up or anything
like that or even trying they're just asset flipping  like the [ __ ] we play on Steam bad game night I'm not 100 sure on that though  I was just reading about it comparison but it gets even crazier because  I spoke to the founders and they called their game AAA exclusive with that we have worked day  and night for the last year to make this as you probably know you've probably done your reset  it takes two years on average to make a triple A game right yes yes or no on average anyone that  doe
s a bit of research in AAA games they know is roughly takes between two and three years for a  triple A game as far as we are concerned and Frank developers behind it but you  admit you have to remember me wait a second yes you are interrupting me of  course you call yourself that [ __ ] got dank quick yeah that's that's  a lot of what happened in the live stream they just immediately just start flooding like an  Xbox Live party chat whenever he's trying to like call out something they immediate
ly  just flood Soma it's like a wall of noise game on your YouTube channel and then have the  audacity to come on my channel and call yourself AAA yes we are a self-funded Indie Studio a UK  based Indie gaming studio Indie studio so yeah I'm not buying this comments are turned off on  that video by the way nothing shows confidence in a project quite like turning off the feedback on  the announcement and the trailer play game story because not even they believe it and even for  an indie game stud
io uh things seem unfinished I mean in one of their gameplay trailers I found  like the starter weapons HUD in Unreal Engine in their game so how many day and nights did this  really take this isn't just any regular game of course well you never know so it's creative spin  on the assets who play in-game and if you play in game it earns you para coins now follow me here uh  to earn these pair of coins you complete missions which apparently require up to eight hours of  gameplay to accomplish and
once you do that you have to wait 24 hours before starting another  mission uh I guess if you do that full time they estimate you make 500 a week based on four hours  a day of playing wait I thought God I love that so the whole thing tries to prey on people like  a play to earn is the the term so you play our game and you earn money so like yeah you'll come  in you'll you know invest or whatever but you're earning money through playing this game and doing  our missions with our para coins but it
's all just worthless nonsense dog [ __ ] it's not real yep  blank wait I thought these missions took eight hours to play okay I'm a bit confused but whatever  let's press on they even have an answer for people who don't like grinding themselves apparently if  you want you can rent out your avatar to someone else for para coins and passive income uh okay so  now you have para coins right what are you gonna do with them well you can sell them but why  sell them when you can lock them up and stake
them forget this even more paracoins if you do  this your paraccoins turn into P Save which then you lock up sorry I'm trying to maintain my uh  composure here you lock up for a period of 28 to 288 days the longer you lock up your money the  more you earn in a process they call delay and get paid sure I guess [ __ ] now if you want to  understand how this entire staking process works um their flowchart that's a head scratcher more  confused here it is and instead of explaining it I'm going to l
abel all of this Ponzi nonsense  this oh let's not write it off too quickly let me take a peek here at the uh the old flow  chart staking process Perry used for p save pair distributed pair are used in  purchase for the staking protocol staking pool which goes into the initial stake  withdrawing from pool and getting rewarded with para coins and now your stake is complete easy  but now staking pool and the funds dip below 50 a conditional mint comes in and then  it's all simple honestly no that
like this the tokenomics here make a lot of a lot  of sense now I'm glad they spelled it out so succinctly Maybe and another right term it seems good to me Ponzi nonsense this is a pro  tip for you guys out there if you ever see a flow chart that seems almost impossibly complicated uh  it's Ponzi nonsense they're trying to confuse you because if you actually understood how a Ponzi  scheme worked you'd never truly invest so I know all of this at this point seem stupid but hey  that's only the fir
st exciting opportunity for you there's seven more so if you're not a gamer they  also give you other schemes you can get involved in for example there's the Paradox Dao where you  can stake pedal coins to earn up to ten percent a year in returns and if that's not your thing  you can try the Paradox pad where they promise so many options to 100x multiples if you invest  okay now I asked them if they thought this was marketing a get rich quick scheme and here's  what they said it's hard for me to
be quote professional when y'all are dodging my questions  if y'all want to answer the question great advertising 10x to 100x is that a get  rich quick scheme yes or no no why because every single day of the week in the  crypto space please get knowledgeable about what happens in the crypto space  so much of the crypto space is the scale but the 10x to 100x does happen to the creators  they're the one that make the money not the normal guy whoever is farming p-save PPS or whatever  from Paragon
I'd be shocked if they get a 10x or 100x not to skip ahead and spoil things but  here I want to pull this up they made a bet here with coffee Zilla where they said they would  change their name to coffeezilla if paradox meta didn't open to 20 to 30 bucks  and it opened to 10 cents here so they didn't even get the full pump and  dump so this is where that bad girl kicked off and here's their best make this deal with you  right here right now I'll make this deal with you right here right now okay
launches  and it doesn't do a minimum 20 to 30 or I will change my name to coffee and I don't even  know what your channel coffee Zilla coffee Zilla coffee I will change my name to coffeezilla I'll  make this unfortunately he didn't do it he didn't change his [ __ ] name I haven't checked today  though maybe it did hit 20 bucks let's take a peek let's see uh no it went down it's now at nine  cents I can't believe it what man what do people just not see the value man I can't believe it didn't go
to 20 or  30 dollars crazy criminal even is nobody playing their game at the moment it's the goddamn  World of Warcraft killer on those battlegrounds you're a Bitcoin hater you hate crypto that's  why you don't like us that's why you call us a Scott cause you hate us crypto guys repeat  what back what I said repeat back what I said word for word I said on Twitter that's right  on Twitter yo I don't know what the gotcha was here but most companies from here at derailed so  we're gonna get back o
n topic I don't remember that part I also have Paris swap I watched  the whole stream and I didn't see that part all right now if all of that sounds dumb you quit with Paradise hey thank you sub slasher  thank you for that oh my gosh it's so bad uh every person you get gets five pounds okay what do you  do now the last one we're gonna cover is paradox events sorry I've got to take this seriously  Paradox is a very serious company we have to all remember that so Paradox events is not really  a di
rect scam per se it's an event company put together by the founders of paradox you guessed  it they claim they want to sell you YouTube boxing pay-per-view which is only available with their  little para coins right which seems very stupid and like it never would work only they claim their  first fight is Andrew Tate versus Jake whoa uh I found this out because their founder told me about  it in their Discord at first he seemed to be upset about this supposedly being leaked he says guys  can we
refrain from sending the screenshot that was leaked about the Jake Paul vs Tate fight in  February however I couldn't find these leaked posts and a few minutes later I realized this guy  might be spreading his own rumor and this made a lot more sense when the same day he said I don't  care spread the word of Jake and Andrew so Galaxy brain supposed to fight yourself and then say  oops I guess it's out there let's spread the word guys I don't know it's so cringy man this whole  thing we cannot we
've got a screenshot we've not confirmed no deny whether or not we are in talks  to make it happen on our roster on our court now if people do get to make that happen we make an  amazing official announcement to come with it um you're telling everyone just like say it's true  I don't know why you're saying our community within our community share around within  our community without all the members I don't know what spread the word word of Jake and  Andrew let's get Paradox everywhere everywhere
though everywhere in the community it's a  big Community it's got to reach everything who both seem pretty obscure I think amio like  sells a goofy University or something which just takes 10 seconds of research to realize is  a waste of money this is the only way to get reached in 2022 without spying up a business  from scratch for every person that you refer to Andy Italian University you get 15 pounds  now I confronted God I hate that so [ __ ] much that it's one of my biggest gripes those G
uru  programs and people for some reason Buy in and then fight tooth and nail for them you just train  your own little Warriors your own little cult ugh did them about this disclaim  and here's what they said it is where a person has commissioned for sales no I  think saying that this is the only way you're gonna get rich is Rob people don't get rich on  affiliate programs no you say I found the only way to get rid but also no I would be so curious  if there is anyone that has ever got rich from
affiliate programs I I would be shocked like not  obviously at the top level affiliate programs are great for the gurus they make millions  I'm talking like a normal just random person uh yes I am a career affiliate promoter uh I  bring people to this goober's University for money and now I own five Ferraris in this garage only  way that works as far as well wait wait but that's the thing because you're selling a crypto now so  you're buying your crypto isn't a way to get rich another affiliate
scheme like Tate let me guess  it's not a get rich quick scheme it's not a get rich quick scheme all right so we have that in the  background now the last guy we need to talk about is a YouTuber named money kicks Who's involved  yeah 10 subscribers and and like he's mostly famous for being a billionaire son and doing  billionaire Sun things apparently he has allegedly bought 50 of This Disaster for 11 million dollars  now I couldn't confirm this myself but he does seem very affiliated with the
project sitting  next to speed basically during the entire ad and my favorite moment with money kicks is just when  he tries to relate to somebody who's explaining how he grew up poor and eventually became Rich  we grew up very humble in the sense when my dad was a taxi driver he worked all his life in a  Home Depot we started doing a bit of businesses life is step by step 100 100 wait how's money  kicks talking about life you don't understand being the son of a billionaire what you don't get  i
t you just don't care like at that point are you is he just talking to people like hey have you  tried step one yet now uh this is the whole crew basically yeah he was just again born rich dad's  a billionaire yeah the video he's showing is this one as well so money kicks posted this right  before the speedstream oh my God he took it down okay unlucky I'm okay I guess I should  have saved it it was spending a day with a crypto billionaire and I show speed  that was the clip that he got it from b
ut it yeah it was it was a  rough video it was a rough basically behind Paradox and and I hope I've  done a fair job of explaining it obviously the project itself is a bit of a paradox to me I  mean it looks like they are kind of putting real money behind this they're investing in all these  high-profile streamers but it's just all done in such a scammy way why would anyone want a part of  this I mean I know I wouldn't want seven ways to join a Ponzi scheme so that's just what it sounds  like to
me um and apparently to a lot of children and teenagers so I think it's probably gonna  flop but now that you understand what Paradox is it's time to go back to I show speed trying to  keep his chat from figuring out what's going on all right so look it's cool now relax relax  all right why listen to chat the microphone I know I don't know I'm just trying to  be no no no you know what I'm doing bro yeah I think it's a little too late for that  the only way to make this more obvious is if he cha
nged his name to I show scams of James and  the prime boy he's not a scammer and regrets his mistake stop spinning I'm not a scammer bro  why did he say this I'm not a scammer dog I made a little mistake you know that I wish  I never did but I'm not a scammer bro now what exactly you make of this is up to you  I think he's pretty young like 17 years old I think hopefully he's going to learn from  this and is going to learn that you don't have to sell out your audience for money um  as for the Pa
radox Founders I think they're still baffled that anyone's mad at them at  all because they think there's no reason to apologize at all according to them the claims  of L scam in this chat were butts anyway yes so y'all are saying humans can buy it now so yeah  this whole thing went on for hours and I'll link the full VOD below confronting them if you're  bored you can give it a watch it's pretty funny anyways that's basically it ah it's it was such  a wild situation man like I said I got to wat
ch a lot of that in real time as it unfolded it was  something special now at the very least speed apologized in the very next stream and looks like  he cut ties with everything so this was pre-sale they didn't go live on that day I don't think I  think they went live yesterday so hopefully Nolan and his audience lost any money on it but what an  absolutely reputational new key took there [ __ ] bit a fat L unfortunately no one decided to do  any level of thinking about that partnership there bu
t yeah this Ronaldo impersonator moment  was so special it was so [ __ ] good oh did you not show the I thought I should  I thought he showed the clip when he came in whatever will they bring in the Ronaldo  impersonator play it off like the real Ronaldo so they hyped it up for a long time they're like  if we get enough Paradox metaverse to the moon and the chip will bring out something special  go follow the Twitter go follow the Twitter here's the Twitter go follow it and they got  2 000 follo
wers they're like oh [ __ ] that just unlocked it turn around speed close your  eyes we got a special surprise for you guess in the chat who's gonna be and then Paradox  metaverse to the moon and they bring out fake Ronaldo they bring out Chris Orlando here and  they all play it off like it's the real Ronaldo and almost immediately in the chat people  are like what the [ __ ] that's not Ronaldo but they kept trying to like really drive it home  like this is Ronaldo and he loves Paradox crypto wh
ich is very shady like if they made  it more on the nose like this is a fake Ronaldo and it's a skit this is a joke it  wouldn't have been like tasteless or bad but they really tried to make it seem authentic  like it's the real deal and I already know with his audience being young for the most part  A lot of them truly believed Ronaldo was a paradox Enthusiast which I think is rough  they they just they just got [ __ ] up it was quite an obvious joke not to everybody  though if you in fact if y
ou go on Twitter right now speed posted a picture with the  impersonator there are still so many of his fans that think he met the real Ronaldo  and they were reflecting on this stream and like it was great to see Ronaldo socialize  with you like that and he knows who you are because he did one of speed's things like  holy [ __ ] Ronaldo actually knows who you are so there are a lot of them that really believed it  was the real deal they were trolling you like to think that but I I just don't be
lieve it you have  to remember a lot of his audience is kids as well then they also full speed no I  that that I don't believe at all a hundred percent I don't believe  speed truly thought that was Ronaldo or anything this was all a very  much pre-established circuit here was it actually meant as a joke though that I don't know because they really do go  out of their way to sell it as real like they did everything they could to  make it seem like that's him that's him why did he destroy the ps5s
he thought it'd be  comedic I don't know uh that that was bad like even before all the crypto [ __ ] started they  LED with the PS5 stuff and he was breaking it and immediately turned chat against him I don't know  why you'd ever do that I hate that [ __ ] that was a trend back in like 2009 or whatever whenever the  PS3 came out going to GameStop midnight released for PS3 and breaking it and it was always so  [ __ ] douchey and it is still douchey to this day no the boxes weren't empty it takes
the full  PS5 out and hits it with a sledgehammer he did that for two of them maybe more I I think  it was two or three two for sure I remember but it might have been more why I again I don't know man I he they  must have thought that it was a good joke I don't watch a ton of speed streams I'll  be the first to admit I am familiar with him to some level but it's just not my  cup of tea I'm not I'm sure most you know I'm not really big into like the  really loud equals entertaining stuff and tha
t's mainly his brand so it's just not  for me so I don't know what the breaking ps5s was for maybe because it makes a loud noise  or it's destructive shocking I don't know let me see you some punk and grid and baby the fake Ronaldo came out on Tick Tock and said they specifically asked him not to  say a word or they wouldn't pay him that makes sense that hold on let me pull  up a clip I actually believe that because I thought for a little bit he just didn't  speak English because of this moment
right here I watched this happen live let me hold  on I also saw that clip got posted lsf let me pull it up real quick it is such a great  moment this is an iconic moment and scamming where is it oh come on where'd it go it  was on lsf like two days ago just give me a second holy [ __ ] how many worthless Clips  make it onto lsf what the [ __ ] like these titles are just  nothing absolutely nothing oh my God how far do I have to scroll  it's only been two days I think it's the prime Math Man  sp
icy and Venus Caboose and booty ass okay let me try searching for it then this is I clearly underestimated how many  Clips get posted here every day is this it oh my God the clip is deleted what the [ __ ] hold on let me just go to the actual stream itself and see if I can find  this is the streamer I should what channel do his streams end up on and here we go yo yo yo yo yo who won who we should  choose what is going on audio in one ear I might just plug in my mic real quick  here keep playing
hello y'all we got my man here bro what is going on with  the everything is out of sync what the [ __ ] is going on thank you is this on everyone or is this John is  this just me is this upload super [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is going on oh that's right because he edited it ah because  he took out the leaks [ __ ] that might do it you're right that's right oh true that might  have [ __ ] the whole thing up I really want to find the clip there's a moment there where  speed tries to like say som
ething to Ronaldo Rolando and he just looks at him and  he's just sitting there with a smile and then he just starts licking his lips he's like and says nothing so I absolutely believe your  claim that he was instructed not to speak because that [ __ ] was so uncomfortable and I really want to find that [ __ ] clip  right now because it is a great clip so give me a couple more seconds to see if I can  maybe find something from it maybe a re-upload I don't know where you find YouTube  clip re-upl
oads man what the [ __ ] this is so frustrating unless I've  put some mirror in the top comments they didn't for that one let me check again there's a prime cow in the  resub's iphonei and random yeah I don't see a mirror here I'm still scrolling down and don't see a mirror this [ __ ] damn let me see is that it got him I I wish I didn't [ __ ] open that this isn't the part I was talking about  but yeah this is pretty standard [ __ ] that's this isn't what I was  talking about what are you like
are you like Ronaldo brother why chat who is this guy oh  I didn't even wait I didn't remember them addressing that in the  Stream who are you Chad who is this guy foreign cool clip not the one I was talking about it was later he licks his lips though I'm guessing he does  it a lot I I must have misremembered a lot then because I don't remember them confronting him  about who is this guy maybe I focus too much on all the awkward [ __ ] and blacked out the other  stuff I don't know but yeah I don
't I don't even remember this part happening and like I said  I got to tune into a lot of this in real time he's a prime kitten things of the resubmuffin and there is some fuzzy and Abby and  phony yep that's that whole situation



The whole “I’m just a kid, I didn’t know wrong from right” excuse he gives is getting old.


The fact that it’s not against the rules for a 17 year old to be advertising financial services does not sit right with me


Hot take: If you can't be held Accountable for scamming cuz your young then you shouldnt be allowed to have the platform in the first place


Coffee getting pressed about the scammers calling themselves Triple A devs when they initally called themselves indie devs is so real


Idc how old he is. He has the platform. He has the responsibility. His "Im a kid" sh** wont last into his 20s.


Mad respect to coffee being able to talk to these guys for more than 3 minutes, just the little bits in the video make me wanna smash my phone. Bloody insufferable


Just look at the smirk on the kid's face. He knows exactly what he's doing


I actually thought the Ronaldo guy was a deepfake...kept waiting for the guy to blink or something


That look on their faces in the thumbnail just screams, "I can't believe we're gonna get away with this!"


I don't dislike this kid for being fooled by a crypto scam... I do absolutely detest that stupid bark noise he does though


Charlie’s typing keeps me sane


Paul vs Tate sounds lika a possible jailfight to me


My favorite slept on moment is when he's manhandling "Ronaldo" moving him like a child so we could see the shirt as if anyone with self respect would allow that


The brothers Para and Dox in YuGiOh have a better rep than these Paradox Goofs.


Coffeezilla goes hard


Charlie hit nail on head with “people who think they are first” that shits so true… not even in like a demeaning way. When something is set up a certain way it can truly give that appeal. I’ve personally been skewed into that one. Which sucks because in all reality. That’s the only way you make it 🤷‍♂️ nobody ever became a millionaire working for someone else… BILLIONAIRE. Sorry I’m a 90’s kid back when a millionaire was cool n now that’s bottom 99% right with us 😂🤪


I’ve seen Ronaldo up close many times when he was at Utd the first time and Rovers were in the Prem. He looks nothing like him and Ronaldo is really well built.


Its kinda wild just how unprofessional and childish they're acting during the interview. Genuinely seems like they don't actually understand how to be professional


The question is, is there a crypto project that is NOT a scam? I'm curious


Bruh, scamming aside their voices are just insufferable alone lol