
[MONSTER HUNTER WORLD] making my way through story again!

I'm a vtubear! Catch me around on Twitch! Streamed on Twitch March 13, 2024! ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ CREDITS ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ 🍯 L2D: art&rig @mijoiis4644 🍯 vbridger enhancement: 🍯 Start/End Screen art: 🎵 🍯 Starting Soon BGM: 🍯 End Screen BGM: 🍯 Just Chatting/BRB BGM: & - Lazy Day (From ViSO by UTALIVE) ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ SOCIALS ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ ・ ・


6 days ago

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello I wait on can you guys hear me [Laughter] hello hello welcome in waffles hi blue how's it going Ariel wispy whis Bert music is loud got it I will lower it thank you so much I did not realize OBS is such a liar when it comes to audio um but how is how is my mic I have a fancy new mic thanks to thanks to my throne gifters gumas quiet D it hold on is is this better I
feel like I'm really loud but I can't tell is it go is it is it better oh my game audio going in oh that's a little loud okay so I'm I'm finally I finally cracked into the goxlr that I was gifted last year so this is a we're we're doing we're testing some audio scuff today because this is my first time streaming with my uh new mic and goex Fun Stuff fun stuff so if there is going to be some audio stuff please please please let me know right away I would love to fix that as soon as possible I ha
te to grade on people's [Music] ears but that's good to hear blue um final fancy oo how are you enjoying 15 hi fizzle welcome and welcome in thanks for checking in enjoy your smoothie yeah I I'm I'm I am I am a frazzled streamer to be quite honest with you but H hi Ant how's it going how you been how you been I haven't seen you in a hot second you might have to adjust its position oh that's yeah that's uh it has been a time uh is this a little better I don't know how much you hear from me like a
djusting my mic unfortunately I it's it's because my my chat is on the left side but my game is on the right so it'll probably be better when I'm playing but this is this is now me uh I I moved over my OBS since I don't really need it too much that's rough buddy thanks but let me see I'm going to be playing some monster hunter world if anybody would like to join you are welcome to um it's just going to be super casual though honestly I don't mind playing by myself for this uh I'm only HR five Or
o hello thank you for the love beam ooh do you play Blue what do you play what do you play what do you play uh with world I'm playing uh I'm playing chargeblade right now with the world but I've I've kind of switched around weapons each game hi you I'm [Laughter] Guma oh how appropriate Ariel look at that a peach smoothie just for you dual be dual blade wield I see I see I see um so I'm coming from I'm coming from Rise and sunbreak um I made Ry on switch rise I made hunting horn but [Music] on P
C rise I I switched it up to hammer and then oh actually yeah yeah I switched it up to hammer and then sunbreak I'm doing I'm doing a kind of a mix of things ah whis you got to get it on a sale next time does your PC run can your excuse me I don't have an easily togg toggleable mute button now that I'm on now that I'm on my new mic lamu um but your PC can run um you have a new pc now right you don't you are not okay yeah you should wait for another you should wait for a sale for world uh I just
recently had a sale a I say recently but maybe a couple months ago yeah yeah and then and then you can join in there's a lot of people that have been playing World on on um twitch but almost like 90% of them are on PC very unfortunately spring sale yeah yeah spring saale spring sale Spring sale you went bro broadsword for a while oo waffles thank you so much for the gift sub to in in enjoy your pancakes enjoy your pancakes um but long sword in wait in DB n DB DB oh and and dual blade in world I
was like huh okay I remember you playing dual blade on uh switch R yeah but I'm switching it up um I'm trying to remember I always try to remember I again i' I've been good about playing different weapons each game um I will I will play a weapon though for hundreds of quests and then I'll be like oh I should probably switch it up but the whatever is cute whatever is pretty Ariel is old and Tall uhhuh oros what are you what are you are you short and young Monster Hunter Warframe I know you play s
o much Final Fantasy also though oh but um yeah is it your first time playing uh 15 blue you've been summoned back the fal fasy talk caught you no okay okay okay yeah nice nice nice nice it's it's okay I I I I I stand I stand with you as old old enough to know it from NES oh goodness I didn't get to play video games as a as a as a a wee bab because my parents didn't believe in buying me game cont the my first game console was a Game Boy a pink translucent Game Boy Advance back in like third grad
e so I didn't get any of the old consoles unfortunately Ariel is tall I believe you I believe you had to borrow brive your cousin oh yeah yeah if I ever played on a on a quote unquote large console like the GameCube it was at my neighbor's house that I would just go uh walk over and be like hey I want to play Tales of seonia or tales of the abys and so I'd be playing then first console was the NES oh yeah yeah no my parents are um our first first uh what is it called uh immigrants so video games
what's that did not have the money for it my parents are very much so in Med and are just like yep you're focusing on school and I was like ah okay so I got in trouble a lot as a kid when I was play on my Game Boy Advance uh I defin like definitely got grounded several times for playing instead of doing [Laughter] homework o actually speaking of my Game Boy Advance I wonder if I can get it to work probably just have to pop in some new batteries hi tto welcome in welcome in first console that yo
ur parents brought N64 m yeah see I I only ever get to I didn't play the NES I did play on Nintendo 64 I played Ocarina of Time at my neighbor at my neighbor's house um I think my first big console was a Wii yeah and that's like a relatively small console now right yeah it was definitely the Wii it was uh I remember playing Pokemon Coliseum Wii sports that sort of stuff yeah same Nintendo kid yeah I haven't really even like I didn't do Sony until the [Music] PS3 and I only got a PS3 because my b
rother was begging for one and I was just like oh yeah hey uh parents please quote unquote we can have bonding time my parent my brother and I did not have bonding time we had an 8 year age Gap until 1415 yeah I think that's I think that's about the time that I that I ended up getting uh Playstation 3 I can't remember but it was always handheld for me so PSP that stuff my first my first Final Fantasy game was actually I think I played a bit of 10 back in my uncles in the Philippines so I was lik
e B dog look at that schniff emote hello hello how's it going B Dog your first was 14 yeah I played 10 um and I there was another one I can't remember which one it was to be quite honest with you um but after that like my own like out of choice like hey I played this game 15 was my first one so I was just like yeah you're enjoying 10 but you hate Blitz ball no blue I shake your hand crisis was my first one back on PSP crisis my was my first uh official actually yeah no it wasn't 15 it was Crisis
Core was my first official one back in very very long time ago underaged no it's okay I I I want to play the uh the the the new Crisis Core I have that still in my library that I've been meaning to play it is in my it is in my que so I'll get to it eventually I'm also very very very enamored by Zach God my my memories of Blitz ball comes from like Kingdom Hearts though and I hated Blitz ball and Kingdom Hearts Zack is a good boy he is my favorite he is my absolute favorite Final Fantasy boy I'm
sorry Cloud lovers Zach Zach is top tier Zack fair is top tier Blitz ball the trauma the PTSD that everyone is feeling right now oh I while I'm chatting I should probably set up a room that'd be a good idea huh let me do that right now and I can I can get some stuff up excuse me oops I went back I I have a hard time doing uh Monster Hunter world because I'm not used to it I did try to play it on Playstation when it first came out and I was like ah have a good lyc waffles have some fun goofing a
round let me make sure there's my py um you want to play rebirth so you can see more Zach yeah that's the thing um I'm sad because I still have remake and I have to play through that and then I hear that you have to play rebirth for the after and I'm like ah the crisis score the most important game to me obsessed with Lulu let me okay I think I'm pretty much set up oh also I announced it on my Twitter but I do I do I do I do finally opened up my own Discord let me let me get a link for that befo
re I forget I am all over the place when it comes to things where is my link is this the link copy copy link okay I will I will I will set that up right now he thank you for the hydr and the stretch I will I will will you get the ASMR with a new fancy mic no you can't okay hi Goku how's it going how's it going something you get yeah thank you orelo I've been super super nervous about opening up my own uh my own space but uh um oh hello audio the delay on that yeah it's going what's up with you R
y what's up with you let me put this yeah yeah new Cafe New Cafe um hold on why is that will this link work if it does I'll leave that there for a little bit and then I will I will I will open up [Music] um I will open up the uh Lobby in a moment and I will copy paste this uh just woke up for Ramadan day four oh happy I'm so sorry I'm not very knowledgeable in this but I hope you're having a good Ramadan it worked perfect good good I just copied it from Twitter yes there is a there is Cafe modim
meu is open so if you need stream pings uh you can get it there in case you don't uh use Twitter for any sort of like uh stream notifications or twitch for stream notifications uh I am chatting chatting away over there yeah what is your how are you celebrating Ramadan Goku so many wholesome stickers and emotes sus you know me AEL I I fully embrace the sus you can call me sus I'm pretty sus uh how do I yeah so uh copy session ID okay let me actually uh figure out how to do this um how do I want
to do this how do I want to do this uh casle open a Lobby and then I should also copy my Discord so that that doesn't get lost good morning Lexie thanks for bringing in my package much appreciated uh Cafe soft launch question mark question mark is a goba it is a Goomba yeah any any new friends coming in y'all don't know my best balloons and also my housemate please please please go check out your Galaxy if you like retro you like uh chatton you love you love Pokemon please check her out check he
r out face off launch and then casual open lobby let me repin this this is is going to be the new this is going to be oh why why is there an error uh oh uh oh I can't unpin that and then pin this one uhoh I'm I'm a streamer I'm a streamer I know how to do this I can find this where did they go there we go manually until end of stream okay perfect perfect perfect perfect hey it's for breakfast I had some I had a really really quick meal before stream and I'm I'm feeling I'm feeling a little eepy
but we'll see how that goes with some monan yeah so just a friendly reminder it's going to be a super casual Lobby uh if you'd like to join please feel free to join um but I am a very very low HR um um and I I'm just kind of like taking my time going through the cut scenes and through all the assignments um I should turn on my controller to get some good sleep laxie I didn't wake you up while I was cooking that work that work oh no wait is it going to do that thing controller will you connect oh
my God yeah open roll gains always always get me so distracted I don't know if we play 14 I'm a big 14 nerd um I will get distracted by like 10 plus different side quests and I'm just like ah okay how do I is there a quick way to switch over to my controller I wish there was an easier way to do this oh my God 55 hours BK what's up hello hello ah nice nice pickup nice pickup you need to have Focus yeah you have to have Focus just like a just like a um this okay hold on I knew I was going to have
issues with this so actually please disregard H it's you it's me it is me I am gay um please disregard the lobby code I have to reset it and make sure that my controller is on for this unfortunately will it will it work will it do the thing will it do a good thing earo you you hyperfocus though don't you yeah I think 15 I ended up having about like 90 hours on it um can't think of anything else oh wait hold on I'm GNA have to do that weird thing where I plug in my controller oh actually actuall
y we're good perfect I do have the controller set already okay let me just get a new Lobby code yeah finished uh oh did you finish Amic this weekend or you are you asking me or because I am planning on finishing that soon I'm can hope I can get that soon okay we're going to copy that me is me um no no no not yet I think I'm about halfway through I am about halfway through going to post this found your Fe yeah everyone who listen a streamer and game oh my God yeah no no no I spend my time I spend
my time with these games um so this should be the new Lobby code people are welcome to join in let me move over to that screen before I forget um but yeah yeah yeah uh you're definitely amongst good people promise you promise you I I I can't speedrun games I like to take my time with things there's sometimes where I'm just like okay I can maybe wait hello how do I run how do I Dash oh no all of the games lately that I have been playing Dash in different different button with different buttons a
nd I'm just like oh no is it R2 I hope it's R2 feels like R2 I can't tell anymore that's fine yes I will get the title though I promise I will get the B at the end of the universe title soon Assassin's Creed is uh oh my gosh that's a game I haven't like I don't know that's a game I haven't been able to play I like watching other people play it though it's definitely a game I've seen a lot of people play Forever and Ever of yeah honestly with the price of games lately uh like what was it persona
persona itself was um well I paid 99 because I got the I got the um the limited edition the or the premium collector's edition so I can get all the DLC and I really wanted that um but like that's a game I'm going to sync like 100 plus hours and two because I love Persona yeah I also grew up with oh oh my God uh during Co when obviously uh Animal Crossing New Horizons was like super super big I think I ended up I ended up taking the the optional leave of absence from work and I clocked in 500 hou
rs into into New Horizons I was like oops what did I I didn't mean to do that yes I did hear Yoshi is going to make 14 harder I'm kind of excited about that um so for those that don't know I have been doing I have been playing a lot of oh I just realized I'm in the Gathering Hub I've been playing a lot of um 14 usually on the weekends uh I play with a a pretty city static of people who will like come in and out um we just cleared Barbie um ex um but Pina Pina and I have been wanting to learn how
to do ex raids so that we can eventually get into Savage uh we're getting there we're getting there guys Persona yeah what's your favorite Persona minus three so you will usually see me playing for hours on end and then crying about akihiko how is the music and how is the game sound I just realized there is no game sound hold on I'm a Fool put on the game sound there's a little bit of game sound and I know the music is going is this good for everybody so good SP a lot of time in Kingdom Hearts
2 oh yeah oh oh wait we talked about this on Twitter blue oh my gosh yeah I I love AKO he has been tattooed permanently on my [Music] body no what is this one oh wait okay so I don't know a lot of the uh monsters in this uh in this game because I feel like they brought back a lot of old ones still not letting no yeah same okay but they're doing they're doing um there are some modders who have been working on the FC mod which I'm very excited about and since I play on um PC I'm kind of like o may
be maybe I pray I pray I'll do Chef's Choice we'll just go with whatever H hi how you doing Ace how's it going how's it going thank you for redeeming Aluma seph wait wait wait wait wait what seph off slander who said this me me it is hello it is Me In the Flesh how are you what you been up to oh I did not catch Goku okay but the ads for the ads for um oh man the ads for rebirth were so so homoerotic please you can't hate seph Ro no no no no no you're good you're good hi Venna it is it is a mothe
r freaking [Music] Guma welcome back Ariel I do believe I have some ads going in 2 minutes um so if there's anybody who's going to get sucked into the ads I'm so sorry I apologize I would appreciate if you stick around it's just to help remove the pre-roll for um uh anybody popping in from from new chats and whatnot I did make a boo boo though and I did do mid and a half ads every half hour instead of the 3 minutes per hour that I was supposed to say that so if it is a little frequent I apologiz
e what ads uh I have a I have a little thing that's saying it's supposed to start in like two minutes so I did forget to get the little fishing game though for the ad breaks so I will'll just sit here chatting I guess give it a minute we'll give it a minute yeah how are you Venna and also PTSD from Kingdom Hearts 2 you I'm listen I'm still waiting for uh four it'll be another 84 years before we get it yeah you busy with school a going to get your also that's big uh master's degree that is a lot
of time that you decided to put in and oh my gosh that is very very awesome got a midterm oh my God good luck with midterms I hope you're studying study hard study hard Zora God I need to fix my ears okay I realize that they're switched so for this is supposed to be for my normal model and the alt one is supposed to be for this one thank you though Ace oh man Kingdom Hearts is a Kingdom Hearts is a very long story to get into for a game that has not like for a story that hasn't finished so I don
't fault you for not for not continuing too much thank you for the head Pats waffles just wait yeah soon I I pray for the Kingdom Hearts fans listen I sucked into it for a while so I understand I've just kind of given up with and and and compartmentalized the story into the back of my head and I'm just like well you know it'll happen one day oo okay the cutcenes for world are so freaking cool oh what am I doing huh what am I doing what am I doing what am I supposed to be oh I'm supposed to be he
re oh my God I was not prepared for this I have not played this game in in a hot second where am I supposed to go there we go uh I have zero ballista I'm a Fool okay I'm glad the ads are happening because then people don't have to witness me fumble hello can I I I should have gotten into like a regular Gathering Quest I'm a Fool um attack to weaken zor magdaros can I can I use this one no nothing has ballistas where I oh I'm a I see I see I see I [Music] see Hello cannons cannons that would be s
mart to put them into cannons there you [Music] go just going to fire this I guess yay okay is this like Rampage quests is this what this is okay I see hi rap how's it going yeah no worries no worries thank you for leaving alert much appreciated I hope you're having a good one take it easy will be here where am I supposed to hit it oh I see belly belly belly okay okay welcome back to those who are coming from ads um I don't remember what I was saying but I think I was just talking about how this
reminds me of Rampage quests from uh Rise um can I get more can I get more at once can I just grab a bunch oh I see okay that's Max uh oh okay oh you're doing the msq oh my God please enjoy end Walker rap it's so good I'm so glad you've made it so far you're going to you are going to cry you're going to cry also yeah I'm very excited for Wilds um um I have a feeling it's going to be much closer to this game um which is like the one kind of monster hunter game that I have the least amount of exp
erience in because I've only ever played like uh the 3DS versions as well as as well as the switch oh hello who shoved me off this get away get away I'm going to scream and I have no wire bugs in this game so I keep feeling like I need to wire bug to get back up but I don't oh yeah end Walker has been a crawl but honestly it's going to be so worth it oh once you finish it is definitely end Walker the movie uh once you get to like the the the meaty parts of the cut scenes you'll definitely feel y
ou'll definitely feel like wow am I just watching a movie but they're very good and I'm very happy happy with that all the scenes were voiced hi kid how's it going oh my gosh hello game oh this dang it okay I was like what am I doing yeah please share your thoughts share them uh anybody again anybody who's coming in I do have my own Discord space now uh you're welcome to join if you'd like to stop in use my email notes I will be uh spilling all of my my fun thoughts and my hyperfixations in ther
e more so than I do on Twitter yeah miss you too rap again I hope you're well and I'm glad that you're playing through end Walker I'm very excited for you ratney hi ratney how's it going if you would like to join I am open Lobby it is just a baby Lobby a heads up for you uh I am hr5 this is the one game I have not grinded or touched very much oh come on can I just drop this ah unfortunate no okay I guess I you okay this is getting really close hello uh is it a different one okay I will I will ha
ve to fix it um I do have it posted on my Twitter but I realized I have not made a command yet on my twitch to my Discord I will get that in a second after this Quest Jesus Christ hello you're very close are you doing post Heaven sword no worries enjoy Heaven sword I love hearing about new people who are playing Final Fantasy 14 it gives me so much joy to hear how people are affected by this story I ugly cry caringly yes yes absolutely valid of you to do climb up where am I going where am I goin
g where am I going what am I doing yeah no worries ratney that thing is broken I see oh okay I have to go here hello I'm I dropped this take go [Music] away we should play Monster Hunter world or reink yeah I started reink finally that's been so fun oh hello what I what am I supposed to do here has been restrained oh do I just have to hit it oh I see I see I see one shot binder where do I put it in here oh I see okay okay um okay I can't see the soft part okay kind of oh yeah no worries [Music]
k I do not like this Quest it just reminds me of just reminds me of Rampage quests it's still not weak Capt do I just keep going do I just keep going where do I go oh I see there's some oh here's Cannon oh hello my Cannonball hello you beat reink immediately okay okay now I haven't finished reink yet I'm still on chapter six I did play I did clear out all of the the multiplayer quests but I only had easy so I got to level up a little bit with Pina and tuna um but I'm slowly making my way through
that game as well that one I'm happy about for being such a short game oh I wish it was longer but I'm happy it's short only because I have such a large back log no I'm going to cry this is fine I was not expecting that I a good L Ry uh Hitching Post I a Hitching Post huh I a Hitching Post where is my is it up there this game confuses me hold the phone you don't like storm blood so far no I feel like storm blood is definitely a time oh okay I'm a fool I was standing right on top of it n but sti
ll storm blood is still like a good oh hello find those MA oh is it these oh my God I'm not used to charge blade yeah it's it's really the controls are a little difficult for me personally I feel like it changed up from uh from Rise and sunbreak I don't know why I hope I'm hitting the right thing I assume this is the core it is exploding yep I assume that is the [Music] core did you and uh Ariel get to play this uh game yet or H is it just these things I'm so lost I'm on fire I should not stand
there very briefly like an hour okay okay okay I only have potions do I not have great potions or high potions probably not okay where's the next one where is the next core oh I probably should not have jumped here yeah but did you guys play um rise as well I feel like if you were starting with uh rise it's a little more I feel like friendlier I I found that world was really difficult for me to get into and I remember playing it a little bit of it back on Playstation when it first released and t
hen I was just oh hello I can't go this way I'm lost where's the other core like this same amount of Rise oh I see where is [Music] it am I blind okay okay there was another side to this I see I see I see I see I see saurin thank you for the hydrate how are you friend and the stretch I will stretch in a moment little moment am I crazy where is this core I'm crazy why is world so confusing that audio is so delayed I'm so sorry to anybody who's hearing that now I'm going to lose it where is it is
it this thing can I hit this no okay that's not it hello how are you friend hi saurin do you play world world would you like to help me out once I'm done with P3 yes I will I will I will I will I love aith I'm I'm blind where the heck is this is it further it supposed to go back here no cuz that's off the thing can I climb things I have to climb up ah I see thank you hi blind I me listen makes a lot of sense I am only thinking from the ground um okay assume up here oh okay but how are you what y
ou been up to saurin did you catch Mar's stream earlier I was so excited to see her again oh yeah yeah I saw you in there actually mining don't mind me uh hello oh it's inside okay okay yeah there you go yeah that was a surprise right I I kind of had a feeling cuz it was her birthday this is an aith household no this is a women loving household this is a women men and women living household I love my my girl and boy failures equally Real Talk Yi Anda where your childhood crushes oh valid valid o
h dang it I knew it was going to explode oh I am on fire I am on fire I have time right oh my God why is it why is it turning wait wait wait wait wait wait I don't like this I don't like this why are we turning like this where are you going you've been summoned again yes [Laughter] hello why is that interesting Goku what's wrong with yui you got things to say about yui oh no what's happening I don't know where my traveling via wind Drake oh oh goodbye I guess I'm not going to sharpen that's [Mus
ic] fine oh hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm on fire I should not be on fire oh heck I feel like a lot of people I know really like yui how do I oh there we go oh my goodness oh my God how do I how do I lock on he please I just want to take my axe out this is terrible I should not be using a slow weapon should I do sword and shield saurin should I take a note from your book and use short sword and shield for this Cody hey Cody how's it going how are you friend oh my God oh my God I'm not used
to World controls please please forgive me that's good how is your health doing how is your I think the last I read up on was you getting your tee going to the dentist getting something removed question mark waffles waffles thank you so much for the gift of to Cody enjoy the emotes ah ah please I my files okay okay this is absolutely fine NOP I can just completely miss everything I am having a terrible time what's coming now okay uh teeth is recovering just got a cold no I you are getting as mu
ch R possible I hope you're having a lot of good soup I hope you're taking care one day I'll join I'll join you and tuna for a world I have no idea how SNS Works in world yeah world is very it's very different for me yeah can you me streaming later or you just taking a break what is the plan what is the plan for the week 30 you he was voiced by Kim Possible excuse me I did not know that oh he's so cool cool oh he's oh oh uh props Slater yeah if you do hope I can catch you how has everything else
been otherwise you still have a full commissions slot hold on I'm going to you guys don't know Cody if everybody if there's people here watching Monster Hunter Cody's a really cool rat friend juste go check them out what if you what was the last thing you were doing was it also Monster Hunter I will laugh yes it was Monster Hunter okay yeah you like Y2 Y2K Aesthetics go check them out check them out they are non-binary as well so please use the them pronouns I wish Chico loved me back ah sheo i
s when I realize if hot if evil why hot that's when I realized villains were were the true were the true end game com full but you're always on the grind good good good good good [Music] good CH go is your first love oh my gosh CRT good morning CRT how's it going how's it going you at work tonight I feel like everybody went through a very similar fa uh phase of of hot female [Laughter] villains so hot yeah exactly why why why would you stop them if evil why hot I fully believe it villain should
be the endgame relationship in any game because what what do I always say let's see if the if Heroes would give give you up for the world well villains would give up the world for [Laughter] you some some something to that effect right something to that effect like if they had to save uh you or the world oh it's a song It's a song Goku I really like the Feld team leader in this game so much [Music] yeah no work tonight CT what is the plan for the evening game eat get some grub soon hi Gio oh whi
le I'm here let me see uh I'm going to see if I can fix the that Discord get messed up or is it still fine nope Discord is still good uh Gio I posted that that Guma Guma fried rice as the first as the first art in the bear board in the new Discord please I love it so much thank you Gio for that that silly little that silly little drawing to prep some beef o explod hello nice good job Doo now you can rub it into this face on can I fix this oh I cannot I guess hello new I'm Guma I'm trying to see
if I can this real quick let me oh I did fix it I go back to this okay perfect 23 minutes ads manually will remove the upcoming okay well that's fine I will leave it as it is booster o sir enjoy the peach smooth a lot of peach smoothies today I had a Meo smoothie today at work uh most of your crushes from Square Enix are all Square Enix related ah valid Fair listen all good crushes all good crushes what I have on me okay I do have mega potions I have to I feel like I have to rearrange so many of
my things excuse me Mingo oh yeah I've been craving a good Philippine mango the Blue Bunny brand mango those are so tasty I just got to go I just can never finish fruits fast enough and I feel like they go bad unfortunately so I'm just like I can't just if I going out to buying myself a box I would just go to my parents and steal some um oh unfor oh shoot I'm not set of the Discord command so the Discord is actually right there um in the pin the message it is in the it's the cafe soft launch if
you would like to join Goku it is up there um and then if anybody wants to join uh casual lobbies I'm just going to be playing whatever code is right there as well why did they do that I need that okay is it sleepy time Ariel 60% that's good it's over half it's over [Music] half I cannot make ready okay yeah have a good sleep when you do Ariel touch the great rabi okay waffles thank he's for gifted sub to saurin enjoy your fishing and also enjoy your pancake saurin where am I going great Ravine
okay no you're Gathering no sleep okay but by by the next time I know it it's going to be you're going to be level 71 in no time pass through the Fisher do you is uh do you fast during [Music] Ramadan yeah yeah share it I if anybody has like fun recipes that they'd love to share I would love to see them I am trying to cook a little more at home so always interested in trying new things have a good L CRT I just talked to him again I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here oh up up okay I will
continue to go up oh my God this gives me terrible flashbacks to playing code Bane with tuna and falling through ice [Music] oo o man world is so pretty Coast to Coast FAMU oh yeah I should oh I see oh it's him are you just going to take the okay oh he's cool oh is this another base base operations is that what this is oh hello she's cool I have no idea how I ended up here ma'am oh my God she's just constantly gesturing oh wait also is she a wyvern oh she is a wyvern oh this place is so pretty E
lder melder oh you're so tiny oh thank you charms I'm good I'll figure it out and this is why I complain about trying to learn controls later Pico very smoothie ooh it sounds like a good thick smoothie I like thick smoothies what's this about your Coast to Coast famous Spam CRT you got to drop the recipe oh shoot I completely forgot to plug in my phone to charge whoopsie you can blame tuna this is just the sploon playlist to the coral Highlands I'm just going to go recipes gut feeling that's usu
ally the best way to have recipes right I'll probably measure things out the first time I cook something and then afterwards I'll go by feeling but baking I have to do it to to a te or else oo nothing in here okay hello you don't bake you're not a rocking scientist ooh I love baking honestly CRT if you would like if you like matcha and you like white chocolate I will make you Macho white chocolate brownies um the next time you visit youro I have officially made them for laxi um and I those are m
y favorite things to make honestly hello how do I there we go okay I'm jumping what am I doing search for campsite okay yeah Ma chocolate brownies yeah they are my my favorite thing to make oo yeah no worries Goku have a good e have a good Ramadan as well take care take care I missed the footprints right there honey I always have to grab the honey away with you please please oh my God I didn't realize how intense this music got Jesus oh thank you for the hints sir is that it is this rewrite oh m
y God it is I feel like I haven't heard the song in ages red pit did I miss the footprints yes I did oh and this is like one thing that I still cannot get used to playing in world but searching for the monster this way with the but Prince is like [Music] oh what year is it good morning tuna how my tuna friend you feel like jumping in you're free to jump in whenever you don't have to do voice chat I got lost oh my gosh Jesus that was so loud why was that so loud in my ear I 19 months huh D I feel
like I've known you for years for so many [Music] years where am I going I lost the footprints dang it wait wa wait where's where they going where they going no not the items give me the footprints aha wait I see I just drop it okay how was sleep how was your day off where where I lost the footprints those are bones those are herbs okay this is this is the problem when I play world I get very easily distracted oh okay there we go oh you look a little funky oh I see Jesus the flashbang I didn't
need this yeah yeah no worries no worries I'm going to slowly carve oh wait I [ __ ] how do I how do I how do I mark it again oh no there we go I ain't losing you yeah no worries tuna whatever just uh throw stuff at me oh yes hello stop running oh I'm a fool I thought I was trying to lock on okay here we go I can totally do this yep yep there we go I was like how do I lock on again right okay I might honestly play dual wheel or I might dual blade or sword and shield when I'm soloing I cannot do
how slow this is by myself oh no Ariel did you get too much material or make too much material it's a flashlight is that what you call this thing no do not kick me please yeah sell the rest basically um go look at whatever market price is and then oh please don't flash me oh oh my God I couldn't stop my combo OK you ok you please okay yeah um check whatever market price is and call it do not flash me [Music] again I'm I'm what is depth perception as could you please there you go actually I don't
think I'm even I even need to hunt this thing I'm just hunting it oh heck no I was rolling yeah anyways I didn't need to hunt this I could just easily find the campsite goodbye let's see oh it's going to chase me okay that's fine I will just run until I find the campsite okay where is the Campsite in Coral Highlands o that oh th bag you have money on the yaku winning how dare you it's fine I'll just run what are you going to do with your money now CRT huh you do with that money now oh nope I do
not want to slap that oh I should it's fine okay I'll leave it I don't need it I don't need it it's now lost to the Aether good good that's what you get for betting on me go on listen I was it looking I am not used to this game I played rise and sunbreak and everything was so convenient how high up can I go from here God this place is so pretty but also where's the camp I will I will I will eventually get rid of these things it's not there yeah I can tell I'm just distracted by how pretty the c
orals are O Okay where is it in oh I still have okay I should go down from 10 oh hello my bugs are going they sure are going okay I'm following I'm following Camp is where you make it oh look at this I love the environment oh oh okay back through back through we go okay I see we're going back oh wait I know I don't want to go back to the monster actually it's cuz I have it marked oh pelicos are those pelicos I can collect is that what they are if I sneak will I be able to get them ready show I d
id not need to no I wanted to crouch is they blind did I miss them are they oh wait I can go up here I'll go up here let aello sell it for you easy problem solved Camp to shape area on the map somewhere but you got to find it yeah that's what I'm looking for right now I haven't explored the entire map yet so I will get there oh o I'm very very distracted by this can I get that is that a thing can I grab those oh wedge beetle can I grab it oh hello these are new which Mount which Mount are you ge
tting ah there we go oh is it that over there right above yeah it is okay perfect the Moon the Moon is very pretty what do you what do you mean I can't take them home like the Ducks at the park but I've always been taking home the Ducks from the Park yeah the Moon is so pretty I love the little sound effect whenever you use it too it makes like a little shine okay we do [Music] this uh VI hello welcome in thank you for the follow how's it going how's it going okay can we just return to the base
can can I simply leave have I already explored everything feel like I should explore everything I have not explored everything um Bean how's it going Bean how you how you where am I going I mark this in the map can I mark this no Mark set Waypoint I guess not okay have you been what you been up to Bean these eels are so cute I literally am so no you're so cute will they come out will they come out will they come out if I walk away no okay editing is always nice nice always on that grind I see uh
population control do you what do you mean like is like is there a crowd control for this or [Music] I'm trying to go this way okay uh how monster hunter is basically a population control game oh I was like huh it's going it is going it's fine though it's fine um I never really played world when I have played on uh Playstation so this is my first time actually playing it so I'm a little bit slow if it were a rise or if it were sunbreak easy I would be Newman through but I do I do I am enjoying
the uh the exploration this time around I think when it first came out because I had didn't know anybody who was playing it didn't feel worth it to really play cuz I really like playing this game with friends usually yes I see the jellyfish uh why am I picking stuff up why am I I I need to stop picking stuff up out of habit I need to empty my bag INF infinite amount of monsters yeah I got to make my next t-shirt I have no idea what I'm going to build or what I'm going to do in this game honestly
did I throw away I did not I did not you scared me I did not I left the item I was trying to pick up you SC tuna I did not don't say that give me a heart attack now my mega potions uh it still said you picked it up so I was confused oh did it maybe my Pico did oh climb ball I think these are so fun by the way how do I time out the mod mods get this mod timed out oh is this as far as I can go I was I'm I'm okay tuna just made me sh I also nearly shhot myself I was like hello my potions can go hi
gher you might be blocked for now okay that makes sense [Music] honey I cannot get over these beetles SL time out to 900 years that's a long time oh wait did the map have the map disappear or is that the because it's like an upper level yeah okay it's an upper level I see oh okay oh oh wait what's in here do I want to hit no no I found the camp I'm good I just like am exploring I got it tuna everything is so detailed in this game on PC uh it is behind my head and chat I cleared the objective alr
eady I'll good all [Music] good I love these funky little guys so much I wish I could stop scaring them they're so cute cute these are my now my favorite thing for Monster Hunter I need a plush or 10 the wigglers are they just called wigglers do they not have a name they're so cute wigglers are their names oh they're so freaking cute I love them I would like to have 10 of them please catch one can I that'd be fun I'd love to catch one if I could also hello welcome in pedo pedo boy am I even how
did I oh okay oh it's up okay how do I make it back up from here you can get them as a hat oh is that the hat that you wore the one time I played with you the little Wiggly thing oh I need one tuna tuna tuna I want one you're going to help me get one right right they're so cute I cannot okay I guess I'm not going to be able to go back can I just like leave the quest is that possible is have the return right return to the research base get that hat I know I got a wiggle snakes they're so cute I j
ust return right that bring me back research base is like the the base base I assume why do I do this to myself oh wait I have space or I already picked this up I see I see I see I see um yeah okay I'm just going to I'm just going to return from Expedition there you go oh well thank you okou that's all I get was I supposed to come back with something rotten Veil y no rush tuna much appreciated let me know whenever you're ready um but I do have the lobby code up there I get new gear will it be oh
hello glider mantle oh Resource Center okay so this is where oh hello ecology survey uh root wyvern F [Music] wyvern there's so many things I think that's another thing like this game gets me so overwhelmed with how much there is to this okay so am I supposed to clear these pain three times time expires uh can I register all these can I take up all of them like that easy oh okay critical then these expire okay is that Wonderland I do not know Wonderland this is the this is a shared playlist amo
ngst amongst friends is this ATS yeah it is Wonderland yeah yeah it's ATS okay I have not listened to too many of like the I didn't realize I didn't collect this I did I have not listened to a lot of the um New K-pop I am old K-pop I am Super Junior K-Pop um uh I've been the new cap up I've been into is like PL and onf on and off those are it I cannot keep up with all these groups now I will listen though if stuff shuffles I enjoy listening uh what is my next Quest do I have one balloting [Music
] problems what do I have to do here hunt a pal lumu what is a pow lumu oldia Kpop I sh how's it going yes I am old Kpop I am super junior uh TVXQ s501 all that good stuff h i can empty my pockets why do I have so much junk in here uh what is the quick way to just put stuff in going attempt to sleep yeah no worries Ariel have a good sleep don't let aurela distract you and keep you up later than usual simply wake him up tomorrow early you're also from old K-pop ah I shake your hand I shake your h
and I can't keep up with these with these youngans when I find out that they are 10 years younger than me I'm just like huh is there a quick way okay there we go look at that I'm free fire steak do I need oh this is my accidental don't look at those um what should I be carrying freaking herbal medicine oh I'll make stuff actually oh craftable why you don't don't worry about it derella don't worry about it how often does does Ariel wake you up I always think about that okay I haven't add start in
a moment I will just stretch cuz I am I'm I'm I'm a bit of an Eep bear [Music] today we do keep opposite schedules yes yes yes yes I know more often than not when I'm talking to Ariel you're asleep I'm like R is asleep oh perfect my ad's fixed okay so we're going to let that go I will take a moment to stretch I will be right back just so I can actually get up let me hide my model so you don't see me [Music] [Music] fumble [Music] I realized I forgot to put on my BRB screen I was muted though bu
t I will be a moment while this ad break is going e e e e oh yeah I'm [Music] back yeah I have not I will one day figure out the vision game for those ad [Laughter] breaks but I feel good about about taking those three minutes to actually stand up and stretch uh let's see okay I'm I will slowly but surely get used to these controls oh wait do I have any equipment defense charm let's do that see anything else I can talk to Aha you Smithy Smithy I'm probably going to switch to sword and shield for
a hot second oh oh These weapon trees are so interesting now too is this the same should I do dual blades I'll make um actually yeah I'll probably do them I'll probably do them we'll go do blades I like how these are chainsaws though what's this [Music] one um make them but I think I'll just do dual blades for now how goes the grind waffles oh were you able to read all the recommendations I had given I know you said you had read um my favorite der I still need to catch up to the most recent cou
ple chapters can I upgrade what I already have nope these maxed out they're maxed [Music] okay where's tuna this is from Alien stage uh got lost looking for rat tails going to be binging in-laws yeah okay okay okay I'm excited I love in-laws so [Music] much all right where am I going the wigglers I can't get over them whenever they pop up they're so adorable oh more wigglers oh there's so many wigglers this way okay off till Monday so 14 and reading is your goals nice nice yeah I probably have t
o I have to do my little trailers before I my tribes before I go to bed tonight have I caught any yet the wigglers no can you actually catch them that's really cute oh my God wait I want to hello can I can I how do I how do I I do it yeah okay okay I can do this yeah also thank you for the first time chat um do you prefer sh you can c C them oh my gosh I have to try will definitely be trying that now that I know section oh okay perfect nice to meet you thanks for dropping in I assume you here fo
r the Monster Hunter you a fellow Hunter oh my God this palum oh I was going to say it was cute but I changed my mind oh hello is this like a is this like a a bat is that what this is that's a funkin looking one that's for sure oh doing tribe quests every morning when you get home from work yeah I was going to but I kind of sat down at my desk for a little bit but yeah I think a majority of the people right now in chat are are warriors of light do what job do you play I I'm an astran I'm a main
healer um I touch DPS if I would like to be smooth brain but 90% of the time it's healer yeah do you play do you play and if you do what what job do you play Hello do I I don't even have any like flash bombs or anything can you get down I I got so distracted by that hi Tiffin how's it going would you like to hun oh yeah yeah can confirm aurello is a floor tank sure loves the floor so I hope it's warm down there leding monk ooh oh Tiffin I see you I see you Monk is a oh my God monk is something I
have not oh wait oh hello what does this do I did not I've never done that hello a hunter must H made some and and you're going to share pictures of the pancakes so I can eat eat through the photos right right wait were both of them here okay never [Music] mind oh wait other way up here but uh dark M but you play tanks proficiently DPS yeah I played I missed when astrology still had sex SE SE section sectors SE SE SC s s oh I can't even spell s e CTS you know that sects [Laughter] I'm just goin
g to I'm just going to bury myself in a hole I'm where did where's the where's the monster where' the monster go there it is I'm going for the monster right now please please I cannot speak I cannot enunciate you you guys know what I'm saying right right I was saying I was saying like the dial sect uh nocturnal sect that [Laughter] stuff oh yeah I miss when they had that still that was my favorite because then I could play with other astrologers and I can choose all right who's going to shield a
nd who's going to heal and I almost always did Shield uh I like Shield healers mainly oh frick that's oh my God the I'm good sain also I will I will take a sip of water in a moment which thank you for the hydrate in the stretch um but yeah I prefer Shield hero I apparently I can't talk that's just a thing uh Shield healers mainly because I started off as an archinist so I got used to scholar and then I got really excited to play hard of the cards as soon as I was able to pick up astrology so I m
ean that eventually yeah no I can't see either the the Kulu is just there flashing [Laughter] me uh waiting to see the job trailers to see oh my God I I would hope that they don't make too many changes for astran after just getting used to it being a A Healer but we'll see welcome in Tippin I see you sneaking in I think I I don't have to send an SOS flare right you should be able to just jump in okay this thing is kind of menacing but it's kind of cute in a way because it's so fuzzy but um sound
s like a a lot like what it's like to have multiple bars wait what oh who's going to heal who's going to Shield I don't have any I don't have any what what no Orel why would you expose me like [Laughter] this H Honestly though with the with how um the changes they made to astrology for end Walker though they did make it easier for the uh for the Arcana cards cuz it doesn't matter so much um the order I think before you had to have like three I'm too short for this get down um what level gear are
we using honestly tippens I'm only hr6 so as long as you're not super overleveled that would be great um um yeah I I should I should really make macros for my for my cards I I I do play with a static for for ex raids so I'm just kind of like H that would be a fun thing to add for my uh you know my weekly raids I you to [Laughter] no can you I have no I have nothing to flash you with I would like to there you go yeah ah someone play fighting dreamers please as I [Music] run y get him yug that's
a good one I would love to see that are you is anybody excited for da tril oh my God are you tired yet could you stop no wait I'm oh my God Ki hey how's it going Ki hold on let me get you a shout out in a second hold on actually tun if you're listening can I get a shout out if not I will get you one in a moment how's your stream ah I have a I have a tab to close after this welcome in welcome in cuz you withjoy thank you for joining the forest I hope you enjoy your stay let me get that quiet shou
t out for you Ki you playing Dragon Age how's that going are you excited to be playing that is that the new one or is there a new one coming out you guys don't know Kiri Kiri is part of the uh MAA the Tama Clan very cool very very cool person we actually speaking of we play we play weekly raids in our static but uh monster hun world is uh it's going good it's going good um I'm just kind of casually playing I I lost the monster where to go where did it go oh my God why did you go down there um I
have been wanting to grind because one of my JP oi has been doing open Party lobbies but the thing is he's an iceborn so I'm like all right I guess I'll start playing so I can start grinding so I can join his lobbies and play yeah how was your stream ah for anybody who is coming in with the raid hello my name is gari I am a normally brown bear vtuber like to play a variety of games um current brain raw has mainly been Persona uh I have been I occasionally play Monster Hunter on stream I'm just g
etting back into streaming so yeah um but yeah I enjoy quite a variety of things I have a lot of Cal Hobbies so I could one day be building gunpla on stream you never know we'll see I have a couple kits actually I still need to build so I will probably get back to that um other than that I like to play Final Fantasy like to play some Monster Hunter like to do some R I like to learn to live 2D rig there's a lot of stuff that I need to get back into when I was a lot of stuff I was doing when I was
streaming regularly but yeah but if you if anybody from the stream has to go you got to go hydrate you got to go eat you got to go sleep no worries no worries please take care of yourself first I will be here uh tentatively Monday Wednesday Friday and then a particular weekend day that I have not yet decided yeah do you play Monster Hunter Cy also welcome in lary lari lari you're hesitant to be excited for da oh why is that section I got to know I got to know I feel like I've been really hyped
up by all the trailers and everything okay okay yeah there is a new Dragon Age coming up that's why okay I knew I was just like you were playing it because there's something else coming out right Mor like yes yes I have like two kits left inside of my closet that I need to touch um oh also hello tippens thank you for joining in I'm so sorry I got so distracted um yeah yeah hr6 is most definitely oh it's sleeping tippins Tippin are you up there tippens oh you scared me hunting horn let's go do yo
u have bombs you can place some bombs if you want yeah oh no you got to hit it you got to hit it you got to hit it thank you tippens oh my God I just noticed message I'm dead it is time to activate my ah I'm attacking the [Applause] air CRT it's always you the needing to play and finish the games ooh oh c we got to we got to we got to catch up post Barbie uh I just realized that I am not ready for raids this week you know Friday I might be catching up to Final Fantasy story I think that's what I
'm going to stream it's going to be Final Fantasy until I what is this what's this oh wait is the hunting horde Melody is different in world what is oh okay where is it flying to hello are you not going to come down all right all right I guess oh there you go uh most of it is for the raids ah nice DK you it was in fact you yes CRT um that's true that's true when was our last tank was that with shadowbringers dark dark [Music] knight world's a lot more similar to the older games yeah yeah that's
what I'm noticing huh oh I didn't realize that cuz the thing is I only played hunting horn oh Dark Knight was Heaven's SW uh gunbreaker oh my God I'm all over the place um yeah I didn't realize that the hunting horn changes were in Rise uh I guess cuz I played so much of that but I don't remember though in the old games hunting horn being like that I remember struggling to remember songs in the old game [Music] okay okay Donkey Kong with an Heaven sword I'm [Laughter] dead the brain rot at tank
was in 1.0 honestly Warrior is my favorite child and yet my main tanks do not play Warrior they play they play Paladin and [Music] gunbreaker ailment Master nice thank you tippens thank you I why do you take a break to pause and say something I swear uh Only The Melodies add an iceborn with the clouds the rest just Auto apply oh oh I see another one rotten Bale okay sorry tippens I'm taking you on an adventure wait what Hunter Rank are you tippens cuz I see you I know you've been playing a lot o
f world recently Warrior is so easy you you've been playing on a hard because you were a warrior Tiffin hold my hand we're going on Venture oh I see I see I see yeah Warriors just like just heal themselves they are basically a green a green tank where did you get those glasses oh I will never get over the cut scen that for sure I'm also really curious about how they're going to make it harder like I wonder if it's going to be actually a uh what do you call it like the the the enemies is it going
to be the like the mechanics are going to be rough or what simply chilling from the glass I thought that was at the Soup Store blue healer in DPS yeah yeah I I assume it was going to be more Mechanics for like ex and for Savage ultimates so excited to see how that'll go considering I'm just finally getting used to [Music] EXs eyeball ah nothing for me here okay site a great gyos and investigate the the rotten Veil okay uh I will not be fighting these monsters tippens because I think these are j
ust the explorations for my cut scenes um I will just find them and then get out but I believe even if you're in the same lobby as me you can do your own stuff at the same time right I hope I'm not like leaving you hanging or anything need to get you into Savage Before Dawn Trail yeah yeah yeah uh hopefully I think we should be we should be good I think we're going to start getting into Savages soon um so tuna who you saw earlier in chat if you did see them um they they they one of the friends t
hat I um started raiding with because I me and Pina wanted to get into some raid content um but uh yeah they they said that we we're probably I can't remember is is it Savage first then ultimate yeah hopefully we'll get into it soon I would like to I want a taste of of savage content you're so cute oh palag um yeah I don't think they'll change older content it's just going to be Dawn Trail I assume ex Savage and ultimate step up from the each is pretty drastic yeah I know I'm very nervous uh we
had some really rough times with uh uh what is it called all the dragons from from the EXs in uh oh you're so cute wait it's a little it's a little Pooky Pooky what hello oh heck yeah okay hello can I there you go um yeah like all the dragons are really rough in ex and very nervous to see how how Savage is going to be but we are definitely so we are on the um end walker uh exes and they're they're relatively easier compared to when we first started tackling EXs ex after the ex di into Savage but
I am looking okay oh is this oh wait what is this oh is it like a poisonous area oh that's dead I see ah see um yes we are all the all of the extreme content that we are doing is synced we are doing all synced [Music] oh hi okay bye I see you I I see you I see you and I am walking away from you oh and uh we're just supposed to investigate in here yeah no worries Kiri also Kiri I'm so sorry if you had to go do things you got to do your post stream stuff please take care of yourself first thank y
ou for hanging out you're welcome to hang out longer if you'd like but if you got to go take care of yourself and and go sleep and stuff please do not be afraid to leave I completely understand no okay okay investigate the rotten Veil I just assume I have to explore everything right yeah what uh what server do you play on [Music] section are they just together you're so cute you're such a cute pelico I have no idea where I'm going I'm leaving I'm leaving leaving excuse me Hi areu how are [Music]
you aru I swear I swear IBK um what are you gay oh my God I can't believe my boyfriend comes into stream to call me gay I think he's gay affectionate [Laughter] affectionate hope you guys are doing so well getting those dubs if you're playing League gay endearingly absolutely what am I supposed to do here I'm just gonna I just got to keep going right oh my God are those spiders oh okay I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving no thank you what is down here you can catch those too
oh my goodness you can catch anything on Monster Hunter I'm in danger I am in danger yeah um doing s content when the level cap is much higher yeah yeah but it's uh it's it's it's good learning for us it's it's been really fun though and I haven't been discouraged from it which I was a little worried about am I okay hold on for investigating I'm literally just investigating the investigating just have to keep investigating Footprints tracks how are the gamers doing are you guys winning fun to wa
tch too yeah welcome back Ki I don't know if you heard me a little earlier but um I I I completely forgot to say that if you had to go do things post stream stuff take care of yourself sleep no worries thank you so much for sharing your community and stopping by um you have absolutely no obligation to stay around if you're tired I get it sometimes you just want to stop streaming and sleep but if you're going to hang around I appreciate it as well you just hopped on not sure what the plan is wher
e am I going I have no idea where I'm going I'm just running around rotten Veil I guess no please I just want to I just want to examine these and and leave is that old bones okay um yeah yeah yeah no [Music] worries I hope you can enjoy and Vibe around gamer you're so sweet you're so kind if you guys don't know lost lost is the the coolest League of Legends gamer I love you forever we will be lurking I love you too forever can you uh aru can you give lost a a slash shout out for me I think you p
opped in first so yours proed first but L should also get one as well thank you yay go check him out go check him out I always be lurking over there if you ever are looking for me I just took this entire circle in a map hold on I just been running in a circle can I make it here yes I can where am I can I go up oh I can still go up wow some of these maps are huge wait can I travel back here I'm I'm lost I'm lost I just circled the same place I assume I have to just search okay so whenever I get t
hese these maps that are like investigate am I just supposed to continue picking up tracks and Footprints or am I actually supposed to explore the map oh you're right you're right you're right that's lost I am I am I am Gooma you're right you're absolutely right oh where's Juna Juna for the song I oh I see I came in [Music] here um can I can just leave that's the that's the prere cuz usually I The Last Quest I just did said I I have would have to return to the research Camp or base camp so that'
s why I assume I need to investigate still until I get [Music] out oh I see okay usually have to find a thing first okay I I kind of had that feeling okay I will continue to find this [Music] then beautiful star yeah I am definitely not used to World exploration it's it's nice though I love just walking around and seeing the map but the thing is when I'm streaming it I get so distracted where's the other thing oh wait was it right there K can no no no no no no no no no no you're gross I cannot o
kay the the bugs the bugs in world are so much worse than rise I cannot I cannot handle this I'm not meant for this uh use your scoutflies to to search okay hello can I get another is there a thing here oh okay I could just get the corpse oh I see oh my God there's a lot happening in here okay hold on I'm getting out I'm getting out I'm sorry I'm sorry for disturbing your nest okay I didn't know that you could do that with uh even just the question marks thank you for letting me know [Music] oka
y scce SC there we go I'm in danger were those zombie lizards they sure were corpses yeah much appreciated oh my God okay we're Newman I see we're Newman oh ah I see okay this was the cut scene I needed okay oh who's honk in BK there we go oh hello R thank you for checking in ki AB hi RG how's it going how are you how are you are you excited for the auto concert I'm very excited all right we found you can I leave iall okay we run oh the music is so cool though in this okay anyways oh wait I have
to hunt it okay so uh tippins if you'd like to jump in I think you can jump in oh I cannot okay oh I can leave and oh I don't have to stay in Hunt okay see that's the thing like that confuses me about the objectives for the story of uh for the story of world but if that's it I'm probably just going to go ahead and leave cuz I would like to leave oh it because a regular post okay I see I see she can get into World more but yeah rise is very very very very it's made me so so snobby I am so bratty
about it I'm very spoiled thank you for checking in wow a lot of a lot of spoon recommendations tonight yeah R is very multiplayer friendly um but yeah I need to plan your stops for you drive down ooh please have a safe [Music] drive feel more like an action RPG than a traditional [Music] yeah it does the thing about world though is it feels so much larger and I'm very curious as to how Wild is going to be because that one seems even larger nice Mega smoothie tippens yeah I do um world does fee
l a little bit slower as well wild is going to be what they wanted world to be oh that makes sense when was so sunbreak was technically the last uh Monster Hunter game that came out how what's the how many years now has it been I feel like it's been long but it hasn't been too long considering they keep the games updated started your hunting career with you world then rise oh yeah I came from I came from three 3 U or 4u and then and then um I tried world when it first came out on uh uh on PlaySt
ation but yeah again uh I got through like two hours of the game and I just did not continue playing I just I don't know it was a little harder for me to pick up um back up here yeah uh yeah sunre was rise as expansion yes okay ah okay perfect oh wait can I eat in here does it matter if I eat guess not really I'm wearing the defender gear anyways I'm used to eating but don't need to is this oh okay [Music] um yeah that is true hold on where's can I eat in this one in this area is this it oh cute
hello oh these Picos are they're so cute chy scholar crazy tail Raider Safari oh other players pelicos and the grimlin you friended [Music] okay sure as well have the points ah okay we'll send them uh uh looks decent monster um oh yeah it was like spring 2021 oh oh they're so oh oh no goodbye nappy ah welcome in K yeah I have the ra ran roadblock post it up okay I'll eat oh yeah so I'll okay if I can eat at the camp I'll eat at the camp oh my God the Monster Hunter and amiibos I remember those
uh no worries Arie if you're watching me on mobile thank you so much but I understand the twitch mobile app sucks so much not uh kid you going to join us for this uh for this one should I leave it open can uh people can still join in after we've jumped in right yay thank you for joining in Archie I hope you enjoy your stay okay perfect yeah I I like that a lot about um I do feel that with rise the only thing with multiplayer is that uh after a bit I feel like it's harder to join in I do like the
larger lobbies in this game also hold on is there a thing where I can do send out Guild cards again yes I can can I can I there you go oh Auto accept and reply uh okay that's fine I'll just leave it I'll leave it it is what it is no worries it's okay I'm baby so perfectly fine we are we are here to vibe [Music] also you haven't eaten yet I used a voucher for free meals o will that work even once we're in [Music] good oh wait I can can I simply oh wait oh can I just yeah right player still prepa
ring will not depart with you okay we're all ready to go it's fine but yeah if I can e at the camp hopefully the meal voucher works but also wait what do you mean you've deot you've demoted I'm not rocking up with a with a bracki weapon okay okay okay yeah yeah no no no Tipp tippens is is uh wearing wearing easier stuff is it is it in here like before like rise ah okay okay oh wait can I not eat here this count no there are seats to the right oh okay okay oh this is the canteen okay I'm just goi
ng to do Choice oh okay I haven't seen this scene yet cute it's the Handler who does it I love that so much oh I I still am so sad I didn't get to eat at The Monster Hunter Cafe in Japan I will make that the first thing I do next time I go back to visit hello yeah um research um I can I can just look for it right where is it no we have to search for it okay oh hello it's right there hello also excuse me is that thing called a strange rut I have so many questions your armor is still strong but th
at's not no don't even worry wor about it I feel that saurin I I I still don't mind playing Rise and sunbreak I love doing the grind but yeah I I think maybe it's just we're we're doing for something new right oh this thing is Big hello I will simply be dragged along I see ooh I can't even oh it was knocked down I could not tell I'm so zoomed in on this thing please please please my demon mode can I turn around okay oh that's a familiar sound H or I can just get staggered please okay I'm too sma
ll my blades are too short please okay oh he's just a the big old big old armadillo thing there we go ah a is he supposed to be based off of like a porcupine spiky armadillo yeah kind of reminds me more of a porcupine now that I look at it I can't see myself okay okay that's fine thank you oh could you not be in the cor okay okay actually actually I'm too short oh my God I can't see anything okay the the the monster is soft and tender Tiffin what does that mean Tiffin what of your [Laughter] mes
sages I have questions defense I have many questions he's just rolling okay all right all right all right all right oh wait no don't okay I'm good I'm fine I'm fine oh okay I see I see I see thank you for that yeah uh I didn't know that people really like shed on the Handler that's very fortunate uh next trip goal is going to be Japan for 3 weeks with play um honestly Archie I would suggest getting a hopper which is the little like uh uh ticket ticket uh tracking out um because when I went to Ja
pan my tickets were only $600 so you can find cheap tickets it's just a matter of timing and keeping like track of track of the tiet prices so definitely definitely get Hopper I think that helped out a lot these bugs are so realistic I hate it Shar here don't mind me got to play more Grand blue yeah okay I'm winning set waffles please oh my God sandalon my love my baby boy my baby girl I'm I'm winning I'm winning he's announced to release in May and I'm just like wow all of my hope and hopes and
dreams immediately in the first update granted Lexi oh my God I have to show you my game later or if you look in the if you look in the games in the game forums I already posted up a bunch of stuff over in Grand blue uh I love sandalon I just picked up a summer one so I'm very excited I didn't get his ground I'm very sad but it's okay because I'm a seasonal seasonal Grand blue fantasy player I'll get it eventually I believe in myself I'm patient Miss Tokyo C oh my God I had so much fun where ar
e you going oh I see oh my God I I went to Tokyo C with tuna and Leo and it was so much fun uh but it was raining I have to find those I have to find those pictures but I did get to get Muffy ears when I went to Tokyo SE so I'm very happy that I got my bare ears Behemoth oh my god oh are you are you still wait are you doing 15 right now 15 okay okay ah oh I be what is this where did they go uh frequently checking sites like kayak Delta and a yeah yes yes definitely check using Cognito so that it
doesn't check your cookies all that good stuff um I'm sure you'll be able to to get some decent tickets if I if I ever spawn anything I'll let you know Argie also it looks like I have an ad coming up in oh is he sleeping place the bombs place the bombs tippins you want to place the bombs do you have bombs anybody I got none so he eepe yeah he's real eepe you're bombs unfortunate all right it's okay we Forge ahead we can continue on am I the bomb it's me I'm the [Laughter] bomb uh Andrew hey hey
how's it going welcome in welcome in thank you for the first time [Music] chat but yeah h i can I carve yes be during your birthday in February ah okay Archie February is doable I was able to get tickets for $600 when wait what is happening why does my game look like that oh okay it's the monster I see I was so confused welcome back Tina yeah yeah um February is dual again I was I was able to get really really decent uh tickets for Japan then hey thanks much appreciated I would like to thank I
would like to thank this fancy new mic for emphasizing my voice how go it's going good it's going good thank you for asking do you play it is open Lobby um again super casual I'm a very low high I'm a very low HR right now so please please have mercy um if you do decide to join or if you do decide to join in on my quest specifically do not be over ranked I would like to actually play and actually hit the monster I got my I like it I like it um it it is a little bit of getting used to that I have
to do um I still need to figure out how to set up my go XLR properly to to have everything in control via goxlr I'm still using a lot of the OBS separators for my audio but yeah oh yeah AO yeah AO AO was the birthday gift huh Guild M wait which game was she from which game was she from four year okay oh Guild M okay okay okay why blue if be Nuna hi Nuna how are you you kind of started recently oh yeah yeah honestly there was a there's always a big boom of new Monster Hunter players whenever the
sales drop which is really fun and it's very nice cuz then like you have a lot of people that you can play with and you can rank with and I think it's really fun to be able to play um with friends also I have an ad going on so I won't really be making too much progress I'm going to take a moment to like stand up and stretch and whatnot bear bear bear bear bear I'm so sorry Arie next time you got to let me know if you got to do these things cuz I get really lucky with the with the tickets and um
I thankfully I thankfully am able to like uh not get scalper prices yeah anyone anyone who's in the ad I would appreciate you sticking around it is to help disable pre-rolls um I will implement the fishing game once I get it just for the three minute breaks in case no tuna no um just so there's uh something for for the people who are subbed um that don't see the ads something something to do but much appreciated to those who stick around and much appreciated to those who are subbed uh always lo
vely to see my pancakes and my emotes around I've had some people come in saying oh I saw your emotes from in another chat and I was like oo that's lovely Mar yeah okay so RT you the way you buy tickets from access very unfortunately is you can't constantly refresh you have to be careful Microsoft Edge is really good about not getting flagged as a bot um I had multiple devices on I had my phone I had my iPad and I had my computer to get tickets oh I will talk though and just pick up the quest yo
u're able to get the tickets for pink fairly cheapish okay that's good that's good yeah I'm very excited oh I was not expecting a cut scene no I didn't want to get into a cut scene for this ad I'm so sorry I am so sorry oh my God Archie oh my God you're going to be so close Argie I can't believe I'm so pleased you got to send your fan cams Okay I uh welcome back to those who are back from the ad I apologize accidentally queued in the cut scene I did not mean to do that um yeah uh Andrew what HR
are you you oh Drew hi Drew thank you for the reub I can't believe it's been seven months how you doing how are you doing buddy oh you're watching I have no idea how the ads go I just you know I just pray pick a God and pray you 283 Andrew you said you just started recently you said you just started recently how many hours you have in this game I want to know I want to know I'm not judging you I just want to know oh no Drew I'm so sorry you have Co please please take it easy if you can honey cit
rus lemon tea is a savior if not that low quat syrup is very good when I had Co that was the only thing that saved me I'm pretty sure I finished like 3/4 of that bottle the the Chinese bottle of like lat syrup it just it really helped it really helped oh Drew thank you so much for gifting Andrew a gift sub oh my gosh oh 350 oh my goodness oh my Lord yeah the main the main reason why I was just like I would like to catch up to playing this game so I can join in on my oshi's open Party lobbies yea
h I was just like oh no I have to make sure to say Drew and Andrew because now there's two Drews in my chat uh there's a cough drop it's basically a vitamin C pill ooh which one which one I IBO the Drews are taking over slowly but surely legana looks pretty oh wait now we get to see it see it ah I see a tuna oh yeah what so what what uh I see you're using the superior weapon of the game okay I'm okay I have no opinions about this I have no opinions about this dual blade Drew Andrew uh I'm just d
oing this for Speed at this point I I normally like playing um uh I I like the big weapons usually like Hammer uh broadsword I'm so sorry to crush your dreams please please please don't leave please don't leave it's a good weapon I'm I am I am impartial to this [Laughter] weapon no where my Lance friends at uhhuh uhuh yeah but I I I will play any I will play any weapon though uh when it comes down to it I just was getting frustrated playing chargeblade earlier alone cuz I was like wow I'm so slo
w alone but now that I'm here with friends I'm like ah wait I could probably change but it's okay I'll stick around I'll stick I'll I'll stick to the best weapon in this game just for you [Laughter] Andrew sunbe [Music] you were a Lancer when you played oh Arie do you play do you do I have you on Steam uh Lance drop down to at least used weapon hunting hor is on the rise let's go I don't think I need to restock anything I was not paying attention no I'm good I have not been using items I got I g
ot tippens over here supporting me with that hunting horn no I don't want to leave yet I can just do the thing hey that's you oh my goodness AO polar opposite you just like the fast pew pew ones listen listen I like I like big big hammer goost smash yeah n Drew I was a I was a hunting horn main on on rise at least for switch I definitely played like very many hours on it all 100 hours has to be hunting horn okay I'll I'll uh drop my my steam code a little later for you [Music] Archie support you
by making sure enemies dadge faster thank you thank you that's tuna fish I close my ears tippens and I I imagine you are you are uh supporting me as much as possible yeah we can play Grand blue together uh once I finish the main story [Music] oh that was so sudden I kind of like that I could just ready up and it'll automatically depart um once everybody has readed up I think that in in Rise the person who leaves just leave oh yeah no worries Kylie there's no rush no rush did you save some for t
he rest of us tuna I'm not going to use the kunai I can never use those I'm so bad at throwing ranged weapons in this in this game um my main on that game is level 60 oh yeah who do you Main in uh in relink Arie wait wait wait wait how do I can I use my net how do I pull it up I saw a net earlier there it is will I be able to I want the wiggly what's my distance no I was a fool I I I I'm just going to you know walk away I'm going to walk away the net is a projectile oh I was thinking it was like
a bug net you know [Laughter] we'll get him next [Laughter] time no no no no nobody saw anything no absolutely not are there more wigglies I can't believe my best friend is calling me stupid Chad are you seeing this I can't believe you guys are witnessing it live oh wait remove huh well done I'm just going to keep moving oh I see it's equipped okay got it oh H I'm just not noticing that on my stream the game is really uh the the frames are really bad is it I'm capped out at 60 it looks fine oka
y is it just my OBS that's scaring me okay I trust you I trust you T tuna let me let me go let me go down hanging on to the edge of tomorrow looks fine okay perfect oh okay that is weird that it caps out on OBS also I don't know where I'm going Kylie I'm so sorry why are you following me H what are we hunting legana okay I am I am a fool OBS in world does not get along okay that's very good to know because I was just like why does it look this bad am I crazy I'm a little crazy oh wait I thought
this was a different song I had a moment I thought it was dumbfounded track the monster we are tracking it are we not oh hello the song Excuse me whose song is this I'm going to skip it if I can oh you love this song okay it's fine I'll leave it oh the song okay it's perception check got it hi up okay up there's got to be a laxi pick I think it's laxi and tuna I think it was LX [Laughter] tuna I think this because this I'm just playing this balloons playlist right now and I'm pretty sure we all
like this song Tom card is goated uh what Rarity level are your weapons and armor you might be able to scale down um I believe honestly I'm just using the defender Alpha set and I'm pretty sure my Rarity is uh what is it I think it's is just is it um H it's it's literally just Rarity one Rarity 6 I I have not been uh I actually should check out uh the Smithy after this yeah yeah Rarity one t oh I see my playlist is now uh hello yeah I'll I'll upgrade and then I'll give you a a better thing for w
here I'm at oh sorry automod that's so silly thank you tuna oh God wait I'm trying not to lock on to you please ah I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm okay I just wanted to pick up I wanted to pick up things I hate this hill why are we fighting on a hill oh can it oh are you on it tuna oh my God Big Scream oh my God please I'm just getting uh thrashed and strangled oh that's so silly I can't believe he can knock at its head like that can you please okay oh I was not expecting this to be icy please h tuna wr
iting the BB yeah that's a cool bird though can I can you come down I'm too short for this please I would like to open my map so I can oh did I lose it [Music] okay relation oh I've just been flashbanged please no no no no no no no no okay it didn't look at me thank God yeah I need to upgrade my weapon huh me staring at my damage like ah I see H I'm sorry Duna I can just hear tuna screaming in the background hit me hit me H down down down so many good animes this season ah Friday Saturday Sunday
that's why you let the episodes um all accumulate until until Sunday and then you watch it all at once all in one day that's usually what I like to do whenever I watch any animes but I haven't seen anything as of the season um we're on spring now right I believe there's there's like two things that I think I was looking forward to that I need to check uh my anime list for cuz I have not been paying attention to the seasonals oh please my demon mode okay please I am so small I wish to okay I wou
ld like to somehow jump on its back uh done mes Free Run Apothecary oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true nice over knocked it down uh I'm keeping up with two of those things I've been meaning to watch Apothecary Diaries uh where are you going now oh it's a little skull now when it's ready to to uh either be captured or or uh get hunted completely keep missing when p and iron Laing it oh I know apparently but you guys are usually watching when I'm at work so I'm just like uh this is fine it's okay
though I've been watching most of it on my own um occasionally I'll catch panut I'll be like okay what episode are you on and watch an episode but see where did it go me uh buan obiwan Kenobi hello welcome in thank you for the first time chat that is such a such a name I'm sharpening tuna don't backseat game me how dare you I'm joking uh how do I how do I NY NY mods get this guy get this fish oh I see uh 14 oh yeah Arie how far did you get 14 what part of the story are you on o the secret it's o
kay I'm going to skip it right now where did it leave again where where you're not back seating you're in the shot god damn it yeah that's right you're passenger pincess you're right you're right oh is it further up another one this way where are we going use wire bug look up how do I use them huh huh wedge Beetle am I supposed to press something on here uh just finished main game L2 Circle oh oh I there are wire bugs in this game what why thank you the more I learn thank you yeah you got a lot
to catch up on it's going to be so hard to log on uh once Dawn tril releases is it up again oh I see Oh that's oh I see I understand now so is it only the beetles that I can wire bug to basically Big Sleep ah tuna had [Laughter] bombs tuna is the bomb ah Big Scream okay I like this part of the map to fight on it's really cool oh I can just get smacked that's fine yay thank you are there accommodations again in this game before like crazy uh like streaming the game when you play it even though it
's pretty boring to watch might wait till later this year that's fair that's fair [Music] yeah um I I will have to be playing story this Friday or else I will not be able to play raids this weekend M around this area oh okay probably miss yeah I'm missing a lot of materials I know [Music] hey tuna hey tuna look at the song look at the song it's from Alien [Laughter] stage welcome in Raiders oh you can't even hear the music Low hey joou how's it going how's it going let the Raiders settle in for
a moment uh let me just get through these really quickly YY how's it going joou long time no see Frost punk what is Frost Punk that sounds cool but hello welcome in for those of you that don't know me hello my name is gumar Mori mitsu I am normally a brown bear vtuber I'm in my ALT form right now so I'm blue I'm a blue bear today but I like to play a variety of games like to play some some some Persona like some peroba some mon Monster Hunter uh I like to do some art I'm going to eventually get
into live Tod uh I like to do kind of a variety of things just whatever tickles my fancy you know but uh any Raiders are coming in uh if you got to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep no worries no worries please please please take care of yourself first I will be here I am but a person on the internet so yeah if you decide to stick around I greatly appreciate it I'm just here for a casual fun time playing some monster hunter just doing some hunts building up my HR uh I am I am on t
hat grind now uh 3 hours uh lexion thank you so much for joining in I hope you enjoy your stay uh for anybody coming in I do have a little check-in feature you get a little gcha you get a little drink from the uh C um and it is like a little a little check and counter you know please please please please be sure to use it if you'd like um they're pissing on your construction side and causing issues no what kind of game is it though I've never played it lexon thank you so much for the checkin enj
oy your peach smoothie it was time to activate my third eye third eye okay I see that was the next Quest okay me do that real quick go back to rotten Veil uh City Builder which can be very tough uh very fun oh interesting I don't play a lot of games like that so I I will have to I will definitely have to check your VOD um for those of you that don't know joou please go check him out uh very friendly very are you I'm I'm confused are you a cat boy I see the ears so much and I'm just like so much
going on different things happening oh it's on sale okay okay okay ah spring Steam Sale is coming up as well bog from Star wheel oh that's cool okay oh wait no I didn't want to set a pass code okay okay J the Corgi vtuber there we go there we go okay I think this one I will have to do on my own for a moment I believe this is the cut scene one anyways what am I doing search for evidence of Zora mdar okay um yeah go please please check out my friend I'm just going to run through everything okay tr
acks tracks where tracks also Jou if you've got to if you got to go take care of your own stuff you got to go do your post stream things you got to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep no worries I know time zones are a thing uh thank you for stopping by and sharing your community much appreciated it's nice to see you it's honestly okay it's nice to see anybody I have not been streaming in a long while CRT thank you so much for the gift Subs we got Jimmy we got Jimmy who I saw hangin
g around H what you're coming too uh and to wrath thank you thank you thank you Jimmy hello you you lurker you just looking for tracks oh also I read your message emotes emotes are good bek no worries words hard understandably so I should mind Jimmy lurks a lot I'm always so jump scared every time I see your name in my in my uh mix it up another video about the big jiggly cakes ooh which one oh Archie I'll give you a cafe recommendation when you come down here they have the best sule pancakes yo
u will love it I promise oh also what's happening to the Discord ah so the the Discord the forest Discord is being closed um it is no longer open to public uh but I have my own space now you would if you would like to join you're welcome to join yeah it's it's been pretty inactive uh it's been a little a little uh hard to manage so I figured I would start over and uh just going to make my own space make my own Cafe you know ye yeah mainly close for inactivity yeah yeah yeah so it felt kind of aw
kward still a little bit uh updating on it when uh there wasn't really um people active in it you know so trying to create a a a another space yes the link is pinned the it's pinned in the in the in the thing I have not made it a uh command yet I keep forgetting to I literally just opened it up today okay oh I can use oh wait you guys can just join right you guys can just join I I'm got to do this yeah as soon as you click the link you're able to just joins oh SOS let's Okay well there are two s
pots or one spot apologies now I know better okay I thought it was just to leave it open you know but I guess not yeah sure totally absolutely I upgraded it uh-huh uh-huh oh my God what is this thing I would like to say to be fair I was welcoming in another community and I wanted to make sure I was giving them my attention uh I love I love I love I got to got to crouch wait please stop blading stop blading wait I need to stop this thing is your kzu is this what it is oh my God CRT the bane of my
existence is this Dam the damn ghost breathing does it upset you as much as the uh what is it called the the the deer the white one I remember sending you a picture when I was in Japan when I saw the figure the Name Escapes Me Oh HK oh um anyways anyways anyways yeah the deer uh-huh uh-huh yeah way what did I get stuck to oh damn it oh also uh I I don't know if you're still around Andrew uh I don't know if you were joining or if you were in the lobby let me know and then I can uh we can probabl
y do a couple rotations if you want to to jump in and out to let people join I'm lost I'm so lost where am I going no l you're right I'm sorry I'm Guma actually I made a circle I didn't need to make a circle but I made a circle and I'm going to continue with the circle the monster hunter deer yeah I think it is it a deer where is everybody are you hi hi oh my God hello the Kieran yes I thought that was the bane of your existence uh zurin oh uh the G Joe thank you so much for the follow welcome i
nto the forest I hope you enjoy your day ah what good [Laughter] evening welcome in Raiders hold on I'm going for the tail uh I will I will take a moment hi bzu how's it going how's it going welcome in Raiders for those you that don't know me hello my name is gari I am a normally brown bear YouTuber but I'm a blue I'm a blue bear today um like to play variety of games uh anything that tickles my fantasy right now it is Persona it is Monster Hunter it is it is just those [Laughter] two yeah any o
f your Raiders if you got to go you got to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep no worries take care of yourself first I will be here uh it's nice to thank you so much for coming by bzu I didn't know you were streaming on Twitch tonight I thought you were on YouTube for those of you that don't know boou boou is one of the people who join in frequently on on my in my Statics likes to play he is a jpen vtuber usually usually on YouTube uh likes to play a lot of Splatoon likes to do his
prags on stream I am blue yeah what were you playing wait what were you playing oh you playing Splatoon okay okay okay oh you know what I should do I should add your YouTube to your auto shout out that's what I should have done bosu I'm going to I've just remembered I'm going to add your YouTube to that uh uh very little go in go in ah I can I can I cannot speak Japanese very much I can understand a little more than I can speak it and I also cannot think and fight where where did it go okay whe
re did you where did it go where did it go you're splatting getting any good wins were you doing big run or were you just doing like normal normal normal games thank you I have uh I have my tuna bot in chat to help me translate my tuna [Laughter] translate is he sleeping he's sleeping it was a very fluent hello ah again it's very very [Laughter] little I actually have been thinking about getting uh the the the the the Japanese translator I believe that you guys usually use the one that does from
Japanese to English and English to Japanese I feel like that'd be very helpful tuna but for the win exactly exactly let's go tuna let's go tuna wow that was very goated thank you tuna yeah I hope you had a good stream Bou [Music] explosion yes yeah you should play bzou I I want to add this back into my into my into my weeklys to be extremely honest with you I brought it in because my my my fingers fingers together my JP Oshi has been playing a lot of open lobbies and I'm just like I want to pla
y but he's in iceborn right now so I'm just like I have to catch up basically if I wanted to do anything yeah open Lobby if you ever are are down and you see me streaming or if you see me online please [Laughter] join yeah he's actually funny enough I literally started this stream and he started up stream and I was just like oh it's like we're playing together I'm a little dulu like that but you know we have fun here for Fore [Music] fore oh your oi is gameu that's a good Oshi to have that's a v
ery good Oshi to have yeah oh yeah so like if anybody he he he Twirls hair if anybody wants to know uh the oi that I've been keeping up with that has been currently grinding through is uh kugo from nailport na yeah I think he's currently live right now playing I've been lurking in his stream like he yeah he's super fun super sweet um his it's always it's always very fun listening to him he's a very comfy streamer for me uh he also speaks uh his Japanese is very very easy to keep up with personal
ly because he speaks both Ian and JP as well he's Australian I believe yeah he's he is who has got brought me back into a world s cuz I was like ah I'm determined but um H uh do you have another name to go by uh 348 ahsy okay [Laughter] okay I'm always very curious whenever I see numbers for names in chat I'm like do I how do I refer oh okay okay okay you started oing by ooshi thank you please Leo is such a good boy he's very very welcoming which makes me very happy to like sit and actually chat
in his chat and usually with like bigger I guess JP corpo YouTubers I usually just lurk I don't normally chat why does your voice sound familiar to me closest person you have to Oi is okou Oka is a good oi okay okay okay I I will make a weapon I will make a better weapon I [Laughter] promise this time this time there will be a weapon uh all of hollow live in Hollow Stars ah yeah did you hear her new her new song from her birthday it so cool I love the animation for the [Music] video okay um oh
do I I just have to clear all this huh Vitality sploon sploon are my OSI too [Laughter] bestie oh did you get her sweater Archie her sweater is super cute I love how it's it's subtle love [Music] be oh actually you're right here oh is it one of the is it like a one siiz one siiz Fel oh my God what's happening I know the love beam is so good it's my favorite it's very fun oh so they came here oh okay we get melding okay cool I'll worry about that later oh I have so many things to open up also are
people in here okay just want to make sure just [Music] checking [Music] this emot to the it's a good it's a good smug emote huh it's a good one I think I use it pretty often in tuna chat especially when they say something Su you know now using dual swords yeah I am using dual swords I wanted a speed weapon for now um I originally was playing with charge blade uhhuh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a sus bear uh-huh that's fine I know what I [Laughter] am yeah do you also play dual blades also what uh H
R are you bozu oh my gosh okay oh the scheme one is also good again those those scheme and the the he are are very very frequently used over in uh in Tunis chat um this is yeah you know that's fine this is my chuni this is my chuni arc I'm so edgy I just get to I just get to ninja run too whenever I'm in Demon mode okay I'm making look look look I'm making I'm making new weapons I'm making new weapons actually can I what am I what do what do I have right now what is this oh can I not actually wh
at am I missing from it oh upgrade thank you uh tuna streams when I'm working so yeah tuna tuna streams over during working hours upgrade where is the one I was using there it is we look I'm upgrading oh yeah yeah or or it could be 19 hours you never know you never know tuna is a a mixed bag will this be forever Master anank something oh okay you're on Master anank okay okay okay I when do when do I hit master rank in this game is it the same as before cuz I noticed it's a little bit different o
h do the defender weapon oh the well the defender chainsaw I had was only at one it was only at Rarity one so I assume I'm just going to use the Defender I can last until mr1 okay [Laughter] perfect no it's okay I'm usually the one bullying tuna for their homework okay uh I don't think yeah CU I can't do I can't upgrade any of this I'll just upgrade the weapons that's all I can really do um I cannot upgrade this one yet so I'll wait [Laughter] good job D carry on carry on to be fair though I've
been really like really bad Eep bear lately when it comes to energy okay tuna tuna I have to go to work I'm sad okay and I wanted to stream I wanted to play Quest slay five this okay is that all the is that all the quests I could oh wait did you have another one she had another one yes I wait for the I wait for the cliff notes from tuna sente some weapons The Meta is literally Defender weapons oh [Music] really that it you have another thing I had to oh BK what does telly hurt I'm sorry about th
at um okay search the Ancient Forest for first and clues should I eat does it matter to eat does it matter if I eat this early for a search Quest ate too much o what' you eat for dinner okay uh oh wait no I need to talk to you huh yeah I need to talk to you meow Chef getting yolked in the forest what a quest title have been doing your homework of learning Japanese uh a couple more hunts before you get yeah no worries no worries was that it okay more stuff okay all these sleigh really another one
I have not talked to him in so long actually that Mak sense anything else okay that was it okay uh let me go into this then where am I going Ancient Forest yes I will go to [Music] 11 ah no worri psyo is it is it [Music] late Take Care thank you for stopping by m mat I love camoji so much find a first oh I don't okay what am I searching for oh God this okay okay okay seem really be trying to buy you maple story oh I also downloaded maple story I was like ah I will play it eventually is this a l
ong Quest oh no huh what do you mean 30 minutes okay we'll see how my energy is post this Quest Wiggly likey okay oh higher not lower heck I think so I think this is a solo Quest yeah ye so don't wait on me okay I will go up oh hello liliao thank you for the raid welcome in welcome in Raiders oh no okay wait I have an ad that's about to start up I will give my little introduction as quick as I can um ah thank you for this snooze much appreciated hello welcome in welcome in um hello uh welcome in
Raiders my name is Guma I am a normally us brown bear vtuber I like to play a variety of games um but I am just kind of doing a little bit of some casual grinding on some monster hunter world tonight uh I usually play persona but I'm going to I'm going to this time I will get M hun world back into the rotation but welcome in Raiders uh if anybody has to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep no worries please take care of yourself first I will be hanging around um if you're going to s
tick around I hope you enjoy your time here but hello I see you were also playing some world how was that thank you for coming by and sharing your community [Music] oh wait this way K I'm waiting for sploon to do this went good we're trying a sappy Community event but didn't oh no I yeah I heard that there's been uh community events happening recently um so I'm still a little fresh to world I only recently got back into this because of uh one of my one of my other favorite streamers doing a lot
of open lobbies and playing the event so I was like ah okay I got to play but I hope it's been fun I it seems rough though from what I've been [Music] seeing a lot of carts okay okay still going up I am making my way up Safi is not a fave unlike Co Sage seis seus seus yeah so I'm I'm still a baby when it comes to this I frequently I normally Play Rise and sunbreak um but I've been trying to get back into the thing into into world thank you for the hydrate and the stretch [Music] actually thank y
ou so much for the follow also is it okay if I refer to you as Lily or do you prefer Athena let me know and I will I will try to keep that in mind and also what other what kind of games do you like to play besides Monster Hunter thank you much appreciated okay I will be sure to call you Lily yeah oh lots of streamers get Lilia oh I see I see why they see it they they see the extra a [Music] huh going to head out to bed yeah no worry have a good sleep ban I will see you this weekend thank you aga
in so much for dropping in boou it's nice to see you around twitch if you guys haven't checked out boou please please check them out again uh they mainly he mainly streams on YouTube but I believe I believe every now and then you do are you multi streaming if you are if you aren't but yeah go check out Bou pardon me wants to change his name oh no do you think somebody else has the name you stream one at a time yeah that's fair that's fair I could not be able to keep up I would not be able to kee
p up with two [Music] chats oh yeah make sense I I think you'd have to do an underscore now hello beloved tippens tippens are you seeing this Tiffin are you seeing [Laughter] this unfortunately I do best boy Ros I really want to get I really want to get a Ros the little chibi plush so badly it's so [Laughter] cute for those that don't know this is Tippin's most hated Enemy enemy number one and sa and I are here are just cheering huh that's not intimidating at all oh this is the first wyvern oh a
lso while I'm in this I'm actually going to take a moment cuz the ad breaks are going to start uh I will take a moment to go to my BRB screen and I will stand up and stretch properly uh take my full three minute break uh if you guys are going to stick around I would greatly appreciate it it is the best way to disable pre-rolls for new Chatters just like Lily yeah so please if you are hanging around I think you guys should also use this time to stand up and stretch yeah I'll be right back e e e e
e e e sending it feels so good I really I'm actually really happy about using these three minute 3 minute ads for just actually stand up and let blood flow again I have a bad habit of uh sitting cross-legged in my in my chair whenever I'm gaming so I'm just like ah I should not be doing this but alas here we are also found a really good spot to actually pause since I can't normally pause yeah no worries flu thank you so much for hanging around I greatly appreciate it it's so nice to catch you a
round and get to chat with you I'm so glad that I have found another person with with base taste so I'm excited to talk about like all sorts of stuff with you doya why the doya tuna C me have a good night what's this W wyvern talking about uh fiery Throne okay oh [Music] melon also is this uh is this now a I can leave the Expedition and then put up the hunt as a regular Quest can I do that like I did earlier for the um for the other one thank you K look at that pig have to do that I think ah you
think so question mark cuz mine just well it just says complete Expedition so I this one can't remember if this was a look at the pig the pig is so cute though right it reminds me of like a bit of a it's a Kappa it's like with the head oh no not a Kappa that that one dinosaur that one dinosaur with the with the head the hard head you know oh it does hold on we're going to follow it then look at it Wadd it's so cute I can't get over it curly tail oh my God it was there in a mushroom oh it was da
ng it you you what happens if I get it oh do I just follow it oh the pig is going too wait hold on I have a feeling I have to catch up this cat hello where did you go where did you go oh does it have a name is it called a mouse swine is that what it is that's so cute did I I lost the cat I lost the cat I'm so sad and the pig I lost the pig I'm unhappy this is the worst Quest ever actually actually oh what the heck hello okay I I no the biggest gun ah unfortunate this is fine this is fine okay I
guess I'll try the rlo we'll see how this goes um am I making my way back down bug Trappers is it hold on where is it is it better if I teleport will it be better if I teleport let's see where's the other okay I'm teleporting cuz I get lost on this map I feel like it's that's my big thing I get so lost on this map can I eat at least yes okay I'll eat I'll I'll try to solo the r [Music] [Music] okay welcome back B Dog it's a going we're doing uh hunting rless right now what are you up to oh my Go
d that scream is so aggressive tuna oh it's flying this way okay oh my gosh oh is it here perfect don't got to go [Music] anywhere [Music] you didn't hear Ina oh I'm so sorry Lily thank you for the redeem no it's not a sound redeem oh my God that's a sound redeem where is this Ros going why is it going so far oh wait is it is is it above now I literally just left there and now you're telling me it went up okay huh stop I don't want the jagas I just want to hunt the I want the Ros oh is it a GI n
o no no no it's uh the is literally just me going yeah twitch bring back my shake fairy bring back my shake fairy listen tuna you don't have to you don't have to look at that you don't have to look at me missing these where is my shake fairy good morning P oh at all even though I can see it on the map is that how it works hello new I am gumma oh okay that makes more sense I will be sure to collect the footprints it is a new habit I have to remember to do PK thank you for the hydrate I shall hydr
ate Oh look The Sound alerts they work normally now how's Pina how was uh Domino's vaccine Vis it tuna forgetting to check in nice you got the iow recommendation milk oh you know what's so funny tuna before you got here like three people in a row pulled milk and I was just like wow if only tuna were here to see this I think Aur pulled milk I'm pretty sure re P was one of them that pulled milk are you please stop Flying please oh you just woke up okay okay okay I'm I'm lost I'm lost this is liter
ally going to suck up the rest of my energy for I swear wait no huh huh huh I hear music oh is it just these things okay we're leaving bye yeah no worries Lily it was nice to meet you thank you again so much for stopping in and dropping by and bringing your community over I have to catch you around playing some monster hunter too and I'm glad you got your name than take care take care have a good rest of your evening can you stop where am I supposed to be going dud I'm lost I'm lost ah and the m
usic is giving me anxiety where did it go now you're right there please end my suffering end my suffering wait wait no don't leave the area what do you mean you're leaving the area [Music] please where I'm going to cry I'm going to cry I am I should I be going down here okay okay okay I'm trusting it I'm trusting it I know they're very hard to say did you squish my dedge emote oh my God you squished my dedge [Music] emote you you no where are you going I'm going to cry I'm going to cry I can't b
elieve I've been dged and cry cry cry you're up F you can't say that where are you going I don't understand I'm in so much pain did it go to sleep if I fly to the camp right now stop moving stop moving stop moving I will cry I will cry I will cry it will not be a pretty sight I'm an ugly crier how the heck where am I oh there please please please stay stay stop stop drinking water okay [Music] please pick up the prince I'm sorry uh can't be bothered right now ratho in my face this is terrible wh
y do I have to solo hunt this actually I don't need the friends exactly peina gets me peina understands stop please the floor is not lava I would like it to not be Lava ratne nope no this is I can't read this sign can't stop me this sign can't tell me to do nothing please sorry suddenly I don't know how to read chat uh chat can't tell me what to do I'll Simply Be On Fire uh you know what would have been good though I should have probably made some sort of flash bombs um um um um you're a little
aggressive oh yeah tuna can get them for me exactly exactly please please please please please please please can I use No Berries No Berries work right I forget they don't work God damn it [Music] okay you know I pick a God and I pray uh where's my potion I missed one Fireball oh where are you going where are you going now sir sir please here here tuna just for you look at this tuna look at this oh I missed one why is it flying so far s hey what's up how's it going thank you so much for the hydr
ate I'm hydrating I'm hydrating Don't Have To Do G's homework just how are you how's it going I saw Ry here earlier [Music] I am I'm cry cry cry cry cry right please please please stop moving please stop moving my paw can only take me so far but how's it going what are you up to S do not move do not move not move that is that the squish dead is killing [Laughter] me should have been lurking oh thanks for lurking much appreciated is that is that the don't you dare push me off this hi hi you're st
aying here you're staying on the platform right right oh I'm an idiot this is fine I can fix this I can fix I hate the lock on hello please please get down uh very slowly making my way over here ooh you're chilling nice that's good that's good please can can you move can we not be over there ah I would I hate this spot this is a terrible spot I am I am definitely the squished the squished deed emote oh thank God okou or not just kidding I got poisoned again ah okay I'm just going to wail on it t
hat's all I can do [Music] oh no please please why are you on your silly little boat thank you oh my God why did the camera get blurry like that hello I don't have antidotes this is terrible why do I keep getting staggered so quickly okay I'm I'm baby I a baby I'm a baby please please I'm a baby I cannot believe I'm getting bullied okay can you do something I'm going to die cuz my damn cat okay please let me let me let me let me let me hello welcome in Raiders oh my God I'm going to need a momen
t I'm going to need a moment you're going to get the most scuffed introductions hello welcome in welcome in my name is gumma uh a a variety V2 bear normally brown bear but I am blue today I like to play whatever tickles my fancy currently it is Persona 3 Monster Hunter um yeah welcome in Pandora Delila how's it going for you nice you're playing some fortnite how was that uh anybody coming in with the raid uh hello if you got to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep no worries please t
ake care of yourself first I'll be hanging around um if you're going to hang around I hope you enjoy the Vibes it's a little chaotic right now I'm just trying to I'm just trying to live I spammed so many mega potions for no reason yeah how's it going uh what kind of games do you like to play where's it going oh yeah this this playlist has now looped twice because we hearing this sad song again super fun loving the new season oo are you do you normally like playing like the Battle Royale fortnite
do you like normally playing I've been seeing people play like I guess Minecraft and fortnite um I don't play I I don't play fortnite but I understand it um I've also been seeing Lego fortnite which is pretty interesting but I am glad you're loving you [Music] season little bit of everything been doing the Battle Royale oh nice nice yeah I did I get the tail earlier no way I cut the tail what did I'm going to BM and I'm going to open my freaking map while I'm why did I cut the tail oh it's okay
it was just right here uh I don't play a lot of battle Royals if I do play any it's usually Apex um but I have not touched Apex in a very very long time please heal me okay you I'm depending on you and I can't see anything in this okay okay fine yes okay I will not break all the parts that I would like to but you know if I can just finish this Quest that would be [Music] great oh thank you for the follow much appreciated Pandora H take care tuna oh I'm no no no no no no no no no no no well at l
east it's not [Laughter] far possibly dead by daylight tomorrow ooh I one day we'll play it that's fun though I the only games that I've like recently picked up has been like hunt show down oh can I jump from here yes I can hello why you put me that way um hello um new Apex has been kicking your butt ooh I want to play a new Apex I haven't played um and no no no tuna no no no it is possessive it is possessive it is very much so possessive it is a possessive who's gay it's you you're my gay it wa
s on purpose it was intentional uh or you know you know I'm going to get this tail wait wait wait wait wait I'm stupid I was not looking at my poison wait wait wait please I got a tail though tail for tail okay squint how do we add quotes it is mod power mods may add quotes though I'm debating debating about giving it to VIPs for fun for [Music] fun I don't care about these Footprints where are you going okay what quote am I adding oh no what quote are you adding hold on tippens what quote is th
is can we talk about this what could go wrong nothing can go wrong no Tiffin Tiffin erase that from memory it was supposed to be sect sect no I'm going to cry I in my coat why the [ __ ] is it called a rush I'm fighting for my life oh my God can you get down it was it was sacked I I'm being gas lit by my own chat oh aru thank you so much for gift for continuing your gift sub I'm going to scream I can't believe the slander this is absolute slander diid why would you remember that that was so 3 ho
urs ago can't believe this can't believe this please please I'm so tired of you Ros I have no bombs I have nothing to help me I just have my two dual blades nice whoever did that my cat yeah that was a weird patch huh that was a weird Final Fantasy 14 patch wonder why they did that no idea oh my do I need to sharpen I miss having a dog to run and sharpen with no Archie don't don't worry about it don't worry about it also did I did I tell aru aru you're gay actually actually wait ah he keep turni
ng off demon mode you are you're welcome you're welcome that's okay cuz you're my gay right please do not go away anath no not now I don't need you right now I don't need you right now I do not need you right now you you can go be silly uh with your tiny little arms elsewhere your your tiny little arms can go wait no please where's it going where's it going where's it going where is it going it's going to go all the way to the top are you kidding me mods at the quot I gay aru aru out of yourself
you're a mod that's a oh that's fair that makes sense I don't care about anything else right now screw your Footprints [Laughter] tuna no no no nope oh you know I missed that one I I was going to try for that one but then I you know the ones with the question marks right It Go it's okay I'll take my time getting there where did you go H okay I'll get there that's a big screen that's actually really terrifying to [Music] hear ratne up here up here please I'm almost done I'm almost done [Laughter
] shoves dirt in your face sniff it wow that's a beautiful [Laughter] sunset big sniff oh hello hello hello ma'am I'm sorry I'm just going to casually destroy your husband over [Laughter] here oh this is terrible actually this is actually terrible this is probably the worst thing that could have ever happened to me in a Solo Wrath Quest you know you know they can fight they can fight they can fight it out they can fight it out they can fight it out oh okay hi hello are are you done fighting with
your wife am I am I actually the marriage counselor is that what I'm here for it got washed away by the river oh goodness I love how we just knocked down there and it's just like yep that's it they just stay there now oh they're programmed not to fight at all that's so silly why would they do that why would they do that could you please get down they will tag team you oh ah h i don't need I don't need this I don't need a part of this uh couple's counseling actually please keep me out I would lo
ve if I can hit it though please I'm oh a cliff look there we go get down get down get down oh God no no oh I'm dead I peaked over and saw that that didn't get me to now you're a fool no please end my suffering oh wait it's right there okay yeah yeah yeah little bit of death I'm in danger listen I just want to do one last hunt with my friends is that so much to ask for Rathalos I thought you were real cool but now you're just being kind of a jerk oh wait why did I go back down here where did whe
re are these bugs leading me oh God down there oh I went too far is it here this way oh my God I struggling I am struggling okay that's a big fish that startled me am I too [Music] far okay okay this this this is doable right what's is this time [Music] still I'm struggling where am I where are my bugs leading me to oh is it is it was it that far up it was far up huh yeah I think after this Quest I'll probably do another hunt quest uh with the people and then I think I will call it a night from
there cuz I have not been getting the most restful sleep actually need to go get some melatonin now that I think about it hello please we at the low swing wait am I still even this is still bringing me to wrath L right yeah it is okay it's a very very long path to get to it why is this map so large is it sleeping again or is it just hanging out hello hello ah please stop Flying I'm begging there we [Music] go it's done oh my God it's done I was so close to finishing it earlier if I Justin die to
poison I can't believe this okay Freedom okay now I can just leave right cuz it says to [Music] return terrible terrible me thinking oh that was quick no it wasn't quick congratulations thank you thank you thank you all right get through this cut scene I would last would last oh wait no okay perfect Diablos tell me I can do that with people please tell me I can do that with people I used so [Music] [Music] many okay um okay there are people still in the lobby hello I post I post Diablos yeah ok
ay so this will you got booted for inactivity yeah no worries just jump back in if you would like to um everybody is welcome to I believe it should still be the same room code nothing's changed and then I'll call it a night from there it's got a [Music] cutscene joinable after departure I see okay going to go to Walmart tomorrow and switch the in and outdoor stickers oh my goodness you are just sewing chaos into Walmart I see but hello welcome in uhhuh tuna you're going to help me right right ri
ght I did not eat I always forget to eat aell what is that what is [Music] that Mickey hello hello how are you oh not the custom pler coffee is bean tea it's Bean Juice actually actually okay I will see this is Diablos and then Parish I did not want to lock in on that I've been good I've been a little eepy been busy um I've been I've been trying to get back into streaming so this is the hello this is me streaming yeah can I also get a slash shout out for Micky you guys don't know miky they are M
y Sweet crypted Child what AEL what is it what is it po po okay I okay I will collect then I will collect frog oh I forgot no that was carva I didn't mean to I thought I was going to pick it up like like you do and Rise I didn't know I was going to kick it and paralyze myself oh no no I'm going to C oh you just reminded me I don't have Eclipse uh Eclipse channel in my server I should have that all right Footprints oh no Parish rooms yeah what have you been up to anything besides Li of PE Shadow
thank you so much for the follow welcome in welcome in hope you enjoy your St no Footprints Footprints oh okay perfect thank you I will add that soon and then I'll make sure uh you guys can drop it in I'll do it after after stream where did they go up been super duper sick no I'm so sorry I feel like the last time I heard from you you ALS so we're sick my poor baby I I lost it where did the bugs go oh is it this that's a stone can I please okay I wanted to jump celebrating tanoi today wait your
birthday or marna's birthday is it also your birthday no way oh my God happy birthday oh my God I'm dead wait happy birthday what did you do today do you have any plans did you spend time with your family eat some good foods okay hold on where's my where are my footprints I lost my footprints we stand in place where you going is that it that's a stone that's a cactus uh okay okay okay good good good I hope you have a good one Claudia Mona hello welcome in Raiders oh my God thank you so much for
the raid how's it going how's it going and give a give a minute for the Raider to settle in as I'm doing my search welcome in I worm uh Arabella manree the cyborg super soldier and their miserable I see I see are you a are you a cyborg YouTuber B welcome in bath hello hello the flame X hello hello welcome in welcome in for those of the Raiders that are coming in hope you can get settled hello my name is Guma I like to play a variety of games just getting back into some monha manre thank you so m
uch for the follow welcome in U but yeah so I'm I'm a little baby mon huner a monster hunter but I like to normally play a variety of games um you'll usually catch me playing some Persona uh I will try to get back to doing some art and live to the on stream but for now it's just kind of whatever game tickles my fancy but thank you so much for bringing your community over Claudia it's nice to meet you I see you were also playing some uh some monster hunter are you doing the event right now I know
people have been have been have been going ham with those events and thank you for the follow Claudia I lost the footprints I I lost the footprints ah there it is yeah uh any of the Raiders who are coming in if it's late for you no worries if you got to go eat you got to go hydrate you got to go sleep please take care of yourself first I will be here perfectly perfectly uh not fumbling my quest um yeah uh junior junior zero hello hello and the thank you for thank you so much for the follow welc
ome in you guys but yeah I hope you had a good hunt and also um for for yourself as well if you got to go take care of your post stream activities no worries I absolutely appreciate you coming over to share the monhun love oh oh oh oh oh ah okay this cut scene I think I remember seeing you play this Juna my hair s thank you so this is actually my ALT form I'm normally a brown bear but today I'm a little blue bear me hold on can I is it yeah this is the normal look ay yes yes I am a sussy brown b
ear I accept this I accept my [Laughter] title God I don't miss the Diablos oh hello do you also have blue hair is that what I'm hearing I am honoring Claudia today where that sus emote orello blue hair gang I'm finding a lot of blue-haired blue-haired folks it's purple hold on what kind of games do you like to play do you normally just play Monster Hunter Claudia ah sand this is a nightmare to me so it is blue it is blue I would like to say I'll let that [Music] Diablos I'll see for myself okay
uh anybody in the lobby you guys can join in please oh I am so short I'm too short for this you can finally hunt again yes I'm that wrath L took forever I'm so [Laughter] sad and oh also what what weapon do you mean Claudia I just realized I've had a lot of Monster Hunter streamers come in I'm just like I didn't even ask what weapon they were playing hello H yeah of course of course Hammer yeah big Bonk big Bonk hammer time yeah it's always hammer time okay so I'm I'm not using hammer right now
I'm using dual blades cuz I want to be a little Speedy boy but I normally love meaning Hammer Hammer uh any big weapons uh hunting horn was also a big one I played a lot of in rise and oh what the anyways um I played a lot of Hunty corn and Riz and sunre but uh a sunbreak I switched over to hammer actually and then the this one I'll probably pick up my hammer soon but for now I'm just doing dual blades for the convenience yeah I need to use a hammer on a fish bunk the fish I can now eat again d
o I need to eat again oh I painted so yeah Hammer mans rise up where's waffles waffles my fellow Hammer man eat these nuts oh wait it's below wait thank you so much for the follow welcome into the cafe enjoy your stay enjoy your stay please let me jump okay ah tuna I see wow very appropriate name wrathful Hammer yeah slide spin Mount okay I have to learn how to slide spin mount on this game though I'm so used to wire bugs so yeah no worries Claudia thank you again so much for dropping in your co
mmunity I hope to get you around we definitely peek in and I hope you have a good rest of your night please take care can you oh wait did anybody bring Sonic bombs float charge hold move then you let go oo okay okay okay I'll have to practice I'll have to practice I am definitely not used to mounting if I even get like any sort of like action of like going ham on the monster it's by accident pure accident sco hey sco how's it going do you have a bag pipe tuna I tippins yeah it is a bag pipe okay
syy Bear yes that's me oh no I'm sorry about your headache have you been busy today have you've been drinking a lot of uh water you've been eating enough have you taken meds oh okay he runs nice spent most of the day in bed oh no not feeling too good hey got the tail I'm going to oh I'm going to be I'm in front of the monster I will get this tail you have work tonight or you taking it off so that you can breast oh come on oh my God it sounds oh nice give me give me the carve love sleep is it ti
me for the sleep is it time for Sleep [Music] orell o sorry did not mean to knock my mic like that oh okay okay okay uh three more hours of work [Music] okay okay that was a lot shorter than I expected it but I think it's because the solo Quest took me so long I can actually probably still do a couple more quests and that'll be good this L did so much damage and this is meant to be less damage than a Defender W yeah I was gonna say I was like oh that was really quick yeah we we can do a couple m
ore we can do a couple more if that's is how it's going to be with multiplayer are you taking are you going to get the whole week off uh next week or stun knock stun knock [Music] yeah oh my God yeah of course [Music] big okay I am going to stop the music though feel like it's been it's become white noise to me now and I'm pretty sure it's just been playing over but the least the manun manun music is pretty good 10 whole days oh my god do you have any big plans any fun adventures planned or you
just going to take it easy hav logged out of final Fancy by Tuesday send help are you saying you're going to be playing for for for days straight okay actually I remember seeing these cut scenes over in tuna stream either tuna or or p cut scene I can't we'll send you some help in game yes yes we will help you or projects around the house nice and yes lots of games lots of games are always good anything else besides Final Fantasy [Music] 14 oh no oh Matt Mercer who does Matt Mercer voice is he th
e the fleet command the the fleet Hunter he's like five different people what I'll probably transfer it over to so I can hear I want to know he's the Huntsman oo okay hold on after this cut scene I'll have to switch it over before we get into more quests of course he's the field team leader hold on I got to hear it now oh you have to close unfortunate okay I I'll play it in English next time I'll play it in English next time I do like hearing the the English voice actors I feel like because I've
been playing a lot of Persona 3 it's been very ingrained in my head to hear English whenever I hear voice acting puzzles ladies oh yeah little ladies day is today okay I have to do that too I think the it's um such a cute it's a mount right for the event I also appreciate it to I'm very glad that they always include it makes me so happy to see it especially having played it on DS with monster hunter language okay yeah I figured it was the pink one the the spring looking [Music] one oh we're in
a little ad break I'm going to take a moment um to go through these I'm going to speed through these actually while we're on ad break welcome in solarius if you're in chat um am I am I going speak to the Handler hatching tide oh okay okay going to okay what is the next one is it a joinable one at least a colossal T okay yeah it is it is [Music] hello let me do this oh it's going to be one of those I have to get to the cut scene as well this is such a silly silly silly I love this from Monster Hu
nter so much makes me so happy whenever I see the differences in all of the uh canteen scenes the food just looks so tasty zor magdos aha so you guys are helping me with that right right right wait till you see the iceborn food o I can't wait already oh no what do you mean oh no is it going to a colossal task tipin tippens tippens tippens tippens tiens Zora kick okay yeah I have a feeling oh it's okay yeah it's okay got to a good amount of of some hunting [Laughter] today oh boy I was already fr
ustrated when I did the the little thing where you had to weaken the Bora and I was just like and I was just like is this like Rampage because I don't like Rampage after you get this pass this guy you're in HR though HR Mr HR oh okay oh I didn't even realize to be quite honest with you ah right right just like how Master an is Sun Break oh really I wasn't it oh man I feel like I knew what it was supposed to be but what is it exactly if not all of it is in gibberish this is such an intense cut sc
ene I love my singular P oh there's the other pal mix of Japanese and Anglo German uh Germanic oh oh how interesting ah uh yeah I don't care too much about that section but honestly I probably should take that off so you can actually see my face honestly I just want to have uh layered armor again good layered armor and then and then I can I can worry about my face what is this no keeping on heck you tuna heck you my cat oh wait that's so cute tell some helmets look really cool yeah I figured don
't love be me oh this is so cool huh baros oh we're on it already Okay what are we doing okay I people should be able to join now uh the dop bled armor doesn't come until the end of the game of course of course listen I just got to get that Wiggly head and then I'll be good I will be good I need the wiggly head okay just got [Music] to we just have to go across oh [Music] hello uh base oh yeah that's sad how do I attack it am I trying to hit the cores again there's a different wasn't until iceb
okay I'm a fool and I don't think I can actually go across here yeah I can't got to go back I [Music] think okay yeah why did I go around this way your favorite big monster saurin is it is it really look for some little glowing cones yeah that's what I was looking at for like the first time hello okay uh oh oh hello that was quick oh my God oh my God seeing everything move hello okay okay I see somebody over there is this one oh this one okay this is the one that got destroyed right and then we
got to make our way up again oh should I not [Music] have huh how did you go oh how did you get down there again oh up up is where I got to go up is where I got to [Music] go nice thank you uh [Music] up around oh my God that was such a weird glitch I saw tippens just fly and then go off to the side oh my God hello excuse me wait what is that monkey on you that's so cool that's so silly is this is this a lard armor he's just a little guy oh just a little guy okay where are we supposed to hit I f
eel like we've been going in circles okay up here oh this is something to hit ah okay oh okay oh oh oh am I supposed to climb up here or go down no cannot go down go up [Music] here where's tippens tippens where did tippens go feel like I'm so lost on this okay is it just yeah just okay I'm climbing I'm climbing um still up okay more up oh no okay oh look oh okay I was going to mine I'm very much so on fire hello that's the [Music] binder I can roll hold on oh okay okay okay okay listen I'm lost
okay never mind I'm good okay I'm running in the back there we [Music] go we oh is that a ping can you ping in this [Music] game I was just on fire oh I was fine I'm fine it is niggi I always hear I always hear about this monster I don't I don't know yet what's so great about it it looks pretty cool I guess but I can now eat again okay whoa I don't like this perspective okay both Ruiner and regular wait there's two kinds oh no I'm scared about fighting it then oh I see should not have jumped do
wn I followed everybody else oh God no no no no no no okay can I wait for you to perish instantly tuna tuna don't do this to me H wait did wasn't tippens at the end of that huh we just have to wait is that what we're doing hello hello [Music] tippens look at your little bagpipe go are are are we just waiting is that oh we need I have arrived dies moment forg no we don't no no no no no no no no no no no no no none of that that's Pina that's Pina that's not [Music] [Laughter] Guma okay hold on tho
ugh really like are we supposed to wait here I'm going to I'm going to final Skirmish okay hurry up and wait oh okay well done PPA always dying oh my gosh it's so cool seeing the the environment in this game oh or simply get brought over here uh-huh [Music] easy yeah I don't even think uh I've ever gotten a farcaster yet so far oh I see can I fire it I'll fire it oh okay thank [Laughter] you so we had to wait till it walk far enough oh that makes more sense oh my God it is so intimidating it's h
uge oh okay this is fine do having to do this alone sucks with friends better much much more convenient wonder how those cannons work being able to fire five at a time right imagine the amount of gunpowder i' need ah okay I will simply fire this one it's not anywhere weak get out get out get out get out okay is it better if I use the ballista oh thing is I have to reload the ballistas okay that's fine come to the far left dragonator okay oh there's a dragonator wait wait am I on the wrong left d
o I know my [Music] directions there's a gap jump down to a ship oh oh I see okay should I do that now I do that after does it matter oh okay but still not weak oh well you know at the end of the ship okay K okay I see where you are [Music] [Applause] H oh killed it too fast even though he was saying it's nowhere near weak enough [Laughter] hello it's okay there will always be other dragon haers Big Sleep is it big sleep for [Applause] Zora yay thank you guys [Music] I was lied to they can steal
your glory as long as they don't steal your [Music] [Music] fear nice [Music] built different your fem can be stolen but it's just out there [Music] tippens yay thank you guys it's gondorf yay y okay so that gets me into high rank now right right [Music] [Laughter] right they stuck hopping in circles instead of spinning oh yeah absolutely ah okay okay let me just let me clear some of the exclamation points and then start settling over here oh wait no it was the captain okay tippens tippens you
looking you're looking a little quotable there [Laughter] [Music] tippens see random items oh okay oh okay wow this oh oh there's so much I'm going to have to go through later on is that the only where's the other one over at the Handler can I talk to you from here no talk to you from here [Laughter] thank you Duna thank you all right I think let me do a quick save before I forget cuz I always uh forget oh it's pie day and it's also white day I forgot it is a white day okay so I think yeah I'm g
oing call it here had a good good amount of time good amount of of of level in getting my rank stretch oh my God yeah okay I'm going to move over to my other screen hold on does this button still do what it needs to do we're going to see yeah okay perfect just want to make sure I get so mixed up with my buttons sometimes and I'm just like huh [Music] oopsie make sure to the game so you guys don't lot but thank you guys so so much oh Jeremy thank you so much for the follow I will try to make this
I will try to make this a weekly thing I need to fix that tuna I'm a fool I didn't fix it but I do have a nice shiny new Discord that is pinned there in the top uh yeah thank you so much section uh appreciate you jumping in joining in thank you thank you um uh I will be so I have to catch up to Final Fantasy content before the next ra before the next rid this Sunday so I will be playing some Fino fany this Friday um I would like to do some more monhun but I think I should catch up to current co
ntent but yeah I hope to catch you around aoria yeah thank you guys so much for hanging out appreciate everyone stopping in and thank you so much for everybody who is dropping in por ah yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right the the problem is I'm not an endurance streamer unfortunately you want an endurance streamer you can check out Tina Tina will go on for like 18 hours over strategy RPGs yeah um you got the raid message ready and I'm just kind of like wait I need to find somebody t
o raid let me figure that out right now let's see who is on I okay so I had a lot of uh World trains today so I think I'll actually go find somebody who's also streaming some MH hun world will it be my Oshi who knows look at that my Oshi is still streaming okay I'm I'm a little embarrassed but do I be that person that goes in and raids my Oshi am I going to be that do it I'm I'm so flushed he I'm pretty sure he recognizes me in his YouTube chat so I'm kind of just like do I do it I ra oi okay ok
ay I'm nervous please please be nice um he has a jpen community he does speak English um so please send love uh be kind please don't make me look weird oi it's it's it's like your favorite Street like your favorite favorite person you know your your Oshi is laxi Drew your Oshi is laxi I was about to shout out kulo will I be a actually can I raid him I'm so [Music] nervous okay okay yes okay we can rate him I'm going to cry I'm going to be so normal I'm so normal I'm so normal I'm so normal be ki
nd um I will just please please uh if you want my next stream it'll be Friday I will see you on Friday I'm not sure what time yet but if you would like to get the stream P you can be on the Discord or you can turn on my stream notifications yay okay my heart is beating we're going to go for this okay I'll catch you guys later [Music] bye no no please be normal you please be normal please please stop okay catch you later [Music] by [Music]
