
Morning News NOW Full Broadcast - Feb. 7

A federal appeal court rules that former President Donald Trump is not immune to election interference charges, Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbleyโ€™s mother is found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and Hamas counter-proposes that Israel release of all Palestinian prisoners and withdrawal from Gaza. ยป Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #Trump #Congress #Israel

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1 month ago

[Music] right now on Morning News Now Donald Trump denied a federal appeals court ruling the former president is not immune from prosecution in his 2020 election interference trial setting the stage for a possible showdown in the Supreme Court we have Team coverage also this morning Chaos on Capitol Hill after a GOP Le effort to impeach the homeland security secretary Alejandra maoris fails in the house plus Jennifer Kemble found guilty a landmark verdict for the mother of Michigan school shoote
r Ethan Crumbley now the first parent in the US to ever be convicted for a mass shooting carried out by their child I feel that this verdict is going to Echo throughout every household in the country we'll break down the verdict and what happens next and you could call it the wet Coast this morning Californians picking up the pieces from a days long storm now that system is is on the Move we are tracking the conditions weather's been a major story of course for several days now out west it reall
y has yes we were having the same conversation last week hope for some relief uh in the near future good morning good to have you with us I'm Joe frier and I'm Savannah C We Begin this morning with that major legal blow for former president Trump an appeals court rejected Mr Trump's claim he is immune from prosecution in the federal election interference case he's accused of committing acts while President in an effort to overturn the 2020 election lead to the January 6th attack on the capital t
he former president who is the front runner for the GOP nomination now plans to appeal that ruling to the Supreme Court Trump responded to the Court's decision on social media yesterday calling it dangerous and saying quote a nation destroying ruling like this cannot be allowed to stand let's begin with NBC News correspondent Bri Jackson Who joins us from Washington with more on the ruling Bri good morning Good morning Joe Savannah so this case is one of four criminal prosecutions Trump faces ev
en as he remains the GOP front runner the appeals court decision now paves the way for special counsel Jack Smith to move forward with his federal election interference case against the former president a federal appeals court rejected former president Trump's claim that he's immune from Criminal prosecution related to his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election including actions that led to the January 6 attack on the US capital the ruling state we cannot accept that the office of the pre
sidency places its former occupants above the law for all time they after whatever protections he thinks he may have um because he's a former president he doesn't have he's a he's a citizen Trump trump showing his discontent with the decision posting online a president of the United States must have full immunity in order to properly function and do what has to be done for the good of our country we can seek to have this heard by the Supreme Court but the Supreme Court does not have to take it t
he former president's legal team has vowed to appeal which could cause further delays special counsel Jack Smith is hoping to prosecute the case this year I think that there is you know some gamesmanship really on both sides of playing the calendar based on the election Tuesday's decision comes as voters weigh in in the Nevada presidential primaries and caucuses this week I don't think he did anything wrong I feel like every of the United States need to be held accountable to something that they
did wrong Trump's legal battles expected to play a key role in the race for the White House and on Thursday the US Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether former president Trump can remain on the ballot in Colorado this after the state Supreme Court ruled that he violated section three of the 14th Amendment which stops anyone who engaged in Insurrection from holding elected office back to you all right Bri Jackson thank you so much we are now joined by NBC News legal analyst Danny saal i
s here on set with us Danny good morning so first let's just get you to kind of weigh in on both sides of this in your reaction here so Trump had argued that criminal liability for former presidents will in his words open the floodgates for meritless and harassing prosecution the appeals court found that risk appears to be low as the way they put it tell us what you thought of their decision I thought it was a well- reasoned decision I think a lot of folks are saying that today but I will say th
at I thought there could have been more on a particular issue and that issue is a discussion of whether or not the acts as alleged in the indictment for Donald Trump uh fell within official Acts or even the Outer Perimeter of His official acts there was really not a lot of discussion about that and I was looking for it but I have to say this the court didn't necessarily need to wade into that moras of whether or not Donald Trump's conduct was official acts under the uh presidential immunity uh b
ecause really their conclusion was that there is no such thing as absolute presidential immunity for a former president uh for this particular situation in fact in a way the opinion leaves open the possibility that there are all kinds of different situations in which there would be presidential immunity even for a former president in the case of discretionary acts for example political type acts uh but really what they say is in this particular situation the answer is no so now we know the forme
r president plans to appeal he could go to the Supreme Court he could also go to sort of the full Federal appeals court instead of just this three judge panel if this does go to the Supreme Court what can we expect to see what are their options he will not go back to the DC Circuit Court he will not ask for a rehearing he will not ask for unbun review and unbun review just means that instead of the three on the panel that heard this the entire court would hear it and the reason he won't do that
in all likelihood is because the Mandate issued by the court or the Court's order says explicitly and this may be the most important thing the court did more than it's actual opinion they said that he has until the 12th but if he does ask for a re-hearing it will not stay the case the case will go back to District Court to judge Chuck kin so instead that leaves the only viable Avenue for Trump a an Emergency petition to the Supreme Court because that's his only chance for a stay and that's reall
y the unspoken thing here it's something that doesn't appear in the opinion or in the briefs or anything else this is all about delay that's the only thing the Trump team cares about if they can delay this past the inauguration the federal case is over in fact all federal cases are over but they just can't say that in their moving papers uh so that is what you're likely going to see they'll wait until the last possible minute which will be the 12th then they'll file their petition for emergency
review and a request for a stay it goes to Chief Justice Roberts only because he has jurisdictional geographical jurisdiction for this jurisdiction and then it's up to the court let's talk then about timing you mentioned that they will delay delay but so that March 4th they tossed out for this trial to actually get underway what what's your best guess on when we actually see that happen that is always the question right but take consider this and I said this for weeks and weeks for the last few
weeks a lot of folks kept saying well where is the DC circuit on this opinion and I have to say I kept thinking well my only basis for comparing it is normal mortal ordinary cases and those cases ordinarily take a long time and look at this opinion it was a 52 or 57 page opinion uh that is something that was deeply checked uh edited they were very careful in their opinion and that's something that's going to take more than a week to write so all of these things yes I can talk about the fastest p
ossible and maybe you could see a trial by May if everything moves at the fastest rate but in all likelihood I always say for a high-profile case just add a few months that brings us smack dab into the election Danny savalos as always we appreciate you thanks so much former president Trump s out the symbolic Nevada Republican primary on Tuesday and his top Challenger former un Ambassador Nikki Haley still came in second to No One NBC News projects Haley has lost the Nevada contest despite not ha
ving any major Challenger the ballot permitted voters to back a specific candidate or effectively pick none of them that option as you can see on your screen right now received more support than Haley it was essentially viewed as a standin option for Trump this is Haley's third straight loss to kick off the primary season but she's vowed to stay in the race now while former president Donald Trump was not on the ballot yesterday will compete on Thursday when Nevada Republicans will hold caucuses
now that is the contest that will award the state's delegates on the Democratic side NBC News projects that President Biden has won the Nevada Primary the wind puts him one step closer to formally clinching the party's nomination setting up a likely general election rematch in November against former president Trump sticking with politics it was a shocking setback on Capitol Hill for republicans in a dramatic moment it the months-long GOP effort to try and impeach Homeland Security secretary Ale
jandro mayorcas failed in a full vote before the House of Representatives the defeat came after speaker Mike Johnson accused mycus of allowing millions of migrants to cross into the US I don't believe there's ever been a cabinet secretary who who was so blatantly openly willfully and without remorse did exactly the opposite what the Federal Law requires him to do at least three Republicans were not convinced joining all Democrats in voting against the measure for more we're joined by NBC News Co
ngressional correspondent Julie cirin so Julia vote to impeach secretary my orcus was always expected to be a tight margin but lead us through this vote what we're hearing from those three Republicans who voted against the impeachment yeah this was a stunning moment of defeat for Republican leadership not only in the house by the way in the Senate as well with the dismantling and failure of this border package but in the house yesterday man we were watching seaspan you're watching the floor l th
e action was really down to the wire Al Green who was a Democrat came in in a wheelchair with his hospital gown after just getting surgery and uh voted against this measure knocking down the Republican tallies and in an effort to convince some of those Republicans who were at Dead Set against voting for this impeachment speaker Johnson tried to pressure them to no avail and here's what one of them had to say on the floor earlier the grounds of impeachment to app point where we can expect it to b
e leveled against every conservative Supreme Court Justice every future Republican president and Cabinet member control that was a similar argument made by Congressman Mike Gallagher as well he said this sets a bad precedent moving forward of course a cabinet secretary has not been in Peach in 150 years guys but it doesn't mean that this effort is over Julie let's talk about that bipartisan Senate border bill which didn't last very long it's going nowhere president Biden is pointing the finger s
quarely at former president Trump and Republicans first I want to play some of what he said we'll talk after every day between now and November the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his mag Republican France if this border bill is indeed voted down it's only February to President Biden's point is there any time before the November election to get meaningful border legislation pushed through no there's just no way that's going to h
appen this was really a last ditch effort by a group of bipartisan Senators who worked for months to try and negotiate a product that could help make the Border more secure to stem the flow of the record migrant crossings that we've been seeing and Republicans have really said the quiet part out loud including yesterday I was at a press conference with Senator head Cruz Rick Scott who were bashing this deal who said that this was a political gift the very idea of trying to come out with a border
proposal in an election year they're all pointing to The Ballot Box as the only way the Border crisis will be fixed but Democrats now have something to campaign on you heard President Biden mention some of that they can now say that Republicans killed a border deal that they wanted by the way in exchange for Ukraine and another foreign aid uh and they can say after not saying much about the border that this is something Democrats are going to prioritize and it's Republicans to blame for the cri
sis not being addressed so Julie Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is also told Democrats he's going to force a vote today on his supplemental Aid bill without those border Provisions what more can you tell us about that exactly Schumer actually set up this possibility on Monday he knew this could potentially happen that Republicans who originally demanded that Ukraine and Border be linked now reversing course on that position so what's going to happen today is when Republicans which they are
expected to do are going to block this bipartisan supplemental bill with the Border Provisions included at around 1:00 Schumer is then going to go to the floor and bring up a supplemental package without the border security provisions in it still including the fend off our fent act which is a big bipartisan priority that unclear the fate of that policy but of course Ukraine Aid is on the line the House Republicans don't want Ukraine a so it really is a question as to how this lands all right Ju
lie cirin Julie thank you so much now let's get to that unprecedented verdict out of Michigan a jury finding Jennifer Crumbley the mother of a Michigan school gunman guilty in the shooting deaths of four of her son's classmates Crumbley was convicted yesterday on four counts of involuntary manslaughter for the deaths from a mass shooting in 2020 it's the first time in the US that the parent of a convicted school shooter is being held criminally responsible for their child's deadly actions the ca
se against her centered on her actions and inactions before her son Ethan shot 10 students and a teacher at Oxford High School in at at at Oxford High School in Oxford Michigan Ethan was 15 at the time we've got team coverage of this Landmark verdict we have NBC News correspondent Maggie Besa in Pontiac Michigan and we have NBC News legal analyst Angela sadella here on set with us thank you thank you both for joining us Maggie I will start with you there this has been an emotional trial what do
we know about how jurors arrived at this verdict well Savannah basically they took less than two days to get to that Landmark verdict 11 hours by our count this entire case exactly took two weeks from jury selection through the verdict it's also worth noting among the jury uh many of those jurors are parents most of them are parents many of them are gun owners and again arriving at this verdict with a day and a half of deliberations in inside that Courthouse victim's families telling me they hop
e this serves as a wakeup call for parents Across America so Angela let's bring you in here what's the precedent that you think this verdict set do you think we're going to see more parents charged in cases like this yes I do think we will across the country I also think what this really does is it gives prosecutors a lot more confidence and it will affect plea deals because they will use this to parents and say well look what happened happened in Michigan look every state has involuntary mansla
ughter laws I also think though it's important to note that in this case every member of that jury agreed on this so this is not to say that they if they are charged more frequently it will result in convictions all the time it's just I do think it will bolster the confidence of prosecutors Maggie what kind of sentence is Jennifer Crumbley facing and what happens next yeah so it's 15 years uh maximum per count so we have four counts possibly 60 years our legal analysts tell us it is rare in the
state of Michigan for a sentence like this to be handed down consecutively so again we're looking at the maximum 60 years but the judge has discretion there her sentencing is set for April 9th guys it's also worth noting her husband's trial uh they're being tried separately his is set to begin next month on March 5th he faces the same charges for CS of involuntary manslaughter and just yesterday we got our hands on the prosecution's witness list for his trial every single witness called by the p
rosecution for Jennifer's trial is on the list list for his so while it's not a guarantee that those Witnesses of course will be called to the stand it's very possible at least that we could see a lot of the same arguments that we just heard in Jennifer crumley's trial kind of rehashed for lack of a better word for her husband's case which is coming up guys so Angela let's talk more about the husband's trial do we expect we're going to see the exact same case presented how does this case impact
James Grumble case yes well I don't think things are looking good for him I think in fact his culpability is arguably worse first given that he is the one who purchased the gun for his son in this straw man purchase he was not supposed to do that and according to Jennifer crumb's testimony he's also the one who is in charge of storing the gun now whether or not he will dispute that we'll see but I don't think this looks good for him she was in essence trying to blame him and she gets convicted s
o does that suggest that maybe even the state's case is stronger against him yes and also when the prosecution wins a case like this again with that exact same witness list they're confidence is through the roof so this next round he better have better defense attorneys all right Angela and Maggie thank you both very much for your help on this one more showers and heavy snow ahead for the West Coast let's get a check on your Morning News Now weather Andrew lman is here in studio she is tracking
the storm's path for us hey Andrew good morning good morning guys we've got a couple things to talk about when it comes to the same storm system as it marches to the east but one note we are seeing some drier Skies across parts of Southern California it doesn't mean it's going to stay perfectly dry over the next couple of days because we in fact do have another batch of some wet weather working in there but a couple of Welcome breaks we've got some snow falling in some of those higher elevations
across those Western mountain ranges and that's what we're going to see here over the next couple of days still plenty of alerts in effect we have seen them come down for places like Bakersfield in La as far as the flood concerns are are as far far as the flood alerts are concerned notice there's still in effect for parts of San Diego and the surrounding area we've got winter alerts up and we've got wind alerts and those extend farther to the east the system on the move so we've got this one th
at we've been watching that's going to bring some snow across portions of the Rockies and the plains through the day today but notice we've got another batch of of wet weather that works on Shore for California here as we get into the later parts of your Wednesday and into your Thursday so yes you might notice some dry skies for a couple of hours today but we've got more rain on the way that initial system is also going to bring some snow and some rain to portions of the Plains and parts of the
Great Lakes here as we get through your Thursday it'll be a little soggy of a commute for folks uh on their way home as you are out and about in that area for tomorrow afternoon and evening here's the the deal as far as the additional rain that we're expecting across those really saturated grounds in California we've got another inch maybe inch and a half in some of the uh more isolated areas we'll still see another quarter of an inch though possible in that Heavy Rain the timing again is going
to be here as we get into the later parts of your Wednesday and into your Thursday as far as the snow is concerned um really piling up across these ranges you can see anywhere from a foot to a foot and a half in a lot of spots across parts of the Rockies we'll see that and that's going to make it a little difficult for travel if folks are going to be out and about here in that area over the next day or so here's the the big picture look we've still got the record warmth here across parts of the
Great Lakes the middle of the country is running way warm for this time of year 50s 60s even close to 70ยฐ across parts of Texas we've got study in kind of milder conditions taking shape across the the southeast but uh as we look ahead to the weekend it's going to be the record highs that get your attention for much of the East we've got temperatures headed into the 50s we've got temperatures headed into the mid-60s here as we look ahead to Friday still dealing with however the snow showers acros
s the Rockies and those Western mountain ranges as we round out our work week looking ahead to Saturday we've got some heavy rain that will track across parts of the southeast and the interior Northeast we've got more snow for the Rockies and then finally finally we're going to see those sunnier Skies settle in for parts of the West specifically California which of course we'll have a lot of cleaning up to do by the time we get into Sunday we've got some stormy conditions that we'll have to trac
k across parts of the southeast really warm conditions across parts of the Northeast we're talking upper 50s for uh parts of the weekend guys in the city and we're going to see still the the snow showers working across the middle of the country as we round out our weekend we going to see some shorts some tank tops I think so people run even still in the cold and short which is just really mind blowing I see no shirts in yeah I think we'll see a lot of that Sunday so prepare yourselves Angie than
k you well there's much more to come here on morning news now later this hour cancer concerns the World Health Organization projecting an alarming 77% spike in cancer cases by 2050 what doctors want you to know up first after the break a counterproposal from Hamas including a plan to try and end the war with Israel we're going to have the latest on talks when we come back we're back with an update on the proposed hostage and ceasefire negotiations between Hamas leaders and mediators in Egypt and
Qatar Hamas has introduced a counterproposal this morning including a plan to try and end the war the offer comes as US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin spent the morning in highlevel meetings with Israeli leaders in Tel Aviv blinkin previously met with both Qatari and Egyptian officials to discuss the future of those hostages still being held in Gaza he had this to say afterward there's still a lot of work to be done but we continue to believe that an agreement is possible and indeed essenti
al uh and we will continue to work relentlessly to achieve it NBC News forign correspondent Matt Bradley joined us now from Tel Aviv with the latest Matt good morning so what more do we know about this ceasefire counter proposal from Hamas leaders is there a realistic option here to end the war yeah I can tell you guys I just spoke with an Israeli official just this morning and was told that this is unrealistic that this is a non-starter for the Israelis and it really looks like this brings us a
ll the way back to square one now these weren't exactly the same maximalist proposals that the Hamas had had before but it is very close to the non-working agreement that they were trying to present earlier which was essentially a full and final cessation of all Israeli hostilities in the Gaza Strip the full release of uh of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the full withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip This is a little bit more of a compromise but not by much this is 13
5 days what Hamas is proposing of a ceasefire by the Israelis uh it involves basically reconstruction of the Gaza Strip a massive withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and as far as the Israelis are concerned this is just not going to work and I've even heard that they might not even really go so far as to present this to the war cabinet uh they just think it's unworkable at a non-star starter guys Matt did this counterproposal influence blink's visit to Israel today just knowing
that it's even on the table we don't know yet because we haven't heard yet from uh blink's visit it's happening basically as we speak the intention of blink's visit if you're to believe the Israelis and I was speaking to them about this was that he was here in order to try to Ink this deal in order to get it over the line and that's why he was doing the shuttle diplomacy all around the region that's why he was visiting places uh who the countries that were involved in the negotiation you see Sau
di Arabia not involved in the negotiation but he was he's going to Qatar he was in Egypt and of course he's in Israel now so these were all parties to the negotiations that were Inked out about two weeks ago in Paris uh but now it looks like this is going to be disappointing for all of the parties involved particularly the Palestinian residents of the Gaza strim guys so Matt there are growing concerns about Israel's push toward Rafa that's the border crossing with Egypt it's become a refuge for
an estimated 1 million Gins is this adding pressure for all sides to try and reach some sort of ceasefire deal before Israel's anticipated assault on the region and just how dire is the situation in Rafa well the situation is very dire you're seeing it on your screen right now all over the Gaza Strip these are people who were almost entirely the almost the entire population of Rafa right now was displaced from elsewhere in the Gaza Strip so these are all displaced people we understand that they'
re suffering from famine malnutrition and disease and that they're not getting adequate medical care or food because unoa now is suffering as well there's been a lot of withdrawal of financing ever since that Scandal uh where the Israelis accused a dozen members of unwa of participating in the Hamas Terror attacks on October 7th we have word now that the assault on Rafa is already beginning uh the Israelis had signaled that they were going to turn their guns from hunis where they are now in the
southern part of the Gaza Strip to Rua which is right on the border uh with Egypt and this is a place where again this was a readout for all of these Palestinian civilians who had come from elsewhere and now and this was true before it's truer now there really is no safe place for Palestinian civilians to go guys all right Matt Bradley Matt thank you so much thanks Matt staying in the region our NBC News Pentagon correspondent Courtney QB is the only reporter embedded with the US Navy in the Red
Sea where ships are being attacked by houthi rebels she has a closer look at how American forces are defending that vital Waterway Irani and back tothi militias showing no sign of backing down attacking two more ships in the Red Sea with six missiles causing minor damage according to us officials after the US and British military struck three dozen Hoy sites in Yemen in an effort to deter H the attacks on ships the US Navy tasked with defending against them the weapon we're most concerned with
is uh ballistic missiles like the one that hit this ship the Marin lwanda in January how would you describe the environment out here right now you know i' would say this is It's a pretty intense environment out here as captain of the USS Mason Commander Justin Smith has to make a split second decision to shoot down an incoming missile we're talking a matter of seconds here uh but my decision space is you know Commander's decision space on whether I'm going to engage that uh inbound threat I have
about 10 to 15 seconds of decision time the ship's spy radar first detects the missile launch hundreds of miles away Sailors quickly put on their fire resistance gear as they assess what was launched I assess as anti-ship ballistic missile based off speed altitude and maneuvering INB and the US fires its own missile to hit the incoming houthi missile here in the ship's control room they practice shooting down missiles over and over in a rare interview we spoke with the captain who runs operatio
n Prosperity Guardian which defends against Hy attacks I won't beat around the bush this is a this is a kinetic environment the hotties of caused a lot of May mayhem out here there have now been more than 40 attacks by houthis against commercial ships and military ships in the region since mid November back to you all right Courtney thank you so much coming up a crisis on campus the FBI is sounding the alarm about hate crimes committed at schools more from the new report including the one group
being targeted the most and more proof that you are what you eat what researchers found about the link between your diet and your immune system system that will be in our weekly checkup that's coming up next for you stay with us on Morning News [Music] Now welcome back a recent report from the FBI shows hate crimes on school campuses are on the rise in fact 10% of all hate crimes in 2022 happened on school grounds the report also revealed that the most targeted demographic of bias motivated crim
es at schools for African-Americans NBC News correspondent Valerie Castro has that story hate crimes often acts of violence motivated by a bias like gender race or religion are now reportedly happening to more and more students in schools every year a new FBI report revealing schools colleges and universities are the third most common place where reported hate crimes happen nearly doubling from 700 in 2018 to 1,336 in 2022 I'm very surprised that it is increasing instead of decreasing students l
ike Theodore Temple's son Teddy falling victim the 12-year-old was stabbed in the head by a classmate last year at his Colorado Middle School according to Denver Police he just rushes at me and then he stabs me in my head and then I started seeing like my blood like it started coming down I started screaming the other student now charged with attempted murder and bias motivated crime but has not entered a plea in court Teddy's father says that student was once a friend until he says he began cal
ling Teddy racist slurs it was just totally because of his race he had every intention of killing him in Washington state it was a planned attack Natasha wheeler says her child who identifies as transgender was assaulted at their high school after creating an lgbtq Club she believes that made them a Target prosecutors charging one student with felony assault and a hate crime for the 2022 attack NBC News has reached out to the prosecuting attorney for the case status but has not heard back the wo
rld needs to see what's happening and force change because the more people that see it the more pressure there is to make it right FBI statistics finding the most common biased type of reported hate crime offenses at schools was anti-black or African-American followed by anti-jewish and anti-lgbt anti-transgender hate crimes in schools increasing by 163% in The Last 5 Years and crimes motivated by bias against disability tripling in that time what do you think contributes to that increase probab
ly the the most important factor is social media social media is a huge driver of hate because hater is a voice and a voice that they they really never had the Anti-Defamation League says it works to be proactive we do anti-bias anti-bullying anti-hate work in the schools programs which fight anti-Semitism Holocaust Education but finds that many schools seek out help once incidents have already taken place we certainly need to be reactive but but we need to be taking steps that will help us get
ahead of this some calling on classroom lessons to extend beyond math and reading adding chapters on tolerance and understanding our thanks to Valerie Castro for that report experts say hate crimes are difficult to track and often underreported because many victims fear retaliation or that they may not be believed now it is time for our weekly checkup this week the king of England was diagnosed with cancer and country singer Toby Keith died after battling stomach cancer well now there's a startl
ing new report from the wh about the world's cancer rates plus a new link between what you eat and your immune system joining us now here in person Dr cavid Patel NBC News medical contributor and co-host of the new slate podcast well now congratulations thank you so exciting and great title for that one too by the way let's talk about cancer because the World Health Organization released report showing the global cancer burden is growing I mean talk about that what are the most common types of c
ancers and what should people know about the risk yeah so there's there's good news bad news the bad news is that we're seeing an increase in cancer 20 million cases in 2022 about one in five people in the world the good news is that we're advancing in our therapies if you can get them only about a third of the world has access to some of these life-saving treatments and some of the medications that sometimes we take for granted so the doctor's ORD is here and the leading causes in men lung canc
er women breast but both are susceptible to many different kinds of cancers so the orders here are to know your family risk factors and to talk about this with your doctor and don't forget screenings we have so many screenings for lung for breast for prostate for many of these cancers and we're doing research to check for screening for the ones we don't have like stomach cancer so a lot of progress and talk about these risk factors absolutely um one study actually that we're about to discuss is
maybe something that could help decrease a certain type of cancer this is the British Journal of sports medicine they found that cardio exercise May decrease men's risk of prostate cancer but us through this and exactly how much cardio we're talking about yeah EXA that's the key question here cardiorespiratory Fitness was measured in Sweden about 57,000 men were measured over time didn't include black men which I want to say is an important for prostate cancer an important population and they me
asured people over a period of years and at least twice and basically put them on cycles and check their V2 Max so think about getting on like a Paton bike and getting your heart rate up and that's really what they looked for kind of that increase in heart rate and getting more oxygen a 3% increas in your cardiorespiratory Fitness translated to about a 35% relative risk reduction for prostate cancer this adds to that growing body of evidence we've talked about about exercise being good for you a
nd especially in helping reduce cancer so the doctor's orders here are really to get your heart rate up so how much it's what you need to get kind of a sustained heart rate up and then I like to remind people about checking for prostate cancer we call it face up to prostate cancer family history age changes in urination and your ethnicity those should all be things you think about as men to think about prostate cancer screening I think those are people think of working out as like oh I'm getting
skinnier there are the benefits are just so much more just and and remember keep it simple just get out and move don't overthink even when you say something like the increase in oxygen you know you're not thinking about those types of things that can do so much for for your body we talked about the mental health too the part of the of it that translates another thing that helps is your diet so researchers at the National Institutes of Health are basically saying there's a link between vegan or
keto diets and then a healthy immune system it is the Battle of all diets which one's better the plant-based vegan or the keto diet right exactly they took 20 people for two weeks they put them through an intense vegan diet so about all like actually many carbs about 75% carbs and then after two weeks of doing that whatever they wanted they went to a two-e keto diet so flipping it in basically 10% carbs and what they found and they were really looking for immunity levels and I'm going to kind of
shortcut this and and by describing that if you're on a vegan diet they found that certain innate immunity levels the front lines of defense for like a virus like Co actually increased so that kind of boosted that level a keto diet boosted what we call adaptive immunity which is some of the memory cells so for example after you get covid getting the memory to fight future infections oh so both help but keeping your diet they're very different though aren't they keto aren't you eating like a bun
ch of meat and cheese and a lot of fat yeah and low carb but don't do that the doctor's ORD here talk to talk to your doctor about your diet and think about food as a prescription it can modify your risks for certain diseases food as a prescription I like that Dr Patel come see us in person more often it's a great when you're here thanks for joining us coming up a frightening forecast scientists pushing for a new stronger category of hurricanes and it's because of climate change Game Changer we'
re going to tell you about the major merger that could change how you watch sports this is Morning News Now welcome back hurricane season may still be months away but forecasters are already talking about changing the way they categorize hurricanes under the current system the highest category as you may know is five which includes all storms with winds above 157 miles hour however two researchers say climate change is causing more powerful storms so now they want to add a category six Kim Cobb
is a professor and director of The Institute at Brown for environment and Society en join us now to explain what all this means thanks so much for joining us so let's start with the proposed changes to the current model why might we need a sixth category here well the data are very clear now that we have had of the last uh five strongest storms in history all of them have occurred in the last nine years and they have in some cases topped out at 2 15 mph in the case of hurricane patrici 2015 we k
now that warming ocean temperatures have already increased the energy available to Tropical Cyclones and we know that continued warming will bring uh more threats to these highest categories of storms so from a scientific perspective the trend and the data are there we understand the physics and the models project that this trend will continue going forward so it does make sense so if most of the deaths and destruction to property as we've come to learn aren't caused by wind uh what are they cau
sed by and how can this scale help better communicate as Storm's power you know hopefully with the potential to save lives to get people to understand what really could be coming their way no matter how far inland they are yeah I mean you're touching on a critically important topic about how to communicate the full spectrum of threat from these tropical Cyclones and that is a huge challenge National Hurricane Center uh just informing the public that they'll be updating some of the way that they
communicate those threats going forward but to answer your question it's not just the winds and we've seen this time and time again in the last years of of horrific headlines about the storm surge and the fact that the water's now coming from the sky in record uh levels so we're seeing hurricanes like hurricane Harvey hurricane Florence uh dumping record amounts of rainfall which in of themselves are causing uh extreme damage so it's really the wind storm surge and rainfall potential that the Hu
rricane Center has a challenge to communicate would this Category 6 uh dramatically improve the way that the public uh sees this Triple Threat uh probably not in isolation but we're hoping that that new communication tool they're coming out with this summer might help but it's certainly uh people just don't understand the full threat of what climate change can deal up in terms of tropical Cyclone strength and perhaps this new Category 6 will provide a wakeup call to those communities under those
threats uh to take appropriate action there is another change and it's that cone that we all see that gives us an idea of where the hurricane might go and we're always paying attention to where it might shift there's an update to that this year what's changing and why well we haven't yet seen the full uh available uh warning Tool uh just a preview of it out from the National Hurricane Center uh but this is trying to address the long-standing issue that the public and decision makers including e
mergency responders and and elected officials seem to be uh hueing to that Center Line of the cone of influence and if that Center Line of the track doesn't go across your county or city uh you are more likely to disregard that warning uh taking into account of course it's the full cone uh that is really what is of highest concern but the outside the cone you can still have devastating impacts uh how to communicate this effectively to the public is a huge challenge for Hurricane forecasters and
I'm sure that they'll be uh really addressing ing that particular concern about that Center Line and the interpretation of the cone um is really um something that we'll see this summer and I'm sure it will make a uh a big difference in how people are responding to those forecasts and threats all right Kim Cobb thanks so much for joining us this morning we appreciate your time yes we do thank you thanks for having me now let's get to what's making Financial headlines over 750,000 vehicles are bei
ng recalled by Honda cnbc's Bertha has that in other money news Bertha good morning hey Jones Mana yeah Honda is recalling 34 of a million vehicles in the US because of a faulty censure which may cause the front passenger airbags to inflate when they're not supposed to in the event of a crash the recall covers certain Honda Pilot Accord Civic HRV and odyssey models from 2020 to 2022 model years as well as the 2020 fit and Civic Coupe the Acura MDX Rd X and TLX from those years are also affected
dealers will replace those seat sensors at no cost and owners will be notified uh when to come in starting next month meantime the national Transportation safety board says the Boeing 737 maxjet involved in that blowout of a door panel on an Alaska Airlines flight last month was missing four critical bolts in their preliminary report investigators say the bolts appear to have been left off after Boeing Employees performed work on the plane's fuselage shortly after it arrived at the company's Fac
tory in Washington state the NTS report comes as most 737 max9 jets that were grounded have gone through inspections and have resumed flying passengers cocacola is spicing things up the brand announcing a new flavor Coke spiced it's the first permanent flavor to be introduced by the company in 3 years Coke says it Blends the taste of the classic soft drink with a burst of strawberry and spiced notes a new drink will be in store starting February 19th I don't know about that Mei don't know till w
e try I love just a regular classic Coke right my soda of choice I think it's going to be like a spicy Margarita or something but I you would like do you like Cherry Coke yes that would be good so this is like raspberry might might be for you give it a shot all right right Bera thank you thank you so much I'm a Diet Coke person so oh not not I for of things now let's get to a blogbuster announcement that could shake up the way you watch sports ESPN Fox and Warner Brothers Discovery just announce
d they are teaming up to launch a joint sports streaming service this fall now the platform doesn't have a name or a price yet but the companies say it's going to include all the broadcasts and cable networks owned by Disney Fox and Warner Brothers discovery that carry Sports Brian St joins us now he is a special correspondent for Vanity Fair also the author of hoax a network of Lies Brian thank you so much for joining us this morning so what do we know about this streaming platform so far and w
hat it's going to offer yeah this is really the age of experimentation in cable and streaming and television and this joint venture is the latest example everything's on the table there are lots of options these companies these media Giants are trying to come up with new ways to bundle and unbundle and rebundle and that's why I say it's the age of experimentation this is one giant experiment to put ESPN and Fox's Sports uh Brands and to put Warner Brothers discoveries Sports assets all in a bund
le but not in an exclusive way you will still be able to access these games and these channels uh in other ways through a traditional cable subscription uh through some streaming options but what these companies are doing is that they're trying to uh band together and figure out a way to serve hardcore sports fans you know that there's an audience of tens of millions of Americans who really all they really truly want at the end of the day they want basketball they want football they want soccer
they want hockey and this is the kind of bundle that would really appeal to them so we've seen more of this recently you got Amazon with football on Thursday nights we had the peacock game a couple weeks ago so how could this potentially reshape Sports and the sports streaming landscape is this a sign that people are turning away from traditional cable to watch sports or is it just a sign that we just have more cord cutters out there I think it's a sign that instead of having one way to watch TV
if you think back 10 20 years ago there was really just one way to watch TV right now there's a dozen ways there's a dozen ways to subscribe and there's going to be more and more and more it feels like every year we hear about even more experiments look at Apple Vision Pro which is out this month and imagine watching a game and feeling like you're actually in the arena we're going to see more and more of these experiments but these it's coming in part because these leagues these sports leagues
these teams these owners they want more and more money for their games so part of the backdrop for this is the skyrocketing price uh that's being charged by leagues like the NBA for rights to televis games and and honestly that's the the biggest challenge here to the business how do do do these networks keep funding these huge bills to play to air these games Brian quickly before we let you go we've kind of seen these two things happen first streaming services struggle to find profit profitabili
ty and then also this kind of streaming fatigue where people are sick of signing up for so many services do you think this is the beginning of sort of starting to see consolidation of Rivals coming together we only have a couple seconds but just wondering your take on that everything old is New Again everything new is old again yes the rebundling is happening because the Market's going to solve what are seen as failures right if things are too complicated the market can solve that with this cons
olidation Brian stelter always great to have you join us thanks so much thanks coming up place your bets the Super Bowl now just 4 days away millions of people are betting big ahead of the big game and we're not just talking about the score or the commercials we will break it all down that's next on Morning News Now welcome back it's an understatement to say it is a big year for Usher his new album is out Friday on Sunday he's headlining the Super Bowl halftime show and now he's announced a tour
yeah the Grammy winning singer will visit 24 cities for his past present future tour it kicks off August 20th in Washington ending in October in Chicago it has been a decade since his last tour pre-sale tickets go on sale today with general sales on Monday I feel like folks might be in an usher mood Monday morning exactly yeah we're GNA get some we're all going to get some of him on Sunday but that's so exciting I love Usher I'm a fan I'd go see it thanks Joe finally This Hour Super Bowl Sunday
will be a night to remember no matter who wins but it will also be a historic night for gamblers with more Americans than ever expected to bet on the big game NBC News contributing correspondent Kaylee hard Tu dug into the wild question span are betting on and how Taylor Swift could be shaking it up as the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs gear up for a highly anticipated Super Bowl rematch many fans are also preparing for the big game the only way they know how by placing their be
ts in historic numbers there's going to be a lot of betting on the Super Bowl this year probably more legal bets than at any other time in history it's beyond just something people do it's beyond an activity it's also a cultural Pastime in a lot of ways it's a social thing to people do together nearly 68 million Americans are expected to bet on Super Bowl 58 smashing the all-time record they're projected to spend an eye popping sum $23 billion up 44% from last year and with the Super Bowl in Los
Vegas this year Sin City also expecting a marquee weekend this isn't our first rodeo it might be our first Super Bowl but I'm going to tell you you know we we have an aame in this town and uh we will bring it for a Super Bowl weekend Sports books in Nevada forecasted to break a 2-year-old record for largest Super Bowl handle ever driving the surge in Super Bowl betting a nationwide move to legalize sports betting a lot of people want to do this they want to do it legally certainly a lot of Stat
es see benefits of legalizing it that they could get tax revenue and The Operators want to offer it in just the last six years 38 states have passed laws allowing gambling on Sports if you have any on specific props or specific angles that you're looking at but it's not just the outcome of the game fans will be wagering on Sports books also offer hundreds of proposition bets called props letting fans guess everything from how long Reba McIntyre's national anthem will be to the outcome of the ope
ning coin toss even the color of Gatorade thrown on the winning coach the props are more popular than ever uh we'll um we'll probably see about 67 68% of our handle will be on the propositions Usher Super Bowl halftime show also driving a lot of action bookmakers offering odds on which surprise guests might join him on stage one has Alicia Keys as the favorite with post Malone and ludicrous close behind Taylor is in the house but the biggest action of all may be about this year's most famous NFL
fan Taylor Swift the center of attention on the sidelines this season amid her Whirlwind romance with Chief's tight end Travis Kelce most most us space Sports books can't offer bets surrounding the meast star but books based abroad have put dozens on the table will she be at the game how many times will she be shown on camera and will Kelsey pop the question one book has the odds of a proposal at just 6 to one going to be another ring besides the Super Bowl ring if you win this thing on Sunday
I'm focused on getting this ring and that's that's that's all my mind's focused on right now a possible storybook ending to a season to remember are thanks to Kaye Hartung for that report and if you're curious here's another one you can bet on right now the front runner for the color Gatorade that will be tossed on the winning Super Bowl coach purple purple you think it would be red yeah all the red purple also that that's the grape one right I would I don't think they're drinking it all right t
hat's going do it for the sour morning news now stay with us though because the news continues right [Music] now [Music] good morning thanks for joining us I'm Savannah sers I'm Joe frier right now on Morning News Now Landmark verdict a Michigan jury finds the mother of a Teenage school shooter guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter this makes Jennifer Crumbley the first parent in the US to be convicted in connection with a mass shooting committed by their child the father of one of t
he victims says the decision will reverberate throughout the nation the cries have been heard and it I I feel that this verdict is going to Echo throughout every household in the country we'll live more on that groundbreaking verdict including hearing from the jury for for person and what it means for future cases also this morning appeal denied a court strikes down former president Trump's claim of presidential immunity in his federal election interference case the ruling comes as the Supreme C
ourt prepares to hear arguments over whether Trump can M on the ballot in Colorado we have all the details on his mounting legal battles secretary blinkin is meeting with Israeli leaders in a bid to push through a truce in Gaza as Hamas submits a counterproposal for a ceasefire the talks come as the UN warns of a large scale loss of Civilian lives if Israel intensifies its assault in southern Gaza we're going to have the latest out of the Middle East plus is it time to ditch fast food more and m
ore consumers are turning their backs on fast food Change what's behind the burger backlash and what restaurants are doing to try and bring customers back we've seen some offering larger portions and bigger food I don't know if that's going to do it and you are welcome for the very early morning Burger pictures that's what we're here for get to that in a second we are of course going to begin with that verdict out of Michigan Jennifer Crumbley the mother of a school shooter was convicted on four
counts of manslaughter in connection to her son's deadly Rampage legal experts predicted yesterday yester's verdict will have a far-reaching effect on future cases like this NBC News correspondent Maggie Vasa joins us from the courthouse in Pontiac Michigan with the latest this entire case taking exactly two weeks with those jurors most of them parents many of them gun owners arriving at a verdict after less than two days of deliberations inside that Courthouse victim's families telling me they
hope this serves as a wakeup call for parents Across America we find the defendant guilty of involuntary manslaughter Jennifer Crumbley silent and stoic as the jury announced her fate guilty on all four charges one for each student her son Ethan killed in the 2021 Oxford High School shooting as she was led away in handcuffs prosecutors embracing the families of her son's victims Steve St Juliana lost his 14-year-old Daughter Hana it's a bit of a wakeup call for uh for people to realize that the
y have to take a bit of responsibility crumblyy is America's first parent to ever stand trial for their child's Mass school shooting my son is Ru his wife the defense arguing in court she was unaware of any mental health issues with her son I've asked myself if I would have done anything differently and I wouldn't have but prosecutors painted a very different picture portraying crumblyy as a negligent parent who ignored warning signs in Ethan he literally drew a picture of what he was going to d
o he drew a picture it says help me and instead of getting Ethan help prosecutors argued his parents bought him a gun showing this video of crumblyy at a shooting range with him just days before the massacre experts say their verdict could profoundly impact how authorities prosecute these cases does this open the door for parents to be held accountable for mass shooting school shootings in the future it absolutely does police officers will start looking looking at the parents and the way they de
al with their children Craig Schilling who lost his 17-year-old son Justin hopes it will help prevent future tragedies can't disc continue living life um with the uncertainty of whether or not our kids are going to come home from school Jennifer Crumbley sentencing is set for April 9th she faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison per charge at the same time her husband James crumley's trial is set to begin next month and he faces the same charges for counts of involuntary manslaughter back
to you all right Maggie thank you so much we're going to take a closer look at this conviction how the jury reached the verdict Alex the jury four person joins us now thank you for being here with us we're not using your last name to protect your privacy as we mentioned this is history and there was no precedent before this for you to even refer to so help us understand how you came to this decision what was the key thing you heard in this case that made you say this needs to be a guilty verdict
I can't speak for my fellow jurors but I can say for me um the video and the picture of her handling the gun very last um was pretty damning for me um I just think that she took the responsibility at that point and at that point the responsibility was on her to secure the weapon as our colleague Maggie had just pointed out this took less than two days for deliberation but how difficult was it to come to a unanimous decision in that room was there debate there there was um pretty significant deb
ate um we started off with a good percentage of uh not guilty and um fellow jurors made their case and we arrived at our decision what do you think was it that swayed the jurors who were initially leading toward not guilty there was a closer look at the evidence um we were provided and that that pushed a lot of the narrative forward um and then being able to talk about being able to talk to um some of the responsible gun owners in the jury um who advocated for the guilty verdict um and learning
about safe storage and learning about what might be common sense for gun owners um is really something that that swayed me how big a piece of it was just that was the handling of the gun versus some of those other things we saw like the journal entries and things where it seemed as though Ethan had maybe expressed that he was having issues or needed help how did you weigh those two things the mental health concerns with the actual access to the gun um it was definitely um both very prevalent um
I just think that um the access to the gun for me was the convincing Factor um I I am upset that an appointment wasn't made for a mental health professional on the 30th um and I I just wish that um people take mental health more seriously do you think this is going to send a message to other parents out there who are looking at this case and seeing that a parent can be held responsible for something like this and might make them say yeah I I do need to take a closer look at some of these concern
s I'm having so I'm not concerned with the precedent that this sends um the message that it sends the precedent that it sets I'm just hopeful that this never happens again would it have changed anything do you think had you heard from Ethan himself that was on the table at one point what kind of impact do you think that could have had it's hard to say um some of the evidence um was pretty alarming if and there's no telling what he could have said or what could have been done um and so it's just
too hypothetical you did hear from Jennifer Crumbley she made the decision to testify in her own defense what were your impressions of her did she say anything that helped or hurt her defense um I think that when she said I wouldn't have done anything different um some Bells were going off for some jurors if you don't mind me asking something you know more about the position that you were in of course having volunteered to be the for person I also understand that the summons was in the mail righ
t when you came home from your honeymoon and then you know you report for jury duty and end up in a situation like this what was this experience like for you was it intimidating at all um it was very heavy um it wasn't something that you couldn't take seriously um and I just took it as an opportunity um for myself to grow in in leadership skills and taking charge of you know helping people conversate it was like a New Year's resolution for you to try it right was that was my New Year's resolutio
n I was going to gain leadership skills and so I found myself in a pretty funky position def what a way to do it yeah NE next up is Jennifer crumley's husband James and part of her defense was really trying to point the finger at him do you you can't make any predictions of what's going to happen here but do you expect that case is going to be similar to this one without reviewing the evidence I'm I'm not really able to say um I can say that the finger pointing is pretty severe in this case Alex
we appreciate you being here thank you very much for joining us this morning thank you and congratulations on your recent all right now to Washington where a federal appeals court has rejected former president Trump's claim of immunity in the federal election interference case the court rulle Trump can stand trial for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election that led to the events of January 6th the Trump team says it's planning to appeal the ruling NBC News senior legal correspondent
Laura Jarrett joins us here with more on the ruling and what comes next hey Laura good morning hey good morning guys of all of Donald Trump's legal problems this case in Washington DC is perhaps the most serious in terms of all of the things that he faces now it's been caught up in court battles for months but now those Court battles could soon be resolved as the court of appeals has given him very little wiggle room on where he can go next this morning a major legal blow for Donald Trump a fede
ral appeals court giving the justice department the green light to prosecute the former president for his efforts to reverse the 2020 election we will never give up we will never conce the three judge panel referring to the former president as citizen Trump unanimously rejecting the argument that he should be immune from charges related to the acts he took while still in office I just want to find uh 11,780 votes calling Mr Trump's alleged efforts to remain in power despite losing the 2020 elect
ion if proven an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government adding we cannot accept former president Trump's claim that a president has unbounded authority to commit crimes that would neutralize the most fundamental check on executive power the recognition and implementation of election results Mr Trump arguing his case on Truth social as he has for weeks saying in part without complete immunity a president of the United States would not be able to properly function the Trump campa
ign pouncing on the decision as a political fundraising opportunity and the former president continuing his domination over the Republican party with another Victory overnight Trump was not even on the ballot in the Nevada Primary running in a separate caucus instead but Nikki Haley still came in second place with more people choosing to vote for quote none of these candidates instead according to NBC News projections a rejection of Mr Trump's only remaining Republican opponent as he fights more
legal battles ahead so Laura the court has not given much time for this potential appeal here what should we know about that yeah the court of appeals has really tied the former president's hands in terms of what he can do strategically to go next so what's what's going to come literally soon is on Monday he has to go to the Supreme Court to ask for this decision to be paused because if it's not paused then it's game on with the trial and the trial could probably start sometime this summer at t
he very earliest because remember guys while there have been all of these legal wranglings and delays he's going to get the benefit of all of this time and he's going to be able to tack that on so whenever the Supreme Court rules you have to imagine at least 60 days added on to that all right Laura thank you and actually we're going to keep you and kind of switch gears here and talk about another big story this morning that also does actually involve former president Trump that's his efforts to
remain on the ballot in the state of color the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments Thursday on that question it was back in December when the Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Mr Trump from the primary ballot the case concerns whether he engaged in Insurrection on January 6th under section three of the 14th amendments so Laura talk us through how we got to this point and what to expect out of the Supreme Court tomorrow so there had been a wave of lawsuits to try to get the former president
kicked off the ballot but it wasn't until Colorado's highest court the Supreme Court in that state actually did something that no other court had done and said he should be removed from the ballot but they recognized that what they were doing was a pretty big deal so they said you too can go to the Supreme Court on this issue of course that's what he's done and so everything has been sort of Frozen in time but remember Colorado is up like many other states on super Tuesday so we could be seeing
a decision on this relatively quickly that is coming quickly Trump's legal team filed a brief a few weeks ago outlying why they feel the Colorado decision was wrong what's their main argument here so I don't know when the last time you read the 14th Amendment is but it's not exactly a model of clarity and there are about 10 different ways he's tried to attack this to essentially said I'm not even covered by section three of the 14th Amendment because it doesn't actually list the president as som
eone who would be banned from office now there's a lot of arguments back and forth about whether he's covered by something else as an officer of the United States but it's not clear that that's ever been determined and he would of course argue I didn't engage in an Insurrection I told everyone to go home I didn't do anything that would count as an Insurrection so there have been a lot lot of arguments back and forth on whether he actually even qualifies to fall under this so two quick questions
here how soon could we hear on this but then also if Colorado wins what's that mean what are the ramifications so the Supreme Court doesn't have any timeline they can come back whenever they want they can sit on this for as long as they want but they know that if they don't decide this soon it's going to come up again because there's all of these other lawsuits waiting in the wing so I think we'll hear back at least before super Tuesday if Colorado wins that doesn't mean he's automatically kicke
d off the ballot everywhere it would still have to go back then to the states to go through the normal adjudication and you can imagine plenty of states are not going to kick him off the ballot so we'd have to see which states actually want to go that far all right Laura Jarrett thank you covering it all first you could have covered the whole show so far thanks we appreciate it turning now to the Middle East there are doubts over a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas with one Israeli officia
l telling NBC news that hamas's counterproposal is unrealistic those negotiations come as US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin wraps up his tour of the region blinkin met with Israel officials earlier today to discuss the release of hostages as well as more Aid getting into Gaza NBC News foreign correspondent Matt Bradley is in Tel Aviv with all the latest on this Matt good morning so what are we learning about secretary blinken's meeting with Israeli leaders what's the US hoping to walk away w
ith here on on this his fifth visit to the area yeah I mean we haven't really heard much yet from that meeting and we're waiting to hear more this is going to be very consequential as you mentioned the fifth meeting he's talking a lot about that hostage negotiation deal that as you mentioned there's a lot of pessimism now about that because Hamas has come back with their own counter proposal isra Israelis have said it's looking unrealistic given the kind of maximalist Demands we've been hearing
from the Palestinians but that's only one part of Anthony blinken's Mission here another thing he's trying to do is to Tamp down concerns that the war could be spreading beyond the Gaza Strip and Beyond Israel into the wider region this as we're seeing the US pummeling targets of iran-backed militant groups in Iraq and Syria and in Yemen the houthis who have been striking and harassing international shipping for the past several months in the Gulf of Aiden and in the Red Sea and then there's ano
ther thing that he's going to be trying to do he's looking even further to a very ambitious proposal that the Biden Administration has come up with to eventually see America recognize a Palestinian State the two-state solution that she keep hearing about this is something that has eluded so many past presidents and it's going to involve a lot of moving Parts a lot of assurances from South Arabia who would then be recognizing Israel and starting their own normalized diplomatic relationships with
Israel and it would mean kind of revitalizing the moraband Palestinian Authority which doesn't have control over the Gaza Strip doesn't really have that much control over the West Bank the other occupied territory uh that belongs to the Palestinians and that the Israelis now control quite a bit of so this is another part of that three-pronged effort uh that blinkin is engaged in here in the Middle East guys Matt meanwhile let's talk about the fighting on the ground in gazit intensifying the Hama
s run Ministry of Health specifically says that the Israeli military is carrying out a Siege on the Nasser medical complex what do we know about those attacks yeah the Naser medical complex in Han Yunis this has been a a really bad situation we've been seeing uh what looks like thousands of patients evacuated from the alasa medical complex uh a lot of them are going to have to head to Rua that's a a town that's on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip right along the border with Egypt and that is
a city that is about to be pummeled by the Israelis as well even though it contains more than a million displaced people from elsewhere in the Gaza Strip so this is kind of approaching an endgame here now we had seen the heartbreaking scenes of last week where we saw people celebrating in the streets of Rafa that they thought they might be about to see some kind of ceasefire that would end Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip and as we know now that ceasefire has not come and it may never come
considering that there is no agreement from either side guys also Matt you you mentioned the houthi rebels they vowed to increase attacks on us and UK ships in the Red Sea if the war in Gaza doesn't stop how's the US responding to that well I mean we're going to be continuing to see those attacks by the US pummeling houy targets and this is something that we've been seeing quite a bit of even before those three US servicemen were killed in Jordan by those Iranian backed groups now the US and th
e UK have specified they made it very clear the attacks that they're launching against the houthis in Yemen have nothing to do with their attacks against these Iranian back groups in Iraq and Syria they're not even necessarily wrapped up uh with the international um International Community that has come together a coalition to try to uh defend international shipping in the Red Sea in the Gulf of Aiden so we can expect those attacks are going to continue on both sides guys all right Matt Bradley
Matt thank you well during a busy day on Capitol Hill the House of Representatives voted against impeaching Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandra mayorcas after a monthlong effort from Republicans meanwhile Republicans in the Senate are set to kill that bipartisan border security package just two days after they finished negotiating it with Democrats NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Ryan nobl joins us now with the latest on all this Capitol Hill news hey Ryan good morning hey Savannah and
it is safe to say that this did not turn out the way Republicans had planned they had hoped to use the impeachment of aleandra mayorcas as a way to put the crisis at the border front in Center instead the vote failed leaving speaker Mike Johnson struggling to find a path forward a stunning development on Capitol Hill and a day of chaos for House Republicans the resolution is not adopted who were hoping to impeach Homeland Security secretary Alejandro mayoras holding onto a razor thin majority th
ere were a few Republican defections but they still thought they had enough votes that was until Democrat Al Green recovering from surgery made a surprise appearance providing Democrats an extra vote enough to kill the measure they may have been caught a little bit off guard and moments later speaker Mike Johnson also failing to Marshall enough support for another big Republican push an Israel military assistance Bill the GOP already vowing to bring the my orcus impeachment articles up for a vot
e again soon a spokesperson for DHS calling on Republicans to quote abandon these political games and instead support the bipartisan National Security agreement in the Senate that bill designed in part to confront the growing crisis at the southern border is stalled a frustrated President Biden placing the blame on Donald Trump he wants a political issue to run against me but Republicans who begged for changes at the border now arguing this package would make the situation worse this does more h
arm than good the result results is the best and Only Hope of any type of Border reform is effectively dead while the crisis at the border continues to grow with no solution in sight and there are new developments this morning with that full National Security package they will have a procedural vote on it later today it's expected to fail but this morning sources are telling us that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to remove the Border piece of that legislation with the goal of pushing throug
h a to Israel Ukraine and Taiwan the first vote on that new package could happen as soon as this afternoon Savannah all right Ryan nobl thank you time now for weather possibly we'll see record high temps for parts of the country today Angie lman joins us with the latest on that hey Angie good morning hey good morning guys the calendar might read February but it's feeling like April for a lot of the country we've got another batch of potential record highs that we could see later this afternoon q
uick look at those afternoon temperatures and we've got 60s in places like Kansas City and De Moine de MO by the way running 30ยฐ above normal for this time of year Minneapolis will be close to 60 64ยฐ in Little Rock and you can see it extends out east too for places like Cincinnati and Cleveland will be well into the 50s and it's not just today it's tomorrow too we'll see these temperatures staying milder than normal for uh folks in Indianapolis into the upper 50s we've got 62 on tap for St Louis
Tulsa hits 71 for your day tomorrow and Detroit will be 20ยฐ or more above normal for this time of year with a temperature of 55ยฐ and we stay like that here really as we get into the end of the work week and into the weekend some spots will see their warmest temperature places like Chicago on Friday at 57 degrees and then get back down into the 30s by Sunday but look at New York we're to the 50s on Friday we head to the upper 50s by Saturday and then we kind of moderate back into those mid-50s f
or Sunday we've got 60s and mid 60s for folks in Nashville so it's going to be a couple of days of feeling quite warm Raleigh will be close to 70ยฐ in February Ary for parts of the weekend and it's not just this kind of batch of a couple of days that we've been seeing these warmer than normal temperatures for a lot of the country when we take a big picture look so far across the country notice where you see all those oranges and reds that's temperatures that are running warmer than normal for the
winter so far and it is expanding across a lot of the country we still have a little time to go in winter but notice where you see those red dots we've got warmest winter on record so far in places like Medford stock Fresno where you see the yellow we're talking already into the top three of the warmest Winters so still a chance that we could get into that top spot in some of those spots places like Flint Grand Rapids Madison lacrosse all included in that but look how many folks across the Nort
heast are dealing with their top three warmest Winters so far Newark Williamsport we've got Youngstown and then where you see the red of course places like Minneapolis we know we've been warmer than normal we've got 5 to 15ยฐ above average for a lot of this winter and this is likely going to continue here uh for the next couple weeks we only have a little while left in winter so it's been kind of a dud for folks out east meanwhile out west it's been busy a couple of days right we've still got a c
ouple rounds of rain that we're going to watch here work on Shore I know folks are hoping for those drier Skies we really don't see that settle in uh until we get to the weekend so here's a couple of those showers that we're tracking right now we'll be watching for uh uh some of these kind of period iods of drier skies and then another batch of the rain that works through for Southern California here as we get into the evening hours and into tomorrow we'll also add on some additional snow across
many of those Western mountain ranges and meanwhile as we get into your Thursday that system works even farther east bringing a little bit of a kind of soggy forecast to our friends across the Great Lakes and the Northern Plains will'll see some snow that of course will always cause some uh issues when it comes to travel the good news is most of the heaviest of the rain is out of the picture but we'll still add on maybe up to an inch in some spots across Southern California we've seen the image
s coming out of that location so of course they're hoping uh for some dry Skies to clean up but guys it looks like we'll we'll have to wait uh until really we get into your Saturday forecast for for them to see some completely dry conditions there meanwhile the snow a foot to a foot and a half so ski resorts will be happy but of course I as as we always say the travel will be difficult especially if you add the wind in there so uh you know Tail of Two of the country right we've got really warm s
pring L temperatures and then we've got snow falling across the mountains can't believe how warm it's going to get this weekend in New York what are you going to do febrary party outside picnic my not going to snow the roof if it's not going to snow bring on the warmth kind of like I don't need you know 30 whatever so right and thank you no problem coming up Royal reunion at least partly Prince Harry visiting his father following King Charles diagnosis but a source telling NBC News a meeting wit
h his brother William not in the cards we'll tell you the latest on that up next we're back with a major development in the investigation into that door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines flight last month this morning the NTSB says it has photographic evidence that the door plug was not properly bolted in place when it left the Boeing factory NBC News senior correspondent Tom Costello has more the NTSB says this photo show a failed Alaska Airlines door plug still on the Boeing production line w
ithout at least three of the four bolts to hold it in place that door plug blew out 2 months after Alaska received the plane preliminary NTSB report says workers at the Boeing plant removed the plug after it arrived from Spirit Aeros systems with damaged rivets but once it was reinstalled those bolts were missing last month Alaska CEO Ben minakuchi showed us where the door plugs were supposed to be these are the missing bolts potential missing bolts yeah these are the ones that would be the high
est critical bolts that would be missing these ones right here make no mistake this was a close call too close on Capitol Hilt the FAA Chief said Boeing quality control had clearly failed if you don't have that safety culture I think it's hard to make safe airplanes and the FAA doesn't have enough inspectors inside Boeing to oversee production it may now use a third party for inspections rather than Boeing's self inspections I think we're going to need more boots on the ground we're going to nee
d more inspectors Boeing said it's accountable for what happened an event like this must not happen on an airplane that leaves our Factory Boeing is taking immediate action to strengthen quality the FAA Chief was asked would he fly on a Max he says if it's certified it's safe back to you all right Tom Cilla thank you now to London and the latest developments following the news that King Charles is is being treated for cancer Britain's prime minister revealed yesterday that the king's cancer was
caught early Prince Harry has returned to the UK to see his father as Prince William prepares to take on some of the king's public duties NBC new's foreign correspondent Molly Hunter joins us now from Buckingham Palace with the latest Molly Good morning Joe good morning to you lots of interest on this family we did just see Prince William return to public duties for the first time since Kate Princess of Wales was released from the hospital last week and as you mentioned we know that Prince Harry
flew over to the UK a palace Source though tells NBC News there are no plans for the brothers to meet up this morning Prince William is back in the public eye performing an investure ceremony at Windsor Castle a sign of things to come the heir to the throne stepping up even as his wife the Princess of Wales recuperates from her own health scare back at home this comes the morning after Prince Harry landed back in the UK heading straight from Heathrow Airport to his father at Clarence House it's
the first time he would have seen his father in any meaningful way really since the Queen's funeral he was here for the coronation but we know he didn't really see his father but a palace Source tells NBC News Brothers William and Harry have no plans to meet up while Harry's in town well wishers reacting to the news of Harry's arrival a son should come and see his dad when there's trouble dad needs him right now it just seems really sad hopefully it might um heal some of the family Rifts they m
ight all p together around that hopefully this sort of thing can can pull people together can't it and King Charles appearing for the first time since the diagnosis was announced he and queen Camila traveling the short distance from their home to buckingam Palace then by helicopter to their country estate sandram to recover out of the public eye the palace maintains that while supporting her husband Queen camela will keep up a full schedule the woman once seen as an outsider now playing a crucia
l role and while he takes it easy the king plans to continue his State duties taking meetings in private at least for now what's interesting and notable is that the councilors of State the people who stand in for the king if he can't do any of that Prince William the queen Princess Anne Prince Edward they are not being called on at the moment to step into him still all eyes on the king's eldest son as he takes on more responsibility than ever before more responsibility than ever before and a bus
y first day back in the Limelight for Prince William he has another event later tonight and he is expected to say a few words Joe we will be watching and listening closely of course High interest if he says anything about his father Joe all right Molly thank you so much coming up we will hear from Lester Holt's exclusive interview with Iran's ambassador to the UN what the Ambassador has to say about the ongoing hostilities between US forces and iran-backed militias in the Middle East that's next
welcome back Iran back houthi militia launched more attacks on ships in the Red Sea as the US retaliates with waves of air strikes there's a chilling warning from Iran's ambassador to the United Nations NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt sat down for an exclusive interview with the ambassador to talk about the potential for escalating violence do you think the risk of war is growing yeah I spoke to Ambassador Amir s iravani just days after three US soldiers died in a drone attack and with ongo
ing strikes on commercial ships in the Red Sea the US blaming Iranian back militias much of the conversation centers on the level of control or influence that you the Iranian government has over these groups the houthis and other groups if you pick up the phone can you end the attacks no may I say that it is not the same case the relation between Iran and the resistance group in this region may be compared with the NATO territory so you're calling this like a a defense pact yeah defense pack bet
ween the resistance group and Iran they have their own decision they have their own choices it is not related to a phone call to the hes hthy attacks that we've seen on commercial shipping um sophisticated weapons is Iran supplying those weapons not at all would Iran prefer that the houthi attack against commercial shipping uh threatening us uh Naval vessels do you wish those would stop are they helpful yeah we encourage all of them should stop you encouraging them to stop we encourage them for
a stop we expect that the other side also should encourage the Israeli to stop on Friday the US began what's expected to be a wave of attacks in response to the deaths of those American soldiers if there was an American attack on Iran or Iranian interests what do you foresee the reaction would be absolutely we have their own reaction we said clearly that if they attack in Iran soil or Iran benefit or Iran individuals all around the world we have their own reaction we will defend absolutely and I
asked about news Hamas has responded to an offer for a hostage deal there's been a response from the opposition but um yes I'm sorry from Hamas but it seems to be uh a little over the top we're not sure where it is how do you view the the fact that a deal may come about soon I think that if the other side accept the condition of the Hamas the ceis fire is possible a lasting one lasting one our thanks to Lester Holt for That interview now what's making international headlines a pair of bombings
has killed dozens of people in Pakistan NBC News forign correspondent claudo lavanga joined us from Rome with that in otherw world news claudo good morning joose good morning that's right officials in Pakistan confirmed that at least 26 people were killed in dozens more were injured in two separate bombings uh in just a day before parliamentary elections are expects to be held all across the country now one of the attacks targeted the election office of a candidate for the ulma Islam party a lea
ding radical islamist party known for backing the Afghan Taliban now the other bombing took place at another election office in the same Province no one immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks let's now go off the coast of the Japanese island of Hokkaido where a pod of killer whales trapped in drift eyes are believed to have safely escaped the Orca were initially spotted by a local fisherman on Tuesday morning and later on officials confirmed about a dozens of them were trapped in a t
iny gup surrounded by drift eyes about a mile offshore when they returned this morning they were gone well they say they believe the killer whales were able to free themselves as gaps grew between them and the drift eyes and let's come back here in Rome where Tuesday authorities unveiled a replica of a giant 42 ft High statue of emperor Constantine the 4th Cent ruler of the Roman Empire a few surviving portions of the original marble statue including two giant feet and knee a bicep and an enormo
us head have been on display in Rome's capitaline Hill museums for centuries but now experts used 3D modeling technology from scans of the original body parts to reconstruct the whole thing now the work has been financed by the fada the cultural arm of the Italian fashion house perhaps they were inspired by the Gilded tunic that is wrapped around the body of that statue back to you guys seeing it on runways all across the world gosh it's so huge like the people for scale it's amazing thanks CLA
appreciate it well coming up leaving a bitter taste why some people are walking out of fast food chains over price hikes and what the restaurants are doing to try and bring them back next an 8-year-old girl in Wisconsin became an unlikely hero after she was trapped in the backseat of a car car during a terrifying carjacking this comes as carjackings are on the rise across the country NBC News correspondent Mora Barrett has that story a routine stop at a Wisconsin Quick Trip turning into a nightm
are someone just stole my car on 27th Street with my two kids in the car but an 8-year-old girl's quick thinking I was scared I was like what's happening saving her and her sister after a shocking carjacking I was really just about an arms length away from my car Adam Jorgenson says he went to grab a cloth to dry off his vehicle after a car wash when someone asked him for directions then suddenly I heard the screeching of our tires the car was gone with his daughters 2-year-old Autumn and 8-year
-old Charlie in the back seat he told me to get out of the car I was like oh what should I do should I run and be a scaredy cat or should I save my sister too Charlie telling our affiliate WTMJ she knew her dad had the keys not the car jackers and she decided to stay put the driver ditched the car and the kids at the battery's Plus store about a mile down the road and Charlie acted fast her little sister panicking W I don't know grabbing her dad's phone from the front of the car and calling her
Mom leaving this message mom I need you we lost dad their dad back at Quick Trip frantically on the phone with police they are over by Batteries Plus and then an officer's going to come over and meet you at the Quick Trip okay all right but you guys have my kids the incident reflecting a bigger Trend in carjackings rising 177% from 2022 to 2023 in nearby Milwaukee and nationally car jackings up 93% from 2019 to 20123 according to a new Council on criminal justice report tracking rates across 10
US cities back in Oak Creek the police department said it took three suspects into custody and it's seeking felony charges this week now a family reunited I ran as fast as I could out of the back of that cop car to hug them hoping others will learn how quickly things can go wrong remember you won't bother drying your car ah yes we'll drive the car at home now as well thanks toor Barrett for that report the Oak Creek police say that thanks to the father's Cal and collected 911 call officers had e
verything they needed to find and arrest those three suspects within 48 Hours Amazing Story well time for some Financial headlines now there's major news in the growing world of Street streaming Sports cnbc's Bertha has that in other money news Bertha good morning hey good morning guys man the landscape just keeps shifting when it comes to sports ESPN Fox and Warner Brothers Discovery are dis are launching a sports streaming service this fall that will include offerings from at least 15 networks
and all four major sports uh professional sports leaks a name and pricing still to be announced but it will include games from the NFL the NBA Major League Baseball the NHL WNBA NASCAR and college sports as well as golf tennis and the FIFA World Cup subscribers will have the ability to bundle the product with Disney plus and HBO Max the announcement comes as ESPN is preparing to enter talks to renew its NBA rights which expire at the end of this season notably doesn't include CBS doesn't includ
e NBC doesn't include Amazon or apple which are also getting into streaming this is getting more and more competitive every day meantime Ford is rethinking its electric vehicle plans CEO Jim Farley says the company still believes the market will grow but widespread adoption by consumers won't happen until cost are more in line with traditional vehicles for previously confirmed plans to delay or cut about $12 billion in spending on all of electric vehicles and Amazon May soon show you the name an
d photo of the person delivering your package all in the name of safety the information reports that this is part of a test aimed at protecting the company's Flex delivery drivers Amazon may also provide those drivers with Amazon branded stickers and lights to put on their cars since they often use their own Vehicles the move is likely in response to a report last year saying Flex drivers have been threatened after being mistaken for intruders so hopefully this will be safe for both the people g
etting the packages and the people delivering absolutely all right Bertha thank you so much inflation might be slowing down but it's still on the menu at fast food restaurants with some chains Under Fire for Rising prices now because of that backlash CEOs at companies like McDonald's say they are focusing on affordability this year NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Romans joins us now with more on this Christine good morning good morning inflation Has Come For Your fast food menu
guys and frankly consumers are fed up some companies have become more creative with their menus and customers have become much more price sensitive and they're hearing these complaints once upon a time a few dollars could purchase a quick meal at a fast food restaurant I think people should be able to eat good food without spending much money but these days grabbing a burger and fries takes a much bigger bite out of your wallet why we not talking about these fast food restaurants going up too al
most $9 for a Big Mac once home to the dollar menu prices at the golden arches leaving a bad taste in the mouth of consumers who just want value going viral the Big Mac meal priced at $18 at a Connecticut rest stop and an egg McMuffin selling for more than $7 fast food companies are listening McDonald's CEO says he's focusing on affordability this year two MC chicken and a medium Sprite for only $3 telling analysts the customers making $45,000 a year and Le are ditching their mickeey D's and buy
ing groceries instead you can see why the price of food at home Rose just 1.3% over the past year but food away from home jumped more than 5% they're here McDonald's best burgers ever Brands like McDonald's rolling out upgrades to its Famous Burgers and hoping its new cosmic franchise will help bring customers back I think one way consumers can kind of really find themselves going back in the door some of these qsr fast food restaurants is finding out what brought them there to begin with McDona
ld's did this last year they started to bring Nostalgia back Taco Bell was like the one place where you could actually stretch that money and Taco Bell expanding its value menu to 10 items under three bucks the company remains dedicated to offering our fans delicious food at affordable prices at Chipotle sales and foot traffic Rose in the quarter despite that 3% hike in menu prices in October it all means finding the best deal will require a little bit of planning most menus these days do have s
omething that's considered a value menu or value option but you do probably benefit more from doing your research ahead of time and some now are offering value meals that are like family siiz value meals so you can check to see what might be the best deal McDonald's by the way telling NBC news that pricing is typically up to franchisees and that's why varies by restaurant uh and McDonald says that it always strives to strike the right balance of value for money with their customers we reached ou
t to Chipotle for comment and did not hear uh back but it's so interesting to me you guys that the way those grocery prices are now barely moving and some categories like cereal and bread are falling but fast food prices have been rising and that CEO McDonald's on his earnings call saying they have noticed that some people are choosing groceries instead of McDonald's and they hear them are there some tips to try and save money if you're going to go out to fast food restaurants yeah look to see i
f they have those value packs if they have bundling of bigger size meals right there's also apps that you can use for the latest deals and to accumulate points and then experts say this you can order a kids meal if you don't have a big appetite I guess you can get a kids meal and that usually is a little bit cheaper you know I'm going to tell you my philosophy is if I'm going to splurge on fast food and in my family fast food is a Splurge if I'm going to splurge on fast food I want the whole thi
ng I don't want a kids meal I want the whole thing I I that Big Mac with the four patties powder with cheese I want the whole thing definitely doing a combo yeah all right and now all I want is a burger you're welcome Chris thank you so much appreciate it coming up mama knows best yeah we're GNA hear from the mother of Travis Kelsey as she prepares to head to Las Vegas to cheer on her son at the Super Bowl but well Taylor Swift be at her side that interview with our friends over at today is comi
ng right up welcome back trailblazing Olympic medalist Gabby Douglas is returning to competitive gymnastics and she's got her sight set on this Summer's Paris Olympics Douglas made the announcement right here on NBC news now telling Hale Jackson she missed competing Douglas of course was the first black gymnast to win the Olympic all-around gold medal back in London in 2012 four years later she stepped away from gymnastics to work on her mental health the 28-year-old will start her comeback late
r this month at the winter Cup in Louisville where she'll be the oldest gymnast competing at again just 28 so that's not to say she is old but you know it's a young sport that would be an incredible story if she makes it to Paris we are now speaking of sports just four days away from Super Bowl 58 in Las Vegas where the San Francisco 49ers will take on the defending champs the Kansas City Chiefs getting a front row seat again to cheer on the Chiefs Donna Kelce mother of star tight end Travis Kel
ce she spoke about the big game earlier this morning on today here's part of that conversation it is going to be a dream um you know to go back to back like this uh back to the Super Bowl and really excited what kind of conversations do you have with Travis on game day do you give them a phone call do you give them a pep talk I try not to bother them on game day because they're a little busy and I don't think they're I'm going to get through but um usually I I try like the night before I will te
xt um my sons and uh we'll you give them a little encouragement send them a little funny picture of when they were younger depending on what uh Team they're playing with or whatever so I go back in a little Nostalgia Mama Kelsey the the last time you were here um you were just sort of getting to know shall we say Travis's girlfriend um yes but we noticed that recently you changed your Facebook photo and and now your Facebook photo features uh his girlfriend quite prominently H how would you char
acterize your relationship with with Taylor Swift these days how's how's that going you know really that was a picture where all of us were so excited that that were in the suite and we were so excited that they made it to the Super Bowl that we just took a shot of everybody that was there so it wasn't anything you know like calculating or anything like that it just was everybody that was supporting my son and I was so happy um to put that picture on Facebook yes how's the seating arrangement in
the Box are you in a chair and usually you and Taylor are next to each other I feel like that might be some good luck well you can understand that the boxes in Vegas are multi-million dollars so I have a feeling I'm not in a box I have a feeling I'm in the stands as far as I know as far as I know I'm in the stands with everybody else because it is a pricey Super Bowl Mama Kelsey is up in the room and the Rapters I don't I don't believe that there's there's some people with some money who will b
e around her cheering on I think it's I think it's funny a year ago it was like which of your sons are you cheering for and now all the questions are about you know who her son's dating clearly she's not not wanting to answer all them right now Taylor boyfriend is playing in the Super Bowl that is how it goes good to always hear from a couple days away now from that exactly that thanks to our friends at the Today's Show by the way for that conversation that is going to do it for this hour of mor
ning news now stick around though the news news right now thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media



Im so sorry to the kids and parents of the kids attacked in those bias attacks at school โค idk how to show support more but bullying is out of control


Dont stop any trials for any appeals. KEEP GOING.


Instead of trying to take the guns from the streats, in the USA they are going to criminalize the parents!!!! OMG


yes for the judge's!


I wonder when someone finally tell Trump that he is not president anymore ๐Ÿ˜Š


Amazing how many levels of law for the rich compared to the average person. I see favoritism to wealth and most people canโ€™t even get out of jail on bail.


He is NOT a president!! He is a" former" president. (Citizen Trump ๐Ÿ˜…l๐Ÿ˜‚)


8 years of Trumps BS is a embarrassment to the country. We are being laughed at because he is not behind bars yet! ๐Ÿค”




It is never ok to do a crime . We are watching and our Law will win .


Anti bullying in schools is a joke.


Kids always do irrational things to "get back" at their parents. I wonder if any kids will now do this hoping their parents face the same consequences they do.


Remember when you went to jail for crimes you commit not your friends and family! I know my son drinks, if he gets a DUI am I going to jail?


Pres. Trump we the American people hope for you for we love America .


I like the way he says the news It refreshes all the news from the beginning of why the attacks are for those people who don't know what's l understand. Thank you veryI really like the way the news is said... refreshes the news from the beginning of why the attacks for those people who don't know what's going on Thank you very much.. โ™ฅ๏ธ My Respects


2AM at the Border... Last call... Shut the gate ..all out.. WE ARE CLOSED !!!


I call BULL ShEET food rose 1.3% in last year !!!! I have been doing the food shopping for my family nearly 40 years . Cheese,milk, and eggs go up n down all the time, but everything goes up NOT to ever come down.


Do you want to know how????? Perhaps they can tell you more about this...



