
Most charismatic speech. Ever.

This speech is from the movie "Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith".


11 years ago

And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. What's happened? The chancellor's been elaborating... on a plot by the Jedi to overthrow the senate. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life... has left me scarred... and deformed. But I assure you. My resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure the security... and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized... into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe... and secure... society.



1:17 "Secure... s o c i e t y !" Goodness, even a long time ago, in a galaxy far-far away, they lived in a society.


Palpatine: charismatic speech Anakin on Mustafar: slaughtering tin cans and frogs


I wish our politicians dressed like this.


"I love democracy. I love the Republic." Narrator voice: He did not.


Palpatine is a brilliant written character.


“For a safe and secure society.” Dang that’s just powerful


I heard Palpatine was wearing a formal ceremonial Sith robe when he declared himself emperor, just to add an extra mockery to the Jedi. Jeez, Palpatine really is the master of trolling to the Jedi.


I'm feeling very patriotic for the Empire.


Say what you will about the prequels, but Palpatine’s perfectly executed plot is genius. Playing both sides of the Separatist war to conjure devastating instability, then presenting himself as a heroic and trusted solution, security incarnate. Most of the galaxy gratefully laid down their freedom and independence.


Love how so few people questioned how Palpatine a seemingly normal man would survive an attempt on his life by a group of Jedi


0:04 You can see Jar Jar in the corner, telepathically giving Sidious every word to his speech, and influencing the crowd to love it. Jar jar is the key.


You can’t deny if your leader was an older man and this severely deformed by an assassination attempt and still held an emergency senate meeting to quickly and decisively quell a coup while at the same time ending a long war it would be pretty inspiring.


All thanks to Jar Jar Binks


One of the most well done scenes in the entire Saga Revenge of the Sith is a great movie, and no one will convince me otherwise


“So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.” Episode III > The entirety of the sequel trilogy combined


"The Republic would be reorganized into first Galactic Empire" - These Lines gave me chills


1:25 I always loved this shot. He’s in full control now, and nothing can stop him.


A rare footage of Galactic Weimar Republic on 23 March 1933


“I promise I won’t get all political and stuff” five shots later


Palpatine: has yellow eyes, is visibly deformed, all signs of Dark Side corruption, along with wearing TRADITIONAL SITH ATTIRE The Senators: This guy seems cool. vigorous clapping intensifies