

Mother Angelica looks at Matthew 20, and how it illustrates how tough the world is today. Subscribe to EWTN’s YouTube Channel: EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 40th year, is the largest religious media network in the world and was founded by Mother Mary Angelica, PCPA. The Daily Televised Mass is broadcast live 7 days a week at 7:00 a.m CST (watch it here: The Mass is uploaded to YouTube every day along with many other programs. To contact EWTN, send an email to our Viewer Services team at or call 1-800-447-3986. To learn more about EWTN please visit Donate now - Follow us on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram:


6 months ago

[Music] foreign [Music] brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham Alabama [Music] thank you [Music] she in you but I love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by this period one who lives in love lives in God and God lives in here [Music] what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody Jesus loves you we are all called to be great Saints don't miss t
he Apple Church [Music] [Applause] laughs I could swallow anyway this is ice powder I don't know why I have to explain this every night but it's not something to have in your mouth when that light goes on I can tell you because you can't swallow that fast but anyway we're here we're here together then I don't know about you but we and Alabama had a terrible storm it wasn't even a tornado was it what was it a what straight line win what that mean huh just went going straight ahead we know why nob
ody knows why that's a dumb question to ask only got huh oh Only God Knows Why right I never saw a camera this Pro since they're supposed to be that way it is oh okay here I am everybody but you know it was kind of funny in our place because we always think we're ready for anything you feel that way sometimes you ready for anything well all we heard was one yell that said turn it off well we didn't we have a hundred thousand square feet in that house and nobody knew where to go nobody so they're
all running to me and I said don't look at me I don't know where to go either so it's Okay We're Going to the Chapel if he goes we go with it so we went in there and we started saying I advise this very much that wind was oh it was so strong at eight hours some of the mortar from the block it just went went right in one place and then our bell tower has been leaking and I won't give the name of the company who built it but if you don't fix it I'm going to [Music] foreign company heard me tonigh
t but anyway they had to take the tile off the roof so they could walk on it so wherever they took the title off it leaked and a hundred mile wind and pouring we're going wrong with these little buckets you know trying to catch the water here and there and and the the gift shop where we had all our supplies and everything the whole it was leaking through the through the the lights everywhere anyway I had many thoughts I never expressed just wanted you to know that I had them but I never expresse
d them I'm still thinking them though I made you I said there has to be a time even God loses his patience you know but anyway I just want to share with you something that happened to me the other day which was so for me was exciting just for me I don't think it affects anybody else but because I was so excited I want to share with you is that okay well if it isn't I'm going to share it anyway you know I told you many times how we got to build this absolutely magnificent Temple and when we were
in Boca time we wanted to tell all the people in South America that EWTN in a year's time would have a Spanish Network going into South America and Spain and Italy and many other countries so anyway we were there and I was invited by our guests to see the shrine of Divino Nino and so he said to me you know you go up this hill there is the original Statue the original Stitch well when we went to this basilica with a huge Courtyard big enough for 5 000 people and they have 20 some masses a day ove
r there and um so I saw this bust of a priest in the corner and so nosy that I am I wanted to go over and see who it was so I go and it said Father John Rizzo which was my father's name and I said to myself well at least there was one decent John weasel in this world not a nice thought but that's what I thought so I said to Father who is this priest he said he came from Italy I thought figures you're going to tell me it came from Calabria next I don't know where he came from he said but he was I
talian is that okay and very simple okay he said he had great Devotion to the Child Jesus and when he came from Italy there there was nothing there people very poor and so he put two tables out one table had the divine child on it and the other table said mess well the people came from everywhere everywhere and you're hungry hungry people so he's getting a little bit scared you know so he talks to the Child Jesus out loud and this all these people listening and he says you see these people they'
re hungry they're all hungry and if you don't give them some to eat they're going to kill me and smash you it's a typical Italian priest and so all of a sudden out of nowhere come these cartons and carts of food and the poor man is more petrified now than he was before and the people are going wild there you go well now every week that happens every week so now all the people are beginning to bring the sick and they bring people on stretchers they bring people that are blind and can't hear I mea
n it is a crowd of people coming all sick now the poor man is scared for sure because they expect him to do something about it and so he goes to the Child Jesus again and he says that look um you see these people they're sick and if you don't heal them they're going to kill me and smash you now I ever talk that way to Child Jesus I I haven't even thought of it but he was a simple man that had a beautiful relationship with the baby Child Jesus well all of a sudden from way out at the end of the f
ield come to the man yelling and screaming he was crippled from birth and he's walking he's running he's doing everything well other people are doing the same well he doesn't know what to do so he goes to his provincial and he says I wanted to build a church but that isn't the word he used but I find that out later I'm going to spoil my point if I say the whole thing right okay so they say no we can't build a church we're having money he said but the people have talent so they let him build a sm
all Church now father's telling me all this and I I feel comfortable with this Father John Riesel and I thought well you know he's a simple man he speaks to God in a simple way and I would like him so the father says you know you want to go up and see the original Statue it was just always about that big that's all and so I'm going there and the statue oh there must have been maybe as many people here tonight and the statues facing that way and I'm facing this way I just look I am just looking a
t the Statue sideways all of a sudden he turns and he's not a statue he's a child and he looks at me and I never saw such beautiful eyes in my whole life never will again I guess and so he looked at me and he said build me a temple and I will help those who help you and then all of a sudden he turns and he's a statue again and I thought my art was beaten 100 miles an hour and I I started to cry and I thought what is a temple you know I've heard of masonic temples Jewish temples I never heard of
a Catholic Temple I wasn't searching but I heard him and I didn't understand what he meant when he said I will help those who helped you I didn't understand that either so this just came up to me and they said what's the matter and I said well nothing nothing so when I got home I thought I gotta tell them otherwise because I won't be able to build a temple you know but I still never knew we had a couple months later we were in Rome and coming out of the Basilica I saw the word this Temple was co
njugated on a certain date there is a temple so now I'm back to where I was two weeks ago my sister comes up to me and said you know this woman sent you a book on the Divine Child Jesus I said oh I must have 150 of them but they're not like that one okay so I took it and that evening before going to bed I thought well I think I'll read it because he's so cute you know you can't resist a little child like that I open it up guess who's there Father John Rizzo and and look at that look at him well
I I couldn't believe my eyes you know there he was a big man not too cheerful but it says Father John the founder of the Divine Infant Jesus Parish Parish no I said well I'm looking through the book what does it say on December 25th 1937 the first rock for the Temple of the Child Jesus was blessed and then it says here father died before the big Temple was built and it said here and my heart was beaten another 100 miles an hour because he said temple to me he didn't say Parish he didn't say Chur
ch we didn't say oratory he said temple and so I I was so excited and it sits here that the Divine Infant Jesus Temple was dedicated in 1992. three years later he tells me build me a temple well you gotta be patient with me tonight I've got asthma bronchitis a sinus headache and my nose is running all on TV so if you don't buy it there's nothing I can do about it you know we're hearing a lot today oh no all the terrible things going to happen to the world this century the big earthquake the big
what do you call this uh under one earthquakes are under the ground what do they call them but anyway under New York City is a massive earthquake about to happen not today or tomorrow but before this Century you want me to do this right okay thank you he's really a guard but he does this mostly um but I I think we need to think of that fault line thank you there are big fault lines under New York there's big fault lines in California I'm not telling you all to move where you're gonna go I'm alre
ady saying is I have set of a hundred thousand times somewhere that uh you you need to get your soul ready you know I don't know why people are so afraid two weeks ago I talked about hell a lot of people live there now don't you think sure all of us are living in purgatory you know if this is heaven Lord save us all you know we're in the wrong place this is Purgatory it's just purgatory and there are many things happening somehow we're in some kind of War nobody knows what there are wars and rum
ors of wars well we say it's been that way for centuries true but it was in the time of other people's Century in other people's purification there's a good book out called sent to Earth I'm not advertising but I guess I am it's an excellent book it explains why through the centuries the Bronze Age and and Rome oh boy you can see why the Lord took care of Rome but see what I don't understand is we're not afraid of sin that's why people commit so much sin you don't believe the consequences see yo
u know what I think the Lord's doing nobody's paying attention to our lady over these wonderful apparitions we've had nobody's paying attention to our Lord you have been bleeding in many statutes nobody's paying attention to Fatima and now these many I don't say all of them were but some of these uh scientists I guess we call them scientists okay physicists and whatever else they are are saying to the people look it's not going to be the same anymore now they have some kind of hot stuff going up
up here warming and all this stuff she you cannot abuse something constantly and not expect a reaction whether it's people or the Earth it's going to respond and on your response I just want everybody in this world that listens to this network to be ready that's all in India oh God that was a terrible earthquake you say Well it can't happen here don't catch yourself do you know there was an earthquake at the Mississippi River it went backwards for a week and the bells rang in Connecticut now yo
u like that one all I'm saying is if you're Catholic go to a confession I know you don't want to stop your why they call it today your way of life no that isn't what they say whatever it is you gotta stop you know a man was saying to us is atheists didn't believe in God never did somebody was a kid and he went to uh France with his as a professor art class so they all went to France and he got terrible pain in his abdomen and his colon ruptured and he was dying and he died he died and before he
died he was telling his wife that there's nothing else you know that is the end of everything he's nothing but a black hole well he dies and all of a sudden he fills himself up off the table and he's looking down on his body and he's looking at his wife and she's crying and he's saying hey I'm okay don't cry well he's not he's dead dead Darnell and he doesn't understand why she doesn't hear him and he say I'm alive then all of a sudden he hears two men speaking in the hallway in English days in
France so he go and he heard the one man say it's not coming yet when I was inquisitive see so he goes outside and these are two he thinks two men he said look different though they had very elongated faces and they told him to follow them immediately there was a dense fog and he said it was far and therefore he never saw before and the further on they walked the denser the fog suddenly these men begin to insult him terribly they begin to use the worst kind of language all of a sudden they're pu
shing him back and forth and then he said they had like long fingers and they start pulling his skin off but he said he didn't have any skin but he felt like he did and suddenly there's a man who didn't believe in God wanted nothing to do to God and he says oh God and those two just went as far back as they could go now he's scared he's scared and he said Jesus save me immediately the fog left and there he was he saw Jesus and there were a couple Angels there probably one was his arm and they be
gan to show him like a television screen his entire life so when he was a baby all the way to being in France and he said all I wanted to do is stay there I didn't want to go back and Jesus said to him you must go back you're not ready well he got back and they began to operate he became a minister there is a hell there is a hell I didn't want any of you to go there your way of life may not be too good huh but it's never too late and some of you that are Catholic who have that awesome uh opportu
nity of going to confession what a wonderful thing so I'm not gonna you know preach hell and and fire but I just want to remind you remind you they say don't scare people do you see the movies that your kids watch which scare me do you think the sweaters their weight were these ugly ugly beings do you see the games they play and you're telling me hell well they've seen how they just don't know what to call it oh I've never seen such grotesque games in my life it's a children's game children's ca
rtoons see so don't don't give me that thing whoa you scare me I want to scare a lot of you that's what I want to do that's my job is to be a thorn in your sight I want you every time you have an opportunity I didn't say Temptation I said opportunity for some kind of sin I want my face before you making you as miserable as possible that happened one day this young girl was going to commit suicide and um she was running she was going to jump over a bridge or something and suddenly she said she sa
w my face in front of her and she stopped dead and she changed her mind I don't ask God for big things just a lot of little things like giving you strength and courage to carry your cross we all have a cross we all have a cross all of it in some fashion carry it don't bury it don't drag it all you old people get so discouraged hey you got one foot in the grave what's your problem why are you gone but there's no place for you to go up and down you know you and I are past this middle middle or age
thing you know we're past that when you find your face in the middle section of a senior Senior Magazine you know you've made it that's what I saw not too long ago just my face right center page on a senior Maggie that's what I do it in there you know I know what I'm doing in there see it doesn't matter how old our young people die old people die see sometime we die suddenly we don't do that but see when you die it's it's over that's what's so final about it isn't it huh it's over and then you
have to stand there for judgment you're all by yourself I know that nobody there with me nobody I was by myself so just think about that things are tough and they're getting tougher all I want you to do I hope you live a thousand years but if you die I want you to die well I don't want you to go the other place I was going to take tonight the 20th chapter of Saint Matthew and you know I felt sorry for the Lord the other day first he appears to everybody and and our lady is appearing seeing me to
everybody and nobody's listening yeah let's see I was surprised and and little hurt for the Lord because now he's using atheists and he's using uh professors and and scientists to tell us that this world this world we know in this Century will not look the same the Glaciers are melting I mean we're going to have a whole new world wonderful I said Lord I know I'm not going to live it to be 178. but when I get to heaven could I peek down and just see how it's going to look I mean it has to be won
derful when the Lord gets done purifying this whole wide world it's going to look so beautiful because it won't have sin on it anymore and everybody will love each other because he promises here a new Heaven and a new Earth well what's new about it well it's not new now I can tell you it's getting old it's it has been even what it used to be when when I was a kid my grandma never locked the doors of her house did your parents all of you up in your ears you don't did you ever lock your doors neve
r my Grandma's door was always open day and night okay you want to put a Waller on your house now see the world different Bobby's gonna change it oh wonderful we'll have grass greener than you've ever seen it you'll have Beauty we've never seen before a repeat everywhere your families will be one family again there won't be all the things there are now that's why I look forward to it I said are you now that you look forward to chastisement yeah yeah I do because of the end result I look forward
to your kids having a happy time of living in a home that's loving and understanding and in a place that's safe I look forward to that I look forward to the church being vibrant again and not so divided every time you go to the mass somewhere it's different like electronic Church you know every time you go to mass you get another shot I want it to be one Holy Catholic Apostolic Church where people of all faiths come to that fold oh I look forward to that let's see what our dear Lord says here th
is is about the vineyard you know that it says now the Kingdom of Heaven is like alone a landowner your own land don't shoot everybody on something and he went out a Daybreak to hire workers well that sounds pretty normal they're pretty much like we used to do when we built this place and you made an agreement with the workers for one Denarius for a whole day not bad and for that day it wasn't bad now going out about third hour maybe nine o'clock something like that he sees some people standing
there no work and he said that now you go on my Vineyard too okay One to Know It then he goes to sixth hour in the ninth that's maybe three four o'clock in the afternoon and they all go he says I will give you a fair wage you notice today nobody gets a fair wage I had an employer say to me the other day you know I I like to hire people that like to work I pay well the first thing they ask is how much vacation do I get oh I said that's nothing I had a girl apply sure I know how much debt we had i
t's oh you really want to know she said yes I think you expect to pay it why are you so nosy if you don't want to do something about it well I just want to know what I'm entering into I said oh anything else you want to know she said well I like to know if we have vacation or it's vacation she said yes I said what is that she said vacate you don't know what vacation is I thought I don't think I do because I never had one I say I work for God this I'm I'm off on Sundays but I don't really buy vac
ations what would I do on a vacation she told I wouldn't know I said I don't either I wouldn't know what to do on a vacation most people I see come home are dead tired I mean you look Haggard you look tired I don't I would just sit home and enjoy it that would be a good vacation I guess so I don't understand personally I don't understand vacation because my day is the same every day when I was younger too poor and I'm older I'm too old so I don't have a problem with vacations so then she wanted
to know after vacation you know did she go home provisionist and I said sweetheart you don't have a big advocation because all you do here is love Jesus now you Chris and we adore him day and night and you don't have vocation vocation I don't know what happened to the poor girl because we're all in that mood you know of what do I get out of it oh that's not too good what do you put in it is what's important not we should get out of it we will have our reward or whatever we have up there I wouldn
't care if the Lord put me at the gates just watching everybody else have a good time she when we deal with God do we have to love him for himself and you're going to learn something here tonight now at the 11th hour he went out and found more men standing around ah boy you're up there now there's really not much left to a work day he said why you've been standing here idle all day it's because no one hired us you don't go in my Vineyards ah they work maybe two hours no the owner of the vineyard
said to the bailiff call the workers and pay them their wages starting with the last arrival two hours get it two miserable hours in the cool of the night no sun don't have to worry about lunch two hours okay ending with the first no do you want to add insult to injury okay the first were still working well the last we're getting paid how you like that one um are you beginning to get upset no yeah you should now when the first came they expect to get more got the same Denarius now they're begin
ning to think hey they said they grumbled these men too came last oh boy look here and they only work one hour yeah oh boy it's great and you treated them the same as us getting to you huh well and we have done a heavy dazed work here it comes in all the Heat and he said my friend I do you know Injustice did you not agree from one Denari yeah then take your earnings and go home if I choose to pay the last as much as I pay you do I have do I not have a right to do what I want or are you jealous o
f my generosity oh you see this reminds me of the woman who came to me one day I told you this but we always get new viewers she did have a hard time with her husband I mean she did have one hard time well he dies but she was so upset she said do you know what that rat did to me I said no I wasn't sure I wanted to though she said he wasn't even baptized when I married him and went through hell I said so okay well she looks at me she said on his Deathbed boy she's getting hot he was baptized he g
ot all the sacraments and what the confession and he died I said well aren't you happy no I'm not happy the red went straight to heaven I said well aren't you happy with that no I wanted to suffer a little bit God you know if it was that bad you think you'd be happy well this is what our Lord's talking about let's see that's what he's talking about there are many people that steal heaven like the great the the the the thief from the cross did he still happen oh he suffered though don't you kid y
ourself the one went down the other went to heaven this they our lord said You shall be with me in Paradise you know how long Peter had to wait before he died and then he died upside down on a cross and here's his teeth you know uh see but he admitted he was guilty he deserved what he got and he accepted it and all he said was Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and what our Lord say the merciful Jesus he says this day you shall be with me in Paradise now don't you want to go to con
fession huh don't you want to change your life otherwise you're going to be like these people you're taking chance take your child you didn't take too many risks you know and like that atheist I was talking to about you may not be the one chosen to come back and what did our Lord say the last shall be first and the first let what does all that mean well it means that if we pray for the hardest sinner the heart of if you pray keep praying for that person in your life that you want converted don't
stop he may come back the last minute the last second the last instant he can come back and then be with God forever and we have a call hello hello mother this is Sandra from San Diego oh wonderful we love you here in California mother thank you my question is is Jesus more merciful than he is just or is he equally both God is infinitely merciful and infinitely just it is an act of God's mercy that he is just I want to repeat that it is an act of God's mercy that he is just can you imagine walk
ing around with all these people from hell all day long hell is the justice of God but he doesn't put anybody in hell that person goes to hell on his own because he cannot stand God you know I ask a priest not so long ago a friend of mine I could have you ever been present you know at a dead bed that you really feel this person went to hell he said only one and I said but what happened he said came in and I wanted him to go to confession he wouldn't he cursed God and he was in the act of dying a
nd I put the crucifix to his lips and he took it and he threw it against the wall and he said I don't want to be with God forever we're supposed be hard to judge that too but everybody anybody anybody that goes to hell is not placed there by why God they go because they cannot stand the Holiness of God see if you live a filthy life you could die being happy with the filth that's the way it is and so God's just if God were to chastise the world at this point all of you think hard if he were to ch
astise the world tomorrow and make it a thousand times better would you say that's a good thing hmm weren't you I have a the company who built the temple and the monastery is still there he's a wonderful man and he did something sweet the other day and I said to him may you live a thousand years he looked at me and he said no not the way the world is today if it gets worse in 10 or 20 more years I don't want to stay here and I was surprised because I guess I didn't expect it but I knew what he m
eant if you eat oh no need but smoke cigarettes you're going to get lung cancer there's no doubt about it take your time but you're gonna get if you drink a pint of liqueur or whiskey or wine a day hey your liver is not gonna take it it's not made to be pickled you're gonna get it you can't blame God it's just going to happen that's all we as human beings made to the image and likeness of God that have memory imagination intellect and will we have to take the consequences of our mistakes and our
sins you've got to take that you you're in some kind of dream world if you don't think you are so to answer your question I go to California by way of New York um yes there is guys Justice and and mercy both are infinite I wish we all understood that it would be a different world we have another call hello hello where are you from I am from Illinois my name is Charles okay Charles I raise your question I've been reading the lives of some great Saints Saint Francis and Saint Claire of the CC uh
Saint uh Claire of uh yeah and I find that the latter I feel that I should be on on my pilgrimage to heaven I'm not even on it yet you're not what yet what is he oh well if you're living you are and you are living definitely if you're striving if you're reading the lives of the Saints at least you're making an effort but you see you're reading the lives of mystical Saints why don't you go to Mother Cabrini Don Bosco who well every saint is different the Little Flower of Jesus read those Saints t
hat are more akin to your way of life they worked they ate they slept they drank they had their their big crosses their little crosses the difference between the Saints and ourselves is that Jesus and Mary was a part of their daily life we seem to have two lives one wrapped around ourselves in sin and everything else the other well on Sundays we're pretty good so I I think uh I think that you have to understand Holiness is for everybody now did I answer that question no I did okay is there anoth
er one there is not okay so you know we're we're all in this together the world is slowly going down and we have to lift it up talk to Jesus just talk to him like he would talk to each other or talk talk to me see you can talk he loves you to talk to him he don't you to tell him everything little things good things happy things every time I get a new pair of shoes especially now since I can walk without braces I go show it I know he knows he's God he knows everything he wants me he wants me to t
hink I go there I say thank you Jesus for the new shoes maybe you could work on him stretch a little bit yeah I feel kind of tight anyway bless him isn't that what he meant when he said unless you become his little children you shall not enter the kingdom you need to do that just a child I was looking up at the water pouring in the other morning night there was nights well it looked nice it was only about 3 30. I said Lord you remember it took five years to build this thing five years and the fi
rst storm real storm comes and it looked like somebody's gonna take a bath I mean I never saw so much water coming down and remember all you people who put it together all you people who have the tiles still off it's not a threat they it's not a threat I just want to keep dry if you don't mind well I gotta go I love you and God loves you infinitely bye now [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]



2024, listening and Mother is remarkable today as she was when first giving this message❤️


Mother Mary pls. give my health back to be of more service to others I love & miss Mother Angelica thanks


Miss you Mother!!! ❤❤❤❤


She mentions New York and war and rumours of wars and a little over 6 months later was 911 😢.She’s a real star ❤


Mother please help with the healing of my family. It's a terrible mess


Thanks for posting timing. Is perfect my kids like Mother Angelica


Thank you Jesus! Thank you EWTN! Mother please keep praying for us. We need you so!!!


Thank you Mother Angelica


Mother Angelica ❤


Im a big fan of u mother angelica God bless you ❤❤❤❤


Mother Angelica please pray for us sinners! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏


🇮🇪💕x miss her x


Her intro is just iconic, lol.


Beautiful 🇮🇪💕x


Mother Angelica will you pray for Greg please? 😢



