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2 days ago

[Music] did the category change the directory you all good okay stupid software is lagging again yeah okay poers enjoy osal it's all good don't worry about it a lot of people you know cannot afford to sub and it's all good you take care of yourself first just you hanging out is all that muts all right what were we doing level 39 oh yeah this what is this what was I supposed to do there we can take a car our amazing car I think this is chapter 10 still e what's happening over here oh coconut butt
this must be the sandstorm oh okay I see I yes do you hear well is this loud enough for you good oh god what the hell is that uh you was I to the Warrior's presence and lo with should it lead me but these sweltering Sands what is this thing no way what Misfortune for you to venture so far for Treasure already claimed you would do well to leave that I may collect what is byes mine you think the Proto Relic is yours Pro know what now Relic you say he sounds like op CRI true a ridiculous name Unwo
rthy of my treasure what you Naes covet is none other than a prize in my resped Arsenal uhoh this B I can hold no what is happening okay oh seta so what was that oh thank goodness I finally got through are you all right I'm fine eyes of cringe but what the hell was that just now I'm investigating the matter as we speak in my initial analysis of the sand entity I detected a Proto Relic like signal I'm unsure how they're connected but I fear we might be after the same thing of course we are there'
s no telling where it might appear next please be careful mental break look that but I see your station let's go little guy the signal is growing stronger perhaps there is a Proto Relic the firston today uh you mean that thing it's been altered though it doesn't appear these modifications were made by Shinra whoever respons oh little sapling proceed with caution cute little sapling growing out of the of the coconut butt so cute oh my God they have cutest cheeks so cute look at it look at the the
y so cute love them absolutely love them oh c Cur smells like a monstrous Hideout or a fortress whatever it is I don't think we can get inside oh whoa indeed commencing scan I believe I have a match the symbols resemble those found in the book of Kings an ancient tone allow me to oh my God if they make a plushy of that oh my gosh interesting well then in order to unlock this door you'll need to locate a cactuar Rock hidden somewhere in the desert what kind of rock a mineral deposit named for its
distinct cact shape now that cloud has made contact with this door The Rock we seek should be marked by a green look by the way do you happen to see see a t shaped statue anywhere nearby yes on your left if you open your [ __ ] eyes thank you that's it that statue should guide you to the Rock I spoke of which intern will serve as the key to the door there enjoy they're really making us work for it I know you can do it George what you just hear him speak okay my software is annoying me to death
why are you doing this to me he must be trolling he must be May is the girl here okay so like we're not working today what's happening with you what is going on work L check all right hold up of deot to raise the CCT statue Aloft and follow the line that IM to locate the corresponding rock rock oh I see can't Co for a Choco send evidence what the what the [Music] hell is this like all the way up there no shot right why am I even doing this we're cre that I'm not doing this why am I doing this we
're not doing it not no no no no [ __ ] that no we're agreed I'm not doing this [ __ ] hell no oh hello we play queen Blood why do we do anything that's a good question I need money hi bazard what's up people people hey hello happy birthday B I hope you're having a good day thank you so much for the videos break from learing yep learning learing you're learning nice that's good to hear I'm glad it's going productive for you your brain is becoming bigger I'm learning how to write automated tests
and it's proven to me that I am a massive nerd all right all right Dam I thought Devon is very Healy version uh Healy area never mind this is this is much worse holy [ __ ] imagine imagine leaving here oh nice chapter 11 started let's go I'll see you when I see you bye hey sephar wait up hey s bring me the black materia block material oh hey you okay nope yeah never has been looks like we're not the only ones for neheim huh almost like they swung by Cosmo Canyon just so they could lead us here b
lah sorry just thinking out loudah Mater forget about it okay new salmon Odin not the Odin forever scarred by the word ODU oh my God so far holy holy canalone man I'm hungry actually should I go get some food uh Kate meant to tell you before but the terminal's probably gone burn down 5 years ago not to worry though the terminal is as snug as a bug in a rug shra wasn't about to let that facility burn down meaning the reactor well that's important too but no I'm no expert on neheim but what I do k
now is that it's the only lead we have on that Materia so not much Choice yeah it's this or nothing we should get going flying thingies does it mean we we will have flying Chocos here as well oh it's the wrong thing it's the salmon thingy and this this this area is like super Healy so we're definitely going to have something to PA the [ __ ] faster where am I [Music] going what of climbing what can be worse than climbing a lot of climbing where's this giant fat ass bird ow that's it can I see so
mething where am I okay I'm getting Bo understandable zo unable oh my gosh was sheesh sheesh at least put up a fight did you to you [ __ ] no stop why is this a thing stop it stop what is happening with you you stupid [ __ ] thing he's a poo what's happening with the software today jer what's up [Music] jer no elato to capture [ __ ] what a piece of [ __ ] dude how bad can it be oh my God all good with the power of His that one did you uh unable power ofid oh my God is yeah you're in for it some
one need a rest Dodge what is that supposed to mean why are you dodging we almost don't notice it yeah I notice it I have to restart app cuz it's just not working it just freezes get lost got me now at least put up a [Music] fight sorry time Cate Baron bro kill yourself yeah it's really annoying hella annoying what are you [ __ ] question marking what dangerous may be in the vicinity Mak Abomination what's the yellow mmm emote when he's talking and moving his arms another here has two arms I hav
e plenty of those though I was going to ask how are you do there but I think I got my answer I'm okay I'm okay I'm just a bit Hy and the [ __ ] Elgato cture car is driving me nuts I I I hate this thing so much like it's kind of incredible how nobody got anything better than this piece of [ __ ] like H how how nobody came up with anything slightly better than this oh that's Salah that emote is Salah but don't tell him that I think you can I'm not sure actually about 7tv but when you open your emo
te menu you can um you can press control on the emote your over and over and it will be your marked as your favorite emote at least for like sub emotes and BTV [Music] of you inist want to for Mercy let's turn the a someone need a you're going down at least put up a fight time Unstoppable wait you're still alive oh it's someone need a rest got now want to pick for mercy one grow on to for mer toow on don't let me down I got this out of here I'm thinking legendary all right sounds like you have y
our startup idea time to dis disrupt the market like dude honestly I don't know why is it so complicated to just make a decent software for this stupid ass Elgato [ __ ] I really didn't know everybody that I know that uses capture card they have some sort of issue with this [ __ ] like holy moly really you C your choco [Music] B all right there it is I need a Choco B I think I'm going to grab some tea some food real quick and then we catch the choco B I will put some daily dose for you or some [
 __ ] still what do you want daily dose or um wordss on stream like words words okay I won't be able to control it so you have to do it mod bro can you like wait what the [ __ ] Jesus all right you guess the words o beb I'll keep the music on okay I'm going to go and get food I'll be back in like 5 minutes okay [Music] [Music] are you winning Sons yeah nice what does that word mean the one you just guessed Philipe Emig what is immigrate but the subject that's immigrant not imigra Philip did the
same as Salah just wrote a random [ __ ] and guessed it I see it's a French thing well it's English [ __ ] words on stream fake clater gg gg I ago I got back to a diamond so not bad butly I'm derusting wait G is actually b c isn't it noise trm one more come on boys what is Mt like a sh Mar in Russian means uh March but also Market yeah whoa nice lure no there's no arm oh yeah there is is Right writing lure hello bro phip you good since when you're a French brother raffle is a good word yeah I th
ink X is a fake word a fake letter one more word X is a fake letter chat them rough why there's so many wordss with four letters holy [Music] [ __ ] I'm B at F yeah you are nice junor is D fake yeah what about flower what is the hidden letter another you [Music] just type some random [ __ ] typ random [ __ ] chat oh nice saved Philip is saved dude I'm telling you typing random [ __ ] Works 90% of the time honk yeah I think H might be fake because you all used H I don't think it's C the hidden le
tter H has to be fake yeah so B is the secret letter hi m [Music] bloodb nice I know random [ __ ] usually works right no hell no already is there just type random [ __ ] CH seriously it will work oh nothing I think if you put question mark after it doesn't work lucky it's almost like my bot is just mocking you you say like continue continue start start hi Nelson yeah literally continue oh my God that is a lot of letters what Sakura holy [ __ ] a one that was so close yet so far bro I asked Josh
to not buy this he was like yeah sure buys the [ __ ] my day is ruined my disappointment is imaginable and my day is ruined how are you doing n we're plenty lost come on guys what is the what's the fake what's the hidden m is fake okay F oo nice ni nice I'm doing good thank you guys we need one more oh my gosh Sakura [ __ ] clutched you're one point off you can swear in Swedish yeah of course I watch elijas I think p is fake he has to be fake [Music] Chad get [ __ ] lucky get [ __ ] you almost
cheat it no seek I'm trying to find a word that has like 1 million C's but fuka has too many C something with a chai in the end oh yeah peas fake this is the end of wakanda it's going to be the end GG's Pinocchio oh occasion oh yeah peace fake occasion oh sakur tried to clutch it again n n guys you're too heavy for Sakura like jesz Jesus [ __ ] Christ you're actually too heavy you try Sakura Noble effort I did okay in the earlier levels you surely did oh yeah sorry I didn't show the leaderboard
that's my bad there holy [ __ ] Deon okay never mind okay I'm sad it's over I could did that forever that's what she said I was second in the level course bro who would name them s Mushu what a [ __ ] loser could that be Christ all right anyways strange well sound just like him don't I I don't know what's this St it has like what the [ __ ] [Music] Selena [ __ ] Selena Gomez as a bird crazy okay um right [Music] oh a rock not Chu up a beat not a rock what is this noise oh okay okay it's time to
C the bird where am I supposed to if I can go uhhuh oh really Jesus I cannot aim like a little bit like what the [ __ ] I can't like aim close does it make sense too far dude what is this throw Cloud you're too strong [Music] stop this is incredible pain in the ass very exciting okay that did not change anything for us I really cannot control like how close I can throw this [ __ ] why are they dancing yes maybe they are not interesting [Music] so they're not interested in bait uh so what the do
what I need money oh hi guys how are you doing how's this is your daily dose of bits how's all the Cutie doing are you winning fam uh we just started but I won some games in valer and finally for the first time in 10 million years how you doing solo I maybe I have to throw it from above oh [Music] maybe show no interest so like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do brother am I supposed to lead them maybe I supposed to like lead them through or something I don't know I am so confused maybe I need
to bring that one then maybe I need to actually bait this one then Selena McQueen let's see all right fastic [Music] [Music] hello why not wait go go go Selena go come on babes faster oh you're so slow come on babes wait and just wait take care Nels son how's your days Al oh too far isn't it yeah oh dude are you she's trolling she's trolling the [ __ ] out of [Music] me oh you [ __ ] trollando you serious oh my gosh I'm blinking we try I did like the concept I did like the concept for wrangling
this one but the cocktail just so damn slow I mean the bird is also slow that's what annoyed me way more she's not made for this bless her [Music] clink oh come on come on darling come on Mo move your ass Pizza intrusive th for real I hope your fat ass is not going to land right on the cactus behind you thank God that's way too close her ass is definitely Landing in the cactus you [ __ ] count why is pizza a curse a curse [Music] [Music] what T pizza to pizza means Dumbo oh welcome to switch tha
nks I hate [Music] swich welcome to the Chan thanks should reenter in the chat bro okay go closer [Music] you're so slow bro we need to observe the pattern of certain cactuses to be able to move forward only by observing the pattern we will be able to move this stupid ass bird forwards to progress in our Quest don't take your sweet time holy [ __ ] oh gosh move away Stupid Hoe thank you you okay I see no don't don't don't do [Music] it n aren't this [ __ ] supposed to be flying like asking real
questions [Music] here get out get out get out get out get out get [Music] [Music] [Music] out easy good bird you stupid Jesus this bird is such a pain in the ass hello Selena how do I know the bird's [Music] name at her I [Music] can't pretty sure I can all above bodies of water hold El to to launch yourself High into the air with a Choco jet ability you can also use it stunted version of this ability while on land so this [ __ ] could just fly I see choco jet all right now we can go only about
B and water who ev's not far now first time back since y where's T same here com back now sorry it's all right Lots happened since then uh stay close would you uh no I honestly thought I was ready for this Jesus wait what thought Burns rebuild or just planted fake memories cloud look at this it's it's brand new mhm they rebuilt the whole village don't scare me like that thought Cloud might have lost it again I mean I thought he got us lost cuz it looks brand new pipe so who do you think rebuilt
it Shinra never mind all that we've got ter never mind all that this guy has some thick ass thighs though holy moly Jesus I just noticed fast travel unavailable of course why there's so many of those dudes the Cut's tail freaks me out same [ __ ] lot of robes out here it has like yeah and looking aliens they're all pay doctors I me they aren't quite the same are they hello there can I help you good things good sir I a proud employee of Shinra Resorts and since I was nearby I thought I might pop
in and check something on the company database and your companions oh then they are I used to live here until you know until what he's going to ask I see I see and are you aware of what NE time is now nope no idea 5 years ago Shinra assumed direct control over this Village it now serves as a treatment center for MCO poisoning now that's why there are so many of the all property rights have been transferred if that's why you're here contact special facilities at corporate they'll be able to help
you very helpful thank you sir ah but but the database I'll not be a we minute I'm sure you're eager to see your hometown but please don't stay too long my Amazon Wish List fantasy loard hallowen cosplay costume there's here you know Queen's blood Queen's blood Queen's blood Queen's blood hello this game you don't happen to be a card player do you no use denying it let [ __ ] go tell if you won't comrade the name's Turner the top Trent Turner I'm all about playing you press to find a
nyone who's better you never seen but I think you would deeply appreciate prepare [Music] yourself same as crumpin got the pee peee scub the board yeah you're going a pee peee the fck pulled it from I cannot pull down his pants guys what can I do pullable you can only P your FY underneath I don't know what his deck is so Yol let's go easier access I've seen actually funny video today uh it was basically the the gosh what's his name the making my way downtown meme the the power what's his name so
mething with a t what's his name Terry Cruz yes Terry Cruz sitting in the car and he's like singing he's like I just bought myself a new GPU for $900 and then there is this like um skeleton guy from Cod I don't remember his name sitting there staring at him and says my underwear that I bought then I still have since I'm 13 years old ghost and he's like and I also bu a new new CP you and the [ __ ] dude still sits there like staring at [Laughter] him it's so [ __ ] real dude I don't know why you
guys don't throw away like old underwear and socks I don't know what's up with you but it's really it's it's just a mystery to me you really don't like doing that for some reason they are comfy yeah like Josh's argument is that they're not destroyed why would he throw them away by not destroyed it me they have less than three holes and I'm like bro really I literally ripped Underwear by accident today Lord help D honestly he just doesn't he just doesn't he doesn't want to throw it away it still
functions exactly that is josi's approach it still functions I'm like bro do you do I would I throw out the old underwear yes what the [ __ ] dude why wouldn't you what did you just do [Music] what if you find your gold underwear it's so comfy it will stay with you for age just the [ __ ] man Christ golden underwar dude what the what the fridge y'all need help seriously seek God what is wrong with you just buy them bulk when you find something you like yeah I don't know what to do I will pass ye
s I'm I'm passing this turn my golden underwear has American flag designed with the eagle in the middle no way no you're trolling now you're trolling no no no way no no no not you're baiting I'm not believing that there's no way uh I'll send the did you see the picture of your [ __ ] American underwear [Music] oh what the [ __ ] man Jesus what's wrong with yall oh my gosh you started we telling theore what the [ __ ] okay now you're blaming me what the hell man what in the heck oh I knew he's go
ing to do dick head you bloody dick head [Music] mate boom Shak you're just increasing my points now you doooo you dooo head [Music] okay this is them what is [Music] this no you're trolling not no way you're trolling this is not yours no n no no no no you're trolling there's noive I didn't think you me so no way in the universe when I entered contest on the clock wait could you be more of a slacker than me but I devote all my time outside of roll calls specific the banana blood oh I see you're
unemployed D the drink no that's none of my business no you're a bigger fish that's all it wasn't honor to have played with you I hope I'll have another chance someday some undis Peaks between friends congratulations Cloud you have attained the rank of blood tactician speaking of I've received Intel that Regina the card game Maven you met on the sh is inaga I'm going between two players of your caliber would surely be one for the ages I can't wait to watch wait hold up it's me look all right whe
re is it where is that guy who am I supposed to kill bow hammock pouch and what oh is it here we're having explored fake you I don't know I didn't see in the map where it was [Music] oh store you shouldn't come back you used to live here a long time this isn't your home anymore remember that all right fine if you're that desperate to buy something shut up oh my gosh wait it's those testicles dude that we saw during the sponsor stream CH it's nothing personal monster you shouldn't come back she k
eep saying you shouldn't come back why is she question this always been here yeah it totally screams climb me doesn't it so let's give the poor thing what it wants and see the sights hey don't just bro AR I know you like claming things but BR to look at this place you'd never know yeah okay Deon [Music] so which one's your [Music] house AR the jump for science a looks cozy yep very cozy very warm as well I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that no don't worry about it it's all new to you that how do
es he keep his pie so shaved where I stayed 5 years ago you think he's waxing them Chad they're like clean shaved you got the town hall the General Store permanent waxing with a laser I want that so bad but it's so expensive here tifa's house apparently in Russia it's like everybody does it know it's like decently priced no it's not about good place it's just because the machine is very expensive come on you never came up here hoping she'd wave no way what no way I I never do that mm yeah crumpi
ng that's me this is hella price I'm going to head down think I'm good where I am I'll see you later hi no I just really hate like so B these people um like the whole shaving process and stuff it irritates skin a lot I hate it absolutely hate it I mean same for man if you guys like shave you you know how it feels like to constantly shave your skin feels badge oh what the [ __ ] okay bar just chilling oh blending in they're everywhere you look you don't really think that all these guys decided to
get up and Shuffle over here of their own accord do you of course not this is shinra's doing first they raise a whole village cuz it suits them then they build a fake one right on top of it we can't let those corporate bastards keep getting away with this [ __ ] we got to do something right like what not much we can do that [ __ ] right there is how they managed to take over the world they make you beat yourself they keep telling you you're powerless and eventually St believeing it loud words n
ot much of doing though you're just sitting here on the [ __ ] [Music] chair she was married to a doctor though nice welcome [ __ ] proit no that's actually profit we're tripping we're tripping are we're tripping Big Time hello so any friends here you want to see maybe a girlfriend speaking of which I'll bet you're dying to hear about mine am I right what not interested oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of [Music] garbage so beautiful kind of depends on the angle she's just great to
be around from midgard yep real City we got some info Z Fair like his girlfriend over heels for Eric we fought together as soldiers you were here with me five years ago you came with me on the mission where are you what happened to you flashbacks toly toly junor thank you so much for the prime new sub CH say hello welcome toly hello moon Fang how are you thank you for the follow as well Eli thank you so much o mang you're sub to Mandy I respect it I look at her streams a lot she streams quite r
andom times for me don't know why but T these excuse me I canot believe this the Box I should have known it was too good to be true I only have limited access from this console let me guess limited doesn't cut it nope but all is not lost excuse me good sir would you be so kind as to grant us entry into Shinra Manor don't you have clearance for that oh if only I'm but a wee bottom feeder Billy have clearance to use the bathroom me be that as it may I can't let you in there myself you'll have to a
sk my boss instead meaning the Deputy Commissioner or the commission himself let's meet in greet Deputy Commissioner Murasaki is up at the reactor conducting an inspection for corporate he's du back the day after tomorrow but he hasn't been in touch to confirm could be he needs more time ah we can't afford to Del D just have to track them down agreed thanks for all the help oh bye the services we provide here are strictly for theit of yeah it's dly you bastard sounds a bit Irish oh my goodness o
h my damn oh my goodness they're going ham sheh n thank you much for 6 to9 he can we get a nice in ch can we get a nice nice thank you so much n thank you for 69 PB donation that's so kind of you thank you is under thank you thank you thank you allow Pati soon soon I'll be able to order the thing and we can install eldering also Crumpet kindly gifted GI did me the PlayStation 5 version of eldering I mean he he donated for me to buy it so thank you Crumpet again wait what B wait you are you troll
ing or you cuz no I did not so you're headed to the reactor huh head to the reactor no luck at Town Hall I take it got to get a key card a guy named Murasaki has it but he's inspecting the reactor well then you'll need a ninja to accompany you I think is trolling though me too really you sure ask anyone around here I'm the best there is all right you sure you're going to be okay we're going on a hike and getting Keyon how T going to be you'll still be gone for a while sure there's nothing you ne
ed to take care of I'm putting you in charge of Provisions then make it snappy my Materia needs me 9th of March yeah you did I didn't even see what the [ __ ] you serious where do you see this actually yeah hello thank you so much I'm not sure if you saw but like when I was checking my eyes were getting you know yeah thank you so much what the [ __ ] dude you wanted to pay for me of my time off it's so sweet thank you thank you so much what the [ __ ] look thanks Poo you guys are too kind to me
know might shave some time he just like two holes all right Rea I was I was feeling guilty for not streaming but I want to get some rest thanks guys ped the oiler it's just so sweet your streamer is getting he's getting food is eating we received word about the neheim survey team it appears they were ambushed thank you Pho by Wai indeed really appreciate So It Begins oh why am I so emotional that the new bridge I see up ahead Focus I think we do have a command I think we do thanks guys so much f
or helping me reach donation goals and partner plus and stuff donating when I'm on my day off when I feel like I have to be working and stuff that's where I kind of than I really appreciate you yeah yeah ped Oiler I think is the command isn't it oh yeah isn't pend Oiler or Oiler we had one I'm sure we did cool down oh I see probably yeah you're right luta nice that definitely help new weapon for TAF again ooh non-elemental magic C stagger sure we not yeah there's cool down there's a global cool
down not per person one per person to probably that's a nice debu to have I don't think I can I don't think you can connect it anything can I oh it's just a flat number okay but don't I just saw [ __ ] Christ how do you reach proficiency stagger enemy with a standard attack while active Okay standard attack yeah sure this team is pretty solid I think why not holy Jesus Devon what the hell is is this all fake memories or some [ __ ] is this what it is oh what he's in hands so who's Zach what is i
t I don't remember what happened here to Zach why she doesn't remember she was there Bridge broke he fell got swept away by the current I think he's dead you never forgot did you that's why you've been acting weird uh-huh didn't want to upset you that's all what Zach was my friend how could I just forget him like that degradation it's following me out bit by bit you're wrong you remembered Cloud it'll be okay it will yeah same crmo almostly you got to tell ER about this she deserves to know what
happened yeah yeah she does but let me be the one to do it he doesn't deserve tafa what because she and I are close you know what do you mean she just are you done yet HD the truth about his friend that he forgot what happened to him because of his brain dun two of us promise what do you mean she didn't tell him what happened to your friend his friend d d now mate H is US H us sushy Wy I know what else rhymes with it but don't say it increase damage de by unique abilities by 5% [Music] sure oh
really oh what the [ __ ] the same director Mona increase the limit gauge charge [Music] yes yes now I'm broke now oh I know what she needs hold on you have chakra yeah you do you don't have chakra do you oh she does okay okay yeah nice denta like Moon Moon says dka I haven't wish M for ages he's playing GTA all the time not a huge fan of GTA sadka okay this [ __ ] bird [Music] call wind do that again easy we go oh I hate this guy so much I'm dying here when time this thick is dangerous down the
re was this big yeah Loa big Loa Marco spring wait so this whole thing is Materia oh god wow it's so much bigger so it's almost like a crystal naturally formed Materia like it grows with time at the size of it astounding I don't know how crystals form do they form with time bigger and bigger condense into something like this it must have taken an eternity hey we should get out of here all this Moos is making me queasy yeah me too yeah like what is that HP swap with MP what is it what does it mea
n swap Max HP and Max MP values look at the look here that's how much health I would have left 56 and I would have 5,000 Mana no I'm good thank you crystals form over time caves from sadan spells for day [ __ ] mage build anding man bar bigger than the HP not bad but not my best health would be small yeah it's literally one shot one Sho one killer there has a cool weapon if could be like punch punch bro like are you sure about cool weapon like this cat has a [ __ ] megaphone as a weapon Mega so
no not everybody has a cool weapon iess said for Chadley our baby girl Chadley hi boxy yeah Charlie who is a who's a female Accord to George here's another cave Crystal fact stalagmites are the ones that are on the floor since they might touch the ceiling stalles are the hanging ones cuz they stick tight to the ceiling I think there is another thing to know like to memorize stalite and stall Tides um like Stak mes like they kind of like form M on the floor so it's m stag mines and like when they
hang of the top it's like you know stalic times because the form a te on the ceiling yeah are you sure we're going the right way we're almost there I mean obviously they form M for Mushu but you know I have to play along obviously sheesh oh my God this gives him strong lord of rings M no need to worry I've already found one um more climbing but hey okay wait did you have that in her magic pants in her magic Pockets where else would you have that oh okay why are this little you as for it that it
you're mine time a where are we supposed to have you found Yi yet in OG oh yes the screamer guys that never scream love these guys yourself I never scre for checking in I'm still a piece of [Music] garage thank so much for get to Union you're done sorry don't overdo it come on dude see can't fault trying [ __ ] thank you so much Grand will you play the og7 I don't think so I want to play um you know I've ever taken this roof before though you going to be okay yui oh yeah no problem this is noth
ing compared to what we got in muai like the massive cared into the weapon holy C gr sword fed from aarden volcanic magma sh holy that looks [Music] crazy nice can you have multiple HP up I wonder sure you can I think CS SPL forget what number [Music] [Music] interesting sure where's like actual HP oh there we go nice all ninjas have to scale it g of our training never liked the climb much I freaking loved the reward which was the CH of course got to eat up when we made it to the top tell you wh
at the beans when we finish our that's kind you really don't have to I favorite probably the switch sword so far the what oh is it because it's purple you go with swt sword dude how far am I supposed to climb I'm a bit bothered that's like in a completely opposite direction where I have to be going but okay surely it will be fine right guys that material on the floor definitely not a bait I thought it's going to I I was sure this [ __ ] is going to collapse to be honest or something I'm surprise
d in Dark Souls it would definitely collapse but you wouldn't die you would just fall but you wouldn't die from them just because sheit and Giggles of the devs L ooh Yanks who are you holy [ __ ] that thing is huge WKA ass of be would absolutely collapse who are you Dragon okay fine sense drow okay incinerate I would move away if I was you here I go you need to chill like someone need a rest okay this most unfortunate going get's coming to you and toow on oh be rud you're going to get what's com
ing to you uhoh uh-oh ready for a back down you're going and one to grow on here we go this is nothing bro Cloud you're such a d bro it's incredible turn around turn around turn around sure going to get what's coming to you want to than for mercy now here I go you bastard very rude might as well run like a CH cre some serious havit ow ow [Music] ow time to some not bad okay oof oof oof scary yeah nobody has a spell to heal us anymore I don't see uh any checkpoints hey Cloud I've been thinking we
're looking for a guy named Murasaki right what about it this type of Pokemon I'm a better dragon dragon de I'm sure plenty of your people immigrated to midgar before the war some of their kids and grandkids probably work for shim oh huh I had never thought about that have they actually explained much of wuai maybe they explain it like during side quests and I didn't listen as much I'm still kind of a way to get down confused okay which one ch 1 2 three which one we're going to two two 3 three I
don't know if it matters that's not the question come on one more two or three I need three vs okay three God damn it Juno you party pooper I like slides okay uh this [Music] one kill the fun bum no TR no nothing oh my gosh what the [ __ ] just happened to me come on excuse me I can't see you [ __ ] off that not okay that's a bit rude a t I cannot see is is that okay that like I cannot see it's okay see if he's carrying don't overdo it see if he's carrying holy [ __ ] that's feeling this what g
ive him your arm get it together finish him off get them on finish this no surprise there get them on hi you there what a was of time you can't vote TW twice no no no waiting for somebody else to vote I saw that FIP typed it twice like [ __ ] little r cheater I saw it I saw it I did to jump over this [ __ ] TR Behavior indeed oh I didn't expect the the freaking Dragon [ __ ] up [ __ ] us up so hard to be honest Bad Dragon hello Eli hello oh are you can't change his boat he [Music] did this weapo
n looks so cool oh my God not this what let's go to town on it ow bro the W of the Ninja Wrath of the ninja stuff only we're stuff right I guess it's not that weird for people to move to different countries and it's not like we don't welcome foreigners either he and vicey the whole reason we have an interim government need a car Deputy Commissioner amak's ID card finger like you give it to me nothing like me so much Inon you'd be best buds B I love him so pretty oh speaking of um for some reason
like I thought about Monster Hunter bones um you say want to join up I watched a little bit of M Hunter rise G play and it looks the whole we'll start it's not really like that deep as the most the world is it will be afraid to our name seems very version ofar when they more flashy it also looks like Graphics are worse isn't it it was made for SW silence says More Than Words ever could be on board please shut up still pretty deep but it has more gameing yeah I don't know I wasn't really sold on
Graphics I feel like in the sense of upgrades and [ __ ] it seems like it's lighter which I don't mind personally it's more like I don't know the graphics seemed worse significantly for me but maybe it was just bad recording I don't know ninjas means we're at war no switch you cannot put word graphics and switch the same sentence in the first place about my mission did command call it off why didn't anyone tell me aren't we in the middle of a ceasefire though that's what they say still doesn't
mean we are and it makes no difference to them either way come on we got to find Murasaki I need to pee right this is it there's no turning back why' they do this no one told you anything no nothing I think it's more mechanic L of people like planning an operation swear about after playing should have done something I justed us YouTube remember that monster hunter rice and first 10 videos were why nobody plays r or why everybody plays most Hunter world over R I was like welcome to the chat room
[ __ ] you twe seriously eat [ __ ] welcome to the [ __ ] chat room Chad it's because hey drivers clicks yeah I don't know but like they had lots of viewer uh viewers but I haven't I'm not going to lie I haven't read comments much yeah okay be one sec be I'm going to die for for oh my I love the chees for for drooled lower my chair Jesus oh yeah wait let me do something very important that I forgot yes I did e for okay I forgot to order something for tomorrow and I hope I hope it arrives oh guys
up uh demon wind R is more experimental that's what a lot of people that's what a lot of people don't like they always do that with the side games Wilds will be more like worlds again since it's Mainline may be some imp implementations from rise's experimental systems oh there's a new monster hun are cominging out the ordered ass for tomorrow yeah did next year okay oh I haven't played Warframe for ages you're you're slightly late couple of months l oh my god oh oh my oh my Jesus Evan thank you
for 31 bar is blocking crucial gam playay let me fix that all right thank you thanks dang it now I have to offer order this as well God [ __ ] damn it proceed to check out thank you so much de thank you thank you by the Oilers let's go okay I will remove it there boink don't send it to me I will I'll try my best yes all right corner thank you thank you Devon thank you Nano thank you BGA I'm pretty sure it was Boda thanks guys two tities two tities hard drive sure can always sound Banga oh we're
here to help ooh of course tentacles we haven't had those yet hey ready diabolic variant diabolical too B TR to tacles on its right arm will pressure it it will summon a clone once it has taken enough damage okay right arm only okay right arm he good chill stop uh fingering me sir do I have this ability I do oh no I will actually de protect anything get that's a lot of this is nothing oh my gosh W oh my gosh I hate this [ __ ] poison garbage stop giant B and I [ __ ] poison again holy [ __ ] di
abolical dude are we going to stop at some point oh fantastic this great what is this supposed to be I'm see I can Poison by the way I'm what are we supposed to fing do how am I supposed to heal over now dead we're dead dead you're in good hands I'm in okay we need to equip that ability then which way is wow I oh My Friends Are Dead let's equip the the poison thingy that thing Materia Materia [Music] uh cleansing there we go pogers go again we're here to help I'm just a girl world ready are we r
eady better pleas Bard's go I blocked it [Music] oh fantastic what I this all good smelly ho I'm just the girl in the world let me if you insist don't think you'll walk away from this clim I don't like that stop it for [ __ ] sake we don't have any eyes I've heard enough out of you with the power of His Providence I'm not really sure what to do he's behind oh that's fantastic oh what the [ __ ] this is nothing yeah get [ __ ] wait oh my gosh dude you're going to get what's coming to you okay gre
at great seems like I have to use TR otherwise I'm 10ad what as well fantastic how are you supposed to [ __ ] protect yourself from this They're All Dead to poison r with away the [Music] end we're out there fighting handsome Squidward Maybe new friend wait what where what are you talking about uh I don't [ __ ] know what to do realistically speaking I is their only weakness so orang right let's do that this is [ __ ] should work get ready dude sorry on need okay now you summon the Clone and the
y poison us and we're [ __ ] down so I don't [ __ ] know what to do like yeah we'll use poison and he's not going to change anything hey what's another one doing all my game I'm so lost okay all right items antio [Music] poison on me should guess we just have to time I know I I know y should heal herself not over yet oh my gosh oh my Jesus what the actual [ __ ] I don't see we can have Synergy [Music] but I think this guy because this one is almost stugger and you you [ __ ] I hate when to do th
is very cheap Move This Is Where We All Fall I can tell you now [Music] it come on now you're ready for it hello you [ __ ] me okay we got to find maraki Jesus Christ dude this this fight was actually pretty tough Shelly SMY oh my God must I doubt it they were shot oh [ __ ] that's like flashbacks of the first game we all leveled up as well nice we all need some health I don't know should we just go back I don't know I I I don't know fine whatever yeah I was strategizing the [ __ ] out of that f
ight because otherwise would have been done so you cannot really just oaba exactly gets too hard if you just oaba but I'm really going to miss a Perry pares in this game are pretty pretty nice pretty generous windows for Perry is that her dad Tifa it's okay I'm okay she's like get room you's like hello it just heard that right right I don't remember or she's just trooping oh it's the dude the card I think we found our guy the Miaki moraki there might still be survivors yeah mhm I don't see anyon
e H Minds separ soon proud soon [Music] you okay yeah and there huh K it ah yui and where might you be back room off Marco storage you Town Hall he doesn't see us I might be able to do something from here so I tried accessing the Rea terminal I like how he talks about it like well there's a [ __ ] ton of employees of this new place around anyway did you find Murasaki yeah we did he died in a skirmish with vuai he what then we don't have much time we have to reach the terminal in Shinra Manor bef
ore word gets out you've got the key card right yeah good then slot it into the console I'll work my magic from here should have that gate open before you know it yes get in there my son I'll go ahead and look for the terminal see you there meet at the Manor got it cheio see you old chop let's go would you like some te crumpit I wonder what accent they give them in Japanese no I don't want to know well you heard them time is of the essence we need to find that terminal ideally before they get ba
ck I don't want to play for for this party you stay behind and wait for him once they arrive you can put that nose of yours to work follow our scent right to us you got to admit you're the best one for the job oh no I will concede you have a point then let's get why is he talking again with his manly voice manly man man I'm playing as a [Music] cat guys we're playing stray again experiencing stray for the first time when in Open Spaces hold are too well Mo to have cat K SI roll if K see collides
on objects while rolling he will fall over and take a moment to recover so make sure not to run into anything if you want to keep your momentum need to wear yourself out wait let's see you know like cart will but have you ever seen cat wheel let's take a little break and try again slowly now Breathe In and Out SM my bit SM B okay okay okay my material is so ass bro no Y is here the dog the dog hello flu you smell respectfully why you use red yeah ar oh really I cannot use dog I don't want to pl
ay oh no I don't want to play I don't want to play respectfully of course [Music] no was so fortunate oh see oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still a pie of oh my God answer what anel real anel my chip in my chat heck Hello 20 materials true so thank you so much for the re I appreciate it dude welcome [Music] back why not full [Music] support regener regeneration of [Music] MP vados Barbados this is not genin not a no a allowed [ __ ] weeb oh petrify Prett sure petrify cannot become no mind mayb
e we can buy somewhere more where's the store in this goddamn place I feel so bad for these people all we do is backwards for these people you used to live here a long time no I have not used to live here now look at me I'm a [ __ ] C CA us any trouble wait who's material it's nothing personal but you shouldn't come back Go She's So Rude why is she so mean you should not come back bro who asked oh I can buy any material God damn it she's bad Chad sh's bad yeah you chilling you though yeah [ __ ]
[Music] hole wow that's so pretty though us an equipment summon ability can only use while riding mle during battles in which summons are available cool down CES for each [Music] use so pretty [Music] how do you increase proficiency this need health all right CH let me just gear them out because they're so garbage I didn't do anything with these dudes [Music] [Music] sorry yui I need I have [ __ ] all for this guy guys I actually don't have [Music] more whatever wait what salmon do we have magi
c Port hell to the [Music] new summon Titan boom all right all right right [Music] [Music] chunky cat the chunker all right oh true e that would be awful though s to R boys let's roll hogers stealthing I don't like stealing maybe it's here what did you say was that was mix of Russian and English I said the cat is too fast but I said it like in two different language in the same song Holy wow what what well just sitting here and [ __ ] meowing at me bully exactly that's how it feels bro you could
see her face right now [Music] just [ __ ] [Music] weirdo [Music] Revival [Music] oh you guys don't do that to your pets when they just sit there and yell you you don't meow at them back or scream at them or bark at them I always do that [Music] you didn't one pad n m [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] AR has 40 [ __ ] points huh [Music] [Music] oh Barett has some Bor War [Music] sure I don't have a cat or a dog you didn't do that with your pirate really HS talk no she was not annoying okay oka
y Mr Perfect Pet owner all right chill out a little let the SPs feel a little bit you know a little bit supported by each other what the haunted castle haed Mansion my pet was never annoying my pet was always the best pet they pulled out all the stops decorating this place definitely seen better days though ah what's a few cracks between friends it's almost 50 years old this can't just be a fancy house I'm going to go out a limb and agree with you there the village is practically drowning in a s
ea of black robes after all so what if it is it would add weight to the rumor that pojo used to conduct experiments here what no not allow doubt it's just a rumor okay hold you conduct experiment you got games on your phone uh-oh uh-oh something big is coming creepy should it that's a kid's Clubhouse oh I think it's a bit more dangerous than that I can see the cast but no bother I'll protect you uh hello and welcome to Sy Manor trespassers poo I don't know what it is you hope to find here but I'
m afraid this facility has been abandoned for some time everything of value is gone but please feel free to poke around ah it's no h just an AI caretaker that said this facility has always had a place in my heart I must insist that you leave it in the condition in which you found it or what what you going to do and with that in mind I won't keep you any longer thanks for dropping in you're going to shoot oh [Music] the evil laugh that was a sore one don't walk into the light B it wait did you ch
ange the name of the command sh head it's going to get it I me you change the emote name I think we're trapped in here like rats in the cage I hear some steps squeezing through those bars huh that duct however might just fit a cat I hear something I'll have you out in a jippy I hear something scary walking in Roaring on the other side I'm controlling cat SE press r too while in front of the aerod have him roll through it this technique should make escaping the research facility much easier I hea
r it I swear what is that are are those [Music] what what the [ __ ] is [Music] [Music] that those there some angry Le [Music] legs well I hear them walk I don't want to deal with them oh what the [ __ ] is that dude they stand up as well look at that what the [ __ ] is [Music] that e leave it to me oh my gosh you're in for it yourself your this is your future play's over how can I move the camera when faced with a switch placed too high wait one faced with a switch placed too high for Kate SE t
o reach or an object too heavy for him to move he will have to rely on his mole press dpad so the mle can materialize into the heavy lify touch pad mode controls Le Place box throw press L3 Joy all go into the out of the stickma okay oh that's [Music] [Music] convenient [Music] box nice a lot of boxes hey Cat how's it looking do you still think you can get us out of here throw Bo r one oh it doesn't work like that okay he's so slow I can't see right he's so cute all right I see a switch there oh
gold megaphone [Music] mega mega what is it why are they all so pretty use the to deliver P full of pain increase Stager damage bonus Mega all right no the cat of the hour just you leave the problem solved with me eh slow what is that I'll show you what I can do on that wasn't so bad that wasn't so bad lud I don't know why but this music reminds me a little bit of uh Witcher when he went those tunnels to do something side quest I don't remember what it was with the Golem I think hack mans that
is one big ass elevator holy canoli we're going to be fighting error detected service suspended that's true J and yet so far try throwing boxes at obstacles obstacles boxes I'm not sure what this changes Hold the top blue oh oh that's hella weird no I don't like that left s what is supposed to be left stick like just a joystick cuz I don't understand how to [ __ ] aim this [ __ ] it's a bit confusing ah ah okay oh all right got it inspection complete okay resuming operation okay Roger Roger hi D
re chat cat's tail looks really disturbing I really don't like how more heavy Leaf thing of course Dam [Music] it link oh what the [ __ ] you can actually Farm I know that anymore okay sorry CP okay I see now that say there was nothing else in here really house God they disgusting like genuinely gross for you can just hold on top of the MEAP phone I didn't know you can do that oh my God this game is great the goblina laugh L classical Mega Powers for Real come on buddy so sensitive what what doe
s this how look just it's Unbreaking it [ __ ] whatever you're going to regret this some over so [Laughter] cute you're going to want this one for it now Giga potion why are we taking this I did pay attention 2,000 years later where am I supposed to put that let's open the door for them insufficient power on standby insufficient power oh my gosh don't I just need to heat something to [Music] somewhere talk about hard Landing oh so we'll have to move it here so it lands okay too far I don't see h
ello this a stupid ass angle [Music] Bo thank you you're welcome it l [Music] luta luta is this luta paradise is is this the real life is this just fantasy I feel like that um squirrel from Ice Age that went to heaven and saw a lot of uh lot of acorns it's just me right now scratch again you're ready to one more time one more time that's it you noise what is that pumpkin what the heck it's a flying pumpkin bring it what's [Music] that for deing breath yourself prepare to be Way's over uh where's
my Titan oh hi it now I'll your block off one more yeah nice I good summon somewhere else oh what are those in power of accelerant are piled insufficient Mo administer acceler oh I need to throw MCO oh my RO give me that oh we need to like land it exactly oh [ __ ] oh this going to take a while wait am I supposed to throw it there can I just throw it there straight up no it don't reach too far I understand I'm overthrowing it yeah that's T this guy did you guys see look at all those titties dan
g it oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still [Music] garage belly so jiggly little titties gameful thank you so much for 16 welcome back how are you dude take it take it thank you he's very wiggly jiggly I really I know like where exactly shall I be like aiming I feel like it will be overthrow BX I don't know will it break like I aimed a completely different thing did you see what why are you like what wait I'm confused how the [ __ ] does this work then so it doesn't he doesn't throw it where yo
u're aiming so if I aim it here okay here he throws in what that is hella wonky is it in musle levels increasing additional accelerance required to meet operational standards okay it's just hella confusing all right got it [ __ ] Kobe oh two I'm sure I'll will have to Z three sufficient V levels confirmed generator online lock protoc disengaged nice only two I wanted to see if there's something inside here no wait how do you what do you how do you what do you for the thr this one's for you going
to love this one are we supposed to throw a box again somewhere or some [ __ ] okay we just had to kill the enemies okay yes sh EMP pleas had to ye those boxes exactly how we doing game how was life [ __ ] on that's R One Moment One Moment The Dice no stop it off oh you going [Music] this get your ass out of here look at my super duper coolo one more shot wasn't so bad I didn't want to do that nice [Music] oh [Music] fluffy very fluffy who me yeah you how are you doing game fool what do you mea
n who me this is very blue Giga blue oh could you repeat that I been siging for interviews because power generator on standby sounds about right switching ventilation system to maintenance1 $100 just inspection according to this that generates somewhere upstairs well nothing else for it back into the air duct to go sure you'll be okay positive positive I'll out before you know it don't have too much fun without me what if this is not the main quest is this okay no what am I supposed to do with t
his [ __ ] I us to throw boxes don't know I am literally not following what is happening what ises one need to do I've never played any find a f game so I'm just watching hella confused right now oh don't worry about it that's the most fun where do you throw them you think it's actually here got to get the thing open first try throwing the box at the duct switch to get the thing open first duct switch I just enjoy H characters [Music] based is this duct [Music] switch I have no idea [Music] by a
mongst the hot character whoa are you what are you trying to say that he's not he's trying his best bro [Music] damn I mean I can throw [ __ ] there but I don't know where is the duct switch there's some blue light here I'm not sure if it's suggesting me I have to throw it somewhere here or some [Music] [ __ ] [Music] sweet it's not du switch but [Music] l should I just throw it here yeah that's [ __ ] ho where is that switch like this door is supposed to open got to get the thing open first it'
s not this is it there's nothing else you can do though [Music] right creates made of paper paper I mean I really don't know what else can be though I feel like I'm blind shoting me you could just pull that oh my God that makes me easy let PE back I'll that was quite a scrap that was quite a scrap I can't believe it C with a [ __ ] megaphone I know what these boxes are made of but they are made of some dog [ __ ] I need better boxes in Shin some really weak recycling stuff dude where am I what i
s that this is some Pokemon [ __ ] what seriously scales actual Pokemon [ __ ] I can keychain Pokemon oh my gosh you think it throw [ __ ] at enemies are he moving stop moving bustard [Music] just staring at me I don't think we can just flies through them not allowed what is this thing ow it has so many different things I don't know what this all means what does your F hold regenerative Ora rude yourself right where we want them immune rude ding dong ding dong go for the thr I Mr Titan hello whe
re is he hello oh good morning magic prepare to be your no no no no ST yeah my magic attack attack I like how this guy just has question marks and I don't have um dang it I don't have the what is it uh SS thing just SC this dumbass you're going to love this one Flames I like that don't do that we Hyper Beam let's give it to them your eyes did you see me fighting I have no idea what that thing is wait isn't that where we came from no it's on baby what's that attack m m material I assume it's magi
c let's see what sounds funny m what's up with so many different beds in here it's so so creepy hello doy what's up okay what do we have to do here guys what is one supposed to be doing we went there went there we need to open this right ah okay I see right how are you this afternoon all righty then yeah yeah yeah we need to throw [ __ ] [Music] underneath yeah boy so this one opens now duct yeah let's [Music] go oh yikes there's two of them yikes now don't two of them this is getting out of H h
ates arm what the hell that has so many slones excuse me honest today I'm actually having fun I'm glad we're playing just the story I'm not bored I'm not giving it to the cat not happening and honestly this like this summon [ __ ] is is garbanzo it's not that good peaceful of pain yeah I think we're going to have this [Music] instead good night Salah have a good sleep I'll see you all when I'll see you all I'll see you when I see you see you all bye guys goodbye everybody s is gone that's it GG
maybe I can buy another SS material Gonzo dzo D gono oh my gosh all together now shall we try to warn you I'm scratch your eyes this one's a short let's consult the he just eated my di I I could see oh cool oh my [Music] God wait I have no heal I'm stupid as F what the [Music] hell [Music] I thought they had [Music] chakra bro I hate this [ __ ] attack so fast I'm probably dead not a moment what does the limit do okay I think we need to summon magic m box that's a stroke of holy [ __ ] okay that
's a lot of damage as hell a lot of damage I'll that is insan a round of applause Jesus wow C all this music knows clearly this adors are judging the beat the beats with their walk taste and music yes of course I'm sure that is exactly what's going on chakra I need chakra pleas tell me what Happ another chakra of [Music] prayer whatever let's use prayer [Music] then did you also play the cod in OG or this is all just heiller again a c you did play apparently you did elevator in service commence
transfer of cargo onto loading Bay to proceed right then a few boxes ought to do the trick now let's see no throw boxes into the leaf to bring down okay sounds like fun you think we do from here I can't be us walking all the way there no I can me can I error insufficient weight for elevator operation additional cargo required additional cargo [Music] required weight insufficient for operation additional cargo shut your ass you should do sufficient confirmed commence transfer of cargo from looing
Bay to proceed oh my gosh dude how many of this throwing puzzles we're going to be having here HS I mean got it more what no he a hacker cat oh god oh no [ __ ] this is mik kovski oh my gosh never mind oh stay back I'm you yeah ying and yang of course you're ying yang oh my God that sounds fun wait we can like I think Parry most of his [ __ ] I'm probably dead though uhhuh G got potion just for the do order oh okay young awakens fantastic is it oh he needs two okay I see There Goes My Life Ther
e Goes My Life myski designed by Miaki that's a really accurate mski in question George I can hear myself close that door mate can it close the door no pray ass they just watching me they can hear myself yoink let me just remove [Music] this hi Kebab enjoy x potion Fuller sure Yan what are you doing in my game come on [Music] that what come on that is so much damage game over come on come on fin you're not going to want to miss this hello here's what you want it oh what the the B bro that's the
only ability you know he just spawning this [ __ ] in me fing Spa H [Music] bro see the for I'm wait can you block on the is that even possible oh kind of what you've all been waiting for but that's really bro you just spity over and over you [ __ ] loser [ __ ] smelly it looks like it came straight out the Full Metal Alchemist Ane I actually haven't watched this to [Music] Edward [Music] Edward I know that part it's the only part I know 12 hour no no come on here we [Music] go that's fun very e
njoyable [Music] experience oh hi thanks for checking in I'm still R shall I just yeah I'm just going to summon the oh you [ __ ] oh my God that's just so rude [ __ ] she loser yeah yeah [ __ ] you I'm so angry in this guy why me why me I'll D I almost almost got Li let's consult the yourself thank you so much for keep up to no idea what happened we take those no no no much better bro how the [ __ ] you dodge that piece of [ __ ] over attack how how is that possible how do you do that exactly I'
m dead I'm dead stop me one more oh my God what are thoughts on a cactus peee monster [Music] what excuse me this fight was a nightmare it's stinky [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] is this spoiler is that have we fought Cactus PP monster I don't remember any PP monsters I hate this [ __ ] I hate this whatever this is [ __ ] eggs with legs is just the worst you could have warn me whoops I'm trying to my my health is just gone come on I didn't know you can do that you could me honestly like genuinely no ide
a how to [ __ ] find that still got some f that all right why sometimes like my times go [Music] as I'm just healing I anything else is St car how do you [ __ ] Dodge this piece of [ __ ] here's what you want nice I he well no wonder you know you're here as a [ __ ] love baby nobody loves you your mama doesn't want you mama don't love you why me why me why me the jump the I'm summoning I don't care this this guy literally deserves [ __ ] worst death possible I'm summoning I don't care I can suck
a dick suck dick suck [ __ ] dick a dick Di stoping I blocked a tiny bit I'll your off yourself one moment let's consult the what is your future home you're ready to R end I'm summoning yourself [Laughter] over [Music] make himwe bad words yeah dude I actually sh I I'm molding this this fight is absolute ass is my [ __ ] Titan planning to do anything today or you could have warned me he's just watching okay he's just chilling come on hello what what what what was happening what is going oh no o
kay I'm dead I am dead I'm dead they expect summons in bosses to be honest maybe I mean I guess so but that ability is undodgeable time to learn how to [ __ ] carry that [ __ ] I guess you know that okay y okay his legs are so delayed come on he custom so fast it's really hard to actually um Parry his attacks kind F the creators don't know how to create fun hard games I guess there remains a trade secret for Souls games um I disagree as well yeah I think it's true he was definitely to he's like
one of the only bers I'm straggling so hard honestly I don't think you can block with this can you I don't understand why sometimes he wants to Le and sometimes he does the normal I understand how the C works hold together one moment let's leave with him I guess some I like the the nuke he's definitely just a top B yeah I definitely don't get the how it works with M attacks and I'll your block we canot take that come on you what is that what did I just do I no clue what I just pressed let's thin
gs up I have any for checking in I'm still a piece of [Music] garbage hello mush mush probably stop fine yourself oh that's not fine oh that's hella bad okay I'm okay now what you're even scarier now y in the sky okay what arm thank you so much for uh 19 months did he just explode on me okay isn't T 19 years old no see is not 19 years old [Music] [Music] [Music] Christ [Music] I need what says this guy realistically speaking [Music] okay 8 hours up time yes sir we need to finish this fight you h
ave to they are got it what no yeah she's 20 iith is a bit older I espe when either head is incapacitated but the remaining head will go berserk right so okay oh no one moment shall we getting [Music] warmer I'll your yourself play's over now not is only me amazing I'm just trying to canel ey framing the [ __ ] do anything else with that going regret do this probably this will make him right where we want pressure he's focusing not me let's just use this as much as we can I'm why sometimes he's
doing mil attacks bro you just exist don't you come on I cannot see anything what is this dor [ __ ] bro okay it's done oh my god dude Jesus this was such aduli dude you [Applause] okay all the better for a we lie down I would love this fight if I was not playing the cat like the cat limites the fight funs so much like it's not the fight for a cat at all that is my issue [Music] what I nice awesome trying to get to the like checkpoint or some [Music] [ __ ] yeah yeah same cre he uses dis spond s
trike when you're too far away I'm literally I was in his face all all the time in the first fight he did not change [ __ ] he he still uses it so much um that is a lie amazing what this dog [ __ ] loot seriously no I'm I'm not no I don't care do what there's nothing else to do though I cannot see anything [Music] okay why why would you even try for this manifestation of PL in this paper I have 100 of those dude really wow ether thank you that's amazing thank you okay I'm I dude I have nothing e
lse to do that's what I'm trying to inspection complete resuming operation this gun has insanely big head I just realized V all righty I feel like it's a boss there or some [ __ ] she what a the thighs yeah I guess so why she no I don't for crying out loud what is it this time you'll require the password to proceed you're again now now no need for violence I come in peace and to aent your Escape as well how you do really it's true you're far more resilient than anticipated mhm and I concluded th
at rather than allow you to run a mock any longer I ought to help you see yourselves out peacefully the password is comprised of four two-digit numbers I wrote them down in this very room but where well then no time to waste really time to look for numbers one of this things is going to cover the number I'm sure is he sleeping yeah there you go 69 that 69 oh I see meow meow 36 10 69 oh it's 59 ruined oh man you had one job Dev one job 36 10 597 using stand soon how do you oh God what 36 10 59 97
I would probably just do this but it's more fun to spin thing better than never I suppose like you you you do this with a joystick you actually like spin it of course the second I show it my software dies bastard bastard all right good morning oh how forgetful of me this area is off limits to any unauthorized Personnel it's where I've been keeping a rather unruly failure close your eyes [Music] Peppa than and so I'm afraid you'll have to dispose of it try not to die bye Felicia get inflicting e
nough physical damage will make it resistant to physical attacks while magic damage will make it resistant to Magic attacks forcing it to switch resistance multiple times with pressure it physical damage will dispel reflect while magic damage will dis spel Shield go on oh yikes oh yikes oh yikes oh yikes honestly oh thanks Eric appreciate I appreci I won't let you [Music] down okay to small I guess for him something's different about it the [ __ ] is that bro he reminds me of some like old agly
ass freaking toil toys my cousin's hand like they're so ugly what the [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] G oh yeah to heal can I [ __ ] move my HS let's consult the de that's it I bet run down oh my Rite what does Rite mean I don't think she think a okay this I thought it was like poison [ __ ] what of thisat for you m Mega magic okay don't be shy oh my God what the [ __ ] what the hell where what else what I think it was I'm pretty sure it was just bunch of flashes very interesting Pokemon baret this fo
r [Music] you here get in there what now that deserves a we Round of Applause he's not dead Mega magic been pain I swear when I get my hands Ono that'll okay he's immune to physical attacks yeah he's prob okay buddy that hurts spells what do you have ano is a weak spot I see it but like maybe sold oh my gosh what is that okay you could have warned me yeah honestly come on I'm so glad I'm I'm pretty Tonky I actually don't know sure has like four physical damage though so let's things up I hope th
at will drop the The Shield by a Time he's getting bullied why me again why is it always me get that's it pressur he pressur one more shot I really cannot see like it's it's really hard to see you stay okay this so many things going on at the same time going game over P game over po oh perfect [ __ ] prry holy [ __ ] I'm so cracked that's it oh my gosh he's one go [ __ ] nice good practice I never pared in Elder ring I think it's insanely hard to more neat and tidy all well earned praise aside s
ince that nettlesome test will be useless for me for the eldering I have no further reason to remain here it's been nothing if not entertaining until we meet again exterminators that smug [ __ ] next time I see him I'm raming my right through his face agreed agreed we best get going the terminal's waiting you don't like Souls LS it's okay to be wrong ow we don't boun for wrong opinions sometimes mhm J you're worrying me when you put this emote there hey well well well look at the Cat Dragged In
hey there so find that terminal let's just say we got a little sidetracked well we can but try again no sense t on past mistakes foreshadowing Jo uh right now that everyone is ur United the ser for the terminal can continue cat seat is dead sudden finding it but that leaves one empty spot in your party more threats may be lurking within so choose your comrade wisely okay interesting don't make me t sorry C I need my [ __ ] back my [ __ ] this music is really disturbing I'm not going to lie I don
't have anything good for him oh my god dream blood oh how do this look wait where am I supposed to go okay someone's coffing casually me just some chill coughing okay yeah theor B Grim no just a little bit is it supposed to be zank wait what hello well doesn't matter who are you Vincent Valentine I'm security uh why are you here be brief your terminal mhm key card there you want me to get the voice I can't hear him talk at all's basically you have the authorization in least well it's obviously
McCree Mr Matt Mercer M King is it Levi mhm though you're clearly not Murasaki explain yourself it's a bit of a long story and we'd love to tell tell you all about it but there's something we really need to look up first can't go letting a foe win the information War your Foe and who might that be he's H as [ __ ] if we say Shinra he's security but I cannot say wuai because the uh I mean he's going to get angry anyway isn't he you will be like what the [ __ ] man what do you mean I'm just going
to say Shin I'm sorry man I'm going to upset you shra for it don't you mean a man who many people myself included once called a hero SEO he's insane and he's after something so powerful he could destroy the planet unless we stop him I see then I have one more sin to atone for he's going to be like okay I'm going back to sleep bye he's here the room is unlocked he's actually use it as you see fit mras I [ __ ] love his armor so much that's it we see him only for that don't mind if we do I guess h
e's so [ __ ] hot what the [ __ ] you see going to be like muffled I love this I love this I love this game it's czy oh he's so cool holy [ __ ] [Music] dude okay um sorry everybody just move along like move way because now it's first searo and then it's Vincent and then you know the rest of I like Jason thank you so much for the 100 BS he is so [ __ ] badass but I really hope we can see him more tier list we have to make a tier list we have to once I'm done with the game we have to seed all of
them I thought you're going to say Johnny not going to lie yeah you have to remind me guys to do it dude he's so cool what the [ __ ] what the heck it's also kind of wild that I don't know how to explain it but every time I hear m Mercer it's always the most recognizable like easy to spot voice but characters feel different even though it's like this same tone of voice he uses all the time and that's like the coolest thing I took my time in fun I love him I really hope we can see him more you ca
n spoil this one will will we be able to see Vincent more please tell me he's not like a gig side character yes okay okay I'm happy I think this is a good place to Snapchat this is perfect actually yeah this is good I think I'm going to save here and we're going to continue tomorrow if I'm streaming tomorrow yes yes yes let's Shish long day today long stream I had fun let's go What's the progress 76% we started like 71 or something no Jim literally came home early from work to see your reaction
to wincon you're so precious J I love you so much [Laughter] amazing that's super cute okay jimim okay okay okay I forgot to turn of the Border nice very fun Jim is the best Jim Jim Jim Jim that was really cool dude that was so good that was so good actually sheesh oh I love Vincent I want to play more now just for Vincent but no we have to maintain we have to maintain calmness collectiveness all kinds of stuff I'm not sure what should we listen to what is this no yeah this is good this is a goo
d song for ending nice awesome m remain calm exactly thank you guys so much for uh beating the goals today thank you for helping me with the Dono go as well I already ordered the thing the hard drive thank you so much
