
My extremely overengineered livestreaming studio | STUDIO TOUR 2024

Things have ESCALATED since my last studio tour in 2021! This is a complete walkthrough of my YouTube and filming studio in 2024, showing you how I set up the space and all the gear I use to quickly walk in and start livestreaming and filming videos! Affiliate links to all the gear shown in this video are below! LINKS How I bought all my BGH-1 cameras The House Files Channel STREAMING GEAR ATEM SDI Pro ISO ATEM Constellation 4M/E Hyperdeck Studio Mini Hyperdeck Studio HD Mini Hyperdeck Studio HD Plus UltraStudio 4K Mini Web Presenter HD SmartView Duo SDI Monitors Bidirectional SDI/HDMI Converters Decimator MD-HX CAMERAS AND LENSES LUMIX BGH1 Lumix 15mm Lens Lumix 12-35mm Lens AUDIO Audio-Technica AT875R Mic COMPUTER AND ACCESSORIES Dell Ultrasharp 27" Monitor Dell 24” Monitor LILLIPUT A11 Monitor LIGHTING Amaran P60X Amaran T4C Amaran 200X FURNITURE Flexispot Standing Desk Desk Stool Wall Control Pegboard Winsome Tall Drawers Winsome Short Drawers Vanity Mirror WALI Mounting Arm WALI 3-Segment Arm Magic Arm for microphone mount Impact 3-Wheel Stand Impact Vice Grip Extension Boom Arm Impact Super Clamp Spigot Extension for Super Clamp Impact Monitor VESA Adapter SOFTWARE Home Automation MISC LINKS Apple TV Raspberry Pi 4GB Anker USB Power Supply Unifi 16-Port PoE Network Switch CyberPower UPS Glide Gear TMP100 Teleprompter Support the channel! Buy my video encoder stress test clips TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:22 About this video 00:02:15 Overview of the space 00:03:04 Streaming Desk 00:15:21 Demo Table 00:23:14 The Rack 00:37:24 The Shelf 00:40:56 Storage 00:46:32 The Office Side 00:57:46 The Garage Side 01:04:10 Network Closet 01:07:10 Wrapup MORE LINKS Search my livestreams! Subscribe for email updates about new livestreams and videos! NEED ONE-ON-ONE HELP? Where I get my music from: Subscribe and get 2 months free! --- DISCLOSURE Many external links to products on this YouTube channel are affiliate links. Links were current at time of posting. There is no additional cost to buyers if they purchase products using these links and those purchases help me continue to create free content on this channel! e193177dfdc52e3dd03f78c

Aaron Parecki

1 day ago

it's the beginning of 2024 and I realized it's been about 2 and 1/2 years since I've done a proper studio tour video I've made a lot of changes around here in the last couple of years some big changes and some small changes so I want to share all the behind the scenes of how I've got everything set up in here from the video switcher I use to all of my cameras and lighting and even some of the fun things like my battery charger wall hi I'm Aaron peki if you're new here I host weekly live streams
where I share what's new in the world of live streaming and live video production and I answer questions about how to use gear like the A10 mini and other video switchers before we get started looking around I want to make it clear that I'm not making this video to show off and I do have quite a lot of gear here that will make you say nobody needs that much gear at a home studio and you are absolutely right nobody needs as much gear you can make great content with a small fraction of what I have
around here I've been doing this for a few years so I've naturally just accumulated a lot of gear over time and you also might say I have a case of gear acquisition syndrome but another part of it is that my goal here is to be able to test out live streaming gear and create tutorials on how to use it and that's actually where a unique challenge starts and part of why I've expanded to have so much stuff in here so let's say for example I want to make a video about an A10 mini so if I'm sitting a
t the table here recording a video I need a camera for my main angle and at least a camera to show you what's on the desk I'll need to record those two angles but then I also want to show you how to use the ATM mini by running actual video feeds into it so now I need these two camera angles to also be fed into the A10 mini and since I mainly do live streams on the channel I actually can't rely on just using a single camera and moving it around I need more angles to show more things and it quickl
y spirals from there and I end up needing a complicated video distribution system in the Rack in order to send cameras to different devices that I'm testing if you're not making videos about video switchers you may not actually have these problems so you can get away with a lot less gear but anyway I'm getting ahead of myself this is just all to say that I'm not saying that everybody needs to buy everything I have in here my goal with this channel is to help you make better live streams starting
small and growing your collection of gear when it makes sense so hopefully a lot of things in here that can make you a more productive Creator and feel free to revisit this video in the future to get some new ideas for your own Studios and of course I want to give a big thanks in advance to all the viewers and supporters of this channel it's thanks to every one of you that I'm able to continue to build out this space and continue creating content okay so let's start with a quick overview of the
space and talk about how I use it I have three main areas there's my main streaming desk which I use for the weekly live streams this is really optimized for me watching the chat for questions and to keep an eye on everything in the Stream I also have this table on the side which is where I film most of my videos about various products this is set up with cameras at a few different angles to be able to demonstrate different products I also have a breakout panel on the rack next to the table whe
re I can feed copies of any of these cameras into these HDMI cables that I can plug into various gear that I'm testing the third main space is on the other side of this curtain and this is my normal working desk this has an ultra wide Monitor and I can either use the Mac Mini here or plug in my work laptop for meetings on the other side of this wall is the garage storage area as well as the network closet so let me me go grab my little vlogging camera and let's start taking a look around startin
g with the streaming desk all right let's start here so this is what I'm normally looking at while I'm streaming the camera is back here in that teleprompter and so the view you normally see is something like this so let's go through everything that's on this desk one by one cuz there's an awful lot here let's start with the two cameras so I've got one camera back here in this teleprompter this is a all my cameras are the Lumix bj1 little box camera you can see it tu back there that's the main c
amera and I also have an overhead camera which is just right up here I actually don't use the overhead that often at the desk but it is useful to be able to show things that are on the desk like if I'm showing what's on an iPad and I didn't want to share the iPad screen itself the teleprompter is a relatively recent addition to the studio I got this when it came out and then waited a couple months to actually install it but so far I've been pretty happy with it for the streams I have my chat on
here so you can see this is just showing what people have been saying in the chat so I can click on messages in that and also see it a big message when I click on one so if I go and click on a message like this it'll show to me really big in there so I can very clearly read it and see who who said the message the Elgato prompter the one weird thing about it is that it is only connected to a computer there is no HDMI input so it is a USB device it's connected to a USB hub back there into the comp
uter as a second monitor so essentially this is just a second display so I can just go ahead and like drag windows up there I like to have the full screen browser there for my chat I mentioned all my cameras are bh1 I actually have a video about how I actually got all of these at a quite good discount so I did that a couple years ago and I've been pretty happy with it so far one of the nice things about the bg1 cameras is that they all have uh are able to be controlled from an app on the compute
r which is super handy when I don't want to be running around behind things to adjust things like exposure or white balance so I can just go ahead and click into any of these cameras and tweak the settings do autofocus and things like that okay so let's move on to lighting at the desk there's three main lights for this shot I have a light over here I've got one that's up there and then I've got a hair light from the top so this just gives it a nice even light over my face as well as a little bit
of a highlight up here so that I stand out from the background a bit another relatively recent change was I added this monitor which meant that light had to go up a little bit higher I think it's working fine I'm not 100% Sol on it up there but I do like having the extra monitor there speaking of monitors let me explain what's going on with all the screens so this is my computer screen this is actually connected directly to the computer which is back in the rack there so that is connected on a
SDI to HDMI splitter so the SDI goes into the ATM and the HDMI comes to this monitor through a fiber HDMI cable this is so that it's low latency no delay so I'm using the computer and it feels normal when I'm here the prompter is the second monitor for the compu computer and if you go into like the display properties of the computer you'll see it actually looks like a second monitor the other monitors are connected to the ATM this is the main multiv view this is what I'm normally looking at for
a stream it's showing me what's on the air it's showing me my other camera angles I can cut to and these I usually change depending on what I'm doing so I'll have like a super store so if I have remote people coming in or testing a device I'll put it over there the monitor up here is a secondary output from the ATM and right now this is set to multi view 2 so this ATM it's huge I can have multiple multiple multiv views in it actually have up to four so multiv view 2 is just showing me four big w
indows with four of the the four mes so I've got the preview of what's about to go down the program me2 me3 and me4 I mention this is a relatively recent Edition because this is something that I have been trying to do more lately is to use all the layers in the ATM better so I think having it up here always visible will help with that it's been only about a month or so so so I haven't had too much of a of a sense to see if it's actually working the other monitor up here is showing me the web pre
senter Stream So I stream from the web presenter that's a rack mount device in the rack in the back this is the monitor view of it so it's showing me things like am I on the air off the air what's the bit rate that it's encoding at how is the audio levels which is really important so I can tell whether my audio is good and actually right now for example show me bad audio because the wrong mic is on so if I go back over to this mic now I can see that it's actually the audio levels are hitting you
know yellow and barely up into the red at the desk here and the last screen which is not exactly a monitor is this this is a special little device that is monitoring the audio signal from the stream and it's showing me how loud it is so it's a good visual check I like this little view of it that shows me history over time it's a good visual check to see if my audio is actually working other two things I have down here two iPads I don't always use these during the streams but they are here they'
ve been living here here for the last couple of months this one is usually just running cus link which is the thing that controls my lights so I can go ahead and just turn on my lights off by tapping on the button and all except one is one lost its pairing a little while ago but the rest of them are still are still there so I can turn them all back on and everything just restores to normal this one is uh another iPad that I use for mostly I guess just testing testing various apps right now this
is the app called Live app pro which I was showing the other day how you can use it to play back videos or even draw over your live stream so you can go ahead and pick this one up and just start drawing things and it'll actually output that into the ATM which is pretty cool we got a little stand over here for my phone this is I don't use my phone during the stream very often but this is a little mag safe charging stand so it's handy to just have it there in case I do need to pull up my wireless
iPhone camera or something like that the main thing I'm using to control the Stream during the stream is this stream deck this is the brains of the show everything I do is usually on the stream deck so this is the main page where I can change the different camera angles from here I've got my sort of pre-roll show the map start the stream end the stream buttons and background music I've got a couple other ones I use to configure Super Source and then this actually does a ton more stuff in here I'
ve got so many pages in here for example this TV button this will actually change what's showing on the TV that's in the back of my shot so I can say okay I'm going to show the the map right now but actually maybe I want to show my logo or maybe I want to show the multiv view or the program or any of the multiv views I can change what's on the TV from from here so that's nice and quick speaking of changing what's on the monitors there's another page in here called monitors which lets me change w
hat's on the most common things for what's on the various monitors here so I have this monitor which I me mentioned is a multi view but that's not the only thing it can do right now it's multiv view one it could be multiv view 2 it could be program feed it could be the Apple TV which weirdly is off right now uh and that's so that if I needed like a second screen for my computer I could AirPlay to the Apple TV and then have a second screen I could see uh if I want to check focus on a camera thing
s like that uh and same with this upper monitor so right now this is multiv view to but I can again change it to show either the third multiv view or I could go to the web presenter status or things like that so it's super handy to be able to just switch what's on these with the Press of a button that's thanks to everything being routed through the ATM that's in the back hidden behind these monitors you can kind of see them peeking out I've got two little desk speakers and these are so that I ca
n actually hear what's going on on the stream minus my voice which is a whole thing that I should really do a whole video about but essentially I have an audio mixer that is doing multiple mixes one mix is what's being sent back to the ATM so that's got my microphone in it and the sound of my computer sound of any video players I've got going sound effects from OBS things like that and then I want to hear everything on the stream except my own voice so I don't want my own voice to go out the the
speakers obviously because it would be feedback and you would hear an echo so for this one I can make a separate mix which includes things like my computer sound or the video playback or stuff from uh OBS and I drop it down pretty quiet so it doesn't feedback the microphone but you know if I turn up the microphone you'll hear the feedback pretty quick and nice little o there we go nice little Echo there so I can just make a mix of the audio except for my mic here one other note about the monito
rs here because I mentioned that these are my computer's back in the rack which as you can see is kind of a long distance all the cables actually run along this little track along the wall they're hidden reasonably well and that is too long for most HDMI cables to go so actually uh what I've got here is this one is on a fiber HDMI cable that one's on a fiber HDMI cable and then these two are on SDI cables mostly because I just started recently adding fiber HDMI to the mix so these are on SDI cab
les with converters around the back and that way I can get all the all the video signals from the farther distance so from the computer it's HDMI from the ATM it is SDI and interestingly because the teleprompter also needs to be connected over USB that means I actually have to have a long USB cable which is longer than some of the even the active cables worked I tried an active cable it was about 30 ft long and it just did not work well at all the screen was flickering a bunch so my new solution
was to get a fiber USB cable connected to a USB hub that's sitting back there so the USB hub sits back there and that's plugged into the teleprompter and uh also this little SD card reader which I'm very happy with little SD card reader mounted to the other side of the table and that just gives me a quick way to pop an SD card into that slot which is then actually available to the computer that I'm using here let's talk about how all this is mounted so I'm going to go around to the back here so
you can give give a look from the back this one is mounted to the desk directly but everything else except the camera is mounted to this single pole my cable management is not super great but it's gotten a little better so there's this one pole that has this arm up here and all these arms hanging off of it some of them are two segments some of them are three segments the three segment ones let this go farther out uh I've got a little the B directional converter hanging off the back here so this
is holding up the two monitors four monitors actually and even the light so this light over here is actually just clamped to this arm the over head camera I was having trouble with some of the other uh mounting options I've used in the past and this has been working really well this is actually another one of those monitor arms and it's going straight out so you can see it's a three segment one which G gives it a good distance and that has made it much more stable the other one here is the arm
for the mic so this is a two-part arm it's clamped here kind of weirdly this is made for a desk but I'm using it sideways and then it kind of sends the mic out there so you can see the mik gets and ends up pretty close to my face there you might have noticed that as I bumped this it kind of Wiggles and what was happening is as I'm sitting at my desk using my computer even just the motion of my arms on the computer were causing this to wiggle a little bit and with this camera also attached to thi
s arm it would actually wiggle the entire shot and you would see it move so this is a relatively recent change this is now just on a pole by itself on the floor that way even if the whole Contraption moves the camera is stationary and that's actually helped a ton so let's pack that back up hide the mess of wires with these little curtains and get back around and continue on so most of the time I'm streaming from this desk and this is the shot you're seeing on stream and I'm looking at this it gi
ves me a good way to look at the comments and see all the Angles and stuff but if I want to do demos of products there's not a ton of room left on this table so I have a whole separate set for that so let's spin around over here and go over to the demo table and walk through all of this again for this you're going to have to excuse the giant mess of stuff in the back I will explain more about that later so let's just focus on the clean Parts which is this so first of all I have another stream de
ck this is actually not connected to my computer this is connected to the Raspberry Pi and the Raspberry Pi has two stream decks connected to it in order to make that work there's a USB hub on the p and it's connected to both of these so I can go I have the same buttons here I can control the show just the same way here as a as when I'm at the main desk as far as cameras go I've got another bg1 behind that teleprompter there and I've got a couple of cameras on the side for side angles I've got o
ne there and I've got one over here we'll come back to the head on the stick later this gives me a nice shot of my face close up and then if I cut to the other ones you'll see they are close-ups of what's right in front of me here or a side angle uh this one's set to kind of a wide shot right now but I sometimes Zoom that one in also for lighting over here it is similar to the desk I have a big light just off to the left and then a smaller one off to the right and I'm actually trying something n
ew which is to not use the one on the right and instead I have moved this one over a little bit closer to the camera it normally has been farther over there which makes a it actually gets in the way of the room more but I'm exp experimenting with just a single light now so let me flip this around and show you the difference here with the one or two lights so I'll just go ahead and turn off that light on the right and this is the new lighting that I'm trying for this set this I think looks better
than having the two lights on the side of my face at least for here um I of course also have a hairlight which you can see up on the top of the ceiling there and that's giving this little highlight up here um I also do have an overhead camera so same idea here this overhead camera is positioned pretty much straight on top of whatever I'm demoing here so that overhead shot looks like that so I can show you a closeup from the top it's another bh1 mounted to this pole this whole rig I'm actually r
eally happy with the way this works this is on a single rolling stand and it's got a power strip there it's got the audio interface poking out here then I've got a teleprompter up here with camera behind it keep going up we've got a little bracket to do the 90° with a pull extending out and that gives me the overhead shot as well as a microphone the microphone is on a little arm here to be just higher than the frame to get as close as possible to my face without being in the shot all these cable
s again one of the reasons I love these bg1 cameras is there's only two wires going to each camera there's this ethernet wire and the SDI cable and that's all it takes ethernet carries Network control as well as power and that video signal goes over the STI and I've bought special flat ethernet cables and super thin SDI cables none of my distances are far enough that that matters so it all works great and this makes it a lot less bulk everywhere um I also went got a white XLR cable for this micr
ophone just to keep that wire mess a little bit cleaner this light is also mounted to the same type of stand so I've got another rolling stand with a pole and then I've got this this Mount here that sticks a little stick off to the side with a ball head for this camera this setup works pretty well it gets it just far enough away to be able to position it and out of the way of this and then the light of course is on top of that all my lights are now amaran lights and that's so I can control them
all from the app this camera is just on its own little mini stand so a little mini roller with a pretty weak pole which is honestly I should probably replace this with something a little bit stronger you can see it's wiggling and I have to constantly stabilize it when I'm doing a shoot if I ever move it but I do like having it just on Wheels so it's easy to move around and again just it's all on two it's all just two wires for everything so it's really easy to just roll it around and I want to g
et slightly different angles off to the side of the table we've got this computer screen so this is actually not a computer screen this is running out of the ATM so I can again change what I show on there so I go to my stream deck go to the monitors page and this is the table monitor so I can show my computer if I want to use my computer for working on scripts or or doing research or whatever but I can also show The multiv View and show all the angles here or I could show the Apple TV closeup or
I could show me1 in case I want want to do again checking focus of a camera I usually have it on the computer just cuz that's I use that most often here same with the teleprompter though I can choose what's going to show in that teleprompter with these same buttons so I can again have my computer if I want to do read a script off of a Google doc or if I'm in a zoom call or something uh I can go full screen on the program if I'm just recording I usually like to look at myself in the teleprompter
when I'm doing that unless I'm reading a script or I can show the web presenter for a stream so I can check the audio levels as well super super handy to be able to switch what's on all these screens around here just with these buttons oh I should probably mention how this monitor is actually mounted you might notice there's no clamp on the table here this is actually hanging off of this ver pole so this pole is just suspended between the floor and the sealing and I got a couple things mounted
to here here is the back so you can see the monitor mount is clamped to that holding it's got a Visa plate here just holding the monitor here the light is also clamped to that as well this camera this camera I don't use it that often but it's a shot of my desk from that angle so I'll just kind of turn it around here to show you and it's a way to just show what my desk looks like when I'm streaming it's a little bit High honestly I think I might change it but it's easy enough to move around becau
se it's all on this pole the pole is great one of the other cool things I did recently is I added this little power strip to the corner of the table and this is really handy because I'm often doing things like test in different gear on the table here and I need to power it somehow so rather than having all the power cords just like drapping off the end I can run them into Power bricks here and it's a much faster way to plug things and unplug them instead of reaching down to the floor every time
so that's been a really useful upgrade I also got this sleeve to be able to keep all the cables a little bit neater when I'm doing these kinds of shoots so that instead of just a giant mess of cable there's just one mess of cable then it turns into a giant mess down there don't look down there last note I should mention is is this recorder so my microphone at the desk is actually running an XLR cable all the way back into the mixer in the rack but this one's different and that's for two reasons
one because this whole pole is actually only got a few cables that run back to the rack there's really just two camera wires and then there's the two ethernet wires and STi for the monitor I didn't want to add another XLR wire but I also want to be able to record directly from here I shoot mostly the videos from this spot so what this has set up is the the microphone actually goes into this audio recorder Zoom F6 which is a 32-bit float recorder I really like this thing uh you can stick an SD ca
rd hit record and it records 32-bit float audio which is fantastic that sends the audio out into the camera and the camera brings the audio over SDI into the A10 so if you're if I'm streaming from here you're actually getting the audio from the camera's feed not from the microphone directly which already which which also means it's already in sync I don't have to sync it up later so if I'm here and I'm recording something I can record 32-bit flow audio here which gives me more flexibility to adj
ust it and post so that's the reason that I have that recorder there okay so I got a ton of cameras around here so where do they all go well that takes me over here to the rack all the SDI cables end up in this rack plugged into the ATM this is the ATM constellation 4me HD not not 4K and all all the cameras and all the other video input are all connected into this thing I've got a bunch of other stuff in this rack as well which I can go through one by one but we'll start with just the the camera
is going into there uh here also the outputs of the constellation go to the monitor so I showed you being able to switch what's showing up in the various monitors around here that's because all that routing is happening in the constellation I used to use this video Hub which is just a router not uh full-on mixer and I've taken it out of service for the last year or two because the constellation has replaced it essentially however I'm starting to fill up the inputs and outputs here so I may brin
g it back soon or get a bigger one we will see okay so let's go through this rack one by one starting at the top here this is the Blackmagic dual monitor SDI monitor thing it's these are not high resolution screens as you can probably tell the text is almost impossible to read there they're not great but I've had this for years almost 10 years at this point um I did paint it white which makes it look a lot better cuzz I do not like their old gray so I use this again I can choose what's showing u
p here from the ATM so I can use this to just keep an eye on things myself or if I want to keep an eye on what's like coming on on a remote stream or what's uh what a certain camera looks like it's really easy to just change that um not using this but I left it in here for now in case I want to bring it back that's the video Hub 20 x 20 and then the brains of everything is the ATM constellation for me next I've got two devices in a blank this one is the web presenter this is the actual thing doi
ng the stream as you can see streaming is off right now uh this one is a hyperdeck mini the new one and that is actually now what I'm recording most of the videos on so I'll often just stick an SD card in here and hit record or I'll use it for playing back things like the test clip I have one free spot on the rack on that row um probably not free for much longer moving on down that is the other hyper deck the new hyperdeck uh HD Plus that actually does support 4K and this is something I've start
ed to experiment with in the last month or two I now actually have my camera that's at the table running HDMI into here at 4K you can see it's actually got a 4K signal coming in right now the cameras I have only do 4K over HDMI not SDI so that actually works out fine CU I've got the HDMI here or if I want to I can switch it back to SDI and record something from the the rest of the mix so my experiment is can I use this to record 4K videos either publishing for 4K or just to downscale moving to t
he right this is the ultra Studio 4K I'm not using for the 4K part of it but this gives me dual SDI outputs from the computer so this is connected into the computer this is where all my chat comments show up and all the graphics that are part of the the web Graphics so OBS is actually outputting to this device let me go ahead and show a a comment really quick so when I show a comment you'll see it pop up on the little preview there and that is outputting actually both key and fill layers into th
e ATM which means I can do graphics with proper transparency much better now we've got the patch panel so this is a bunch of these are going in and out of the ATM but a couple other devices as well the four on the left labeled out 16 through 19 those are four outputs from the ATM running through SDI converters that are tucked behind it I actually just added these little colorcoded zip ties to it because at the other end once the cables come up to here I want to be able to see which one is this s
o now I can be like oh that's that's the third one it matches with that little yellow down there so this is all running out of the ATM so I can choose what goes out of each of these ports and that way I can send a copy of my main camera or overhead cameras or whatever into the devices that I'm testing so if I have it rigged up here to this where I've got one of them going here one of them going to this I can choose which things are appearing in each like right now I have the table camera coming
into the uh capture card going feeding a pass through into the director mini and then I've got a copy of my computer screen here as well and this is just a great way to be able to quickly test this and build these layouts super fast while also having a copy of the computer screen over here as well of course next up Network this is just a network Jack going into the network switch it's behind the rack this is just a connection to my to my main Network so that I can plug in things on the table and
give them a wired connection the red Jacks Are the chaos Network now this this is a special thing I've been working on there's a actually a whole separate computer in there that's a router and this is so I can mess with the network and do things like add packet loss and simulate slow connections while testing devices I've been I've used it for a couple live streams already and I got a lot more plans for that coming out this year so stay tuned for more on that um I just expanded this so I have a
few empty slots now cuz I just filled it up so got a couple empty spots for more more room for later that's just a USBC pass through from the constellation so if I want to plug my computer on the desk here into this and give it a webcam out I've got that there that audio jack is running into the mixer down below which we'll talk about in a second and that's so I can plug in wireless mics and things into the mixer I've got a output HDMI out from the hyperdeck plus I've also got HDMI out from the
hyperdeck mini and that's just in case I want to run a 4K signal into something on the desk that's the only way I can get 4k out of anything in this rack these three are just running into us USB into a power brick in the back to give USB power to things on the desk and then these three over here are inputs into the ATM so right now I've got for example one thing connected which is the output of the Mage director mini running into the rack and that way I can see the Mage World director Mini scre
en here and bring it into the stream and record it or stream it things like that okay right below the patch rack is this brush panel to run wires through uh to make it just look a little bit cleaner and then I've got this kind of EMP space which I'm not super thrilled about but it's mainly because the Pearl Nano is not a rack mount size and then neither are uh is this Hub this Thunderbolt Hub so PE Nano um I don't use it all the time which is why it's powered off cuz it actually makes it's actua
lly one of the louder things here so when it's on it's the thing making the most noise uh so I leave it off unless I'm using it but this is also running into the into the ATM this is an audio interface connected to the computer again a relatively recent addition but this runs into the computer and then this is actually connected into the mixer down there and this gives me a separate way to bring an audio mix into the computer that is a submix of the main audio so I was using this for Zoom calls
during the New Year's streams so if you're curious about about that you can take a look at those those recordings um this is a thunderbolt Hub it gives me SD card slots as well as um headphone jacket which I never use but I do use the USBs all the time so I plug in things like the wireless mic USBS here or plug in SD cards to read them um and I actually have an SD card reader in the ultra Studio up here too but I find myself often needing two SD cards in the computer at the same time anyway thin
gs like I'm downloading a really long recording from the hyperdeck that's like 60 gigs while then I have Boll on a camera that I need to download so I'll pop it into the second SD card radar down below is a power strip there's like eight ports on the back of this it's kind of a waste of the front rack space honestly and I should probably move it to the back and just rewire it but I do it does give me this one front Outlet which is nice cuz well I guess now that I have the ones on the desk I don'
t really need it but I was using that one quite a lot so I should probably just switch that around and regain that one rack one Ru space here below that is the audio mixer that is the baringer X32 rack this thing is great I'm a big fan I it's way down to the bottom cuz I never actually touch the buttons on it at all I interact with it entirely from the computer so it's honestly way overkill for what I'm doing here because I'm not like mixing a full band but the reason I got it is because of one
really important feature which is that this supports digital audio over coax cable called Maddie and essentially what it means is that some of my audio channels that are in the ATM so things like the camera or a hyper deck or a wireless HDMI receiver or the Apple TV they actually get pulled into individual channels in in this mixer so if you look at the labels here it'll be things like hyperd or Apple TV or the pro convert ndi and those devices often don't even have analog audio outputs to run i
nto that mixer even if I wanted to so this gives me a way to mix audio from any of these individual devices at in the actual audio mixer and most importantly making separate mixes depending on whether I'm sending a copy to the speakers in the room or back to the main stream so that's been a fantastic upgrade to the studio which I did now quite a while ago moving on down the rack uh down below the audio mixer is a power distribution thing so this is a 8 output power strip but it's got an Ethernet
Jack because what that lets me do is switch things on and off remotely the reason I got that is because some of the devices that I have in here don't like to be powered on all the time sometimes they crash um one of the ones that is a frequent offender is the web presenter it will often just hang and I need to reboot it in order to fix it so rather than having to go back there and pull a cable I can remotely from the web page just go ahead and flick it on and off and it reboots and then everyth
ing works below that is a battery that is a UPS showing me uh how much load the whole thing is using and it also provides some minutes of backup power when there are glitches uh also it is a conditioner so it's if there's spikes in the it doesn't damage the gear so that's saved me a couple times already when there's been storms that don't knock out the power for like a whole long time but just long enough to to blip that would have caused things to reboot so that's the rack um I'm going to avoid
showing you the back because it's a giant mess well okay we can take a quick peek quick peek behind the rack I really need to do better at cable management but it's hard especially when it's that close to the wall I guess one thing that you can't see really is that there's actually a breakout panel on the back so a lot of the cables to things are uh passed through into that panel Plugged In which is better than having the wires go all the way in but it's not perfect um I really need to clean th
is up but honestly it's so much work that I probably will never do it so there's a bunch of stuff on this top shelf that are like things like converters I've got like a decimator I've got a bunch of black magic converters I've got like the pro converts I've got a UniFi camera receiver log stuff like that is up there and then I've got a new UniFi 10 gig switch here this is giving me a 10 gig link to the the main rack uh while also providing 10 gig to the computer and then this is a 1 gig that goe
s to the main network switch which is back there let's get out of that Tangled mess of wires and talk about little bit of the about the top of the desk or rack not super organized mainly cuz there's some in progress projects right now uh this is a thunderbolt enclosure for a deck Link Card so right now I've got a deck link with the the four SDI ins and outs and that's so I can do things like zoomo bring multiple guests into the stream um these are my little SD card holders on the top I've got a
wireless receiver that's kind of just sitting back here uh this is the transmitter for it so I can always bring a wireless camera into the stream this A10 mini pro SDI actually has four inputs from the main ATM giving me the ability to bring in four inputs into here for doing things like ISO recording so if I want to record multiple cameras around the the studio I can just choose what gets sent into here from the the ATM and record four angles at once since this is the only four Channel recorder
I have um I also use this for the BTS stream from Members so I will go to this sort of wide shot of the whole room which is that little camera up there and I'll do that for the BTS stream switching between like my main camera and then that wide camera so this is the separate encoder for that purpose this is the in progress project pan this is actually the doorbell system for the house that is a different Channel that I talk about that on house files I'll leave a link down to that below but this
is going to be for the front door this goes into the the house in the living room and you can like call the front door if I press the doorbell then that rings and a picture shows up from the camera there and you can answer the door and unlock it it's pretty cool um you can hear my phone ringing over there too because it's all part of the same system okay so that's the rack um above the rack is this TV this is a 42 in Samsung frame TV it's not actually mounted to anything it's just sitting on th
at ledge cuz I have not I'm not actually sold as to whether that's a good position for it but but uh it's it's fun so this lets me have something you know big in the background or again cuz it's actually connected into the ATM I can just change what's going to show up on there so I could make it show a big view of whatever I'm filming or I could make it my logo or I can make it show multi view or the big map and that I think is it for this area so let's see what's next let's just move over to th
e right a little bit and talk about the Shelf this is mostly decorative and this is in the background of my shot it's mostly mostly decorative and a little bit functional so I do have this camera up here which is like the wide shot of the room it's not a high quality camera but it is nice and small and good wide angle and SDI uh we got a little digger up here I've got the road beanie which I got when I went up to down to La for a special visit to visit some people from Road Little Alaska Airline
s plane that is the plane that I have most often flown in on trips I've got a couple little fun decorations up here uh and then of course the old Mac old Game Boy The Globe which this used to be a lot more visible in my background this was when I first started streaming I got this globe and started putting pins everywhere that viewers were joining from which has been pretty fun and then I digitized it which means it's a lot more Dynamic now and you can have faces on the map and stuff that's wher
e that came from but this was the original version of it my old ATM television Studio original which I bought ages ago it was the first one I started using for events uh this shelf is a combination of organized decorative storage and just functional storage so I've got things like the obsbot cameras and the MEO cameras usually there's an ATM or two back there sometimes there's just monitors here's the two yellow boxes with their cages um and then here's a little light to make it look a little be
tter and look a little bit less chaotic and that's actually got an aperture bulb in it too so I can change the color of that once we get down a little bit lower it starts turning into more functionals so I've got the 3D printer here so this has moved back down here now that I have air conditioning in here I can actually make prints when it's not when it's hot out cuz I can cool the air down to the right temperature I haven't actually plugged back that camera in since I moved the printer back dow
n but that's a camera to to keep an eye on what's been printing that actually is SDI also into the into the whole setup um over here I've got these shelves that are drawers that are mostly organized um this is the least organized of all my storage but it's not too bad like I've got things like lights in here um this one's full of like rigging stuff stands cameras this is a bunch of the pk1 products um and then down here is like extra ATMs and Y boxes this on the floor sometimes lives up on that
shelf but I was actually filming with it recently so I had it out and then the bottom of that is just a giant disaster of power strips filament and giant spools of extra fiber HDMI and USB because they were way longer than I needed um but that's this that's the shelf behind the Shelf you notice I have a a tube light that's uh one of three in here that is um just at an interesting angle kind of matching the angles of everything else in the studio I've got another one of those over in that other C
orner lighting up that corner and then of course the one for the floor for the background speaking of background this is the background of uh my main shots I've got these kind of three little Edison bulbs hanging from the ceiling and and the wall is actually gray if I turn that light off you'll see the more natural color so I can just go ahead and turn that floor light off and this is the gray that the wall is it is actually um middle gray 18% gray and that's so that it isn't too bright or too d
ark and if I throw color on it it's not uh just kind of oversaturated depending on the camera settings and the other lighting I can actually make it look black or white depending on what I'm filming few more things on this side before move to the rest of the room I mentioned that corner briefly a second ago that corner is mostly a shelf and also then a giant mess the Shelf is actually pretty reasonably well organized if I can just get get over there recent thing I did to the Shelf is buy all the
se little drawers for it and organize them so up at the top I've got like the heavy heavy stuff so big big tripods things like that uh this is mostly like boxes some some of these are full some of these are empty boxes I need to save for whatever reason uh these are the new drawers I've got things like bunch of GoPro accessories there I've got a bunch of different webcams in here of various sorts small monitors um down here things like measuring tools sound meter USB cable tester here's all my w
ireless HDMI and SDI things I've got this one's just called miscellaneous audio and small mics so a lot of those little on camera mics HDMI players um encoders these are all like the tiny little lights anyway it's been nice having these oh all the converters that I don't need anymore because I went full SDI it's been nice having these organized cuz they're at least easier to find now um this is a box of older gear like my old television Studio poor thing is in there uh we got a really old audio
interface too and then some of these strips that I haven't been using bunch of little miscellaneous Parts down at the bottom is um bags things like Light bags um tripod stands and then my accordion which does not have a room a space of its own um so not super well organized but then this is the disaster and I really need to fix this but it's complicated so that pile it's like mostly one stack that is actually stuff that is going into the house so it's things like the ceiling speakers or the Sono
s amps the door lock system uh video distribution I've been buying stuff incrementally uh and I it now just has to live here until I can put it in which should only be a few more months hopefully um this stack of boxes is just from moving and I need to just deal with it it's not it's not good um this is my fun wall calendar I I've been making these for multiple years now where it's just a full year at a glance every row is a month and it's a fun way to visualize the year just all in one go this
is still 2023 because I haven't uh switched it over to 2024 yet even though January is now over but I keep track of things like trips to various places with little plane stickers or when I hit certain subscriber Milestones or every time I publish a video or go live I'll put a little stamp on here uh even the house files videos get their own little sticker and it's fun to just kind of keep track of how the year is progressing on this so I do need to get 2024's up now because we are now a 12th of
the way through the year 6% uh I got a little iPad over here which is showing me my home assistant dashboard so this is showing me the temperature in various places so outside temp kitchen temperature upstairs Studio temperature here carbon dioxide things like oh even the radon here which when it starts raining we get more radon gas here uh which is concerning and of course aqi which right now is great uh this little phone is part of the intercom system again it's not doesn't actually do much ye
t because the rest of it is not set up but this will be able to call the front door or ring when somebody Rings a doorbell if I can get it to stop ringing when that happens too it' be nice moving on to the thing next to the giant stack so next to this ugly stack of boxes is some shelving this is one of the first ones I got for the studio this little five drawer with one cabinet on the left so that's got things like little bits and bobs for mounting things it's got oh I don't even know what that
one is some of these are organized some of these are or not this is like microphones uh some yeah not super well organized I could do better printer this is mostly the printer station now so I've got the color printer and uh cutter this is actually a silhouette cutter for doing stickers so a lot of the stickers on the wall over there are things I've made so inkjet printer he put a vinyl sheet in the back print it out here stick it back in the cutter chop the stickers up it's a lot of fun um then
I got my Ikea uh cabinets which moved from the house so that used to be the background of my videos uh way back in the day before I moved into this studio and these cabinets had to come with me into the into the studio so they live here now and they're not all well organized but they are somewhat organized so I've got actually some food in there but i' got like shipping envelopes and labels and stuff office stuff and the books up there are mostly decorative that's why they're in color order not
any kind of subject or thing order that makes sense sense um and that's why they're also the highest ones on the Shelf okay that is the end of this this side of the studio so let's take a look around one more time before we go to the other side definitely a mess I wish it weren't so cluttered in here but I've got some plans that I am considering so I want to at least capture the state of things now so I can always come back to it cuz I have been using this this is how I've been using the space
even though it's definitely a disaster on this side so just pretend like all you see is this and it's a little bit better so moving over to this side the other side of the curtain this is my office side this is the side that I use for just my day-to-day work and meetings and things like that this desk is from the the old house the old apartment this is actually something I built from scratch several years ago with my dad he was very helpful had all the tools uh I used to have on a standing desk
base and it turns out this desk is just so heavy it's all solid wood plus all the stuff on it that it was wobbling the sing desk base and now I've got on top of these IKEA cabinets and it's fantastic it's super solid the special thing about the desk is that there's actually a spot below it for a little keyboard and you can push this top back when it's not full of stuff to reveal the keyboard anyway this is my main desk uh it's it's nice it's nice it's a good size nice and big fits my ultra wide
monitor has two uh 3u 19-in rack spaces and then the space in the middle which is just for stuff I've got my Mac Mini in there at the moment and yeah this is where I have my ultra wide monitor the reason I have the ultra wide here is cuz I just like working on an ultra wide for my day-to-day stuff but this is not good for sharing on a stream because it's not the right shape and if I Rend this in HD it would be silly so this is a super highr and this is great for long timelines of video and two o
r three web browsers or whatever so it's great and then I've got these little lights up on top for meetings and I've got now two cameras which cuz I keep trying new cameras for this setup this is the Elgato face cam which I've honestly not been super impressed with and now I started using the obsbot uh tiny camera the new one and this is actually surprisingly much better quality than the face cam but this is just my uh my meeting setup I usually just have a virtual background because it's really
just a curtain back there so it's not that nice anyway uh over on the right I've got another spot for a cell phone so I can just set my phone down here to charge kind of hangs off there um I've got uh actually a black magic Cloud pod is inside that so I've got the little monitor for it showing me the stats here and this monitor shows me the cameras from the house so I can see sometimes I'll I'll switch it to like what's going on outside the house so I can watch the construction from here or I c
an watch the cats to see if they're sleeping or if they need attention um so I can just change the the camera layouts that's up there by using the computer not super organized down here yet this is just a power strip and then empty slots I used to have like video Gear Running in here which I'm thinking about doing again so that might change soon but for now it's just kind of a mess uh this is a Raspberry Pi that used to be for showing the cameras up there but I switched it out and now it's actua
lly the UniFi uh viewport that's running that monitor and that Raspberry Pi is actually now uh just doing my time lapses of the construction so this little Drive is where all they they all get stored but it's saving snapshots from all the cameras around the the lot into uh into folders there than building time lapses from it over here so under the desk I've got my the black magic Cloud pod for uh storage I actually don't use it as permanent storage I use it just as working storage to work with m
y editor because it then syncs up to Google so it's actually syncing to my Google Cloud where I have 2 terab on Google cloud and then I can drop things in here on my 10 gig Network and then it'll upload it eventually to Google we got a Mac Mini the original one original M1 Mac Mini down here that I was using in my streaming setup a while for a while but this now just has a permanent home here I don't use it all the time but it's nice to just have a computer here without a laptop but for work stu
ff or if I'm editing videos I'll put a laptop down here and plug it in this is my KVM which is this one wire that I unplug from this Hub and then this Hub runs the stream deck and my network and the SD card reader and most importantly the monitor so it is just one cable to unplug and switch to my laptop when I dock the laptop here it's not ideal but it's not too bad um eventually I'm going to move that power cord to the backside so you don't see it but this is because it was uh I was trying it o
ut so I got a little Cal digit Hub here for um SD card and monitor again in the back and other USB things like the webcams um this is my new new webcam so it's my OBS spot tiny which is a trial run so I'm probably going to permanently install that back there I've got desk speakers hidden again just under the monitor for music from here those run into the computer also or I can just Bluetooth play to them kind of a weird thing to do with a desk is to put an Ikea shelf on top but I actually like i
t a lot it's uh it's given me a lot more storage in that corner so it's a 1x4 Ikea CX and I've got a door here which opens up to these little tiny drawers so I've got things like all my dongles for video stuff I've got uh pens I've got stickers and all sorts of stuff in there um these are just like for files I've got a bunch of construction project stuff going on here or just like blank checks and that one's not organized so I'm not going to open it and then like old uh taxes and stuff at the to
p um this is the doorbell I mentioned earlier this is the permanent home for this doorbell this is going to be tied into the the main house so when somebody Rings the front door of the main house this rings but also you can call doorbell to doorbell and make phone calls so from the rooftop for example I could actually call I could call the rooftop from here or they can call me down here there's no camera on this this one's just audio but there is a camera on the front door one which I can see wh
en it rings here down in in here these are not super well organized yet so TBD working on that but at least I do have these two are organized this is all like my actual important files and these are like hard drives and SD cards um under the desk is a giant mess because again construction so some of the stuff is going to the house I've got like the power monitoring system in a box there cuz it came from Canada it was super slow and I had no idea how long it was going to take um I also have a new
battery house battery to run appliances and stuff after the last ice storm I was like we should really have backup power of some sort that is so we can have hot water or some amount of heat so that's a new a new battery pack for the house um and yeah that's the desk so it's a it's a stool I used to have it as a standing desk up and down and I just found myself not moving up and down ever so I decided to permanently mount it to these file cabinets and I it is at a good height for me to stand and
use a laptop or I can sit on this stool if I want to sit down for a little while but yeah that's my dayto day over on the right side is a little bit of a mess a little bit of organization um these are all the um lighting things I got from small rig when I did the job for them now a while ago so I should really deal with that I don't I I use some of them permanently but the other they just live here otherwise and I got like my helmet for my bike cuz I don't have a good spot for it um this one is
probably the most organized shelf I've got like a drawer full of tiny cameras which is like the DJI that I'm holding now I've got a drawer full of lenses I've got the scanner up here and a printer and this printer I I'm surprised every time I think about how old it is I'm surprised at how old it is and I bought it I don't even know like 15 years ago or more I think at this point and it's great um and this is a great scanner too sheet fed scanner so I can scan in receipts or mail and it just Aut
o saves onto the the shared folder I don't have to load a computer or anything I just go here stick a sheet in and I can email myself or lily or save it to my sync folder just with buttons on it it's great um these were the original storage I had for the studio and I do not like this so this one's Ikea these are great this one is I think it's windome I found it on Amazon it's not super solt you can tell there's a problem here because they're not the same height that's because the wheels on the b
ottom of the left one broke and so it's tilted forward and I can't deal with it until I empty the whole thing out and just take off the wheels cuz I don't roll it around so that's what I should I should do it to both of them and that's just like a whole day project over here is things like cables so I've got SDI cables on the bottom HDMI cables there which I really need to organize USB which I really need to organize and as you can tell from this pile of USBS over here I have too many USB cables
and I am drowning in them and nobody should ever own this many USB cables so I need to really deal with that should probably just get rid of most of them at this point honestly uh and then this one's network cables which again I don't use most of these I like these thin ones the best so I should really just get rid of the rest of these ugly fat ones this box is just full of stuff for the house again this is most of the doorbird system and the uh other other house projects this is my unorganized
pile of batteries and this is the organized pile of batteries I'm still so pleased with the battery wall I've got a little bit of room left to fill it up still but I I made these little I 3D printed all these little brackets to hold the Chargers on the wall so that I can and they're all specially Built For The Individual Chargers so I can have a charger for for each type of battery that I use and then just pop them on the wall they're always plugged into these power bricks and it's just a reall
y nice way to just have quick access to all the Chargers I need to make one more for this which is my new Lumix camera so it's been a while I should just do that but I also have this little shelf which is giving me like 60 WTS or something of USB power so I can charge iPhones or other batteries or lights and other things like that off of this on this little nice shelf and then miscellaneous batteries up there which are not super well organized but I guess oh well and then yeah U still a bit diso
rganized over here I would really like to clean it up better uh but there's just always so much to do and I don't know where to find room for all this so we'll get back to that someday someday um over on the left side here this is my bike parking because don't have the the actual bike parking built yet in the house so this is uh where my bike lives right now at least it's small lives behind my desk can't really see it on the camera which is nice um I have been making progress on this stack of bo
xes it used to be two wide and four tall and now it's down to just one box which I think is actually video gear it's actually the podcast gear from the podcast set for house files so it's got like the three Lumix g7s an A10 mini an audio interface a microphone stuff like that that we were using for the house files so I can we don't have a space to set that up again so I don't know what I can do about it until then so that's the office side of the studio let's move over to the messy side as if th
is wasn't messy enough part of me doesn't want to deal with this right now because as soon as we can move into the big house next door then a lot of the stuff is just going to move over there too not all of it cuz a lot of this is living here permanently but at least there will be some room for some more stuff over there okay exiting this door this is a door to the unfinished garage side of the studio so the entire room I'm I have I'm we've been looking at it used to look like this with unfinish
ed drywall and just concrete bottom half wall you might recognize this is why I have a Ledge in the studio is because this is what was inside that side as well I finished off that side didn't bother finishing off this side just because it had too much stuff in it and I know where to put it but also I don't really care about this side as much so this is the storage and tools side so there's the nice Studio side you can tell the lighting is very different in there compared to here uh and this is I
'm so happy with I did this this was a project a couple years ago of installing these shelves on this wall so worth it this is all the container Container Store shelving Alpha the alpha line it's actually really interesting it's all hung from a single track up at the ceiling and then you hang these vertical ones off of it you can screw them in on the bottom which I did do uh you don't have to though and then all these things just get attached and it's super modular so you can build it super cust
omized uh make it work exactly the way you want and it's it's been great so I've got all these drawers over here for like small tools screws soldering supplies I made room for that mini fridge this is so that I can have snacks or drinks down here uh which was more important when I was living not here and commuting cuz I could have lunches up here like I could bring lunch stick into the freezer use the microwave up there to heat it up um less important now that the kitchen is directly upstairs bu
t still nice be able to grab drinks out of here not have to go outside and up around the house to get that uh all these little drawers and shelves and stuff are mostly organized uh mostly labeled and at least I know what's in all of them uh some of these are temporary like for our extra kitchen storage cuz we don't have enough room in the kitchen so that box is going to move eventually um a lot of the stuff up there is for like the old solar panels which eventually I'm going to send back eventua
lly so that'll free up that whole top shelf uh a lot of the stuff at the top is also like bags for the gears like this hanging rack for like you can see the A10 mini extreme boxes the consolation for me box that's just in case I ever need to sell it or ship it back to get worked on or whatever that tub is full of like other electronics boxes and then there's like you really can't see it but there's tripod bags and light stand bags and stuff up there too at least is out of the way um we yeah this
is the the storage side we've got uh room for all the tall things back by this utility syn kind of organized no it's not what am I who am I kidding but it's got like laundry and cleaning stuff over here um but you can see these little boxes this all my audio cables these are power cables this is miscellaneous drone Parts bunch of pk1 accessories all my ooth shirts for that course in case I need to re-shoot stuff which I should probably do again pretty soon bunch of ham radio gear there's some m
ore parts for the house the old door knobs from from the old house I'll live here till I figure out what to do with them Arduino Electronics I've got some parts for the laser cutter laser cutter I've got like scraps of wood for laser cutting things like that so A bunch of 3D printed uh 3D printing filament down here and more light stands and coffee pots and miscellaneous stuff down there uh over on the left we've got tools so I've got my actually decently organized set of power tools now I've go
t like nail gun jigsaw other Cutters drills screwdrivers uh I this is not a charging wall but it is at least a place to hang the batteries that are easier to get uh the charger is over on this side and I just charge one at a time and then put them back when they're done um I've got other bits and tool bits and drill bits and things up here all the little router bits live on the side here um up at the top I've got a laser cutter hanging off there and then I've got some paint cans up there on that
top shelf it's just a random shelf I had that I was like you know what I could use some more storage to get get things off of the floor uh that's like a little mini shop vac and then over here I've got a uh pressure washer and a saw which are all powered from those DeWalt batteries I just decided to go all in on DeWalt and I'm pretty happy with it honestly that saw has been fantastic ever since I got it I just built a little mini shed for Lily's parents maybe I'll insert some photos of that her
e but we did that last weekend that was a lot of fun I got to use that saw a lot for that um this stuff I should figure out what to do with cuz some of it's like shelving that I could either install or just get rid of some of it scraps this is actually the scrap tile from the studio and this is scrap of the flooring from the studio there's like two boxes of it which is a lot I don't know how we overbought it so much I don't know what to do with it because like I probably don't need to replace it
ever and there's not enough to replace the whole thing anyway but I'm also not going to finish this room so I don't know what to do with these scraps this bicycle in the way is Lily's extra her extra cycle um she doesn't ride it very often so it just lives here it's like hanging from there and vertical I actually sold my extra cycle cuz I really wasn't using it sold that a couple of months ago and I hope it's getting more use now um she is on the fence about selling this one but leaning towards
probably yes this is I don't know why that's there this is the laser cut that I used I got from Adam stack uh to do the project of building the the chaos router you see I've got some scraps left in here from that um doing some test Cuts so that lives on this table here with some of the accessories for it down below and then uh got this really nice little workbench this thing is so cool it's it just folds out you can fold it out in here and do some quick projects and fold it back up or take it o
utside and it's super easy to carry around it's great um this is also where Lily Parks her bike when she comes in so she's out right now which is why I can walk around in here but she'll Park her bike in here and then go out out that door uh to go to work I would like to get this side a little bit cleaner but honestly this is so much better than it used to be so that's progress that is progress and the last thing uh I want to show you is the server closet here this is server closet and water hea
ter room um it's semi-organized I recently got this shelf to put all the paint cans and cleaning supplies and stuff on it another backup battery and um little lanterns I went a little bit nuts buying batteries and lights and stuff in case the power goes out anyway um that's where this lives ladders step stools brooms things like that uh the main circuit breaker panel is back here as well I've got my little shop or my little vacuum for the studio um and then up above actually in the corner this i
s interesting this is like a non-conventional way to mount servers so in the corner I've got all of my little um Intel Nu servers which is what I use for everything so some of them are like running VMS media servers whatever a bunch of hard drives and they're just sitting on this shelf but I actually really like it cuz it's easy to access them so it's a lot easier to go into here and and move stuff around than if they were all hiding like they are up there this is the main rack of all the gear t
hat's running the house another battery uh camera recorder this this is the main router dream machine pro this is my new 10 gig switch which is definitely Overkill as you can tell by the fact that most of them are empty but this will let me eventually Run 10 gig into any of the ports around the studio uh and other gear that I put in here eventually this is just a regular 1 gig 48 Port switch 24 Port switch I can probably consolidate these two at this point now that now that I've got a 10 gig and
then I've got power injectors up there a bunch of sonology nases for backups um the LTE modem is up there the fiber modem is up there another battery pack to run more gear a lot of a lot of gear in that rack uh and that is just the beginning because the main house is going to have probably more than that um over on this side is the skeleton storage they were our Halloween decorations and they live in this closet now as well as the water heater which I'm now realizing is kind of old cuz this was
built in 2008 so it's very possible I might need to replace it soon and if I do I wonder if I should replace it with a tankless because it'll be smaller and free all that room uh anyway One Construction note when they come in and do the uh replace the power they're going to have to actually run power from that outside wall into the ceiling here and push a big fat power line all the way through the ceiling into that corner and run a cable down into the breaker panel because right now the panel i
s being fed power from uh the other side of the house and we have to remove that electric meter so that's going to be a fun project I'm not looking forward to taking all stuff out of there to make room for the electricians so that is the messy side let's come back to the clean side cleaner side to wrap this up this is where I spend most of my time so a couple notes before we wrap up this is the state of things right now as it exists today again I'm not saying that I love every single thing about
this setup I'm always looking for ways to improve it always looking for things I can do to make things easier for me most of the reason this is set up this way is because I really have optimized for making it so I can just come in sit down start a live stream without a lot of fuss and things are just ready to go the cameras are are ready in the right spot I don't have to set up lights or tear down lights that's really the reason for a lot of this stuff as I have been switching into using the sp
ace for my day-to-day work office work over on this side I have found that I would prefer this to Look a Lot cleaner and a lot more open so I think what I'll be doing this year is looking for ways to improve that I'm going to do things like try to tuck cameras farther against the walls I might try to like move that whole thing all the way up against the wall um use longer lenses for things not have things in the middle of the floor I don't know where my little Focus helper is going to live this
little head on a stick is uh creepy but it's very useful what I cuz what I can do is like move her into the shot where I stand or sit and then I can focus on I can like go back here and position the C camera right or uh I was doing that earlier today when I was moving these cameras around I was like oh well is my head going to be in the shot or am I going to be clipping my head so I'll put her where she goes and then I can yeah focus cameras on the right distance without having to guess um or se
t position things right on these little tripods so that's a little help her but no she doesn't have a good home right now so yeah anyway I'm just rambling at this point let's go ahead and wrap this up so thanks to all my channel members for your ongoing support and thanks to everybody who has sent in a super chat during my live streams and thanks to you for watching cuz every minute you watch does actually make a difference I really appreciate that I'm able to build out the space and continue tr
ying out new gear and to have fun with it and it's all only possible thanks to you all for watching if you have any questions leave a comment down below or Join one of my weekly live streams on Sundays as always thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one



I thought I knew what I was doing until I see your set up. Quite amazing. 🙏


Great organization ideas and products. My wife is going to love I watched this and have your organizational skills rub off on me. :-)


Aaron, don't apologise for GAS. I just happened to build a nano TV studio in my bedroom for my online training job. Is it overkill- hell yeah. Would I get rid of anything - you would have to fight me for that!!! 😂😂😂😂. Keep up the great work.🎉🎉🎉🎉


Nice tour…. Changed a lot


Nice tour!, I used to be in IT you learn cable management when you have 4 full racks. Why I'm showing up in India just made me laugh! Maybe because I'm from Music City but thanks for the laugh! oh I can't go to the container store it like I can't go to B&H, some people can't have a drink I can go to those two places...Yes I love my tankless water heater but get the one that circulates or it take to long to get hot water


Cool! You have a IKEA Kallax cupboard and I worked 26 years at the Airforce Base in Kallax, Luleå, Sweden...


Hi Aaron for cable management how about doing a collaboration or as we say in Australia a "contra Deal" with a cable management Youtuber where they do your studio cables and then you visit their studio to help them level up their audio and video set ups for streaming to their subscribers. a win win situation. I love your videos as a new subscriber in the past month or so.


Awesome Studio Aaron! Thank you for sharing. I have a question about your patch panel in the rack. Do the ports ever push through the panel when you are connecting things? Are they secured to the panel with screws or with some sort of tab system?


From The Netherlands Nederweert


How video is live stream without cable connected to DJI camera