
my first pet stuff is FREE???

They're giving away My First Pet Stuff for free right now, so we're building with it lol Daily Twitch streams! Find me elsewhere! ★ Twitter: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitch Streams: ★ Stream Reuploads: ★ Sims Gallery: lilsimsie This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up. Business Inquiries:


3 months ago

This is genuinely really funny to  me, but also a huge win for The Sims community because they're giving  out My First Pet Stuff for free. You know the one, the infamous My First Pet  Stuff, arguably the most controversial Sims pack ever made and also probably the second  worst stuff pack out of all The Sims 4 ones. They're doing a big Black Friday sale right now  so a lot of the packs are heavily discounted, but this one is not just  discounted, it is 100% off. You can like, buy it for 0 dollar
s. It's going to be on sale  like this until January 6th, unfortunately it's only free on PC and Mac,  but if you play The Sims on your computer, make sure you go to the EA App  or Steam and then "buy" it. You don't have to pay money obviously,  it's 0 dollars, but you have to like, claim it and buy it on the app  so that you can have it forever. So make sure you run and do that  now before you forget because I would hate for any of you to miss out on the pack. Well I guess if you were going to
miss out on  any pack, this is probably the one where it would be okay to miss out on, but it is free  so we don't want to miss out on free things. I've kind of adjusted my upload schedule a  little bit because of this because I wanted to make sure I talked about it early so you  could take advantage of the deal and I think that today I'd like to do some sort of My  First Pet Stuff related build challenge. I have done a handful of My First Pet Stuff  builds before which sounds really weird to sa
y, but this pack is kind of a meme,  so I'm no stranger to using it. There's a couple of things here  that are really, really strange. Like, strange to the point of almost being  unusable, look at this fish tank coffee table. But then there's also a couple  of really nice couch items, like this little thing is genuinly  adorable, we've got this little couch. This rug has some pretty decent usable swatches so depending on how you use these things,  you can make something good with it. The problem
with this pack and the  reason that it's so controversial is that it comes with a bunch of stuff that  only works if you have Cats and Dogs. So you can buy this pack and use this  pack if you don't have Cats and Dogs, like most of these things are fine and  function just fine without Cats and Dogs. The main gameplay has to do with the little  rodents and you can use those just fine, but there is a bunch of of stuff that  you have to have Cats and Dogs to use. Like for example this litter box, i
f you  don't have Cats and Dogs, it's decorative. It's like a fake pretend litter box  and it just exists in your game. Same thing with these, the cat trees,  if you don't have Cats and Dogs, you still have the cat tree,  you just look at it though. The pet bowl, you just look at it  if you don't have Cats and Dogs. And also most of the CAS is like, pet clothing. There's a lot of like, dog outfits and obviously if you don't have Cats and  Dogs, you can't use those. So this was genuinely offensiv
e  when it first released because this came out pretty soon after  Cats and Dogs first came out. So people were like, whoa, now wait a minute,  you just made me pay you 40 dollars for Cats and Dogs and now you've made another 10  dollar pack that has a bunch of stuff that should have been in Cats and Dogs,  like why are you making me double pay? Why are you like, making DLC for DLC? In general, it was a very controversial  and really bad pack when it first came out. I think if they had done this
  and really leaned into the rat thing and not had any of the Cats and  Dogs stuff, it would have been better. Because the thing is there's actually a couple  cute items, there's a lot of cute kids furniture here, it's just annoying because like this  matches the kids furniture from Cats and Dogs. It's like an identical matching set,  but the desk and the bookshelf are in My First Pet Stuff and the  rest of it is in Cats and Dogs. So it literally feels like they  just took a bunch of things that
could have been in Cats and Dogs and  then put an extra paywall on them. So it really hurts people's feelings,  the existence of this pack was very bad. Them giving it out for free now?  Hilarious, absolutely hilarious to have this really controversial pack all  of a sudden be given out to everybody, but whatever, it's happening, it's free,  and we're going to try and build with it. I'm going to see if I can make something  using only the base game and Cats and Dogs because then hopefully if yo
u get the  pack, you can then download it and use it. Okay, so goals here today: number one,  I want to have at least two bedrooms, I feel like we kind of need to  have at least one kids room here. We've got all this kids stuff in the  pack so it would make sense to use it. And I also think that I want  it to be really colorful, I'm kind of going for like, very cutesy,  colorful, adorable little house here. Oh, I'm going to put a bay window here  because then I can use this cute little couch. It
actually doesn't fit that well. Shockingly, it  kind of scoots off the wall, but we can fix it. I think the roof of this house  can be relatively simple looking. I don't -- ooh, yikes, I  don't like that, wait hold on. Let me scoot it over a little bit.  Is that ugly? Maybe a little bit. And the roof is all messed up, oh my.  Okay, that's the exact right height, that's how it should look for  it to line up appropriately. This is not going well. Honestly,  the fact that we are going through all
of this so I can have a My First Pet  Stuff build is like, frankly offensive. Nobody even wants this, nobody asked for this.  Okay, I'm going to put a chimney over here. It's bothering me how it looks  with the roofline -- okay. Um, this is -- okay, this is not good.  We're having a slight problem here chat, I don't know what to do about it. Okay, I'm going to try and have  something like this because this way, this thing can become the kitchen  in this weird little bump out. I think that actual
ly kind of makes  this roofline not look as bad, like it's less offensive now that we've done that. The back can be really simple, I might  just get like a little back porch that comes off the primary bedroom, and  we just do something like that. Very, very plain, easy, and then this  area becomes like a kitchen here, dining table, and then a living  room, and that's totally fine. All of a sudden it came together,  like actually really well somehow. I'm actually going to shrink  this again I'm a
fraid, I think that's going to look a little bit better. My First Pet Stuff -- oh no. See,  this is the thing, it has a dog door, but like, if you don't have Cats  and Dogs, no one can use this. I guess the toddlers can use this. I don't know if you knew, but toddlers can walk  through the taller dog doors. But it's just so annoying how it  came with this stuff and then it just taunts you because you can't use  it if you don't have Cats and Dogs. Oh, don't use that, cheaper door,  sorry sorry so
rry sorry sorry. Stop spending so much money Kayla. I have my cute little bay window that  honestly doesn't even look that cute. Uh-oh, oh no. This isn't going  as well as I thought it would. Okay, I've got a cute little porch thing, we've got a staircase. I'll raise  the whole place up a little bit. I've got this dream to make this  house like, kind of a cute pastel, like really colorful vibe, so  I'm going to try to achieve that. This might be a good time for us to try  and use some like, real
ly weird carpet. The kids stuff from this pack is  very strange so we can just take this and run with it and then try and  use some of that strange stuff in here. Right now I want to go through everything  from My First Pet Stuff, everything, and I'm going to try and pull out  stuff that I would like to use. Obviously the couch is the number one thing. In the kids room, we're going to need to  have the desk and the chair. Annoyingly, the bed is from Cats and Dogs so  I'm not going to let myself
use it. This item is so cute by the way, this is like one of the best items in  the game for like, kids bedroom decor. I always forget about it, but  like, look at how adorable that is. It's like a little height chart. We'll  probably keep the rodent in the living space, what kind of -- oh, the hamster is cheaper.  Okay, the kids getting a lot of the main stuff. This is not exactly the pastels that I'm dreaming  of, but we'll see what we can do with this too. Perhaps a rug. Oh, this bed might wo
rk, that honestly is like, offensively  ugly, all the colors in there. I'm sorry everybody. Okay,  we'll have this bed here. I was thinking sliding glass door  to get us outside and then like, maybe a couple little windows here  because we'll have one in the bathroom. I'll get some cheap bathroom stuff this is  maybe not going to be as hard as I thought it would. Now that I'm starting to put these  things in here, we have a lot of money left. Okay, maybe I should pick the color  scheme based on
the couch first. We should probably start there and then  have the whole thing be inspired by that, look at this one with the long cat. There's also some like, fun hot pink ones. I've done one before where I used  all the black swatches and like, this is actually kind of a nice color. What if we did yellow? Okay, hold on, hear me out. Because there's like this kind of orangey color  on this counter so maybe I could do the yellow and orange and then we try and pull that in  to like, all the other
furniture somehow. Ooh, okay, um, I don't really  know how this is going to go. Right now it's kind of ugly in a bad way, so I don't really know where  that's going to leave us here. But right now, it's not looking good. Okay, they can have a small TV, maybe  we can have the penguin TV. See, that's nice. That's like, actually  good stuff. Okay, I'll use that, I'll put the pretty pictures behind it. Ah, okay, I've never in my life had to try and  make something this bad make sense. This is kind
of new for me. Um,  okay, okay, okay, okay, this -- no. No, that won't do. Maybe like, just  a little chair kind of in the corner? They are going to need a dining table.  There are My First Pet Stuff chairs, I don't know if that means  that we should use them. Like, just because you can doesn't really  mean that you should, but I don't know, maybe the -- I was going to say maybe the  colors are fun, but I don't know if that's true. They're not, they're not fun. Okay, okay, okay, hold on. Tile. T
here is like a nice orange and blue sort of  tile color, I'll use that in the bathroom too. I think the number one problem I'm  noticing right now is just that it's very yellow and there's not really enough  orange or any other colors for that matter. There is a chair, but this does feel  like one of those times again where like, just because I can, doesn't mean I should. That maybe is a kids room chair. That  maybe should not go in the living room. That doesn't seem like a chair that  everyone
needs to have access to. Okay, I'm going to get myself some more  windows. Windows are good because it fills up the wall and it gives us  like, some more stuff to look at. Little plants, see, that has orange.  That's good. Okay, this is interesting, that's sort of a color theme change,  but it does bring in some more color, similar to like how this  has a bunch of color on it. So that maybe is a win. I like how Eliza's  just there like, staring at the wall. She's just hanging out, she's just han
ging out. I sort of figured that if I was going  to use anybody as my test Sim for this, like Eliza Pancakes is kind of the one. It's just that like, nobody really compares to  Eliza, you know? She's um, she's really special. Okay, I can't use those, that  looks bad. I think real quick, it might be in everyone's best  interest to pay for wallpaper outside. Just before I get too ahead of myself. I actually think that the bright yellow  maybe is the vibes because we're kind of going for like, the
pastels and the bright colors. I haven't got a single clue what color I'm  going to try and paint the inside walls. I also don't know what color to use on this bed, I kind of want to have the yellow and orange  vibes, but it doesn't come in yellow and orange. Can I use this rug? Can I use  this rug as an inspiration photo? Um, okay, you guys, wait wait wait wait, that's not really pastel, but it's  interesting with the pattern on it? Maybe we make it like, blue and orange,  and we try and channe
l those colors? I don't know, um, I'm just  throwing out some ideas. This is not cute, but it's maybe a start,  okay, let's give them a dresser of some sort. Does that come in the same blue color? No,  of course it doesn't. Okay, we'll do orange. I'll paint the walls blue or  something. We'll get a plant. I only have to pay for one ceiling light,  it's kind of dark, but that's okay. My First Pet Stuff does have a  lamp, but again, not a good lamp. Not the kind of lamp I want to use. There's  als
o a very strange lamp, this thing. I don't know about that, I don't really  understand what they're going for with that. Uh-oh, I went out of build  mode, but maybe that's fun. We could probably get some more orange in the  living room with this if we put that somewhere. We stick with our cheap plants and stuff  too because we can't afford much else. Um, in this kids room, I really wasn't  planning on keeping this color scheme. Like, the yellow wasn't the  vibes, I wasn't going to do that. We ca
n do pink, we could do like, pink and  blue, that might be kind of fun and interesting. Huh. You know what, this is like,  dare I say honestly kind of cute. I don't even think it's that bad, it's kind  of fun. The rug is cursed, don't get me wrong, the rug is absolutely cursed, but I  think that's like, also the fun part. I would like to use this, but that's  not from the base game so we can't. This room is where we can get the My First  Pet Stuff light, I'll put the lamp in here. I'm going to e
nd up using almost  all of the My First Pet Stuff items. I'm like, looking through this now, we're  making our way, we're using a lot of stuff. It's kind of cool too because look at this,  they have like, kind of this fun looking like, tube almost where it's like the  rodent is hanging out with us. So my thought is like, okay, we can kind of  put this like all the way across the wall, that gives us some pretty wall decor and  they all cost like, five simoleons each. This comes in kind of a cute 
color and then on the wallpaper, we'll just get something plain, like polka dots. You know what, I genuinely don't hate this. I actually really truly believe this is kind  of cute. It's fun to do fun things in kids rooms and this is a good opportunity to use  a lot of these things that I never touch. I don't think I've ever used most of this stuff. All right, in the bathroom  we're going to want to try to make this a little bit more exciting looking. This is a good time for us to  use the curta
ins because we do have curtains from this, so I can put those up. Oh, there's like a little toy, oh perfect, here. That's actually really cute, I never use that  either. We're like, kind of running out of options here, um, I don't really want to use most of  these things anymore so I don't know what to do. I guess I could decorate this place as though  a pet lives here and like, give them -- oh. Oh my god, oh my god, this is horrendous,  okay, um, yeah, yikes, I don't know about that. That's too
much, right? Should  it be black and white? No, no, no, just don't use that, don't do that. I'm sorry, I can't. We don't need to put stuff for Cats  and Dogs, there are no Cats and Dogs. This is a My First Pet Stuff exclusive build and unfortunately My First Pet Stuff  does not have Cats and Dogs in it. Or I guess more unfortunately, Cats and  Dogs does not have My First Pet Stuff in it. I will give them a couple cute pieces of decor  in the kitchen to fill up some more space. There are a coupl
e kind of cute items like I'm  not opposed to using these little orange pictures. I think that's honestly kind of fun so I can  maybe use those on a wall in the kitchen. Or maybe that would be better if we put them on a different wall because most of  these walls don't have anything. That kind of fits the My First Pet Stuff vibes. I got a little plant. It would be nice to have a  trash can too, I've kind of failed to give us some useful items, but like, a little trash can would  be good and then
probably a big trash can as well. Oh, I did not finish painting  the whole exterior, my bad. Honestly the interior is like, genuinely growing  on me. I really don't hate the inside of this. I do think that it would be nice  if we tried to incorporate an extra color somewhere because I think that  we're benefiting a lot from the rug, like this rug bringing in some additional  color themes is really helpful. It kind of has that like, teal color almost  to it, but this is really, really bad. This
looks really terrible. I don't even know what to do about that. Okay, um, well there's the full living  room kitchen dining room area. In this primary bedroom I'm thinking  that I might try to use like, more of an orangey color on the -- eugh. Okay, we do have this nice peach color,  it's possible that peach might be better than blue for out here, but I worry  that it's too much if we do that. I can maybe try to mix and match in  some other colors with wall decor. Hold on, let me scoot this back
  too so that's more out of the way. Oh, maybe a bookshelf would be good as well,  like just some sort of small bookshelf. I was initially thinking that we  would use the plain base game one just so we could have some more  stuff here, but now I'm kind of starting to feel like maybe it would be  better if we had the extra wall colors. I don't know, I really don't know. It's not  good, I think I'm just going to leave it. This is bad, this room is a problem. Some  sort of blue would be nice, but t
hen like, the rug does not match at  all, so that's pretty bad. Maybe if we had like, some sort of lamp? The  lamp comes in orange so that matches the floor. Oh, this is terrible. Um, I don't  think I can put anything else, I think that's the finished bedroom. Let's see what we can do on the outside  real quick because once we have some more stuff out here, it's going to  start to come together a bit more. It's just not really, um, it's just  not really beautiful at the minute. I'm going to get
some fun colors, I think that  having the blue and the yellow combined is better. These windows I've realized now do not fit. For some reason the two different base game  windows, they come in different swatches. It's really irritating I must say. No! Oh, I hate that, I hate that it's all blue, that  bothers me so much. I don't know if I can do that. We'll have to to see. That's the problem, the base game has such a weird  array of swatches, it makes it so complicated. All right, I'm going to pa
int the top  of these little roof pieces plain white, or well no, maybe we do gravel. We're going to have to break  out some debug, that is the way. The gravel will look nice up there.  Okay, well that I find very annoying, but at least it matches kind of in  the bedroom so I'll just ignore it. It's already kind of starting to come  together a little bit more in here with this new color scheme so I'm feeling a bit better. On the outside, I want to do  some landscaping obviously. Oh, I can delete
the underside of the stairs,  that saves us a little bit of money as well. And then we'll get just like a plain little path, maybe something like this to walk up  to the front door. Nope, that's bad. Maybe that one, just like a plain little path. I'm going to use a combination of some real  landscaping and then also some debug landscaping, honestly if we could do this  with only real landscaping, that would be kind of cool because I have  such a habit of using debug for like, all landscaping in
starter homes, it might be  nice to try and do it without cheating for once. So I was picturing doing some  pretty bright pink flowers, that was at least the initial idea that I had. Hold on, I'm going into live edit, I  am going to use some debug landscaping. I need to get a couple things, okay? I wonder  if there's any debug from My First Pet Stuff. I know obviously they have no debug landscaping,  but there is debug rodent pellets, rodent bedding, anti-aging cheat for rodents, IQ limiters  f
or rodents, rabid rodent serum to cure Sims of any stage of rabid rodent fever, and rabies  inoculation serum to protect Sims from contracting rabid rodent fever, and then obviously we also  have these postcards which I kind of forgot about. The postcards might be kind of cute to  try to use, maybe I'll get a couple of these and then I'll get like, the corkboard  because we could hang that up on this wall. That gives us like a fun little feature,  to have some decor there in the kitchen. I kind
of like the living room, it's colorful in sort of an ugly way,  but also in a fun way, so I like it. Okay, so we're looking for  hot pink flowers. Pretty, colorful pink flowers is kind  of the vibe that I'm going for. There are a few things that I'm open to using, like for example having one of these  little guys might be kind of cute. I don't know if that matches, I'm going to keep  that for a sec because I might come back to that. It would also be nice to have some bushes,  even if I just take
these and like, sort of scoot them together in the  corner just to have a thing on the side. Does this come in hot pink? Oh, it  comes in a similar pink to that. That's perfect actually. Oh my goodness. Okay,  so I'll put that over here on the way far side. I'll try and fill it in with some more bushes  just kind of below it, sort of like that. Is there any sort of like cute decor or something? I guess we could also have this be less, we  don't need to have a million flowers everywhere, we can
kind of just like, put them in the corner. Is that better? Wait. Ooh. I'm sorry, clearly this is like,  an experiment that I'm doing, I'm just like, looking around trying to  see what to use, but I think I like that. I'll use some kind of similar stuff back here as  well, we'll just sort of duplicate it I guess. I'm not sure if I should  put a staircase in the back, but I guess it'd be silly not to because your  Sims kind of need to have access back here, so I think I will put a staircase  there
and then I'll just leave it empty because we don't really have a lot  of money left to decorate more back here. So here's kind of what the place looks  like from the front, cute and colorful. I'm now looking into literally  anything else that we can pay for. I'm kind of trying to see  if there's any other items that we can add in that might be good for us. Another initial thought that I just had was like,  maybe we could try and switch around the layout of this room just a bit and then see if I
can put a  desk in the corner because we have enough money. It might be nice if we tried to sneak a  desk back here and then have a computer on it because I did pay such a ridiculously small  amount for the TV because I put the penguin TV, so if we did this we'd be able to  get in like a little bit more stuff. I can scoot that kind of far into the wall too  and have it still work so that might be nice. This is good too because we can pay for like, less stuff, I'll just have the  one nightstand
on the one side. Got 950 simoleons back, maybe they  have another corkboard in here? No, they don't get to have anything there. Unless, well maybe I could give them like,  a couple windows or something. I guess there are no windows, it's just the  sliding door so it helped to have some windows. All right, windows there, maybe on the porch  we do like, a couple little planter boxes. And I try and get these in a couple  different colors so we have some options. And then maybe we could say it's don
e. Our My First Pet Stuff starter home with --  oh wait no, I forgot about terrain paint. That is important. A little bit of terrain paint  can go a long way when you're doing small builds like this because it makes it look so much more  finished when you can't always afford much else. Maybe I'll give them some more  bushes too because I actually can afford these and usually  I can't so maybe I'll do that. Okay, there we go. My First  Pet Stuff starter home. Never thought I'd see the day where 
I do this again, but I didn't realize that I was ever going to get forced to  revisit My First Pet Stuff this often, but you know what, if they're going to give it  out for free, I will gladly make a build with it. It is two bedrooms, one bathroom and it is officially on the gallery for you if  you're interested in downloading it. And um, I guess on that note, I'm  going to end this video right here. Make sure you go onto the EA App or Steam  and redeem the game while it's still free, you've got
a couple months, but like, don't put it off because you don't  want to forget and then miss out. And if you're seeing this in the distant  future and you missed out, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Luckily it's just My  First Pet Stuff so like, you know, it isn't that big of a deal to miss out  on it because like, it's a rat pack. But thank you for watching my friends, have a wonderful rest of your day and I will  catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. Oh, and also I'm doing a baking  stream
today on my Twitch channel. If you want to come hang out with  us, I'm going to make some pumpkin pie and some bread and it's going to  be fun so I'll link that down below. Mostly I play Sims there, but today I bake. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]



Now that it’s free, I highly recommend the mods for this pack that adds reptiles and other non-rodent small pets.


i bought cats & dogs when it came out, but refused to buy my first pet stuff until now lmaoo, im so glad i did


Somewhere in Australia James Turner (formerly known as the Sims Supply) is scream-crying right now😂


It would be fun to do a build challenge with all of the packs that were ever available for free! Jungle adventure, desert deluxe, my first pet, luxury party...


I saw this last night and immediately got it and I was so happy! Cuz I want the little rat/ hamster pets


this is their way of saying im sorry without apologizing lmao


Although there ARE items here I love (especially that cat lamp, my mom has one just like it IRL) I would NEVER have paid money to get DLC for DLC. Glad they finally took the hint and are now giving it away (even if it is only limited time, who knows, maybe they'll include it with purchase of Cats and Dogs in the future)


I have wanted the My First Pet Stuff blinds for YEARS but refused to buy the pack. Excited to finally get my hands on them!


I have ALWAYS wanted that fish tank table but I’d never buy a pack for one item…especially my first pet stuff. I’m so glad I have my fish table now 😂


I can’t believe it took them 2,079 days to make it free. My protest is finally over. Now they should focus on refunding everyone for the real enemy, the digital deluxe upgrade.


I was so excited to see this was free and downloaded it immediately. I love hamsters but was never willing to pay for them


I honestly hate how the Sims always forget about console players. They are so many console bugs that they never seem to fix and the controls aren’t much good. I have bought $200+ worth of packs on my Xbox which is the only thing that keeps me playing it on my Xbox.


I've been very sick and so my daily simsie uploads is literally the highlight of my day

@DumbBishJuice for PC/Mac people. Having it bundled is cool for new players or those that didn't have C & D pre MFPS release. but the option to buy separate should've always been available for console players too. It's a $52 stuff pack, or whatever C&D is sale priced at, that I'll never own because EA can't treat everyone equally.


I’m downloading it now. Love that you tell us this stuff! 1:17


🤣they cant sell it anymore, poor first pet stuff


I've honestly wanted this pack for multiple things (silly fish table, rodents, more clothes for pets, the rug, the egg bed) ever since i got cats and dogs but have never got it mostly out of spite of it existing so im glad it's free now


I love how Kayla said she wants to only use basegame + cats and dogs when she really meant my first pet stuff because IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN CATS AND DOGS (AND RODENTS)


so cool! a little funny that they're giving away the worst one for free, but... still nice of them i guess. and i cant say i dont want to have a pet hamster so 😭😭😅


Thanks for letting us know Kayla! Now having it Cats and Dogs fee complete and I can dress my animal in cute outfits!