
My Top 10 Favorite Hetalia Ships

The Hetalia Shipping Awards are coming soon. Almost all of the awards have been determined. In the mean time, get hype and binge watch the previous awards! This is my opinion on the Hetalia ships I find most engaging and interesting. Binge watch the Hetalia Shipping Awards from previous years here: Join the Hetalia Kingdom:


1 year ago

Hello my fellow Hetalians! Kolko here, and while you wait for the shipping Awards I decided to give you a little video in between since I've kind of been making hetalia content for about 10 years now, -I decided to go through a lot of my old 'top 10', and see where I stand now. Well I guess it's time to see how much has changed. So here are my  top 10 favorite Hetalia ships. First a couple of  honorable mentions: Sufin, the most wholesome  ship that almost everybody likes. -for a good reason. Th
ese two are just so adorable! Also in my 'honorable mentions list' is: Robul after everything that happened this year. I wasn't too into it at first until the recent Comics happened, and now I LOVE THEM Number 10: LatLiech. Honestly this was originally going to be in my 'honorable mentions', but the more I think about this ship, the more I  really like it and it's all thanks to love L12 I didn't start liking this until Level 12 got  me into this and we were supposed to work on a Hetalia Revival
project together but I got busy  so I couldn't do it but we were supposed to write a Latvia X Liechtenstein fan fiction, and at first I'm like 'okay this pairing is kind of meh' but I'll think about it. But the more I thought about it, the  more I really began to love this ship. I normally stay away from Shipping too young because it's not  really something I really like, but the romantic potential for these two. Just these two having a  relationship in general, despite having no Canon relation
s they just work so well and just create  something that's just so wholesome and precious this is a pretty good opposite attract ship but  in a way that's different from most Opposites Attract pairs Latvia is a very damaged boy and  Liechtenstein has been sheltered most of her life since Switzerland saved her from starvation. She's had a caring overprotective brother that sheltered her from many burdens while Latvia never really  had any siblings, never really got along with any of the other ba
ltics and the one who he lived with  for so many years, Russia, physically and mentally tormented him. Liechtenstein is pretty brave and wants to help her brother defend their home unafraid of who might hurt her. While Latvia due  to all he's been through is scared of everything Lastly, Liechtenstein is very rich and well  off with beautiful landscapes. While Latvia is pretty poor compared to the rest of Europe with  crumbling communist buildings that he's still kind of embarrassed by. Also, w
ith Latvia's early history with Germans, It just makes for a VERY interesting dynamic. Liechtenstein would be patient and compassionate enough to take Latvia as he is, and give him the love  and support that he DEFINETLY deserves and needs Meanwhile Latvia can show Liechtenstein the  sadness and despair she avoids by being protected by Switzerland. A relationship between these  two would mutually benefit both of them, and I just see this having a lot of potential. Also what would be pretty funny
seeing Switzerland like: "Big brother put the gun away!" "I just want to talk to Latvia" Number 9: RoChu. I have a hard time shipping Russia because he's got so much baggage and I can't see him in a relationship, Or at least, a healthy relationship. China looks like he would  tolerate none of Russia's garbage. China looks like he'd be one of the few people that would say: ‘Hey, these are my boundaries you'll respect them’. Both have siblings they want to be on better terms with, they were bo
th communist. The history of their relationship kind of writes itself, and you can even add India in there to make it  a love triangle. Historically, their story is full of friendship, betrayal, conflicting relationships, complex feelings and even helping each other out  in tough times. Opposites Attract and with China being more serious and Russia knowing when to let it go and plot your revenge later China also seems to be pretty good friends of Russia now, whereas  he was scared of him in the
early comics and the two often vent to each other. China also has argued  with India over who is a better friend with Russia Not to mention, these two as a Duo are INCREDIBLY fun to write Number 8: TaiViet. What can I say, they're just so cute! These two are just ABSOLUTELY adorable together. Taiwan is always trying to get Vietnam more involved in things, - Trying to get her to smile, calling her a cutie, giving her a Too Short costume bite, accidents? Yeah, sure, yes that was DEFINITELY an acc
ident Taiwan and Vietnam kind of just seems like she wants  to protest but she secretly enjoys it. She kind of reminds me of a tsundere And these two are just overall, super wholesome that's why they're up here Number 7: PruHun. An old one but is one that I still enjoy to this day. Forgotten in time, but one of my first ever ships. I LOVE unrequited and,  one-sided ship stories, and this is one that sparks a lot of interesting dynamics. This is also another one of the 'confirmed feelings' that
we actually have in Hetalia Or at least with Prussia's feelings, but I personally feel that Prussia is probably the best one for Hungary because Hungary will  NEVER take any of Prussia's garbage and so he is guaranteed to respect her. Also Prussia is the only one that both fulfills hungary's bloodlusts and encourages her to be herself. Even when he found out she was a woman he STILL wanted to do the things that they always did with each other all of this despite YEARS of sexism being drilled int
o his brain under the Teutonic Knights He didn't see her as a woman, he saw her as a person And again, given a lot of history, this ship also tends  to write itself. But this is also one of the few ships that we can ACTUALLY see in the comics and  in the anime, and not have to just hopefully wish for And that's something that's really satisfying Number 6: Czechoslovakia. What can I say, they cute They are SO cute. I love this in the manga, but the anime REALLY sold it for me. The anime was TOTA
L ship bait and you CANNOT convince me otherwise! Come on, the anime cut out the whole 'it's not a divorce' part! And I swear they purposely write them to be like an old married couple! The Producers knew what they were doing! Also I mean the 'Velvet Divorce' I mean come on man! That just writes itself! It's not too far up on my list because there's a chance they could be related and I don't want to be canceled three years in the future if they are But until then, I'M SHIPPING AWAY! Number 5:
Ameripan. One of the first EVER ships of mine, this is the BEST Opposites Attract shipped in my honest opinion We just get SO MUCH of them! and there's just so much to go off of and it's really satisfying to see them! There's the whole 'Japan in America' series and there's the time they lived together, The Halloween thing, and, there's just SO much interaction between the two And EVERY single interaction they have  is SO much fun to watch. Also the United States helped Japan open up to the worl
d. After YEARS of hiding away in his house, America decided: 'You know what, Japan you have a lot to offer the world, I'm  going to help you get out' Which sometimes that's what people really need. America pushes Japan to be better, and at the same time Japan helps America be a bit more humble. America teaches Japan how to keep up with the times, and how to let go and Japan kind of teaches America how to be more  grown up. Honestly, they complement each other so, so well America may push Japan a
lot to try new things but Japan knows his limits and knows how to say 'no' Also the two get along REALLY well IRL Which in some aspects I find INCREDIBLY shocking Because, SOME countries in the world can't get over  grudges that are hundreds of years old. Number 4: EstFin. Visiting both of these countries and making an entire visual novel about them, the best game and only non-cringe game I've made in my opinion. These two hold a special place in my heart. Not just due to them being incredibly
close in the anime, I mean Estonia entered one of Finland's Wife Carrying competitions and I just like to think about him carrying Finland in that competition But the two's history are intertwined with each other. Their anthems have the exact same Melody The Finns constantly take a ship over to Tallinn to buy cheap beer Their languages are super similar And their history with each other, REALLY writes the fanfictions on their own Both were stuck under Russian rule but Finland eventually left Bu
t Estonia was recaptured again Separated from his best friend for years, witnessing really terrible things. Estonia EVEN went against Russia to help out Finland during things like the Winter War That's how close these two are in real life But it means more in the context of Hetalia with Estonia  being a conflict avoider in the Soviet Union Estonia put himself on the line, going against Russia, because he cares about Finland just that much And then he finally gets out of the Soviet Union and the
two are touchingly reunited And then Estonia sees Sweden is going after his man and he  has to decide between, having a deep relationship with Finland, and getting into the nordics which  is something that he finds incredibly important Not only because he wants to hang out with Finland more, but because it's important for his reputation as a nation And he wants to distance himself from his Soviet past see this is another reason why I love this ship. Because combined with Sufin, these three mak
e an amazing love triangle Number 3: Edelweiss. A VERY OFTEN overlooked ship. Switzerland is rarely touched because he's a Hermit and never talks to anyone Austria is often grouped within the frying pan angle But Switzerland and Austria have a REALLY intertwined past that they emphasize SO HARD in season one But, everyone just forgets about it. These two also have SO much STRONG history together, Austria being constantly insecure about him being trained to fight but being weak and having to h
ave Switzerland constantly bail him out But in the anime, Austria doesn't seem to mind when Switzerland criticizes him Meanwhile Prussia does the same thing and he reacts a completely different way And even though Hungary is a lot nicer about it he feels embarrassed when she tries to help him In real life these two are often very heavily linked to each other as well, as both can  afford to be neutral and not in NATO But I could totally see Austria sneaking to the West to get  a piece of that S
wiss chocolate behind his wife's back Creating what I would like to call: 'The Alpine Quartet' Oh yes, throw Switzerland into the frying pan too! Number 2: AmeLiet. Definitely the least toxic and least problematic ship for Lithuania I have a hard time shipping America with anyone, Because in my opinion I kind of see him as too childish and haughty and too focused on trivial things to pay attention in a relationship But there are a few glimpses that we get of America being more calm and adult-l
ike and open and a lot of those are around Lithuania Despite being complete strangers to each other the two INSTANTLY hit it off Sleeping together, playing games together, having generally nice conversations with each other And despite Lithuania working for America, America doesn't treat him like staff He doesn't treat him like a worker, he treats him like a friend. Historically these two don't make too much sense But their relationship within Hetalia in my opinion, is just so wholesome and ju
st so pure This is also a ship that I would see definitely being two-sided Lithuania calls America's place 'Heaven on Earth' and we still see Lithuania going back to willingly help out America even in modern Comics because he loves it there just that much And he loves spending time with America And while the two don't really have too much history with each other Looking at when Lithuania came to America's place It had come right after a very tumultuous time, Lithuania had just lost a war, and hi
s Capital, which is technically his heart, to Poland And was independent for the first time in years And was really struggling to the point where he could barely afford to eat every day And America took him in and treated him like a friend While these two might not have a lot of historical significance to each other, their relationship today is still pretty strong I ship them pretty much purely in a character sense But they're so high up here because that ship is just very wholesome and just ve
ry fun NUMBER 1: Number 1: Is a tie between LietBel and LietPol I love them both, yes my favorite ships involve my favorite characters shut up I love both of these but they're for different reasons, First to LietBel: This was my first ever OTP so naturally it has a special place in my heart This is how you know the shipping Awards aren't biased because my favorite ship has never won a single award First let's look at the Hetalia relations, it's confirmed that Lithuania has a crush on Belarus,
and the two have been on dates One of which Lithuania got his fingers broken, but vehemently denied, and I'll get to that later The two are often seen and often implied to be hanging out often, even during the Halloween episode And in modern times the two still get along too And this is my favorite ship that I would ship in modern day, and the only thing I would ship in real life Okay I know that sounds weird But hear me out! As someone who studies this region, Seeing these two unite and have
good relations is something I would really want to see in real life Let's go over why, a huge chunk of Belarusian history is Lithuanian history Their national symbol comes from Lithuania, there's a lot of Lithuanian loan words, most of Belarusian history is Lithuanian history, But why I think this ship is so perfect in a modern day context is because, lithuanians and belarusians kind of have a very special relationship Belarusians still flee to Lithuania, and the majority of democracy efforts
and activists are based in Lithuania All my Belarusian friends tend to see Lithuania very favorably, and the lithuanians feel really sorry for the Belarusian people And so they keep their doors open to whoever wants to flee Back then, lithuanians and belarusians used to enjoy driving to each other's countries Enjoying an afternoon in Vilnius or seeing polish Lithuanian Commonwealth castles in Belarus And now due to belarus's Iron Curtain border they can't do that anymore Now some small towns tha
t used to be just easily walkable to each other, are separated right in the middle of a village by a big fence I went to an event at the Lithuanian embassy -and this is kind of where I'm getting my testimonies from Lithuania still sees Belarus kind of as a misguided country, and always seems to have its arms open whenever Belarus is making progress towards the West When Lukasjenko had a fight with Putin and suddenly decided to cut off Russia, Lithuania was right there to offer its port to import
oil for Belarus Going back to the fingers thing, some people will use it to say: "Oh this is a very abusive relationship." But as somebody who studies this region and has written numerous scholarly papers on this region: I can't help but see it this way: Belarus acts that way, because due to Russian influence she sees Lithuania as a threat to Russia and thus acts with hostility That date I see as a translation of, Lithuania trying to make amends with Belarus And then Belarus basically saying
: “No you joined NATO, you joined the EU, you're dead to me.” But Lithuania is still willing to keep his arms open and tries his best to hope that one day Belarus will have enough sense To finally leave the 'Russkiy mir' Lithuania is always there for Belarus, both in real life and in Hetalia He's always very patient with her, and he just seems happy just being in her presence And after all that Lithuania has been through, I just want to see him happy Also, the two kind of really complement ea
ch other Like, Belarus could really give Lithuania really nice backbone, so he can stand up to other people and Lithuania can take Belarus's very impulsive, very aggressive personality and kind of help tone it down Well, Belarus may not be the best one for Lithuania I like to think that Lithuania is the best choice  for Belarus. While LietPol seems like they would be more likely to work out because of their mutual shared interest in each other within Hetalia, I ship it more historically and les
s today given the connotations of today. This is also my favorite nyotalia ship of all time I think I would actually prefer nyotalia LietPol to normal LietPol Because the two are different characters I see nyotalia Lithuania as this cold work-oriented kind of person, and Nyo! Poland is kind of described as sisterly, so I think they'd be the ideal couple They would just do very well complementing each other I love this nyotalia ship so much that I would like to put this ship as a whole in my top
Meanwhile I see Nyo! LietBel as more of a senpai - kohai or like a Sensei - student kind of relationship I would think that Nyo! Belarus would more look up to Lithuania, and ask her to teach him to fight and go to her for advice and everything I would ship Nyo! LietPol in modern day but I'd be a little bit more hesitant to ship actual LietPol in modern day - But throughout Hetalia they give us a lot of really good interactions Lithuania constantly worries about Poland even in modern comics an
d while they still have contention in modern day the two still respect each other in the fight against Russia In the context of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth I would ship Lithuania and Poland more than I shipped them in modern day In modern day things are messy but back then, this ship works so well Back in the day Lithuania hit a low point in his fight against the Teutonic Knights and was on quite a losing streak He was the only pagan european country left. Constantly persecuted by
Christian countries around him Knowing nothing but hostility since he was young And then Poland comes into his life and despite being a Christian Poland accepts him for who he is and for the first time Lithuania meets a Christian that doesn't want to kill him and actually shows kindness to him Which may be what started the problems in this relationship meanwhile the normally incredibly shy Poland, Feels confident whenever he's around Lithuania and he learns to be a leader Lithuania enjoys bein
g around Poland so much he dreams of him dreams of the times they were together Even in a place like America's house he's thinking of Poland And at that point he had just gotten his ass kicked by Poland Poland is big enough to take risks, but Lithuania is the one to keep Poland in check and keep his feet on the ground The two really complement each other pretty well In a modern context I shipped LietBel more. But as a history nut: This is my favorite historical ship, hands down The relationshi
p has highs and lows that just fits so well in history And that's basically what these two are, two x's with a lot of history still not quite over things Putting aside their history to help each other in times of need Not to mention we may have actually gotten a comic that may have said that Poland has feelings for Lithuania And also the angst from this ship! I can't even!- I LOVE the angst and the drama of this ship so much! It's so entertaining! Yes I am a sucker for angst! Call me trash M
ost importantly! This is my favorite love triangle. Mostly because it ties in so well to history I like to think that the Polish - Lithuanian war was a fight over Lithuania's heart, literally Because you know, Vilnius Ah heh, it's a joke a very crappy history joke But this really happened! The Litbel SSR actually existed! -Yes that was what it actually was called! In the end Poland takes Lithuania's capital Lithuania gets his independence But Belarus is split into two and I'd like to thin
k that Lithuania never forgave himself for that Like I said, this ship just writes itself! Historically, in real life, and character-wise I love these three I love writing them, I love reading them, they're just so much fun I also study these regions so I kind of have a bit of a bias towards these three But nevertheless they are some of my favorite ships to write And while some aspects of these ships, may be kind of problematic No relationship is without its flaws and overall: These are the
most entertaining ships for me And that, was one mark higher on the history test. Thank you for watching.
