
[NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN] Preview Clip - EP1

[NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN] Preview Clip - EP1 Get ready in 3 minutes? Told they need to go on a trip right away, but they just wrapped up their concert at Tokyo Dome! That's how the 6-day, 7-night package tour started, out of the blue! PD Na, a 20-year veteran of travel entertainment shows, got a new job as a tour guide and became Guide Na! He's the tour guide for SEVENTEEN who's going on a vacation into the summer of Italy! VOD Pre-order NOW available💌 👉 [NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN] Premiere on tvN Asia, U-NEXT overseas FULL VOD available on Weverse at 10PM(KST) every Friday from Jan. 5, 2024! Official Merch 🎁Pre-Order : Jan, 2, 2024 6PM(KST) @Weverseshop #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #나나투어 #NANA_TOUR


2 months ago

现在的问题是 [《一起去吧 NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN》 1月5日(周五)首播] 我们的旅行出发日程有点赶 我就说他眼神很可怕吧! [疯狂] 我不是在近距离看吗? 有点像黑洞一样 一直被吸进去 - 真的 / - 眼神有点疯狂! [宇宙般的人] 眼神有点疯狂! [恭敬而又疯狂的眼睛] [担心他的眼睛] 有点疯狂! [哈哈] 去是肯定去 会去意大利 问题是走得很急 [时间不多了] [光看眼睛就觉得好笑] 从现在开始 [光看眼睛就觉得好笑] 大家只需换身衣服 3分钟后集合! 3分钟后集合! 3分钟后吗? 这也太好了 因为不需要背包和钱包 护照都在我们手上 [节目组已经带好了他们的护照] - 感觉得刷个牙 - 你们只需带上手机穿上衣服 不能洗澡吗? 洗澡? Package里包含内裤吗? 差不多都有的 你们只需穿上现在要穿的 来就行了 [想要否定现实的人] 知道了 我们快点准备吧 [以及欣然接受的人] 那么现在是20分 [当前时间凌晨5点20分] 我们25分的时候见吧? - 23分! - 23分 23分 哇… 出大事了!!! 真的出大事了!! 我得洗澡 我想洗澡!
我真的得刷牙! 哥 辛苦了! 辛苦了! [经纪人] 辛苦了 辛苦了 [向成功瞒住(?)他们的经纪人哥道谢] 我的减肥计划怎么办! 我这一周的减肥 [现在重点不是减肥] [在争分夺秒的状况中] 这种时候一起去该多好啊… 这个真是… [朋友没办法一起去 觉得很遗憾] 哎哟 哎哟 等一下! 这是... 什么情况啊? - 你现在这身装扮也特别搞笑 - 谢谢 啊 真是... 我的豹纹裤! [此刻净汉的心情是] 噢耶! [肾上腺素分泌过剩] 啊 不错嘛 我去去就来 3分钟完全足够! 摄像机要进来吗? 我要在这3分钟内洗个澡 早知道就给手机充会儿电了! 怎么办! 我没有房间钥匙! [嗬!] 还要拍我换衣服吗?! [过程省略] [(原本) 想作为回国机场穿搭时穿的衣服] 我本来不常喝酒的… [向摄像导演诉苦] 行李箱应该会给我们准备好吧? [※ 经纪人会带上他们的行李箱回韩国] 导演 罗马热吗? 因为我不知道那边天气! 应该会热吧? 热吗? [保密] [彼此什么信息都不知道] 你好 [看到摄像机吓了一跳] 这..这..这是怎么回事? [倾泻而出的话] 我得带维生素! 这些药怎么办啊? [不可或缺的自
我管理用品] 随便装在口袋里… 这像话吗? 这样反倒很好! [(自我分裂)] 从知道要做这个节目开始 我就想过"究竟能瞒住成员们吗?" 还真做到了! 居然真的做到了! 嗬 真是! 太厉害了! 既然要去意大利… 穿衬衫更好吧? [为时尚之都意大利 量身定制的穿搭] 疯了 疯了! 我得带什么呢? 鞋子 运动鞋? [圆佑崩溃了] [玟奎的T恤] [再慢悠悠套上一件卫衣] 行李箱! 行李箱! [从行李箱中拿出运动鞋] [就此结束准备的圆佑] 要不穿长裤? 你跟刚才似乎也没什么变化啊? 知勋 [WOOZI也没什么变化] …要穿长裤吗? 真是... 太有意思了! 真的 [哈] [哈哈哈哈哈] [《一起去吧 NANA TOUR with SEVENTEEN》] [1月5日(周五)晚8:40 tvN首播 晚10:00在Weverse公开EP1完整版] [完整版将在Weverse公开]



The day has barely started and Seventeen is already filling us with treats that are its infinite and incredible content.


Jeonghan is so chill. Everyone’s panicking, rushing to their rooms. Meanwhile, he’s walking with Na-pd, and skipping thru the halls 😆


Mingyu wanting to take a shower in 3 minutes lol Also Wonwoo's confused face and him wearing a mingyu's t-shirt, so cute


I love how Scoups is always there for the members, even if he didn't go on that tour. Oh how much I love their friendship.




“Mingyu’s T-shirt” omg wonwoo hahahaha


Jeonghan hopping cutely towards his hotel room is so jeonghan of him 🥺 Mingyu prioritizing his shower more than his passport is so funny 😂


01:01 Seungkwan is so polite and heartwarming he kept saying great job to the managera even when he was in hurry 01:29 Jeonghanie is so cute lol


0:43 dk asking about underwear lol One fine day memories just flashed right in front of his eyes


Mingyu thinking about taking a shower in just 3 mins, Seungkwan who never forget his vitamins, Wonwoo with Mingyu's shirt ahaha the mess early in the morning ㅋㅋㅋ


Seungkwan's face when he said Crazy! Crazy! is SO CUTE!!!!! 3:00


If Carats were trying to play SVT’s GoSe “no laughing challenge” while watching this NaNaTour video we would all be getting buzzed to pieces right now lol. I can’t watch a single NNT preview video without lol-ing 😂😂😂 I really wondered how Na PD and his team would pull off the initial surprise part. Hats off to them all, they really did it well! 👏👌🫶 Can’t wait to see the first full episode!


At this point, nothing can faze Jeonghan. 😂🤣😂🤣


Mingyu’s priority taking shower >>> taking passport😂😂


1:19 coups just standing there while smiling .i feel so sad for him😭😭😭.


01:29 Jeonghan being a kid who is excited for surprise holiday


They only got 3 min to pack everything and mingyu still able to shower😂😂😂. The chaos🤯🤯


새해 첫날부터 세븐틴의 축복과 은혜가 끝이 없네..그저 캐럿은 끝없는 행복에 미소가 끊이질 않습니다..


my heart hurts watching Scoups, get well soon Leader and have many many fun times with seventeen and Carats


really love jeonghan's mindset like man's fucking ready for anything and so damn chill