
NASA planning science experiments for eclipse

NASA planning science experiments for eclipse For more Local News from KAIT: For more YouTube Content:

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we are less than a month away until the Great American eclipse and excitement is building across the country Aaron Castleberry spoke to a NASA scientist about the events and joins us now with more millions of Americans are in the path of totality NASA space weather director Jamie favor says when the moon fully obstructs the sun you will see something you cannot see normally you actually get to see that really faint outer atmosphere of the Sun that we normally can't see here from Earth the last t
otal solar eclipse close to us was in 2017 faor says unlike the one in 2017 the sun is entering a solar maximum and what we mean by that is that the sun is much more active so much more of those flares those big eruptive events on the sun we will get to see the Fingerprints of those eruptions on Earth and many scientists will be out collecting the data during the eclipse through experiments one of those we're going to use some of our high altitude aircraft to fly along that path of totality to m
ake those measurements of the corona that outer atmosphere and launch rockets into the upper atmosphere to take measurements of the sun's Corona because what is actually occurring what you know the impacts from the Sun actually have a lot of influence in the upper atmosphere here at Earth and over 700 students at schools across the path of the eclipse will launch balloons into the atmosphere to help collect data they're going to be studying the upper atmosphere and the impacts that the sun has a
nd those changes very quickly during Eclipse actually gives us that great science experiment to measure those changes in time over a short period of time not only students and scientists can participate you can be a citizen scientist there's are quite a few different apps out there where you can participate in the science as a citizen you know participating in the work going on U different ways of you know observing what's actually occurring during the eclipse on top of all of the science that w
ill happen on April 8th it will be for many a once- in a-lifetime experience it's also a very personal experience and people being able to go out there and enjoy that for themselves but also just kind of the community aspect of being all together it's a pretty emotional experience across the board for more information on the eclipse from NASA you can visit their website at Eclipse 2024 you can also find stories we have done on the eclipse at and click on the eclipse tab we w
ill be live on Eclipse day bringing you coverage from all over Region 8
