
Navigating the Wake Tech ESL Blogs - Part 1

This video will show you how to navigate the Wake Tech ESL blogs. You will see where to find the registration schedule, citizenship classes, and the English language blog.

Susan DeGiralamo

8 years ago

in this short video I will demonstrate how to navigate the Wake Tech ESL blogs the blogs were created so that you can practice your English at home as well as in class let's take a look at the blogs now first you need to open a browser window in this video I'm using Google Chrome click on the address bar on the upper left of the browser window type HTTP Poland SL SL ESL blogs. and that hit enter on your keyboard now we're at the central ESL blog from this site you will find links to
our four ESL topic blogs for students on the right hand side of the window you will see the sidebar menu it includes links to all of the ESL blogs and other useful websites there are five ESL topic blogs English language Civics culture and Community job skills and opportunities computers and technology and finally teacher resources for for ESL instructors let's take a look at some of the useful information you can find on the Wake Tech ESL blogs at the top of the page just below the ESL blog Ce
ntral title you will see a menu bar that starts at the left hand side of the page and continues across to the right move your mouse pointer to the menu bar to ESL classes when you place your mouse over the words ESL classes the pointer will look like a hand just below the words ESL classes you will now see a list or menu of links that you can access here you can see links to ESL registration dates beyond the basics career focused classes and workplace Bridge classes click on ESL registration dat
es to find upcoming registration dates for your current site scroll down the page using the scroll bar on the far right the ESL sites are listed alphabetically let's find the regist ation dates for evening classes at milbrook high school here on the left hand side of the page you can see that the last registration date for evening classes was on June 1st at 6:30 p.m. now let's go back to the central blog using the scroll bar on the right hand side of the page scroll back up to the top of the pag
e on the far left of the menu bar click on home we're back at the ESL blog Central page let's find out where citizenship classes are offered on the sidebar on the right hand side of the page below the links to the ESL topic blogs find the heading citizenship click on the citizenship class link below the heading here you can find out when and where the citizenship classes are located the blog post says that wake TCH te citizenship classes are not offered in the summer using the scroll bar on the
right side of the page scroll down the page and you will see the fall dates for Wake Tech's Western campus and Northern Wake Campus scroll back to the top of the page go to the left hand sidebar and now you'll see other citizenship links including practice test questions and online lessons for the citizenship course now let's return to the central ESL blog by clicking the back button in your browser window there are many helpful resources for practicing English in the English language blog find
the sidebar menu on the right hand side of the page under the heading ESL topic blogs click on the English language link here you can find information about reading writing speaking and listening to English there are also posts on grammar and vocabulary on the menu bar across the top of the page you can see that there are four categories in the English language blog English skills Focus areas fun stuff and online resources do you want to improve your grammar move your mouse to the menu item Focu
s areas there are four choices listed under Focus areas grammar pronunciation pronunciation videos and vocabulary let's click on grammar the blog post on this page has links to many different sites to help you learn and practice English grammar now let's go back to the central blog by clicking on ESL Central on the right sidebar menu now it's your turn to explore have fun
