
NBC News Special Report: Live coverage of Super Tuesday [March 08, 1988]

The race is on and the battle is hard fought. At least it is on the Democratic side by this point with Michael Dukakis, Al Gore and Jesse Jackson Who will win? Who will lose? This is live NBC News coverage.

News From The Blast!

9 months ago

tragedy at LSU tonight at 10. Houston Texas just moments ago tonight looking all but Invincible as he pursues the Republican Presidential nomination the vice president tonight has won 15 of the 17 Republican Congress continues its decision 88 election coverage super Tuesday primaries and caucuses Across the Nation reported by Tom Brokaw commentary by John Chancellor an analysis by Connie Chung decision 88 coverage of super Tuesday is sponsored in part by IBM by Kellogg's musics and by Merrill Ly
nch here is Tom Brokaw good evening well the Reagan Revolution among Republicans in this country Remains the heartbeat of America tonight Vice President George Bush running on the strong and long coattails of President Reagan doing extraordinarily well and among Democrats tonight there is a kind of left right and middle their names are Jackson Gore and Dukakis you know there's a kind of an enduring myth in American politics that the office of Vice President isn't worth much try telling that to L
oyal George Bush who tonight in the words of his own profession struck a gusher of delegates let us show you now George Bush's impressive lineup of Victories tonight so far 15 of the 17 Republican contests there are the states too many to talk about Bob Dole is not in it tonight a complete blowout so far for Vice President George Bush he could sweep this super Tuesday on the Republican side that translates into an impressive number of delegates for the vice president as well remember one-third o
f those needed we're at stake on this super Tuesday for the Republican nomination the vice president tonight has won more than half 489. Bob Dole less than 60 Pat Robertson running a distant third with just four delegates and on the Democratic side tonight well now we doubt we do seem to be down to just three and for purposes of super Tuesday at least they did break out ideologically and philosophically from the left all the way across the Spectrum to the right let us show you what is going on o
n the Democratic side 1307 gets selected tonight so far Al Gore who prided himself as a son of the South more than 250 Mike Dukakis 222 Jesse Jackson running strongly across the South 207. Richard Gephart an extraordinarily disappointing eye for him just 82 delegates he won only his home state of Missouri so far tonight how does this Stack Up in terms of States and how they've won and how they've lost tonight on the Democratic side because this was a free-for-all with more than 20 States at stak
e there are our projections so far Al Gore the winner in Kentucky Tennessee Oklahoma and Arkansas Mike Dukakis the winner in Florida Texas Maryland Massachusetts and Rhode Island Jesse Jackson the winner tonight in Virginia Mississippi Georgia and Louisiana Richard Gephart the winner in Missouri now it's important for us to tell you as well that second place finishes can be crucial because they can also win delegates for you in those individual states Jackson running second in Rhode Island Tenne
ssee Maryland and Massachusetts he can finish first or second in Alabama or North Carolina Gore running second in Georgia and Louisiana he can finish first or second in Alabama or in North Carolina Dukakis he could finish second in Kentucky all three of those candidates now are assembled in various points across the country tonight there they are Dukakis Jackson and Al Gore the field it now seems in this presidential race Jackson let me begin with you it seems likely that as you move into Illino
is next week that Dukakis Gore and senator Paul Simon who will still be a candidate in his own state will be dividing a vote and that you'll have a clear opening do you see it that way well all of us will be going for the Democratic vote I will take the same message to Illinois that message is that drugs are a threat to our national security Less in economic violence and so I start the campaign that tomorrow at g at the plant Gateway workers are threatened I'm going to keep that message right ac
ross this country and let me ask you Senator Al Gore tonight if you will begin now to go after the Reverend Jesse Jackson some of his Economic Policy strikes some people as being pretty liberal you've been portraying yourself as a more moderate or conservative of the Democrats do you now go after Jesse Jackson well what I've been saying is it's time to bring the Democratic party back to the Grassroots and put the White House back on the side of working men and women Democrats are hungry for a vi
ctory this year not the same formula that led to losses in four of the last five presidential elections twice by a score of 49-1 I believe we have an opportunity to win the White House this year and if you look behind the headlines of a Gore victory tonight you'll also see that we were strongest with the independently thinking voters who will be the real Battleground in the contest against the Republicans in the fall but are you saying that the Reverend Jackson's policies represent those very po
licies that have proved not to be effective for the Democrats in the past that's what I'm asking well I think there is a difference between the approach that I have offered and that of both Reverend Jackson and Governor Dukakis what I've talked about is fighting for working men and women with policies that are in the mainstream of the democratic party bringing the party back to the Grassroots traditions of Harry Truman Franklin Roosevelt John Kennedy and winning this fall election Governor Dukak
is is that the same allegory that you began running about against in the beginning of this long drive for the Democratic presidential nomination well it's a little different uh Tom but uh this this race is about the economic future of this country and which one of us has the strength and the experience and the values and the ability to build a strong economic future for America and create good jobs at good wages for our citizens I just don't talk about those things I've done them I'm somebody wh
o's balanced budgets who has built economic strength in my state and I'm anxious to take that message all over the country and of course I'm delighted about the results this evening Reverend Jackson if you don't win the nomination and I know that you fully expect to what influence would you like to have on the Democratic party nominee or would you accept a position in a future Democratic party cabinet well I do expect to win and I think it's fair to say that I intend to bring a message of hope I
'm not going to get involved in the virginary negative campaigning and my quest are to end economic violence in this country and to have a foreign policy in Latin America and Middle East and South Africa but bring freedom security and prosperity I'm going to stay on that high road providing valuable positive leadership you think that Al Gore more clearly represents as he seemed to suggest a few moments ago a better hope for winning the White House in the fall than do your policies however well a
lgor represents a point of view and the Democratic constituents will be able to make judgments I'm glad right across the South today that many made a judgment from my direction for my message and it's interesting Gore spent three million dollars and the most time in the south in the campaign uh do caucus two million dollars gear part a million dollars Jesse Jackson a hundred thousand dollars and yet I'm running neck and neck with Dukakis right here in Texas it shows I have the strongest message
with the most appeal to the most American people Senator Gorham you uh when you were in the United States Senate you had a pretty liberal voting record then you ran as a more moderate conservative now already tonight you've been talking about being the new generational candidate isn't there a danger that someone like say Mike Dukakis will accuse you of the same flip-flops that you accused Richard gepard of I've never used the words conservative or liberal I've I've talked about the politics of t
he future and the politics of the past us I've taken issues one by one and dealt with them in a responsible effective way fighting for working men and women not just during this election but throughout a long 12-year career in the House and Senate a whole series of battles often against some of the most powerful interests in this country that's the kind of leadership that I want to take into the White House and in the process I want to bring the Democratic party back to the Grassroots where we c
an not only win elections but unified this country and Lead toward a brighter future thank you very much Senator Al Gore Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis and the Reverend Jesse Jackson will be seeing you a lot along the way beginning next week in Illinois in a moment we'll be taking a look at the Republicans as you'll recall Bob Dole received the endorsement of former Governor John Connolly of Texas who recently went bankrupt when Jesse Jackson was told about that he praised the Dole campa
ign for reaching out to the homeless we'll be back with Republican story in just a moment [Music] what are you doing kid just reading sir oh what are you reading a research report I thought Mr Merrell wrote those for our clients Mr Merrell wrote this it's pretty good hey what do you know Big Shot our job is to mail them not read them well Tim if I don't read them I'll have her get out of the mail room Charlie Merrill believed in doing his homework it's how he built the business it's why Merrill
Lynch is number one in research today Merrill Lynch a tradition of trust [Music] thank you if breakfast were as it was meant to be it would be a centuries-old balance of fruits grains and nuts the breakfast Europeans call muesli now muesli comes to America as Kellogg's Muslims oats wheat rice corn barley raisins dates and hazelnuts Kellogg's musics five grain or bran what breakfast was meant to be there's a big company that makes these and a small one that makes these why would they both do busi
ness with IBM well the company that makes these once a computer company big enough to get them where they want to go bon voyage kiddo and the company that makes these needs a company with an eye for the smallest details small businesses have big reasons for calling IBM big businesses even have small reasons to call IBM but smart businesses have every reason to call IBM IBM the bigger picture the stakes on the super Tuesday night were enormous for candidates in both parties and they proved to be
especially enormously beneficial to Vice President George Bush he has run an exceptional race throughout the Deep South even in the Northeast and we'll wait to see what happens tonight later in the west let's take a look now first of all what's going on in the Deep South Vice President George Bush moved through that part of the country like Sherman went through Georgia only he didn't burn Atlanta what he did was burn down what is left of the Dole campaign all those states in the bush column Pres
ident Ronald Reagan still an enormously popular figure in the Republican Party In The Deep South now let's take a look as well at the border states that surround the Deep South reaching all the way from Oklahoma to the Tidewater of Virginia 216 delegates at stake here only Missouri undecided Senator Bob Dole still has a shot at Missouri it's right next to his home state of Kansas the rest of those States go to George Bush as we say so far tonight he has won 15 of the 17 Republican contests that
were at stake on this super Tuesday and he met in Houston just a few moments ago with his supporters here's the vice president of the United States I congratulate Pat Bob and jack for a tough fight I congratul congratulate all who worked in super Tuesday States the volunteers the party workers and most of all my team this is a unique political happening you've given Barbara and me a tremendous lift it exceeded my fondest expectations and as I said yesterday whoever wins super Tuesday convincingl
y is going to be the next president and I'll repeat it I'm going to be the next president of the United States thank you all very much thank you first I want to congratulate the vice president he's had an extremely good day you'll probably sleep better tonight than I will but you know we have to take turns I want to make it very clear Illinois is getting more and more important as the evening wears on yes this is going to be Bob Dole's recovery State it's going to be the turnaround State it's go
ing to get us back in the winning track I need your help I thank you very much for coming thank you [Applause] Senator Bob Dole doing the best he can to remain chipper tonight as he campaigned in Illinois trying to create a fire break there after a disastrous day for him on this super Tuesday and standing by now is his national campaign manager Bill Brock of Tennessee Mr Brock it's hard for anyone to see how you can stop the momentum the vice president of the United States has after this impress
ive showing tonight that even Bob Dole acknowledged had a tremendous day I congratulate him and it was a it was spectacular but where do you go from here I mean Illinois alone won't be enough because a lot of people will say that's simply another Regional win for Bob Dole as part of the Midwest he hasn't been able to run well outside of the Midwest oh that's really not true I think we're going to end up with about three to one lead in delegates in the western state of Wyoming we do run very well
in the west and I and I do think that Illinois is important it obviously is we had our break time in the early states where we won two and three to one four to one in the case of Minnesota but uh we knew that this this day was coming and we had to Simply get through it we also knew that the Midwest was next and that's going to be very competitive and then we start working to the western states where we think we have a very solid lead so I think we're going to the convention but aren't you findi
ng that Republicans in this country are very happy with the Reagan Administration by and large once you get outside of the depressed Midwestern states and that they like faithful loyal George Bush who says that he'll continue those policies if he's elected president of the United States we have reason to be happy with Ronald Reagan he's been an incredible president this country is a lot better off than it was seven years ago and George Bush is a good and an honorable man he's run a good campaign
but that really isn't what we're about we're trying to nominate the next president United States and to do that you have to nominate somebody that can win it is really strange that uh when George runs as strong as he does and he does run very well in the South that in the same region he loses to any present Democrat candidate any mate any major Democrat he also would lose to any major Democrat candidate in the in the entire country as well as in California and Bob Dole wins in all of those cont
ests because of his strength across party lines and across all segments of society it is important for us to remember that we're trying to nominate somebody that is not just our nominee but the next president United States that means we have to be able to win in November and that is a test that we have to face in Illinois thank you very much Bill Brock national campaign manager for Senator Bob Dole of Kansas not a good day for either one of them quite obviously Mark by the way of course served i
n the cabinet of President Ronald Reagan with me now is NBC news commentator John Chancellor we've been looking all day long at the NBC News voter polls what about Dole's future well you know the joke on the campaign and I know you know this the audience may not is the Dole is a candidate without an organization and that bush is an organization without a candidate and it really is coming true they had a very bad day today in many ways and when you hear Bill Brock very experienced in politics say
ing quite carefully tonight a moment ago we think we're going to the convention he didn't say we're going to win he said we're going to the convention well will they Illinois is coming up a week from today Governor James Thompson a three-term governor of Illinois is out there working for Bush Dole's own polling there shows that bush is eight points ahead of Dole before he gets the bounce out of today's returns so that it Illinois doesn't look good in New York which is the next big state contest
coming after that uh goal is not even on some of the ballots in the congressional district so he is not going to do very well and tonight the oddsmakers are saying Dole is in very serious trouble and I think that some of our voters said as well the Dole does in fact have a Mean Streak that was demonstrated in the closing days of the super Tuesday campaign when a man wearing a pineapple labeled Dole was chasing him around and the boy and Dole turned to one of his A's and said that's the only job
that George Bush has not had and of course reported her that one as well I think that's pretty funny we'll be back with more on the Democratic side of the super Tuesday and it is an exceptional picture there as well right after this [Music] thank you [Music] the reason you want to look at a money market fund now is that they place to hold your funds till opportunities come up from Maryland's ready acid trust will do that for us the yield is generous the liquidity is there Merrill Lynch ready ass
ets trust has outperformed bank money market accounts since 1984. you're getting a lot more than just a higher yield Than Merrill Lynch you're getting a Financial Consultant that has availability of the best research in Wall Street Merrill Lynch a tradition of trust to write the words and make the plans to bring the future inside the world it can see his dreams from Originals to copies on screen or on paper what you see is what we do team Xerox leadership in document processing with machines and
systems that make output outstanding we document the world Captain this itchy rash is driving me crazy why didn't you use the chording chordate goes beneath the skin to actually heal itches and rashes you know itches and rashes won't last if you use chordate First what a beautiful day for bird watching [Music] Thunderbird on the Democratic side three candidates have emerged from this super Tuesday in pretty good condition to go on to places like Illinois and New York and Pennsylvania eventually
California and New Jersey the other big States along the line in this long march to Atlanta and of course the Democratic presidential nomination in the Deep South which was used to be solidly Democratic now of course it's only about 45 percent Democratic in terms of registration but a lot of crossovers in today's voting 663 delegates were at stake for the Democrats Alabama's still undecided at this hour Gore wins Arkansas to caucus Florida Jackson picks up both Georgia Louisiana and Mississippi
those three Gore then goes back wins his home state of Tennessee in Texas a lot of delegates there Dukakis wins in Texas so that's how it Stacks up in the Deep South there are candidates who are finishing second and third they'll win there as well they'll win some delegates for their column NBC News correspondent Connie Chung has been taking a look at our analysis she's over in her analysis Bay I guess that's what we'll call that County right now tell us why are they voting the way they are wel
l Tom our polling shows there is a reason why no Democratic candidate emerged tonight as a clear front-runner we found that except for Jesse Jackson's supporters voters today had difficulty deciding whom to vote for and even when they did vote for a candidate they did so without feeling strongly about him in North Carolina for instance more than 50 percent of white voters made their decision just in the last week the two candidates who benefited from late deciders were Dukakis and Gore if they w
ere leading in a state late deciders went for them the intensity of feeling for a candidate or lack of it can also be seen in our poll only 40 percent of those who voted for Dukakis Gore or gephard told us they strongly supported him by contrast people who voted for Jackson 70 to 80 percent said they feel strongly about him so our polling shows the Jackson supporters are passionate about him and they are still primarily black he's still having trouble expanding his Rainbow Coalition let's look a
t the numbers in 1984 in North Carolina Jackson won only five percent of the white vote tonight he's doing very well in North Carolina but could only improve his vote among whites to 7 percent in Massachusetts however tonight for Jackson won two percent of the white vote in 84. tonight Jackson moved into double digits but it's still only one in five white voters and in almost all the states we polled white voters overwhelmingly do not believe the country is ready to elect a black president some
other telling footnotes Dukakis was helped in Texas because of the Hispanic vote one in five voters in Texas is Hispanic and more than half of them voted for Dukakis gephart's trade message clearly failed even among those who thought his trade Amendment would help the economy he couldn't even win half of their support and finally Gore whose strategy was to win and to stop gephard succeeded both candidates were vying for moderates and conservatives and Gore got much of that vote Tom thank you ver
y much Connie Chung Al Gore by the way 39 years old he won't be 40 until the end of this month and he's in a couple of close races that are just too close to call tonight we want to show those to you now North Carolina and Alabama a tight race going on we cannot make a projected winner in either one of those States almost all the votes have been counted as you can see Gore with a slim lead over Jesse Jackson there Michael Dukakis backed some in Alabama this is how it Stacks up about 40 percent o
f the vote counted there Gore with a five-point lead over Jackson we'll be back with more super Tuesday right after this [Music] Amish Country for Aaron Miller's family it's the only World they've known that seems not so bad to me until the love of family would make them abandon this life forever the woman in California carries our first grandchild in her womb their Journey will take them farther than they ever imagined Merlin Olson stars in a world premier movie Aaron's way Wednesday [Music] fo
reign [Music] now get the refreshing country cool Taste of Mountain Dew in a diet new diet Mountain Dew with a hundred percent NutraSweet in 10 years my son will be in college I'll be middle aged and my mother may not be here at all though our love for our parents May last forever our life with them won't we can't give our parents more years but we can give them more time more patience more appreciation it doesn't take 10 years to say I love you senior choices from WSMV for the fifth one of the
best women golfers in the game says she can appreciate pressure tonight at 10. thank you this is decision 88 channel 4 news coverage of super Tuesday with Dimitri keladimos and Jeff mcatee we're back with our continuing coverage tonight of super Tuesday although all the the votes are not in Tennessee yet we do have these Statewide totals to show you on the Democratic side Albert Gore was 72 percent of the vote Jesse Jackson with 21 followed by Dukakis and Gephart Gore clearly the winner in his h
ome state tonight and on the Republican side these are the numbers we have statewide in Tennessee George Bush wins the state of Tennessee with 61 percent of the vote father followed by Robert Dole Robertson and Kemp we go now to Albert Gore headquarters live at the Opryland hotel Al Tompkins I'm told that North Carolina and Georgia are still too close to call according to NBC that's right I I keep looking back because there's an awful lot of commotion going behind us I'm with Governor Wallace Wi
lkinson from Kentucky who signed on early to the gore campaign and you must be very happy with the Bluegrass State yeah yeah we are elated tonight course Garrett Kentucky better than three to one I think we're going to end up with somewhere around 49 of the vote the second is the caucus with only 17 so we're delighted let's talk about some of these other states uh close to your state of Kentucky apparently Gore has won Arkansas Oklahoma North Carolina uh is hanging in there what do you hear from
in almost Texas Texas apparently second is that what you understand yeah that's what I understand and I think we'll replace uh second in Texas and I believe it's safe now to predict that we'll carry North Carolina do you can you base that on well we've we've been in touch with them by telephone all night and it is close but I think we're coming through in North Carolina you have been back with the senator just the last few minutes how's he doing the Senators is pumped up he's elated uh we have
a good candidate that has a good message and uh we expect to take this nomination in Atlanta is he surprised by the outcome he's surprised wonderfully pleasantly surprised but uh I wasn't because I've been talking uh to the governors around the South as well as different places we knew what we were going to do in Kentucky we knew how Tennessee was going to come out we thought we knew about North Carolina and Oklahoma and I'm not surprised but the center is surprised and he's elated Governor Wall
ace Wilkinson we covered his surprise Victory last November we're back at another Victory headquarters tonight Al Tompkins with the gore campaign at upper Lane Hotel thank you Alan of course Governor Wilkinson saying he he wants to call North Carolina a victory tonight of course Governor McWhorter said early on Gordon count on Georgia we'll have to win we'll have to wait and see now let's go to the Jesse Jackson headquarters in Houston and John siegenthaler John uh does the Jackson Camp have rea
son to be happy tonight down there well they are celebrating short uh going on right now they're celebrating a little bit Jeff unless Governor Wilkinson and let me just give you the latest numbers that we have from Texas right now what 31 for Dukakis 21 for Gore 19 for Jackson 16 for Gephardt so right now Al Gore is doing much better than was expected here in Texas now shortly Reverend Jesse Jackson is expected to come down into this room he's not going to give his victory speech but he is going
to answer a few questions from the news media he'll go back upstairs and we expect him to come back in and make his speech about 10 30. reporting live from the Jackson headquarters John siegenthaler Channel 4 News all right thank you John we'll be back at 10 o'clock with a complete update until then let's go back to NBC news for more foreign foreign this has been decision 88 channel 4 news coverage of super Tuesday [Music] [Music] thank you we're back on super Tuesday night at the NBC News elec
tion Central where we're counting a big victory tonight for Vice President George Bush and effectively a three-way heat on the Democratic side among Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis Tennessee senator Al Gore and the Reverend Jesse Jackson here's how it shapes up now in terms of delegates on the Democratic side remember they are all important and you don't have to win a state in terms of the popular vote to collect delegates for the Democrats tonight Dukakis 296 Senator Gore tonight has acc
umulated 262. Jesse Jackson picks up so far tonight 228 and Richard Gephart gets 97. this has been a disappointing night I think that is fair to say for the Missouri congressman who so far has won only his home state and he has been running uh third and fourth in most of the other states in fact fourth in most of them and according to our voter day polls his trade issues just have not been stacking up in the South as they did for example in the midwest he's with us now from Missouri Richard geph
ard in his hometown of St Louis Congressman what about the future for you now we know that you're under Financial strain already in your campaign you took with all due respect sir a terrible beating from a political point of view tonight can you go on from here well Tom I will go on and uh I agree I didn't do well tonight and I give credit to Reverend Jackson and Al Gore and my two caucus they deserve credit for their results but I think my problem was that I couldn't get the trade message throu
gh where I get it through and the other economic issues that I think are fundamental to the future of this country across I do well so the other day there's a New York Times poll it said that most people agree with my trade position but they didn't connect it with me so we had a problem in 20 states with the resources we had now that we move on to individual states on individual days I think I'm going to get my message through don't you think however that you may have been hurt more by the criti
cism of Mike Dukakis and Al Gore and others that you're a man who is slipping and sliding around a lot of issues that you flip-flop in effect from your days as a congressman to your days as a Democratic presidential candidate well Tom there's no doubt that six or seven million dollars against one million dollars which is what I had against Goran Dukakis had an effect but again I think if I could get my message through and I think I'm going to do that in South Carolina Illinois and Michigan I thi
nk I'm going to do well we got the same kind of charges in Iowa New Hampshire and South Dakota and I did very well so I think it was more a matter of me not being able to get my positive message of what I want to do as president on trade and Agriculture and energy and these other issues that are the reason I'm running that really was our problem tonight thank you very much Missouri Congressman Richard Gephart we'll see you then in Illinois next week okay we have a late call for you now the state
of North Carolina NBC News projects the winner there tonight Tennessee senator Al Gore so his southern strategy is paying off he skipped Iowa and New Hampshire as you know he wanted to go south which was his home base hoping that he could become the southern candidate he has not done that entirely but he certainly has carved out a place for himself now in these Democratic sweepstakes Michael Dukakis however is the man that a lot of people are looking at tonight including NBC news commentator Jo
hn Chancellor how he did how he's doing tonight and how he's likely to do in the future I'm not sure Gephardt said he wasn't sure he was getting his message across I'm not certain that Mike Dukakis is either we find that he is recently popular in Texas good state for him 35 percent of his voters decided within the last week that they were going to vote for him many voters are not sure whether they like him or not in several States the people who are not sure outnumber the people who are either f
avorable or unfavorable and his General support is not strong Mike Dukakis governor of Massachusetts only 54 percent feel strongly about him in the Democratic party in his own State compare that with some other big politicians he needs definition he needs to grow and he needs to get his message across he's done very well but there's a long way for Mike Dukakis I wonder what language he'll come up with for Chicago I mean he may have to do some Islamic line Greek Hebrew Spanish so far that was all
yesterday and English and English and he does it pretty well I have to conceive that and he and that served him well in those States uh in Chicago I wonder if he's practicing polish it has not hurt Democrats in the past no indeed well we'll look forward to seeing whether Mike Dukakis can affect uh do uh polish as well we want to take a look now at Alabama where there's a close race still going on tonight in fact it's too close for us to call at this hour remember now as we show you these states
it's not just a winner but those people who are finishing second and third who also win delegates here's what's going on in Alabama 41 of the vote has been counted Al Gore and Jesse Jackson in a close close race there simply too close for us to call Jesse Jackson will do especially well among Alabama's heavy black counties but to Al Gore's credit he's running a strong race in Alabama tonight we'll be back with more on this super Tuesday night here on NBC news right after this [Music] imagine go
ing to work one day and finding your office like this morning well it really happened to an IBM customer a flood put their computer room under tons of water one call to IBM and a team of experts dived right in they worked around the clock and they got the system up and running in record time no matter what size your problem or your company that kind of service is something you should think about because very often in business when it rains it pours IBM the bigger picture it's the best-selling ve
hicle of its kind in the country probably because it's beautiful to look at and exciting to drive rare qualities in a car and even rarer in a wagon [Music] thank you [Music] you can depend on a t long distance thanks to the remarkable people who put our equipment to the test I love wrecking things this is a special laboratory here we create disasters one disaster right after another why do we do all this once we understand how these things can destroy long distance service we can build equipment
that'll stand up through it we're reaching further to bring your world closer yeah the storm's over at T the right choice once more employee pension fund thousand phone calls a day through voice processing on the Wang vs computer the BS accesses and IBM 4381 voice access Wang office WP plus Cobalt for 71 pension administrators online so the Mainframe is operating is a file server yeah we do all the integration that's our Edge voice data word networking human factors human factors real people wh
en they pick up the phone they're integrated integration is key good point so I'll open with one second I thought I was opening a long time ago in Puritan Massachusetts they outlawed the rack as a form of public punishment we have changed all of that now instead of that we have the long tortuous process of the presidential nomination tonight obviously you had to win if you're a democrat in congressional districts to pick up delegates if you are a republican you could do very well in a state and
still not win delegates if you didn't win all of the votes in that state it was a winner take all process it has been a long year we want to show you now however some numbers that really don't count tonight but they're very interesting indeed these are the number of votes that uh the various candidates have gotten that were cast today even though they don't necessarily translate automatically into delhi's Vice President George Bush has picked up 53 percent of the Republican vote cast today that
is reflected in his strong showing almost everywhere Senator Bob Dole 27 Pat Robertson back there with 13 today he's running an anemic third in a lot of areas on the Democratic side now we want to show you what is happening there in terms of this raw popular vote today and Senator Al Gore gets 34 percent of the vote that has been cast today so he is showing strength and he'll be talking about that in the days ahead I would think the Reverend Jesse Jackson with 26 percent of the vote cast today a
nd Mike Dukakis with 20 percent of the vote cast today but he ran well where he needed to places like Texas and Florida in specific congressional districts NBC News correspondent Connie Chung has been looking at a lot of these uh figures that we've been showing you tonight she's also been looking at the reason behind those figures and she's with us now in our analysis Bay Connie what can you tell us about it Tom George Bush won big tonight because his strategy of stressing his loyalty to Ronald
Reagan worked again the South had voted for Reagan over bush in 1980 and tonight Bush did what he set out to do win over the core Reagan constituency in our primary day voter polls President Reagan's job approval rating is 77 percent and up and of those an overwhelming majority in many states went for Bush even the Iran-Contra Affair did not hurt bush look at the numbers in Mississippi for instance 34 percent of those we polled said they did not think bush is given a full accounting of his role
in the Iran-Contra Affair but of those almost half voted for Bush anyway according to our poll bush is perceived as a stronger leader than Dole in fact about two-thirds of the Republican voters we talked with today say that he is Tough Enough To Be an Effective president but here's where Bush really defeats Bob Dole look at the numbers in Texas 45 percent see Bush as compassionate and caring and only nine percent see Dole the same way and our polling shows about a third of the voters think Dole
has a mean streak and as we've noted before it's an important factor to repeat Bush carried the born-agains this in a region where Born Again Christians account for between a quarter and two-thirds of the Republican electorate Pat Robertson failed to carry the born-agains even in his native Virginia and finally this statistic from our poll which may show most clearly how well George Bush has done in linking himself to Ronald Reagan of those who identify themselves as very conservative a key grou
p in the Republican Party more than half said they supported George Bush in 1980 the very conservative voters picked Ronald Reagan over George Bush tonight they belonged to George Bush huh as the whole South belongs to George Bush this man who was born and raised in Connecticut made his personal political fortune in Texas tonight as very much a son of the South standing by in Atlanta Georgia right now is Pat Robertson former television evangelist and religious broadcaster and businessman who is
running third almost everywhere tonight and as you just heard Connie Chung say Mr Robertson you're not even winning among the born-again Protestants in your home state of Virginia does that surprise you well Tom it's it's been quite a race George Bush did a really great job and all I can say is that he beat us all very badly it's almost like we were running against the ghost of Ronald Reagan because Bush was so closely allied with the man who just loved here in the South and uh he he did much be
tter than any of us could have believed but we I got beat and uh you know I want you to see my face I'm smiling but it isn't always a happy thought well you wanted to see my face when I announced that you won as you kept announcing across the South and I was not going to get involved in anything like that and I won't hear tonight as well is it possible is it possible sir that when you talked about as you continue to talk about missiles in Cuba for example and the fact that some of your people kn
ew were some of the hostages were in Lebanon there was a fair amount of confusion about that that not even your own people began to take you seriously as a presidential candidate is that possible uh Tom of course it's possible if the things that I say are misrepresented enough regretfully I was asking for uh inspection of missiles in Cuba part of the INF treaty which is a proposal of Jesse Helms already submitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee I had a hearings of the Judiciary Committ
ee in 67 eyewitnesses to missiles but if people want to laugh at me in the press and say it isn't true well I I'm at the mercy of those who talk about me but yes it hurt there's no question those two or three things I mentioned that our news reporters in Lebanon knew where the TWA hostages were in the general quarter of Lebanon and they did but that was years ago that that remark was misconstrued and played wrong to the president so yes it hurt very badly those comments cost me about nine percen
tage points in South Carolina but the day after they were made do you think that those comments eventually will cost you any real significant role at the Republican convention not really because the con the delegates that are coming out of Georgia for example they will be bound to George Bush for a ballot or my delegates there will be a Robertson delegation there will be a Robertson delegation from a number of other states because we've gone in and worked caucuses and won the party caucuses in N
orth Carolina Louisiana and places like that and that won't hurt me with them at all because they believe that I'm an honorable person I'm trying to tell the truth but yes uh I I spoke too much and I should have kept my mind shut but I was misinterpreted thank you very much the Reverend Pat Robertson tonight or the former Reverend Pat Robertson who is now running just as a presidential candidate he's resigned his ministry obviously there was a real question about whether this was a good idea sup
er Tuesday a lot of Southern politicians thought that it would be a good idea they'd get all these Southern States together and they'd have an enormous influence on the Democratic party they would produce one of their own a moderate to conservative Democrat well it didn't quite work out that way NBC News correspondent National political correspondent Cambodia now in Florida with someone who's been watching all this tonight very familiar with the concept of super Tuesday Ken hello Tom I'm with Ch
arlie Whitehead the Democratic State chairman of Florida in addition to all the things you said super Tuesday was supposed to do it was also supposed to eliminate the influence of Iowa and New Hampshire Charlie Whitehead you were one of the Architects one of the fathers of super Tuesday uh super Tuesday an orphaner are you claiming fraternity tonight well can I think one of the greatest things has happened super Tuesday is that the Republicans have nominated uh a candidate that we can certainly
run against by nominating Bush no it hasn't been everything we'd hoped to be but it hadn't been that much of uh of a mess either Charlie on the Democratic side which of these candidates who survived will carry the South Dukakis Jackson Gore get parked whichever is the nominee and we can take any one of those that you need you can carry this house with Mike Dukakis Chelsea Jackson I certainly think that Dukakis could certainly carry the South I think that that it wouldn't be as easy maybe as if w
e had a sound numb but I certainly think that Dukakis could carry this out Charlie Whitehead the only push the only places that that Mike Dukakis ran well in the South were those places that resembled the north today you're talking about the Lower East Coast of Florida you did do very well there but Mike Dukakis is a person I think that could really do well in the entire South what about Jesse Jackson Jesse Jackson emerges from tonight one of the two major winners down here he won several states
he came in second in most of the other states the only candidate who made the threshold in all the Southern States today was Jesse Jackson I think he's done quite well I expected him to do well and I think he'll handle his victory very well I think that he's an asset to the Democratic party and I think that Jesse Jackson understands that to win is what we need to do and I think he'll be a person that the Democratic party can work with and I look forward to working with Jesse in that respect I r
emember when you folks were putting super Tuesday together uh you said uh prepare your Confederate money the South shall rise again well Charlie Whitehead whether it did rise again or whether you accomplished what you wanted to I'm not sure back to New York back again two more Southern politicians who are involved in this whole process and they had divided opinions about it going in and in Virginia tonight we have the former Governor of that state Charles Robb he's actually in our Washington Stu
dios and in uh in Atlanta tonight Don Fowler from North Carolina will be the chairman of the party let me ask you you had real reservations about the super Tuesday concept were those reservations realized in your judgment well uh Tom I think the the super Tuesday turned out very well for the Democratic Party of the Republicans nominated George Bush and we can beat George Bush he's probably the weakest candidate the Republicans have nominated since South London so in that sense it turned out well
but what about it more directly to uh your question I think that it turned out about like I thought it would the candidates that did well outside of the south in Iowa New Hampshire did reasonably well here certainly Governor the caucus did and Reverend Jackson who ran well in those other states did well too Mr Gephart didn't do as well as some thought he would and contrary to what I anticipated frankly uh Senator Gore did quite well for himself I was a little surprised at how well he did but I
still have significant questions as to the validity or to the advisability of such a a broadly based a great number of states running at the same time well let's ask Governor Rob about that because he he was one of the principal authors of super Tuesday did you have in mind producing someone like Mike Dukakis a liberal from the Northeast and Jesse Jackson who's running very impressively across the South as two of the three candidates who might emergency for Tuesday governor super Tuesday was not
to this has been a big night for Tennessee senator Al Gore we go live now to the Opryland hotel where Senator Gore is expected to come down soon now exactly right Governor McWhorter is speaking now and we'll go to government order up on this photo ladies and gentlemen we've got uh we're going to miss the network let me thank all tennesseans that are here that have helped all of their visitors from all the states around the South and around the country and I want to introduce to you our distingu
ished senior senator Jim Sasser and [Applause] thank you very much Governor mcquarter we've got to move fast here tonight so we'll make the networks but tonight we're left with just those few in the Democratic primary who've demonstrated their ability to communicate the left American hearts to touch the minds of our people and now we're looking for just one that one rare individual with the determination the vision the courage to strive and reach out for the dreams of the American people it's my
great pleasure to present that man to you tonight ladies and gentlemen our Native Son of the South Tennessee's favorite son the next president of the United States Albert Moore Jr [Music] thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you [Music] this is great thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen there's no doubt about one thing this is a super Tuesday I want to begin by congratulating my friends Jesse Jackson Mike Dukakis and dick gephard for a hard
-fought super Tuesday campaign today you and I launched a great cause we're going to put the White House back on the side of working men and women for a change [Applause] we're going we're going to bring the Democratic party back to the Grassroots for a change [Applause] today today the voters in 20 states have spoken and here's what they've told the country instead of [Applause] they've said that it's time more American families had the chance to own a home and send their kids to college [Appla
use] rules on Earth second to none [Music] [Applause] brokerage declared they've said they've said it's time to have American workers having good jobs at better wages competing effectively with the people of Every Nation on the face of this Earth [Applause] and for it's time for American corporations to invest more here and create more jobs here in the United States for a change and they've said it is time to expand the American economy not Retreat behind walls of protection removed remove the u
nfair trade barriers overseas but fight here at home to make ourselves more competitive and to give more jobs to American workers tonight we said no to the old way of doing things and to those who said it couldn't be done tonight we showed them that it could be done on super Tuesday thank you [Applause] and ladies and gentlemen tonight we said yes to the people who make this country work in this campaign and throughout my 12-year career in the House and Senate I've taken on some of the most powe
rful interests in this country polluters and others who have been against the interests of working men and women I want to I want to take that kind of leadership and dedication and commitment right into the White House and give this country fundamental change not just tinkering around the edges not just a few minor changes on the margins but fundamental change in the way we educate our children the way we compete in the world and the way we create a better standard of living for our children and
grandchildren we're going to do that in this country [Applause] yeah and let me tell you let me tell you about this campaign from here on out this is a fight for the future of the democratic party it's a fight for whether or not we are going to have a viable National Party and win the the election in November of this year we can do it foreign [Applause] we've lost four of the last five national elections twice by votes of 49-1 are we going to take the same tired old formula from 1972 and 1984 a
nd other elections and go to the voters again this is a contest between the politics of the past and the politics of the future we need a nominee who can reach out to independently thinking voters and Democratic constituencies rebuild our party's Coalition and score a great victory in November we [Applause] in 1960 in 1960 28 years ago America made a choice between politics and hope between easy promises and a call to Greatness between the ways of the past and a new generation of leadership I be
lieve we're ready to make that choice again in 1960 in 1960 we had an incumbent Republican vice president who had been there eight years and promised more of the same and we had a group of democratic candidates who in the beginning were unknown and one of them was awfully Young and all of the talk was why can't we get adley Stevenson to get into this race you know which state gave the critical votes at the convention to put John Kennedy over the top it was the state of Wyoming and last Saturday
[Applause] last Saturday they got us off on this roll and I'm telling you history is going to repeat itself again because in 1960 we went from the oldest president ever to serve as of that time to the youngest president ever elected and by coincidence this year we have a chance to do exactly the same thing again [Applause] tonight tonight with this great Victory we proved that old politics and old answers will not work anymore it is time for America to move on and instead of asking what's best f
or those in the boardrooms for those who already have wealth and power it's time to ask what's best for the man and woman on the assembly line behind the typewriter the small business person the small farmer the person at the Grassroots level that's what our party's all about that's why we won this Victory we're going to go on and win in November ladies and gentlemen for being a part of this [Applause] Albert I want to thank all of you who have been a part of this great Victory and when I say gr
eat Victory he's Senator Albert core is taking the good news that came to him on super Tuesday he is clearly going to make the protectionist policies of Richard Gephart and the old Politics as he calls it of Michael Dukakis the central issue in the campaign to come foreign again up north he continues to speak we'll go back we got a prediction from the campaign manager for our from our closest rival in Nevada who conceded that state we're looking for a win in the west tonight too [Applause] and y
ou may have noticed on some of the other screens that even in a cup in some of the states where we came in second in the popular vote we're going to come in first in the delegate count in those States [Applause] now let me thank I want to thank all of you who have made this possible but I want to thank some people who are on the podium with me and I want to start with my super Tuesday campaign chair Governor Ned mcwhirter [Applause] and I want to tell you when it was we we've had a good thing go
ing here in Tennessee and the enthusiasm and support and excitement just radiated out from our state to all over the country the gore Corps the phone calls the letters everybody was a part of it but ladies and gentlemen let me tell you what the real turning point was when we were in it by ourselves with that degree of enthusiasm and excitement we were making great Headway but we were joined by a great partner a neighbor and friend the state of Kentucky [Applause] all right
