
NBC News Special Report: Live coverage of Super Tuesday [March 13, 1984]

In one of closest races ever former Vice President Walter Mondale and hot young star Senator Gary Hart from Colorado duke it out along with the Rev. Jesse Jackson for the Democratic nomination. Among the states up for grabs: *Alabama *Florida *Georgia *Hawaii *Massachusetts *Nevada *Oklahoma *Rhode Island *Washington Who will win? Who will lose? This is live NBC News coverage. Let's all be there ..😆

News From The Blast!

9 months ago

it is be there it's an election year and it seems everyone's campaign thank you thank you Remington seal will be back in the running next week wow NBC covers super Tuesday [Music] tonight NBC news reports super Tuesday primaries in the South the North and caucuses in the West thank you this is an NBC News special NBC reports super Tuesday brought to you by U.S f g Insurance protecting your business Home Auto and life all across the USA and by a t we're reaching out in New Directions now live fro
m NBC News election Central in New York here is Tom Brokaw good evening on this super Tuesday where a dramatic two-man race for the Democratic presidential nomination is now taking shape tonight between Senator Gary Hart Mr outside and offspring of the New Frontier I'm Walter Mondale Mr inside a child of the new deal and now Walter Mondale at his headquarters in Washington tonight thank you all of you both here especially to my friends and supporters in the south [Applause] thank you may I thank
and my good friends in the west and my good friends all across this country at all and my good friends overseas and my good friend and I also especially thank the members of the Congress who are here in such abundant numbers from the Senate from the house including the majority leader of the House of Representatives and some of it thank you very very much for your presence and your support Walter Mondale alive and well tonight in this race for the Democratic presidential nomination thanking as
he put it his friends in the South and well he might because they have kept him in this race tonight the latest call now that we're about to provide you in the state of Georgia where we've had a real horse race all night long NBC News Now declaring that Walter Mondale winning the state of Georgia tonight that was an extremely close race 81 percent of the precincts reporting in so far as you can see Mondale with a ten thousand vote lead over Gary Hart who ran a strong second with 29 percent of th
e vote Jesse Jackson with 19 percent of the vote John Glenn with 19 percent of the vote as well what happened in the rest of the South and in the northeast tonight in Florida Gary Hart the winner there 143 delegates at stake he has won the popular vote Walter Mondale will win a good many delegate votes in Florida as well in Massachusetts another state in the Gary Hart column tonight he won 160 he won the popular vote in Massachusetts tonight he also won as expected in the state of Rhode Island t
onight what in Alabama tonight a big victory for Walter Mondale Walter Mondale the winner in Alabama tonight holding off Hart and John Glenn in that state so tonight Gary Hart wins three states Walter Mondale wins two two of the big southern states that he had to have to stay in this race what do the totals look like at this time let's take a look first of all in the State of Florida 57 percent of the precincts are reporting in Gary Hart our winner there with 41 percent as you can see Mondale 31
percent Glenn and Jackson rounding it off with 13 and 12 percentage Points each in the state of Alabama a strong win for Walter Mondale there with nearly two-thirds of the precincts reporting he has a vote of about 11 percentage point lead over John Glenn running a strong second whether that will be enough to keep him in the race we'll have to see Gary Hart virtually tied with John Glenn in Alabama Jesse Jackson running back with about 19 percent of the vote doing well among young black voters
not nearly so well among older black voters and getting virtually no white voters were told down there in the state of Massachusetts nearly half of the precincts reporting now Gary Hart is our award winner there and he has a commanding lead over Walter Mondale George McGovern it appears now will finish third he had said going into this evening that if he didn't finish first or second in Massachusetts he very likely would get out of the race and in the state of Rhode Island with nearly 70 percent
of the precincts reporting Gary Hart again with a commanding lead over Walter Mondale nine percentage points Jesse Jackson way back with about nine percent of the votes there so that's how it Stacks up tonight a very dramatic race taking place let's take a look at the delegates and what that means to these candidates because that's all important come San Francisco in July 437 delegates at stake at this hour Gary Hart winning 136 tonight Mondale 122 George McGovern 21 Jesse Jackson 16. John Glen
n 15 about 71 of these uh people who were up tonight said that they were uncommitted now you must remember that none of these delegates is bound to any of these candidates once they get to the summer convention so we could have a reef real free-for-all before this season is over Lisa Myers is standing by at the Walter Mondale headquarters at this hour and they must be Mighty happy there tonight you can still see your candidates speaking in the background at least he's not your candidate he's the
man that you cover are they happy they are euphoric you think they'd locked up the nomination actually they were a week ago they were looking at being swept in the South by heart so they're delighted to escape with Alabama and Georgia tonight in Philadelphia where the movie Rocky was filmed Mondale was presented with a set of boxing gloves which is to signify his comeback they believe he is on the way back and they want to Slug It Out with Hart now state by state Lisa all of our polls indicate
as well and the southern states especially that there was a late surge to Walter Mondale that is that the late deciders decided to vote for him is that the reason for the optimism yes they maintained all along Tom that once people started looking once they focused on who art really was that people would come back to Mondale I think that shows that the negative attacks on heart are working so that's what they're trying to do they just want to keep taking the fight to Heart and Hope people figure
out who he really is and they think that benefits Mondale okay Lisa Myers of the Mondale headquarters Bob Kerr has been covering the campaign of Senator Gary Hart he's at his headquarters tonight in Washington D.C just as there is no such thing as a Freer lunch Bob Kerr there are no more free rides for Gary Hart people are beginning to take a closer look at them and it's perhaps beginning to show up in the polls Tom Tom that's true there is some concern here among heart staffers about the fact t
hat our polls and others showed that people who decided in the last few days how to vote in the South decided to vote for Walter Mondale there is some concern that Hart was not aggressive enough in responding to mondale's aggressive attacks on his positions and I'm told you can look for Gary Hart to be more aggressive in the next few days in responding to Mondale however it should be pointed out that most of the people in this room who are not staffers and the staffers themselves are very happy
that Gary Hart has demonstrated Regional strength proved the fact that he is not just a fluke of New England Politics as you'll recall he won last weekend in Wyoming now he has demonstrated some strength in the south Florida the biggest state there with the most delegates so they're quite happy about that thank you very much Bob Kerr at the heart headquarters in Washington tonight we'll be back with more after this [Music] by a phone it's cheaper than a t what you really need is cheap long dista
nce and of course our business systems are cheaper than at T you won't get anything this cheap from a t where everyone's saying they're cheaper than at T but nobody's saying they're better all they can say is that they're cheaper to which we say you get what you pay for all across the country every day the USF and G and the USA USF and G insures your business Home Auto and life you'll find USF and G at 6 500 independent insurance agencies across the USA your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Appla
use] [Music] the man who won three of the five Democratic primaries tonight is Senator Gary Hart Who in recent weeks has been kind of this season's hit rock and roll single zooming to the top of the charts as they might say he said his Washington headquarters tonight with NBC's Chief political correspondent Roger Mudd gentlemen good evening Senator uh not to take anything away from your Victory this evening but it appears your principal opponent Walter Mondale is on his way back is that correct
well I'm not quite sure uh back from where he was the front runner in this race for a year and a half and uh he as you remember two weeks ago challenged me to come to the South and Campaign which I did and campaigned all across this country I think I had this campaign was the only one that was campaigning nationally he was concentrating on the south as was Senator Glenn and so we combined a campaign in New England and the West with a campaign in the South and I think we won at least one state an
d for all practical purposes one another one but he was in danger everyone thought of uh really slipping through the ropes today and he's not done that apparently he's one in Georgia and Alabama so you have not got rid of him when are you going to get rid of him well I don't uh that's first of all not my task I'm going to continue to campaign we won Massachusetts we won Florida the two largest states there are three or three Western caucus States still be heard from we may do very well out there
we stood off vice president Mondale in in the home state of the president that he served with and I think all of those represent major victories but you didn't win in Georgia and you didn't win in Alabama so really all you won was Florida which isn't a a true Southern State so you're really not a national candidate yet are you oh Mr Mudd please uh we won two New England primaries today we won the largest southern state you may think that Florida is out of the Southern State the Floridians May q
uarrel with that as I say we stood off the Vice President in in the president's home state and I think that was a major victory and will do well in the western caucuses I think this was a a major boost for our campaign nationally so what do you make of that just looking up ahead you're not in very good shape are you in Illinois or Michigan about the same shape we were in the South two weeks ago which is what um not considered to have much chance of doing well but I think we will so now looking b
ack uh from where you came and looking ahead to where you hoped you'll go are you uh more confident now about nailing down the nomination oh certainly I think today oh I think today was a watershed for for this candidacy and it demonstrated strength outside New England it will demonstrate substantial strength in two major regions of the of the nation the South and the west and we won two major States two and two industrial states by the way Massachusetts and Rhode Island uh why a lot of people w
ant to know Senator why do you imitate John Kennedy so much I don't what do you do I am Gary Hart but I mean all the all the Motions with the necktie and The Chopping of the air and the uh the hand in the pocket all those people the most people all over the country say he's all he's doing is imitating reporters say that people around the country say we like this candidate and we want to support him I've spoken the way I've spoken all my life and I think there are plenty of people that will verif
y that I'm not imitating anyone the American people can spot a phony and I think they are supporting someone they think is genuine and authentic why do you think Senator so many politicians are phony today well I'm first of all not sure that many are there are a lot of people have turned off about politics well I agree I agree but I think that's primarily because politicians talk down to people they're an awful lot of very qualified capable elected officials at all levels that are beginning to r
ealize the American people are a lot smarter than we've given them credit for and all they want to do is be talked to as reasonable thoughtful people that's what I've been trying to do during the Atlanta debate on Sunday I heard you say that you thought your message would sell as well in the South as it has in the rest of the country is sell the right verb for a new generation Democrat to use no it's not a very good word I would have said would the message would be communicated and be received I
don't like that it's a commercial word and I don't like it Senator after your president and after you've reshaped the military do you intend to do anything differently with the military than is being done now well part of that doing things differently is reshaping training and promoting our officers differently promoting Battlefield commanders and not just desk managers and business people uh paying and providing benefits for the skilled Personnel we need to operate our conventional forces chan
ging uh beginning to debate changes and our strategy and tactics and Doctrine those are there has been no nation in history that has reformed its military institutions absent a major military defeat and I think this country is going to have to do that in the 80s and 90s one more question about John Kennedy you were quoted as saying that if if you were to use the phrase ask not what your country can do for you you'd be dead but you went down to Alabama and used that very phrase before the legisla
ture now why did you do that well what I intended to say was that we used to have presidents that ask us what we could do for our country now we have too many candidates that only promises what they're going to do for us I hope that's what I said down there that's essentially what I've said in other speeches uh and a final question would you do your Teddy Kennedy invitation for me now no I've heard it's hilarious um I don't think it is all right well I'm sure you'll sleep better this evening uh
thank you Senator thank you I'm Roger Mudd NBC News in Washington thank you Roger the imitation is so telling we're told that one of Senator Kennedy's sisters Gene Smith said a very sharp telegram to Senator Hart asking him to apologize saying that it was rude for him to mimic Senator Kennedy Jesse Jackson now is with us tonight Reverend Jackson you're getting about 19 percent of the vote as we counted in Alabama and in Georgia and under the federal matching fund rules that means that you will n
ot be able to get that very important bit of green that you'll need to keep this campaign going are you surprised you're not doing at least 20 percent of the vote matter of fact the votes have not come in from from the rural count as yet we're going to get 20 percent but even if we did not no campaign we ever conducted for social justice and peace was financed by by matching funds the calls that we seek will prevail let us not forget we've not been able to buy one radio uh one TV commercial a on
e billboard or one newspaper the poorest campaign and a rich message we have survived against Great odds and each campaign we keep gaining learning and growing you did well according to our analysis and this is based in part on interviews with some of the voters who are coming out of their polling places today especially among young black voters but not so well among older black voters they were going from Mondale more heavily than a lot of people expected did that surprise you well not really a
nd I think that the final analysis on that is not in yet the black leadership that did not support this proposition missed the opportunity for us to win Alabama and Georgia for us to have won Alabama and Georgia could have broken the backbone of southern plantation Politics the Voting Rights Act of 65 has net has not yet been fulfilled we still trapped him at second primaries and dual registration jira Mandarin and next station at large elections that's why the 86th congressional districts in th
e country with 20 percent of the more black 60 in the South and yet of 115 Congress person in this region only won this black our leadership must challenge uh a Mondale and a heart to dress themselves to ending the second primary system it literally has to be the litmus test for supporting our Democratic candidates in 1984 it's just that crucial but Reverend Jackson you were not endorsed by mayor Arrington who's the black mayor of Birmingham you were not endorsed by Daddy King Martin Luther King
senior in Atlanta or by Mrs King in Atlanta doesn't that suggest there's a danger playing that kind of name game you see for example we went and lost about 23 or 25 black males in in Alabama and that was no projection to them including Jennifer Wood was a president of the conference of black mass well Atlanta Georgia we've endorsed by Maynard Jackson the former mayor and Jose Williams and Reverend Ralph Abernathy and Reverend Cameron Alexander so I think you ought to be a bit more fair because
we project these names really Loosely clearly our leadership some of them must get instead for the Times our people are on the Move we got more votes in three Southern States a day than Reagan won by in 1982 Reagan won in 1980 Reagan won eight Southern States about 182 000 votes we got more votes than that in three states and Tom that's progress remember in Jackson very briefly are you in this to stay all the way to the end all the way to the in and Beyond we are determined to expand our pardon
we're determined to keep focus on the misery index for the poor the danger index for everybody we will be the conscience of this party the Democratic party as we have known it will never again be able to take the black and the poor for granted Republicans cannot write us all we are here at the state rain boy the fall must be dealt with and dealt with respectfully thank you very much Reverend Jackson and uh Ken Bode who's been watching all of this down south is in the Dade County election center
tonight in Florida that's the Miami area Ken what about the importance of the black vote throughout the South to Mondale obviously keeping Walter Mondale alive and 50 in Alabama Mondale won 40 percent in Alabama that really does show that there are some established black leaders in the South who do have a claim on their followers mayor Arrington of Birmingham endorsed Reverend or endorsed Walter Mondale over Reverend Jesse Jackson and it appears he put out a mayor Arrington ballot today and real
ly urged his supporters to go along with that endorsement and they did I think it hurts Reverend Jackson going into his own home state of Chicago next week but effectively we're down to a two-man race are we not between Senator Gary Hart and Walter Mondale tonight Tom I think Reverend Jackson gave you a few good reasons why he intends to stay in this race tonight so I'd prefer to let him decide on that one all right thanks very much Ken for dodging that one so effectively by the way Jimmy Carter
who has not been active in politics endorsed Walter Mondale and Mr Carter will be happy to know tonight that Walter Mondale carried his home county not with a majority but with a better than two to one lead over John Glenn who was in second place we'll be back with more after this thank you [Applause] people get a lot of fish out of these Waters and some company gets a lot of oil over 3 million barrels a year we know that sea life was here long before we were [Music] that's why we have practice
drills like this in case of a spill our containment unit would quickly surround the oil and help prevent damage at Sun we think putting our energy back into the environment is as important as getting it out [Music] thank you when you burn the candle at both ends there's a vitamin just for you Advanced formula stress tabs with biotin a vitamin not found in other stress formulas a vitamin essential to help convert food to energy when you burn the candle at both ends support your diet with Advance
d formula stress tabs with biotin the official stress formula vitamin of the 1984 Winter Olympics [Music] thank you too bad everyone is an assertive Perfect Sleeper or a sleeper he's the one who's awake that's because he slept great on a Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress you see only Serta has a total suspension system a new dimension of total support and comfort so make a healthy investment in yourself then let's talk about your future future be assertive Perfect Sleeper sleeper we're back with ou
r coverage of NBC super Tuesday and from our election headquarters here in New York tonight uh to give you just a brief snapshot of what has happened so far it appears that Gary Hart now winning three of the states in waldemondale winning two uh Gary Hart is making his way through the crowd you can see him just in the center of your picture there he's at a hotel in Washington DC tonight he won Massachusetts Rhode Island and Florida those are three big victories for him not so long ago less than
two weeks ago people were saying he had not a prayer in the South so he emerges from this day if not Superman at least with a lot of additional muscle tonight Senator Gary Hart John chancellor has been taking a look at the vote and why people voted the way they did down south in those important states of Florida Alabama and Georgia what does it show John well I think it's important about what the what heart and Mondale especially will be able to take North with them when we start we get to the M
ichigan caucuses the Illinois Primary the rest of them and we've found in our polling about Walter Mondale that his strongest support comes from people who might be called true blue Democrats people with little doubt about their Party Loyalty that was vividly true in Georgia for example people who describe themselves to us as strong Democrats came out 2-1 for Mondale that was is important for him he also did well with Union families in Georgia and this will be an important element in mondale's c
ampaign as he moves into the northern state another factor in the cities of the north which could be a strong help for Mondale is the fact that he has a lot of support among black voters in Alabama for example Jesse Jackson to no one's surprise was getting a bit more than half of the black vote but Mondale was getting 40 percent and in Georgia a state with a lot of blacks Jackson was getting 70 percent but Mondale was getting 24 percent these are sizable percentages for a candidate who runs in t
he cities of the north Gary Hart incidentally does not do well with blacks and has not been doing well with blacks in these elections today his uh he had five percent of the black vote in Georgia our surveys show as Tom I think has pointed out that Mondale does well with older blacks and it's interesting to note that their turnout figures are often higher than for younger blacks and that could be important for Mondale incident on the registration of blacks around the country a campaign with whic
h Reverend Jackson had a great deal to do we found that the registration of black voters is going very strongly of all the blacks who voted in Georgia today 20 percent had registered in the last six months and I think Jesse Jackson has something to do with that and that could be very good with whatever Democrat is going to run in the fall anywhere in the country against Ronald Reagan he gets great credit for that and it will be an important part of his power brokerage at the convention later thi
s summer he's the guy who can turn out the blacks and get them to register as well that's right what about the late deciders John in the South especially that would that indicated for Walter Mondale I think New Hope as he goes on into these other states Mondale won the late deciders the people who decided over the weekend in Alabama and he won them in Georgia uh Gary Hart won them in Florida but then Gary Hart won Florida but the the fact is that as we'll talk about in our next analysis this lat
e deciding business is getting to be one of the interesting aspects of the of the election has Gary Hart gone about as far as he can in persuading people on Sunday to go and vote on Tuesday well maybe we'll see the currents of this political season are running Mighty fast even tonight Douglas Kiker is standing by at the Mondale headquarters in Atlanta Georgia tonight Doug I understand that John Glenn probably helped Walter Mondale now let me see if I can explain that what happened is that John G
lenn probably took boats away from Gary Hart and those wealthy Atlanta suburbs among the middle class and upper middle class white Democratic voters is that what you're hearing that's correct Tom 24 hours L Democrats here in Georgia that morale was about as low as you could get and now they are a happy bunch of people it was an interesting election in which all four major candidates really played a part Mr Mondale carried the Democratic vote 50 of it Mr Hart got 25 percent the other two split it
Hart got 50 percent of the independent vote close Mondale carried the black vote Statewide three to two and then two important things happened the downtown Atlanta black vote split 50 50 between Monday between Mr Mondale and Mr Jackson and then John Glenn came in with heavy support in the Atlanta suburbs and in the north Georgia counties where there is a strong conservative vote both of those helped Mr Mondale and gave him his victory here in Georgia he said he had to make a stand here and I gu
ess he did it Tom thank you very much Douglas Kiker at the wall of Mondale headquarters in Atlanta Georgia tonight Kenley Jones is in Montgomery County Courthouse in Alabama or he was until just a few moments ago there he's back can I how are you tonight fine Tom look uh waldemondale did what he had to do down in Alabama he did well among labor voters and there's a fair uh union movement in the South isn't there especially in the Birmingham area that's true Tom I think there were three things th
at contributed to mondale's Victory here number one he did hold on to that labor vote which he desperately needed to do that's not always easy in this state the rank and file here has a history of independent vote voting but they may have sensed that a friend was in trouble and did what their leaders told them to this time number two Mondale was able to hold on to the black vote thanks to influential leaders as we've heard like mayor Richard Arrington of Birmingham Coretta Scott King who came in
and asked blacks to vote for Mondale instead of Jackson otherwise Jackson may have taken all of the black votes instead of only 60 percent of them and number three I think Mondeo may have been the beneficiary of uh what we might call second thoughts about Gary Hart and that's because there have been stories here during the past few days about Hearts votes on specific issues for example he voted against the Tennessee Tom Bigby Waterway which is important to alabamians the lieutenant governor of
Alabama Bill Baxley who ironically is the state chairman for John Glenn said that it was too bad that Hart had said that he would take away federal funds if the Alabama did not vote for the IRA so those three things I think attributed to mondial's win here thank you very much Kimberly Jones in Alabama Ken Bode as we saw just a few moments ago is the Dade County election headquarters tonight in the Miami area Kenny Hubert look at the overall effect of this day it really seems to me that what happ
ens is that as I indicated to Bob Kerr a few moments ago no more free lunch for Gary Hart he was beginning to see that in the Sunday debate they're beginning to turn their guns on him now the question is does he have the staying power to withstand that that is the question Tom and I think you're right Gary Hart will never have another two weeks in this campaign the way he had the two weeks down here and he couldn't have had it in a better place than Florida the polls indicate that Hart Drew in F
lorida equally among moderates conservatives and liberals which means simply they don't know him yet thanks very much Ken Bode in Miami Florida tonight well America is constantly in search of new images from Cabbage Patch dolls to Pac-Man and tonight there's still another indication that they're still looking for finally one Democratic presidential candidate we'll be back with more after this [Music] tree every day sfg in the USA usfg ensures your business Home Auto and life you'll find usfg at
6 500 independent insurance agencies across the USA [Music] [Applause] [Music] people get a lot of fish out of these Waters and some company gets a lot of oil over 3 million barrels a year we know the sea life was here long before we were that's why we have practice drills like this in case of the spill our containment unit would quickly surround the oil and help prevent damage at Sun we think putting our energy back into the environment is as important as getting it out [Music] thank you there
is a remarkable service offered to you from the IRS tell attacks information on over 140 tax related topics the telephone number and topics are listed in your tax package or send for publication 910 and enter the world of information at your fingertips high technology the world of computer chips semiconductors and microelectronics has come to Nashville and Tennessee well high tech means better jobs and they say high tech you think about high wages will the promises of high-tech good jobs High wa
ges clean industry really come true in Tennessee join kin caps for High-Tech or high risk this week on Channel 4 News from Channel 4. this is a news update with Dan Miller with super Tuesday votes in Gary Hart is one in Florida Massachusetts and Rhode Island Walter Mondale winning in Alabama and Georgia convicted murderer James Autry is scheduled to be executed in Texas tomorrow morning the Supreme Court today rejected his appeal for a stay of execution and in Los Angeles the cocaine smuggling t
rial of John DeLorean began today and jury selection is expected to take several weeks now this message only U.S grade a white tender fish fillet goes into every McDonald's filet-a-face sandwich nothing but the best for McDonald's and you 40 degrees in Nashville more news weather and sports later on the scene at 10. this has been a news update brought to you by McDonald's featuring Filet-O-Fish sandwich for under a dollar Tuesday continues here again is Tom Brokaw good evening from the NBC News
super Tuesday election headquarters tonight where the big winners are Senator Gary Hart and former vice president Walter Mondale you're looking at Senator Hart now with his wife Leah who's in addressed in red there and that's congresswoman Pat Schroeder also of Colorado just to his right it's a very close Ally of his in Colorado and in Democratic Party politics altogether and the very right of your screen is Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut big night for uh Senator Hart he's done well winning M
assachusetts Rhode Island and Florida tonight and finish a strong second and the two important southern states of Georgia and Alabama or at least he's right in there in those States as Senator Gary Hart at his headquarters in in Washington tonight let us show you how well he is doing especially in the northeastern part of the United States where he has already chalked up victories in New Hampshire Maine and Vermont tonight you can add the state of Massachusetts 53 percent of the precincts report
ing in Gary Hart with 39 percent of the vote they change even as we speak but not very much he'll win in Massachusetts quite effectively over Walter Mondale George McGovern running third there tonight and in Rhode Island 80 percent of the precincts reporting in in the state of Rhode Island Gary Hart with nearly 50 percent of the vote that has been counted Walter Mondale with 37 percent of the vote John chancellor who is here with me now has been taking a look at how people voted in the northeast
ern part of the United States and why and what does it show John well you know Tom it seems to me that Gary Hart's campaign in the last couple of weeks has sometimes seemed to be suspended in the air floating with no visible support kind of propelled by some mysterious Force he went around and moved all over the country and didn't say very much my guess is he didn't have time to say very much he has things to say but it didn't have a lot of substance now that period is over for heart but it may
have been over just a few days ago let us look at some figures we got from our poll today in Massachusetts we asked people when they decided to vote for Gary Hart 22 percent of those voters decided to support him before the Iowa caucuses last month fully 57 percent of the heart voters made up their minds after his good showing in Iowa but look at this only 19 percent of his voters decided last weekend now the polling that we did today shows that as far as the voters who decided late last weekend
how they'd vote Walter Mondale did about as well as Gary Hart and that was Massachusetts we'll all recall that Walter Mondale stopped campaigning in Massachusetts he'd written the state off and yet last weekend he was getting a lot of support from people who were we don't know for sure but possibly leaving their loyalty to Gary Hart and moving toward Mondale Mondale did very well among what we call the late deciders now after all the publicity following New Hampshire that may be understandable
and predictable that Hart's campaign would be getting a little bit softer and that people would be taking a more careful look at him but the evidence that we have from Massachusetts is certainly fascinating otherwise our polling shows that Hart is still doing well with what we might call Tom I suppose the mold McGovern constituency Independence moderates the 25 to 50 year olds the people with high incomes and the voters today made one interesting point to us about Hart he is not regarded as havi
ng been clear on the issues and that of course doesn't lock him into any fixed set of positions it gives him a kind of flexibility my guess is that that will have to change now because we've narrowed the race after today and people already on sunny in that debate that you were moderating down there were beginning to pick away of them we heard the line more times than we needed to I suppose where's the beef from Walter Mondale but if you remember that Hart said that he really wished he'd had two
weeks to campaign in Florida to get his issues across he's now got the time and let him prove it he has a lot to say and so does Walter Mondale so it could be an interesting campaign Don Oliver is in Boston Massachusetts tonight he is at the McGovern headquarters and George McGovern who has reclaimed his standing I think in American politics it's fair to say Don said tonight however that if he didn't finish first or second he would bow out gracefully is that the expectation you're at the Gary Ha
rt headquarters there ah yes I have a degreeheart headquarters Tom the expectation is he said that if he did not come in first or second he definitely was going to get out of the race even though Boston's leading newspaper the Boston Globe had urged him in an editorial to remain in the race even if he finished below second place one of the more interesting features I think of what John Chancellor was talking about earlier those people who made up their minds late in Massachusetts it showed that
they went 50 to Walter Mondale and the other 50 percent was split between Hart McGovern and a slide him on for Jackson you've been talking to a lot of people out there who voted for Gary Hart do they know why they voted for him or is the whole image thing sweeping them along I think that uh toward the end of last week people were more and more asking themselves why were they voting for heart the polls that were taken here and there were several polling organizations that were doing at nightly ha
d showed that Hart was not gaining after about Thursday that it was staying constant at around 40 40 40 percent and people being interviewed by people like myself were saying well they were beginning to wonder what his position exactly was on defense whether he was committed to the nuclear freeze or whether in fact that he wanted a bill down proposal these things were obviously becoming more and more important as the Euphoria of the victories in New Hampshire and Maine and other places was weari
ng off okay Don Oliver who is at the Gary Hart headquarters in Boston tonight thanks very much Don we'll be back with more right after this [Music] what would long distance phone service be if it only serves selected cities at selected hours if there are no operator assistance no person to person or collect calling we know one thing it wouldn't be a t calling anywhere anytime long-distance operators and over A Century of commitment that's a t the more you hear the better we sound reach out and t
ell someone thank you in creating the Buick Century we've also created something of a paradox with its Sleek aerodynamics and front-wheel drive technology the century is a very Nimble Road car indeed because it's a Buick the Century doesn't let the fuel of the road interfere with your comfort and Tranquility the Buick Century technology that makes you feel good inside Buick the official car of the 1984 Olympic Games people get a lot of fish out of these Waters and some company gets a lot of oil
over 3 million barrels a year we know that sea life was here long before we were that's why we have practice drills like this in case of a spill our containment unit would quickly surround the oil and help prevent damage at Sun we think putting our energy back into the environment is as important as getting it out [Music] Carlos fighting for a man because she really pleases just wait bill goes for broke when he pushes him 80 year old tap dancer to his limit how about that comedy finish there huh
Buffalo Bill and Ray blackmails the chief for Frank's return it is the type of view on The Prostitute Thursday be there Sunday Jack Nicholson torn between a wife who wants everything and a sensuous woman willing to give anything but the price could be his life on the border someday good evening once again from the NBC News super Tuesday election headquarters Make It or Break It tonight and the Democratic presidential primary make a night for Senator Gary Hart and Walter Mondale doing very well
we want to show you some figures now down south the states of Georgia Florida and Alabama beginning with Georgia 89 percent of the precincts reporting in Walter Mondale had to do well there and he did 31 percent of the vote as you can see Senator Gary Hart finishing second with 28 percent of the vote Jesse Jackson now up to 20 percent that's important for him if he stays there he'll continue to get Federal matching money and that can be important fuel as a California legislator once said it is t
he Mother's Milk of politics John Glenn back in fourth place in Georgia with 19 percent in Alabama nearly 70 percent of the precinct sin Walter Mondale the winner in Alabama 34 of the vote Gary Hart with 23 percent John Glenn with 23 percent and Jesse Jackson running fourth in Alabama 19 of the vote doing well especially among young black voters not so well among older black voters and now we have standing by it as Washington headquarters tonight Walter Mondale he's there with the big NBC News d
ecision 84. I gather you're very happy based on everything that we saw but let's let's break it down objectively just two weeks ago it looked like you had a lock on the south that's right now you've uh You've Won in two of the states down there you've lost the biggest one in terms of the popular vote and Gary Hart was running very strongly second in both of those well let me just say one thing first of all there was no question in the early part of the nominating process the general presumption
was that this was a hundred yard dash and I was going to win it no that wasn't mine but that was the General presumption that fell apart New Hampshire then the presumption was it was going to be a hundred yard dash for Gary Hart that ended tonight now what we've got is a marathon and that guarantees the American people what there's entitled to the debate about what the difference is who is Gary Hart where would he take the country how experienced is he what are the differences who would make the
best president and what was happening these last two or three days the debate really started in Atlanta is that once those issues were out once we were compared I was picking up strength let me ask you something Mr Mondale you've uh you've had some very tough things to say both to and about Gary Hart in the past week or so do you really believe that Gary Hart as president would be heartless and without compassion and that he would be naive in dealings with the Soviet Union well Tom why don't we
start with what I said I said if you compare Gary Hart's record with mine on the issues of social justice on standing up against powerful special interests to fight for that average American family there's no comparison and there isn't if you compare my record on arms control and what my experience and what I'm proposing to do which is sensible and doable around the principle of the freeze with the some seven inconsistent positions that Gary Hart has taken you contrast a powerful uh position on
arms control backed by experience with a position that's uncertain and weak now those are the facts and that's what the American people need to know this is not a personality contest we're dealing with the future of our country and we need a president who keep us secure and safe restore our competitiveness and restore a sense of fairness that's what I'll do rondelle let me ask you about your ties to organized labor which helped you tonight in Alabama by the way but overall so far in this primar
y season there is some evidence that organized labor and its leadership has been a liability to you do you regret now that you got that endorsement as early and as you did not a bit since when should someone apologize for having the support of working men and women I'm My Own man as president of the United States I'll lead this country and I'll say no to organized labor I'll ask them to do things to sacrifice along with everyone else but the working management of this country have taken a real h
osing from the Reagan Administration and they've got some rights too and as president of the United States I intend to stand up for them as well as all other Americans early on one of your media consultants said that you dare to be cautious my impression is in the last 10 days or so that Walter Mondale has taken the gloves off a bit and you're a lot more comfortable with your more freewheeling style look we've got the debate that we should if I made one mistake Tom it was for six weeks Senator H
art was taking shots at me saying things about new versus old the future versus the past all bunk and I wasn't answering any of it and the result was that some of it's stuck now we're having that debate in these last two or three days since that debate started I'm picking up strength because the real question is who's going to be the best president and I'm going to win that debate how much do you give credit to your new campaign motto where's the beef that's helping a lot there's no beef there t
hanks a lot Walter Mondale tonight in Washington D.C the winner in Alabama and Georgia still very much alive and well in this race for the Democratic presidential nomination Connie Chung is in San Francisco tonight she's at the site where a real scrap may take place before too long that is in the summer of this year Connie here at the Moscone Convention Center that's where the Democrats are going to gather and you're keeping an eye on some of those Western caucuses they're going on in Oklahoma N
evada and Washington tonight what do you know so far well in Oklahoma Tom it's just much too early to tell the results are coming in hard is leading but it's inconclusive John Glenn was thought to be a real candidate in that state but his support dropped dramatically after New Hampshire and Maine Gary Hart went to college in Oklahoma so he has some Roots there but Walter Mondale has the support of the party regulars in Washington state caucusing there as well it sends the second largest block of
delegates in the west to the convention second to California and the key there is Alan cranston's supporters when Alan Cranston dropped out Mondale and Hart scrambled to get his nuclear free supporters and the environmentalists but people in the west like to vote independently so it could be a surprise there in Nevada Nevada's caucusing as well tonight but the decisions that the nevadans make could change at the State Convention in May so it's difficult to tell what they will do when it comes t
ime for the convention here at the Moscone Center it's a classic fight between the Mondale machine and the Heart momentum and finally Hawaii we will not get results from the Hawaii caucus until the early morning hours Tom so if if you like I could fly there and report back to you maybe in about a week oh there's no end of your volunteering Connie I appreciate it very much but the telephone still work all the way to Hawaii so we'll count on on that for the results Connie Chung tonight at the Geor
ge Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco and that of course is where the Democrats will gather in July of this year and there's some indication tonight that we could have the first real convention contested fight in some time for the nomination of the democratic party John chancellor has been taking a look at a national NBC News poll looking at just not what voters in these primaries and caucuses thought today what what folks around the country thought as well and John what's the latest on
that we asked the Democrats in our national sample to name their favorite candidate for the nomination Gary Hart was picked by 36 percent but look at what came in second not sure was the position taken by 30 percent and Walter Mondale was chosen by 22 percent so about one-third of the Democrats around the country we polled haven't made up their lines Gary Hart has done well he was nowhere in our January and February polls before the Iowa caucuses but now he's leading all the others but large num
bers of Democrats said they don't think his ideas are all that new and many said he has not made his positions clear for Walter Mondale sizable numbers feel that he has promised too much a majority believes Mondale stands for policies that don't work any longer and there is democratic doubt that Ronald Reagan can be beaten we asked Democrats likely to vote who can beat Reagan Gary Hart can said 34 percent but almost as many 32 percent thinks nobody can re-beat Reagan while Walter Mondale was the
choice of 20 percent who think he could win in the fall election one of the important things our national survey shows is that the president continues to have considerable support eight out of ten of those we polled said they thought he had been either somewhat effective or very effective as president the president's job ratings have remained unchanged a majority says that his policy was a fail failure in Lebanon but that didn't hurt him one bit in his rating on Foreign Affairs we asked all tho
se likely to vote Democrats Independents and Republicans what their choice will be in November Ronald Reagan was the choice of 45 percent not sure said 26 percent Gary Hart was chosen by 15 percent and that's where things stand this week and all of that must make Ronald Reagan feel fairly good at this hour any of these Democrats in danger of running out of money John well Mondale has spent a great deal of money to Heart people tell us that they think that he will have spent about 15 million doll
ars maybe 17 million dollars by the end of March which leaves him only about seven million dollars of expendable money for all the rest of it which includes some of the big ones in New York Pennsylvania and Ohio and California so you might run into this situation where the situation would be reversed where Mondale might be running on a shoestring and Gary Hart might not all right thanks very much John Chancellor tonight taking a look at a national poll at the White House they are watching all of
us very carefully and Chris Wallace is on the White House lawn tonight Chris what about uh the Republican evaluation of this so far what's going on tonight well obviously they're delighted with us tonight as long as the Democrats keep fighting with each other they can't really turn their attention to Ronald Reagan at this point tonight they're talking here about a two-track strategy they say the president is going to the Democrats continue to fight it out while he stays presidential but we've l
earned tonight that the Republican National Committee is about to buy 1.2 million dollars worth of TV time and one of their commercials is going to say you've heard a lot about new leadership and new ideas well these are the same people who got us in trouble in the past and the tagline is kind of interesting it's the Republicans the future so the president may be staying above The Fray but some of his men are starting to gear up to go after Gary Hart is it harder for them to tag Gary Hart with t
hat business about the failed policies of the past because he is talking about the future and it was Mondale not Hart who was Carter's vice president after all well clearly you can't run against Carter the same way if it's hard as opposed to Mondale who was Carter's running mate as you as you said on the other hand they've done a lot of research and a lot of polling against Gary Hart and they say that they've found some weaknesses they say that Gary Hart has flip-flopped during some issues in th
e past they say that he tries to sound like Jimmy Carter or or John Kennedy and they say that the race there's not really going to be new versus old they say they're going to try and cast it as experience and trust and Leadership on the one hand Ronald Reagan versus some kind of flashy opportunist read that Gary Hart so they're gearing up for a tough fight thanks very much Chris Wallace at the White House Tonight perhaps the most memorable quote of the past 10 days or so did not get very much at
tention that is with all of these changing polls going into the Alabama Georgia and Florida primaries one day over the weekend Walter Mondale got off the airplane was asked about those polls by a reporter and he said stuff the polls we'll be back after this [Music] thank you when you burn the candle at both ends there's a vitamin just for you Advanced formula stress tabs with biotin a vitamin not found in other stress formulas a vitamin essential to help convert food to energy when you burn the
candle at both ends support your diet with Advanced formula stress tabs with biotin the official stress formula vitamin of the 1984 Winter Olympics Wednesday it's party time on facts and look who's not invited I'll go ahead tell me [Applause] and spring fever overcomes Harry you got any pants on no Nightcore rapist doctors released on Saint elsewhere I feel I've been Sheltering an animal that returns to work Wednesday [Music] super Tuesday here are the figures as we have them so far Walder Monda
le and Gary Hart the big winners tonight Hart with three wins Mondale with two let's take a look at the winners tonight beginning with the state of Georgia where Walter Mondale who was endorsed by former President Jimmy Carter was able to win tonight and that important Southern State he was expected to do well there and in fact he did also in the state of Alabama Walter Mondale the winner there but in Florida in the popular vote Gary Hart was the winner now that may not translate into pure deleg
ates for Gary Hart because they have a complicated slate of delegate system down there and what happened is that Gary Hart did not have all of his slates filed in all of the congressional districts so in the past couple of days or so he's been going around to ask you and Cranston delegates and persuading them that they ought to be on his side and we have to sort out the difference between the Cranston and the Askew and the Heart delegates to see who comes up with the most totals also in Massachu
setts victory tonight for Gary Hart in the state of Rhode Island the same thing a solid Northeastern showing for Gary Hart up to this point he had already won in New Hampshire you'll recall also in the state of Vermont and in the state of Maine but upcoming yet the big one in the state of New York and also Pennsylvania before too long let's take a look at the vote totals at this point beginning with the state of Florida can we see those numbers there's 70 percent of the precincts of reporting so
far Gary Hart 42 percent of the vote what we'd like to see are the numbers in those States if we can Walter Mondale 32 percent John Glenn 12 percent of the vote Jesse Jackson in Florida with about 12 percent of the vote in the state of Georgia 92 percent nearly all the precincts have checked in at this point Walter Mondale the winner there with 31 percent of the vote Gary Hart with 28 percent of the vote Jesse Jackson with 20 percent of the vote that's an important figure for him that means tha
t he'll continue to qualify for federal matching funds the fuel to run this campaign John Glenn with 19 percent of the vote the indications are that John Glenn took away some votes from Gary Hart especially in the suburbs next up the state of Alabama 72 percent of the precincts are in Walter Mondale the winner with 34 percent of the vote Senator Gary Hart with 23 percent John Glenn with 23 percent and in the state of Massachusetts oh we'll look at Jackson who has 19 of the vote there not quite 2
0 percent it's probably disappointing now that's what happened on this super Tuesday night the biggest night of all we had five primaries tonight and five caucuses and the Democrats abroad as well but we've got a big calendar coming up after tonight no one day quite as big as this one but let me show you what you've got coming in the weeks ahead beginning this Saturday with Michigan Saturday March 17th St Patrick's Day six caucuses including the first of the powerful Midwestern industrial States
Michigan 155 delegates three days later more from the Midwest Minnesota caucuses and the very important Illinois Primary 194 delegates two weeks from tonight a huge Prize New York State 285 delegates and one week after that another industrial Powerhouse Pennsylvania home of many Union voters 195 delegates a month later look at this Tuesday four primaries including Ohio 425 delegates all together in one day and June 5th the season ends with a bang California New Jersey and four other primaries 5
58 delegates on that day there is a very good possibility of course that this could go all the way to the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco a race down to the wire between Walter Mondale and Senator Gary Hart and we have a classic shaping up now in this Democratic race for the Democratic presidential nomination because Gary Hart likes to think of himself as an offspring of the New Frontier a man who it has been said has mimicked John Kennedy as he has campaigned around the country
and Walter Mondale a protege of Hubert Humphrey Hubert Humphrey of course was a child of the new deal and so is Walter Mondale what does it mean in terms of delegates tonight 437 delegates as you can see that they were contesting for and this is how it broke out tonight Gary Hart winning 148 Walter Mondale winning 121 George McGovern 21 Jesse Jackson 16 Senator John Glenn 13 uncommitted tonight 75. none of these people are bound at the convention however so we could have a real free-for-all here
's our racetrack now Walter Mondale going into tonight 100 delegates Gary Hart 18 John Glenn 17 Jesse Jackson 8. how does it change as a result of this evening Mondale up to 221 Gary Hart 166 John Glenn 30 Jesse Jackson 24. real question tonight of course is can John Glenn survive after his showings in the South he did not win a primary tonight he has not won so far I'm Tom Brokaw NBC News at the NBC News election headquarters on this super Tuesday night we'll be back tonight at 11 30 Eastern ti
me with more figures for you and of course stay tuned to your NBC station for all the latest results on this super Tuesday big wins Gary Hart and Walter Mondale thank you all good evening NBC News special Wednesday guess who's roasted to a t the eight go all-star cast roast Mr T on Dean Martin celebrity Rose Wednesday tell it like it is I'm Jane Pauley tomorrow morning on today Johnny Cash talks about his latest battle with drugs Johnny Cash and super Tuesday results tomorrow on today coming up
next on the scene at 10 the winners and the losers in super Tuesday and reactions to the results from Tennessee Democratic campaigns a convicted murderer is scheduled to die in Texas tomorrow the cocaine smuggling trial of automaker John DeLorean gets underway in Los Angeles and a look at drugs being used to treat people who are schizophrenic as we continue our series these stories and more news coming up next on the Cena 10. [Music] there's a sale on crisp crunchy peanuts and thick Rich hot fud
ge it's the Dairy Queen peanut buster parfait layer after crisp Rich cool and creamy smooth layer The Peanut Buster Parfait only 99 Cents Monday through Friday at Dairy Queen we treat you every year you have a big decision to make where to put your IRA before you decide call Commerce Union Bank you'll be glad you did [Music] Bill Hall and Charlie MC Alexander good evening the votes are in on super Tuesday and Gary hard and Walter Mondale are both winners and they are both losers super Tuesday is
one of the biggest nights of the year in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination and it is one of the richest of all in convention delegate terms



I heard about former Vice President of the United States Walter Mondale from Minnesota. He was under the President of the United States Jimmy Carter. And he is a Democratic candidate for President in 1984.


Quite interesting thing


The day I was born


After this video, Gary Hart gets caught by the National Enquirer doing "Monkey Business" with Donna Rice.


Great Remington Steele intro! After Hart stunned Mondale in NH, he swept everything for a few weeks. The weekend before Super Tuesday there was a debate moderated by John Chancellor where Hart was targeted by the other candidates. Mondale used the very popular ad slogan of Wendy's against Hart (where's the beef?) implying Hart was all flash and no substance. There was another question about what he would do if there was a Czech airliner crossing the US and Hart gave a flippant answer about looking inside and shooting it down if people were wearing military uniforms. John Glenn ridiculed the idea that you could 'peek' into a plane in flight and Hart looked foolish.


Welcome back! I wish your family health and peace.