
NE Ohio Moms make major impact through new Queen Moves nonprofit, free store

Queen Moves helps those directly impacted by domestic violence, evictions and natural disasters as poverty rates surge in Cuyahoga and Lorain counties.

News 5 Cleveland

4 days ago

this morning we are highlighting the power of community and the true strength of mothers a group of Northeast Ohio women has come together to start a nonprofit the goal is to support and serve families in need in our area our Mike Holden joins us live with how Queen moves was created and a look inside their first ever free store Mike this is definitely filling a need here in our community guys there's a great need and being live inside the store right here in North Ridgeville this is the power o
f community and volunteerism in full force I mean there is clothing everywhere different shape sizes colors and you got to shout out the volunteers as well as Beth and Desiree as well as their kids who woke up extra early right here for good morning Cleveland what really the purpose of this event and really the organization is erasing the stigma not being afraid to ask for help and they're giving back one article of clothing each and every time you come here what is the vibe that you want people
to feel the moment they come through here I want them to feel like they are royalty one article of gently used or Nearly New clothing at a time so right here we have our flannels clo this is what is really needed right now outerwear Cleveland natives in St Joseph Academy graduates Desiree col ascent and Beth bua are on a mission to serve their Community this has been a dream of mine we are all inclusive so we are blackowned women-owned and LGBT owned through desire's nonprofit Queen moves the a
rea mom aim to make every person feel and look their best helping those directly impacted by domestic violence evictions and natural disasters as poverty rates surge in kyoga and Lorraine counties we want people to come in here and and take what they need it's hard it's hard to ask for help St Joseph Academy taught both Beth and I help thy dear neighbor and we are helping my dear neighbor over the course of a few weeks and thanks to an army of volunteers and donors they successfully collected th
ousands of articles of clothing in every style and size imaginable accessories shoes plenty of toys and these personal hygiene items for the treat yourself Corner we had women donate brand new Bath and& Body Works items they successfully transformed this former classroom at the old field Suite Elementary School on Root Road in North Ridgeville into their first ever brick and mortar the queen moves Boutique everything here 100% free of charge people want to see their items be used for good we'll
dress them they'll look nice they'll have a personal shopper with them to pick out items that will fit them and work well with other items in the store and deser Race's Queen moves is more than just clothing it's actually a lifestyle and she wants this to be a safe space for everyone women need to help other women move forward like the queen on a chessboard the queen is the most powerful piece on that chess board because it can move anywhere as long as there's no instructions every person who sh
ops here will have their dignity maintained and feel safe regardless of their size style or background Desiree hopes the nonprofit is a beacon of light for those struggling to get back on their feet and a true support system whether you're a client or a volunteer we have grieving widows we have people who have lost children they bond while they volunteer so not only are we helping the community we are helping women that come in and they're creating these amazing amazing friendships women support
ing women friendships key wordss as you get another live look at all of the clothing right here at the North Ridgeville location now we have to point out that Queen moves officially starts accepting client applications on March 1st the process is so simple you can reach out to them on Facebook Instagram and then this particular email address it is Queen moves Inc at and while we're live in the store we obviously have the whole team here live with us this morning Mia Grace Beth and De
s and desire I got to do a quick shout what do you guys need in particular thanks for waking up especially with the kids oh of course the kids were ready ready ready so right now we need volunteers mostly um we also need funding and we also need men's clothes right now the only um thing that we are paying for is our rent so we have all these donated items for free um we give those back to the community for free so really volunteers to go through everything and funding to help increase our our sp
ace cool really quick Mia you wanted to say something what's up this is so fun I've I always help Bethany here this is so fun I can't believe I'm on news right now I love it Grayson too remember he's like News 5 all right I'm going to send it back to you guys in the studio we'll check back in with them in the next hour Mike I absolutely love this this effort and they put this all together so quickly do they have any plans to expand at this point guys they have gotten so many donations they actua
lly have another whole room coming up in the next hour we're going to show you full of stuff but they're looking to expand outside of North Ridgeville they want a kyoga county location in particular hopeful for West Park so if someone is watching at home and they know of a reasonably priced place where they can set up shop hit them up we'll link to it on this story news5 back to you guys it just goes to show that there are some great people in this community there are and I'm glad
to hear Mike that they need men's clothing because I certainly can go through my closet drop some stuff off there yeah



God Bless the helping hands...Post the email address please