
NEUROSCIENTIST: A system that people with ADHD love. #adhd #health #curiosity #shorts

Ever wonder why you or someone you know with ADHD struggles with punctuality? It's not just about running late; it's about the unique relationship with time perception. Individuals with ADHD exhibit remarkable time perception and focus, especially when confronted with severe consequences for task non-completion. Moreover, spatial organization presents another hurdle for many with ADHD. While not universal, a notable tendency towards subpar spatial organization is observed. Often resorting to what's colloquially termed the 'pile system,' individuals with ADHD create unique categorization methods that may seem chaotic to outsiders but hold internal logic and coherence to them.


9 hours ago

There are a couple other things that people  with ADHD display quite often. One is challenges with time perception. People with ADHD often run late. They often procrastinate, but what's interesting and surprising  is that if they are given a deadline, they actually can perceive time very well  and they often can focus very well if the consequences of not completing a task  or not attending are severe enough. In addition, their spatial organization skills  are often subpar, not always, but ofte
n you will find that somebody with ADHD uses what's called  the pile system in order to organize things, they will take many belongings and this  could be in the kitchen or in their bedroom or in their office or in any space  and they will start piling things up according to a categorization system  that makes sense to them and only them.
