
NEW Disneyland Paris Restaurant! Brasserie ROSALIE in Disney Village FIRST TIME Thoughts 2023

► Check out the previous vlog: Welcome to a brand NEW restaurant in Disney Village at Disneyland Paris - Brasserie Rosalie! This new Disney Village restaurant offers loads of popular French dishes, such as escargot, steak frites & French onion soup. It also has a wide selection of seafood options, from whelks to a full oyster bar! In this video, I show you my first experience eating at this restaurant and talk about my thoughts. This video was filmed in December 2023. -------------------------------------------------------- 📧 Business Enquiries: -------------------------------------------------------- ► Cameo: (personalised video shoutouts) ► Instagram: @Sam4God ► Facebook: ► Twitter: @Sam4God -------------------------------------------------------- Affiliate Links: ► Disney Loungeflys: ► Shop My Camera Vlogging Equipment: ► Shop my all over printed Disney t-shirts here: Use Code "SAM4G0D" to get 10% off any item, including the Disney all over printed t-shirts like the one I wore in this video from Cakeworthy. ► Travel Essentials: ► More Disney T-shirts & Loungeflys: -------------------------------------------------------- WATCH NEXT: 1. Disneyland Paris Shopping: 2. Disney World Vlogs 2023: 3. Surprising Disneyland Paris GUESTS: -------------------------------------------------------- Disneyland Paris Vlogs: Disneyland Paris Planning: Disneyland Paris Food: -------------------------------------------------------- #DisneylandParis #DisneyVillage #BrasserieRosalie ------------------------------------------------------- DISNEYLAND PARIS ROSALIE BRASSERIE NEW RESTAURANT REVIEW DISNEY VILLAGE 2023 -------------------------------------------------------


2 months ago

oh and I hate saying this cuz I the food has been phenomenal like so good but the service has been such a let down I have one house life and welcome to a new Disneyland Paris Vlog now in this video I'm going to go into Rosary which is a new restaurant recently open here in Disney Village and I'm going to go and try out the food for the first time show you what it's like I'm actually very excited and very hungry so let's go and have a look that's right we have a brand new restaurant in Disneyland
Paris in Disney Village which specifically opened exactly one week ago and I for one I'm looking forward to trying out I love trying new food new restaurants and the opening of rasy Ros actually marks the beginning of the transformation that Disney Village will be going through over the next couple of years of course stay open the Royal Pub not so long ago in 2023 as well and rasser Ros has just open at the end of 2023 and we'll be seeing some more changes next year anyway in case you're wonder
ing where raseri Rosal actually is located it's where the former Cafe Mickey used to be so this used to be Cafe Mickey it was a character meal I for one actually really enjoyed it and Cafe Mickey unfortunately closed with the park closes in 2020 and with that being closed they then changed it to Rosal on the other side you can see of course Rainforest Cafe and ear of Sandwich which is a very popular quick service restaurant in Disney Village but this evening it's all about Rosal and I'm loving j
ust the way it looks from the outside especially now that it's dark as well you can see it all nicely lit up it's uh feels quite nice elegant a little bit up market and that's kind of the direction that they're trying to go with Disney Village with all the renovation plans that they have for this area of dis land Paris over the upcoming years I mean even just the main sign up there rosaly looks so cool right now in the dark it doesn't feel very Disney I have to be honest just like walking P even
even without having gone in doesn't feel Disney but like I said I think that's what they're trying to do with Disney Ville is they're trying to make it more similar to Disney Springs like in the US Park that sort of vibe over here La is where they would do the Quick Service options of course because I'm filming this a little bit later in the evening it is closed I think the hours are more in the mornings towards kind of the early afternoon so I will have to do another video showing you what it'
s like to get get uh Quick Service stuff because I'm I'm personally very interested about what breakfast kind of options they have almost like a grab and go situation so it's just kind of separate window you don't have to go in there you don't have to have a reservation you don't have to sit down it's going to be a quick option so make sure you subscribe because I will be coming back for that but let's have a quick look at the menu because the menu is very vast so you can kind of see some of the
options that they have available that's the PO de that they have for €850 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. again that's another thing for me to try someday this is the menu on the children's menu for €1 16 which you can get either Rosal muscles with french fries or ham or chicken nuggets with french fries you get a little dessert and a drink with it as well there's a selection of some of the cocktails there's going to be loads of fish options in there as well so if you're into your Seafood you're g
oing to probably really enjoy this but these are some of the vion so the meats that are not fish the as well so almost like the starters I mean there's a lot there is a lot going on loads of wines as well homage and derer so the cheeses and desserts I mean I have already looked at the menu online which you can do as well and there's so many things that I would love to try here so I already feel like I'll be revisiting Rosal quite a few times over the upcoming months with that being said though I
think it's about time to head in and get some food because I am [Music] hungry [Music] so I've just been sat at a beautiful table by the window and I've got a lovely view of lake Disney and of course P Magi and I can see a little bit of Newport Bay as well it's lovely I'm already enjoying the vibe of it and it's so weird to see you know cuz obviously I came here quite a few times when it was Cafe Mickey and to be able to see the exact more or less similar layout just so different now with r Ros
ie and it's taken quite a while for this to come along like the project has been it was announced I think a while ago actually I think maybe about a year or so ago and to see it all built and looking so beautiful and already the Cass members have been really really lovely as well so I'm excited I have a good feeling about this restaurant already anyway we've got the menus here I did actually ask them to bring me one in English too because obviously when I come here I generally tend to speak Fren
ch with cast members here but I want to show you the menu properly in English so this is the drinks menu which we already had a little glimpse of outside some of the wines they have the cocktails there's the white wines over here the red wines the Roses I'm personally more of a rosé person myself wasal short too so if you want some espressos hot chocolates coffees things like that some spirits and also some soft drinks as well so in terms of sea food they do uh some wels some shrimp prawns uh ha
lf a lobster whole lobster and you can see the prices there for whole lobster it's about €45 and they all come with mayonnaise and they are served cold they've got an oyster bar as well which uh serves loads of different things loads of different oysters again you can see the prices here depending on how many you want Seafood platters the oyster tasting platter actually sounds really nice for $ 3350 you can get quite a lot of different variety of things or you can you know get a bigger one for 6
7 that will serve to the launch menu is something that we're going to have to try another time cuz it's only on from 11 :30 to 300 p.m. but it's priced at €27 and you can see what they have over here there's a some soup some raviol some muscles desserts cremet things like that I think that's quite interesting so we'll have to do that let me know if you would like me to come back these are the starters over here so you can get that cream with chestnuts again which I believe is vegetarian Parisian
style onion soup or Graton priced at €150 I think I'm going to have to actually go for that one cuz I'm I'm feeling something nice and warm and Hearty like an onion soup they do some oysters with mushrooms some snails oo I could do with some snails as well I don't know I don't know if I'm hungry enough to get two stars we'll have to maybe do the snails another time and then specialty they have the lobster pup pie these are the nonf fish Meats like I showed you earlier they do a rip steak braed
beef beef tartar Ros Zer Kraut and the fish we got some muscel salmon fet oh that salmon looks really nice as well 27o champagne roasted scallops woo they have some phenomenal phenomenal food options here especially if you're a foodie like I am and then these are the vegan options so vegan lentil sheels pie may be the only vegan option actually and you can see the prices €1 and then we've got ice creams and desserts which we'll have to figure out later I actually met a couple of lovely viewers j
ust outside the restaurant before I was coming in and they asked me specifically if I could show the vegan options because they were vegan and that's it it's the vegan lentil shuffel pie maybe I'll come and try that one one day as well cuz I like vegan food obviously I'm not vegan myself but I do enjoy trying different kinds of food so let let me know if you would like me to maybe come back one day I mean I'll be coming back plenty of times because like I said I want to try the lunch menu I want
to try the breakfast I want to try other Foods so I've Got My Little Bread Basket already went for some apple juice of course and just some tap water on the side and then this is the butter that you get with the bread um which I just I just really enjoy the Vlog I do yes you say hi hello hello thank you so much right um so the butter here I just I enjoy the way it comes in I don't know why um got two Butters I'm probably not going to eat too much bread even though I am hungry I want to make sur
e that I can you know save my appetite for all the actual food that's going to be coming to me I want to tr and get dessert too what a shot we have here honestly hopefully you guys can get an idea of just the atmosphere and the vibe and because I'm kind of on the outskirts of the restaurant if you will it's a little bit quieter than the middle section where they have the bar and the oyster bar and everything else going on although even inside I didn't find too noisy but maybe one day we'll come
back and sit inside and I'll let you know what it's like but I I love the fact that I'm able to just especially as a Solo Traveler it's just nice to be able to see people watch whilst I'm having food but just opening up the butter as you can see over here love it I enjoy just the way the butter looks so far and we've got some nice bagett over here as well I'm just going to try it out a little bit the butter phenomenal really good rad is really nice as well there's so much red here I feel like it
's plenty for like four people definitely not just for one person I'm probably just going to have this and then wait for my starter and if you're wondering what I got for my starter I did end up going for the French onion soup because so many of you guys actually especially those of you who come from the US or Canada Australia you're Ling disan Paris you often ask me is there anywhere in disan Paris where I can get french onion soup Sal and there isn't until now like it's weird right even though
it's french onion soup and you know it's quite well-known quite a well-known French dish Noah really has been serving it recently anyway over the past decade whereas now with Rosal opening they have something that loads of people want to try which is also French so we'll see what it's like obviously I'll test it out hopefully it will be nice though and speaking of French onion soups my starter which is the French onion soup has just arrived and I wish you guys could smell it because it smells r
eally really nice um feels quite big as well obviously I'll let you know how I feel if I'm even able to finish it all or not but it looks nice it looks nice it's nice and hot and I'm really looking forward to giving it a try smells so good smells lovely I just realized though I don't have a spoon I've got this I've got the knife and fork that was here but um they didn't bring me a spoon so not sure how I'm able to eat this I'm going to have to speak to the Cass member okay I grabbed another clas
s member not my main server because I'm guessing he's busy somewhere else and he gave me a spoon within like 5 seconds so not a problem whatsoever oh my God I hope you guys can see this this not only smells good but I love cheese obviously I enjoy onions as well that's why I like french onion soups but cheese I'm a huge fan of so it's incredible I'm loving what I'm seeing so far just the texture of it with all the cheese melted cheese on top and hopefully the broth will feel nice as well I'm rea
lly glad that I got so much bread left by the way I literally only had half a piece so far I'm going to use my bread now to dip into the French onion soup I don't know if you guys like doing that or not but I don't generally eat soup often unless I'm sick or something french onion soup is different though I enjoy it no matter when and I know there's some little bread pieces in there as well but I do still enjoy having some extra bread to go with it but let's uh give this a taste test that is exa
ctly what I needed on this cold night here in this L Paris that is a stunning stunning onion soup oh my God look at all the cheese and onions yeah The Taste is great not overpowering on either side like not too oniony um not too cheesy either like the balance the mixture phenomenal okay well I've more or less finished the there's still a little bit left of it and I I'm already feeling quite full I have to be honest for portion size wise really really good and one thing that I have to mention unf
ortunately is that my particular server just so far and we've only just done the starter and the bread he's just been forgetting everything getting orders wrong and I obviously speak French and English so despite that there's been so many things that have gone wrong even with the bread service and I'll speak about it a bit more maybe at the end because I I I understand the restaurant has only just opened and from what I can see most of the servers are great here in the class members like my serv
er were like my class member he's very polite he's nice but he's just getting so many things wrong I'm just going to give you a quick example here so my steak came and believe it or not he didn't even realize that I wanted to have steak he thought I was I wanted it to go which I didn't but then the steak came with the fries and the steak I asked for it to be medium and it was basically uncooked like it was so red and I think it was just a mistake again they didn't realize my the server got it wr
ong didn't realize I feel really bad cuz obviously everyone's trying to make it right for me but yeah it's not been fantastic in terms of the service so far unfortunately anyway so about 10 minutes later things have been sorted out I've got my steak here and uh now it's cooked medium by the looks of it yeah I can see some red but it's not completely uncooked um and I've got my fries uh and again I'll talk about all of this later once I'm outside but everything the food has been so far fantastic
and I'm I've got really high hopes for the steak as well so we're going to give it a go I've got the Beret sauce next to it too and I did ask for some mayonnaise which the server also got that wrong initially but everything that has gone wrong they fix it straight away which is good and I think it will be something that might get better hopefully like I said I understand the restaurant has only just opened sizewise in case you're interested this is what it looks like I apologize for the noise as
well hopefully you guys can hear me anyway but hopefully the taste of this will make up for the kind of very weird service that I've received so far this is probably the best steak I've ever had here in this Paris it's not amazing don't get me wrong it's not like phenomenal I'm a big steak lover so I've tried loads of Steaks around the world and this isn't the best but with that first bite and normally what I like to do with my steak is just try the steak on its own before I put any sauce on it
before I've had any fries or anything just just the steak itself and hopefully you guys can see there's a little piece of it very nice and medium like I said exactly the way I wanted and medium in France is normally a little bit more red than what medium would be in the US or some other countries but M no the steak is great the steak is great at last Island Paris has a place that actually sells really good steak because I feel really sad as somebody who loves is L Paris and again I have loads o
f international people that ask me about good State places in this L Paris and Parris and France has some great steaks but this man Parris himself has never really had a steak that I've absolutely loved I mean Sher me the steak there is pretty good it's I mean I enjoy my meals there normally but the steak isn't phenomenal it's not great it's not like you don't go to Sher me for the steak you go for the experience the steak at the steakhous is fine it's kind of hit and go this steak and I'm hopin
g it will stay as good as it is because again don't forget this restaurant has only just opened it's been about a week so I don't want to like hype it up or say it's not very good just based on this one experience you have to kind of I think you have to come a few times to kind of see exactly what it's like if it stays consistent foodwise service if it gets better all of that stuff I will keep you updated on so make sure you are subscribed but just from the Stak alone it just melts in your mouth
and that's exactly what I want with my steak like not chewy at all it's cooked exactly the way I wanted well now it is initially it was barely cooked but once I told them it's not medium and they realized St away that it wasn't the server just got it wrong like I said fantastic let's try one of the fries as well the fries are good the fries are nothing special I would say they're like amazing but they're nice and they go well with what we have here hi I don't know how long those guys were there
but there you go they said hello I mean I've not even had to use the BNA sauce or the mayonnaise yet because the flavor of the steak itself is so delicious that I I'm okay just having the steak on its own even the fries I don't feel like I need them I I put one here but yeah the fries obviously go well with the steak but the fries on their own aren't anything special in my opinion the steak itself though so good well I am extremely full but that steak was Del as you can see finished it all I en
joyed it it was one of the best meals I've had in this lamp Paris it's gone quite Misty and foggy outside honestly I've really enjoyed being Sat by the table and just people watching and obviously seeing Pik Theon as well it's a great area to be cuz it's not too busy it's just like a nice FL of people coming which is lovely but with that being said my dessert has arrived and I decided to go for like I think it was like some kind of chocolate mousse sule kind of thing I saw another person have it
and I just had to go for it it looked really good and let me know what you guys think just based on what it looks like do you think it looks good because I like chocolatey things and I think this is going to be very very much my thing so we'll give it a go except I just realized we can't give it a go because I don't have any Cutlery my Cutlery was taken I still have the source left here I can't I can't taste this wow the service genuinely has been awful and I feel bad saying it because you know
I understand what it's like to start a new job and you know start to learn things as you go but I know it's just everything has gone wrong and I know like if it was only one thing I'd be like that's fine I don't mind waiting a few minutes until somebody comes and I can ask them for a spoon or something Cutlery to eat this but the fact that it happened with almost everything nothing has gone right with the service like oh and I hate saying this cuz I the food has been phenomenal like so good but
the service has been such a let down and not because of like the cast member has a great personality I can see that he's working hard so I really I'm confused I'm conflicted but I'm just going to have to wait now and see if a class member is available my class member's here he's just not paying attention so once I can eat it I will eat it and let you know what it's like okay we have a spoon now at last I can give this a little taste test I'm just going to dig into it here o oh nice it feels so
lovely it's like a s flare basically like a chocolate Mose types of flare with um I guess vanilla ice cream on top it smells so so good feel like it's going to be a little messy though especially cuz I'm about to eat this with my left hand but it's beautiful it is so so good I just I feel like I've just had a very conflicting evening here because the service I'm not going to lie has started to annoy me even though I understand like I understand that this is a new restaurant and the guy is trying
his best but it can become frustrating when every single thing is going wrong right and I'm a very patient person but the food has just been excellent in terms of at least is and Paris food I would actually say in terms of all the Disney theme parks I've been to this is definitely one of the best restaurants in terms of the food that I've ever been to every single CT that I've had including this dessert and I'm not generally the biggest dessert person but wow get this if you love chocolate if y
ou love vanilla if you just love suers and chocolate mousse oh my God so good and with that being said we have the bill here and all together as you can see came to € 6450 which I truly don't think is too bad for the amount of good food that I had in a theme park as well not bad as you can see we got the sh P that was my apple juice the super the dessert which was €1 but honestly I would happily pay that again even though I couldn't finish it just because I was too full it was so so good the sou
onion the onion soup was $150 and then the onot my state was 3450 and it was such a good steak that I again I feel like it's it's fine it's a good price it's a reasonable price not necessar good price I would have obviously preferred it to be a little bit cheaper but it's a reasonable price considering we're literally here in Disney Village I thought I would also quickly show you this though so on each table they have this little QR code where you can scan it to pay the bill so if you wanted to
you could just do it by scanning the CB rather than waiting for the server to come which is great obviously I just paid it directly but this is a nice option anyway we have finally left Ros I say finally like I was there for a very good amount of time like it was actually in terms of the time that I spent it was good it was reasonable it was exactly how I liked it I just wish the service was better and I did actually speak to kind of the main cast member at the entrance because she was the one
who greeted me when I first arrived and I think all the class members for the most part have been really really nice and even my server was lovely and I even stressed to the class member here I just said um obviously it's my first time so they were asking me what I thought especially because I'm Vlogging as well and I said look the food was excellent really really good the service one the worst I've had in this land Paris and I then I told her I said it's I really I don't want to name the person
I don't want to name the cast member I don't want them to get in trouble or anything I just think maybe it's a good idea to maybe have them do some more training maybe they need a bit more training before they start working on a Sunday night and he wasn't even that busy in there so I think he was only in charge of two tables literally and he was he was still finding it quite complicated and it's just a shame because and I said it again to this uh lady at the entrance I'm just I'm just on my own
I'm Soo I come here often so things like that I can just you know it doesn't bother me too much I like to obviously be honest and let you guys know because I feel like if what happened to me had happened to a family with children and the children are hungry sat waiting for the food and that class M was getting all the food and orders and everything wrong could make or break a meal really it could for me it didn't break the meal I still had a wonderful time and I will go back because the food wa
s good and I think this may have hopefully just been an exception maybe it was just because the past member had just started hopefully in a week's time you know if that same class member serves somebody else he'll be excellent you know I want to give everyone the benefit of Doubt and I know what it's like to be you know starting a new job and you know trying to figure things out it takes a while I get it let me try and just give you some examples of things that he got wrong and they're all small
things but when you add them all up it just becomes a bit of a mess really so my first experience with this class member seemed to have gone quite well I felt like you know I ordered everything he seemed very nice very nice friendly very chatty um but then as soon as I ordered everything and I don't think my meal my order was complicated I mean I went for the steak the onion soup and I hadn't even ordered the dessert back then it was just those two things and my drink so I ordered all this stuf
f and he seemed very you know nice and listening and then at the end of it he was just like okay so he basically forgot everything almost like he remembered the last thing I'd so him which was the steak and then he was like was there anything else you wanted and I was like yeah the the onion soup as well please and I just again at that point I was just giving him the benefit of doubt I thought you know things like this can happen people can forget um but I was a bit confused because he seemed to
be writing it down as well and he was still confused and then with my steak um he obviously asked how I wanted it and I said not only did I say a because a means medium in French and I was speaking in French with him but just to be sure I was like a medium you know just wanted both and he was like yeah of course you know and then he actually started you know speaking English to me he was like if you want to speak English we can and I was like no don't worry um I just with some with some words I
want to make sure that I you know get it right so I wanted to say give both langu and he was so lovely like truly he was a very nice person I think he just needs more training anyway so I said that to him and then I was just sat there waiting my drink came but I'd also asked for some tap water which didn't come until I had to remind him again which was fine like you know that's really nothing of importance but then I was just sat there for about 15 minutes just looking at the tables and most of
the tables that were served by other people had Reds on them like a little bread basket and mine didn't and I saw that there were bread baskets there that somebody just had to bring over to me and obviously I wasn't I'm going to just get up and do it myself so when I managed to see that cos again I just said you know can I please have some bread and he was like yeah bread okay and he like brought it over straight away so really it wasn't a problem it's just the fact that I think simple things l
ike you know bring the bread he didn't even you know do that and then my French onion soup came and that's the one part that actually I think went well apart from the fact obviously he forgot the spoon so I just had the French onion soup in front of me without being able to eat it but that was rectified very quickly didn't mind whatsoever and then I when I started to really get frustrated and that's actually I think when I mentioned it to you because you know until that point I was ready to just
not really even talk about it cuz I thought it's something that can happen you know I'm not going to be too harsh on them considering they've just opened but then after I finished my French onion soup I see that my server come with some guy who seem to be the manager they both come together and they're like I'm sorry you can't I'm afraid you can't have the stake to go and I was like what do you mean I I wanted here I didn't want it to be to go and and then the manager like basically the manager
acted as if obviously that what I wanted it's almost like the manager realized that that Cass member had got it wrong so as soon as I said that the manager was like to the Cass member yeah of course she wants it here kind of thing um so for whatever reason the cast member had thought that I want my steak to go I had I never said that I never said that in any language so I'm extremely confused about that so again obviously once I said that I wanted it there it was fine and you know I had my stea
k about 5 6 minutes after that except when the steak arrived to my table and this was actually another cast member she she came with my service they kind of both came together and that other class member was like okay so this steak is for somebody else who's joining you and I was like no the steak is for me and then again like once I said it it was fine then I was like oh of course it's fine it's for you but I was like it's me like I'm here for a three course meal I don't understand why they tho
ught I just wanted the French onion you know soup and nothing else it was so bizarre to me um and then the steak came and it was raw it was raw because the guy thought that I wanted it raw or like rare basically Bally rare is probably what it was and that's the point that I just genuinely really didn't understand because I had specified so many times I was like a a which is medium and I even said it in medium I said it both like at least six or seven times just to make sure and people often know
what medium means so even if you don't speak French if you say medium they should know it but I obviously had said it in both languages and it came completely rare and it was obvious that it was rare and I just wanted my steak to be medium right I don't like it when it's that Bloody so it came and it was literally almost uncooked and and once I said it to not my own server I said it to the the woman who was there and the other cast member who had brought the steak over thinking it wasn't for me
thinking it was for somebody else who wasn't ever going to ride cuz it was just me dining there on my own tonight as soon as I saw this S I was like um this is rare and like both class members realized straight away that that was a mistake again like there wasn't an argument or anything like I was like oh this is rare I said medium and the woman because she actually wasn't the one who taken my order she was just a bit confused so she went to the guy she was like did she say medium then this is
not medium and the guy was like oh you know he just seems very confused and I was like yeah I I definitely said medium I said AA so they took it back to get it more cooked again they dealt with everything well but there were just too many problems right trying to think what else happened really obviously you saw the dessert the dessert arrived and I didn't have a spoon when the dessert came nobody took the sauce like the Beret sauce was just chilling there and I feel like that's not very good se
rvice either and even my plate my finished plate with the steak the female cast member took away not my own server I don't know it just the service really wasn't great I'm prettyy sure there would have been a few more things as well oh my God even with like the bill like there were things that he was confused about there was just a lot and I feel so bad for saying this but I want to be honest in my videos because if you're coming to desan Paris in the next couple of weeks for instance and you di
ne at Rosalie you may get that same server or you may get another server who is also still new you know and still training and not very confident or you know relaxed about this job and they may also give you a very bad service and again I need to stress he was very nice and he was trying his best so I've nothing against his like attitude or his professionalism uh as a way of talking to me but in terms of like just actually how he served me it really wasn't good so that's why I felt so frustrated
cuz I wanted him to do well like I was rooting for him but he was getting everything wrong I don't know have you guys ever been in a situation like this because for me it was quite unique situation like I've had bad service before but when it's been bad service it's just been like bad service in like both departments like by attitude and like not being good at giving you stuff that you need but this was just really frustrating and I really hope that you know he gets better and I'm sure he will
like I'm sure he will but this just wasn't it it really wasn't it so I'm sorry to say that my first experience at rosaly wasn't the best however as much as I was really frustrated with the service the food was phenomenal like really really good and good across the board I mean I loved my dessert I loved my main course I lik my starter the onion soup was really nice even the bread and butter which I had to ask for was delicious yeah the food was fantastic and the menu is so extensive here that I
really do want to come back and try some of the other options that they have here and maybe next time I'll get another server and the whole experience might be different just the thing just bear that in mind you might have a fantastic you know experience here if you get another server who's been here longer who has had more training maybe is a bit more confident then you know you might have a very good experience because the food standard the quality of the food was so so good but this guy I mea
n even when I was like telling him things that I wanted everything that I like said that I wanted including the dessert because I ordered my dessert after he like had to like look at it a million times to make sure like he wasn't familiar even with the menu and I get it the menu is quite large but he just it was very obvious that he probably needs a bit more training and I'm sad I am sad but it doesn't mean that I won't come back to Rosalina like I said I did say both to him actually even the ca
st member I thanked him even though his service wasn't great his personality was lovely and I thanked him and he said I hope you come come back one day and I said yeah of course I will and I said the same same thing to the female cast member who had greeted me because I want to come back I want to try the breakfast here the lunch menu I want to try the Quick Service I might even come back for dinner one day I want to get the escap wars I'll be back I will be back anyway this was my first time ea
ting at braser rosali here the new restaurant in Disney Village that has replaced Cafe Mickey look how foggy it is honestly it's become so Misty the atmosphere is uh you can very much tell it's it's a cold wintry evening here but like I said overall love the food service just was very frustrating with that being said though thank you so much for watching this video I'd love to hear your thoughts if you have visited Rosal yet obviously it's still quite new but if you've been there let me know wha
t you thought of it what food you got and from the menu that I showed you if you were to come here what would you order like there was so much there if you're a fish lover you're in luck because they have so many great fish options and seafood options the steak was delicious they have some vegetarian options the soup was good so yeah yeah leave comments down below I'd love to hear your thoughts and yeah I am very very full so that was €64 very well spent I would say but thank you so much for wat
ching this video make sure you subscribe for more videos because I will be back and I've got so many other besta friend reviews on my channel that you can check out if you want to and follow me on Instagram too if you want to also this this jumper that I'm wearing just remembered cuz I know that some of you may ask it's a wish one it's h from cakeworthy and I'm affiliated with them the link is always in my description so if you want to buy something similar to this or other Disney tops and t-shi
rts that I tend to use and wear then check out the link down below thank you I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye



This video will definitely be a real eye opener for the restaurant. The video’s you make have a massive impact!


0:19 u look FAB in that Hat😊


Wow, a new restaurant in Disneyland Paris? This is so beautiful😊 I love Disneyland Paris🤩


Thankyou for your honest opinion❤ that’s exactly what we need. Hopefully the service will be much better next time. And I’m happy to hear that the food was great.


I had some bad service in my life too. I am glad that this server got you instead of someone else. I think they would have burned him to the ground. You are always so nice :)


27:15 gosh Sam ...thank u for your i have never had that many things go wrong w just one meal. Sad really.


They’ve had French Onion Soup at The Royal Pub / King Ludwig’s, one of the best things I’ve eaten 🤤


The amount of times you’ve gone to Disneyland Paris must feel like your home now you go so many times and you do awesome vlogs.


Thank you a lot for your feedback ! Hope to see you soon 😍


Sam, you never disappoint. What a class you are regarding the way you handled that poor service. My wife and I were both in the service industry for decades and I can say with almost 100% certainty that server never worked in a restaurant before. What should have happened was an apology and correction. It can be so daunting in the beginning. That is not an excuse by any means. Hopefully someone will retrain him then shadow him with someone who has experience. Thank you for the fabulous vlogs. We can't wait to plan our trip to Disneyland Paris.


You need to tell the truth. This is so informative. The world deserves to know.


Sorry to hear you had bad service! Fingers crossed it gets better. Loved your vlog as always!. I also love your Wish jumpers too,keep up the amazing work! ❤xx


Food looks unreal!! Can I ask what sizes of the jumper are like hun compared to spirit jerseys for comparison. What size do you wear normally? And also will you be doing a Disneyland hotel review? Xx


There is no AP discount there?


You are too kind, the service was terrible and even though you give a benefit of doubt forgetting so much is just not ok. He was just not paying attention or not made for the service world. How could you forget a spoon with soup? It's just common knowledge. But still going to have to try that steak! Just hope they improve their service for future dining experiences!


It's such a shame that everything went so wrong, but thank you for your honest review, the food looked delicious and I'm definitely planning on trying the dinner menu in March, I'm thinking of trying the escargot, so hopefully if you're there again before me, I'll get to see them reviewed as well as 😂 merry Christmas Sam!


Sounds like it was just that cast member, probably a young kid starting out a new job. I still want to try it.


Thank you as always. Brilliant, honest review. I will be coming over on the 8th of January on my first solo trip and have booked myself here on my first night. Just have to try the snails and lobster 🦞. I was also hoping to enjoy a meal at Walt’s but unfortunately it’s closed when I’m there! Was going to get the pin. As it’s closed will there be any way to get the pin from anywhere else? Anyway, as always thank you for your brilliant and informative blogs. Andrew X


I will remember every trip to Cafe Mickey. I don’t think I’ll remember it’s replacement if I ever go there. Cafe Mickey was more Disney than Disney! How short sighted, what a shame.


Food looked so good! Though, server might just be incompetent 🙄It's a restaurant, you serve food, how can you forget a spoon?!