
New Heartland S18E07 Full Episode 2024 || Heartland Best Family TV Show 2024 Full

New Heartland S18E07 Full Episode 2024 || Heartland Best Family TV Show 2024 Full New Heartland S18E07 Full Episode 2024 || Heartland Best Family TV Show 2024 Full New Heartland S18E07 Full Episode 2024 || Heartland Best Family TV Show 2024 Full

Ruhul Fun Tv

11 hours ago

W your friends from New York are awfully generous look at all this stuff I know I'm surprised you even told them there was a wedding well I didn't Kayla posted it on social media and so now everybody knows the whole world that our non-wedding was actually a wedding well there truly is no privacy anymore is there no it never sees this to amaze me what people post so there's this new guest at the dude ranch today and she calls herself a bird flu right I know but she's actually a pretty good photog
rapher and she has 20,000 followers wow 20,000 in one now no I'm just doing research so Lou asked me if I would fill in for her when she's away at that conference I hope you didn't feel obligated no of course not was a little last minute so I was momentarily annoyed but I've realized ever since the cattle drive that I need to make more of an effort with Lou want to stay on her good side well I've been doing that since she was born there right I guess I should go over there and make sure everythi
ng's ready no wish me luck you don't need it you're the most overqualified Dude Ranch manager of all time you got this thank you you're sure the guy you saw was Grady yeah I am why isn't he locked up somewhere with his pal JD I don't know so what do you want to do for now nothing I'm ready okay sweetheart let's go get Harley tacked [Music] out hey you two thank you for your hard work in cleaning of the Dude Ranch it looks great over there thanks the welcome Refreshments are pretty much good to g
o all right you are both amazing I'm glad you think so but frankly our talents are being wasted on menal labor not to mention the pay is pathetically l I think a 20% increase in our wages would only be fair ah okay well that's not really my department I'm just filling in for l so you're going to have to ask her when she gets back um where does your mom keep the extra Linens uh just down the H okay all right I'll be right back you know my mom's in charge right there's no point in asking Jessica f
or a raise I know but I'm just sick and tired of being taken for granted all the time I'm taking a break she was just starting to get her bearings now this yeah yeah the timing couldn't be worse how is she I don't know numb more than anything what are you doing I'm going to make sure Amy never runs into Grady ever again hey just hold up now you need to take a breath and think about this before you do something you're going to regret I can't sit around doing nothing Jack you coming let's go Mommy
yeah you hanging on okay [Music] hi welcome to Heartland I'm Jessica hi I'm Rick I work with Lou at the mayor's office ah yes of course I've heard so much about you and this is my mother Gladis I was just looking at your bird photography online it is beautiful that's kind of you to say Richard do you really expect me to stay here just give it a chance mother Jessica what do you think of a son who won't let his mother stay with him at his home it's not enough that I endured 12 hours of Labor bri
nging him into this world but I've also flown all the way across the pond just to see him it's just for a few days until the house Rena are finished as I recall you were doing house Rena the last time I visited you made me stay at that dreary Motel it was literally the most expensive hotel in B wasn't Carl away on a business trip then too Carl's work is very timec consuming but he does wish that if I'm not mistaken that is a pine gross Peak may as well go Richard I'll be fine here at least Birds
won't abandon me Mom seems really nice she's uh terrifying I love her but there's only so much I can take the timing of our house Rena was no accident nor was my husband's business trip well uh thanks so much Jessica looking after her good [Music] luck there's my swing when I saw these trees I knew they were perfect for a swing you can basically see everything from here it's an incredible [Music] view which way do you want to go sweetheart this way okay [Music] glattus so in the morning I will
stop by with an organic locally sourced breakfast we offer trail rides if you'd like to book one and we also have an art Market on the weekend if that's something that you're interested in the only reason I agreed to stay here was because Lou promised me a sighting of a mountain bluebird my followers are very eager to see the the photos and I simply cannot disappoint them orthologist can be a rather thickle Bunch yeah I can imagine well uh some of the most beautiful photographs that I have ever
taken have been on a trail ride maybe you might want to consider combining the two on a horse a bird watching trail ride how marvelous my followers would love that rich and I going hiking tomorrow how's the day after that's perfect I'll set it up # bird watching trail ride [Music] L you Grady who wants to know I'm ty bordon father-in-law Ty bordon I got you shot hey we just want to talk to you here's how it's going to go you're going to do the decent thing and you're going to leave town I'm not
going anywhere I served my time I'm just trying to get on with my life why should you get to live your life and I can't live his I asked a question speak up if you don't get out of here I'm going to call the cops now you don't have to do that cuz we're not stay and you've said your peace let's go listen I told you this wasn't the way to handle things you're making a bad situation worse it wasn't my fault jorth used me was just an accident that's all that's all yeah that what you said that's all
all right all right you shouldn't have done [Music] that where were [Music] you gas station why did you do that Grandpa well don't blame him Amy wasn't his fault he tried to stop me I didn't listen what happened the guy has no remorse Amy should have heard him trying to make it sound like he was the victim now he's just going around living his life like nothing happened so I punched him no [Music] regrets Amy I'm sorry that I let that happen today I should have tried harder to stop your dad but
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to punch Grady to believe me I've imagined doing a lot worse to me so have I does that surprise you that you're human no I can't do this grandp I don't know how to live in a world where Grady wakes up every day and Ty doesn't yeah I know it doesn't seem right does I was so good he traveled the world to save endangered animals he he danced with me in the back of his truck when we missed my school dance he was he was the best dad and now Tai is gone because of
him and I hate damn I you can feel that way you can feel however you want I'm angry I'm angry at Grady I'm angry at myself I'm angry at dad for acting like such an idiot why didn't he ask me what I wanted I know what Tim did was all kinds of wrong we're not always the best versions of ourselves at times like this often with the very wased so what do I do I don't have the answer to that Amy just just know that I'm here for you you're never going to believe this Lou promised gladus a mountain blue
bird sighting I did the research and they're extremely rare and so the chance of seeing one is slim to none so not only is gladus going to be disappointed but so will her 20,000 followers what's wrong something happened the guy that shot Amy and Tai he's back in town oh yeah oh Tim I'm sorry I don't even know what to say oh I knew this day was coming what do you mean Amy and Jack basically buried their heads in the sand during the trial but I followed the whole thing Grady got a reduced sentence
because he was willing to testify against JD WTH the guy that they were really after and I wanted to get a lawyer to make sure that that Grady didn't get off so easy but Amy she wanted to move on I just should have pushed her harder I should have done more to protect her even if you had hired a lawyer that doesn't mean it would have made any difference I should have done something anything it would have been better than what I did which was nothing it's been a long day I'm going to bed okay lis
ten look at me this is not your fault he you can't blame yourself for this you know that [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] CH [Music] 10 [Music] hey you're up early where have you been I couldn't sleep I just went for a drive next time take your phone with you yeah sorry about that wasn't thinking are you okay do you want to talk about it I can't I can't I got to get ready for [Music] work those the steer retreating for foot rot yeah but I can handle it oh come on I came all all the way out here
might as well be useful are we just going to act like yesterday didn't happen I'm here to work Jack hand me the [Music] meds I have no good cards you win I lose again that's it you're just giving up oh I'm so glad I found youu Parker I've been thinking about what you said yesterday I agree you girls are capable of so much more than just menial labor at the Dude Ranch so I have come up with a special project for you both to tackle and what kind of salary would this special project come with I wil
l pay you both a $20 bonus but only on one condition you need to help me find a bird [Music] [Music] St [Music] Hur all right I don't know what happened Critter got away from me I'll tell you what happened your head's not in the game just get my horse [Music] please what do you say after we get supplies at the feed store we go and get some broccoli no let's get some ice cream you don't want broccoli all right we'll see what we can do hey hey what are you doing stop stop stop what are you doing g
et down you fell asleep hey sweetheart mommy's just a little bit tired how's your puzzle coming almost finished [Music] good news we located a mountain bluebird really that was fast we didn't actually find one we just did some online research a conservation group set up a bunch of nesting boxes just outside of okes if you head over there you're guaranteed to see a bluebird except for that I promise glattus a bird watching Trail right here not Nook well finding a blue bird here would be like look
ing for a needle in a hay stack it makes way more sense to take glasses to the nesting boxes maybe I was wrong about you two what do you mean you asked us to find a bluebird nest and that's exactly what we did no I asked you to find a nest on the property so I'm sorry no bird no bonus but that's not fair that is business now if you'll excuse me I'm going to have to go and break the news to glattus but don't say anything to her yet we'll do some more research and see what we can find okay the tra
il ride is tomorrow so you don't have a lot of time we won't let you down okay more research we literally looked at everything there is online about Mountain bluebirds we're never going to find one what is with you today you're so negative I'm just being realistic you're not even trying same with the card game earlier you gave up before it was even over nothing ever works out the way I wanted to so why bother fine you stay here and feel sorry for yourself but I'm going to go earn that bonus [Mus
ic] got [Music] him champ is acting up yeah that yearing gave him a hard time I think he's spooked maybe you ought to call it today no there's too much work I'm fine you're not fine you're distracted and I think we both know why am I about to get a classic Jack Bartlett lecture on why violence is never the the answer no you're not I wouldn't waste my breath you know what you did yeah and you know what you did what's that nothing just stood there you treated that trigger happy idiot like he was a
human being instead of the criminal that ruined Amy's life what should I have done punch him to run him over with my truck an eye for an eye exactly yeah how's that working out for you just fine really cuz I saw you dragging yourself back to the ranch at the crack of dawn you were out all night weren't you I went for a drive yeah how's your wife feel about that none of your business you're right it's not but what happens out here with the cattle that is my business and you're not fit to be work
ing give me a break shut your trap I'm not finished if you want revenge hire that lawyer you kept going on about during the trial that load of good it'll do you but if it makes you feel better go ahead but beating up Grady or Worse you're the one who's going to end up behind bars and I will not let that happen Amy's already lost too many people I will not let her lose a father not while I'm stand and do I make myself [Music] clear [Music] [Music] [Music] there how's champ doing he not himself Gr
anda said that he got spooked by a steer yeah he seems to think it was my fault was it maybe well I can start working with him build up his confidence okay if you want I don't like how things were left off yesterday about this old Grady situation just here [Music] for get up come on good boy the steer's a little slow I really Champ's time that's the point this steer doesn't pose a threat once he builds his confidence up then I'll move on to faster cattle but not until he's ready well he's ready
champ looks bored out of his mind Dad if this is too hard for you to watch then you can just go no I want to be here okay then let me do my [Music] job [Music] Katie yeah I need to tell you something you have to promise to never repeat it to anyone okay you know Logan right yeah it's totally embarrassing but I thought he asked me to go to the wedding with him okay obviously he didn't and I just made myself believe he did and when he asked me to dance I thought maybe I was wrong but then I found
out that Jade put him off to it is that why you've been so upset lately can't believe I'm one of those girls who crashes on a guy and obsesses about it so not me just feel so stupid you know what I think what Logan seems all right but he has nothing on you you're smart and funny you take on all these causes because you actually care about stuff that's bigger than yourself Logan may not know it yet but you're a very rare Bird Parker Yang where is a mountain bluebird Katie yeah thanks don't mentio
n it it be quier we'll never find a bird [Music] it's more like it Champs back to his old self well he's definitely improved can I give him a run I don't think so dad I think it's too soon ah there only one way to find out come on bud come on Rock get out come on get out easy hey easy easy come on I know what you're going to say it's not champ it's me you're angry I can tell so can champ aren't you angry Amy of course I'm angry I would love for Grady to feel just a tiny bit of the pain he caused
me but if I do that where does it stop yeah Grady pulled the trigger but he wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for JD so maybe he should pay you're right and what about the doctors that discharged Tai from the hospital he obviously was in no condition to go home so maybe we should just sue them we should and what about me I knew that there was something wrong with Tai that morning and I didn't make him go back to the hospital maybe if I had a v still be alive you know Dad there is a lot of b
lame to go around but I have to fight it cuz yeah I'm angry but I am not going to let it ruin my life I have come way too far for that I should have done something I should have hired a lawyer to put Grady away I should have protected you you are not listening to me dad greedy is not a monster okay yes he pulled the trigger but he was not aiming at me or a Tai he was shooting at a wolf what happened it was horrible and there's no way to make sense of it I don't know what to do I don't know how t
o make it better I don't know that there is a way to make it better all we can do is keep going you know after mom died it was Spartan joining up with him that helped me connect with myself and with horses and after Tai it was Lindy who kept me from losing myself again you need to find what works for you before your anger Burns everything down [Music] you know who I am we need to talk what my dad did was wrong he should have never come here I'm not a bad person I don't know what kind of person y
ou are all I know is that you took someone from me someone who I loved very much and I have to live with that for the rest of my life yes I do I listen I didn't mean to hurt you or your husband but I'm sorry it happened it's not good enough you took so much from me but not everything I have a good life and I'm moving on with it so should [Music] you my son has decided to spend the day with me he's OB viously feeling guilty about dumping me here not the reason is it okay if he joins us on the tra
il ride oh yeah of course I'll just T up another horse um but before we go listen I wanted to tell you something I know that Lou had promised you a mountain blueb bird sighting but as you know they are very rare and uh and could you just excuse me for just one sec we found one you did are you sure we can show you where the nest is that is amazing and as I was saying Lou promised you a blooper sighting and that is exactly what you were going to get thank you girls off we go all right let's give t
his a shot huh [Music] than he is absolutely [Music] stunning you're right about this place Richard it's wonderful I'm just so pleased you're happy mother stop slouching you'll end up with a hunchback thank you for making this happen Jessica I'm giving this place my highest recommendation on all my social media prepare to have an influx of bird as booking in yeah well it will be thrilled but it's really Katie and Parker who deserve all the credit cuz I put them in charge of finding the nest and
they really delivered well done girls we also saw great blue hair and not too far from here and a ruby Crown Kinglet we can show you if you're interested I am most definitely interested lead the way that's it the last time I saw my mother this happening was at my father's [Music] funeral let's [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] that's move boy there you go you got him got him what was [Music] that close in a good job good job Tim Jack I was wrong never should have dragged you to that gas
station with me I'm sorry I'm grateful you were there though cuz if you weren't I probably would have done something that I regretted a lot more yeah if you didn't hit him I probably would have I don't think so you're a good man Jack truth is I didn't have a lot of those growing up didn't know what a good man was till I met you so thank you don't let that go to your head cuz you can be real self-righteous and bossy okay okay just go back to work bossy hey hey so how'd everything work out at the
Dude Ranch it was a good day actually how are you I had a good day too good I'm glad to hear it I dump this okay I shouldn't have left the other night without saying anything I'm sorry you left me alone in the dark I know don't ever do that to me again I won't promise I won't from now on we Face the hard times together okay come [Music] here look Mommy a pretty Bluebird oh yeah I see it too you know your grandmother used to say that bluebirds bring happiness it must be true why do you say that b
ecause I'm happy you know what what I'm happy [Music] too you can't go in there with him it's okay Daddy's going to be okay hey K hey hey you all right can you hear me yeah okay what day is it I don't know come on seriously what day is it I have a kid every day is the same okay he's fine pretty big wrecked into practice you okay n I've seem worse now can we talk about my ride I thought you wanted me to keep that to myself just the part where you tell me you told me so look I get it it's very dif
ferent than with the saddle but I want to learn why don't you just stick to what you already do really well because I need another event if I want to start winning on the all-around Cowboy buckles soon to be renamed all around cowgir buckles okay I get it I respect your ambition so will you teach me yeah but you're going to have to take your lumps best way to learn is to keep doing it until you stop being thrown okay let's get to it I want to enter both Bron events at the first rodeo of the indo
or season and win all around Buckle well it's good not to set your goals too high Grandpa how was practice well Caleb had a pretty bad fall oh yeah was he okay he somehow avoided getting hurt but I think it shook him up pretty bad he was quiet on the way home so this bike yeah yeah I know how hard the reminders a tie can be it's not just that I've somehow started finding comfort in these things just like you said I would but I don't know how anyone could let Tai's bike go like this he would be s
o upset I agree so I'm going to fix her up really no I'm going to give it a shot thank you and once it's good to go I think we should sell it to someone who will actually ride it you don't want to keep it well it was it was really thoughtful of Caleb to bring it to us but Ty would want someone who is actually going to enjoy his motorcycle the way he did well that makes good sense I'll get started on it tomorrow [Music] thanks well look who came by to say hello with paces yum yes y's right you di
dn't have to do that well I figured with L out of town I thought you guys might need a little bit of help but it looks to me like like you two have everything in order here so uh you care to stay for dinner uh no thank you it smells delicious but I actually already ate it yourself why don't you come and say hello to your Gigi hey are you staying for dinner uh no I'm not actually want a coffee uh no I only have it over the fire now Cowboy waves have ruined it for me any either way so that was qui
te the wreck today wasn't it yeah Caleb's lucky he didn't get trampled what someone got trampled oh no no somebody just fell just was a awkward fall happens sometimes I don't care why you guys are so willing to risk your lives for this crazy sport it's like a total death wish there are a lot of dangerous sports like hockey football boxing there's a point to those there's an objective that's more than just seeing how many times you can land on your head before you can't form a complete sentence h
ave you ever even been to a rodeo no it's not exactly the New York activity okay I think you should come by sometime and check out of practice I don't know I don't think it's my thing oh like Polo was my thing no I guess not especially after you got your butt [Music] kicked [Music] what how's it going well she's in just as bad a shape as she looks how long to fix it I got to flush the fuel system reseal the Sharks repack the wheel bearing and here's the big problem I'm right here this carburetor
is shot can you just replace it oh yeah but not the easiest part to track down for this particular bike I'm probably going to have to order one from the UK and who knows how long that's going to take oh wow I'm sorry I had no idea it would be this much work maybe we should just sell the bike as is well now that I've started I'd kind of like to do it myself you sure okay as long as you don't mind Caleb hey how are you feeling oh just a little hitch in my gy up no big deal looks like it Jack's wo
rking on the bike yeah yeah he's got to replace the carburetor and a few other things but once he does that I what I really appreciate you finding that bike for me and it was so kind of you to bring it back here but I'm going to sell it and of course I'll pay you back the money that wasn't really the point I know it's just no one can ride it here and that's not what Ty would have wanted he'd want someone to appreciate that bike the same way he did yeah okay hey hey thanks for giving me a ride yo
u ready yeah don't you guys get bucked off or anything I will do my best okay remember you put your feet over the points of the horse's shoulders bring your knees up toward your chin and your heels should come up as high as a handle in the rigging okay I don't like it why not she should be riding with two hands like the rest of the women on the circuit no way I want to qualify for the all-around Buckle I go up against the guys in Saddle Bronx and I can do it in bear back also okay find your hand
really tight all right [Music] [Music] okay come on that's that's too tight I need to get a good grip just a little looser Caleb you okay it was too loose I told you I didn't have a good enough grip no it was a shortcut if you want to ride with one hand you're going to have to get as strong as the guys okay remember to keep your core tight that's where your Power Balance comes from hope you know there's no champagne flutes here High Society Polo people oh yeah it's definitely more grounded lite
rally that Landing had to hurt oh you'd be surprised with a little adrenaline will L kill the pain yeah so it wears off and you're walking funny for the rest of your life is that a shot no I just I don't get why anybody would want to do this although I have to say I admire Jade's tenacity she knows what she wants and she's not going to let anything stand her any away she is amazing she is amazing she is an amazing coach even if he does walk a little [Music] fun right Amy good news you found a ca
rburator yes I did tracked one down just outside of London England should be here in a month you can't find one that will come sooner than that I'm happy I found one at all it'll get here when it gets here I was just thinking that you'd want to keep the momentum going it is what it is I'm going to go throw a tarp on that bike for now [Music] sck out old [Music] man [Music] moving a little slow this morning yeah a couple more aches and pains than usual why did you get tossed off a few more Bronx
Yeah Tim seems to think the more I get bucked off the quicker I'll adjust my form to avoid the pain I just don't see how eating dirt is going to make you learn a new skill especially when it comes to saddle Bronx versus bear bag it's a totally different thing tell me about it why don't you try learning on a broke course really is that a thing I don't know why not get the feel for riding bear back without actually hitting the ground every time you make a mistake I actually really like the sound o
f that do you want me to give you a hand can you meet me after practice this morning yeah sure uh I'll bring Spartan he'll be perfect for that great thanks could I get one of those to go please sure hey hi I thought you only drank coffee off the fire now well no one's offered to make me one of his famous cowboy coffees so well that could be a range I can't get your practice out of my mind Mr surreal it was ugly but it was beautiful at the same time well thanks I think and here I am on this pilgr
image I'm trying to seek out all these new experiences and never in a million years did I think that Rodeo would be one of those well I'm glad we could make an impression should have brought your camera would you have been okay with that why not well I kind of felt like I was a visitor in this inner sanctum but if you're fine with it I would love to come back yeah be great I'm on my way there in a minute want you come by here you go thank you I got it okay all right yeah I think I will I'm going
to stop by the ranch I'm going to pick up my camera and I will meet you there okay thank [Music] you [Music] lose [Music] Jade are you okay yeah she's fine except for your spurring you're still not getting it it's not working I don't think I can just get the bad rides out of my system well start listening Jade I'm trying to tell you how to do it Tim you said I'm not getting it at this rate I'm going to completely embarrass myself on the circuit I need to see how it's done and none of these guys
are going to show me it's they're all scared I'm going to start kicking their butts at this too get in there and show her how to do it right I didn't bring my rigging today well borrow that guys no I'm not using someone else's rigging oh was this about to spill you took the other day cuz that was a fluke Caleb I I'm not doing that okay I'm not riding with someone else's rigging forget it that's it hey Caleb how's it going good what's going on here well I figured that I would get Jade used to ri
ding a bear back horse without being on one that's actually just going to bucker off every time okay hey why don't we try your spurring motion on Spartan okay remember up up and down instead of back and forth okay good pull up hard on the rigging handle looks good pretty good you ready yeah okay good just just feel the motion of the [Music] horse you know I wish I could have talked to one last time who knows maybe I could have forgiven just wish I had that chance goodbye Dad hey Jack I want to t
hank you for everything for being [Music] here what was that all about I'm just helping Jade with her training you call that training it looked more like a step backward hey that's not true yeah I already feel way more confident oh I'm sure you do on a retired pleasure horse but how's that going to get you ready for the real deal I feel really good about it and I want to keep working with Amy okay fine you all know better than I do now all right with the first rodeo the indoor season's coming up
fast and it's not going to be Spartan in that shoot don't mind him I don't hey uh do you want to meet tomorrow what about later today yeah I could probably do later this afternoon cool okay bye see you thank you for all your help today yeah uh I'm just glad we're slowing things down for Jade are you okay I just I have a lot of my mind from your fall the other day thinking it might be time to give this up no it's not Caleb up I've had a great run and all good things come to an end right but just
because you had one fall I mean you've had a ton of wrecks exactly I mean I don't think I should push my luck any further my father [Music] now listen um do me a favor don't say anything to your dad I think I should be the one to tell him yeah of course hey he'll be thrilled finally getting rid of me right Caleb do you think You' come by here later and help me with Jade yeah but don't worry about bringing Spartan I have another idea for the next step okay oh thanks see [Music] you Amy what are
we doing here it's a surprise Amy you know I don't like surprises you must be Amy is that what I think it is carb for an 850 can you believe there's one this close is it new brand spanking how much you want for let's say 600 even 600 I found one in the UK for half that that's way across the pond this one's right here well I'm not paying double well price is the price take it or leave it I'll leave it no grandpa wait with shipping and everything it's going to work out to be about the same and bes
ides this one's right here so we don't have to wait you should listen to your granddaughter unless of course the job's too big for you I mean I get it I get it it's a lot of work my friend got the crap you are trying to gouge us and that is not happening you got [Music] me [Music] is everything all right yep you know the nerve of that guy trying to screw us over like that and then having the G to smooth talk me yeah I was a bit offside I guess I just thought that's what people did at Jun cars yo
u know they haggle that ain't haggling that's robbery is there something else going on Grandpa like what I don't know like like what that guy was saying are you really just putting it off Amy you know I don't put things off I know I know I just maybe it's too much I can find someone else to work on the bike I just need the proper parts and I don't want to get ripped off that's all then I'll fix it up and and you can do whatever you want with it [Music] hey somebody's really getting into Rodeo yo
u're going to love these photos come on sit look at this okay I think it really captures the violence and the chaos of it all see what I mean yeah yeah it does you know you could have focused your camera on some other things like where's the courage and the skill and the talent involved in the sport well sometimes I just get in a Groove and I shoot whatever is right there in the moment and I thought I thought you got what you were after there that's the way you see us Tim you don't understand I
completely understand you wanted to photograph a bunch of daredevils with a death wish and that's exactly what you did and I was crazy to think that you'd ever see Rodeo any other way Jim I wow take a deep breath tight [Music] nice ride this was such a smart idea yeah it's a good way to learn it's not as big off the steers back okay let's go again but this time keep your knees up a little higher that was really good I don't know came over me it just sort of lost it those pictures oh they were so
cliche I just guess I overreacted H are you you even listening I'm listening should apologize yeah yeah you probably should there's Jade she wants to ride beback Bronx and Amy thinks she can teach her on Spartan Spartan Spartan huh right crazy Amy Amy's great at what she does but she's he not a rodeo gal just going to set Jade back I'm going to have to pull her from the first rodeo the indoor season there's no way she'll be ready but what sorry what does this have to do with Spartan Jade can't
ride Spartan and learn how to do the real deal yeah yeah right uh right well with that I'd say that you just need to do what you think is best yeah exactly hey well thanks for listening anytime you did so great out there your Spur's really coming together I feel good I think I'm ready for the real thing yeah let's do it oh hey Caleb you know you were really great with her are you sure you want to walk away from Rodeo completely you got to make some tough decisions in life responsible ones like t
ided with the motorcycle he loved riding that day but when Lindy came along he made the right choice and sold it cuz he knew it was dangerous Caleb you know I get where you're coming from but you should know that you're wrong about Tai how do you mean we needed the money to keep building our house that's why Tai sold the bike just because he became a father didn't mean he had to bubble wrap his life those trips to Mongolia do you really think those were safe choices no but he had to keep followi
ng his passion sure Lindy made him change the way he looked at life but but didn't mean he changed who he was you did good today hi excuse me hi hi um do you know Tim's around no he's not right now hey uh you were taking pictures of the practice right yeah yeah I was I thought I got some pretty provocative shots but Tim didn't seem so happy when he saw them why not H too many wrecks too much blood and gore he thinks I was trying to make the rodeo look a certain way were you I was just looking fo
r the danger in the adrenaline I mean that's the point isn't it but I I get that it looks that way from the outside but for those of us who live it Tim and I and Jade Rodeo is more than something we just do it's part of who we are it's our way of life I guess that could be pretty jerky to put into words maybe that that's why Tim wanted you capture it in photos thanks I'm sorry what's your name again Kaleb Caleb Odell thanks Caleb listen Amy about the junkyard I admit I may have overreacted a lit
tle okay more than a little but that guy had it coming he was trying to R rip us off I know he actually admitted that to me he did what he called back I don't know if he just grew a conscience or if you scared him into it but he offered us the carburetor at half price I picked it up on the way home fantastic yeah it's in my truck wow well that's great I could probably install it tomorrow okay guess I better cancel that order from the UK [Music] thanks there they go looks like D's for a rough rid
e right out of the CATE but look at Den's he may have lost his hat but he's not going any we need to talk about that rodal this weekend I'm so stoked I've been studying all the beb Bronx that are going to be there glad you're fired up you can't get ready by watching YouTube videos and riding a steer I heard all about it I think you should put it on Old for now tackle beb Bron riding further down the road when you've had some real training that's not fair just because I'm not doing things exactly
the way you want me to doesn't mean it's not working I'm ready Kay C thinks so too well Caleb's not the head coach I think you need to put the time in the shoots ride some real Bronx before you enter a rodeo fine I'll prove it to you tomorrow at practice I'll ride a bron and if I can't stay on for 8 seconds then I'll pull out of the rodeo but if I can yeah I know where this is going okay fine you got a deal I got one horse coming in tomorrow and it's pile driver which one's pile driver the one
that threw Kaleb [Music] Okay Jade and I have a little wager gone here's the deal we need to talk what is this it's my letter of resignation handwritten yeah I'm quitting Rodeo and that includes the rodeo School Caleb there comes a time when everybody has to decide to hang up their Spurs but what does that have to do with my Rodeo school it was a really tough decision Tim Rodeo's in my blood so watching from the sidelines can't do it I'm all in or all out and yeah so this is my last day [Music]
hey okay focus on my Spring nah you got it down you don't have to worry about that so any last minute words of wisdom coach kpum I was watching this Sal surfing movie last night means I know what it means sees the day yeah exactly look you're in your Prime ride it out for as long as you can chase that feeling that high you only get from owning a wave i m Brock okay bro have [Music] fun [Music] got it j keep that for come on you can do it [Music] yes hey Job Jade that was amazing you did it oh di
d you see that next up all around cowgirl wo you rocked it yeah you did it was awesome it was pretty good I'd say hey hey hey hold up ride up there you really got it down oh even though she trained on a broke horse and a steer Amy honey I got to admit your training seems to have helped in fact I have never seen anybody rise so far so fast so we're sticking to our deal I'm riding bear back this weekend oh yeah you're ready to compete well I'm going to do more than compete I'm going to win well it
's a wrap on Caleb Odell stop talking you're not going anywhere I gave you my letter of resignation yeah I got it you spelled resignation wrong Caleb I can understand why you might want to leave writing you got a family now you have to think of but what about all the people that helped you get to where you are seems to me you might want to help the Next Generation you're a great coach I think it's kind of selfish of you just just back up a sec say that again you're selfish oh the part about me b
eing a great coach you mean that well let me put it this way you're a much better Coach than you ever were a competitor so you're staying yeah wait was that an insult or a compliment hi hi so the other day I may have got a little worked up and I was a little too harsh you're right I was attracted to all the wrong things about Rodeo crashes the violence the you know all of it but I realize that there's more to it than that what changed your mind I had a chat with that cowboy that you work with Ca
leb really Caleb got through to you well partially see I think at some point my better instincts as a photographer took over and when I went through my roll past all those bloody face plants I came to a few images that I think might speak a little louder to you so I um I made you this a whole book well it's just one coffee just for [Music] you [Music] [Music] for [Music] well she's all fixed up and good to go wow that was fast thank you no problem are you sure cuz I can't imagine this was easy o
h no it wasn't that hard once I got the parts it was just a matter of putting them back together that's not what I'm talking about Grandpa I'm sure that this brought back a lot of memories for you yeah you know Ty used to always talk about that motorcycle trip that that you took with him to spread his father's ashes he wasn't sure that he could have done it without you well I didn't didn't really do anything I was just there exactly just like you always were for him yeah I hope you know how much
that trip meant to Tai how much you meant to [Music] him you [Music] know I just hope that he knew how much he meant to me because lately I've been thinking that that I didn't tell him enough you don't have to worry about that I knew that he was the son you never had and in case he didn't tell you enough he considered you the father that he never [Music] had can only [Music] you how you have handled all of this well you're amazing I couldn't have done this without you you have been so strong fo
r me and for everyone else for so long and I have to admit I needed that but I'm in a better place now and you gave me the strength to start to let go maybe it's your turn and this bike you put way too much work into this bike for us to let someone else cruise around on it so we're keeping it I thought you already decided changed my mind I've kept some things that remind me of Tai in a special way and now I see that this bike is that for [Music] you you keep saying it's my decision I've made it
hey hi okay made this over the fire just the way you like it so does that mean that you forgave me that book that you made me that was incredible it was it was amazing so that's a yes that's yeah that's that's a yes but can you forgive me for for the way I spoke to you I don't know it was pretty over the top 10 but [Music] maybe this will this will help to put the issue behind [Music] us okay I think we might get past the 15minute coffee date this time thought you had a rodeo to get you right wa
nt to come yeah I do hey Grandpa you want to go for a ride that sounds nice let me get buddy tacked up nice Jack I know it's a little cold but Ty would want someone to be enjoying that bite looking now everybody seems to get I can feel Tai watching and he's laughing his head off at all this isn't he [Music] definitely only [Music] good [Music] Lily what are you doing here well I can't get Hower I was hoping that one of the other owners could take him in their trailers but no one's got any room t
here's a whole bunch of horses here I can see smoke are the other owners going to come I doubt it not at this point the fire's headed towards the front entrance are we trapped no I just came from there if you go now you'll be fine if anything happens to this horse wait is going to kill me okay well I I'm going to take him and the other horses there's a creek just to the north of here I'll get them out that way you can do that those are pony horses I'll ride one of them and push the rest well the
n I'm going to stay cuz I can help I want to help Lily I need you to go back to Heartland wait from me there I'm not leaving you here on your ly I need you to go please okay please be careful please tell me you're familiar with all of Hudson's emergency response procedures yes I mean I I read them a while ago but uh it's fine luckily I know them backwards and forwards I've been through my share of wildfires floods wind storms and okay can you just tell me what I need to know right now wait to he
ar from Mart desas he's the fire chief and the chief of police is Jim Parker yes I know them both well Jim is already setting up the emergency control center already we don't even know how big this fire we need to prepare for the worst case scenario okay well then I should be at the emergency control center right uh Raman you only get in the way of all the responsive professionals who actually know what they're doing your most important role in all of this is to relay what's going on here to the
community tell them what they need to know and do it gently very gently what does that mean I you'll want to make sure everyone's feeling calm safe and secure of course we'll have to call in Town Council in case anything needs to go to a vote like what oh I don't know possibly calling a state of emergency for example wa maybe we should all congregate at Maggie Maggie why you said you wanted Lou connected to the community I mean that's that's the spot right yeah and Town Council always meets her
e no Peter's right at Maggie's we can stay accessible to everyone through all of this snitch hey babe um no no no we're all fine we're fine just just one sec call the counselors ask them to meet to S May's ASAP hey no it's just stay put the fire will be out by the time you get here okay yeah I got to go yeah I I I love you too okay Parker [Music] Parker Lily what are you doing back here fire reached the entrance I couldn't get out so just tell me what we have to do okay uh you can ride the other
pony horse okay we'll get him tacked up and we'll push these other horses down to the river we're still not sure what caused a propane explosion but our firefighters are concentrating all of their efforts to put up the fire at the railway Crossing okay what about the rodeo grounds my cousin said he saw the fire getting closer to that too well we have more crews coming from Black Diamond in okok okay so we're just we're going to get you more updates as soon as we're able just please everyone be
patient okay thank you Lou what's going on yeah Amy are you still at the rodeo grounds yeah there's still a bunch of horses here no Amy the fire is coming I know that's why I got to get them out there is no time you need to leave the horses and get out I know what I'm doing you okay you focus on your job and I'll do mine Amy [Music] Amy there's another fire crew on the way from Brad Creek but it still doesn't seem like enough I've got some friends at Middleton oil they have their own Emergency R
esponse Team including a full fire crew really yeah I mean they're close by too I think that's a great idea of course you would you'd love nothing more than to have big oil come out looking like the hero in all of this hey guys can we leave the politics aside lose right but I do think we should hold off on using any private Emergency Services why the more fire Crews the better this isn't like asking other towns to pitch in we have reciprocity agreements with them Middleton charges through the no
se well then we'll pay it look we have to do whatever it takes to protect Hudson I know you've been at this almost a year but I've been doing this for over a decade and I'm strongly advising you not to jump the gun our duty to Hudson also includes protecting its Financial well-being okay we'll hold off on calling Middleton oil for now [Music] okay why are you still here here we got to find out what's in this tanker we H man you're just as stubborn as you were back on the circuit I got all the co
mpound mat's Universal ID numbers in this book yeah well they're all online too okay here it is what is it you tell me heads up we got a problem Mark how's it going okay yeah all right right right away what's happening there is a tank full of chlorine on those tracks if the Fire gets anywhere near it and it blows there'll be a lethal cloud of gas how big an area would it cover they're sending us a map of the projected radius right now but at least a couple miles in every direction we need to eva
cuate the entire town of Hudson now we need to call Lisa and Amy is I'm on it I'm on it we can get an emergency alert out to people's phones right yeah and you need to give a live address that goes out on TV radio and all social media okay and remember be gentle with the messaging we don't want anyone to freak out why not they should be freaking out I'm freaking out if that thing blows this could be a major disaster sh that's the kind of wording you should stay away from be firm on the evacuatio
n order but refer to this as a precautionary measure to address a potential threat same messaging sof of delivery I'll get the camera crew in [Music] ASAP Parker I haven't found her yet I just talked to Peter there's a full tank of a chemical on those tracks what kind of chemical chlorine okay you need to get the girls and get on the highway now what about you and Parker I'll find her and we'll meet up with you I we're not leaving without you that gas will be deadly go now okay I'm I'm going to
meet you in okok can you please hurry I I will just just get moving okay Parker uh is everything okay yeah uh we're going to go on a picnic really yeah what about GG and Parker they're going to meet us at chandling Park but that's so far well what just to change of scenery it's not bad right I'm happy with the scenery here Katie what's really going on it's because of the fire okay so we need to get on the road and I need you to help get Lindy ready as fast as you can without scaring her okay try
to keep them tight together I'll lead you push them come on Amy answer your phone grandpa I can't talk right now Amy you need to leave the rodeo grounds there's a tank ofing gas on those railroad tracks if it goes up it won't be good where's Lindy let's just take it Hur J to I'm getting Parker and we'll all meet there okay I just got to I got to get these horses down to the creek and then I'll meet you there Amy leave the horses you need to move as quick as you can you're not leaving our horses
are you no of course not I'll okay just tell Lindy I'll see her soon all right I I got to go grandpa so do you Amy it's an emergency alert yeah I know grandpa just filled me in we got to get these horses down to the river fast he's at the rodeo grounds the fire's headed that way I'll take care of Amy Jack okay I got to go right thanks for your help Tim but you need to get on the road now my daughter is at the rodeo grounds and the fire's headed that way you got to get some people over there I c
an't the OK crew is taking forever to get here so I need all my guys to make sure that tank doesn't blow get some people there Dam don't you want to be able to get in there at this point with the potential of this threat we have decided to take proactive and precautionary measures of evacuating a 10 m radius around the town of Hudson please gather up your family members and immediately get on a highway out of this Zone we anticipate that everyone will be able to return home within a few hours on
ce this potential danger has been averted and keep checking in for further details and updates thank you great job nailed it okay just make sure that we can keep the updates coming while we're on the road to okes and then we'll set up there no problem I'll let the council design good job I don't know I don't really feel like I nailed it no you did you were calm cool collected it's great exactly look they obviously didn't get the gravity of the situation well I'm um everyone you need to go okay w
e all need to go just please get in your vehicles and drive that chlorine Cloud I was talking about it's lethal so you understand thank you Mickey Parker Jack yeah yeah Parker I'm here I'm on the trail where are you there you are what are you doing down there where's Mickey I can't find him there was this really loud noise and he got all weird and ran off I couldn't hold on to him okay well we got to get out of here I'm coming down there don't you move here give me your hand get up on this horse
uh no there's no way I'm going anywhere until we find Mickey what you heard was an explosion on a train track you smell that that's smoke and that's coming from a fire that's getting way too close to another train car that's filled full of chlorine and if it explodes what would happen just get on the horse okay okay come on up okay you on there yeah you hold time [Music] now they don't have a choice Jim just do what you can please we're almost ready to go yeah that was the police chief he said
a lot of people aren't leaving they want to stay and protect their homes and their businesses from the fire he must have also told you that we can't actually Force anyone to leave you already given the evacuation order that's all we can do now let's get on the road does everyone feel confident with the plan my address was way too soft people aren't leaving I knew I should have been more blunt Rick was way off base on our messaging hey L last time I check the people of Hudson voted you in to be t
heir leader in times like this not Rick you're right you know what let's get that camera crew back and this time I'm doing it my way there you go change of plans call up Middleton and any other Oil Company in the area and get them to send all of their emergency response Crews here ASAP I don't care what it costs got it we need to set up take two on that evacuation order and then all of you should get going but I am staying right here until every last citizen has left town got it all right all ri
ght let's go smoke is getting thicker you're doing great Lily just keep moving them along the tree line down to the river we're almost there okay Parker come on get in this says that chlorine gas kills horses too we got to go but you have a trailer for them I don't have time to load the horses in the trailer cuz I need to get you out of here come on my life is no more valuable than the animals will you just get in the truck no the only reason you don't have time to load them is because you had t
o go looking for me Amy would never forgive us if anything happened to them and I never forgive myself either Amy's lost way too much already Parker look I get it you don't want to leave behind your businesses your homes everything you have worked so hard to build neither do I but we must leave that is what we need to do I know it's scary I'm scared if that chlorine tank blows it will be nothing short of a major disaster but that said we can come back from anything if we have have our most valua
ble resources intact you the people of Hudson more fire crews are on the way so you need to trust that we are doing everything in our power to put out the fires please do the most courageous thing that you can do for your family and loved ones and evacuate right now thank [Music] you okay all open the gate I want you to push the man take them down towards the river come on [Music] boyser I'll go get him Hower stop no no no we don't have time we got to get out of here you just stay with the other
horses I'll be right back Amy please stop think Lindy needs you you are all she has now don't you talk to me about family come on howler it's okay Amy I told you I'm not leaving him behind what do you want me to do I want you to go around behind him hold him there steady and I'm going to try and get a loop on him okay I'll try it's okay Hower all right you got to trust me I just want to get you out of here good job Lily bring him back to me come on you got him I'm going to take him down to the
creek okay I want you to ride behind and push him just gently good boy how come on three oil and gas emergency crews are on the scene let's double the firefighters thank you that's great the police chief says people actually seem to be leaving now well you got through them yeah she did nice work Town Council have left I'll around as long as you do I think it's time for us to follow our own orders go to the bus hey um please tell me Amy got out of the rodeo grounds right now I haven't been able t
o get through to her yet don't worry the last time we spoke we were at each other's throats if anything happens to her hey Amy is going to be fine okay she's a Fleming girl I happen to know that they rise to the occasion in the midst of a crisis right we'll meet up with her and everyone else in okos [Music] I can't believe Mickey is still out out there and it's all my fault no it's not he got spooked I should have held on to the Rope now he could die there must be something about me that drove h
im away Parker it's true Mickey bolted off just like my parents did my mom picked a book tour over me and my dad chose the longest honeymoon in the history of humankind come on now let's face it Jack they wanted to get as far away for me as possible and after a few weeks of me being here I'm sure you can relate you probably can't wait for me to leave then why did I come looking for you and why was I scared out of my wits when I couldn't find you huh you were [Music] really okay okay okay now wil
l you get in the truck Amy [Music] Amy here you're okay ly Lily Amy Lily where are you can you find the trail I'm trying I can't see anything okay just just follow my voice I'm right here I'm right [Music] here okay [Music] Lily Lily what happened can you hear lry Lily [Music] time [Music] wait [Music] Ty [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi it's okay it's okay I'm going to help you out no it's okay I can't break got to get out no go for Lindy look at me it will be all right we're going to get out of h
ere that's what Ty would want but you're going to have to help me so I need you to sit up on three 1 2 3 you can do it come on you can do it okay it's not too far I got you [Music] Mickey yeah stop it's Mickey Mickey Mickey you came back Jack he came back looks like he's happy to see you too hey [Music] boy okay that's enough bring him over we'll load him up Amy okay we got to keep moving can you get up Amy dad dad what are you doing here you okay yeah you all right yeah okay what she doing here
come on we got to move these horses across the creek you can ride this one and Lily why don't you come and you can double on my [Music] horse no that's right for Hills pass yeah north of the rodeo grounds right as fast as you can that's right thanks Terry hey I owe you big time bud I got it's a ride we just got to get these guys out to the end of the highway there there'll be a transport truck waiting for us okay [Music] okay no thank you Mark yes okay we're going back wait wait wait what that
was Mark he said those extra Crews made the difference and the fire at the tracks has been extinguished so wait that the chlorine tank is safe and uh the the crews are moving on to the rodeo grounds okay yeah have you heard M yes no uh but uh my dad texted while I was on the phone with Mark and he's with her and they're okay everyone is going to be okay oh my God hey come here it's okay you did it you did [Music] [Music] it so I know the fire wasn't actually at the entrance when you got there ot
herwise my dad wouldn't have been able to get in he could have left but thank you I couldn't have done that without you I don't know about that I figured if there was any way I could help it's the very least I could do I'm sorry no please you don't owe me an apology yes I do for the way I've treated you for how angry I was that you missed Tai's funeral but addiction isn't a choice and I know that you didn't choose to be [Music] away I also I need you to know that I wasn't I wasn't just angry at
you I'm angry at how unfair it all is we lost him I know you know we're going to get through that together too yeah he's watching us you know he is all of us I'm I'm going to shove off get my bag I'll come with you I need to check on the horses [Music] anyway you do know the real reason that I came back is that I couldn't I couldn't lose you you're like a daughter to me closest thing I got to [Music] time well Parker today I thought you were really stubborn defiant difficult well I could think o
f a couple more words too but I was going to say Brave despite your blatant disregard for my authority I'm sorry Jack well I will forgive you if you forgive me for getting mad at you earlier I uh kind of flew off the handle a bit there and it had nothing to do with solar panels I had a couple issues of my own going on and I took it out on you it's a deal good I'm glad we can clear the air and you know you you might want to think of doing that with your mom and dad too you know to tell him how yo
u feel and tell him what you really want him to know yeah you don't think that would be out of line well you do it with everybody else especially me so Spartan hey Amy I did it I heard a horse today you did really well I rode on a horse with Jack but still well I'm really proud of you I'll tell you what else Parker did today she refused to leave the ranch until she made sure that every one of these horses was safe Parker that was a big risk but thank you no worries she's good kid she's uh comple
tely stubborn and will for but but still Granda you and Parker should have just left the horses and gotten to safety and I I should have do oh probably but it all worked out for the best so yeah but what if it didn't things are different now and the minute I heard about that chlorine I it should have hit me you I'm not just not risking my life anymore I'm risking Lindy's too she needs me more than ever and I just got caught up in the moment I was irresponsible and how all she's got now well Lind
y still has you know doesn't she you saved those horses today because that's who you are and you're also a terrific mom don't you ever doubt that it was a crazy day today so don't beat yourself up too much you know Amy if Ty had been here he'd have done exactly the same thing that you did the two of you probably would have run into that smoke together yeah we probably would have so let's just be grateful that we're all home and we're safe and sound boy it's been one hell of a year we need a a wi
n every now and then don't we yeah we [Music] do hey I'm just heading out and I want to thank you so so much coming through all that fire smoke finding us well Amy was now going to leave those horses no what is it with you Flemings I don't know but whatever it is is rubbed off on you now Jack told me how hard it was for you to come back here but you came back 12 steps right getting around to the making amends part he did the rounds I know it's a long time ago I don't know whatever you said or yo
u did it obviously worked what do I do next well that's sort of up to you you know if you're honest with yourself you'll find the [Music] answer I got to leave weight I know I can't keep blaming him for everything that happened and I should have left a long time ago I just keep using him as a crutch it's time for me to stand on my own two feet I know that's going to be tough mhm it will but you're tough and tough as they come hey he you he you you going to come and say goodbye to Nana what have
you got all over you you okay yeah thank you for today honestly I don't know how I would have got through it without you you don't have to thank me if you did it all you you really came through well nothing can prepare you for something like that you did what you needed to do you trusted your instincts lately my instincts have been all over the place especially when it comes to Amy I have to make things right with her what should I do I do what you did today you know just be honest be you went f
or a PN you did I missed you so [Music] much hey hi your daughter was helping us make brownies for dinner yes I can see that hey uh can I borow your mom for just a minute sure okay thanks honey I was so worried about you today I shouldn't have snapped at you on the phone no it's okay Lou you had you had so much going on that was the last thing you needed how are you probably the most stressful day in my life but I I wanted to talk to you about what you said earlier I don't think now's the right
time maybe not but there is no good time to admit that I've been a terrible sister to you no no it's true I completely threw myself into being mayor into my work because I didn't know how to deal with it Amy I didn't know how to how to deal with just how unfair this has been to you I completely checked out on you and I am so sorry for that Amy I'm really sorry hey you're here now it's [Music] okay are we okay we're good good that is so good to hear because there's been something I have been dyin
g to tell you about something you would normally be the first person I would talk to about what is it Mitch asked me to marry him and I said yes you're getting married I'm so happy for you are you sir are you totally good with this I so happy for you this is so good to hear come on let's go inside I can finally tell everyone else we could all use a reason to celebrate no um I I should check on Spartan first so I'll be right there I'll just make sure the girls haven't like flowered and sugared th
e whole kitchen [Music] okay fore [Music] spee fore for [Music] [Music] for now
