
New S$92m campus for students with special needs to open in Ang Mo Kio in 2026

A new shared campus in Ang Mo Kio housing two special education schools is expected to welcome students and staff in 2026. The S$92-million site is for students with special needs from social service agency APSN's Chaoyang and Tanglin schools. The new campus can accommodate up to 400 primary- and 350 secondary-level students. At the groundbreaking ceremony, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the new campus marks another step towards building a more inclusive society.


3 days ago

a new shared campus in angoo housing two special education schools is expected to welcome students and staff in 2026 the $92 million site is for students with special needs from Social Service Agency apn's chaang and tanglin schools groundbreaking ceremony was attended by prime minister lisen long the new campus can accommodate up to 400 primary and 350 secondary level students apsn says that the shared space enables primary level students to make a smooth transition to secondary education class
es at the new site are set to start in January of 2026 right on time for apn's 50th Anniversary it will also have dedicated vocational education facilities in areas such as Horticulture FNB and Retail apsn also has schools in Tru K and B we will have a mini Supermarket right uh with uh you know cash register and all that and we have a kitchen close to Industrial not not really industrial kitchen right and uh we also have uh mockup uh Hotel uh accommodation uh facilities PM Le says the new campus
marks another step towards building a more inclusive Society he looks forward to the completion of the new campus which he says will holistically educate students with special needs and support them through their schooling years



Fantastic! It's so obvious that PAP is the only responsible and caring party in s'pore, taking every possible measure to ensure everyone's education is well taken care of.❤❤


TAXPAYERS $$$$$$$$🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Higher education in Singapore, tragically, still labours under a heavily prescribed framework constructed by the PAP.


Lee Kuan Yew was right; we need innovative and critical thinking to meet complex changes going forward.


But it’s one thing to say words and quite another to put them into practice. Therein lies the danger for this nation.


What's important singapore had changed to a multi-nation country (multi-nation-singapore) so even with the saf soldiers also no use, it's the pap party mistakes and there's no way to u-turn back.


Only After Caught Red Handed, Now starting to play Santa Claus… PAP , Our Favourite Criminal Enterprise ❤