
New tech allows those who are visually impaired to hear eclipse

As eclipse watchers look to the skies next week, new technology will allow people who are blind or visually impaired to HEAR the celestial event.

News4JAX The Local Station

3 hours ago

we are exactly one week away from the total solar eclipse as Eclipse Watchers look to the skies new technology will allow people who are blind or visually impaired to hear the celestial event is this light sound at the top and then for the USB port it says USB there's a p for power in 2017 I just distinctly remember feeling really left out um I actually have this memory of feeling a little bit resentful that I couldn't be a part of this eclipse in some way we have a lot of different senses and d
ifferent ways of um enjoying different experiences um and just because it's different doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile the device which is called light sound translates changing light in the sky into sound members at the Perkins School for the Blind says this device will allow more people to experience this astronomical phenomenon so one option you can hook this up to a speaker and then you can project the sound to an entire group so we can kind of as the sun is changing this would be like
the bright light of the Sun and then as it starts to dim it goes away and the sound kind of gets lower and then the shadow comes in and it gets even lower and starts [Music] clicking Joanne Beaker and minha have both gotten to work with the technology they call it a GameChanger for people living with impaired sight it's going to be inclusive and having any technology that makes it possible for us to have an experience an act ual experience rather than somebody simply describing it to us is alway
s fantastic I had this dream of being the first blind asant in space um I went to space camp several times when I was a teenager I think when I got older though I just realized like you know being in scientist is really hard um being a blind scientist is even more challenging because of the lack of accessibility the lack of tools that are out there I'm very excited about it I'm definitely going to be a part of it wow how special is that so a prototype was first used during the 2017 total eclipse
in North America and the handheld device has been at other eclipses in increasing numbers at least 750 sound devices will be available at public Gatherings on April the 8th across North America that is a story that's going to make you smile right there incredible opportunity for them for sure so
