
New World | July 27, 2021 | BurkeBlack VODs [PART 2/2]

NOTE: This stream's length was longer than 12 hours, which requires breaking it up into multiple parts for a YouTube upload. This video is part 2 of 2 videos making up this VOD. 💀 MAIN CHANNEL 💀 • - Here you will find highlight videos full of laughs, hilarious fails, and awesome role play moments. 💀 MY TWITCH 💀 • - We set sail (go live) at 10pm EST and return to port (end) at about 8am EST! We have an awesome community and we are always looking for more people to join the crew! 💀 MY LINKS 💀 FAQs: • - New to the crew? Find answers here. Twitter: • - For updates on what I'm up to.

BurkeBlack VODs

2 years ago

well i have to go i have to fix my armor is what i'm trying to do just fix that armor real fast where are you they're gonna need to know where you are i'm in uh windsword [Music] i understand i may never fall i'm sorry i'm gonna never fall i just need two two i just need a couple potions just to it won't let me put my gear on uh well i can put my gear on but it won't let me swap the stats and i just need five gems for the armor if anybody has any of those five gems the uh azure or whatever the f
rick did you did you not get gems fell roth are you still in windsword uh you're still in winswood right don i mean burke yeah still never fall ever fall off has those gems for you oh you're an ever fallen i never fall okay falcon you get those uh jewels to actually burke let him get them to you once we're in uh once we're in the war okay just bring them with you phil just bring him with you let me go over here and just see if i can maybe get one out of it out of a chest maybe if i get lucky oka
y i'm having a freaking panic attack right now what the hell it's okay bud where did that come from don't stress clete you got this you like we got this dude we got this we're gonna we're gonna go kick it yo uh cat i guess she's muted or something i was about to say charmander and uh i don't know what the other i'm writing oh my god how do you pay the taxes oh well rip rip did you lose your house winds were lost upgrades so did breitbart well they were no they were both brightwood yeah they're b
oth right we didn't lose anything windsword's fine downgrading stuff there it's easy to fix i don't understand that honestly i i don't know how that system works you gotta do it all at the map in the town and blah blah blah yeah my uh governor's desk is where you pay the taxes well rip can't just take it out of the treasury jesus nope nope that's why that's why last build i thought the the treasury was useless right because you couldn't take anything out of it at that time and that it didn't pay
for anything so i was like well this is dumb yeah all right it's easy fix we'll get them upgraded yeah yeah provide that feedback please smash once we pour it in i will uh give you these 16 potions the big ones roger that remind people real quick so it's not chaotic if uh if you get stuck in a loop going in the fort if you can hit escape and respawn it will give you a option of respawning at the fort won't have to be in the other city oh it'll pull you from anywhere yeah it's going to pull us h
ere and well it's going to pop up the option here in like less than 60 seconds uh what type of damn gyms does he need burke needs uh either diamonds onyxes malachite or opals any of those preferably onyx if anybody has got iron irons i would greatly appreciate it just buy them quickly off the market if you can oh thank you dude thank you so much dude that's so great uh we are against marauders yes that's stinky green be taking out the greens today we're doing our best too at least whose team is
that again josh all right here we go there's there's the notification if you have what you need all right i didn't get a notification i think my initials i think we still have a minute hopefully yeah i have no notification notification for me yeah i didn't get it either yep i got it it's cycling region by region remember it's like a rolling blackout okay so the farther away you are if we're in windsword it'll probably roll down to you eventually gotcha okay good good good good i'm stacked i'm st
acked at least that's a theory i hope i am so stacked right now no all right we can we can talk in comms uh right now right like yeah yeah we are on you want us to buy stuff now yes that's why i went before bro i was like quick once you get once you get in here she's your weapon please right back all right you're pumped you're ready i am pumped dude [Music] oh my god i made it in for i'm ready [Music] all right make adjustments whatever we got to do we got him here let me are you in here yeah i'
m here finally all right yeah i'm gonna go pee too all right i'm gonna go dump my delegation in the toilet be right back wow to your mind so it's okay if i re-wrap my stuff so people can hear us now right uh if you are getting teleporter around and not to the fort if you get if you get the option what you want to do is hit escape and respawn i cannot show my stats right now please stop asking this is not the time to show it right now i'm stuck in a teleport loop it's really weird do you doesn't
do you get a moment where you're not being teleported oh my gosh i'm trying but it keeps on getting the new one yes yes i want to die there we go good grief war camp smash it's okay if i uh let people hear comms and i write stream yes absolutely yeah okay perfect thanks for the heads up because i was about to ask about that quick reminder quick reminder make sure everybody pulls up their inventory and hits repair all in the bottom left-hand corner make sure you're paired up before we start also
if you're a mage come to me and trade i have gems and rings and necklaces for you and i need those five gems by the way these are ones that reduce damage smash okay i'm i'm on my way i'm so sorry where did you say you were i'm inside the tent all right i'm coming to you i know just just take whatever bro i don't know did somebody say they needed arrows because i have some extra arrows on me i didn't even realize it that's that's all i got yeah what'd you say please give me rings before everyone
else for you what'd you say which one is you healer is that this guy um okay let me let me hook up the healer first ah stop it for five seconds give me just a second for shit's sake i can't trade with this man well what if i wonder right now can i show us your battle plan yes yes i can i don't have any focus i have nothing it's all it's all caster it's all intellect let me get some crayons out do you want intellect yes i need focus i have no focus none of this is all caster gems if you guys if y
ou guys are wondering where the main gate is find me oh that's all right here we go i'm jumping nice there you go does anybody have an amulet around my level i could use something this is all intellect so if you're trading with me all right so there's still um you can't walk through people here so smash uh one through non-suicide and they're gonna move for this game we do we really do all right seven seven or sorry eight nine and ten eight nine and ten get to the left gate i'm standing at the ma
in gate with the rest of the force this is all it's all too high level i can't give it to any of you it's like level 55 it's max level tier all right who's got the the gems i need intellect gear cletus ten minute warning uh smash quick question uh squad doesn't need to buy anything initially do we yes you do it's yellow level i will go and buy yellow pasty elixir ah i see should we buy how many of them one just uno oh god up buying now okay did everybody hear that one through seven you guys are
buying a buy your all right i guess at this point who's got those gems by the way wait did you still not get the gems no he isn't in his icon's showing somewhere else his icon's in uh also he's teleport spamming he can't respawn right now windsword village yeah for next time just don't go wins with that so you get stuck yeah i got out of it quickly if you guys are on the syndicate can you get out of winsford please just just anywhere but winsford right now we have people that are stuck trying to
get in yeah uh smash if you can check uh check damn i just want to verify check what audience ali do you still have um right right uh fire potions okay we need them value and cat you guys have the sieges yes yes yes which ones did you get the one in the past okay uh also check your your thing about jiggers and let me know uh willie people are not in voice so you need to need a drag they're asking are you right-handed or left-handed i'm right but okay he actually games with her one through seven
get to the right game i wear this oh where's my squad i squatted it what is it group time to meet up with yeah yeah well i'm gonna meet up with techniques group eight eight nine and ten left gate can someone drag ross into this i got no thank you wait how many there's if you're not invited now please say something in the army chat so i can see it foul did you thank you guys i want to make an announcement really quick i have no stat food on me guys i gave you a chance it's gone i turn off uh sou
nd bites mods which would you please of the fort am i on right now i can see i can see him i have people out of position right now i have people out of position yeah see logan you're out of position move to the right side i think i'm on the wrong side is this the right side you're on that side on the prank i'm searching around finalists here you're supposed to be on the left side a movie fell in and out so we can talk changing my music you're where you need to be frank you're wearing okay one th
rough seven on right so yeah i personally don't trust their children i'm hiding my screen even though people have years but still yeah you could tell me what you just said before that was did you say one through seven on the right side right side sounds good look for the larger group i am in the larger group i think the gentleman with the uh stones did not make it no he did not that's the one that's having trouble right now well are you still stuck my dumb ass body is still teleporting yeah hit
f1 again i was able to hit respawn but it didn't bring up the respawn ui and now i can't even respawn and it still teleports banning me and there are people just standing around my corpse so phil you just died so maybe it'll like do something no the door's closed if you died in town i can tell you from experience you will do nothing but respawn for the next 30. on again but i don't know if it'll let me do that let me know as soon as you are you fully dead you should just yeah he's fully dead why
don't you just re-log because you cannot respawn if you're fully dead if he realizes he might not be able to get back in the game he's going to sit at the screen but he still can't get in anyway right he knows he can't get in yeah you might as well just do it maybe you can get in maybe you get lucky because right now you got four minutes to figure it out he's reconnecting i can see his thing 10's all here so that's good uh javelin you're loading the game up we're gonna let them go out first cat
no wait no like you guys are like first though you loading the game up wait for sure on the left technique oh okay i'm on the right where you should be no i am i am i just and when i look in the map it does not look like the right that looks like the left but i see what you mean towards the fort it's the right yes yes but when you zoom into the map that's the left yeah we're not going off you know what i mean you know what i mean so uh tech look at her notes just so you're aware of what's happe
ning yeah i was listening the whole time i gotta know something yeah but you're going out first because you said you're not going out for it right so i thought she said that other people were going out first his only response yeah all right one minute 20. yeah all right everybody real quick go to area chat let's see what you get dice roll go technique let me know how many all right okay yeah smash can you check dm real quick yeah yeah guys make sure you defend those cannons they're really import
ant okay if they if they start yeah we'll defend the cannons stick to the plan mm-hmm but defend the kids ah so stay here right where we are stay here yeah all right don't leave the fort got it oh my god uh army shot all right cat let's go homie army chat sixteen seconds bring it home before the season don't go until smashley says yeah do not go we wait nine and ten let's rock baby all right eight nine ten eat your food eat your food all right get out go go go go go go no don't hit it oh my god
i love you no i love you guys you guys are involved that's awesome who went oh please shame shame shame we don't know yet we're still going far left uh do you want to say oh we have two in our forest right now but that's all i see okay three from our forest that's all i see right now far left get the turrets now and get like if you can get them closer yes yes yes yes all right everybody's touching you please i'm gonna play fun right now oh i'm getting sniped from my right yeah bravo's coming out
there's a lot of get past the point on me we need like a c down and down and down all right i'm regrouping at sea forest seaforest yeah yeah why is it lagging so bad no i don't know that's why it was yeah all right regroup regroup at the fourth wait yeah wait wait at the fourth all right 24 regroup i'm full wait in the face [Music] over here professor on the way down the way you want us to keep pushing sea smash no okay group at fort she said regroup regroup at fort all right nine and ten i nee
d you guys to get them off of those cannons just make sure you're sniping them out of the components eight we're going far left and we're going to curve around all right cutting around the back line oh a cat has a ball i have a lot of yeah mine's a lot of cc all right i'm trying to find these those gravity wells up get the gravity wells up get on the point on the point guys one point bravo's coming in hot is anybody coming back right now right left side left side left side left side yep up going
far left okay i'm focusing your hand stay on the point why is it lagging so bad it's just there's so many of us do you have anybody to help left side i'm with you captain with you all right all right do you see the cannon yeah shoot the person out of the cannon cat that's what i'm saying i can't see it it's still foggy okay yeah if they if they're not in they can't do anything he's repairing cannon focus fire on cannon everybody on one all right yeah are you off to the side with me and cat thre
e ella heims eleheim has a uh backline group going left side stay in the fort after you die it completely froze up and then i was just dead okay i can't shoot anybody in the cannons either i'm sure you got to shoot them out of it and as long as they're out of here hey clear calms everybody regroup it for if you're if you're if you're dead regroup it for it regroup important i think i'm frozen and disconnected uh so they're gathering on b again staring at the fort roger that that's they're waitin
g for us to come out there roger that all right we're going with operation banana one two and eight on the right hand side four five six and seven on the on the left hand side get over there so you went three in the middle okay so you can call the numbers again you come to daniel the demons one two three and eight sorry one two three and eight do you want me and can't just do it pushing me hard one two three ten nine and ten go to uh a go to a all right g is rolling a i just saw him outside that
's fine let us know when we switch to melee weapons if you have to guys all right are you guys ready are you guys ready yes uh on the right hand side right hand side oh no yes go no go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] nine and ten to stay close to each other please nine and ten follow-up venalis go go go go let's go teams we're black scooters two we have heels off to the left side left side left side one below yourself get in there yeah jump on that let's cover fire for them back lines on t
hem cat all right right side i'm focusing it cannon yeah yep a whole group flanked behind us uh on the push to see we have like a whole team oh well have you guys gotten through all over me never mind you're trying smash house how's c looking are we taking c uh you got a lot of heavies coming behind you to see good to see you good to see you i'm taking one out by myself man yeah you can tell you guys on pvp brother god damn c's down yeah the worst part is wait what do you mean c is down like eve
rybody's not there we're getting pushed back on a yeah yeah they're pushing people all right regroup super mad clear comms everybody back to the fort right now put your weapon away with x what about the ones that are alive roll back to the fort yeah i'm holding c cannon really well by the way all right seven seven and eight seven and eight in just a second i want you guys to get out there they're pushing us on b at the at the door there's five of them you can probably now do something roger that
all right seven and eight seven eight all right 70 i want you to do what you you need to do i need you guys to get there and disrupt their back line all right everybody else let's go right towards feet let's go let's go well full charge make sure to drink your fire potion get in there get on the point get on the point where do you want to go you want to turn the knight nine to 10 focus get those get those off the cans get them off the cans get on the point on the point body's on the point nine
and ten come with me get on it stick out back on back on seven eight seven and eight guys focus focus that back line we need gravity wells and stuns up here yep we're trying nine and ten how's it going oh my god i'm lagged what the hell i have see cannon off of this i'm taking out joshua g right now he's right here attack on josh no get the point don't worry about josh stop focusing i'm yeah suppressing c cannon myself by the way okay yeah he can't get on it all right all right guys don't get fr
ustrated group up we can do this sorry i'm on a cannon all right everybody is around keep pushing a beat if we can get if we can get these cannons get these cannons set up they're they're chilling are we pushing out are we hanging in the floor in front of the door a cannon suppressed by the way they can't get on it with me look at that freeze that lag holy yeah the lag like everything just stops moving like everybody's not moving all right i grabbed if you get out the gate if you get out the gat
e and start moving yes circle around attack them from the sides if i have any rangers that can help me at a canyon i have it at like 50 health thank you i'm coming with you and i gotta and i got a charmander i mean get to the point get huh i might be able to draw some attention um about the throw down yeah actually we should be able to get a cannon down and is like a little bit all right seven let's go we'll get them all right they're repairing it dude don how's it how's it going out there can w
e get to that back line they're messing disconnected for the last five minutes are you kidding me all right guys get to the point get on the flag right now on the flag healers get these heels area heels on the flag they cut they got us out on the back line they're just doing whatever they want all right you gotta be careful all right does it turn down somebody want to get in it i gotta take out these lines smash smashed if we have a non-ranger on nine and ten can somebody get on that thank you w
e need to get a whole group regroup regroup back of the fort regroup uh they're still sitting on b uh they're looking over towards a between b and a yeah i can't really heal because everything freezes so fast regroup at the fort i had about uh one two three four five six six six of them and joshua g went on my turret i just dropped it down just to drop it yeah okay i need to come grab a turret then all right all right everybody to the left-hand side let's go let's go let's go to c let's go to c
okay we got to get something you got six seconds smash do you think we can put those mines down on there once we get down there yes yes i'm gonna grab i'm gonna grab a bunch and put it on do you guys want to do that where are you at okay i need to go grab a canyon then make sure you get those heels down on the point like and preemptively like we're going to be on it i'm out let's go well forward on the point shields up left side get those shields up they're taking down um they're concentrating o
n the actual like artillery right now get bodies on the point get don't worry about that nobody's putting your body on the point get on it just jump on it i got murdered hey what the hell oh they're all frozen behind us all of their dps folks came behind us and murdered us do not go out of the game move to a when you guys respawn move to a keep holding them here at c as long as you can distract them and when you guys respawn get the a i'm pulling down okay going out the gate they're throwing fir
e down on the gate that's fine yeah your approach before you got the gate because nine and ten can you guys group at a gate please technique here's the plan i'm gonna drop a turret i'm gonna hop on it and then we're gonna protect it and take down this turret at all right we're gonna go far right this [Music] nine and ten take the far beach side please don't let them see that we're coming there might be people no i'm good i'm good okay i'm the only one on it i'm the only one i need a lot of prote
ction on this turret as well as heel point medic everybody oh my god shoot black lines stay on cat we're almost there almost there all right i'm not gonna play and more mine's down we're taking it we're taking get more point and more people on the point and the lag watch your backside they got fire down oh what the hell i'm good yeah like the moment the lag happens we all die the issue is the lag i need heal close to it there's lag but the trainings are not getting lagged so they can hit everybo
dy right now everybody everybody is a video game that's fine pushing us down on bmw coming up behind you guys that's fine i bled him out he's bleeding they're on the cannon he's almost dead trying to focus a cannons right now uh yeah how you liking them bullets stay on the point get on the point there's a lot focusing my cannons right now too much guys don't pull them up okay here we go we can do this on the point i see a lot of people behind it let's get in there go go go go go let's go daniel
i need you to be clear i need to get your get your crew to that back line good job good job get more people on this point oh my god smash them back in but out of the way what's up sonny you want to fight me now all right push guys push push push push push oh i said they're pushing back yeah i can't i mean i can't stay awesome so we circle around eight can we get anybody can take it all right i need i need one two three to be four five six to to a and seven eight and nine to c they're all outside
this game they're outside the gate right now group and support b and go out of a gate they have a bunch of inferno stuff down that's what's stopping us that's what i was saying everywhere they're potion before you go out yes cat and technique how are we doing on like just getting them off the cannons we can get them i can get them off what we're doing right now is we're splitting and we need to be decisive all right they're putting infernal stuff everywhere skin to a man of soul force a do not
go outside of b nine and ten go a please well for reflecting nine and ten where you want me okay they're all over a right now they're all over a they're all over a just fyi okay but if we keep going a and c we've got about 10 left i got you we've got about 10 on seaside just letting you know that they're all in there that's fine beat them in pvp i'm going for those cannons all right cat wide side yeah i'm just trying to help our nine and ten nine and ten i need you guys to really focus on gettin
g those the people in the cannons out of them okay nine and ten flank beach and focus cannon right now we're we're just skirmishing right now at that back line all right guys there's frost on us let's go to the back line seven and eight get the a back line we can take this down technique we got a melee in the group melee in the group get on a get on a if you guys can get bodies on a main song for skill on a you slip this ball forward rangers focus your ground troops do these guys continue don't
dance daniel get here get your force get can we get bodies on a daniel can you get your forces seven and eight they're on a you're trying to get in and shoot him as soon as he gets in there where do you want nine whoever is in nine and ten please to help us all right what's the uh you want us to regroup at the fort again yeah get your squad to be just seven just seven everyone will say attacking egg get your squad to be i need group a to get to get to c everyone else stay at a they are they just
send a whole course to a side of each side so draw them draw them away daniel draw them and draw them to a and b or c they got people coming good good stop finding behind the point and get on the point at a at a at a yes i will do it what the hell is that daniel group seven or eight are you guys getting anything over there at b or c they got like they're bigger players coming to it keep pushing a while seven and eight keep keep getting them over at b and c pushing it stop fighting don't fight t
he people who aren't on the point ignore that we have about five people back here don't worry about it seven and eight go to c yeah absolutely right now where the hell that's it seven and eight go to c seven and eight go to c we still have a money you want us to stay on a none yes stay on a all right four keep putting yourselves on a keep making yourself a nuisance nine and ten can we group at a gate really quick and then push together you got guys in the forest following you be careful we have
bobby's on the point get more get more on a all right everyone going on point get more points on and get more bodies on this point up and up have them come after me come after me people yeah yeah yep they're trying to stop you from getting to a just keep going oh keep going get in there get on top yep get these heels down good good good i think he'll be in the back whoa all right three versus two can i get you up keep going can you guys get steve take anybody who's over in your seat get to see g
et to see good to see most of them are a little higher there i know yeah i figured that out i'm just gonna let them i'm gonna pull focus they're focusing me hard on a i'm just trying to pull aggro with my turret yeah it's going to go circle around yeah i'm pulling a lot of aggro all right they have me off once they start going to c they're probably going to start going to see we should go to a then right those that are dead no there's 10 on a right now there's a lot on a presently there's still
a bunch on it i'm trying to stay alive and distract them cool so everybody go to see them oh my god they're damaged good i can't move oh okay i'm bugged i want respawning people to get the c okay squad uh on c they're going to smash if you jump you move normal speed okay professor by inferno traps are put on the ground can we not get on these points i'm on it but there's uh they're just on it they're on it too they kill you pretty fast coming around from hey i died above bodies on there's a lot
of things trapped there bro where oh my god i keep buying inferno traps they're not showing up in my inventory they're oh i don't know they're coming behind us they're swarming me now all right from our fort or yep they go to our b door and then they sweep from behind is how they're cleaning yep every time they're dividing our forces they're basically just getting in the middle and splitting us every time yeah six minutes yeah call something if you want to do it if you want to switch around and
push then that's what we can do yep i think i think we need to split up the forces and go a and c to be honest with you so one two three and eight go to a four five six and seven c nine and ten as well let's see there's a lot over here it's gotta be at the same exact time so wait inside yep go back inside guys say that again smash it's gotta be our last point force one two three and eight to a four five six and seven to see nine and ten as well to see they're putting poison on the outside um buy
inferno traps if you can because they have a million of them down on the ground i think that's also what's lagging against out smash but it's the only way i don't know i think it's the only way we can probably take the title do you want to like first and then push up group up group c oh sorry squad for uh it's ivan cletus unit rosten you're over here with me all right three two one go uh i need you guys over here just kill him there's not that many i can't get out of this give me a long cooldow
n don't worry about them just run just get this get to see don't worry about them i want to get on and get on the points get on the points they want to stop you from getting on the point so just roll in technique i want a i let me say i want to see i will see let's go keep pushing keep pushing it's lagging so bad it really is i need to fix this did you keep sending people to a to keep forces divided for them just commit c please or whatever we're committing only timer of course but once we commi
t they all commit to there isn't a single person on a right now yeah we got we have our people as auras there some some of our people are at a right now there's at least 20 people on see with us like fighting us i mean they they got their together that's what we'll say what is it also does it help that we like lagged on the first yeah i can't move without a speed punt honestly gosh is coming to get me dude i'm sorry i didn't that's a bad comment all right that guy that keeps coming from oops i'm
sorry no it's okay seven and eight go to eight i'm in seven so i know don't go to a they got a lot of people at a don't go to all right we got we got one last push we almost took we almost succeeded yeah we've almost taken a lot of jump we have a lot here at the cnb they just have a lot of axe hammer users yeah they do a lot they really do but i i almost kill a lot of them but they seems like they have a healer assigned to each group that's traveling together so they're just out there we're dyi
ng almost immediately because they have the axes and stuff you want to do one last hurrah push yep push down he wouldn't let me do anything oh boy you guys are lagging holy all right now we're good every time i show up to heal you guys it's just them frozen nobody moving yeah yeah grab it yeah they're all uh as well well they're listening to us so i mean definitely they're not listening no they're [Music] don't fight don't fight don't fight just get past them if you can get to the point i don't
even know oh okay you guys died immediately yeah i don't yeah that's what i'm saying it's more like go out the separate doors and then crash middle instead of going out one door because that's and it's our names through the gate so it's you know they're pushing you now they know exactly where we're gonna go yep it was a good shot i mean we had good strides but i think like and our initial strategies got literally thwarted by lag like we got we have bodies on the points and then lag happened yeah
and then we yeah and then like literally no matter what i did nobody was moving nobody was doing anything and then it just stopped i think the issue is it starts to lag when you get close so the cannons and stuff are not lagging so they can still move freely yep so that's going to be that's the issue like after the lag clean cleared up honestly they did they did a great job i got it i gotta handle them like like yeah there there wasn't lagging after the first point but they did a great job and
well done well done i wonder if it was the the inferno traps on the ground because there was like 20 of them on i think it was just there were so many people yeah i think we were just too indecisive to be fair that's fair that's fair i agree because cat and i had tur like cannons down but i had them yeah yeah we just seem to be more decisive this is my first one he said to push seriously and we were like well then maybe we should go the other flag that's not okay but they didn't notice you cat f
orever they wouldn't let the rest of ours get back to you they were there was about 15 in between the fort and you and you're just shooting at the can they just ignored you forever i don't know why but every time i went through that gate i went through this side gate like five times to get back over to you and they just murked me yeah yeah they have a lot of axes i'm like looking at it right now i think i just fought one oh we could take c do it oh no it's over yeah it's over hey guys we're not
gonna like go and complain like honestly i don't even think it was the cans itself i think it was literally just like like they they got traps down and they they were really good at taking on our back line that of circling us and just really well a lot of times i would just walk up and dive because they were already behind us was insane i think it was elohim and josh's group they just swooped from the back line as soon as we pushed in uh behind our bowl yeah it's crazy yeah pushing all the way t
o the b door and then sweeping back behind a and c and then they just clean up they did a great job honestly i mean my thing is this ninety percent of their people had axel hammer and and our acts and something life staff or whatever and they just it it pressured all of us in nine and ten for one hundred percent because we were getting towers i mean we're getting candidates down but once they jumped on us it was kind of hard to you know get them off of us and we can't see fire on the ground for
some reason so by the time you yeah the fire is destroying you i uh i'm gonna go i gotta go just for uh a little bit and then i'll be back okay go go all right all right i gotta i gotta head out for the evening okay bye yeah um don't get down yourself either that was like you prepared and we like yeah you did great smash you're amazing this is killed it was a tough fight he's a great smoosh and you get the train we get to try again tomorrow oh man that first push that first push was uh was going
to be sick and then it just froze yeah um hey chad give me just a second i have to uh i gotta uh works must die sponsorship uh later tonight yeah that that we gonna do yeah props to marauders that was a good fight uh we had smashing had three plans dude like it wasn't a plan a she had a plan a b and c and uh all of them got forwarded it was good it was still a good attempt i think i don't know that at the very beginning we almost got it almost got it that whole freeze up multiple times was weir
d um yeah i'll i'll be right back so just give me a second i'm gonna mute stuff so the channel's gonna be quiet and then i'll be right back okay yeah we'll just try again i mean if i if we lose uh this because of battles i'm okay with that i'd rather lose this because of battles then hey you had to grind in a dungeon like 20 times in a row all right i'll be right back it's gonna get quiet okay sorry that was uh i had to do a a call with the devs um for the orcs must die thing dude you know and i
normally this would be done bef you know normally these the reasons that this happened but you know the muting for strategizing is one thing but normally i've done this twice to you guys because normally i don't stream at this time i don't stream now so that's when i bring i i do these calls in the afternoon and stuff like that but since i've been streaming all damn day i have to make time for this stuff i gotta do it this is how it is man uh yeah the loss sucks but um i feel like a solid effor
t was given kind of figured marauders would be fixing them fixing their comms and stuff so i will see what the covenant does tomorrow august isn't it it's still july yeah the 27th the tech movie the 28th at 12 12 30. yeah at midnight it'll be yeah that's right right um so if i wanted a tweet to go out at 12 30 that would be the 28th right right okay all right it's so officially this is being scheduled so it'll it'll it'll do it on its own boom it's set it's done did the marauders get their win p
oints has that has that been updated huh all right it's not updated yet oh okay so it so they're they're gonna go up again okay i guess we'll see where the points lie after they fix the stuff later still have another shot at covenant well i guess i can eat now i mean it's not like they're gonna be stupid ahead it i mean technically um if they lose that 750k we would have just traded wins at this point and been even across the board otherwise with points so well not even but you know what i mean
like we would have traded the the the battle our our win would be negated with their win today basically does that make sense so it's not uh it's not out of the realm of possibility you thought comms were a mess i didn't think so i mean we everybody was just listening to smashley covenants at four yeah dynasty shipyard expeditions oh maybe yeah i'm sure uh no no i mean uh that's that's what she's supposed to say she's supposed to yell out get on point you know um that's what you're supposed to d
o yeah but the problem is that once we got on the point we were getting obliterated on it honestly they should make that point probably a little bit larger and not such a tight condensed area but i don't know at the end it kind of fell apart at the at the very end like the last 10 minutes because what were you gonna do there's not enough time to do much at that point you know like you really need to capture stuff really early i mean the beginning was very well done honestly a was was flipping an
d then there was that freeze and then everyone was dead a a was was turning it got to about what 50 and then there was like a lag that froze everything and then boom everyone died so i don't know what the hell that was but um yeah that that first push was really really good and then the second push was really good uh and then and then that the last push was was uh was meant to be spread out yeah it's just how it went but people weren't talking over smash they were reporting stuff crashing that's
what that that's what they were asked to do i think you were thinking of like the ending of it where it was just kind of like you know we're screwed at this point anyway i still need those uh most reports can wait until she's finished issuing orders well i'm the problem with that is that you have to it's it's all in real time warfare dude like you have to announce what's going on so she has the information we were still getting smash these orders i don't think uh that was a mixed up message at
all like the only time i got confused was like the very end because i didn't know if we were leaving or regrouping or what that's it everything else was fine it just got beat dude no i'm not gonna watch the new ghostbusters trailer i've got no interest in that um because i'm gonna watch the movie when it comes out i still need like the five gems too yeah i need five gems i guess i'll get it from uh from dude man later tomorrow well back to work yeah well we'll find out tomorrow we're gonna we're
gonna take on covenant tomorrow too so we'll see i don't know why i'm going there um oh yeah the house anyway where my house is right there honestly yeah i'm not uh i'm not uh i mean everybody wants to win but what is this that's cool but like i'm okay with uh hmm yeah see i take a bath right there i'm okay with losing in the sense of like you know we lost trying to take on a war no that's cool with me it would uh i'd rather lose that way than i'm just sticking stuff then uh just dungeon grindi
ng forever you know what i mean but you got to do what you got to do yeah look at that right by the window i don't know what else i can do at this point like i'm max geared max equipment items i do have uh intellect rings and necklaces for anybody like level 60s uh 55 high 55 gear so if you want that just come over here by this uh this bridge and i'll give it to you and then i'm just gonna start doing the dungeons again i'm gonna go to the restroom i'll be back okay uh hey burke what's up okay h
i phil all right i i was gonna come give him his gems that i didn't get a given before the war okay i'll be back ah what are you guys talking about oh i take it nobody wants this uh this necklace oh they did update all right let's see where it's at now all right fair enough more dungeon grinding uh i don't think they have i don't know where the gems are um i forget who had it the person look with the gems is looking for me i'm i'm here at winsword yeah that's where i is we lost that battle yeah
had a lot of tanks didn't they hmm christina applegate what no i don't think we lost because of lag i think uh i think they just outplayed us as all can happen she's a big fan of cap'n crunch yeah me too but how about that ice spike damage though huh did you see me hit that group of them just like it knocked them back and did like insane numbers damage oh my gosh damn i love the ice spike now officially my favorite attack i still think attacking is unbalanced like the defending defenders that ab
solutely have a an advantage for sure but i don't think it's impossible i think we just got out outmaneuvered as i that's all well heller crashed well that's not good either oh i didn't think it has a jab dude i didn't take it as a jab at all it's the way she goes sometimes man right i didn't i didn't consider i didn't think the cannons were slaughtering everybody i mean they had the knockback but i don't think the cannons were key to their victory i think that their communication with one anoth
er was good they reacted to everything we were doing damn i got 2 million points now that's the way she goes man i need to do something i like to start doing these dungeons i would love to get my gems before i do oh that's weird that's weird walton hi burke hello how are you doing i'm all right i had that what did you say i said i'm sorry sorry sorry for what sorry i let you guys down you didn't let nobody down i let you down you have nothing to say sorry about your refund i eat my feelings okay
i'm gonna put some cheeses in my mouth like your corners i just had to take off because i got a works must die thing coming up i'm just full of sponsors right now i'm just uh my nascar you're not playing new world i gotta do i gotta switch that at like one listen burt we're down by like 1.5 million now so i need you to run more dungeons well i got it don't worry i'll be hammering it and then we got covenant we got another chance we're gonna win tomorrow we're gonna win tomorrow describe jesus a
re they not classic cheez-its are they like the uh different kind where are they because i got you know i got an animated toasty extra toasty cheez-it i have so you're a few million by the way you broke too um i got my my animated mode is me eating a cheez-it because it's my favorite ever you want to know something funny daniel hates cheez-its like like with a passion he hates them immensely like so if you ever want to with him just talk about cheez-its all the time why who hates why why hate je
sus i think the story that he told me is that he had a uh like one like his ex-girlfriends or something we used to eat them all the time and not brush her teeth after eating them and so she always had cheese at breath oh i mean to be fair i would love her they don't smell that grape what i mean have you ever smelled somebody's breath after they ate a whole bunch of cheeses it's not great that's not great man she'd be great to make out with right after binging on some cheez-its bird you got some
kinky fetishes there i'm just saying i'm just throwing it out there that's that's a bit weird man it's where i go i love them i love jesus they're like they're the favorite of anything i love them right they're right there with uh they're slightly above doritos i agree uh i think doria was just slight slightly slightly worse but cool ranch doritos oh those are the best yes i got the uh cheeto flaming hot cheetos too and they're rocking me i'm about to show off the level 55 dungeon by the way yea
h yep oh that'll be fun um okay you know we gotta go you know where that guy is with the the uh the gyms yeah fell ross fell roth i'll go i'll go bugging he was he was trying to get over here to you okay i'm in winsword okay i gotta go uh he's probably gonna pop down in that channel i'll tell him to come over here sounds good oh [Music] wait what i hear you're in morning wood sir yeah yeah um uh no windsword i'm in windsword yes i can uh i can meet you on a uh bridge now there's two bridges i'll
meet you at the statue i will be there soon i have to teleport to an end and teleport down there oh uh time for no no no it's over no way it's uh we lost it lost lost chat but at least taylor swift is here hmm thank you oh what happened to the thing why does it do that oh there we go okay [Music] oh uh i need five of the other ones i didn't i didn't have five diamonds so the the onyx is just for the last slot oh okay okay okay i got you yeah can these be like swapped out if you didn't like them
or something like if you upgrade to better stuff yeah they can be they can be the gems that are slotted in will be destroyed but you can swap you can swap in other ones that you want later on yes oh cool cool cool cool thank you thank you thank you you are quite welcome it just took us all a bit to get together yeah and then i had that stupid spawn problem at the start of the war so i couldn't deliver them to you before the war started it's the way she goes man yep it's a beta all right have fu
n out there i see you man well it's better than nothing dungeons who wants to get run through the dungeon i could do a couple before the uh for the thing what is this what is that what it killed me even though my ability went off what the hell was that yes dammit the fog of the darkness made it sweet you had fog oh wait because of the zone oh yeah yeah no yeah good games man uh we definitely gotta play by you guys we had you at the beginning i seriously did i thought oh but you were spot on with
the your uh your cons for sure minus 15 damage taken i thought we had you at that beginning i really did i really really did honestly goodness i thought that was uh that was gonna be uh that was gonna make it i'm gonna have to watch the vod because i gotta see how you reacted to that to that oh man because that was wild the only thing that i remember i could tell you that happened is that i i guess i don't i don't know why weird in this game man like when we were on a and it was like at 50 ever
ything froze for all everybody on our side completely froze and then and then it slipped over it and then everyone was dead and you had the same lag okay good because i thought it was just us that have felt it which would be weird um it happened a couple more times but i mean i don't i don't think that's why we lost i'm just saying like that was weird yeah that was uh that was bizarre just out of nowhere this heavy lag just smashed us and then you blinked and everyone was dead hey zeko when you
uh were firing your cannon did you ever see like you said you were still able to fire when it was lagging but did you see like all your hits hitting at once or were like were you shooting and then seeing damage shooting seeing damage or did it just like freeze and you but you were firing but you didn't see any damage and then all of a sudden you shot and saw nothing for a while so if that's probably why we exploded is what i'm thinking because like we were on a everybody was piled up on a and it
was 50 and we were we had a shield wall we had uh it looked beautiful it looked like we got this hey hey's ours froze up it unfroze everyone dead everyone was just dead instantly it's gone i'm gonna grab a drink so i'm super curious to know if that was because the lag hit us and then while you were firing the cannons it decided to accept that you fired the cannon and then when the lag unhooked us it decided to say all this damage all hit at once unhealable damage just all at once boom there it
is i'm very curious to find out if that's what actually happened to a matter of fact i'm gonna check my own vlog to check real quick i'll show you from my perspective you uh let me see here this i mean maybe i'm watching it with rose tinted glasses i don't know but let me see okay here you go this is what i saw on my end um let me know how many all right okay yeah yeah guys make sure you defend those cannons they're really important okay stick to the all right now 89. food eat your food all righ
t go go go go go go go go no no no no i love you guys there's a lot at sea there's a lot of we're committing we're fine we're fine look at that shield wall holy we got i'm lee i'm thinking we got this they're not in the point they can't get even get in it we need a knot on me we need like a secret unless i'm seeing something different there i'm not sure what happened right there then it's like he's just boom dead let me slow this down a little bit maybe i'm wrong i don't know you tell me just sl
ow it down slow it way down all right there's no reason to listen to that audio oh i'm talking throughout that whole thing gosh damn it ah i was saying that we had a shield wall there and then you can see the mix here the this is it's all frozen right here i thought your shadow puppets in a minute it's all frozen i'm confused why are you telling me muted after i unmute like what a waste of time we're trying to do i want to talk the chat way delayed don't do it when it's delayed like this you you
missed that you missed the moment mods you missed it don't go into it and try to do it again i want to talk to chad you missed the moment that's a 50 dkp minus ooh all right yeah 2 000. i don't know if it did that or not i thought maybe what i was seeing is that because like when we froze i saw just a lot of people just die i didn't know of like damage my i think yeah i mean it has to do that right so it's registering that people are attacking and then when the server catches up it unleashes al
l those numbers right makes sense and it's not registering the heels yeah i'm just going to say didn't that say 20k berk on that volley wait it did i it looked like it did you might need to rewind that a little bit let's look at that again because i think that might have said 20 000 volley damage all right so like here here you see i mean this is this is like yeah yeah i i still think that this what we did here was was awesome it was it was a damn good idea um and we were on that point man so ma
ny people were on that point and you can see there's the shield wall like they're all our tanks are up there defending okay even the casters are inside here um there's still some stragglers back there i'm in it i'm hitting i want to see that that ice spike i did on b man because i just saw him here look i want to see if there's a cannonball hits the front line i think and throws their shield wall there yeah yeah see how the guys get blasted everywhere yeah so that broke the shield wall right the
re it did but i didn't see the damage points for it i didn't see it pop up no so here's the next block that one went over yeah they formed the reformed the shield wall and then they got knocked down they got knocked again with the here comes see that one's getting past it there that one okay so that one says one thousand i thought that one you see they're healthy that's bad nobody's health is horrible no the healers are doing an amazing job yeah we're just getting tossed janked around now comes
uh marauders they finally uh responded to a so they're coming in that was the hit right there that blew the shield wall completely apart the one on the front just a couple seconds ago you see everybody go everywhere and that's where these are able to start piling in and stopped all your progress yeah they're in here and then it's uh it's starting to freeze right about now and you'll see everybody go from animated on on the blue side here to look standing up yeah back row right there there's wonk
a gray keys everybody back there they're all just standing vertical and they can't do anything yeah this uh the shield wall has been pushed back to here so they've been knocked back by the cannons but everyone's stuck now i'm looking at this thinking uh oh this is lag it's gonna be a problem but let's see what happens here okay keep an eye because i think that the the damage is like being a plot you can see that the shit's hitting i don't know what that is is that a is that a cannon hit right th
ere where at right there in the middle that ring right there you think that's a cannon hit uh it could be i didn't see the cannonball though could be a spell too you see the guys up on the hill right there on your right side of your screen oh that's about four or five guys sniping the hell out yeah that is that's a fire cannonball hold on one second give me a second burke's watching burke from behind his chair uh okay uh yeah sorry um okay here we go yeah that's fire there yeah that's fire i see
it so that was a cannonball hit and then boom there's the the damage coming in there's two cannonballs coming in right there boom boom yeah i don't know why i thought i saw 20k somewhere it must have been like a 200 or 2000 hit or something yeah it has a little asterisk on the bottom on the back corner of them sometimes that like what it's doing what type of damage it's doing it probably looked like it's saying like there was a lot of blue bars there and then they just disappeared all your heal
ers that's who stood up because i noticed that they're all in the back row they're the ones vertical so when your heel stopped everything else melted for sure stay here jeez i'm trying to see where one of those numbers comes up okay so you see right there there was a fire symbol it said it did 1012 but the end it had a symbol of fire so sometimes those look like zeros sometimes through the red stuff so i think what i saw was like when these damage numbers proc up it just looked like it's five fi
ve digits instead of four see right there where it says 2047 that it has like a fire symbol on it there that's what it was and i thought it was 20k yes 2047 that's it there we go we solved it let me see this here slicing them up here today they're lagging they're lagging they're lagging yeah they're getting destroyed today hey all right nice nice more people on a getting into this right group two we're gonna flex a i think their game crashed today i'm done today right now yep you're popping sure
you guys are the ammo them if you're good nine or ten make sure you have ammo kits all the time keep an eye out for siege guys how close was it there we need more we gotta get on two we're gonna flex a i think their game crashed today right now yep you're popping them so did they see this crap everybody's gonna get it make sure you have an ammo kit all the time i hear it on the audio i think everybody everybody crashes that's josh being the smart ass they're game they're he's trying to say that
's going to be our excuse is it our game crash oh was it i thought they were legitimately thinking i don't know he's being a smart ass little do i know for trying to think he's just being a nice guy they're lagging huh what was they they did they weren't lagging when they went into that point no no uh they probably misconfused that right because they were still able to move but they saw no one else moving all right i don't know it's weird i wish we had perspective from one of the guys on their f
ront line on that side you know to see what it looked like same perspective okay hold on i'm holding it down debate though it was good hold the point oh it down no it may not been him being an actual smart ass i think he was like he actually looked like he missed it he thought he thought our game crashed it looked like it yeah it did it looked like you're just standing still there no but their guys are standing still too honestly i think a lot of people lagged out but some of the guys were able
to hey look look at all these blue guys right here look at this guy look at all this look at that focus on his guys it's like the whole damn rose look everybody inside the circle in that moment froze yeah blue or red whatever they're all frozen and then everybody outside the circle is able to run in and well well he's he's he's able to move because he's probably lagging too but i was able to move when i was lagging when i saw everyone froze i was still able to move okay weird i'm still contestin
g the point at a i just said his guys ain't moving either yeah look there yeah there's both sides looks like they're hard yeah they're not moving in the back they're not moving but still like that sucks because like all the damage just hits it once and you can't heal through it you're screwed yeah nobody's doing 16 000 hp chat it's it's just a symbol behind it and some of them look like a hero instead [Music] i don't know dude yeah i think it's uh yeah i think that it's just ah i mean it's it's
kind of kind of hard to tell i don't know if uh if we would have held that point or not but um we'll never know that lag screwed uh screwed it up quite a bit i just think all that all that damage just came in at once that's what i feel like it would happen if the heels were there then i don't know it does seem that way ezekiel i don't you know but i don't again i don't think that would have flipped the outcome of the whole fight but it's just interesting to see the lag thing are you eating pretz
el chips yeah i love those things they're phenomenal yeah i love them too they're good now i gotta well let's see what time is it yeah i gotta do dungeons now to make up for those points though only gotta do about 40 of them burke you got this buddy take about 40 of them to negate that win oh my gosh do another 40 and i can negate ezekiel's points completely so let's do it you know i hope after launch the devs come up with some sort of like war like what they've done this promotion again but jus
t refine it in a different way or something because i think overall it's a cool idea in a cool promotional event i think it just needs to be tweaked yeah it's gotten a lot of people hype about the game because these really cool fights and all these different servers and stuff but i think that just needs a little just i do not care for town the town fights town fights like that no i do not like that no it's it's so cheesy with the in and out of pvp stuff i just i don't know it's weird they should
change it that if you if your ass goes out there and you're flagged for pvp and you attack someone you have a you can't just back in and get saved by the town one minute cooldown stuck outside town you're committed yeah do that yeah if you attack you you're committed if you are running in to get away from a mob you can get safe right you can make it safe but you can't like go out be a dick and then try to jump back and go exactly let the pvp enter if they if they want to chase somebody down who
attacked them they let them do it 100 should be a long cooldown for that goodnight zeke i'll see you man i said it before i said again hopefully amazon's getting lots of good information to help optimize some of these fights and they'll just get better over time we'll see i guess yeah we won't know that time will tell i'm assuming y'all are trying to join huh all right yeah if uh if anybody wants to run some dungeons tonight come on back come to uh this dungeon if you end up with people who act
ually need a brick um cool leaf it's a dorno yeah i think i got only three hey i'm just here to help so sure man happy to have you probably need a healer too they do help all right i'm gonna leave you boys to it i just had to come in because you're commenting and reviewing and i was like oh yeah i love that stuff yeah it's fun enjoy your dungeon sir holler if you need me thanks man i'm checking the flagship for healers okay we got points to make up uh well they say they're gonna fix points uh to
morrow chat so we'll see where everything lies after that oh yeah just send me a whisper i will heal okay uh the last spot i need broadsword for someone who has a key so if you got a key message me and we'll run you through this dungeon you got two orbs doubles all right come on in what does the key look like in your inventory it looks like a key with one of these it's okay i guess i don't need bones for archimedes anymore foreign um everybody in all right let's go let's dps all this stuff down
doria hmm yeah to the door yeah make sure you kind of grab some of the other stuff too hey chad did any of you get a clip of that ice nuke that i did i gather at the door now this will work we'll just have to do it here oh hello mr burke hey how's it going how you doing mr burke i'm all right what you doing just doing this dungeon out here got a lot a lot of points to make up yeah which one the 25 one again or yeah same my favorite dungeon in the whole wide world your favorite yeah i love this d
ungeon it's the best dungeon ever is it is it it's just because it's fun yeah it's very fun yeah i'm having a great time what's your favorite what's your favorite part of it the all of it or i love the ending of it it's great it's one of the best parts about it you like like the guy he's like you can't you're like i can't and then you get them and then i don't like i don't like that part i like it when it says you're free to leave oh you're like the free-to-leave part yeah that's the good part i
like that part too it's a real good part it's it's like watching a really good movie and then not having credits to watch you know he's like yay black screen i have to wait there and wait for like the the end credit hey what's what's gonna happen next in the new dawn universe oh short five second clip with this oh can't wait two years to do that again no you don't have to do that you can go right back in and watch it again and not have to worry about it yeah isn't that great that's great yeah i
love it it's good i'm pretty happy about that how are you doing i'm going to choose um i'm doing real good uh i've done that dungeon once today because i had to not because i wanted to uh because the quest told me to not points nothing and i've been mining and talking to people and doing and doing story stuff and getting it purple and then i went fishing and i watched the war and then uh now i'm minus some more so my day's been all over the place yeah it's been uh yeah yeah i'm doing my part ho
w'd you like the war i huh i i watched it what what what'd you think about it would i what do i think about it i i thought a lot of things i did a lot of thinking like about it what would be like your highlights of that the highlights the like if you could sum up your thoughts with one word what would it be improvement i i would say in the short in the one word improvement is what i would say improvement of maybe bit rate on the stream or um several other aspects which i i don't know whether or
not i need to say but i mean the picture quality was nice for the most part i was able to read all the text it was a very good rebroadcast broadcast while i was fishing it was fantastic i we all had a good time watching through my watch didn't we and i caught some big fish it was a very interesting time what was your highlights burke owie howie howie are we out we are we or is that what you're doing right now no that's my hot that's my highlights ally that's your isla oh yeah yeah yeah it's almo
st yeah it's almost like they had people with 15 000 health and stuff they could take a lot i i think it was interesting and educational yes this i can understand what what do you take from it what do you take from it burke um they're not too stupid for this kind of you're gonna have to repeat that with ninety percent less yawn honest i'm too stupid for this kind of for breaking down stuff yeah no you're not you're not too stupid boy you just you take the parts that frustrated you and you think
about it and then you expand on it i don't think the beginning push had anything wrong with it it's just i think i still just would have liked to see how that played out without the lag that dropped for like five to six seconds whether that had made a difference i don't know because it felt like to me like all that lag just kind of hit and then all those damage numbers weren't being seen you know i'm listening and you couldn't react to it what was happening and then it hit you all at once it fel
t like how'd that make you feel and made me mad guys dang it why wasn't this fixed it's okay to be mad at stuff like that that's for sure it's okay be mad stuff like that the thing is is that once the mad's over we think about it again with less emotion and we try to move forward from it in a constructive way so do you feel the mat is over uh yeah i'm not mad so those parts that did make you mad have you thought about them more uh no no no because i've been focused on holy points dungeon grindin
g so what i'm hearing correct me if i'm wrong is that instead of um circling back on and over and over again you've decided this you decide to move forward and find something to work on the future further push yourself yeah because i'm assuming that you know what that is a wonderful way to work at a brick i'm so proud of you that is a great angle actually i think that's wonderful burke i think we're gonna like take a look at it before the next battle tomorrow as a group so that's a good idea yea
h if you can all work together and figure that out together especially if you can all like unify your thinking together as a group so that it feels like everyone has a good assault input and picking the best decisions as a team you can't lose if you go that way are you talking to me like a dad right now no you're dead your dad talking to me right now no talking to you as a friend as an equal perk i am as an but i am very proud of you i took a picture i took a picture of the fight and i put it on
my fridge that's fantastic that makes me very happy i even put i even use the letter magnets and i spelt your name to hold it up oh that's great can you delete that i don't want to remember that that fight this is the one that's going to scar me okay i'm just going to turn me in it's going to turn me into a serial killer you're not careful if you had to ask me mr yeah the engineer of making weapons and his critical opinion that has so much weight in the conversation if you had to ask me your co
mmunication that fight was horrible to put it nicely i think uh confidence built a little bit in the group it's at the point where people felt more like comfortable just to kind of almost commentate what they're doing not completely but people were a little more chatty instead of focused i think once the lag thing became a thing it kept being brought up and you keep bringing that up your focus goes farther and farther away from how we're going to beat this to the lag discussion and that weighs h
eavily on the group that just brings the morale down you know a little bit at least in my constructive opinion um and i guess the last batch of it would be is that um uh let me do this i think they're finding something big in this all right we got it i got it is that maybe the cannons are powerful they're tuned for level 60s that that could be factual those cannons were they're hefty and i've no watching that that's the longest people have held flags so far like getting on that flag and holding
it you were able to stay on there a lot longer than the usual but also people have leveled up since then so maybe yeah just having people with higher ranks higher health whoa jesus i'm getting attacked by bear he's making a difference just random thoughts from spectating engineer classy packs never fought in a war you know shut the up classy you don't know what you're talking about that there's my thoughts yeah i don't know if you agree with any of those or not that's fine if you do or not no go
od no sweat just don't hang me for it i hate you damn i tried i tried chat i tried i hated let's do it again it's doubles give it up you got two right there you go uh uh classy you still taking gold and all that or do you need something else now still taking gold never been taking gold i thought you asked me for gold the other day maybe yesterday maybe a week ago it's been steel for like three days straight i still don't want them it's the only word i say yeah yeah i'm a weapons guy bows muskets
spears hatchets maybe i'm getting confused with tangent who knows yes you are yeah okay yeah he's he's you could say tangent i are working in tangent uh-huh i'm not gonna do it again are you afternoon tangent and then there's evening tan i don't know no no tangents afternoon your evening tangent i'm midday tangent and tangent is whenever he can tangent he's in tangent tangent with my tangenting gotcha okay yeah but he is the gem master so if you're looking for steel you're good with like iron a
nd all that stuff too then oh yeah i i could never ever ever have enough iron iron is everything iron is life i always need iron i do but i'm with burke right now oh sorry that's fine i am not sorry sounds a million times easier for me now look at this should i level up weapons so i can make you guys weapons like hammers and axes and because it seems like uh running out a lot or don't have enough people to make them i need a satchel do you make satchels katsuki that's all kitsuki if you place an
order with katsuki's pouches emporium she will get back to you with a receipt and everything i like yeah i like that you should definitely get yourself a kitsuki pouch but yeah i think you guys can do it i think this next fight remember so here's the thing another hairbrained observation from engineer classy who's never been in a war and fishes and there's only level 38 and as ever no saying it shut up classy you don't know what you're talking about this guy coming from this guy is that you wen
t against the faction that is a lot like your art faction they have very similar similar play styles kind of buttoned heads with each other with the same type of tanky pocket healer russian and rar and then you know whichever team has a little bit of an upper advantage comes out on top ergo you know the big ass nasty cannons on the hill um tomorrow could be a lot different you're going against covenant which play a very different play style and chaotic no more ranged i would say more ranged and
spread i would say like very skilled players very skilled players but definitely more of the ranged variety so it's going to be interesting how that goes to see in the very short time they've had to learn from their previous defeat which was yesterday in two days how much they can alter change their tactics with the builds they have because they're obviously not starting from scratch you just can't it'd be silly too so it's gonna be very curious let's see how that goes now tomorrow i think tomor
row will be your maybe i shouldn't say it on stream how about that what's my what well just so people can hear it it's just i think it's your best opportunity to try things you know already a little more aggressively because it'll counter a play style that does not do good against it in a war scenario because the way that pvp works in the war is very different than the way the pvp works in the open world would you agree or not yeah very differently very differently for example like i would i wou
ld be nervous to bring a musket to a war zone i don't feel like i'm taking all the advantages of a musket if i was in the attack defend war i would feel i would lose my my benefits okay or i would have more if i had a bow i would have more benefits out of both it would fit that particular scene in my personal opinion so it'll be interesting to see how tomorrow goes i'm i have very high hopes for a very successful victory tomorrow i do i have high hopes for that very high hopes i think a little b
it of humbling of today is gonna go a long way uh knowing that you know having a loss is actually going to be one of the best growing parts of the army because that's when you learn the most is through your defeats not your victories that's when you learn the most so yeah is this where i need to shut the up and quit talking no i'm just like are we on that threshold now that's such a dead talk it's like when you sit your son down and like listen you lost your first football game it's gonna be oka
y you learn from your losses i feel appreciated thanks you're welcome that's a much better day talk to my actual dad i had to talk with this with my daughter the other day you know my daughter uh-huh penny holy he remembered i'm on it i i'm gonna admit to you that actually like i know i shouldn't i know i shouldn't have because it means nothing because that's the way you work but that really did tear me up a little bit inside like i was like a little like internally upset for like two days i was
like i know i just i just do names i get it i get it like you would recognize her in a heartbeat you saw a picture i get it i'm in the same boat for the veins oh my just my brain was just like that burke i can't i was like just like does he even get you know it's just your brain going through the paces playing tricks on you and yeah he's making me feel bad don't feel bad don't feel bad i'm just i'm just spewing my guilt of my my my shortcoming see you is what i'm spewing my shortcomings of bein
g like petty with a situation that when it means absolutely nothing cause i know you do genuinely care you're a good person all around but yeah it was it was good it's just awesome like yeah you you have no idea how much my son like talks about you and my uncle and you and his uncle kevin a lot wait a line who's kevin uh my my brother oh okay i thought maybe it was somebody else i forgot no i never talked about uncle kevin with you don't worry you're not you're not have to look one though classi
c backs with a k yeah pretty much he's handsomer and he does more stuff than me and he's cooler than me he's uncle kevin that's that's that's the running joke is literally my my son is just like his uncle can uncle kevin do that like anything i do he'll ask if uncle kevin can do it better that that's the running thing with uncle kevin it's just that he's that uncle here's the here's the problem with like a lot of the way my stuff my head works it's like um in my mind i'm i'm a private person so
you know i don't i don't uh share names and stuff like that i don't share stuff like that with uh with the with my community or any anywhere right because i i like to keep it private or cream keeps hammering into me you know he's uh he's been pretty open about his dog or you know or gassy with uh with malcolm you know yeah yeah stuff like that so in my mind i'm i'm thinking like you know don't uh no don't use the name of your children you know like that's that's it that's how i'm thinking in my
head so it didn't stay in my head because it's not something that's running through there all the time oh yeah i get i do like you like a very comfortable separation between professional life and personal life yeah which is which anyone's entitled to there is no reason at all for anyone who would ever have an excuse to be like why not no like you have that right why can't i have that right because that's my point i didn't train my brain to remember in that sense because i didn't train my brain t
o remember it i didn't talk i don't know it's not like i sat down and talked to you hey what are what what are penny and gayla up to today you know i was like i talked to people but i'm like big what about tank you know how's tank because i remember he brings him up all the time you know and uh and we talk about it but and that's the only reason because tank is almost kind of encapsulated in his stream as well like he's literally in his art assets and stuff he's part of his i you know he's part
of his brand you know it's he's part of me so it's easier to roll them into the ball and sorry i don't know what you were saying i mean i don't want to i'm just some viewer right like i was just wondering don't say that no do not i repeat do not ever put middle-aged man who plays video games on the internet and puts a webcam on his face above you don't do that we're not movie stars we're just entertainers in a video game sphere on a website that lets us do it continue i'm just saying that the wa
y burke approaches his life is enough to seem candid without being too much that's all uh especially in with anything right like i don't know i don't feel like i know burke but i feel like i know him enough that i can connect with his community and him and that's why i keep coming back same with you classy i i lurk in most channels i'm in but like you know it's one of those things i wouldn't if i didn't i'm not just watching because you know we're playing games or whatever i'm watching because i
enjoy seeing you know somebody that feels like a friend play and there's that line that you can draw between being a somebody a guy putting on an online show as we learned earlier uh and you know uh celebrity i got it i got it i got it i got it don't swing don't what are you talking i did i was talking i do what you do i'm talking not paying attention oh my gosh famous tavern streaming cletus t beaufort is in our channel i assure you not he's right there well thank you i'm sorry i'm sorry i sho
uldn't speak go ahead it's okay i was just trying to tell burke something but they put the points in from the war but we didn't get any they gave us zero for the war yeah so everybody on their team got a million but we didn't get any points at all not not the 250 nope really yeah so i'm wondering if like we're just supposed to not get any point i don't know maybe they changed at the last minute there's not points for the losers because if you go look at the points my points are exactly from the
beginning of the battle like remember this morning there were 535. yeah yours are 2 million 44. but all of them got a million points well all the ones that i see that were there i don't know do we have screenshots for proof now we'll have to check should definitely be screenshotting this stuff after before and then every more ice you know to this day i've been wrapping my brain around points i still don't get them i still don't under i don't see any consistency yeah it's all messed up like reall
y bad it seems like sometimes when things don't i guess it's weird i don't know what it is i it would almost be worthy just to have someone literally with an excel document keeping manual tick of everything you guys do and then cross-referencing it with whatever the hell is going on because it does it does not line up at all and it keeps changing it's like it's throwing on a ref onto the soccer field and just hit him uh yellow card it's just throwing random up in the air like what i don't know t
hey get the ball thank whoever's next in chat go ahead and send a thing anywhere dude i'm gonna be up so late shots i mean i wouldn't be able to do it when i hop off because it's gonna be like 8 am probably at this point i gotta go do my dungeon i'm trying to do dungeons like you my dude sounds good you guys are doomed dungeon far behind define far and he's gone so i guess i won't get that definition nope you know it took me a long time to remember his wife's name what i bet ah i did i believe y
ou i just don't retain stuff takes me a long time yeah i got you uh does anybody hey if anybody wants to get in here to send me a whisper send me a whisper so we keep running this stuff even if you're low level it's fine oh [Music] hmm if they say every faction gets the reward i would just love for them to say that sooner rather than later so i can go to bed you have a screenshot before the war can i see it cold you got a key all right dude uh cole was are you uh watching stream by chance can yo
u uh hear what i say just send me a a a discord message or something shots yeah i'm here cool all right and then you know just stop dps at 25 for me that's all i need dude all right is everybody in here we got one more coming in there we go and the warhammers are gonna get nerfed straight to hell like there are everybody's running around with warhammers now they're gonna nerf them straight to hell round everything up get to the door come to the door here you go and boom boom so so try to get to
the door if you can we'll dps everything down over there keep on running oh well there you go yeah you found the uh you found the thingy ah i already don't take a lot of damage i've had to go down there and activate the other portal so so so you still get the bounce i guess i bet those 20 versus 20 uh pvp matches are gonna be fun oh what the hell now the extension doesn't matter for that so yeah the war happened i don't know where the rest of their points came from i mean i guess they're doing s
tuff so which dungeons were they running yeah dude we lost the war yeah all this stuff is really good the vanity event thing is a bug all right i'll take it bingo nice that's just the way she goes chad sometimes you win some and you lose some no one's gonna win them all every time uh let's see tomato that's just before the war uh 5 35 5 34. oh yeah you're right hmm yeah you're right they're supposed to be like uh just participating in the war was encouraged so like you got 25 250 000 just for we
ll now you get each each streamer got 25k and they get 100k if they win you get 25k for just showing up and a 100k for winning per streamer and i think everyone was there except for curvy and uh there's obvious reasons why that why curvy wasn't there so no not dollars points i have to go to the restroom i'll break back but i'm definitely down for taking more people so give me just a second here just send me a message let me go to the rest roomy i'll be right back chat so you you flags my so um u
h so um hey burke merc he's not at his computer oh okay well let him know that i sent him a dm on discord would you uh yeah if you don't mind sure it's just a picture i i we took the effort and we did what we talked about earlier and it's there i mean if you did the thing i i'm bound to do the thing myself so oh no no only i can do this thing right but i mean passing along the information now okay are you able to do it i think so i appreciate that donald thank you just when he gets back say like
it's in the oh wait hold on he got it he's pooping or something and he got it he's replying never mind thank you i'm relieved of my duty then yes you are wonderful thank you he's pooping and he hears me apparently okay all right thank you you got it foreign wow foreign hey berg big look do we have money somewhere i need to get money to uh one of our people to upgrade our ding ding uh i can only tell you what i know about the flagship give me something well okay um wow it's a spread and i'm kind
of out of money where did i send all this money to oh yeah declare war all right yeah there's nobody well toxic pig is on he might have money okay all right i'll be right back you you you i'm in the mood for a movie what type of movie um if you guys start throwing out like types of movies and genres and and settings and you know comedies and drama and action and such like that boards me i just said i'm interested in a movie and if you try to describe and pigeonhole me into a genre i'm bored so
all right let's concentrate it's pooping time so toilet water so good yummy yummy yummy i love toilet water yay it's just so yummy in my tummy i love the joy grace on toilet water thank you okay sorry about that who's that he's looking for you oh dear oh we got this guy uh okay give me just a second we got threads now my gilded does i don't see uh i'll see her in this get discord so i'm assuming she's probably in hers i'm not sure she just was looking for you and left when i said you weren't her
e so [Music] uh you know if i'm in her discord or not no i'm not she's in the flagship community discord right now oh i don't think i have that do you want it you're just gonna let it go ah let's start running don't just gotta do it anyway i mean if it's important she'll come back and grab me i think right yeah for sure all right chad have anybody wanna uh join us for these dungeons let's go am i hearing all right i got you i have a key if you have room can you uh just give me 10 minutes to run
this one and then i'll come back and grab you letharus stand right here on this rock and i got you yeah i probably i jumped up to uh 2 million because i hit level 60. for sure sorry what i don't understand what just happened you don't have a key okay i don't i have no idea what just happened there all right okay okay there's no points in those invasions anymore antibiotic they stopped giving points for invasions land go open the door go open the door i ain't got time for hippity hopping i got a
million points i gotta make up i gotta earn a million points i will be timing this run boom start to stop watch let's go where's this guy at they enter i hope so cuz i'm going all right let's just go don't see him oh so uh i don't think there's any level 60s to even try that pool oh i'm getting i yeah i'm getting worked in a corner here i don't realize there's one right here somebody grab the stone anthers keep running get running to the door yeah yeah keep the going running to the door you get
on the orb yeah i'm on the only problem with that step bro is like yeah you're right i could get a legendary that's 10 000 points the dungeon is hard i'm just saying like i i feel like it might i'd earn more points doing this than i mean trying to fight for a legendary all right the boss is bugged [Music] can you tell me what the bug is oh no this is from chad yeah the war happened yes fire jack it did we lost no it's 20k darkstalker yeah thanks to shots do this wall hacking because i'm in the b
oss though no he's up that's not the boss oh oh no the boss is purple you're right yeah i don't know who has it i think it's has it i think now stalker because it says 5k i i'm aware do you think i might know something that you don't they they added times four to all that stuff but why they didn't update it on the thing i don't know mainly because of the the issue um streamers having that last hit that we can't do it as a group anymore so trust me there is no way in hell i would do this if that
wasn't the case oh well oh yeah i'm excited to get back to my normal schedule yeah that's right oh he's ice resistant i gotta go to flamethrower all right dps off nice oh thank you tuttle [Music] oh oh yeah shots yeah that's right when i'm never offline it's easy to watch it's true hey [Music] understand all right who was the guy what's the point of this this stuff if you've already done it though honey i guess who was the guy that was waiting here for us is he not waiting now i don't know uh 50
1st this guy sent me the first message so um give me a 20 minutes here yeah because i'm going to run it back to back here and then i'll be back 501st okay i'll be back i'll be back i'll be back and then it's you all right i'm gonna run two gonna run through this guy's got two keys gotta do for the points gotta do it for the points the points points points we're gonna go fast we're gonna go fast we're gonna go fast you just admit to uh gdq what's that the game's done quick oh yeah dungeon's done
quick that's right i am right now no glitch uh no percent consideration all right clock time has started clock time has started starting the clock to do is that seriously just apparently i'm getting the door while having my tank thing up foreign all right next section just keep on running straight to the door just go all the way to the door i'll grab the rest of this stuff how's it soured my feelings about the game no like you mean the the the competition no no it's if i didn't give a sh dude yo
u gotta hear me out dude if the game sucked i would have abandoned this a long time ago have been playing something else i had i i'm missing warhammer for this game like the rewards are cool because the game is cool you know like uh the 100 keys and the exclusive twitch drop for the game you know all very cool things i would not be doing what i'm doing right now if i wasn't absolutely into it just wouldn't be happening dude it's set let's go truth be told i'm looking forward to getting back to m
y days as normal oh so chernobyl yeah i want to play that game's cool as hell have you seen the uh tribes the maygard thing um no jesse said it was really good though and star base comes out thursday yeah i saw the star base thing another game i want to do yeah same too much old ones some of the boss yeah yeah there you go i think it was mataji talking about starbase earlier man it sounded great no it definitely is i'm going back to normal when this event's over i think it ends sunday night does
n't it uh 11 59 on the second whatever day the second is 11 59 on the second is that monday night hmm y'all can just keep running into the boss room when you get that it just opens up hmm i am all right i got it [Music] what a goober and take a day or two off you want just a day or two was this the first one yeah that was nine minutes and 58 seconds what that's better than what we did last time send it to let's go that's the fastest time yet i'll log it i have an account nine second
s 58 nine minutes and 58 seconds all right let's roll it back for another one let me grab a drink real quick uh sponsor game tonight's gonna be orcs must die three guess i'm playing it solo because uh we got stuff to do after that ass beating marauders gave me i need to have some chips kind chips though these are gonna be popcorners white cheddar yeah those things are pretty bowler really all right let's do it somebody have a second key mm-hmm okay heaven should have it it's a 9.50 yeah last one
958 okay oh no my nose is red and i don't know why weird i didn't do anything now that's probably from the beating i got in the war yeah gosh damn it can never get these guys on the side somebody not with aggro grab the door all right door's open yep you gotta keep doing run for you bring the key with you i feel okay from the paint fumes i'm fine uh i don't get aggro like why is all that stuff back there i should have grabbed it all i don't know like the threat management this is just so strang
e yeah something triggered something and then it went back so so all right what's that i got right yep all right you're on it only one person can be on it you can hop off we're good these eggs are so buggy all right let's go to the end there's so many things that are so close to being flawless and then it's just like yeah one little thing throws it off somebody good tools foreign you know what brutal means i think that they hit harder hardy has more health brutal i think is that they just kind o
f hit you really hard explosive is what it is uh 30 minutes the tweet goes out 30 minutes before chat i mean i'll probably start switching after this dungeon well i gotta run 5.0 first i'll have to get you tomorrow dude or something if you're not going to be around in two hours it's like forgot i gotta do this sponsor where's my right yeah it's a great game so why here have you not played the other two uh yes oh yeah i have playing back when i first started streaming i think you were two or thre
e years in when i showed up yeah i enjoy those games oh great i'm really surprised they made a new one i didn't see it coming and stream elements set up a really clever system here that you chat you're just gonna love i actually bought it uh today but i wish i didn't knowing now that you're doing anything but no no it's fine literally they're not tracking if you buy they're tracking if you click it oh well i can i can do i can do that that i can do i think that's tracking if you actually do anyt
hing is i think it's a state of survival that's still going yeah i have that as well now but yeah works most eyes like what i moved away from my family and that's the game that we all kind of play why is it me and my brothers kind of get around and play that every so often it's a good game yeah it's fun for you know the second one was four player co-op right four yep yep and this one's only two right i don't know i haven't haven't played it i mean i've seen some dreams and stuff tps off well we'
ll do uh i'll be back in like two hours and we'll do it again enjoying this too i think will be a solid mmo as long as they improve on some content etc huh what is that huh cool i'll take that oh you canceled it oh aliens fire team yeah i can't wait for that 100 can't wait all right i'll be back i gotta make up an eight one million points one million points all right talk to you later see you man [Music] boom boom boom boom oh i didn't realize i didn't update my uh title this uh hmm [Music] wow
[Music] [Music] so all right chat [Music] um [Music] ah you think that case is epic all right um i'll be right back give me just a second i'll be right back i'm gonna uh just fix me something to eat ah fix me something ethan i haven't had yet here i'll be right back chet and they're looking underway with orcs there's a giveaway going look at that pc [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] someone see your walker i go ah yeah there we go go get him buddy oh god damn it who put that man there [
Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maximilian is gone no one knows where he is he left the order he left me with these children born with the ability to use rift magic egan had no idea how powerful he was kelsey was the most studious novice in the order but she lacked control [Music] i had to test their capabilities a real ogre would have eaten you by now sorry you will wish for that fate before long think he's ever coming back wow it's like you're allergic to saying smart stuff come playtime is ove
r a blunderbuss oh well i gotta go with the blunderbuss can't wait let's do it enemies through the rift reduce rift points if it reaches zero you lose placing traps spins this get more by killing enemies select different traps and weapons okay all right oh hint trap placement is critical select the trap you want to place look at the surface and place it heroes have secondary movement abilities press your jump button twice weapons have secondary abilities secondaries use mana oh okay that is defi
nitely not an order rift yeah i'd like to tell you i knew that but i didn't you are correct kelsey that rift is different quickly get traps placed and stay on the move i will instruct you further when i can how do we hear her when we can't see her telepathy genius now let's try out these traps for real where are these guys dwarfs what's lore of this like what the they're dead and they're coming to get resurrected or something it shows the path that works will take so choose your if you defenses
help with the inventory roll over enemies and gear to learn more select gear by placing it on your loadout bar you can reorient rearrange your loadout bar you have spike trap placed removing spikes from your loadout will auto sell all the traps you want to do this no oh i screwed up enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates they've broken through a gate [Music] here they come uh [Music] oh more enemies on the way is a sponsored stream of orcs must die three third game type exclamation orc
s and there's also a pc giveaway with excavation giveaway enemies at the rift [Music] they're entering the rift more enemies on the way wow [Music] hmm [Music] oh hey get him off my screen kill him type exclamation defend get him off the screen get him off the screen i can't see thank you so more enemies on the way [Music] wasn't this game like stupid gory as well they're almost there lifts enemies up into the air and on their weight and drops them use this tab to sort through the spell book gea
r and upgrades can be purchased use skills skulls to buy gear and upgrade buy brand new gear purchase upgrades and complete milestones to unlock unique upgrades complete to unlock unique upgrades unique upgrades feel our game damage deals lightning damage reduce cooldown sprays aoe acid fountain and damage animates this brain effect ranged weapon that throws acid files secondary used to donate and detonate automatically fires a penetrating arcane orb in a straight line i don't like to just use b
oom barrels that explode when triggered deals physical damage i like that damages enemies with fire and applies to fire damage over time lasers that continuously do light lightning damage while enemies are underneath pounds down on enemies when they are underneath deals physical damage short-ranged pod that releases aoe cloud causing confusion among enemies while spinning should start many darts in every direction it's no blast to free them equipment increases rift points makes enemies worth a r
ift point for a shot short time flips enemies long distance depending on their size flips open and belches searing flames damaging enemies giant killer beehive war scenario only knight secondly attacks with secondary lightning war scenario only drops insanity spinning throwing enemies and feeling physical damage wall grinder they walk by dealing that's awesome worse scenario i wonder what the war scenario is like rapid fire ballista mountable war scenario only jeez there's a ton of stuff i like
i want the barrel oh you can unlock other heroes huh the equipment is stunned immediately breaks crowd control effects i think i'll save it continue continue yeah you see the giveaway the sorceress is really tossing us into the deep end of the pool yeah it's way more intense than the usual training sessions this is not part of your training there's something different about these new rifts every war mage in the order is investigating finally we get to be real heroes like maximilian i will settle
for you two staying alive and keeping the orcs out of the rift just click the link lamar that's all it is you know click the link see what you think um war scenarios featuring ways of hundreds of orcs to kill this many orcs we added war machines giant work slaying devices and war guardians powerful companions to help the you fight it's available on steam playstation xbox uh and stadia stratia i don't know how to say that and i believe this is on g-force now as well yeah well you know because yo
u yeah i think there's they yeah yeah we talked about that they support this now too stadia yeah i'll never say it right um yeah this is you know this is the third game why is my nose so red i don't know what's going on am i gonna be like one of those old men like when i'm like 70 or 60 or you know 80 where my nose is just always bright red on my face what is that i don't know what the hell i would think it would be too much grog but i didn't drink anything have you see hours i'm doing i don't k
now stress from war maybe wait oh choose my defenses can i get this guy oh come on come on man should like be a constant i was so close i could just roll down the steps is that something we'll have to add later that's it what what okay yes two player co-op i can't believe it it stops right there but whatever all right it'll work out um [Music] do so unleash the horde enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates they've broken through a gate hello that it oh the next event again more enemies
of the way our enemies are breaking through elsewhere watch out our enemies have broken through again here they come me double whammy time no whammies here we go no whammies no whammies here we go no man no whammies more enemies on the way no whammies me [Applause] uh so more enemies on the way what uh [Music] [Music] wow oh gosh i don't more enemies on the way [Music] how [Music] hey you put them everywhere yeah they put traps everywhere different different traps through different things why ar
e upgrades in the spellbook there's any more spots to put it arcane dragon wall flipper i need to start get some ceiling stuff all right get them off the screen get them off the screen i can't see get them off the screen this fat one stinks oh my god hmm snow cannon a tar trap slows enemies what if i'm supposed to be buying this stuff for like it's like use the stuff we're telling you to use first sorceress if only the oldest living war mage can open rifts wouldn't that mean yes kelsey the oldes
t is master cygnus if he is still alive but why would master cygnus open rifts for orcs to pass through from other worlds i know riffs provide magic but this magic is not a positive force keep the orcs at bay i must travel elsewhere for answers great we fight the bad guys she takes a vacation it's cool but do you think that's what the trap is for wait picks them up and drops them but that's not a high place to drop this is though so okay enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates [Music] [
Music] um uh um more enemies on the way these little dudes are so fast those are cobalts they'll also set off our traps oh they set off the traps to take no damage from it leaving the orcs i take it oh man more enemies on the way our enemies are breaking through elsewhere they've reached another door here they come [Applause] oh little [Music] how could you convince anyone to agree to this like let's just charge in there with this person setting up traps and you think maybe i'm supposed to put t
his down no if i know maybe now they're doubly coming here more enemies on the way [Music] oh [Music] foreign they're entering the rift oh man more enemies on the way i gotta remember to start doing this stuff when i'm fighting too uh oh [Music] geez holy crap [Applause] hi what a great dance do that was great great great great great great exclamation aux click the link take a peek there's also the panel down below it's the third edition of the uh trilogy here of games yeah you can see what it i
s it's our defense with uh you know third person angle it's freaking awesome and then yeah the giveaway is for a really really cool custom pc right now that's us only so keep that in mind u.s only entries in number one orca murder simulators mm-hmm so do you think the sources will be back soon we're doing pretty well on our own hey kelsey how do you know so much about riffs and the order i study all the time egan i'd like to know all the answers then tell me why glue doesn't stick to the inside
of the tube what is this thing for increases health regeneration deal heals players if used oh i i don't know i don't need that [Music] um i'd love for them to like run at the bombs you know you think the barrels are useless i think they're like pretty legit explode explosions no smash them enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates they've broken through a gate archers they have pretty long range attacks yep i remember from the simulations [Music] oh wrecked [Music] that was a reckoning o
f wreck wrecked more enemies on the way enemies are attacking on another front look out our defenses have been breached again here they come [Music] oh [Music] wow ah good you get these things off my stem screen get them off the screen chat please more enemies on the way these little you little [Music] wow [Music] oh oh nuts uh meant to do that more enemies on the way oh [Music] hmm do those shits oh boy so all right here we go more enemies on the way oh boy oh boy oh boy [Music] wow oh my gosh
i don't think i placed the barrels right just skipping them more enemies on the way oh now i can't sell now they're walking through the barrels more enemies than the rift oh i thought if they touched the barrels they would explode they must us hit them to explode oh well that sucks i thought if they touched them they blew up all right exclamation orcs chat to get you start your murder spree with a third orcs must die take a look see what you think don't forget the custom pc giveaway too looks li
ke they have a new uh game mode called war scenarios and i wonder what that's like uh ah fair light i beat fairlight ha light fairlight beat me on this one i better than fair light twice okay he's up here okay at least i beat fairlight once endless oh my gosh fishy do we have a cool down for that every time they they type it it does the thing [Music] do you have to unlock you put it like 20 seconds or something for crying out loud the little little nerds keep clicking it they click they don't kn
ow how to click a link um my gosh you have to do the entire campaign well where's this where's the new uh game mode do i have to weekly challenges huh feel the drain your house will be constantly draining oh six is the first war one oh really oh okay you gotta keep playing oh okay all right these barricades to block path and change the enemy's route to the rift okay i have consulted the archives it is as i feared we are not facing something new but something very old oh hi welcome back we've jus
t been killing orcs and stuff no big deal okay so what's the deal with these strange rifts first stop this next assault then i will tell you the tale i shall tell you the tale of your forefathers the tale of dragon booty so wait a second so you're saying if i drop if i put this here and then i have to put like that there and it will shoot and detonate that to kill everybody in an area huh hmm was that i don't know if that's better it might be better just to let it activate yeah i think it's bett
er if it activates you know because now it's gonna be like this trap's gonna be like i've been triggered boom you know so hmm enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates they've broken through a gate whoa that over seems bigger out here in the wild and remember if he hits you he will stun you i'll get him off the screen holy crap [Music] uh [Music] still not quite working okay that worked hmm and that should trigger them more enemies on the way um [Music] whoa whoa hmm i don't think that ca
n reach him can it or will it freaking let's do it more enemies on the way let's go scumbags i don't give a no no not these guys not the wrecks oh [Music] no help me him no stop him don't come in don't come in no oh you little oh oh i see it uh um um um uh [Music] is that thing coming down no no it's not it's not coming down it's not good enough um um um um [Music] get back get back use your hands get back from the gate get back from the gate get back back on up back your ass up back your ass up
back up back on up back your ass up back it up oh oh my gosh there's gonna be more there's gonna be more ah well that ain't doing a damn thing oh i got bombs oh i didn't know i had phones i got were these even do anything it's too high i don't think they're doing nothing did some of them come from here kill boxes i mean like give me like a kill box like a they're so expensive though dude so more enemies on the way oh oh [Music] they're attacking the barricade the barricade is down more enemies
on the way weird oh the story of master cygnus is known to all oh master cygnus taught my hero maximilian uh yes he tried to teach your hero he was my teacher as well didn't you turn evil don't test me sorry sorceress what is not known is the story of his best friend the elf vorwick human and elf fought side by side the most talented war mages of the order before infighting forced the horde into small factions they used massive traps and defeated the largest orc armies cygnus and vorwik were the
best young war mages of their generation but when their final test came only one of them would pass here we are once again friend vorwik fighting the largest orc armies ever assembled i welcome it friend sickness i am curious about what drives the orcs you must admit they are far more willing to die for their cause than our own order mages they're definitely stubborn or perhaps just stupid perhaps nonetheless their numbers are no match for my strength and your knowledge of rift magic what the h
eck is this foreign so i love this device this will surprise them a masters war machine this could stop an army meet them with force i guess i'm good i don't know where else to stick stuff let's see what happens because i have no idea i don't understand this game mode yet let's have fun huh that's a lot of orchestras oh yeah get him off the screen oh that the arrow points to where they're gonna okay we've been breached we gotta go to the other one enemies are preparing to breach one of our gates
baby orbs this should be fun do not take them for granted they are a bit meaner than their smaller counterparts [Music] i said i did wrong they've broken through a gate here they come they're almost there oh my gosh entering the rift all right i didn't i didn't quite understand what this was i understand now there are enemies enemies more enemies than the rift yeah the normal traps yeah yeah more enemies than that we only have half our rift points remaining very good our rift is fading ah oh oh
oh there are enemies in our rift room oh well well hold them back well how can i die hold them back oh hello again oh yeah i won this could stop an army a masters war machine oh you can't put these in here okay is that a wall grinder perfection this should work an excellent location i'd love to flip them but it won't let me place that flipper in here hmm simply impossible so here's where they will fall perhaps one of these more coins are needed more enemies on the way so oh hey enemies at the r
ift ah there's so many i like this war mode though this is there cool enemies in our rift room oh god stop them quickly that's it well jeez little rat guys are so fast this is such a cool game placeable indoors oh that would have been nice about just the traps that you can flip trap yeah that's four it would've been nice well i don't have the refund all upgrades and i'll throw him into the grinder or i could have just done this well you gotta hit the quota there for that that's very nice to have
there reduce the damn cost of these things let's try to retry 1000 yards stare earlier like what here we are once again friend vorwik fighting the largest orc armies ever assembled i welcome it friends sickness i am curious about what drives the orcs you must admit they are far more willing to die for their cause than our own order mages they're definitely stubborn or perhaps just stupid perhaps nonetheless their numbers are no match for my strength and your knowledge of rift magic no better sp
ot than here meet them with force here's where they will fall an excellent location a masters war machine this will surprise them huh well if they get through here i guess i'd have to put something here like that and then perfection and not now obviously but if they break through i'd have to right now i'm kind of liking where i'm at too close that's all i can do really this should work one of these here okay all right okay let's do this let's do it oh oh i done ghost i done did goofed poor orc [
Music] oh thank you evil reapers exclamation orcs and don't forget exclamation give away uh hell look out our enemies are attacking yeah uh is enemies are attacking our enemies they're breaking through again who's next okay so that might be better this could stop an army very good perhaps one of these no better spot than here here's where they will fall perfection one of these here because i feel like they're going to break through on this next one an excellent location all right you know this g
ame had bugs i haven't run into any okay come on get him off the screen okay you got you got to get them off the screen chat for crying out loud come on get the rest of them a stupid asl works let's begin let's begin more enemies on the way yeah exclamation orcs exclamation giveaway so they're breaking through the bomb will get them they've broken through a gate here they come there are enemies i see it goes we win again okay this should work very good here's where they will fall this should wor
k oh that's definitely gonna launch him into that grinder geez um i'm not sure what the lava does like they just got across right there at that point i guess you got to make them want to go through that area okay so you got to put like a barricade here and here to make them go that way but then to be on the square hmm a must as well machine ready to fight more enemies on the way are you put yours on the bridge i holyoke an excellent location [Music] perhaps one of these looks like meat is back o
n the menu boys enjoying the streams and new world content cap [Music] perfection enemies at the rift more enemies in the rift that won't be the last one of these here well that's a challenge and down it goes jeez it's more are these even working yeah they were i saw them grinding everyone no better spot than here yeah i know i get a maze path i got you i got you i got your own pr problem is here's where they will fall my only problem is my man is that gosh damn they'd be crazy you understand th
at crazy damn bloody more enemies on the way god i hope the defense is hold man the defenses must hold [Music] here okay oh my gosh there are enemies in our rift room more enemies than the rift they're confident that the uh yogurts definitely are hard to kill i think everything else will kill it will die though they're coming a little basses here come the ogres enemies foreign that won't be the last a mild creature dead well that's a challenge oh my gosh there's another one i don't know i'm just
trying to figure stuff out you know i can anything i can do to stop them just there's lots of explosions right here yeah maybe once more into the breach more enemies on the way ah our old friend craig has shown up to fight we should remove him quickly he will disable the traps he'll disable the traps hey gone this should be fun do not take them for granted they are a bit meaner than their smaller counterparts they're almost there stop there are enemies enemies at the rift now get back get back
from the rifts [Music] i don't think this shit's far now what do i do what do i do what do i do i don't have enough boom boom stuff i'm almost there my you another threat vanquished what i must conserve my power come on noob i must conserve my power gg no rain i'm a warlord what a fun game i gotta play this co-op this is so great nice amulet oh that was neat yeah i need to play this cletus or doing gassy places tomorrow i don't know sorceress i've read all about master cygnus but i don't remembe
r vorwik warwick was the equal of master cygnus and just as heroic in defense of the order but all record of his accomplishments was wiped from history and you're going to tell us why i will but first you must deal with these orcs uh hello are we not going to talk about how this warwick guy is clearly in love with the orcs hmm yeah i like this i'm gonna have to play this uh co-op with the boys wait this game instead this game was on stadia for a year it was oh i didn't know that oh it's exclusiv
e at their launch the moba nail that nearly killed him what moba hmm oh man okay folks must die unchained i even heard that okay how good this game you never to buy a studio just to play it well good news for you it's no longer exclusive it's available everywhere so knock yourself out [Music] oh thanks for the sub i love all the little uh little doodads that they do with all that stuff it's neat okay well i'm gonna save the rest because i want to do this co-op now i think it would be a great nig
ht for co-op playing this game so [Music] yeah no it's neat to tell yeah right that sounds like a good idea all right it was great thank you for the sponsored stream there these war scenarios are very cool right yeah no i like it um not a long campaign yeah but they have like a crazy ton of like weekly events it looks like so that'd be pretty nice that seems like that'd be pretty good that was the easy war scenario yeah i imagine like i'd uh i'd be happy to figure that out more what difficulty w
as i playing at uh the the only one the highest one you can select like the natural you have to unlock the more hard difficulty i think so what a medium the way it's intended to be played what do you mean no way um let's see i mean when borderlands gaming is running then it you can't find it anywhere i don't know where it's from i can't tab to it i can't find it yeah back to back back to expeditions yeah back to my hole ah where the hell screams the internet haven't given him a lot of trouble to
night really that sucks the hell that loose looking ah damn it portal this i guess i'll just restart steam i don't know something's not right oh my gosh there it is what the hell how's this thing hide hmm yeah i'll jump into hell let loose after this is over [Music] [Music] cool [Music] [Music] yeah i'm in it oh um all right i need a group you send me a frickin whisper for this [Music] [Music] ah hi she has only cream called it um oh yeah i gotcha wow you've been waiting a long last time um i wh
oever's like out there i just need a healer and then uh and then the rest could be dps i'm not burnt out of the game the game does is not there's no i'm playing this on release we're doing this on release i'm not going to drop a bomb and be like guys i'm skipping new orleans i'm burnt out i'm not doing that i'm saying i'm i'm burnt out of the competition i'm tired of it at this point because this is all it is is doing this it's all it's come down to is just grinding these stupid expeditions and
that's it i don't like it uh yeah i want to do like the other dungeons and the other stuff but the only way to win at this now is just to really push this dungeon because uh i don't know we we have to win against covenant tomorrow they even have a chance really i think i know we'll see what they do when they nerf the points all right that is just garbage why not inviting me yeah send me a whisper you want to go running people through this dungeon and if you got a key or whatever come on in [Musi
c] so [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning oops i said i forgot to turn that off [Music] [Music] so how do you get it you got to do uh um the quests was the dungeon called again excavation oh [Music] yes [Music] hmm yep my favorite dungeon i love this dungeon so much i can run it again and again and again and again oh yeah attack is definitely harder than defending i'm just trying to bring it home to y'all man got points [Music] oh i'm here i i cuz i honestly like i have no idea how to win that
attack yeah i'm leaning hard on smashley to figure something out because i i have no idea i'm completely at a loss i have no idea all the people that i've seen win their wars so far are like their battles is like literally uh hurt the derping into it like i'm pretty sure they were fighting it completely it was like it was a streamer going in herp to derp no orders no nothing they just yoloed in and i'm sure they were going up against a completely unorganized group as well and they just won in li
ke five minutes yeah i thought her i thought the initial assault was beautifully planned really you know that first push that was great [Music] i just think we got screwed by some kind of weird lag i don't uh whatever happened there something just wiped us out [Music] all right we good let's do it we got a healer i hope so i guess we're about to find out [Music] yeah honestly like i mean i get you got to have bodies on the flag because it turns it real fast but honestly like i was useless becaus
e like the moment i got into that kill box i was dead in seconds on the other one when we're defending i'm hanging outside the thing and i'm dropping bombs so i think i'm gonna i have to do that i had to stay back and and then blast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] yeah we had pots for fire i don't know what to play it posted above you pretzel rocks [Music] keep going i'm thinking we don't have a healer oh this is gonna be bad ah this is gonna be real bad i might have screwed
up i'm sorry because i assumed that that person was a healer oh my gosh there's really no point we're just gonna there's gonna get wrecked oh are you a healer kaiju you ain't no healer what are you doing i'm muted i brought a lifestyle i brought a lifestyle just in case because i wasn't sure if we had one i have no point i have no points in healing i literally just got the first healing thing so i'm trying i'm getting my ass beat at the same time oh no oh this is gonna be bad yeah i should proba
bly just take this one slow yeah let's go to the door oh you're gonna go to the door here oh yeah now i got the seal and i love that spike it's melting it was doing so well in the battle too like i i hit it right in the center and just like i saw it knocked down there's a clip the chat i could have swore i thought somebody would have made a clip of it but like uh in one of the battles i was uh when i i got out of the circle and like did this spike into the center of the circle and there was so m
uch damage that exploded from that so make sure you eat your food so you you're healing and be found in the vaude yeah well at some point in the battle i did it all right let's go ready go left parker right i'll say center dude covenant only has one piece of land if we take it tomorrow that's it i don't think we can't war with them the best scenario right now is that we get one million points back and catch right back up to uh marauders though i am noticing that some of the marauder players are
starting to go ham too on so that's gonna be a problem yeah willie that's fine oh i i'm spacing i'm sorry it's all good oh yeah yeah no no yeah when we get back when they take away from the marauders 750 points that you know hopefully they do that tomorrow as long as well as with the uh invasion points then we'll see where we stand but um if we we i mean we gotta win against covenant tomorrow we got to because if we go down because if we we need to make up that million which won't be a million b
ecause i don't think uh i don't know if we have a full squad or not you heard they weren't here they weren't what funny [Music] you heard they're not going to take away the 75 750k that they just got for free why surely not i mean that doesn't make any sense [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all right someone on the boss [Music] [Music] so oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're saying it's from expeditions that's that's what the hell jira how did bajira just get 100k out of nowhere [Music] [Music]
do there it's [Music] the marauders are saying they're missing two million from dungeons as well i'm so confused right now [Music] [Music] [Music] so cool [Music] [Music] [Music] so even if they're right and two they have two million points that they that is coming to them which i'm fine with if they're saying that that's that's how it is it doesn't make sense why bajira and a couple other other streamers suddenly jumped up by 100k for simply logging in and doing the war and then logging out tha
t makes zero sense that tells me that the points were awarded for the war keep in mind this is not me putting a you know talk talking about bajira that's not what it's not about him it's about i'm using that as the example like buzzer jumped another 100k tonight because he was in the war he's been in every war [Music] all right dps can't stop it stop it rooney stop hitting it [Music] all right we're good cool uh i don't know this that doesn't make sense that doesn't make any sense to me i can't
uh this is gonna be a thing it's gonna be a thing throughout the whole damn thing whatever i hope we lose by more than a hundred uh 750k if we lose more by more than that then i'll be okay with it i'll just move on but if we move if we lose under that if we lose at any point because it's 750k that we lost by i'll be so adamant man i will be just absolutely livid about this yeah i'll be so livid i just want it to be fair that's all i want you know like come on just be fair look at screenshot huh
what oh wow you are such a little stinker look at you look at you okay i'm running low bees through here okay smash while you're out there just kicking ass and taking like your elite squad i'm i'm doing i'm doing the people's work here okay i'm taking lobbies and running them through all right [Laughter] she did it in seven minutes ridiculous gosh rub it in my face too look at this i'll tell you what [Music] yeah i'm gay hey yeah that's right i'm getting lobbies through this thing in in nine min
utes okay i'm doing i'm doing work over here all right yeah go ahead and cue it again i guess well um try to get actual healer yeah hey 501st was it did you use your key was that your key did you get it done i need a healer i'm never going to speed run this thing with that [Music] are you done for tonight smash [Music] oh thank you 500 first yeah let's get a healer [Music] prepare my gear what they don't even have the icon oh did she just come in here and just drop that and go back [Music] oh th
at's dirty she just came in here to drop that wow oh i need to change it i got war tonight on here i was like we lost we lost sad face yeah she came in and said get good and then left unbelievable man [Music] i'm actually dragging my level 29 ass through that dungeon gosh damn it i can't even i do that i need a healer oh i i gotta you got we gotta tell this guy what's up i don't think he's he's just uh hey dude i'm doing points for this with this event can you stop bps he knows i'm from okay nev
er mind all right let's go all right ah was that smashley dancing in front of me for crying out loud well she teleported away now let's go again i got a key not a healer though i got your lux next round you think now we can push hard now the healer's 29 so yeah and i can always assist if it gets scary okay all right let's go for it oh you did you die no i'm good this guy got hit right as i was about to jump he died though he made that he tried to make that joke oh you guys don't oh no all right
i'm in there [Music] my i'm like crap the ledge clipping gotcha so like how we run and sing to this music no no you little now someone just died follow bart guys oh hey kaiju when you come around don't forget to tap one of those ghouls by the nest because one one of them spawns there and he won't uh start the next event unless he get he gets killed okay it's like every time all right they're all chasing all right gates open bro left i'll stay on top because i can shoot down put the stuff down th
ere oh all right i'm on it all right hmm enjoy it it's probably the last time you ever see me do this again i'll grab the candle he's racing me right now guys dang it i ain't got my a team here smash is racing us you believe that gotta give us a handicap i don't want no handicap i did that to cleveland oh goods down don't worry about it guys fall back over here to the center to kill the big guy he did all right there we go big old spike right up to good someone in the boss mini boss [Music] [Mus
ic] it does feel nice not have to worry about levels anymore though just gotta get better and better gear when live comes i'll probably stay pvp flagged and then just uh oh my gosh he's back again oh my gosh she did it in under seven minutes nice oh why what what what am i even doing here i had this one thing i had this one thing that made me happy speed running 16 months on the dirty skull am i doing good work all right let bro finish it nice thank you victory not fast and i actually haven't ti
med it a bit i don't know how fast we're going i'll time the next one hey smash willy wants to talk to you when you're done when you're done streaming wants to do a voice chat private not now then when we get done streaming i'm building a bed frame oh come on i don't want to like mute my channel again i'll be there for the war but i'm gonna be on contractor ass tomorrow he's building my pirate wall so at least he's supposed to uh thanks dude who's the uh that oh sir was the healer wasn't he i th
ink so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i got you after bug okay looks like johnny's stepping out too johnny eyes wants to trade hopefully trading ah thanks hey is anybody uh anywhere want to want this hatchet that i got it's a bind on a quip so hatchet of the fighter it's an epic i'll take it you sure yeah i'm a hatchet why's your lifestyle [Music] i ran away i'll do it after all right i just got it i killed a random wolf and they just dropped it nice yeah you have luck war gems or something
nice work you're still going i am what's wrong with me look at faction chat what yeah i know invited you to trade what you got i'm not doing i don't want a duel right now i didn't hear nothing about them delaying launch nah you don't need to trade yeah you got to do the runs rick you got to run it with us dude how [Music] oh nice [Music] thank you [Music] i think they have uh [Music] they um what was i going to say me and my dad put all that ikea together ourselves willy it's it's not i don't i
like building the ikea furniture with my dad it's i it's a bonding moment between father and son i would despise doing it by myself it's the worst yeah but i do enjoy doing it because he's there and we do it together so it's like a little it's the thing we can do together and matter of fact i got pissed off when he built the i bought i bought the an ikea um uh you know those things they put at the front of the bed and you can sit on it and it can store stuff what's that called is an ottoman yeah
you like because i my bet my bed sits up high so it's kind of weird to like sit on the bed like put your socks on and shoes and all that you know so i like like sitting on that thing and getting dressed you know uh nice and soft and then i could put stuff inside of it too so it's really cool it's like a chest yeah that you sit on it's real nice at the foot of bed i love it uh when i need one more who who am i inviting i need i need one more person who was that anybody else i got a key not heale
r though i gotta i got a healer so we good boom [Music] there we go all right let's do it oh you want to trade huh you want that hatchet you want that hatchet there look at that give it to me you're gonna have to repair it though i i it's going through the mud a little bit oh i can tell not gonna be able to use it for 10 levels anyway yeah good luck getting to that before the event ends oh right down board like town board quests are like really nice if you have the you know a streamer privilege
if you people are funneling you resources it can level you up very fast you saw me do that from yeah even with the nerf even with the nerf it's very fast because um you know you can still jump cities but uh for the most part i'd say that uh oh wait wait wait i gotta start the start the clock did she start a clock on her on her screen i'm just doing my phone yeah there we go oh and i'm dead get knocked off it knocked me off yeah yeah so anyway uh even though i was two levels i had to get which i
could detect from smashy's tone that she didn't have the faith in me to get those two levels jumping around and collecting all those quests were able to do it no problem but they're gonna be great when you're live to just grab them and supplement them as you go when i when i do go live i'm not gonna go nearly as hard the only thing we're gonna go hard with on live is capturing territory just like we did this time so let me chat funneling gold to us to buy territory and then capture all those zon
es and then and then we chill because then everything's gonna be fun this is gonna be more relaxed states i'm gonna level up and i'm gonna level up a profession at the same time [Music] i still don't know what profession i want to do maybe fern what hey what's the one profession do you think is hardest that the not hardest but which one do you think that nobody's doing what's the one that nobody's doing chat i want to do that one i want to do the one that's got the least amount of people doing i
t [Music] jewel crafting really outfitting these five different professions at once really explain we didn't have a weapons we don't have a weaponsmith [Music] we need to find this out willy we need to find out what people are gonna go gonna roll find out which one we have the least amount of and i'll do that one we should do like another one of those like a a poll like we did before unless we already did it i don't know we should probably do one that's gonna be about who's gonna do what live ju
st redo it so hello [Music] oh so uh oh okay no no i got pinned against the wall back there i'm going left okay this guy's not all right okay get off of it and get back on it get off of it get back on it come on mine gosh damned this thing's so buggy oh all right doesn't want to trigger now there we go everyone get off go ahead get on now like i can't press the button it just wouldn't go i gotcha just keep going you don't need to grab it [Music] we'll see what we got dark stalker oh god [Music]
hmm i do like that eye stomach oh to the door what does that sound like batman so wasn't the flash supposed to fight the red terror this season or something like that i remember them saying that flash is still going yeah yeah yeah it's still going it's definitely going downhill but uh iris killed flash for you i didn't have a problem with iris i have i have a problem with the writing of the way they handle uh the drama between the two of them i also get tired of barry going man somewhere in the
world somebody passed away i wasn't fast enough i could have i could have done something i could have done something if i just would have been fast enough i could have stopped it somehow i got tired of that garbage i still watch it though i mean if anything else i'm just getting it for the dc lore superman and lois is actually really damn good all right let burke finish yeah let me finish it off and boom oh come on you thought that was it you know they're baiting you with joker right they're not
gonna be the joker's not gonna be in titans just baiting you with that that's a that that that's bait oh yeah that was 15 minutes i think the that's uh that's lol or cakes yeah right this is like the trailer though like implies that joker's gonna be in it but i think that's just like they're never gonna do joker stuff i think it's just like a storyline involving joker but not actually have joker in it [Music] yeah it's gonna flashes like anyway they said they were gonna i heard they were gonna
bring in red terror and honestly i i looked it up and read terry you know what red terror is it's batman with the flash his powers and evil i thought you okay [Music] i haven't watched long halloween yet no i guess we can go again yeah we can go again if we want you still got keys go ahead sure oh chronolog [Music] i'll be honest dude when it comes to bat woman i would literally watch like a couple episodes at the beginning and i was out i didn't like it at all terrible writing on that show yeah
it was super bad which sucks because the villain lady was actually really good at her role and what's her name lois um alice or something like that yeah i'm ready go ahead cue go uh you know what was funny is like uh another how they turn killer frost into like a hero and stuff like that and she's running around team 14 flash and all that i mean it kind of ruined that character who made her a little too derpy but whatever i digress um i thought it was funny when they do that that uh because i a
lways liked the killer frost angle right i like that as a character but um i don't know if that's what she did she become that in the marvel in the dc comics does she become like flash's friend or ally or something like that i don't know dc fans would probably tell me but anyway um uh they had this episode where like a lawyer or i don't know some cop lady was all about like prosecuting killer frost you know so like at the beginning killer frost was like she was kind of a villain in the show some
what of a villain kind of an anti-hero but she did some shady like she kidnapped somebody and uh you know fought flash and sided with some villains you know but she never killed anyone um she never like went too far you know she never crossed the line of no return you know what i'm saying in the show she was always a badass villain but she never crossed the line then all of a sudden she starts doing good so she makes the decision to start helping people and saving she saves the city a couple tim
es and she fights she decides to flash to defeat villains and it's all very public what she's doing everyone can see it you whatever right so what happens is that they they they let her go for a while they don't they don't arrest her or nothing right and then all of a sudden some cop comes in and it's like i'm gonna get killer frost you know this lady shot i'm gonna arrest her for what she did back when she was bad you know and i'm like okay you know like here you got a city that constantly comi
ng under attack right you got this hero killer frost it's okay she did some bad stuff but she didn't ever press charges on her and so like you're gonna just lock her up who's saving your city you know justice has to be served i get it right whatever no one's above the law but guys damn you lost one you know your city yeah he's literally saved by these people uh yeah the new chief right so i thought i thought the angle would have been more appropriate but they didn't do this angle i thought uh wh
at would have been neat is that let that person like prosecute killer frost right and they guess what they do they uh um it's like it was a missed opportunity and then they and then they gosh let me let me finish the story so there's this whole trial and they're they're trying to judge if she's like worthy or not uh you know all this whether the good she does how does the the the bad and anyway they ultimately decide to uh put her in prison for life okay she's sentenced to life in prison first o
f all that's a ridiculous sentence for someone that didn't kill anybody and what for kidnapping i mean that's uh where she didn't even hurt the hostage and like that that's a kind of over-the-top sentence but whatever uh that that's what the city decided right so then they lock her up and so she's locked up and that's where she's gonna sit and stay for the rest of her days right and i thought you know this would be a cool angle for like um the city to go around the head of this police chief righ
t who's that who's like dead set on getting her right to be like like have them close the cell and lock her in and go through processing and they put her in the cell and then they close the door and then they open the door back up and said all right you're being let out for good behavior you know like you said this has been commuted for good behavior and thank you uh for serving your time you know like why wouldn't you do that you know like that was like that would have been awesome i would have
laughed my ass off at that like this like a city would just be like yeah get your ass back out there keep protecting us because we don't want to deal with this with these crazy people we need to have something on our side just as crazy so go ahead get out there right but um they didn't do that instead like they did some weird storyline where she's like i don't know she breaks out a bunch of criminals break out and then uh i don't know she apprehends them or something i don't know it was just we
ird and they finally just let her go with the um you know no big fuss it's like this completely abandoned the trial and life sentence of the character there's like oh yeah we forgot about that it didn't go anywhere you know it just kind of just dismissed it out of hand like all right that's the kind of writing that's going on with flash right now they just completely forgot that they put killer frost in prison but whatever there's always the pardon right yeah exactly i'm saying the same you know
for a corny show is this so is supergirl over she was doing her final season did that already happen i don't recall [Music] or are we like at the halfway point not yet still going uh okay talk about a show that that could have been you know and like i knew it was gonna be campy and corny and i was okay with that i'm on it i'm gonna i was okay you know you can weigh in anytime you want to kaiju anytime you want to about these shows you go ahead and weigh in oh i don't watch those shows almost bu
t yeah what do you watch uh nothing really i don't really watch tv you just you just uh not into any shows nothing watch the game watch game of thrones when it was out you know repeat repeat that walking dead until it got bad ah yeah that's really it okay it's open oh yeah let's go oh and lucifer it's a funny show yeah lucifer's good and i like that so oh my god so oh yeah i did like the cameo lucifer had in uh crisis yeah a little constantine yeah so is that the dc version of lucifer then i thi
nk so so who was the devil guy then at the end constantine is that also the same lucifer morning star just really he went to a different world in the crisis thing no no i mean like in the movie constantine like with keanu reeves yeah well i don't know that's probably like they probably weren't even considering that oh okay i'm down let's get stunned got heels for you in a second now [Music] oh there is one more season lucifer i thought lucifer's final season already aired i'm not sure i'm not th
at far yet also you saw we dropped one right we lost rick james do what we lost rick james oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh god okay stunned i'm just gonna keep healing it's really really hard to heal and uh holy oh boy the boss is gonna be tough guys damn got a bunch of menopause here oh lucifer is done okay all right did it have a good ending at least [Music] [Music] hmm oh there is gonna be another season oh i'm gonna binge watch that eventually all right i got it i got it i got it i don't think i g
ot it i don't i'm not sure if you did luxford was hitting it [Music] you bad bad bad you're bad you're bad you're just bad now it's still 15 minutes i'm sure if you had like a 50-plus squad in here oh right it would be inside me sick it'd be safe it's all good rick it happens man oh i'm gonna look grab me uh some cereal give me just a second so yeah you can yell on her kaiju see if anybody wants to come i don't care all right sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chad if anyone wants to go
we got a key so we just need a healer and a dps throw me a dm pc kaiju [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning hey how's it going i'm doing okay just woke up made two keys for you guys so i can start them up two times okay great we got three keys right now awesome let's do it okay very good there you go it it says that i don't have the aza stop why do i not have that one might be in your bank [Music] i got the tier three one in my pockets i'll equip it re
al quick let's see what happens oh i just got it and it works okay i just press cannot enter the expedition and i'm entering wait no one more i think right missing one that is a potato you got a potato there you are was he hit where'd he come from there we go oh i knew it what okay click on fire all right let's do it i switched the tank [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] oh i could probably go to the door with this group yeah because not yeah we got purple heels yeah you will be fine right behind you
like that confidence all right let's pause them all clear why am i doing that here we go [Music] whoa chronologist that was close well irish didn't make it [Music] if you get rid of the ghosts for me that will be nice or they are very nasty i have taunt in five seconds [Music] everyone started so [Music] did you beat the ten and a half minutes already um what no yeah yeah we did earlier on it we getting shoved off i got like six enemies down here all right i'm on it gosh damn oh my gosh i got y
ou all right there's nobody on the one on the right coronal let's go to them all right who's down here no one's over here no one's on the right hold on i don't know stay down here all right oh where the hell did all these guys come from i think someone ran through the nests to get back yeah everybody is on the right right now all right just don't go moving stay in the oe there you go oh let's go back down to the to the thing all right i got right oh she's down there all right now nobody's on the
other thing ronald's gone oh [Music] apparently marauders before the war happened marauders passed us in points by a little bit because apparently they were grinding out dungeons to catch up and then they won the war so that's why the points look like they do so i got a million points for that war win on top of what they uh were ordered okay whichever way you don't go work i'll go left okay [Music] it just comes down to hours chat like it's pretty obvious at this point that the marauder team ha
s more casters that can commit those kind of crazy hours than uh having it and uh syndicate can that's just how it is not everyone can it's just numb it's numbers and hours at this point that's all it is i do not think doing 48-hour streams is a benefit to anybody in my opinion i don't think anybody had to do that kind of nonsense but uh some of them wanted to and that's fine they definitely put up a out of points but i don't think it was necessary i'm i'm not doing that and i'm doing just fine
that's nothing mike i slept it's not gonna be a 24 hour stream [Music] [Music] don't forget you're bound i got mine already so um today all right i got it oh come on should have got that i almost forgot about that story of my life right now do you have dreams about this dungeon already ah my dreams are just nothing but darkness darkness and sadness that sounds so sad so oh wow yeah oh my gosh the faction leader didn't even play on marauders damn both faction leaders didn't play covenant and mara
uder's faction leaders peaced out on europe so he could pull the head real hard thank you did anybody else have a key or do i have to use my second one uh chronology is code planning on playing this [Music] chronologist go open the damn door [Music] [Music] [Music] okay uh um [Music] right here let's do it oh dazzy i think the game is going to be massive on release man not like you have anything to worry about that this is an mmo you know not the whatever's being strained doesn't mean jack so wh
at's up you read some reviews what'd they say so [Music] you moving just keep running we're always running would it be a late shift eu group like an eu guild i mean north america and europe players kind of all play together anyway in the same guild right now yeah that's definitely true oh i'm stuck here out i got tom yeah i'm free all right chrono let's go left irish go right no turn around yeah go to your left right now there's a lot of people down there i'll go down there actually [Music] all
right we got it head back up geez where did all this come from oh i'm on the edge holy crap my character's all jacked up right now off the ramparts just fight on the bridge look at that stupid run so oh [Music] look at the maps on the left side harris [Music] yep [Music] [Music] so the door [Music] oh hey all right let's get in there so so so [Music] we'll definitely say anybody planning on rolling ice gauntlet i got it anybody we're gonna roll this ice gauntlet the ice spike is it screw that st
upid current that you put down that thing sucks ass the ice spike is it yes it's really that good yeah it's very good how is it against pvp well it's amazing it's literally the best pvp thing yeah i'm definitely gonna have to focus on some crafting when it goes live i'm gonna chill i mean we're still gonna do wars and but you know ain't gonna be that big a deal [Music] these runs have definitely uh slowed down dramatically it's a bit we've had like no level 40s besides purple today okay since i
got here well i'm happy to help if you need more heating i can stay if you want this is melting though i'm doing another one probably one more arrow ready to go i could uh i got a key i'm running back right now to turn in my bone mission okay yeah i needed one more corrupted silver to make a third key sadly you cannot buy them it's all bind on pick up all right you can start it now why i chose epic music i why i feel like i've been listening to like elf music for like the past hour what's going
on this shit's putting me to sleep guys damn that doesn't sound like epic [Music] let's go [Music] get this feels like i never run out of mana and frost anymore i have the same with healing you just got the build right not done getting pushed into a corner so door is open let's get moving i'm running straight to the door you got it [Music] [Music] are you what the frick game game seriously i'm trapped i'm literally trapped jeez gosh damn yes make sure you're getting the off the healer ugh okay i
'm going right tell me when i can jump on what's going left i don't know why the hell i just did that i'll go lift him [Music] [Music] yeah i'm on it follow me iris is uh the bridge open yes yes bridges up go straight across don't stop all oh i guess he got tired of us like you know what daddy else maddie you got it i got the candle here cool come to the middle iris over here all right purple start yeah man you're on honor i keep getting hit oh there's a wretcher there he goes done thank you i d
o love nuking with that spike hmm is void iron a lucky drop or a lucky craft i don't know i hadn't done none of that garbage yet well uh i've gotten it from a drop i think a treasure chest huh [Music] i got him hmm how's facebook coming along you know honestly i'm confused as right now painter shows up late at six comes in the contractor told me he was going to come in and prime the entire thing ceiling in walls with primer the paint the contractor bought the primer they were gonna use the prime
r for everything these guys i can't get a hold of contractor all day today right don't know what's going on there these guys come in and they say hey we can just uh use your paint because it's flat we don't need the primer we can just paint your walls and then we'll use the primer for your ceiling for the white uh uh tried to get ahold of contrary to see if that's these cool things i don't freaking know i don't know the answer to that and uh then he tells me uh we're just gonna do the primer for
the entire thing after all i was like okay cool they go in there they do their work they leave say thanks we're done for the day it took them two hours to do it everybody out of here by eight people yeah oh all right i got it yeah they were out of here at 8 00 p.m so like the fumes are in the house you know which sucks i would have liked to have had a time to air it out before you know like leave the doors open and like that let everything air out instead of coming in so damn late and then they
tell me you know i'll go in there and take a look and instead of primering it they went ahead and did the actual painting so like the the walls are the the real the flat color that i picked the uh the gray and the the ceilings white right so they went ahead they didn't use the primer after all they just painted the ceiling they just painted it the with the with the paint anyway so and i'm looking at it and it's like it's you know the white has streaked down or something because there's white on
the walls coming down from the top and i'm like this ain't done right like they're doing another coat or something like that what what what's going on because i thought this was gonna be like a one day thing you know they're gonna prime and then come back another day and do the actual painting so i i don't know i gotta talk to this contractor tomorrow today at some point but contract supposed to come today and like build the pirate wall so i'm like are we good what is this you know like anyway
kaiju blue gems irish chronologist thank you all i'm gonna go to bed all right almost 19 hours is probably enough i've done i've done look you know one's gonna say that i didn't put points on the board girl this is true so did the best i could with a great community backing me up so i'll see y'all later have a good night later i have no idea like i'm so confused at this point i'm irritated because i don't like that they came so late i didn't even let you know there wasn't even a chance to like a
ir it out so that bothers me too uh yeah i want it right this this contractor that i got man he's been plagued with like terrible second-hand tires the drywall people sucked these painters seemed to apparently suck i don't know i have no idea um i think like i said i'm gonna have to ask him because because i just want to get i just want to get it done i just want to get it done now he like it's so delayed that he he i know the guy he's got he like he he's probably contracted out other work you k
now because he's expecting this to be done at a certain time he's probably told other people another time so i know he's off working on other jobs and trying to get my done at the same time it's just like i it's been um it's gonna be a month like hell even like it started on the 23rd of july i thought it'd be done by my birthday on the seventh here we are on 28th and there's still a lot of left to do he's got to put the damn flooring in he got up he's got to build the pirate wall this yeah well
i don't know if smash is gonna keep going or not but uh i'm 19 hours in i gotta go to bed i guess i'll just raid smashley all right i'll see y'all tomorrow i don't know when i'll start up early again not not early in the morning but i'll start up i'll definitely be on time for the raid for the war i'll see you
