
New York Film Academy Animation School

New York Film Academy's Animation School provides students with state-of-the-art facilities and hands-on experience with the industry standard Maya software and top-notch equipment. For more information about our Animation School, please visit:

New York Film Academy

9 years ago

Hi, I'm Mark Sawicki... I'm Juniko Moody... ...and I am one of the chairs of animation at the New York Film Academy. Animation has such a broad spectrum. There are so many different pieces of software. There's so many different uses for animation. We still teach traditional drawing, sculpting, and modeling. We give people a very rounded education. You're going to get the history of animation. And learn about screenplays, about storytelling. Story is all important. Visual effects uses animation a
ll of the time. Motion capture today is really amped up because your'e taking those movements, and you're actually able to port them directly. If you're an animator today, in today's world, you have to consider the global marketplace. It's full of animation tools. You're going to find them wherever you go. Advertising, forensics, education, animation for serious games... You're going to master the basics of those tools here. There's limitless potential with animation.
