
Next js Basics An Essential Interview Guide for Developers

Subscribe to my channel: Looking to ace your Next.js interview? This comprehensive guide covers all the essential Next.js basics you need to know to impress your interviewer and land your dream job. 1. **Introduction to Next.js:** Understand what Next.js is, its key features, and how it differs from other React frameworks like Create React App. 2. **File Structure:** Learn about the typical file structure of a Next.js project, including the `pages` directory, `public` directory, and configuration files like `next.config.js`. 3. **Routing:** Explore how routing works in Next.js, including client-side routing with the `Link` component and dynamic routing with dynamic route segments. 4. **Data Fetching:** Understand the different data fetching methods in Next.js, such as `getStaticProps`, `getServerSideProps`, and `getInitialProps`, and when to use each approach. 5. **Static Site Generation (SSG):** Dive into the concept of Static Site Generation in Next.js and its benefits for performance and SEO. 6. **Server-Side Rendering (SSR):** Learn about Server-Side Rendering in Next.js and how it enables rendering React components on the server before sending them to the client. 7. **Dynamic Routes:** Explore how to create dynamic routes in Next.js using brackets (`[...]`) to handle dynamic parameters in URLs. 8. **API Routes:** Discover how to create API routes in Next.js to handle server-side logic and interact with databases or external APIs. 9. **Styling:** Learn about the various approaches to styling in Next.js, including CSS Modules, Styled JSX, and third-party libraries like Tailwind CSS. 10. **Deployment:** Get familiar with different deployment options for Next.js applications, including Vercel, Netlify, and traditional hosting platforms. This interview guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle Next.js-related questions during your interview and showcase your expertise in building modern web applications. #NextJS #InterviewPreparation #ReactFramework #WebDevelopment #FrontendDevelopment #StaticSiteGeneration #ServerSideRendering #DataFetching #DynamicRoutes #APIRoutes #Styling #DeploymentOptions #DeveloperSkills #CodingInterview

Raza Code Academy

3 days ago

Assalam-o-Alaikum viewers, I am pleased to present you this interview on behalf of Raza Code Academy, Myself Muhammad Husnain Raza. I hope you all are well. Our today's topic is Next JS in which we will cover different aspects of Next JS. From the beginning of the video, First of all, if you are new, then subscribe to the channel, this way you will be able to watch our upcoming videos easily, thanks for your support. Today, Amjad Ali is present with us for this interview, who is a senior develop
er of Next JS. Assalam-o-Alaikum Amjad Ali. Welcome to our show, how are you? Wa-Alaikum-Salam, first of all thank you for calling me for an interview. Alhamdulillah, I am absolutely fine. Okay, so if you are ready for this interview, then let's start. When I am ready, we can start. What is the next thing and Why is NexJS used? NextJS is an open source React framework that helps in developing web applications. It supports both server side rendering and client side rendering. Next in which what i
s client side routing? What is the role of web application in client side routing? Pages are updated without reloading the browser, which provides better user experience. In Ness JS, this is possible through dynamic routing. What are the advantages of Ness JS? Ness JS Server Side Rendering Automatic Code Splitting Static File Serving and Hot Code Reloading Apart from providing features like, it is also known for SEO friendly and easy deployed. Next in JESS, what is SSR server side rendering and
how does it work? In SSR, the web server generates an HTML page which is rendered in the client's browser. Next In JS, when the user requests, the server renders the dynamic page and sends the HTML content to the client. Next What is the concept of static side generation SSG? In static site generation, web pages are built once and then cached. So that they can be served as static files. Next JS provides the facility to generate static sites through SSG which improves the performance. How is data
fetching done in Next JS? Next JS Man is responsible for data fetching. There are various methods like Get Static Props, Get Server Side Props and Get Initial Props. This method is used to fetch the data and render the page . What is the difference between Nest JS and Create React Pup CRA? Next JS Server Side Rendering and Routing. Comes with capabilities whereas CRA is based on client side rendering Next JS has built in support of SSR and dynamic routing whereas CRA Main It has to be implement
ed through additional libraries Next Which includes how dynamic routes work Next Which includes square brackets Dynamic routes are defined using file names like ID then dot jas. This file name serves as a template and is matched with the values ​​of the variables at run time. How to do custom error handling in Next Jas. Next Jas. Get Initial Props and Get Server Side Props methods are used for error handling in JS. These methods can catch the main error object and render a custom error page. Nex
t How is CSS handled in JS Next CSS in JS This approach improves code maintainability and styling flexibility. How to Deploy to Nest GS Nest GS apps can be deployed using forms such as Versus Netlify and AWS Amplify. This platform helps in easily deploying Next JS apps. How to integrate Redux in Next. React Redux library is used to integrate Redux in Next JS. Redux state management can be easily implemented in Next JS apps. Helps in understanding how testing is done in GS Popular testing framewo
rks like Jest and testing libraries can be used to test GS apps. These frameworks facilitate unit and integration testing Next Incremental in GS What is Static Regeneration IASR Incremental Static Regeneration IASR is a feature that Next JS allows to update static sites at run time. It provides updated content to users without rebuilding the entire site. How to Internationalize IT 9n in Next JS This is done for 18n support in NextJS. Next i Next library can be used. Through this library multi la
nguage content can be easily managed and served. Viewers This was our Next JS interview in which we covered the basic topics of Next JS. Hope this tutorial helped you. You must have liked it, if you liked it then like and share it and share your feedback in the comment box. If you are new to the channel then do subscribe. Thank you.
