
Nintendo Switch & HUGE RPG News! New Final Fantasy Tactics, Visions of Mana + More!

Potential new Final Fantasy Tactics or remaster incoming, Visions of Mana producer's incredible vision, new Xbox handheld soon? And Princess Peach Showtime! 0:00 Intro 0:34 Visions of Mana 6:38 Final Fantasy Tactics 11:10 Xbox Handheld 14:09 Princess Peach Showtime! Sources: Bounding Into Comics (Visions of Mana) Nintendo Everything (Princess Peach Showtime eShop) ▶ Subscribe to the channel: ▶ Support the show: ▶ Become a channel member:


14 hours ago

Okay guys we've got some interesting Nintendo  switch information RPG news and a little bit of Xbox Hardware information as well to go over and  something that I know you guys are going to love with visions of mana and Final Fantasy Tactics  and what's going on there and a little Nintendo switch game that seems to have Evergreen status  as well but before we get into all of that what's good everyone OJ here welcome back to another  video please make sure you hit that like button subscribe if you
are someone new and click that  notification Bell to get my videos first and let's go ahead and jump right into this article that  I find to be absolutely brilliant from square enex and the producer of visions of mana and the  headline is visions of Mana producer refuses to change series identity for Western audiences it is  best to deliver the game based on the developers Creative Vision now this is something that's had  a long history I'm not going to get into all of it but it dates back to P
hil fish and the early  2010s late 2000s where a lot of Western developers Western Studios felt that Japan was Antiquated  Japan was behind the times Japan sucks at this point they're not creating Innovative games like  Mass Effect or Dragon Age in the RPG space they're being left behind their old dinosaurs and I think  that that's pretty much been blown over at this point right that's not a thing in today's day but  it was and there are some developers that feel the need I would think Square en
ex to a degree with  Final Fantasy that they have to appeal to the Western audiences for sales so they make certain  type of changes to do that now Square nx's Mana series producer Masaru oyamada has declared that  rather than bringing in new fans by changing the action RPGs line core identity he hopes to do  something by celebrating those Elements which have made it quote popular in Japan or a long time  now this is from bounding into Comics shout outs to them for the Roundup on this so here is
what  the producer had to say he's been there since 2009 as well the original interview was from March  from the website automation so here's what he had to say in general about the series and its  appeal for overseas players and Japanese players quote in Japan there are many people who have  been playing the series for a long time and are familiar with the IP's history so the reaction has  been half expectant and half anxious the producer told the outlet on the contrary overseas players  showe
d a lot of curiosity about the game what it entails including if it would be available on  platforms that they own the difference between the reactions is something interesting now he  was also asked any plans to see how you would reach out to Western players when it comes to  the future of the series and the Mana producer said this I get the feeling that many people who  picked up Secret of Mana back in 1993 or in Japan it was called S densetsu 2 at the time it came out  were young like I was b
ecause I regularly receive feedback from people who play the latest entries  through the lens of their childhood experience with the series I hope that as they grow older  and become parents they will recommend the Mana series to their children and tell them about how  fun it is the unique atmosphere and design might make some people feel that it's a bit childish he  added however these are the strengths of the Mana series rather than changing these features that  make the Mana series I hope tha
t new players will come to like these games that have been popular in  Japan for a long time for what they are then when asked by automation if his declaration meant that  he was taking care not to let your series identity become westernized oyamada ultimately affirmed  quote I think the visuals of the Mana games are distinctive characteristic therefore it's best to  deliver the game based on the developer Creative Vision for example there are many different types  of characters in the Mana seri
es he concluded I think the fun of the game is encountering  this Mysterious World and its inhabitants and because of that we don't have a strong focus on  a particular audience however we do work on the game while bearing in mind that the Mana series is  loved by fans from all over the world now this is a really good interview and some fantastic  thoughts from him because I get that quite a bit from people talking about from the outside  looking into Zeno blade oh they should change this it sho
uld be more like Kingdom Hearts in combat or  it should be more like eeve or it should be more like this or that and it's like no this is the  Creative Vision that the producer wants to have and they're hoping to get new people in as people  who played Zen bade Chronicles Back in the day and now as they get older they can recommend it to  other people if they have kids cousins whatever the case is and I feel that this evolution of the  Mana series coming to New platforms and having a new game fo
r the first time in nearly two decades  a decade and a half or something like that this is going to be a good way to get more people into  the franchise and I think that having it on a multitude of platforms and having it to where  it's going to be going back to the roots but then also adding in some new stuff is what keeps  the identity of the Mana series and what keeps it fresh and fun for everyone whether you're a  newcomer or you're a classic old school fan like myself where I played the old
school Secret of  Mana on the Super Nintendo back in like 1993 I remember playing it and being blown away that you  can play an RPG a traditional action RPG like this with three players so I do think that that's the  charm in the series and I'm so glad that he said this they're not trying to westernize it they're  not trying to get the Call of Duty crowd or trying to get the crowd that thinks that hey we need to  have games that are like this or look all serious or blood or anything like that t
hey're going to  make what they're going to make and hopefully people kind of lch on and try it out give it a  chance especially if it gets some great reviews and obviously it looks beautiful from a Gra graic  pleasing aesthetic so that's my thoughts on this and I think this was a phenomenal interview but  let's talk about something that's also incredible and that is Final Fantasy Tactics fans have been  left waiting for decades for a new Final Fantasy Tactics game this is still one of the best
games  the original release on the PlayStation 1 has so many good things about it not even a remaster  or remake in the modern day and fans have been chopping at the bit for anything about Final  Fantasy Tactics and it coming back now we had the Nvidia GeForce leak a while back that showed  that square enx was working on something but it's pretty much been radio silent since then as other  games have came back like Tactics Ogre we've had new Tactic Games like triangle strategy we've  had stuff l
ike unicorn Overlord there's been a lot of great tactics games to come about and  have success selling well so does that mean final Fantasy Tactics is closer than ever before  will we see it soon well it seems like Square enx agrees here shout outs to my man stealth because  in a recent interview Square enx producer/director Yoshi P says it's about time for another Final  Fantasy tactic game to be made now this was a huge interview with the gamer they talked about  Final Fantasy 16 they talked a
bout a lot of the DLC stuff they talked about Final Fantasy having  a tactics game there's all sorts of things that they did discuss but the biggest thing here is  that somebody high up in power in the ranks at Square enex that has influence and can get a  budget and get things approved states that it is time for Final Fantasy Tactics to come back  and I agree I think that Final Fantasy Tactics needs to come back in some way shape or form I  think that the most ideal thing to do with Final Fanta
sy Tactics is probably have a really nice  remas of the original game and pair that with a brand new game as well now they did this before  at least they've done it before with the strategy when it comes to a different franchise at square  enx and that was Valkyrie Profile if you remember a couple years back they wanted to do a brand  new Valkyrie Profile game which they did and it wasn't really that good and then they also did a  re-release or remaster of Valkyrie Profile lenth which is really
good the or original one from the  PS1 and unfortunately the new game for valkyrie alysium is not that good it's got its moments but  it's not that great of a game but Valkyrie Profile lenith is still just as fun and just as amazing  as it was from back in the day but even better now because you can play it on a huge TV and it's  got better audio and it's got better quality and it looks a bit sharper and everything's just  better with the game loading times way better so I do feel that that is p
robably the best  way to go about it here get us a nice remaster re-release of the game on Modern platforms and  then get a brand new Final Fantasy tactic game to follow that up and that would be really good I  think people would be excited and want something like that because Final Fantasy Tactics is such  a classic and great franchise but the big thing that they should not fall into here is changing  up the game play to the point to where it's not what fans remembered and loved and that was th
e  problem with the new Valkyrie G game like people want that button map to characters type of combat  where you can do different tactics and strategy based on what character you have assigned to the  buttons and they didn't do that with dois they turned it into a really bad clone of like Kingdom  Hearts or other action games or Bayonetta or DMC and it's nowhere near as good as any of those  games like not even close to those games and they got completely slammed in the reviews and  maybe it's a
bit better than what people were saying I played the game but at the end of the day  it's not the Valkyrie Profile that people wanted so I think that's what they should do be cautious  with this one and I think that it could be really good but obviously if there's any plans for them  to do this we' know about them sooner they'd be coming up I guess Square enx doesn't really do  their directs as much anymore those Square enx presents or whatever they had so maybe we'll see  something later just
announced at one of these Summer Games fests or something else that one  of these companies have with a Nintendo Direct or like a Xbox showcase PlayStation showcase we  could see something announced at one of those but this might be some good news for Xbox fans maybe  Idol sloth over on Twitter clipped a portion of an interview that Phil Spencer had with polygon  talking about an Xbox handheld and they said the Xbox Hardware team is considering different  Hardware form factors and things that th
ey could go do as a plan the future of Xbox Hardware what  should we build that will find new players Spencer said that will allow people to play at times  when they couldn't go play in the past so that definitely seems like they are prepping some type  of portable device to probably link up with your PC or link up with your Xbox already I'm guessing  it could be something like a PlayStation portal or it could be something a bit more like a steam  deck but I think at the end of the day Microsoft
and everyone involved here is going to find out  how difficult it is to do one of these get it at a certain price and get power get the specs  get everything that you need the screen and all that for an affordable price range because even  if you look at what some people are saying like oh we already have steam deck steam deck costs  the lowest end model costs like $400 right the one that's like the LCD and then if you want the  OLED so the nicer one which most people are going to want to play
games portably that cost $550 and  then if you want the nicest one that costs $650 so it's pretty expensive to get into that ecosystem  now of course it links with your PC your Steam and all of that so you can do a lot of things with  it the emulators all that stuff nobody's disputing that but there's a reason why steam deck has  not been able to break open into terms of sales because one it's only limited to their store but  two they do not have the amount of orders coming in for them to expand
their operation right now  so Microsoft is definitely having their work cut out for them if they want to get into this type  of Market because outside of the Nintendo switch there's been no other handheld device or hybrid  device like the switch that's been able to really break open into the General market and sell at the  clip that it's sold over 140 million units even still at this point with the steam deck and with  the rag Ally and with all these other stuff that's coming out switch still d
estroys all of them when  it comes to sales and it's the weakest by far and Nintendo's getting ready to launch their next  system as well so we'll see what Microsoft comes up with here and I think that it would probably be  an addition to what they're going to do with their next piece of console hardware and they want to  make sure that they have their cloud gaming to you can play anywhere so I completely get what they're  going for here but I don't think it's going to be easy overall now for th
e last topic here guys we  are going to go over a little bit of a Evergreen game it looks like Princess Pete Showtime once  again still if you look at Amazon number one on the recent releases for Amazon best sellers and  number one on the eShop so people are continuing to pick up Princess Peach Showtime now I felt that  this game could have limit first week or so okay it's at the top but then things kind of drop off  afterwards but it seems like it's actually getting some good postlaunch sales w
hich kind of put it in  the Evergreen territory if it continues this now I still haven't completely beat the game yet I'm  in the middle of it still playing getting through I've been super busy with videos and other things  but I enjoy the game and I think specifically for people just getting into games for the first  time or I would say for young children parents playing with their kids or people that just like  Princess Peach this this is a fantastic game for them to play and a little bit of a
change of pace  considering the different types of gameplay modes that they're in and having Peach have her  own adventure which is cool we haven't seen anything like this since super Princess Peach on  the Nintendo DS more than a decade ago and this game with Princess Pete Showtime is way better  than that game so I can see why it's continuing to have some success here also in Japan it was  also one of the top if not the top games sold once again and so this is definitely a good thing  to see
overall another different style of game starring Princess Peach maybe this turns into its  own franchise in the future which is what I would like to see just like how Luigi's Mansion got its  own franchise and it's huge now I think that this could happen with Princess Peach Showtime if they  feel like doing it and if these sales continue to be strong in the future so that's going to wrap  it up for this video here guys thank you so much for watching I do appreciate it please make sure  you hit t
hat like button subscribe subribe if you are someone new click that notification Bell  and check out my other Nintendo switch RPG videos and more right here on screen thank you guys for  watching we'll catch you for the next one peace
