
NOT AN ORDINARY SIMPLE ROOM!!! Minimalist Bedroom Makeover Becomes Gaming Room Aesthetic 2023

Episode berikut adalah makeover kamar tidur minimalis jadi gaming room aesthetic. desain kali ini datang dari salahsatu request-an klien kami yang ingin kamarnya dimakeover menjadi lebih modern dangan tambahan perabot serta setup gaming yang cukup lengkap. dengan spesifikasi ruangan berukuran 3mx2,5m dengan ketinggian 3m dari lantai ke plafond. Pemesanan desain secara spesifik (berbayar) bisa kontak kami via : WhatsApp - 082 293 303 599 Instagram - ramdhani_arch dan, Bagi teman2 yang ingin merequest desain secara gratis, silakan komentar divideo ini dengan format - ukuran kamar - konsep kamar thanks sudah nonton sampai akhir, dan terus dukung kami dengan cara klik like, komen, dan subscribe agar kami lebih semangat dalam membagikan inspirasi desain interior maupun eksterior. link perabot & dekorasi : MEJA DIPAN DRAWER KURSI NANO LEAF CERMIN SKADIS RAK TV POSTER CUSTOM NAKAS STRIP CUSTOM KARPET BULAT

BangDan Project

11 months ago

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh welcome back to meet and greet with Bandan here on the bandam project channel yo guys How are you today, I hope you are healthy, always have good luck and keep up the spirits okay in this video, bandang is here again. A bedroom interior design project from one of our clients who requesting that the room be made over to be more modern and of course more contemporary, yes, the room design this time is 3 meters by two and a half meters and the room height
is 3 meters from floor to ceiling . comment on our video with the size of the room and the same concept and for the concept itself adopting a gaming theme with a little touch of LED strips on each side of the room so as to make this room more aesthetic, of course, then moving on to the use of furniture, there are mirror chairs and gaming tables as combat tools LED nanolive decorations desk wall na an LED strip at the base measuring 120 x 2 meters, a TV shelf, a ledge and finally a drawer and a m
ini aquarium. Okay, those are some of the main pieces of furniture that were used in the room design this time, and for those of you who want to buy or are interested in pictures of furniture, you can visit the hole. I provide it in the description of this video. Okay, let's go straight to the design animation, let's go blind





Mantap bangg bisa buat refrensi nihh, thank you banget ya, semangat terus channelnya!


Bang req 2×3 jendela 2 bang versi gaming


Kamar gaming Korean cewek ukuran 2,5x2,8 ada lemari pakaian ada 1 jendela ganda dan 1 jendela tunggal.


can you do 4x5


Rendernya pakai apa bg ?


Mana linknya?