
November 27th 2022 RimWorld

This is the full vod from the stream on November 27th 2022. Watch me play live on Twitch!​ Support me on Patreon! Follow me on Twitter!​


5 months ago

foreign foreign time for chaos hey Sneezy how are you [Music] [Music] [Music] you passed your covet test does that mean that you don't have covet I'm assuming it means you don't have covid or what does that mean Pat past is a weird way to phrase that but hi kaido hi wind hi Ron new person here and I gotta kick their ass off the airport quinge well good luck missed your home bed so much welcome home Ron bum bum oh no I'm the elfenheimer you have you have convinced me from watching your stream it
looks too fun and too much chaos so I am I am I'm ready to embrace chaos Grace chaos chaos yeah baby it's time it is time we are embracing chaos God bless oh boy oh I'm sorry to hear that kaido I hope you feel better soon ah Embrace chaos 30 boxes on your back porch oh my God did all the people that you like work for just not like keep in touch with you do they not know they don't even know forehead uh catch you later Sneezy good luck with uh driving your funny little person around [Music] all r
ight I have to set up a couple of things before I swap over to the funny little rimworld screen Ah that's fair Ron we've been claimed by your cat is it cat and lap time Kelly so what does this extension do basically you can drop whatever the [ __ ] you want into my game my mods will a lot be able to make polls for people to be able to [ __ ] choose what happens to our [ __ ] it's gonna it's gonna be uh it's gonna be a nightmare basically oh boy [Applause] all right all right all right all right
can we drop mods into the game uh no but you can drop pretty much everything else as far as I can tell I don't like where it is in the window so away it goes oh yeah you can you can murder it if you don't want it it does have like a pretty large icon and I don't think they included the like quality of life of being able to like move it around and [ __ ] so it will it do be there if you don't feel like interacting with it you can just turn it off in the settings on like the right side of the scre
en or the right side of the video player if you do not feel like you want to participate in chaos ah but anyways welcome on in everybody hello hello hello I have a hoodie now I hope you like it I'm gonna make it fancier and like look nicer eventually but I got I I finally got this worked out so that's cool yeah no longer a naked Dragon for the moment we can we can always bring back Nikki Dragon but for now I'm cozy I have a hoodie you can pet me dragon can afford clothes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I got I got the drip now ah I sip from my my cup thank you for the main pets God bless We Salute You all right oh my head is large can I make my hands big too oh oh I hate when people call it that nakey oh it does work yeah all right so let's read twitch integration how's it going gamer thank you so much for sub big heart emoji to you how are you how are you how's it going also I want to be looking more more the other way here make me look or like that better slightly more lookies all right is
that better lookies looking the right way it's so hard because I have to look I have to look this way to see the thing that I'm going to be looking at and then I look that way I mean I don't know the other way maybe I look East too far um that should be fine wiggling myself around welcome back your steadfast royalty one gay years yeah thank you so much Q it's been a minute oh last year thank you so much can you give me a big heart the biggest one that I can do for you but yeah thank you so much
I really appreciate it all right huh let me freaking oh my gosh meowfinheimer too holy heck give me a second I'm trying to figure out the mod but thank you so much you guys are great welcome on in I hope you guys had a good week I hope you had a good Thanksgiving hope you guys had a fantastic uh weekend so far all right install twitch extension cut from the configuration page got that open Rim world mod settings Rim connect Pace the secret in can I advance so the settings the settings I do from
when the game is launched I think probably do you care what order you go in Mr rimworld playful requirements depends on Harmony so should you go what order do you care about is this an order the order of matter I think the order does matter you know what while we're here what other what other mods could I get what is most popular um most popular over all time wall light wall light sounds pog they're um if the wall there is destroyed they too will be destroyed should we get some wall light I like
wall lights me likey shiny things me wanting not too oh my gosh thank you so much big heart emoji Nino me likey shiny things it's true thank you so much it's very generous of you I'll I'll twiddle my my my little hoodie things for you all right give me that I want that uh what else do I want prepare carefully choosing your gear repairing carefully for your crash landing don't care hugs oh that's like something else replace stuff existing things in the game will handle it I'm not that worried ab
out that oh hi how are you can you hug of course you can hug Circle mod um okay uh prayer careful what do you feel like this one as you promising here at getting start and we can't we can we'll deal with whatever weird [ __ ] we get um construction does sound like a good thing because I'm I am very tired thank you for the fall of one star I'm very tired of the [ __ ] like oh I'm like build this square right and they're like okay I am going to oh we have to think oh well I have to think oh my bra
in is really small okay I figured it out I'm gonna go over here and start this corner I'm gonna go as far away as possible and then do another Corner over there and then I'm gonna go as far away as possible again and do one over there yeah yeah yeah yeah that's how we built it and like that that's how it goes every [ __ ] time so uh this sounds useful are you do you match my like version of the game does this function for well I don't know we can I'm I'm a mod user now let's switch add-on was pa
rt of my hoodie no not yet all right um so that's fine we already have Harmony is there anything else that would be pog common sense com what is common sense dude Common Sense sounds like a a smart thing allows your pawns to act smarter look up mod settings to know more I did not even attempt to fix naked reports of issues um um optional fill their need of Outdoors cigarette Recreation Outdoors this sounds useful should we get this one we might as well get this one I like Common Sense sounds lik
e a good thing to have all right catch you later X have a good snooze thank you again so much for the generosity I really appreciate it hope you sleep well pick up and haul is also pretty good that was up higher right we already scrolled past that where was that or maybe it wasn't up higher am I stupid I might be a little a little dumb a little stupid uh uh reading reading reading pick up and haul what do you do um colonists will gather stuff in their inventory then haul it all to a stockpile ta
lking about a greatly increase hauling efficiency constant now carry more than one gun or a t-shirt they can use the inventory you got to see it to believe it um that sounds useful notorious reach well then when they're idle very practical for field doctoring for animal Chambers um is this greatest mod ever uh somebody's being an ass um I don't know we can try it worst thing worst worst case scenario we just turn it back off no worries Ian if you got to sleep you gotta sleep sleep is important a
ll right I don't think I need anything else I've heard good things about P music key music is amazing okay I'll get P music I love P music all right um wall light enable P music enable pick up and haul enable Common Sense enable smarter construction enable Auto sort mods uh well that's how it likes them sorted is top load first how do what what people that know rimworld things what order should I fiddle my like doohickeys around into does it matter is top first or is bottom first I forgore yeah
I don't know either should we just hope that it works it loads from top down so so this should be fine right probably Auto sort puts it this way yeah Auto store ports this this way so I'm saying yeah oh and it kills itself automatically now that's a pretty cool feature just wow stop stop existing instantly whatever you want all right New Colony crash landed yes [Music] um adventure story because that was one we did before I like Adventure I like story please choose commitment reload anytime mode
I'm a [ __ ] seed um we did mainsoft last time dude huge me um factions oh that's fine ah that's probably fine how do I make it big how do I make the world big is this the is this the bigness how do I well how do I make like the square that I'm in really big I want the square that I'm in to be like the the biggest square that square can be also I sit more I have a funny little Rainbow curly straw makes me happy I sit my make brain big juice those are hard set you change that When selecting a ti
le I think oh okay generate advanced Map size yeah so I want [ __ ] huge game is designed to play on medium half sizes the size for Financial State large sizes don't degrade performance they actually break the game design the AI will make stupid decisions okay so maybe maybe we don't do that but we can do biggest medium if it's gonna break the game I don't want to break the game starting season Auto that's fine um where where do you guys think we should start one of our what are who are our frie
nds our friends are yellow and purple yellow and purple I think is it like temperate forest stuff is like good to start on right huge so it was that I already forgot my brain is very small very small uh purple and purple and yellow okay those are our friend purple yellow purple yellow we could go here that's between purple and yellow tropical sounds too hot doesn't matter where you start with twins integration you'll get so many random resources okay well how bits of the world's like this big I
think we could start in in the middle what are what are you temperate rainforest but you have like a what are these little thingies oh Sandstone agreement Limestone and marble slate Marble and Granite slate and marble I like Limestone and marble terrain large Hills I like flat I want marble to be somewhere oh granite and marble that sounds kind of pog I like granite and Marvel cozy hoodie Dragon yeah okay [Music] um but I'm sure all of my lovely viewers will gift me great things to use anyway wo
n't you I agree um we're starting twitch integration mod for uh rimworld so it's gonna be cursed all right this is going to be John craftington and they're gonna be good at crafting oh just kidding it's gonna randomize their name all right we randomized and told her good at Construction become good at Construction become good at Construction oh can you not be addicted to drugs though can you be a good at construction and not addicted to drugs psychically dull uh you're good at cooking too he get
s hungry quickly and won't be occasionally overcome with the urge to eat ravenously even when not hungry that kind of below incapable he's stupid all right well we're getting a better Constructor I would like a a Pog Constructor oh hey lindworm what's up you're not excited to go back to classes tomorrow yeah I can imagine psychopath she doesn't mind if all these Butchery left unburied in prison soul to sleep unless it affects her she also feels no mood Boost from socializing I mean that's that's
fine I think you're good at shooting and construction and you're a fast learner uh I definitely think yeah so this is uh I don't care that her she's a female you are John Construction short identifier build John build construction wow you're also a dragon of sorts this is a good way to be I like being a dragon of Swords incapable of carrying me me at this point all right uh how are you how's your cooking all right we need a cook we need a good cooker seven or one nothing one nothing eight and p
lants uh iron willed we like that undergrounder that's great jailbird okay cool so you can be you're good at cooking cool so you you become John cooking mon they're like they're like a digimoner Pokemon incapable of carrying as well all right well we're gonna have are they both incapable of Carrie all right well we'll have one doctor and that'll they'll be hope they'll never get injured or die I'm sure I'm sure our one doctor will be great eight Medical and look you have a mom medical assistant
incapable of firefighting bisexual you don't like drugs night owl okay I don't like night owls so we're not doing that become good at Medical become good at Medical meh cool better at Medical please I want passion in medical please I mean okay too smart oh you're quite eccentric I'm I don't like acidic acidic sucks uh Medical okay employable professional they're good at socializing cool shelter child that's fine furniture builders so you could potentially help with construction stuff and your Ac
e we love Ace Ace is a good way to be we like Ace all right great you are John John doctor medicine that's a great name so we have John build construction we have John cookingmon and John doctor medicine Lacroix like the sparkling water what no Lacroix all right we start we start and then I'm gonna pause make a new save and then we add in the funny all right so great pause oh wow the music is a lot louder now I think I think am I making that up that's part of the mod right because we have new mu
sic let me know if it's too loud my doctor doesn't have medicine in their name I don't want them exactly exactly that's how you know it's a good doctor Rim connect uh status connect secret uh do not share your secret on stream okay uh uh uh uh paste hide we're back okay connect [Music] Ed POG silver per two minutes what do you have this what is meowpenheimer if you're still here what do you have yours set to I want to give people enough stuff that they feel like they can participate but not enou
gh stuff that it becomes like [ __ ] crazy insane crack gray Matt men ow oh stop it ow make it as high as possible no hiking Tara how are you all right all right all right yours is at 50. okay 50. update on server [Music] loyalty store items items oh can I just have everything be included I assume everything's included by default so uh cool now we have new music too you can bump out to new music you can play with my hoodie tassels to new music I don't know why I'm calling them tassels they're no
t tassels but basically the same thing right big brain time all right so that's fine it's not too loud is it it doesn't look like it's too loud okay we make our first save Chaos Control save all right cool show me my men pop out of your little Hut pog all right Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam did we get a rat oh Chico hi Chico ah the brain is stored in the horns so true best he's so true all right let's get a
look at our funny little map area we got okay where do we want to start our our mission um we can probably like start over here that sounds reasonable um okay well first schedule we are doing Papa copy paste paste you look thinner with this new model yeah you think I've lost weight thank you um all right uh work manual priorities everybody loves firefighting everybody loves being a patient you are doctoring everybody loves bed rest everybody is hardly a basic [ __ ] all right who's so you are J
ohn cookington so you are cooking we were John buildington so you are building uh and you are you're hauling and cleaning because that's what we do here okay cool uh also plant who's who's good at plant cutting you good at plant cutting okay so bam orders chop wood kablam great and then structure wall uh Bam Bam Bam well Bam Bam Bam Bam door we have a door on one side door on the other side bam architect Zone build roof area what can I see is there any is there roof anywhere already there's not
build roof area bam also we don't need to build that square or this Square we're just going for efficiency right now baby I have a hoodie now yeah hi VIP I have a hoodie and I can make it whatever I want so I just went with a simple thing for now but I will be making it cooler when I learn more stuff hi Val hi hi hi how's my favoritest I don't know if actually I don't know if you can be favoritist main wolf you have to cut you have to you have to go do combat with the rest of my mandible friends
and then whoever comes out Victorious gets to be the favorite is thank you how's it going how you doing all right um so Zone [Music] stockpile Zone this is just our put [ __ ] everything here Zone right now [Music] um except for those funny we are turning off uh uh chunks no chunks this outside can be a funny chunk Zone clear all chunks there all right go go my people where are you going you're not wandering anymore you're vomiting no wandering oh call me calling us beds yeah I I sure I bet you
do you've been cutting foam cling wrap and duct tape all day oh hi gerg how are you also excited for mff yes yes yes yes yes yes mff is going to be so much fun um okay uh people are doing stuff I need how about you uh after you do that all these out of my way and then somebody needs to deconstruct that John builderton is gonna go deconstruct that thank you John bilderton all right we can probably speed things up need Recreation variety yeah there's there's a lot of things we need game chill chi
ll about it okay cool fantastic we're doing great already uh are you good at shooting you're not good at shooting I would like you to wear that so you gear drop that drop that re-allow that you put that on can you bro grab your helmet too put that on and then go I guess somebody's gonna bring that to you so that's fine ah you'll get it done gray don't worry about it you've been really turbo busy so you know I'm I'm just happy for you that you've been able to do as much as you have done all right
what do we have in terms of do we have to research these no we don't we do need electricity though and we're not going to be able to have that immediately so we need to build a research table like as soon as possible probably um cool uh-oh okay Wade has sent us human meat thanks what else did we get uh Tatsu sent us a boom rat oh I don't like that can I release that could I just say go go away I don't want to kill it release enjoy boom rad go away I don't want you anymore they can go away thank
God oh God oh God drugs okay um that's great and all uh oh God a sign uh drugs no drugs no drugs no drugs also ow stop throwing things at me stop it I'm just a little baby stop it I'm sure I'll be able to make it to a eurocon at some point Ian uh yeah no no drugs I'm sure eventually we can become a drug producing Colony but for now we are not soon we will become the meth lab ow oh oh stop oh oh gosh I'm trying to look up under my hoodie aren't you I can tell I know what you want I've seen I've
seen things I've seen I've seen your desires hoodie with no pants no you're not supposed to know that you're not supposed to know that chop more wood um okay we are already like almost full on [ __ ] in our stockpile uh what's important what's important what's important we need two uh uh orders build out stop it stop it I'm just a level one Goblin leave me alone oh all right we need to build a funny stop stop it leave me alone do some hand stretches okay oh I'll be doing a lot of other stretches
stop trying to look under the hoodie stop it oh stop it leave me alone no no sniff no sniffing no stop it no put the nose away stop no the hoodie is tucked in you don't get to see no leave me alone oh my god oh I'm never gonna be able to come back alive oh oh no stop stop wait no no no no no no no pizza on screen oh my God thank God leave me alone no stop it stop it stop it leave me alone no I'm trying to build a face leave me alone let me build a base oh okay it's quickly before I die again oh
oh oh no oh oh stop it oh oh oh oh dark this isn't even what I want go away um I think that's what I want is this what I want wait uh because uh you guys have got me all messed up now because we had like a bed and then it could fit an end table and a dresser okay so this is the size that I want yeah okay good and then we put a door where's door door right I think it's four by four grid do I feel it in real life yes I suffer I suffer constantly daily where's my funny little there is my funny lit
tle okay I just want to make sure that was all the way on all right am I in The Matrix I very well might be all right these need to freaking get out of my way um uh structure bump two three one two three four door oh all right uh people don't like there being a dirt floor so let's have a wood floor all right go go my construction people oh no what else do we have goose eggs fertilized um sure we can we can bring those inside this probably has to get bigger to fit things somebody can bring some g
oose eggs inside here you bring bring those inside did I like your Among Us sandwiches gar I shared them with people yeah all right so we got that ah you got a killer jacket on Friday it makes you feel sick oh so sick not bad sick oh no what else have we got what is this uranium why are you sending me uranium Five Cobra eggs uh well they come out they surely they come out like friendly right we can we can keep those I'm sure I'm sure they become they come out of the egg friendly with us because
we we hatched them right I think maybe [Music] uh all this [ __ ] when you're done oh my God they're so much better at hauling with this mod what the [ __ ] they don't like turbo suck at hauling so what on Earth chop this [ __ ] down also everybody else can be on like plant cut barely if you have to be wow okay great uh where are you going oh we need wood cool uh uh orders chop wood you know just do all that [ __ ] ah use for Uranium bombs n is for no survivors all right uh that's great oh dude
the new music is really cool I like the new music all right where where are our funny what am I looking for I need we need a light source uh temperature not temperature misc not miss structure Furniture torch lamp bam uh bam and then I need uh uh need you to haul this [ __ ] what oh I have to make it freaking the put rocks here area bigger here go all of these thank you yeah they I have a mod now that has me have even cooler music can you prioritize cutting down that tree so it's not in our frea
king way all right uh structure what time is it 1700 people going to want to go to sleep soon oh yeah we like an hour before people want to go to sleep dude this new music from the mod is Banger dude good luck cobal big heart emoji I'm proud of you you're doing great one two three four I declare a thumb war I declare thumb combat all right that's great uh uh oh bam bam oh bam bam oh I'm still gonna video games oh bam bam oh bam okay you not you you uh sure go go build this [ __ ] for me set owne
r uh you can have one where are you going no you're not you are finishing all this [ __ ] oh oh well we just oh wait hold on we can a normal oh it's a granite bed sent me this I already forgot who sent me this messages with granite beds have here if you didn't know this wait I can teach you I can teach you cool facts Granite beds have uh reduced rest Effectiveness because they're uncomfy on Stone so my first cringe colonist will will get this bed oh IED trap what the [ __ ] you couldn't choose t
he type oh that's fair uh now we have an IED that's great how do you check messages I didn't know there was a log uh if you go to history uh well [ __ ] I'm inside of it here let me let me shoot myself for a second um pew uh if you go down here you click history you go to messages all right I I revive phew I come back all right there we go oh good good good today I learned I had and I have so many hours in this game I'm uh I I'm proficient in uh what's called reading the tutorial there's a tutor
ial box I did the tutorial the tutorial told me about the thing nobody suspects the tutorial baby everybody skips that [ __ ] I did the tutorial I I have learned my brain isn't big enough for oh long sword tutorials two of them who's good at melee you're like okay ooh you have a passion for melee hey buddy hey pal after you're done with your walk [ __ ] get a long sword bro God the new music is bumping dude like in the hit game undertale exactly like in the hit game undertale oh god oh there's s
o much stuff oh you guys are sending so much stuff herbal medicine oh I actually like I really like that that's actually really nice uh give me those maybe not the beer but the herbal medicine yes you stop going for a walk did I give you permission to have a life no no having a life go finish your work uh also floor wood floor bam bam it did not give you permission to have a life so who has this build has a bed you need a bed I'm sorry you get to recreate when the freaking building is done then
you can recreate until then oh what sure you can eat I guess after you eat though you must build what ah fine I guess you can go to sleep if he's not gonna be like turbo grumpy is you are you gonna be turbo grumpy whatever huh all right we have our funny little beds for our funny little colonists they're all made out of wood which sucks so we're gonna have to fix that as soon as [ __ ] possible need warm clothes [Music] already how do we already need it is spring my guy leave me alone really ent
itled view of your workers to want sleep exactly right we're living in we're living it's not even modern day capitalism we are living in 5500 capitalism okay straight up there is no such thing as sleeping on the job also let me see if I if I do a funny I'm gonna I'm gonna do a funny give me a second to do a funny bro what no funny no ha ha dude I will never understand who designed Elgato key lights I just wanted to try and turn mine on but no it is unrecognized so I guess I won't be doing that n
ever mind not that I needed but I was just like oh what if my room was brighter no because we designed ooh orbital trade Beacon I do want that but we are are you carrying stuff Gathering IED trap to hauling inventory you better be dumping it okay I was like you're not don't [ __ ] carry around the IED all right um what else are we gonna need we need like as soon as possible we need a stone cutting table someone gotta be doing that [ __ ] all right production Stone Cutters table bam Outdoors bad
temperature okay well [ __ ] bad temperature why is it a bad temperature what's the temperature it's 45 it's gonna get warmer right it's spring I assume it's only going to get warmer no stop setting them drugs stop it no drugs not until we make the meth lab soon the meth lab will be built and then then we can begin our drug Empire all right things are going great what is the what is the room-ness of this room from stats display hey but it's not horrible right walrus thanks for the follow what's
up what's up gamer all right cool that's great who else is on cleaning putting everybody on cleaning um okay so we have that going on for ourselves I would really really like what is the what even type work is this again it is it's crafting work technically right so you are crafting go be a crafter wait can you oh I have to put a bill what kind of rocks are these These are Granite right Bill make Granite blocks forever I want infinite Granite blocks all the time forever until we have five billio
n of them bruh okay we could eat that technically lavish meal ooh ah you go go get these those are usable uh also what can we like go hunt that doesn't kill us um who's good at hunting you you have a I gave you a gun right gear do you have a gun you don't have a gun can you get a gun go get that after all right ah foreign [Music] great um so we're getting bricks bricks are slowly happening as bricks happen I would like to start building [ __ ] with set bricks so these are gonna be our funny litt
le rooms we are going to use the power of funny little rooms to build other funny little rooms [Music] because how many would you so this is one two three four five six so I'd have to yeah so they have to be 11 High is it 11 yes okay great oh I'm so smart oh my brain is huge oh can you guys feel it can't you feel how big my brain is all right so we're gonna want this and we are going to want like a one two three uh that is what we want because this is gonna be our kitchen area and back here we'r
e just not gonna build a wall there and then we can build door here all right did someone say hi hi Kai hello how's it going gamer all right so we have that actually hold on more importantly I think more importantly for now uh uh more importantly for now get rid of all this we can do this later shark-ish thanks for the follow what's Poppin gamer hello hoodie Dirk that's me I have a hoodie now um more important than that for now is let's build a temporary how much wood we have wait a fair amount
of what I want somebody to like basically immediately start researching so let's see where can I put simple research bench bam yeah it'll have penalty Outdoors for now torch lamp bam dining chair bam uh door bam floors bam because I we need tech and we need it now oh no oh no what if what have you all done 50 marble blocks that's gonna explode into [ __ ] five billion things worst colonists oh more drugs from Oppenheimer thank you mouthpenheimer we love drugs a monkey okay Sandstone blocks we do
like Sandstone blocks that is actually really useful 50 kibble okay uh I guess we don't have to immediately kill the monkey then maybe the monkey can eat the kibble is this a stack of 50 or something how did you send me 50 marble block oh these are blocks okay God you're giving us so many freaking drugs sadly wearing a turtleneck it's okay you can you can be honorary hoodie gang okay Sandstone does help a lot for now that will be useful a lot how are we doing on food we have a fair bit of food
oh God what are you doing oh I have to give you no drugs what is your deal you said you were a worst colonist so what does that mean bio War Refugee okay Colony settler oh why are why is everything zero staggeringly ugly pyromaniac oh depressive oh chemical interest oh no okay they're they're gonna be a problem well let's just try and have them be useful Maybe hi buddy you were horrible at construction so you are not doing that for me no you can be you can go do hauling and cleanings you can't [
 __ ] that up as far as I understand actually you know what you can be hauling cleaning and Minecraft playing you can go play Minecraft go be a Minecraft player somewhere oh God monkey meat no not monkey meat and a monkey he's right there dude right in front of our monkey what difficulty am I on right now uh uh Adventure Mode with Cassandra woman I must tell you the idea of a group commission with all participants being dragons and hoodies that is a good idea I do like that alright so we're buil
ding our research room we have another colonist now so we do need to build another funny bedroom but I kind of hate that colonist but oh my God they have to they have to we have to make them not suck because otherwise they're gonna be pissed off and make everybody else pissed off oh that's gonna be great ah boy all right uh who's good at researching doctors that are researching okay um taking you off of crafting falling and cleaning because you need to research what does our research project we
need solar panels unless there's a thermal anywhere thermal all the way down here thermal here I feel like thermal is way more reliable in the early game so I think we're gonna go first thermal [Music] research firm [Music] where was it I am blind how am I so blind geothermal oh it takes so much longer though oh we're still doing that all right go go research what no go research a bear oh oh no oh I don't like that okay um groups are a nightmare ads are starting soon so I'm gonna pop to the BRB
screen We're Gonna Save Chaos Control We're Gonna Save I'm gonna pop to the BRB screen so nobody feels like they're missing out on any Crazy rimworld Action while you're stuck in adland uh I'm gonna pop up to the bathroom probably if you need a snack or you need to stretch now's a good time and then when everybody's back from AG jail we will continue thanks for the follow Alpha all right be back after AG jail all right you're already oh yeah you're no longer jailed because you're sub you don't g
et you don't have to experience agile oh all right dude this is gonna get so [ __ ] insane so fast I'm going to try my best to maintain a colony here but Jesus Christ I feel like it's gonna be [ __ ] crazy also for my mods that are in here um it says that mods can create like polls or votes in the uh in the overlay for the rimworld mod can you guys do that has anybody have any of my mods check that out you've been doing them okay that's how I got the worst colonist oh okay so Ron has done it gra
y sees the menu but has no idea how I see because I I haven't seen it I I have no idea what it looks like either [Music] you're free it tells me that some people might still be trapped there for 30 more seconds so I'm gonna wait a bit oh you have something else on the way too oh I'm sure I do I am sure that I do I really hope it doesn't involve all of my men dying six heads no what like why do people get ads at different like the whole reason I'm trying to [ __ ] six hole bid boy ads hi walrus t
he whole reason I'm trying to [ __ ] like do ad time because it tells me on my end it just told me that everybody's done with agile as of right now so like I don't know if it's just that there's like a turbo delay or something like I don't you got no ads well do you have are you like do you have the like the twitch thingy whatever it's called I don't I don't know but like the thing that they made so you don't get ads across the whole site I have no idea anyways you have twitch Prime is that the
same thing I don't know if that's the same thing oh God more stuff what are you elephant tusk oh more beer elephant tusk what do we do with an elephant husk all right anyways I want to start building my Colony down around here uh all of this needs to get deconstructed I don't want any of this but I do want the bricks from it eventually how are we how what's our like research speed oh we're so slow is this nor work speed 100 I mean so work speed isn't horrible I do need to build some more tempora
ry housing though I don't need that actually I do need more temporary housing for colonists that show up or the colonists that has showed up I'm assuming there will be more eventually uh structured Furniture bed and then oh rotate oh rotate oh uh cool oh bam architect or wooden floor Bam Bam a sniper rifle hello yes sir go put that on where are you where are you after you do that go [ __ ] put the sniper rifle on hello also after you do that all all this [ __ ] for me I don't want it sitting out
side and deteriorating is there anything oh there's so much garbage sitting outside and deteriorating [ __ ] uh that and all those yeah cool oh my God there's more stuff oh my God hi oatmeal hi awesome uh uh was that all right so that was one we already read not another boom rat God damn it cassowary what the [ __ ] is that oh God when's hoodie world coming out I I am hoodie world you're watching hoodie world right now how you doing oatmeal how was your weekend all right death acidifier what the
[ __ ] is that what's Space Age [ __ ] what are you a chest implant for preventing enemy use of captured equipment upon the user's death it releases powerful why what is what what is this what are those oh no chat go vote oh High snow um yeah if you click on the overlay the like button that's probably like above my head somewhere uh oh God are you you're sleeping in there because nobody built need warm clothes it's spring like we'll worry about warm clothes when it's not spring okay chill game
God they're so slow at Minecraft oh they're so slow at Minecraft okay hold on we are shrinkazon and then I want architects structure wood wall bam oh components okay those are actually usable uh you go haul that also they're gonna eat food we need to start cooking like badly uh uh oh we need to start planting rice badly is what I actually need to be doing God damn it uh [ __ ] it all right uh I don't care about fertility zones because there's nothing well there's like Gucci over there but that's
fine anyways growing zone we are doing rice and then one two three four rice one two three four rice one two three four rice all become rice p rice or all of them who's good at freaking growing it eats crops you eat crops okay well in that case wait it's a [ __ ] it's not a friend it's not a tamed one we have a sniper rifle okay let's if we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars can I kill a cassowary right now wish right now um hey buddy oh it got replaced by a bear wh
at's a hoop Stone ring an animal metamorphosis what is that oh it did did it just transform into a bear is that what animal metamorphosis is and now we have a tame doggy uh well you don't have to kill that anymore because it's not now it's not gonna eat my crops pog nice uh that's great what are you poop Stone ring uh install uh that can be right there hey buddy uh sure do that after who's on [ __ ] growing cooking man uh what I don't remember what you were doing not you cooking man cooking man
no you are what hold on cook why are you not growing growing is your number one priority are these not set to sew they are sit to so are you all right wait oh okay your harvesting you have to get those out of the way gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha need meal source yeah we'll figure that out that's why we're planting rice um where the [ __ ] are you minor break risk yeah I mean okay then go oh my God you're just a crackhead depressive the depressive trait okay sure great I love the price what
are you skill trainer mining hey uh I don't really want to use that on our [ __ ] colonists how do I even use that you you skill trainer learn mining go do that how long does that take oh they're good at mining now they're great at Minecraft they are a Minecraft player all right well uh is there any way to make you feel better oh they're so [ __ ] up um all right what time is it 12 hours if I set you to anything here you're just not you're just gonna get to do whatever you feel like does that m
ake you do anything that doesn't suck no okay well this is your bed now I guess you're just gonna be permanently [ __ ] grumpy forever oh my God well thank you nerimer for helping them be better at Minecraft but they're still a depressed little baby so at least can't wait can I make you go like pet the baby does that social training uh sure whatever did we move the kibble inside oh all this we're already this is already so [ __ ] psycho all right all of all right maybe not all love you no okay y
ou need to get moved you need to get moved you need to get moved you need to get moved you and you okay you know what steel tables we maybe we if we claim those if we claim these we don't need to deconstruct them we can just use those probably oh God incendiary shell great and no a castle are you it's not even tamed is it oh all right save um murder save you come here you're gonna try and murder this bird all right fire at get them you're gonna do melee if you have to you melee attack kill them
you have a sword use your [ __ ] sword yeah all right kill it to death then you have to go this is a medical bed now you rest until healed what happened to you by the way oh you just gotta you just got scratches that's fine that's fine oh god what the [ __ ] is that what is all that squirrel good colonists wait what oh oh no oh no oh what are you okay well at least they're not tamed I don't know if that's good or bad all right is this thing dead kill it to death uh you are going over here or act
ually you're going over here because you're not gonna pick up medicine yeah and then do that wait we have another okay we have another colonist who are you just a rant Selena Vasquez is it op they're beautiful sanguine permanent mood effect oh my God jogger yeah I mean they're kind of cracks all right a sign no drugs work one one wait what do you what are you what are you good at again Selma what are you gonna sell my dick uh you're good at Minecraft sure you can you can do Minecraft as well you
can be our Minecraft players proud of you guys all right Minecraft you could also do researching I'm taking off of hunting taking off of that you can do you can be a basic [ __ ] uh you can be a doctor Maybe all right cool chat we have to kill her no Glitter World Medicine yes sir we love that okay and a rat I I mean rats rats doable what are you cindiary show oh whoa okay it's not just a rat it's a lot of rats okay uh sure um that's great and all hi would you go haul that for me thanks buddy o
h and the rats are banging too great we love that oh sorry I left you here with this thing um I have to build a [ __ ] butcher table at some point uh how much I don't [ __ ] oh there's so much and Arctic fox great I love those will you will he eat it's not tamed maybe they'll eat some of the squirrels I don't know how the Loyalty star works you can buy me basically like any item in the game uh okay we're saving um how's our research going oh we're so turbo ass at researching okay poker table uh
sure I don't like have a room for this [ __ ] oh God okay well somebody like bring it inside Maybe where's my where are you uh go all that for me okay uh are you just [ __ ] at researching you have a nine hyperweave okay uh I dig that I have to make this area bigger still again uh you go pick that up too okay oh so much stuff going on are you gonna are you getting better okay you're already all healed I hope you're our main [ __ ] oh you're our main [ __ ] Builder person oh my God oh okay visito
rs they have items to trade okay I sit my juice it blocks my hand tracking all right um where are those okay who's my best social person what is this okay we already did that who's who's good at Social uh my person that's downed is really good at Social uh that's great uh maybe we can wait for them to get better oh no need defenses pirate raids will start soon what do you mean we've been here for some time right got me a Warg is it obtained work oh it's a tamed work yes sir tame it to [ __ ] gua
rd yeah who's good at animals handling Selma sell my dick yes sir this is becoming Riot oh it's literally named a dumpster cat yes good quality and an emu okay what is what happened in here why is all of this oh it's because stuff is crashing through our [ __ ] roof isn't it build roof area God damn it God [ __ ] you go clean up the [ __ ] rubble from [ __ ] crashing through our roof I guess oh [ __ ] is the fox named after Me Maybe um I'm in danger man like my one person that's good at building
[ __ ] is like crippled um there's tornadoes in this game I've never even seen that [ __ ] okay um uh I it is it's time to go to bed everybody haha um time to go to bed time to go to bed it's time to go to bed oh my God you don't have a bed uh it's time to uh uh where was we picked up a bed there's a bed here install um this is your bedroom now hi Selma uh it's time for you to build yourself a bed okay medicine yeah we're probably gonna need that um time to build yourself a bed and go hunker do
wn uh please stay inside everybody oh wait that's your bed now wait did I pick the right person uh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep everybody just go to sleep can you go okay you're meditating that's fine I guess uh bruh my relations with the [ __ ] faction cause they died that's not my fault bro what do you mean how is my relations with the faction going down brother okay uh okay okay you know what that was that's that's fine tornado dissipated see everybody everything everything
's okay we're we're doing fine all right tornado gone we lived great is it free loot did anybody all right they can go back outside now um uh I guess it's sort of free loot I mean it you're it's not not free loot I um okay well I guess we can go steal your [ __ ] at some point uh cool tornado chat Jesus Christ a little a teeny bit stressful but uh all right components that's great uh I need to be I need to research things better before I can use any of this [ __ ] oh that is not a language that
I speak it looks like Portuguese almost Spanish I almost speak that okay yeah I know we need a lot of things that's great and all but it's not that easy game what do I even have you doing at this point oh you're playing whatever oh my God okay meowpenheimer is exclusively giving us drugs another person caught us a [ __ ] cassowary it's gonna eat my crop somebody said it's gonna eat my crops I don't know if that's actually true I've never seen one of them before so can I have Riot how about you h
ow about you kill that I don't know I'll just set it to hunt and we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars how About You Haul all these things for me uh so who's gonna go shoot that it is gonna be billed when they get up is gonna go shoot that all right we have people playing Minecraft uh I definitely still need more bricks so honestly Selma dick you can be uh you can be good at crafting how about you go do that instead of playing Minecraft uh one oh my God animal be
d okay we have a bed for Riot I guess um rhinoceros leather animal bed uh we can install that uh Riot can uh where does Riot want to sleep right can sleep uh in in here I guess [Music] uh go uh go do that all right oh my God how are you already doing so many poll this is so much chaos how are we gonna get anything done oh my God all right somebody you know what you woman just do cleaning for me stop doing that go clean stuff up all right oh my God don't [Music] don't automatically expand home ar
ea we don't need any of that or any of the of this cool oh my gosh okay uh all right so they got up this can be their bed now um is this still 100 okay yes where are you going you're fixing the roof because things keep crash landing on our [ __ ] ship can you go bite this we save over murder and we see if they can actually what the [ __ ] is that what is going on [Music] okay it's raining men Hallelujah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh no oh no no oh what the [ __ ] oh my God oh oh no oh okay uh we ca
n Maybe do something about that okay uh temperature campfire uh uh do that can you you can't cremate can you destroy dead bodies at a campfire or do I have to bury them in early game because I don't have a I don't have a thing yeah animals won't eat all of them though I have to bury how fresh are they here go go work construction go build this uh okay more squirrels can we make a bill to cremate Corpses no okay okay that's great then um cool we'll just uh we'll just make a [ __ ] uh corpse Zone
uh this can be the funny uh corpse Zone I guess uh and you can go the The Corpse hauler uh-huh okay great uh how about you just do all of those for me oh my God this is awful oh my God what a nightmare okay we have ten squirrels we have Molotov cocktails okay great where is my person that's shooting a cassowary okay hopefully they don't [ __ ] die please don't [ __ ] die you're gonna shoot right past that person of course you are you have a sniper rifle you should be able to win this come on bab
y win the fight win the fight win the fight win the fight win the fight win the fight all right uh maybe we just turn off Hunting that for now never mind we'll worry about that later all right ah hi Chaz how are you maybe the molotovs can burn the bodies that's actually a great idea that's a great idea that's a great idea that's a great idea uh let's shrink this down then uh haul them after two all right uh we are researching we are disassembling the gold the [ __ ] we have completely filled up
our stuff in here so we gotta start all right uh uh it's shelf time baby hello Selma Selma dick you are building shelves wow you build those shelves baby no go go finish finish the Shelf we oh my God oh my God this is calling this trauma Speed Run dude I'm I'm having trauma how did you [ __ ] botch the construction it's a shelf how hard gonna be all right uh link settings uh storage priority preferred uh don't allow corpses great fantastic uh another a hospital bed okay well we'll be able to use
that eventually uh cool can you oh we literally have no space all right well go um here let me shrink this and that should make you be able to go [Music] all a bunch of [ __ ] and then go okay random weapon random weapon uh ducks and another cassowary okay oh I will take a poor charge rifle mad squirrel okay uh that's not amazing oh we have a bunch of random weapons uh mini turret gun okay um that's not great where are you you're the only person with a gun this is oh hunt go kill that uh it is
going to start fighting our people like immediately you don't have a weapon so you are just going to run down here and hope that build doesn't miss don't miss you you running us like a zigzaggy line oh they missed are you oh my God are you incapable of fighting you literally are incapable of fighting okay uh that's not great well how quickly do you die to a squirrel just run away I guess all right where are you you know what come come help with this you have a sword you should be able to beat a
squirrel in a fight okay did we win all right we got it never mind you're good uh you need to go get in bed foreign [Music] set actually you need to go over here because you're gonna need to pick up medicine God there's so much stuff already human meat great and what else egg box what do you do what's an egg box uh egg box sure Selma go install an egg box I guess it's a box of the eggs I mean I that does make sense the cassowary Army is mad they're about to be hi gabri hi everybody sorry that I'
m like so slow at reading chat I'm my brain is going 5 billion miles an hour right now all right you need to go uh can you not are you not assigned a doctoring why can you disabled by space Merchant facts oh it's you who's assigned a doctoring oh okay you go deal with that also how's our roofs doing not that wait is this oh well no turn that off where's our roofs okay roofs are fine uh uh another real bad thing go frenzy great that's amazing uh oh okay great thank you we can help kill this perso
n now all right somebody needs to pick this [ __ ] up sure after you do that where where the [ __ ] are you how is nobody filled up these shelves all right sure after you do that [ __ ] all [ __ ] [Music] just get give me more space I need more space for things all right are you like gonna die are you like fine all right you're fine you're gonna be fine it's all good all right are you still hauling things [Music] well at least the music slabs dude ah have some lunch on me all right oh my God all
right vegetarian fine meal um what the [ __ ] is a mega spider what is a mega spider oh my God what the hell was that okay uh cluster of cargo pods sure oh okay cargo pod uh stuff in the wreckage a lot of duck eggs uh okay sure a mega spider is a friend is that the case somebody needs to go [ __ ] pick these weapons up where are you uh can you go what is your go uh equip that followed by hauling all of that thank you where the [ __ ] is the mega spider I didn't even see it come down I don't eve
n know what it looks like animals is it Tamed it is not tamed is this a mega spider this is a mega spider oh ah okay it's one of those oh my God a duck okay this is so this is so much it is this is so much there is so much going on I thought I was going to be able to uh maintain some level of if I build multiple research tables I can have multiple people researching right maybe that is going to be the play uh okay structure wooden wall one two three four one two three four three four uh oh bam o
h bam oh bam uh oh oh no other way around cancel oh bam architect floor wood floor bam cut this [ __ ] tree down B okay oh my God Joy wire what is a joy is that I bet it's drugs it's from me Oppenheimer is it drugs what are you a brain implant okay I mean not horrible um okay oh my God okay well we've made some shelves uh we can re-expand this what do you wouldn't egg box how do I put eggs in you I don't know uh is most certainly a friend I'm not I don't know if I believe you um okay somebody ne
eds to finish hauling these [ __ ] bodies dude we need food so bad I need to start doing that uh architect uh uh production butcher table uh sure bills oh someone has to build it first okay uh um architect structure wooden wall one two three four one two three four oh one two three four uh oh bam uh this is going to be our I don't even have I can't have an electric stove oh I guess never mind we don't uh orders cancel never mind we don't need this we are going to cook here add Bill Cook simple m
eal forever okay uh nobody else should be on cooking except for him we give you so much human meat to eat oh my God all right milk great what the f okay another cassowary stop no large sculpture okay large sculpture actually very useful oh my God there's so much oh there's so much large sculpture actually great though uh that we're gonna install uh uh here and then they can have like a happier room major break risk okay I mean that's fair that's understandable are you like fine you'll be fine yo
u'll be fine I'm sure uh my I've got two normal colonists okay and a hundred pemmican coming down somewhere why is it all over here oh my God uh great low food yeah you bet oh my God okay a sign no drugs uh schedule uh copy paste paste oh I don't have beds for any of you uh what are you good at you're all gonna be doing this uh four four all right uh Stern what are you good at Stern you're gonna Minecraft uh okay you're also okay at cooking you can do uh cooking and Minecraft I guess uh Stumpy w
hat are you good at am I ready for big event or not yet this is totally up to you I I just I'm trying to get the thermal power that's what I'm trying to get to you are not like really great at anything honestly uh I guess you can do what can I have you do you're oh my God you're like dog [ __ ] at everything you can just be a Minecraft player and a hauler of things and actually maybe crafter actually maybe that's all you do maybe you just craft things uh you're definitely not cooking definitely
not constructing okay uh great oh my God there's more oh my god oh so many drugs okay uh oh my God okay we're doing great this needs to be automatically refueled it is on automatic refuel oh so many things are rotten don't allow we're on No Rotten um Jesus Christ somebody needs to get rid of these [ __ ] bodies dude oh we have so much human meat okay um okay need defenses yeah I [ __ ] bet oh okay uh great You're Gonna Go research that's cool um I really need people hauling these dead bodies um
that's great after you do that please haul some people uh more milk okay cool um that's great and all uh Stumpy you're also going to haul some bodies because I just want them [ __ ] out of here uh and then also that one and then uh I'm about to suffer okay well I'll save just in case Chaos Control I'm not gonna I'm saving but I'll try not to reload saves unless something breaks I will I will take the punches as they come even though I've never had a colonist like actually die before I a double b
ed okay cool it's a steel bed to steal steals rest Effectiveness 100 okay so that's actually useful um all right you Stumpy where are Molotov cocktails you are going to go cannot equip you're incapable of violence okay Stern are you able to do violence too heavy why can't you be hauled okay wait hold on Corpses corpses are not allowed okay you uh wait first equip uh uh a quit Molotov cocktail and then Albert oh there's a lot more than just Burton here [ __ ] okay what is happening a bombardment
from space okay and me Oppenheimer said drugs okay uh we still need more [ __ ] [ __ ] hauled oh I didn't realize that all of these dead men were stored in here I thought I had corpses off uh okay okay uh at least the bombardment from space didn't kill all of us that's nice um I like not being all dead okay uh corpses all over there Stern uh you also are gonna haul people and then uh what is this arctic fox okay cool we got more femboys yeah the bombardment's in a random spot I'm glad that nobod
y died oh it's a lot of fun boys oh I didn't realize there's so many Fun Boys okay that's a lot more fun boys than I thought were gonna come um okay you my friend are throwing molotovs at the bodies uh and this should not be in home area so nobody should care okay great so you're throwing a Molotov there then you're gonna throw one uh uh here then you're gonna go walk over here and throw one year and Miss somehow and also miss enjoy the Fanboy Army I will try my best we got more milk milk's actu
ally kind of useful all right uh how about you aim like Center of mass here uh uh you no this is only for human-like corpses so drop that uh what the [ __ ] else is coming down seven cowboy hats uh sure uh that's that's fine that that works looks like we're about to find out all right uh okay so that should be should be enough to like get rid of all these bodies should be maybe it's raining though so not not the optimal time to be trying to get rid of bodies um but I don't know we'll come back t
o that with our Molotov man if we need to um more incendiary shells the Greek goddess he he Higa Nigahiga from YouTube has passed through and took pity on my disgusting base okay I don't know what that does uh also where is my Builder can you okay I mean that's fine he's taking pity on my disgusting base what is that gonna do what does that mean I don't know what that means well I'm glad they took pity on my base but what does that mean bills add Bill butcher creature forever uh cool okay it cle
ans my base oh okay that's convenient I guess I need to wait for it to stop raining and then we can deal with all the dead bodies um we already really need more shelves really badly uh so I'm going to build copy Bam Bam Bam there bam uh oh God more incendiary shells oh my God oh my God oh my brain dude uh Cobra eggs uh did our other cobra stuff hatch what are all these eggs doing are you hatching they're hatching okay eventually how's our roof area doing all right we're fine what are you all rig
ht shells shells uh architect build roof area cannot build oh well then [ __ ] cut down the oak tree shelf oh that's actually great uh allow all of those uh I don't need to have these be built then we can just put them install bam uh install bam that was that was so helpful thank you whoever did that I forgot to read who did it but whoever did it thank you that's very helpful install bam install bam uh install bam install bam install bam install bam okay uh somebody go do that oh God a rat okay
all right that's fine all right it's still raining uh that's okay uh uh what's your faction be called oh God okay all right um that's great incoming okay okay hopefully it's a good incoming um Can somebody okay uh a lot of time passing oh we have so much going on oh Ben Hunter pack I mean it's a Man Hunter pack of bunnies [Music] grab guns yeah who has a gun you oh God we need guns you have a gun you have a long sword are you can okay I mean you are good at melee right you're way better at melee
I don't want you to fight you are dog [ __ ] at everything you need to come grab a revolver where are you oh you're so far away uh oh God uh Stern you are level two shooting but we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars uh I could really use a wish right now oh oh God this is not how this was supposed to go thanks for the following night uh not slice of Eden all right um all right crew where are our bunnies how many are there oh I never accepted any of this uh okay
that's fine these guys got killed by the [ __ ] orbital bombardment that's fine I think um probably where do these come from oh we should go get those those would be very useful um anyways so you you are coming out here and standing in cover you are John May Layman so you're like over here I guess you don't have a gun your thoughts should end everything so I didn't even bother giving you a gun you a charge rifle so you can like come Vibe over here too you have a bolt action rifle and then you ha
ve a great ball great gamers uh let's see how we do against the bunny anchor they're so fast oh my God there's fast oh the bunnies are fast all right gamers good luck Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck are you do you not you have a bow what's the range of your great bow oh you you won't fight will you you're incapable of violent okay well uh you can just go back to whatever you're doing I guess uh go [ __ ] melee fight him to death everybody else win your fight all right melee attack melee attack you
melee attack all right win your [ __ ] fight guys all right he won great uh where's your bed also this is supposed to be whose [ __ ] bed was this set owner oh it's because we have two more [ __ ] people oh they need beds too ah how many colonists is good enough and not too many uh I'll let you I'll let Chad decide that uh uh warfaries have it right so true um this will hurt more than you think all right I'm [ __ ] sipping oh my God what a nightmare okay um you you have a bed this is now your m
edical bed go [ __ ] chill um oh what is this Mega Scarab great what are you horseshoe pins 14 horseshoe pins ten more squirrels okay great oh my God everything keeps breaking into the roof of our [ __ ] colony why does everything keep breaking our [ __ ] roofs down how do I prevent how do I stop that do I think is there any way to create a designated [ __ ] don't break my roof down Zone God damn it go [ __ ] kill him to death stop breaking my roofs the value of this base is going up is it is it
really what are you doing Selma okay you're training Riot that's cool psychic soothe female that's great uh a regular bed where is the bed oh here's the bed okay oh we need more space we need more stuff okay it's still [ __ ] raining um Jesus Christ my Lord okay uh we need more temperate like dude I I wanted to build temporary structures but we have so much stuff going on that like temporary structures feels like permanent structures oh we can't even do that because I need that fire there okay
oh [ __ ] um Bam Bam uh somebody needs to haul these [ __ ] uh structure uh bam wham bam thank you ma'am bam uh door bam what what oh door door door door uh we have a bunch of beds install steel bed bam we have a steel hospital bed I that's do they sleep the same in a hospital bed um uh oh um we have a double bed that works put that there uh oh my god oh Midas upon the gold is genius oh God no oh God uh uh end table uh dresser somehow oh double bed makes that bigger that's how double beds work u
h copy Bam Bam okay uh architect floor wood floor uh I need other people on construction who else is good at Construction you're I need you researching your level six edit go for it go nuts what are these whole more mega spider more incendiary shells a golden shower okay oh oh there's so much okay um that's too much gold I think in fact um okay who did I just make good at construction Stumpy hi Stumpy can you uh go put all these shelves in place okay uh and more incendiary shells that are breaki
ng our [ __ ] roofs down more orbital trade beacons we don't even have the tech to use that God damn it oh you don't have to worry about Electronics now if that's how gold Works uh like way in the future that's how gold works but not like right now how many people do I have on Research all right Selma you are now on [ __ ] research just research we need okay great that's great uh Selma okay great yeah it is it's so much chaos oh the orbital trade being will designate where the trips drafts fall
even if it doesn't have power okay that's really useful to know uh put it [ __ ] over here uh uh uh you after you do that do that oh we need to cook so much more food oh we need food really badly somebody needs to go [ __ ] what are you doing why are you so happy that's great that you're happy uh all those for me oh we need beds for people what are you doing Selma you're praying okay oh my God okay so much chaos a little control yeah I I would agree oh my God somebody put okay pull a fueled stov
e okay that's not horrible high explosive shells less necessary but uh we could use a stove um in which case uh deconstruct that I I guess uh uh okay um oh brother um corn [Applause] the band with a K SP what the [ __ ] is a spell oh what the [ __ ] ah okay I love that we love those um I think maybe anyways ads are happening in 20 seconds so I'm Gonna Save uh uh chaos no control uh and I'm gonna go to my BRB screen so anybody that is not subscribed does not feel like they're missing out on anyth
ing oh okay BRB screen play some music when we get back from ads we will continue good time to get up and stretch grab a snack I'm gonna be getting up and running to the bathroom or back from ads we will continue oh oh what a nightmare dude this is [ __ ] insane oh my God so cracked out foreign oh all right all right uh you may have a problem eight hour session of valheim is it your first time playing it it's a really cool game I like that game all right oh all right oh my God this is so this is
such insane chaos already you've been freed it still says there's a minute left for people oh my gosh dude oh brother oh brother we do have a lot of bricks so I can start making things not out of wood soon uh we're not even halfway to Thermo oh I want to get to Thermo so much faster I have two research tables and two people on just researching so we should get there a little bit faster I think ache there and shelve it for months I don't know what that even is what is what is what is a fear oh i
s that is that the name of one of the updates or something so research will get done faster that is true that should help I think oh my god dude I'm trying so hard to juggle as many things as I can the first world boss oh okay gotcha gotcha gotcha all right welcome back from ad Zone everybody to welcome back to this absolute [ __ ] chaos nightmare um I continue we ball oh my God we have so many [ __ ] horseshoes oh oh what the [ __ ] is that okay um and more horseshoe pins okay great I love hors
eshoe pins I think um there's just an elephant in my [ __ ] now that's great oh there's so many animals dude okay I need you to [ __ ] do that right now thank you uh I guess fall asleep on the ground if you must oh okay structure um bam Bam Bam oh um architect floor oh I'm trying so hard to think with my tiny little dragon brain oh um floor and then [ __ ] we got where's the funny we got a funny is this the funny here's the funny install I don't know what fueled stove even uses for fuel but we'l
l figure that out uh Furniture chair chair go there porch light go there oh my God simple meal okay we need those more explosive shells more incendiary shells we don't have mortars yet so this is not the most helpful but uh you know I'm sure figure that out okay um uh you're my person with a Molotov right you are so unhappy I'm so sorry my guy what is this chem fuel okay that we should be able to use that for the funny fueled stove do you not have Molotov anymore who where did molotovs go we had
Molotov okay go well I guess you need to keep sleeping when you're done sleeping and then eating uh go grab molotovs and then you're gonna go burn those bodies for me oh my God me up and Heimer with the drug so many drugs okay um where's my man all right sure after you do that uh go here please all right uh what is going on okay shells uh jelly I think that's food and Medicine we like medicine uh you burn bodies okay uh we want that like taken in immediately thank you you want drugs is that wha
t I'm hearing no uh I'm all set with drugs uh I will be fine without drugs all right that's fine I'll do there and then like up here what else did we get exposure shells why do we have so many shells dude oh my God what are we gonna do with explosive shells we don't even have mortars yet now you've got Holdings for the follow okay uh and then maybe like one more onto like this body and then everything else should figure out how to fight itself on fire okay great this body should yeah okay great
oh oh my gosh um all right we're figuring it out we're figuring it out we're figuring it out having five billion shelves still isn't even like enough [Music] um okay but we have we're starting to figure out beds for people okay um so who doesn't have a bed set owner uh you don't have a bad cooking this becomes your bed and then it said owner uh Stumpy there you go spell the what spellipede great bugs okay um fantastic our rice is growing fine I think a cat is hunting poo hunting one star oh it's
hunting a snow hair uh oh we have so many tamed animals we have a [ __ ] lizard that's riot oh God I didn't know so many of these were tamed um in that case can we just go get like free food I need somebody to finish our cooking area all right so this is fueled bills cook simple meal forever uh why am I also a lizard oh you used to be a Warg you got transformed into a lizard at some point are you finishing building this [ __ ] what oh do we it's because we ran out of [ __ ] wood didn't we all r
ight somebody chop wood I need wood who's a plant cutter not you Stumpy can be a plant cutter uh uh okay great um deploying the femboy Army incendiary shell uh more drugs from the Oppenheimer more femme boys oh why are there so many Fun Boys oh how many [ __ ] Fanboys are on the map oh my god dude what is going on who's one Stars being attacked by a cat I mean that's probably fine goodbye one star you've been eaten by a cat does that bother people nobody nobody's mood goes down because of that r
ight yeah well goodbye one star the the bunny that is not fine actually you've been eating I'm sorry a cat was hungry the the circle of life can this elephant not come in my [ __ ] house what did you just eat did he just eat one of our survival meals [ __ ] you elephant all right um we are finishing the cooking area high explosive shell great we now have a tamed cat okay good great are you are you the tamed cat meowpenheimer Okay neopenheimer is here hi me Oppenheimer you exist now in the flesh
the grenade men uh is it just one guy he is drinking some drugs okay um well I have a snipe a person with a sniper rifle uh how about we go uh role play killing him that would be nice uh maybe you should not have Molotov cocktails equipped anymore maybe we should have you have an actual gun uh we have a duck again or maybe more than one duck all right that guy is running really [ __ ] fast uh are you running over their sniper rifle yes you are coming over here too oh he's so cracked fast what th
e [ __ ] are you coming over here to help if things get into melee combat which it seems like they will you can just [ __ ] stay right here oh oh God oh God oh God oh God uh just [ __ ] hit him all right you should probably stop shooting because you're just gonna okay come on buddy okay Selma is downed how's his health doing he should be [ __ ] dead soon right okay he's dead cooking chopped his [ __ ] head off great fantastic we love that for us um actually I'm keeping that on uh great and give
it to me at all go to sop uh yeah so we just had to fight a crackhead uh you need to go rescue them or actually you can you can rescue them you cooking where's your bed it's a medical bed now you need to go rest until healed oh my God what is going on meals that's useful cargo pods okay they sent a cargo pod what's in here uh cool Jade is actually really useful um I hope this fire goes out on its own sometime eventually or it's going to burn our entire [ __ ] base to the ground um architect uh Z
one home area uh this will be like our funny little fire protection wall I guess uh okay so you're saving them where are you saving them to you okay this is becoming Medical right uh doctor uh you're gonna go do that our firewall if you will yes exactly that uh and then once you help them you're gonna go uh help this guy oh can you not be using glitter World Medicine though okay uh uh really don't want to be yeah please go use regular medicine uh uh I am not we do not need to use glitter World M
edicine on them human meat has rotted away in storage that's uh great none of this is allows rotten right no rotten or all of my shelves linked again yet all right uh shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift link settings storage No Rotten and then we got more incendigree shells okay great uh and another boom rat okay great uh sweet oh okay we are stopping the fire from spreading to our base which is good okay nobody is like dead yet I wish I could do a 50 50 poll oh my God that's s
uch a nightmare we are still not even halfway to thermal power but we're gonna get there baby we're working on it okay um oh boy we have so much stuff okay um I'm expanding this to here and then shrinking [Music] to try and put most of it on shelves more who's keep sending exposure coasters rainy Thunder storm okay uh hopefully it doesn't [ __ ] hit my base with thunder or lightning I mean I don't even know what things are anymore I'm too stupid all right uh we are after you do that you need to
feed him and then okay cool all right so the rain is putting out the fire that is great now I can get rid of this uh expand home area I guess we can include the crops in our home area that's probably fine that's probably fine okay cool great uh fantastic did you lose anything like permanently no did you no okay great he sure did do a lot of damage and that was only one guy we have to set up like traps soon but this isn't even like where I want the base to be I want the base to be like over here
by the geothermal power uh at some point I think uh so I guess we'll figure that out eventually okay well that we have what the [ __ ] oh all of our cobras hatched oh they don't come out auto-tamed okay and they're just eating our food now that's cool okay um maybe we don't maybe we don't allow eggs in here if they're just gonna hatch and then start eating our [ __ ] how many cassowaries are there um if I sort them by tight uh I I don't even know I think they're all there's two oh Jesus Christ d
ude how are we doing on food we still need so much food do we have is it we're lacking meat so I can maybe have somebody go do some hunting uh who who's even good at hunting Selma's hurt You're Building I don't want you to do that because you're building uh Stern do you have you have the gun equipped now right I put the gun on you I guess Stern can go do hunting maybe not that's not hunting but I need you to do cooking actually uh because cooking is hurt oh oh okay another cassowary so many [ __
 ] mortar shells if we ever build a mortar dude we've got a hundred beef oh thank God we need that we ever get a mortar dude we're we're doing great all right uh somebody go [ __ ] haul this [ __ ] uh expand Zone we can make that big again uh you go haul okay somebody's getting that [ __ ] why are you not resting until healed uh uh what Waits once who's one star is one star wait one of our [ __ ] animals can haul also did somebody this creature is currently mental state roaming okay five skill t
rainer shootings for your Colony oh wow okay uh so I guess some people can become good at shooting we only have like a couple good guns but that's still probably really good uh uh so uh I guess I should make people go use that what is your you're already at shooting 10. you uh are gonna need one you're not incapable of violence so you should go do that you're awful you were hurt you should go can you use multiple you can use multiple that would be great Stumpy is incapable of violence polar bear
s hunting meopenheimer cat for food uh I'm not fighting a polar bear right now so me up and Heimer good luck with your polar bear 1v1 uh we I can I can watch it in real time if you would like oh oh this is you all right all right in the Oppenheimer put the put them up put them up higher you ready you ready are you ready are you ready for your 1v1 Worldstar World Star World Star let's go Worldstar Worldstar me up at Iver you're doing great buddy you doing great all right so your front leg is torn
off um and You're Dead all right well me better luck next time all right um that's great all right they have learned things I've got this salute goodbye death me Oppenheimer so stumbled around confusion wounding the rear left leg dropped feebly due to missing body part scratch in the body caused you to perish goodbye all right we have more drugs all right great um amazing can't believe you didn't protect me there are two polar bears okay I'm not I we are not winning a two polar bear fight I hav
e some heavy support incoming okay we have a mortar which from my understanding mortars are dog [ __ ] because they miss everything one Dane cat okay me openheimer too should I should I change the name to my Oppenheimer too all right uh training rename we have an armor too chosen name is invalid too oh two bro it won't okay fine it won't let me change your name that we'll just have to remember that that's me off a timer too no not cassowary eggs no yeah maybe that's that's probably why um okay w
ell we have a mortar but I guess we can install somewhere but uh in my experience there they miss really bad but uh we have one uh so I guess what we could do is architect structure or no furniture Shelf put a shelf here and then storage clear all mortar shells and then priority critical okay just hope you get it installed soon oh God uh uh do we have where are you what are you doing deconstructing ship Chong how about you prioritize building this [ __ ] oh we don't have [ __ ] wood do we we nee
d somebody cutting wood wait we do have wood it's just over here go all some wood I guess and then go build the thing Gathering human meat to inventory why birthday bad back congratulations Tyler Stern you your gift for aging is now you have a bad back okay um how are we doing on food still horrible um that's great minor break risk I'm yeah me too all right can you build this shelf now okay great raid the Red Eagle dotro okay what do you guys have short bow iqua okay um cool I have a few people
with uh the ability to shoot so I guess you you even have no no uh you and you're incapable of violence so I don't even know what I do with you are you good at shooting you're shooting six uh come equip a revolver for me I guess raw fungus what the [ __ ] do I what even is that I don't even know what that is all right uh those dudes are coming did Doctor put on their revolver did you put on your revolver yes come over here and uh get ready for combat I suppose oh there's a dead funny little anim
al over here all right uh we can hope we hope and we cope we cope and we hope who keeps sending so many [ __ ] shells we have one mortar we have like 400 mortar shells all right combat combat combat combat okay I mean sniper rifle shot was POG already yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] get them missing this bad okay he's not other guy ow please do not hit my doctor man how are we [ __ ] missing against a man with a bow you have a sniper rifle you have a sniper rifle because he's in cover
yeah but oh my God yeah we have a sniper rifle thank god oh my god dude what the [ __ ] oh all right go rest until healed uh I guess you now have to do that too and then who else do we have that's [ __ ] does any doctoring uh incapable of caring so you can't uh uh you have six medical baby you are doing it so Stumpy it's now a doctor congrats Stumpy all right a duck has died great uh 15 warts what the [ __ ] are warts anyways more shells inspirational is buying so many shells are glitter World m
edicine that's rad oh potatoes we need potatoes ah okay um you can go chill I think all right uh you gonna go ten to them and then feed them and then are actually tend to them and then 10 to them okay great and now uh after you do that go do that I guess oh oh my God okay uh how are we doing on oh my God everything everything is [ __ ] okay great uh sure uh-huh all right uh how are we doing on oh my God it's gonna take us 500 years to research oh oh my God okay okay uh everybody is [ __ ] and dy
ing and has been dying for forever what are you oh okay uh that's really useful but also increases our wealth so fast uh we're gonna go put that down like here oh [ __ ] okay um how big is the geometric thing uh can I see that in research geothermal generator what is your size how big are you how big is this thing it was like I think it was like four by four or something seven by seven okay uh uh in that case so let's see plan one two three four five six seven eight or something something like s
omething like that ish I think okay uh so let's do uh structure Granite walks we should have a bunch of granite [ __ ] uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11. so it's 11 is it 11 quarters cancel I think it's 11 because I want one so uh one two three four five six one two three four five yes okay so we want eleven yes okay 11 up and then how many across it was like 10 was it ten across yes yes if we're not including the other wall include the other wall there's 11 if there's nothi
ng on the side so I want all right so that structure granite ten Bam Bam uh okay uh uh so we have that we're gonna have a door here we're gonna have a vent gear going to have floors uh we have do we have any reliable way to get sandstone price 308 I don't think we even have a reliable way to get sandstone so maybe we just do granite tile [Music] that's that's the plan for now I guess oh my God what is all this drug lab I don't have a space I don't have space for drug lab oh oh my God skill train
ers medical okay tame rats what I need is more if like if you were playing so fast I need more people if I'm gonna be able to like get things done because we just like we have a lot of stuff sure but we don't have any people all right so who can do doctoring uh doctor I'm not giving it the horrible person so Selma and Stumpy is Selma better yet oh no you're still [ __ ] up Sandstone blocks okay that's that's enough for us to do the whole floor here in Sandstone all right so let me cancel not eve
rything I need to cancel the or all right uh uh cancel uh orders remove plans and then uh cancel all right so now we have enough Sandstone to do Sandstone floors in here there's Sandstone tiles I mean okay good colonist okay who's our good colonists we oh two good colonists okay uh they don't have [ __ ] beds now though okay uh a sign no drugs uh that [ __ ] who copy paste paste oh my God my tiny little dragon brain oh it's so small and overworked okay um I wanted to see if I could drag those do
wn does not seem to be the case all right what do you guys [ __ ] good at what are you good at you're good at uh uh animal stuff okay you can do uh handling then I guess uh uh what are you good at shooting okay that's cool um you can do hunting if I give you a [ __ ] gun oh you're also good at researching though okay actually never mind you're doing researching right now that's what we got you doing okay oh we need more bedrooms for people oh [ __ ] me all right do I have who I need other people
on construction dude oh everybody's [ __ ] hurt all right wait is you are you guys dog [ __ ] against you're actually not dog [ __ ] at construction though oh you guys are all good at construction okay actually everybody's [ __ ] over here doing construction for me uh Granite wall [Music] okay I just wanted to check that it was the right size because then I should be able to split these in half and then do uh door door door then then then nobody say it don't say the [ __ ] Among Us joke don't s
ay it all right uh and then uh uh floors what do we have for [ __ ] tiles uh I guess we can start doing Marvel marble tile and then I guess that's that's a Fine Place to Start oh what the [ __ ] is happening all right pemmic in uh bed roll uh more drugs incendiary shells a group of hungry Alpha beavers okay uh how many oh a lot okay um great who do I have on hunting like nobody right now um maybe I make you go do hunting but you're probably gonna [ __ ] die okay oh God I I don't feel like we're
prepared to deal with that so I guess they're just gonna eat all of our wood um that's cool um this needs to be like these this body these bodies plural need to be dealt with oh we have so we have so much so many all right uh uh are you gonna [ __ ] shoot these and then die to them hope you don't God imagine if you could [ __ ] land a shot holy [ __ ] okay insulting spree great uh uh that's great sure uh is anybody else who's my other person good at doctoring do these people need anything yes th
ey need food okay they're getting in a fight Stern has been downed that's that's great can you rescue him all right you can uh equip that and then haul these oh maybe we can ancient Danger all right great uh got it um okay half everybody is dying uh constantly forever can you okay good uh are you that's great and then tend to him and then beat him we if anybody wants to really help we need food we are so not okay on food oh God okay potted plant great uh that's sweet um okay is this deterioratin
g no okay that's good Jesus Christ you oh my God this is so [ __ ] insane I don't speak that language gabri lo siento no puede hablar Portuguese which I think that is it looks like almost Spanish and whenever I see almost Spanish I'm pretty sure that's Portuguese all right we have chocolate we have pemmican uh am I even playing room World okay somebody else has a break risk now oh they're binging on drugs well well me Oppenheimer your plan has finally come your plan has finally come to fruition
they have started their drug binge all right simple meals thank God are you so they're trying to go hunt down beavers but they can't [ __ ] land a shot for their life great Alpha Beaver Revenge okay I just hope you win you have a sniper rifle so like in theory right in theory in theory I keep saying in theory do you even have a weapon no how about you go run away from me and equip something uh go get oh you're on a rage spree so I can't help you okay uh great can you go deal with him where are y
ou going why are you moving farther away hit the shot you can't do violence so that's great and you're gonna walk into a sniper bullet I guarantee it okay now it's fighting a rat it's fighting walrus oh walrus one okay great that's amazing uh it worked out okay melpenheimer has gotten us more free drugs thank you we have oh my God we have so many [ __ ] mortar shells oh my God what like we had so many border shells are these deteriorating no arcade architect Zone build roof area let me just buil
d a roof over that anyways uh we still should be making Granite blocks can haul all of those uh okay oh all right I'm installed we can have however many horseshoe Hoops as we want wherever we want we have so many God I hope somebody comes along that will buy these surprising you haven't lost a colonists uh we're working on it I'm sure I'm confident we are working on it all right uh we have more food can somebody go pick up that food where are you okay you're all helping do stuff uh you're resear
ching I kind of really want you to keep doing that you're hunting Alpha beavers uh how about instead of doing that you pick this [ __ ] up for me there's literally no room left again oh my God all right I need for there to be there give me my [ __ ] Zone stock files on uh uh horseshoe pin not allowed get that out of there oh what is this oh okay um uh that's cool what the [ __ ] okay um some of those are really great I don't know what a glow pod is we have more horseshoe pins Master work weapons
are really cool though legendary sniper rifle hey uh you're good at shooting right can you go actually much care about much more care about that uh are you even good at shooting you're at level six shooting uh go put on the Chain shotgun you can't do violence you're hurt you're level six shooting uh go grab that um you are also hurt but you are level 13 shooting I'm making you get up to go grab that uh okay and then you can have a steel Gladius Masterwork go put that on medical emergency what w
hat did what did you why are you having a heart attack is that a twitch event what the [ __ ] building Stumpy or having heart attacks bro what are you doing oh my God oh my God okay uh Stumpy you need to go where's your bed this is a medical bed now uh Stumpy go [ __ ] rest until healed and then build uh uh where's your bed uh we don't have like any people left that aren't dying oh my God everybody's dying we are running out of people that aren't dying oh my gosh dude Mr Electric kill these men
now I mean it's it's happening colonists needs rescue I'm not surprised uh okay you need to go rescue them because they're falling over from a [ __ ] heart attack are you going to be able to limp to bed in time okay great after you rescue them all right uh and then go deal them after Jesus Christ Stern where's your bed do you not have a bed uh [ __ ] well this is a medical bed now sorry Stern go rest until healed okay uh great um treatment failed are you like okay now okay I guess they're okay n
ow uh go put on the legendary sniper rifle please and cooking uh go grab the [ __ ] sick ass long sword oh there's so much going on dude oh my God okay well you have that now uh we have no space for anything uh how about you go uh all right you know what we have Zone stockpile Zone you know what this area is going to be for uh horseshoe pins critical hi buddy get these out of my [ __ ] place okay medicine okay oh oh my God there's so much to keep track of my small brain stop sending me horseshoe
pins I don't need horseshoe fans oh my God oh my God oh my God somebody pick up these cool guns we have so many cool guns what the [ __ ] even is this oh EMP shell is great oh my God okay great okay now we have we have more meowpenheimers oh my god oh there's so much [ __ ] oh my God thank you snowy oh my God oh my God oh my God everybody's [ __ ] dying feed them feed them feed them all right you uh uh medical emergency what why did you get back up heart attack debilitating okay uh can you go o
kay uh can you like what are you doing tending too Stumpy okay good oh wait hold on can you rescue him rescue him first please and then attend him and then feed these people oh we are so like completely out of food because all of it is outside oh my God all right cool great now they're addicted to drugs why wouldn't they be great love that okay okay great oh my God healed everybody's superficial wounds oh okay that's actually really useful now everybody can get back up and start existing again o
kay uh that's nice um a sign a sign a sign a sign a sign a sign a sign a sign I'm sorry I'm making you sleep together okay uh we still need more beds oh okay oh my God oh my God oh my God do you do shooting you can shoot do you have a gun can you have a gun oh my God there's so much [ __ ] oh Chad what should we do he's looking a little too healthy I just want to finish building something we need food so bad we are terminally like low on food I need my guys to pick up [ __ ] food oh god um uh ok
ay uh one of these shelves what are the what are what are even these skill things that I skill trainer medical uh great uh who's doctor uh what are your how good is your medical make it better uh after you do that uh learn medical I guess um I need more shelves oh my God okay more food that's useful uh none of it is being stored inside though uh we're working on it we're working on it we're working on it um I really need people to be doing construction over other things uh please go do construct
ion I really need somebody to be doing construction I would like to be doing construction who still has medical emergency has anybody have you been dealt with can you go [ __ ] Stumpy where's your bed you don't have a bed all right well this is a bed now hi Stumpy go [ __ ] chill from your heart attack please you're having another heart attack or did you you go deal with his heart attack okay oh my God great all right cool oh my God there's so much going on oh oh what are you I don't know what a
glow pod is what do you do glows on its own light for a long time then dies uh great that's nice I guess uh we have so many things so many things so many things um wool bedroll uh that's cool um somebody can sleep in here I guess oh go do that for me what is happening oh shelf okay I like shelves uh allow those uh give me more shelves um there and uh oh uh uh we have shelves that here uh sure and shells okay we have a power cell yeah it needs to be installed at some point oh there's a fire cool
um that's home area now this is not don't need this um is anybody gonna deal with that I guess maybe not I'm sure that's fine great uh we can eat that maybe um we are we are horseshoe collector horseshoe pin Fushigi we're horseshoe pin collectors now that's a thing that we do I guess um God I need more storage space I just want who's not assigned a sign you have a bed now or wait hold on is somebody not assigned now who's not assigned you why are you up oh I guess you're over your heart attack
uh there twitch drop oh a bed okay that's nice I can't even [ __ ] see anything anymore there's so much [ __ ] how's our Rice doing all right somebody's on plant cut right yeah okay great all right are we like making any progress here somebody needs to be making [Music] [ __ ] I need more stone cutting tables um where the [ __ ] can I even put another stone cutting table uh architect production uh guess what in stone cutting table going right there baby who's gonna be my crafter who's like good
at crafting you guys are all good at crafting everybody's a crafter uh cool low food yeah I am totally aware of that game I am very much aware oh can you please hold the glitter World medicine and then maybe possum food beef is right away in storage that's great oh my God how do we keep animals out of our [ __ ] oh it's because it's a tamed [ __ ] animal okay uh uh we I am like killing like most of these somebody's killing most of these why are there so many oh there's so many why are there so m
any oh my God there's so many stop coming in and eating that's where all our [ __ ] food is going all our [ __ ] animals are eating them oh oh no no there's more people okay oh great um love that no drugs but they have chemical interest okay they're gonna be eat they're gonna be consuming drugs I will not be able to stop them I cannot stop everybody okay uh schedule uh copy paste paste paste paste paste welcome on in everybody I don't have beds for any of you um um great uh uh one one one one on
e one one one one one one one [Music] uh everybody that is even vaguely good at crafting is just becoming a Crafter uh and nothing else everything else can go away oh my gosh okay oh our ads are starting I'm gonna go save go to the BRB screen so nobody that has to watch ads feels like they're missing out uh perhaps she's the auto branching system I don't even know what that is um but yeah don't want anybody to feel like they're missing out when they get trapped in adland so we're gonna Vibe here
I'm gonna pop up and go to the bathroom if you have to go to the bathroom Now's the Time all right BRB real quick oh my god oh this is so much more stressful the normal real world oh my God Jesus all right okay oh my God my poor little brain trying to keep up with all this [ __ ] oh oh brother all right gamers oh my God I have to turn the heat down in my room my [ __ ] brain is overheating oh go down to 69 degrees the funny sex number will help me survive oh there's so many people now oh my God
well at least I should be able to [ __ ] get some more people crafting [ __ ] but Jesus Christ I just want to not have to use Wood anymore because God knows the first time there's a [ __ ] thunderstorm and it touches one of our buildings everything's gonna [ __ ] burn down and everybody's gonna die the big six ads that's usually how it goes yeah okay Jesus Christ dude oh I don't know what we're gonna do when raids start happening and they're huge like we are not ready we are fundamentally horri
bly underprepared oh my god dude let me know if you don't want back seating usually the answer to that is just like no in general um this is my second playthrough of Rim world now and I'm just I'm just trying to keep up with the [ __ ] 5 billion people sending things through twitch ah I need more we need more people making bricks and we need to finish our goddamn [ __ ] research on geothermal stuff we need power we need power now I didn't even check if we have any steel to build anything I think
we have components because we've picked up [ __ ] 400 of them all right welcome back from ad time everybody welcome back to [ __ ] hell we live we live in this god-forsaken land full of five billion horseshoe pins ah okay oh God what is this okay food more mortars kibble and my French Canadian no is this is any time ask me anybody asked me a question and I don't understand the question I'm immediately fearful that it's like a very convoluted Deez Nuts joke is it are you French Canadian Deez Nut
s I hope that wasn't where it was gonna go but I'm always I'm always I'm always I'm always like wary now of all I'm always bracing for it the like the like 5 billion IQ Deez Nuts joke that somebody's gonna get me with okay uh that's nice we can use that for cooking okay uh we have so many many Michelle what what are supposed to do with it would fire one mortar shell oh [Music] then you can deconstruct them oh can I what do they become okay uh deconstruct on no more of these thigh whatever they'r
e made out of kill them kill the horseshoe pins all right what the [ __ ] was I having all right I mean oh thanks for the follow Bowens let me know if I said your name right if I am a from a french-speaking Canadian region I am not I was just I was still bracing anyway all right more [ __ ] shells die the wood pins become wood okay oh my God we have so much [ __ ] all right how are we doing down here with our like nonsense all right everybody who's on construction needs to also be at least on li
ke plant cutting four or something are any of you guys good at construction you're good at Construction all right ah psych height addiction why not I'm sure that's great more horseshoe pins of course of course pemmican of course pemmic is actually useful horseshoe pins uh let's just uh yeah that's great uh okay oh there it was genuinely curious all right that's fair I was just bracing because you never know nowadays you never know all right um this is great and all but uh what is what is happeni
ng Granite blocks okay that's useful um how are we who who's supposed to be researching that's not researching you're supposed to be researching oh you should go uh go do researching I would like you to go do researching okay good I want double the research speed I just want to save now just in case I mean as I said unless something breaks I'm gonna roll with the punches I'm Gonna Roll the punches of whatever happens I'm gonna try and do my best is there anybody who doesn't have a weapon that sh
ould let's just look at our gear you've got a rifle you've got a long sword you've got a chain shotgun you suck sniper rifle lmg you won't do violence you have a bolt action you have an assault rifle you you are gonna pick up a revolver you are gonna pick up an auto pistol you are gonna pick up a charge rifle you why are you naked are going to uh pick up oh a great bow and you get to have I don't know a short bow okay great need colonist bets yeah I [ __ ] know all right we have hay that's great
we have a marble bed okay and hay and stuff Hayes for horses sometimes for cows but never for pigs that was a saying that my dad used to say I don't really know what that means but it lives in my brain um oh my God we have so much stuff the Oppenheimer is being attacked by an arctic fox okay may Oppenheimer it is time for your second how how are we doing the Oppenheimer all right so your ear has been torn off there's another tornado which I feel like you are absolutely not surviving God that's
so loud why is it so turbo loud oh my God how do I Jesus Christ the tornado is loud all right remind me to turn that back up at some point uh I don't feel like these people are surviving Jesus Christ uh run it is time to run time to run get inside and pray all right oh there's [ __ ] four of them okay well you everybody [ __ ] get inside where where do you what are you doing go [ __ ] get inside please where is everybody at you are already inside just stay inside you are already inside just stay
inside you stay inside stay inside stay inside all right oh my God me Oppenheimer uh I think you got owned online I think oh wait no did you live you live you just got your ear torn off uh I'm sure you'll be fine all right uh mega tornado uh stay as far away as possible oh does being inside not help um all right everybody maybe it's actually time for everybody to uh run away maybe it's time to run away I think it might be time to run away maybe it's time to run away okay uh we're losing literal
ly our entire base uh I'm sure that's fine you need to run away the opposite direction sir uh okay it's everybody else going to make it all right a lot of the animals are getting owned online um cool I think everyone else is doing all right though we got that guy down there all right uh uh I think I would like for all of you guys to uh keep running that guy is doing all right down in his little corner um I think all of you guys maybe go like over there uh this guy seems fine where he's at we hav
e more incendiary shells we have explosive shells a lot of things have gotten blown up in a in the tornado um how long do these last yeah I'm aware there's a fire [Music] uh that's great um they're not all dead you I think can probably go back like this way the tornadoes has faded I know it's just faded all right they're all gone except for that one all right everybody I think it's all okay now uh uh rip the large majority of our stuff um cool well you know uh this is just an excuse to uh rebuil
d better uh so that's that's cool we can just do one of those and uh one of these and uh maybe if this elephant was out of the way and I could see what was going on there that would be nice um okay yeah I'm glad the horseshoe pins are safe that's always nice um uh wall there would be good uh we can deconstruct those maybe put a a door here and you know uh that's uh that's great looking good to me what do you know uh yeah time to renovate I guess that was just that was just that was just an excus
e to uh renovate all right now that the tornadoes are over we can put the volume back up I don't know who the [ __ ] balanced the tornadoes my guy like who who was whose job in Rim World production was audio balancing for tornadoes because uh they [ __ ] it up foreign way the [ __ ] louder than literally anything else in the game we have a lot of beds uh Fire Starting spree uh sure why not all right uh cool great um hopefully somebody's gonna go build all that [ __ ] uh could you guys [ __ ] man
all right everybody's having a great time van alfen and Gibbs do you need Gibbs van alfen uh or you're just you're just [ __ ] anyway uh I'm sure you'll be fine well uh all of our [ __ ] shelves got destroyed so I guess it's time to install a bunch of new shelves oops not there all right uh this is gonna take a minute because I have to manually [ __ ] click each one but you know um that's okay look see perfect size of the room it was all it was all just a better renovation you know that's all t
his was uh and now even more [ __ ] stuff is happening great uh can you [ __ ] who's supposed to be building this or who was building this oh my God can you guys can you please just finish something that you start and what the [ __ ] is going on now oh my god dude my tiny little brain oh 20 simple meals okay Steel another colonist oh my God Ron is in the game now hi Ron uh uh no drugs uh uh schedule copy paste what is Ron good at you are doing all of these uh oh you're so [ __ ] good at research
ing yes sir yes sir go go be a researcher or you're gonna animals you're like okay at doing doctor stuff you're good at Minecraft you're good at Art okay uh I think I still would rather have you go do researching uh what okay and one of our elks have died I didn't even know we had an elk but uh rest in peace elk God God bless you you've done a great service to our country alpha bear Revenge okay uh who was shooting it oh sniper rifle woman was okay uh are you gonna win that fight you have level
12 shooting and you have a legendary sniper rifle so I really hope you do you really should win this fight if you don't okay I was like if you don't win this fight I don't know why the [ __ ] you have a legendary sniper rifle oh meopenheimer is dead buy me Oppenheimer we're gonna eat you now all right have we finished this [ __ ] okay God okay somebody needs to be on like cleaning who's where's my garbage crazy woman psycho woman hello garbage psycho woman you are literally just on cleaning from
now on when you like recover from being psycho what are you doing Gibbs Gibbs you are a cleaner as well now all right we have chocolate we have milk we have another cat we have if we have another malefinheimer all right great the Oppenheimer just [ __ ] if me Oppenheimer dies they just respawn it's fine it's totally fine don't even worry about it okay um great can somebody [ __ ] put down these shelves okay that's sure fine um what is this more drugs okay great I would really like somebody to i
nstall these shelves at some point um all right you're gonna go cook hi buddy can you install some shelves how about we install some shelves huh fellas this is not all this was supposed to go I don't like when you say you like this pole I hope it's not bad low medicine yeah we have low everything all of our [ __ ] got [ __ ] chaos no control all of our [ __ ] got [ __ ] exploded by the tornadoes what is it why are there why are there so many dead things like in our house get the dead things out
of our house uh link settings storage No Rotten no Corpses everything else is fine oh okay [Music] oh my God aha Ron I believe it [Music] okay we need more beds for people [Applause] okay uh we're doing okay construction wise uh Fitz can you what is your deal what do you need all right it's dark in here uh architect all right where does it tell me how lit 50 dark okay uh somebody we have a funny whatever the [ __ ] this is put one of those there high fits go or not don't pick it up uh deliver it
mega spider thank you for the four mega spiders we love those thank you so much great you might need the mortar if you still have it we have it uh I don't even know uh uh is it does it have it's not loaded can somebody go load it maybe we should have it loaded hi gives can you how do I even say what shells to put in it um yeah that all works not a smoke shell uh put out whatever in it I guess we have survival meals we have a Siege uh actually who's like even good at shooting do I have people at
12 1 6 13. [ __ ] you can't shoot seven six two four six all right 13. Stern Stern You're Gonna Go Stern go man the mortar all right where the F what does a siege mean where did where does sieges come from I don't even know what that does I don't know what that means all right well it has a loaded shell that's nice at least um they will build a mini base and mortar me well where where are the people nobody's like come yet so uh me up behind her sending us more drugs is this deteriorating no it'
s fine um is it lit here now yes okay great um Can somebody [ __ ] who's doing construction can you no you don't construct okay uh there are so many corpses in here oh because we lost our butchering table okay architect uh [Music] uh butchering spot thing uh hi buddy can you make that and then get rid of these that would be sweet we have five billion [ __ ] shells so many [ __ ] mortar shells oh I opened the letter again uh uh they sent a Siege no it doesn't it doesn't say where it is oh my God
I have like I'm getting [ __ ] I have like pressure in my neck dude I'm gonna I'm gonna have a heart attack in real life major break risk all right dude what is your deal yeah ugly environment yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you need man just here fits you can [ __ ] off [ __ ] go like do what you need to do Fitz is that what you want to be doing okay go sure oh my God what is this great I love horseshoe pins we love those oh oh my God was it colonized I bought any good yeah you're pretty solid yo
u're you're good you're sanguine industrious and jogger and you're doing research for me which we desperately need so that's great uh can somebody not can somebody get [ __ ] dead me upenheimer out of here [Music] all right red fox one of our furries has died Fitz is just going to lose their mind because they're stupid butcher creature forever somebody should go do that eventually I think um great that's going well uh boom elope good colonists Nami oh we have so many colonists all right it's not
me uh a sign it is still spring okay I was like we have no [ __ ] clothes for anybody oh boy oh brother okay oh my God oh what are you good at good at crafting you're good at research uh just do that I guess okay oh [ __ ] me dude how do you twitch drop uh there's a little button on the player on the video player should be like right over there uh as you watch you'll gain silver and you can interact with that to send [ __ ] into the game deconstruct that all right are we like making progress do
wn here yes okay great love that for me what is going on awful colonists great I love awful colonists no I don't all right why are you awful what are you horrible at your pyromaniac you are gonna go freak out okay sure fine you're incapable of firefighting um but you can haul and you can clean for me right I hope go do some of that horseshoe pins what is what the horseshoe pins dude why why does everybody want its own horseshoe pins why why when my colonist says no clothes um do they want to hav
e no clothes there are nudists so that's that's their right I guess as as they wish um did we run out of we ran out of marble to put on the floor um add Bill make marble blocks do forever uh add bill make marble blocks do forever oh we have so many mortar shells oh another colonist okay hi Gray okay Gray's here all right what does gray do okay oh my God uh uh work high grade uh you're like pretty good at doctoring you can do doctoring uh uh uh you're good at researching you're great at wardening
uh uh you can do cooking you can do you can do a lot of things actually you can just you can just be my my all-around gamer all right oh what are these what are these what the [ __ ] this oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is going on some of this is like cracked and some of it sucks but it's all oh my God what are you tornado generator oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay who is foreign you're really good at shooting right go [ __ ] oh my God how fortunate go put th
is [ __ ] on I guess what is psychic foil helmet what the [ __ ] uh put that on and then I don't actually people putting on Porsche okay hold on a sign manage outfits select outfit anything we are allowing anything 51 and up and normal to legendary clothes okay uh all the poor stuff blows ass but you could put on that uh and then somebody else who's good at shooting who else is good at shooting you you are gonna go put on [ __ ] uh that also I'm turning off uh men's outfits select outfit anythin
g we're turning off shield no Shield belts don't [ __ ] wear Shield belts oh okay everything else should be fine uh you're gonna go put that on and then that I think what is going on they will wear it by themselves that's true but I want them to specifically fertilize chicken eggs okay that could be useful Maybe um okay we want uh wait we have a bunch of beds right they're all normal beds right granite beds all right wooden bed normal is good we want one of those uh Granite bed we don't want woo
d in bed normal we want those uh Granite bed steel bed is fine uh can go there Limestone we don't want marble we don't want because if I'm correct these are yeah they're less rest effectiveness okay um that's good though overall okay okay we should be able to build a copy uh major break risk on what is your deal what do you need oh my God okay well whatever at least our music is bumping all right uh I guess I can make this area bigger oh my little brain oh my little tiny brain oh my God chat we
have gone to easy too easy this is too easy we have like nothing done okay I like medicine um oh my [ __ ] god all right uh what else what else was I trying to do I was trying to okay we are going to do uh fill the coffee that goes there great uh do we have wall lights already researched oh we do okay sweet why can't I build it into the wall it's not to be mounted on a wall why can't I build you must be facing a passable tile oh okay I just return it to the side that's totally fine um I guess we
'll put it like this and then power power conduit bam okay oh herbal medicine all right God uh except that accept that except that um oh my God everything's already so full why are we not using these shelves put [ __ ] on the shelves we have so many shelves so many storage priority important what is the Storage level here priority oh priority normal that's fine okay more mortars why do we have so many mortars bro oh we have so many mortars so many mortars how are we doing on food oh my God we ne
ed more food so bad okay okay okay okay ah how are we doing oh we've almost researched the funny thermal thing so close to the funny thermal thing raid the grenade man okay oh my God oh my God there's so many of them have guns okay I didn't even read are they just attacking me they're attacking immediately okay uh who do I even have that has weapons do we have extra weapons for people that don't have weapons oh we have a few bows for people uh Greg go oh it's at four percent because I've left it
outside for so long uh I don't know gray go have a legendary bow uh uh somebody man this murderer I think uh everybody so you are definitely going here you are definitely going here uh uh who has like any amount of shooting skill other than these people six is not horrible seven all right you sir are gonna go man this mortar everybody else that has guns you guys are all going here let's go Gamers isn't there a way to make them go on a line like that I guess like that okay they all have guns he'
s got a sword you have a gun oh Man Hunter back eat the raid kind of want to see that no all right you don't have a gun you have a [ __ ] psychic Insanity Lance uh can you drop that oh okay and a Man Hunter pack oh there's a lot of them okay uh great oh okay can you drop your [ __ ] Insanity Lance do haul it uh and then I want you to go join the firing line do you have a gun you also have a [ __ ] psychic Insanity Lance uh who's picking that up you're picking that up and then you are also joinin
g the firing line are you do you have a gun you also have a [ __ ] psychic insane Lance where [ __ ] where are you oh my God whatever you're joining the firing line you're joining the firing line you're joining the final Firing Line you're joining the firing line you have a short bow but you're still joining the firing line all right everybody else good luck salute We Salute We Salute our soon to be fallen comrades all right uh more drugs more incendiary shells somebody is going to I sent somebo
dy to go do the mortar right one of you is going to man the mortar right somebody was weren't you where are you standing do you have a gun no you should go but you're incapable of violence all right well you don't need to be here then um um you have a good gun you have like a [ __ ] gun so you can just go man the mortar what the [ __ ] is that what is that okay it's not nighttime anymore we are getting [ __ ] laser beamed from space okay uh okay well I'm glad that didn't hit us that's good at le
ast all right those guys are going to go have fun with the guinea pigs I guess please tell me you're like actually coming to my dudes all right this we are shooting set Force Target we are just going to Hope and cope that it's going here and we're gonna hold fire until they get closer where are you why can't I see where you're shooting whatever all right you're going to shoot there and hope and cope coping and hoping hoping and coping not even close all right but we do have a bunch of [ __ ] gam
ers who are Chads all right they are all fleeing now that's cool uh you can stop doing that now Mr Gibbs you're all set buddy all right did we they've lost the fight against the guinea pigs dude oh my God the guinea pigs are coming for us now they they straight up lost the fight to the guinea pigs oh my God oh my God oh my God they lost the fight to the guinea pigs the guinea pigs are coming they're on their way but they can't be stopped oh my God the guinea pigs [ __ ] owned them online oh my G
od okay no we just built that we just built that not more bombardments from space we just built that we just built this oh my God we just built that oh my God oh my God oh my God all right fight the guinea pigs don't let us don't let them own Us online like they did to the [ __ ] raid oh thank you oh God they're approaching in Mass all right have we survived no there's still one more okay oh my god dude all right you know what everybody one of you actually here you can or any or end end his suff
ering in particular yeah uh another raid wait hold on are they drop putting in oh my God they are uh okay repositioning time okay this is now this is really scary now thank you uh okay they're just breaking our [ __ ] now uh hello gamers go kill this man before he kills you with grenades all right sweet them next oh my God another of Arctic wolves brother leave me alone chat let me live I want to live oh my god dude I Wanna Live oh I want to live let me live who can you not stop [ __ ] stop oh m
y God they're all gonna try and shoot oh my God please oh oh my God all right everybody here do not fire at will you guys [ __ ] kill that all right there we go there all right everybody here is anybody like turbo Bleeding Out you'll be fine I think all right come on wolves we can take them I think we have squirrels we have shells we have Man Hunter pack God please let this be over all right [ __ ] get them all right are we are we gaming I was nobody in Ranger these guys yet you should be okay t
hey are fight fight Fight for Your Life and not a single colonist's death that's why they call me the epic gamer all right everybody is really turbo hurt though um that's cool how many people are hurt one two three four five six seven eight how many beds do we have not enough for everybody to get in a medical bed I don't think uh one two three four five six six seven L LMFAO bro date all right are you gonna go you're snorting some drugs that's great uh all right well uh good job everybody nobody
nobody died what are these oh nutrient paste meals great we love those please don't these aren't maddened right okay they're just chilling great God everybody's so hurt oh my God everybody's so hurt okay extreme break risk yeah I don't [ __ ] doubt it I am not doubting it who else is good at are you good at doctoring God no okay who who is good at doctoring okay not really you uh Gray has six Medical hi gray can you become a doctor please uh oh my God we have so many twitch things okay huh more
shells not lots of nutrient paste uh drugs and uh that and uh and those okay okay okay okay okay so much so many please just go help them who else can do Ron can you do medicine yes Ron can do medicine hi Ron I know you're trying to sleep but could you can you oh you're not assigned a doctoring hi Ron uh go help them please foreign okay human meat great okay team rats and Medicine okay oh oh my god dude I just want to get like one thing working we spent so long building this and our free [ __ ]
power brick got evaporated God damn it dude [ __ ] me R1 power brick that we had got [ __ ] destroyed wave of nanites and healed everybody's superficial wounds okay that helps a lot okay uh that means this can become a bed a bed uh a bed a bed oh I guess those still need to stay okay uh uh I bet [Music] extreme brake risk on who van whatever the [ __ ] are you gonna be okay not really oh it's summer dude somebody needs to be living this person smelly grunt are you gonna bleed out on your own oh
you're not gonna die all right well we can fix that uh all right more shells great can you go hold them please oh my God okay oh [ __ ] me tantrum okay what are you doing with your tantrum okay they're just beating up pigs to death that pig just despawned okay uh cool well he ate a pig or something and that fixed his problems so proud of you buddy uh good work I guess oh and then all the people at the guinea pigs [ __ ] annihilated all right he sure did uh rant trauma savant on random courses t
rauma savant Gray is now trauma Savannah what the [ __ ] does that mean what what is that what does that mean what is that what does that mean has been given trauma savant hello gray has brain damage now it says no health conditions wait was it gray an animal Tessa adaples bulk is that you that is you right it is you it doesn't say that they have anything wrong with them I think maybe I think all right uh slowly working on rebuilding stuff in here build copy build a copy uh build copy um okay no
w we just need to architect orders chop wood bam Savant is good seems didn't work I have no idea what it was supposed to do anyway but uh great more mega spiders of course oh we have so much [ __ ] so many things what are what are you pants okay sure uh we we need so many things [Music] why are these survival meals not allowed just allow them okay shells and uh great oh my God oh that sounds well I'm glad it seems like that didn't work doesn't seem like they got it so I don't know why that didn'
t work but hey you know what I will take it uh somebody needs a bed uh uh said owner somebody pen marker okay great uh more drugs uh okay um there's so much going on oh somebody is surely all right also I think I can make this because or not that uh [Music] this is becoming uh uh Granite blocks forever okay we have basically finished building that [ __ ] uh architects orders structure Granite wall or this needs to be uninstalled can you just focus on for Gibbs can you never mind you cannot can y
ou [Music] and then haul that okay cool all right uh structure Granite wall ten bam bam bam bam doors uh bam [Music] Bam Bam bam temperature bent Bam Bam Bam Bam and then uh what kind of floor is this marble tile okay great that's actually the floor that we want [Music] okay and then architect Zone expand home area made it to there build roof area okay oh yeah ads will happen in a minute 50. stream break risk okay well figure it out deal with it dude oh our [ __ ] one power source we had is gone
so that is kind of cringe but uh we'll work on it [Music] uh uh we're working on it we're so close to being done with research colonists needs rescue did you get another heart attack I assume yes okay great more mortar shells oh Granite blocks that's actually so useful thank you thank you inspirational oatmeal we needed those who got the heart attacks medical emergency oh my God four of them got heart attacks okay cool um can you go rescue him [Music] no reachable unreserved non-prisoner bed in
a safe temperature all right well that's a medical bed now that's a medical bed now please go [ __ ] save him uh did anybody else pass out so cool build is sleeping uh can you tend to them so it was build ads are starting soon so I'm Gonna Save and we'll get back to we'll get back to dealing with our heart attacks after the ad break oh my [ __ ] God Jesus oh enjoy ad Zone while I try and recover some semblance of brain cells oh my God how do you deal with this meowpenheimer I'm like oh my God I
am losing my mind I'm taking physical damage in real life oh things were not going great ever we have not had a point where I would say things are going great oh my God I'm getting vertigo I'm getting more water oh he's hot foreign all right oh holy hmm just immediate fun this is what you call fun my Colin is falling over from randomly God spawned heart attacks what a nightmare ah hey Zan I think that's what people will shorten your name too is that correct oh modest fellas oh my gosh thank you
for the gifts of it's gonna play it a second time does not thank you so much I appreciate that oh my God ah Zan is good thank you so much let me open having a big heart emoji for you but oh my god dude okay so who else are we rescuing from dying jail all right so somebody is going to pick build up or heal build Stern is getting rescued where's Gibbs Gibbs you are oh reserved okay you are going here and then who else thanks for the follow Zoe who else Nami has a heart attack you are going here t
o please survive okay good where's my funny little doctor oh all of our medicine got destroyed in the tornado that's right uh that's not good um that is remarkably unfortunate actually okay uh great we have a bunch of tame rats we have more explosive shells dude what is with people being [ __ ] shells is it the first like what it is with people and sending [ __ ] mortar shells what happened to our Labrador Retriever oh my God no not the baby a battery well we don't have power yet so that's not s
uper helpful all right well a little glitter World medicine is like too good I want regular medicine but I guess I'll I'll take it for now oh my gosh dude okay uh great did someone delete the poll how dare you all right great a bunch of our meals are rotting away in storage we love that we love when that happens I would really like to uh where's our we built the power grid there um um um um what is this oh yeah you I it was probably foxy then uh it's poles foxy all right so uh structure Granite
wall do we well we just got more Granite bricks I guess so is this 11 down yeah um so we're doing [Music] foreign and we're leaving one little uh brick here and uh floors this can just be what other types of [ __ ] Stone do we have we have so much marble I don't really want to make that out of marble uh so concrete also quite ugly it can be Concrete in here that's totally fine and then this can all be marble tile copy copy okay uh oh oh wait uh oh actually no that should not be that we want okay
oh wait [ __ ] uh marble tile Bam Bam okay more [ __ ] mortar shelves huh do mortar shells explode do they [ __ ] explode I have them right next to my face bro hope they don't explode I mean I I get that when you fire them they explode that's like what what they're supposed to do is everybody like dealt with no okay what happened what happened to you overdose gray can you go rescue them oh my God right wait do we have okay I guess we've done that already colonists left unburied they oh well our
first [ __ ] casualty they have died from their they've succumbed from heart attacks okay great uh Selma well time to haul them oh and a raid why not oh and they're dropping into our base of course they are of course they are how do you get anything done with the twitch [ __ ] integration thing on we have not even like gotten to basic electricity yet and like it's all like over all right everybody everybody who's already dying of like heart attacks and [ __ ] get up baby where where are you are
you have you even been like healed all right uh cool you and you and you uh and you and you and you and you and you and you you and you and you and you you and you and you all right buddies uh time to go can you do like a grid of two why can we not do a grid of two I just want a grid of two oh that's so close to what I want oh that'll do perfect all right well they have killed one of our rats that's great is it just is it just two of them is it just two [ __ ] people all right uh where are my [
 __ ] like armored up crazy bastards all right you got you three are gonna go [ __ ] em up [ __ ] get them if it's just two guys I thought it was more people unless you guys can chill I guess [Music] foreign we're doing great we're not doing great at all can we like okay great uh that's lovely uh someone needs to save you uh and put out fires and then somebody needs to go deal with this dead body and maybe put on a Masterwork assault rifle hi Ron do you have a gun Hey Ron what if you had a Maste
rwork assault rifle buddy and then what if you uh somebody else how about you all these dead people there's so many [ __ ] things happening oh my God all right IEDs we have drugs we have shells we have rat being killed we have oh Power Cell oh we need that so bad all right where the [ __ ] is the power cell that's all that I care about you go install gear somebody go do that Gray who's who can do construction you or you do that ah and then how's our [ __ ] Doctor Who's about to pass out doing yo
u're mad cause all right you need to eat how about you go can you go can you eat something is there food for you to eat eat [Music] all right now I'll go do doctoring [ __ ] oh my God we need more regular medicine if anybody really wants to help we need regular medicine oh oh my God okay yeah I got it all right Stern has died God damn it he was he was jacked up no is all of his gear tainted now oh he had turbo good gear [ __ ] me is there no way to untaint gear he had [ __ ] marine armor [Music]
how what's the mood Depot for people wearing tainted [ __ ] like uh and you can't sell tainted [ __ ] either can you God damn it oh [Music] all right well DK has a good colonist myopenheimer has an awful colonist great we have medicine that's coming herbal medicine more mega spiders okay great all right all three of you guys uh uh schedule copy paste Pace Pace what are you good at uh you're not doing doctoring [Music] all right meopenheimer you are exclusively a cleaner or a hauler [ __ ] every
thing else you're not doing it that's it oh you like my haircut thank you Kai um DK you're actually good at some stuff uh let's have you do some of that and maybe a little bit of that uh snowy you are also probably just Cleaning and Hauling and then maybe some crafting we don't really care about that too much okay oh you're diaper skill set oh my God okay oh my God the good medicine thank God yes sir okay we need we need people building more shelves is what we need structure uh uh also we need p
eople cutting more wood you know what you can guys can be on plant cutting too oh my my goofy people that suck at everything you guys can do a lot of plant cutting how about you go get some wood gamers it's all all your stick you can do that uh because we need we need shelves that's what we need we need shelves we are shelf builders your funny little shelf Builders yes we are yes we are please look at this pole okay I will look what is the poll spawn 50 medicine trigger removal medicine no oh my
God well I'm glad that we got medicine dude oh my God damn it we I can't believe we had people die how do I get them off my [ __ ] roster if they're dead dude get off my roster why do I need you here get off my roster if you're dead who cares who needs you on the roster if you're dead has somebody like dealt with you all right we're working on dealing with you they go away eventually oh we finished geothermal power oh my God yes sir solar panels next okay somebody give to me all right can these
not be in why do we have [ __ ] why do we have dead bodies in here why is rotting meopenheimer in here you need to go away rotting me Oppenheimer we have no components because they all got destroyed in the tornado so uh if somebody wants to give me some components we literally have none because they all died in the tornado one of the many tornadoes all right medicine sweet doomsday rocket launcher that cannot be good I really don't want a doomsday rocket launcher anywhere near my base uh uh who
could I trust to even carry that uh gray Gray's trustworthy enough to have a doomsday rocket launcher Maybe are useful for letting me die again listen you keep picking fights with [ __ ] polar bears and [ __ ] you're not gonna win them you're not gonna win fights of polar bears stop trying to fight polar bears maybe if you would stop trying to fight polar bears you wouldn't die so much [Applause] all right more why what is it with the [ __ ] explosive shells dude what and horseshoes why do we n
eed horseshoes oh there's a [ __ ] raid what the [ __ ] is going on you know what Gray [ __ ] it we ball come here gray we're we're shooting we're firing and forgetting with gray okay fire and forget fire and forget fire and forget come here gray you and like who else is even [ __ ] alive that's can shoot you have an auto pistol so you you have a revolver it's not probably good enough you have no weapon you have a charge rifle with a great bow short bow assault rifle all right everybody who's ac
tivated come we do combat we we participate in combat we're enemies they're all the way up there all right [Music] go a bombardment from space oh please don't hit my [ __ ] new [ __ ] I'm trying to build all right all right Gray where where is the raid oh wait are they preparing for a while they will prepare for a while then attack all right well Gray gray specifically what is your like range like you're gonna walk over here and then just say [ __ ] it what do you mean damn okay [Music] all righ
t Gray [Music] fire and forget Gray fire and forget Gray actually [Music] all right gray you are running back to the team that worked out pretty well all right nice two of them are dead good job great proud of you gamer all right uh that's rad uh actually gray you're just [ __ ] running you're booking it back to here second laser didn't [ __ ] all right Zan is here hi Zan uh me upenheimer exists once again as a cat uh that's cool that's free stuff all right what do we have to fix Zan that no dru
gs uh schedule copy paste work are you good at things Anne I hope you're good at things you're pretty good at that uh you can do that what else are you good at you're actually good at a lot of things that's really sweet actually we could use more people doing cooking and stuff that's all you all right great oh why do we have so many explosive shells oh my God oh I'm stressed dude I'm stressed oh we have components somebody needs to [ __ ] use those who's good at building you're all [ __ ] up but
you were good at building all right uh you are you good at building construction four not really uh uh you guys are all [ __ ] doing [ __ ] how long until you're not dying oh my God [ __ ] oh my God okay why are you what is with the orbital compartments everywhere Jesus Christ please don't let them throw a grenade and blow all of you up please kill them before they throw a grenade okay all right they're running away you guys can go all chill great you can chill all right I need [ __ ] somebody
who's good at building great are you good at building good enough at building uh not assigned to Construction can you be assigned to construction thank you great go build this please for the love of God we spent so long researching it just somebody make one uh oh my God what a nightmare dude is this not did I not set the floor here floors marble tile oh what what just [ __ ] blew up whatever I'm sure it's fine uh duck meat is rotted away in storage great are you building the [ __ ] thing God I [
 __ ] hope you are what why did you stop instructor and skill too low who has [ __ ] higher Construction seven zero eight can DK make it oh DK can make it go make a DK dude can we why are tornadoes not normalized like all the audio in the rest of the game is normalized tornado is not man please make a tornado nowhere near my base where where is it oh okay they're up there are they gonna stay away they go anywhere near my base I'm going to [ __ ] lose my mind please please stay over there days an
d it's because of poor mood the final straw was depression okay um if it gets closer we'll start running away all right gray the duck has been [ __ ] evaporated by a tornado okay um are you going left or down okay how long did these last please stay over there what just started a fire all right uh might be time to bail soon slept on ground okay sure I really hope you're smart enough to not walk into a tornado all right gray the duck 2 has been killed by a tornado all right it is time to like bai
l it is time to not be walking closer to that [Music] gray the duck 5 billion has died okay I think that's fine so many gray the ducks have been [ __ ] eaten by tornadoes God bless God Rest their souls all right where is actual gray or no not gray uh DK can you go finish the thermal generator please okay we survived another set of tornadoes I can turn the audio back up I still can't believe the tornadoes are not normalized to like the rest of the game's audio levels but so be it oh my gosh all r
ight uh uh build a copy bed no not there but we'll cancel that in a second uh copy Bam Bam Bam Bam copy Bam Bam Bam Bam wall light build a copy not on the outside of the wall please Bam Bam Bam Bam architect power power conduit bam oh okay we have beer and more drugs okay we love drugs all of our meat is rotting uh all these shelves should be linked or well they're about to be link settings storage No Rotten no corpses okay good rotting meat you say oh no oh no why oh we had we already dealt wit
h this before not again dude oh we have to make the [ __ ] dead body Molotov zone bigger great great we love we love it boo who's I don't even know who to use are you like not dying please tell me you're not dying still all right God all my dudes are gonna [ __ ] lose it the Oppenheimer is on an insulting Street good why not you know what not MediCal this is becoming this is becoming your bed doctor go to your bed so you don't freak out all right a bunch of people are in like drug-filled dazes w
e have beer great oh my God everything is [ __ ] okay so many people are about to [ __ ] lose their mind is this even like attached no can it be is this still Riot no do we even have our Riot lizard anymore who who's fighting oh my gosh dude we don't have the we don't have the people to heal you stop beating each other up stop it stop it nobody can heal you oh my gosh please how many people do we have on construction that are good at construction we have so many people on construction please jus
t construct things go construct them they haven't had time oh my God more meowpenheimers okay they haven't had time to cause problems yet is what you mean [Music] all right cool rate is anybody hauling my [ __ ] dead bodies medical treatment needed oh can anybody [ __ ] give you medical treatment Ron can you do you can oh do that uh where's [ __ ] snowy okay you're already being tended to the Oppenheimer uh uh where's Ron Ron and then uh okay whatever oh more who what is with the shells we have
so many [ __ ] shelves five research benches what the [ __ ] we don't need five research patches oh use these books and Max my research at what books there are no books all right you know what we are making a dump all of the rotten [ __ ] here Zone clear all allow fresh no uh animal corpses yes a lot of rotten priority critical also uh so allow rotten and then any food can go there too more meowpenheimer drugs as God intended all right is somebody who has where are my Molotov cocktails [ __ ] it
you know what whatever I can't see them in the menu research finished ah we have solar panel research give me [ __ ] batteries I guess we have so many people on construction we should be finishing more than we're doing right now please God [Music] help who's not like I have so many people that are bad at stuff unhauling just go haul I guess go haul things are you hauling things so many people are having mental breaks that nothing's getting done but that's you know we're doing great we haven't s
aved in a minute let's uh chaos no control for sure oh Mega screen television that's actually like clutch we need to bring that inside uh cool that's great can you bring in the [ __ ] crazy cracked television where is the T the cracked TV uh where's the dude you haul that we need that oh oh my God Ambrosia binge okay well my daughter smelly died well maybe you shouldn't have named your daughter smelly said owner uh uh gray you can have a bed set owner uh does Ron have a bed hers in you can have
a bed set owner where's Ron Ron Ron the abandoned you have a bed uh DK you have a bed okay ah we have some beds all right oh I don't know which scale trainers to buy dude I just need more people to be not constantly dying all dying of death itis all the time all right um that's good uh structure Granite wall 10. p uh and then we go about structure but but but doors Bam Bam Bam Bam you Bam Bam Bam Bam you Bam Bam Bam Bam you Bam Bam Bam Bam you Bam Bam bam oh bam bam you wall light oh well I have
to wait for the walls to be built I guess yeah Ron's thank you so much for handling a lot of the pull stuff oh please okay bombardment from space did not evaporate people that's great I love when bombardments from space don't evaporate people all this [ __ ] oh my God so much dude there's so much so much so much skill trainer medical okay uh that's useful I can have you use that Ron go go use that learn medical uh all right now you're good at Medical run good uh-oh is this another meowpenheimer
me upenheimer you picked a fight again dude this cat this Panther is [ __ ] throwing dirt in your eye in the Oppenheimer oh uh you are dead they threw dirt in your uh you missed the panther you dodged one swing he dodged a swing it kicked dirt in your eyes and then killed you oh my God it kicked her in your eyes and killed you oh it [ __ ] owned you online he [ __ ] said get [ __ ] on kid I can't believe he kicked her in your eyes and then [ __ ] owned you what the [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] up he's
fighting dirty what the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up pocket sand oh no the outfit I forgot pocket Santa dude all right do we have we I swear we had Molotov cocktails somewhere where are they where if I was in Molotov cocktail or actually does stern still have them do you still have no where are the molotov cocktails does anybody see them in here I don't [ __ ] see [ __ ] see grenades I see guns I should probably put the guns on people who doesn't have a gun you don't have a gun right go have a Maste
rwork lmg you don't have a guns and you can have a what do you what does Zan want to have um you can have a uh you can have a bolt action rifle uh where the [ __ ] The Curse Of Me Oppenheimer is about to sweep through God I [ __ ] hope not okay there's there's the molotovs okay uh who gray is about to go insane everybody's [ __ ] going insane dude can you do violence you're not able to do violence okay um you or you you somebody you open high okay whatever everybody okay what the [ __ ] okay uh
let's read through these twitch event every animal on the map has suddenly died to a bionic plague you'll find they left behind some surprises me Oppenheimer perished pear wished how do I can I just hit escape to get through these enter no I have to manually click through all of them oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I have to click through all of these I can't just why why can't you hit Escape you can't hit Escape right click oh [Music] close right click them okay well every [ __ ] animal
is dead and now there's another meowpenheimer on their way and fire foam shells okay uh what happened to all the animals that died suddenly because it said they left behind some surprises I don't like oh wait they left behind components oh uh that slaps actually that's a good that's that's great I am totally okay with that wow okay uh sweet actually no idea how that works but uh you know sometimes when animals die they die they blow up into components I'm sure you've all learned that in Biology
class at some point just a natural part of the circle of life cool uh that's sweet smoke shell Jade iguana Apple iguana all right architect leg donkey uh Argo Tech leg is probably something we should bring inside oh there's so many things all right wait who are you almost not dying me Oppenheimer a sad wander eight without table Yeah well whatever we're working on it okay get off my case uh also all these animals could be turned into schmit I guess there's so many oh there's so many oh there's
so many okay um God what a nightmare Architects uh um okay uh you know I have decided executive decision cancel all of this we are moving everything down so that we can have two wide hallways because I think that's probably going to be better in the long run almost certainly going to be better in the long run oh okay oh uh well nobody died I take that as a success uh it did start a fire a lot of fires oh my God what the second that that lands on target anywhere like it's over we have a lung okay
thanks and more explosive shells of course all right uh God oh uh well there goes the fire foam oh my god dude oh my God oh my God oh they're having a tantrum they're just punching [ __ ] okay sure go for it buddy why not after all Yorkshire Terrier cool Oh yay the fire is actually spreading to all of our dead bodies you know what that was on purpose I'm calling that on purpose you know what success Mission success I'll take it War Merchant okay they are War Merchant uh okay who's good at Socia
l you're good at Social I don't care that you're sleeping go trade with them we have so much stuff I would like to get rid of it as soon as possible fire foam shell and Sydney area shell go run build run and trade with them while you still can trade with them please for the love of God oh uh what do you do you have anything that I care about God you have [ __ ] nothing oh you have nothing you can have that we have so much gold you can have all of the gold I'm not keeping the gold oh my god um oh
you can have all the shitty equals and all the beer and a joy wire and us we have so many explosive shells we have so many shells of everything you can have all of our gojus and crack uh can I have do you have anything can I have all of your herbal medicine do you have anything else I give a [ __ ] about give me all your pemmican uh uh do you have anything else I give a [ __ ] about oh oh I guess we can keep the gold uh minus 50. minus 40. minus 30. nice 29. except oh Rob the war Merchant uh th
at sounds like a bad idea all right great uh wait wait it's on fire whoa whoa can you Can You Haul the pemm again before it all Burns to [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God beavers more [ __ ] Alpha beavers man yeah I'm I'm aware that my god dude dude [ __ ] Alpha beavers huh okay uh great great we love those okay uh we'll see how it goes oh my God everybody's gonna [ __ ] die to the Beavers dude we are all going to die a horrible Beaver Associated death why did we have so many rats low food all we are supe
r so low on food we are going to run out of food don't let them get me save me you're just asleep you're just chilling you're having a great time we have a can we get the [ __ ] dead meowpenheimer out of here hey buddy cannot haul me Oppenheimer all right uh what if I briefly allow fresh now can you haul me Oppenheimer can you just get in the Oppenheimer out of here okay good once you okay there we go now I can disallow storage no fresh there we go all right the oppenheimer's out of here you DK
uh you or you oh this [ __ ] thank you oh my God I can't believe this is how you treat me we're getting your freaking corpse out of here you you've died you left behind so many Corpses swarm of aggressive rats have appeared you may need to hide are you are you mad rat they are maddened okay uh oh how do we how do we deal with fire oh wait wait hold on we have a group of like dudes here um what is what is what is this why are there so many chicks in our Bay oh my God the eggs hatched didn't they
uh okay okay oh um how are we gonna deal with the rats maybe because there's the eve the comp the colonists dudes here they'll help us I somehow have high doubts about that who doesn't have a gun do you have a gun there's psychic Insanity lands how do we get a pump shotgun buddy we have fire foam shells and scenery shells and a voxy all right where the [ __ ] are these rats or the rats animals wildlife show me the rats okay there's a lot of rats can we mortar the rats maybe all right maybe maybe
maybe being a strong word can we mortar the rats I feel like the answer is going to be no kind of gun do you have bolt action all right everybody it is time for rat based combat all right this is probably gonna have to fire like maybe here hits how we doing how's the firing process going what does this area mean does that mean oh we literally can't aim inside of that area okay the shell going we have missed okay that is not very helpful good luck everybody I wish everybody luck all right so you
won't fight will you fight all right you know what way home we can do that in a sign right attack everybody that can attack [ __ ] fight the rats I believe in you I believe in the rat based combat oh well we accidentally shot somebody uh well uh I blame whoever shot them God damn it dude oh my God why are the simple meals did we break our [ __ ] orbital prop ship thing did it break oh it did oh my God it did do we have a second one I need a orbital [ __ ] you machine because now it's just gonna
everything's just gonna drop everywhere oh we haven't even researched that yet have we [ __ ] I need a wait that's a misk right can we just make one no we have to research it oh we don't have that researched oh it got killed by something I don't know what killed it but got killed by something all right uh uh Ron is good at doctoring so you Ron are doing uh self 10 of what Ron tend to them no he's already in bed Ron them then run them then run them and then you and start with them and then them
and then um all right oh Christ all right we have researched a battery dear God thank God [Music] I think think sterile materials next you don't know it's not safe for work or not you didn't do what two jpegs colliding yeah I guess I don't know like what Alpha Beaver Revenge who shot them you okay well you better win you have a legendary sniper rifle how badly can you [ __ ] it up pretty badly apparently what happened all your [ __ ] clothes huh do I have to manually make people put their clothe
s back on all right do I have to are they gonna put it back on that's so frustrating because now none of it is in a stockpile area so will they even know that they can wear it oh my god do I have to go through each individual [ __ ] dude all right oh what a nightmare oh what a nightmare oh they know as long as it's allowed all right well I'll just leave it to them to [ __ ] put their clothes back on I guess will they figure it out do I have to like reset everybody no they're just doing their [ _
_ ] this does not seem okay uh how do I make them put their clothes back on that's that sucks that is honestly of all of the events so far that is that is the worst because that is making everybody have minus six globally like that might be the run killer for this oh my God they will mismatch everything but they will eventually put clothes back on okay uh well I guess we wait for eventually to come all right well we wait for eventually to happen I suppose can I get these to go away I need to cli
ck on the colonists underneath that's great go away go away go away I need to click on the colonists underneath there we go you go here I'm forcing you to wear all of this all right ads are starting soon I'm Gonna Save what a nightmare the clothes one's definitely the worst so far like that that is the least interactable event that's happened oh my God all right waiting for people to escape AG jail oh my God what a nightmare that's in effect you're like an orbital bombardment we're waiting the s
econd that that lands on people like it's gonna it's over dude what a oh my God this is such a nightmare dude oh my God I'm gonna go get some more water and grab a snack what a what a nightmare foreign oh my God taking your pants off is what kills you you know abstinence that that's how that's how I'm gonna talk about abstinence from now on taking your pants off gives you a minus six to mood don't do it all right Jesus Christ well we've been lucky so we've had so many orbital bombardments that w
e have survived through okay uh well okay people are figuring out how to put their clothes back on thank God we're figuring it out a little bit at a time I'm putting all of these on Hunt um somebody is finally putting the oppenheimer's drugs to good use uh we have another me upenheimer we have a husky we have incendiary shells okay great uh these need to go what the [ __ ] is this uh can somebody please send me a like orbital trading thing because we don't have one anymore and we haven't researc
hed it yet we need one of those really bad so that things just stop falling randomly everywhere because we have a lot of things just randomly everywhere all right uh so now floors this can all become concrete build copy that goes there build copy bam bam foreign coffee bam oh and then floors marble tile like that orbital trade Beacon ah okay good where where'd it go you install put it back up here so I'm gonna go do that you or Ron go do that for me please buddy thank you oh I'm still alive oatm
eal we've had two casualties so far we have had so many horrible things happen we have a lot of insane people uh uh a lot of people who just took their [ __ ] clothes off because everybody was forced to take all of their clothes off all right at some point we are going to be shooting everybody all these [ __ ] chickens in our base we need so many more beds than we currently have put down I need to finish this phase oh my God I maybe got too many sodas there are there are many Grays in this world
oh another dead me Oppenheimer maybe we could there's so many dead Meowth and divers oh my God bombardment from space okay uh at least it didn't hit us hopefully gladly ah all right uh floors Marvel tile Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam bam bam bam oh okay and then uh architect power power conduit wheel uh wall light copy Bam Bam that Wall's about to be finished bam okay how are we doing on having marble tiles we have a lot we need way more Granite blocks okay this is becoming make Granite blocks this is be
coming me Granite well it's already on me Granite blocks this yeah five with an idea for the sixth there's so many dude there's somebody ever no not fertilized Cobra eggs leave those outside I don't want those God we need more Tech who's researching on the people researching uh who can own this who needs a bed you can have a bed who needs a bed you can have a bed I mean it's a bad Selma you're literally sleeping right next to it you can have a bed oh Granite blocks oh yes thank you it's actually
very useful okay oh we are so close dude temperature cooler like that oh architect uh Power conduit bam you know oh that's fair Gray psychic soothe Pulsar okay allow all of that oh okay what are you hyperweave animal bed okay another raid they will prepare for a while okay well if they're gonna prepare for a while what do you think the chances are that we can mortar them hi Gibbs go man the mortar baby uh don't hold fire we're gonna [ __ ] them up where are they gonna chill at is Gibbs going to
it where the [ __ ] was Gibbs where are you at Gibbs oh you're like all the way down here all right well shoot vaguely this way I think we can land a shot Gibbs even gonna get there before they start their [ __ ] raid come on Gibbs yes sir it's gonna shoot let's go let's go all right we're trying though come on baby thank you come on baby let's go let's go come on dude mortar moment mortar moment all right Jeremy what's up all right mortar moment all right all right come on baby let's go let's
go these are not in my clothes come on baby come on baby right on target right on the money yes sir okay still like not a lot but uh thanks for the components all right come on baby [Music] all right well they're coming now I guess that means we should start giving a [ __ ] so you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you you and you and you and you and you you and you and you and you and you everybody let's go gamers [Music] set up the [ __ ] the [ __ ] kill you Squad [Mus
ic] look at one person after like 40 mortar shots it only took 40 mortar shots we hit one person finally we did it oh only took forever all right well Fitz is standing in the crossfire so I feel like Fitz is going to die but you know we can see how it goes all right voxy has been beaten to death no they [ __ ] beatboxing how could they do this Fitz is gonna die because wait what is his even like what is what is he doing right now uh he's psychotic wandering all right Fitz has been killed everybo
dy else is fleeing that's fine I'm not really worried about it Fitz has been killed all right they're killed all right everybody you may all chill they have been killed by an arrow well at least it wasn't one of us that killed them all right all right wipe the theoretical sweat off my brow what are we what are we shooting at here can do you have to hunt it when there's people right [ __ ] next to it you're gonna shoot me Oppenheimer in the [ __ ] head dude ah colonists left unburied yeah well th
at's they're not gonna be buried what can I say hey me Oppenheimer you want to go uh kill that guy to death and hey uh hi you you want to go uh all dead man that'd be cool at least the chaos has died a little uh not you say that all right leave me alone no you're doing great you're getting to take out your stress by punching Amanda isn't that what you always wanted to do I'm confident that's all what you always wanted to do all right is this actually powered bring this down to 26. and then we ca
n finally have a [ __ ] fridge uh uh or we need marble tile there and then oh my God we can have a fridge oh would we have a bunch of we have a bunch of granite let's do some Granite shelves actually do have a bunch of wood do we have a bunch of wood we have like no wood okay uh Granite shelves it is Granite Shelf Bam Bam Bam bam Bam Bam Bam shelf making oh okay where is it now okay we live we live we live in baby all right I save chaos no control what's the temperature in here all right it is b
elow freezing why are you sleeping in the fridge get out of the [ __ ] fridge have these not hit you in any capacity because I'm lucky baby why are they sleeping in the fridge they're gonna complain about sleeping in the cold and it's because they fell asleep in the [ __ ] fridge get out of the fridge what both of you are going to go stand you [Music] go stand in here where it is not freezing and you feel like no it is not cozy rare thrombos okay they're probably gonna be nukes from orbit or som
ething all right oh brother okay uh [Music] we still need more [ __ ] Barracks rooms to be honest so let's can make more okay door door door door door oh this room doesn't have a vent I'm stupid oh then then [Music] floor marble tile Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam honestly like that too mini turret and granite blocks okay that's actually useful I will take those where did they okay they're up here oh we have two mini turrets okay uh those can be it's gonna be useful put one there and one like h
ere cool okay maybe those will help us not get owned online by something hopefully okay we've researched sterile materials that is amazing uh think microelectronics is probably the most important thing now [Music] all right so these shelves are becoming clear all food don't allow raw in priority critical and then these shelves are all linked and they should all right they're priority important all right so that's the only this should be the only place that's priority critical let me take and go
don't even allow food in here uh plant matter okay well that it's in raw food okay good Recreation variety we need a lot of things Gabe there are far more important things I think that are needed so wait what up link settings good we're at the poker table it has not been installed yet we don't have room for it everything's just [ __ ] blown up I guess maybe we could just like dump it in here somewhere we had a poker table did it die in a [ __ ] tornado and like the like like the [ __ ] uh YouTub
er video bit when they died in a tornado they're doing great then they died in a tornado uh okay where we can use this battery now oh well actually we can't oh wait yeah no we can't okay art bench that's useful drugs billiards table boom rat billiards table and drugs are good or well hold on let me take that back I didn't say drugs were good don't quote me uh we can install the billiards table like here I guess and just yeah sure history of Japan yeah exactly sir Lancelot thanks for the follow a
ll right poker table great uh we need chairs for that but we could we could maybe use that too Maybe actually cancel build it like here I don't know I know my bill words Laura proud of you all right well we have a lot of nice rotting animals over there that's great uh says no fuel no [ __ ] we have a bunch of people doing construction which makes me feel good we are we have a fridge now for food for the first time ever uh explosive shells incendiary shells okay all right well all the chicks like
escaped our house so I don't really think we do not need to hunt these I would like the alpha beavers to be dead though that would be nice but you can see if she's even going to be able to deal with any of the alpha beavers uh without getting owned online let's see murderous rage what cannot arrest uh okay well this is becoming a prisoner bed now in a safe temperature it's indoors what do you mean my gosh oh I guess it is Turbo hot outside that's uh not great okay uh are these turbo hot oh my G
od it's [ __ ] turbo hot everywhere huh is it a turbo hot in here okay uh well how about this architect oh it has to be [ __ ] indoors [ __ ] temperature quickly somebody put a [ __ ] passive cooler somewhere there are actually one there cancel you we're missing we don't have wood oh God okay uh knock him uncut can we okay I can't let you [ __ ] kill people oh okay somebody go you go cut this tree and then we have to build a thing all right where where is the person they're trying to kill they'r
e going all the way over there so it should be maybe okay laughs all right well if I have to if I have to have you kill him we're going to we're literally going to shoot him down if he has to go down all right uh temperature passive cooler we don't have the [ __ ] wood we have no one we don't know what anywhere my God okay cancel oh um oh uh there these people need to [ __ ] cut down more wood we need wide all right snowy snowy you gotta go down for for for the cause run away until you can get l
ike a good angle on him all right snowy first Miss second Miss they're not getting a third Miss all right just beat each other to death foreign [Music] great well done Fox meat wood devil strand all right wood is great because we God knows we need [ __ ] wood uh do I even have anybody doing [ __ ] wood cutting how is none of this cuttable wood oh now it is okay great uh oh uh in the meantime everybody needs a funny little cooler in the room actually how long is the rest of Summer [ __ ] it you k
now what they can suffer in the heat we'll figure it out soon we'll figure it out eventually oh oh they'll figure it out eventually don't even worry about it all right can we [ __ ] hey buddy how about you [ __ ] why can you not it is literally rotting oh we have to make this bigger okay expand there get it out of here also oh my God there's so much going on oh [Music] boom rat explosive Shell Shell so many mortar shells everywhere all the time okay uh we need more beds uh copy bed bed bed bed c
opy thing thing thing copy thing thing we need so much wood oh we need so much wood wall light copy bam [Music] Bam Bam uh uh Power uh cool explosive shells why are we why are we still getting so many [ __ ] shells double strand is actually kind of fog oh my God we so much drunk all right copy right there oh we don't have any steel left oh we are steel-less poker table needs chairs yeah I [ __ ] bet it does all right uh Furniture wooden chair even though we have no wood let them out food binge c
ooking okay well you know to be expected can somebody like deal with you actually can you help them okay oh oh God what is this bombardment from space okay uh I'm so glad that we have survived all of these thank you for the Steal who keeps sending the shells we've had so many [ __ ] shells we have so many mortar shells we don't need more mortar shells why are we getting so many mortar shells I don't understand I simply do not understand the mortar shells all right uh we also have like no [ __ ]
food dude like actually no food we need meals so bad oh my God we have so many colonists we have so many corners yeah I know we're dangerously low on food I'm trying I'm working on it shells oh my God wait any of our channels I need food please for the love of God they're hungry they need food oh my God [Music] somebody [ __ ] cut down some wood Blaze orders chop wood somebody where's all my like dumb people that are bad at things you cut wood wood shell we don't need shells milk is okay meal si
mple meat okay cool that's great oh yes survival right before our very eyes what are you some Dairy shells great somebody please go haul those no you are oh okay somebody's already holding them great EMP shell okay [Music] oh did we still have a or we still have a fair amount of breaks of [ __ ] I'm doing another set of rooms door door door door door door door door door ventma floors marble tile Bam Bam Bam Bam good oh smoke shell no not Alpha beavers oh it's so much garbage okay great the melpe
nheimer drugs are coming back into play people just humping on drugs all the live long day all right this can become somebody's bed who doesn't have a bed there you go I have a bed fire foam shell chicken okay taking advantage of your gifts yeah we have people that are [ __ ] coking out on drugs now all right uh after you do that can you are you not set to cleaning Gray you literally can't do cleaning okay jailbird can you do cleaning or cooking you can do cleaning why won't you do the cleaning
has this not been there long enough oh it's not in home area Okay uh Zone expand home area there wait great and then we'll never do queening okay Ron how about okay well somebody will go in there and clean eventually eventually we'll clean that absolute crazy garbage up all right [Music] these need to [ __ ] get out of here what is this more shells hi VIP we're we're sort of alive mostly I would say mostly alive uh do we have we don't want to deconstruct these we don't hospital bed is fine we do
n't need these things all right what in bed [Music] okay oh bam bam bam bam oh bam bam bam bam oh Bam Bam Bam Bam power conduit there oh that is true VIP oh God is this the is this the one okay it's not the oh get out of there go run you stupid bastard why are you running into it oh my God all right why are they running into it you're gray what is your weapon you don't even have one get a sniper rifle that's for you baby bill they just got a lights yeah they they got [ __ ] shot by the Sun sure
it's fine insult spree sure why not go insult some people that's great more power to you buddy what happened to my Doom launcher it's a it's a one-time use it's fire and forget the unmatched power of the Sun we got pretty much thank you all right I am all right oh you just got your dark tide set up dude congrats on even waiting I'm so glad that you'll be able to get your your back home now welcome home potatoes God we need those give me the [ __ ] potatoes good God we need those okay everybody's
sleeping doing great proud of everybody what is your deal binge you're so you're binging on drugs give me 200 hi husco why the [ __ ] do we have ducks in here die get out of our [ __ ] release to the wild you can get out of here we don't need you all right great why not food binge shirt go right ahead do we have any [ __ ] wood how do we still have no wood we've got no wood no [ __ ] we have three people three people doing wood things more people go cut wood just cut some wood please billiards
table okay well we have one of those okay are you gonna win this fight you're gonna win the fight great proud of you all right we're dealing with the alpha Beaver problem it is going great proud of our little gamer God we need [ __ ] wood all right and then while we're at it haul those this needs to be reinstalled like I don't know over here uh who's a builder Ron how about you do that and then this [ __ ] needs to [ __ ] go [Music] get these out of here please okay Dragon in the hoodie yeah tha
t's me all right we're getting that [ __ ] out of here I am building [Music] I'm building what am I building I am building um I'm building I'm building production I'm building an electric stove we have like no Steel uh unfortunate is this flame leather are you plain leather you're light leather we have a lot of light leather white leather armchair great oh god what the [ __ ] twitch event a drop raid okay okay all right everybody time to game up our game down game around uh okay everybody combat
[Music] foreign great great work [Music] everybody's fine all right well we dealt with that I've ton of Far Cry to play go ahead gray you should go to sleep thanks for hanging out though I appreciate it have a good sleep God the [ __ ] lights on the wall are so much prettier than the [ __ ] room lights God bless you know what I'm also making a Zone stockpile Zone here this is becoming storage clear all wood critical this is just becoming the wood Zone we need steel dude we need Steel I need Ste
el where is dust steel shark tide I want to play smart tide when it comes out of beta I know it's supposed to release like properly sometime soon from whatever how did that break failed okay well that's fine that's not a big deal uh actually give me God we need steel so bad x x uh Minecraft drugs I don't want drugs I want steel I need steel to make things High Ty how are you what are you what is this okay uh uh all right set owner who doesn't have one all right we actually have beds for everybod
y for the first time ever none of these are poor quality right this one is so we're deconstructing that deconstructing that deconstructing that hide in Rome colonists died all right well you can hide in your room the Oppenheimer that's okay go ahead and hide in your room goodbye push last overtime before it was a nightmare today well enjoy your vacation I hope you have fun gar what's the logo on my hoodie there is no logo on my hoodie there is no logo what are you what is what is going on what a
re you what are you doing tantrum he's gonna smash things in her room okay sure go for it all right as she's smashing things people are walking into her room to repair it that's actually really funny what do you mean there is one oh interactive hoodie now I get it is the icon on my hoodie awful call no not me Oppenheimer too no melvinheimer too okay [Music] the Oppenheimer too it is all right uh you can do plant cutting all right uh should be a yellow hoodie soon I'll have other hoodies soon bre
ak risk yeah sure what what is going what is wrong with the power did you break your [ __ ] oh my God you broke the [ __ ] power conduit and we don't have any steel to fix it God damn it [ __ ] stop going on a tantrum oh my God okay well can anybody give me steel we need Steel I need steel really bad I need people to do Minecraft who's good at Minecraft I'm canceling all this Minecraft we just need people to do Steel please go get the Minecraft the steel Minecraft best we can do is another morta
r shell goddammit oh steal God bless you need that need that we need that so wait who the [ __ ] is sleeping up here in these shitty beds so Gibbs build and cooking the Gibbs uh build cooking and Miranda and Kala [Music] uh uh Randall catala ah it's a steal you're so right oh my God what is all this stools bruh why do we need 20 stools all right well the steel is incredible the stools uh uh we can disassemble those and get stuff from them that works I guess all right ha well not horrible oh even
more steel oh thank you guys so much thank you this is such a blessing oh [Music] God bless my bad I missed heard I heard stool is that why you give me stools I I like that all right all right [ __ ] save chaos no control oh my gosh and another shell as God intended all right oh Zone expand home area okay that's all already in it good what is happening Fire Starting spree okay could you could you not though infinite chem reactor what the [ __ ] is that I want that where is that where do you do
oh does it what what do you do using atoms extracted from the air let's go you're one of those what is it the infinite chem reactor tantrum okay sure great foxtail thanks for the follow gamer what's up all right uh get rid of we don't need those God we're so close to having like a functioning base if we could just stop having people break [ __ ] can you please go okay somebody is going to work on that okay thank God re-power everything we are definitely going to need to build another power realm
as well so let's go do we need do we have enough Granite bricks where's our Granite bricks at we're good on granite bricks for a bit I think all right uh door there then there and then we want Power holder generator bam bam actually no Bam Bam hmm oh they can't be rotated okay weird uh well in that case you can build some of those you're gonna play dark tide I definitely want to give it a shot I definitely want to give it a try and then I think we do with your voice at 9 10. something like this
uh honestly this can just be we don't need it to be pretty in here we're gonna need more granite guard what do I get if I cut your tail you can't cut my tail I don't have a tail cut um and then we're gonna need to do structure Granite wall doing one two three four uh and cancel and then one two three four power like that and then batteries actually hold on we should leave the batteries until all that is done Cobra eggs components we have a lot of those but that'll help we do like components I'm
a component enjoyer can you actually start okay people are actually already hauling steel all right me Oppenheimer is yelling at people because they're hungry because they're silly oh we don't have food ha ha ha uh we don't have food okay well people are building things to help us cook food but uh while we don't have food great people are beating each other up we love when that's happening or just punching parts of things whatever more violence we are doing plenty of eyelids you want to see me
at mff yeah it's happening this week dude only a few days away I'm here after an all-nighter and you're still streaming you've got to go to work in two hours why are you doing an all-nighter you should sleep that's not healthy definitely get some snoozles in especially if you have to go to work why do you have so many fertilized eggs no give me potatoes though I like potatoes stop breaking things oh my God um okay we finished this finally bills cook simple meal forever great human meat we love h
uman meat and then bills cook simple meal forever great so now somebody should be able to we should have at least a few people that can do that cool who's starvy why are you you're starving yourself why did you fall over why why people are just [ __ ] falling over Melvin height were two starving themselves to death why stop stop it simple meals made out of human meat oh you know how it is medical treatment needed all right my Oppenheimer is deciding to [ __ ] fight people God damn it where's we
have like Ron down here can you Ron can you deal with them lavish meal rat okay well we'll take the lavender [Music] yes sir oh my God yes sir oh my God I don't care what you're doing oh what a godsend whoever sent that thank you oh my God oh boy that's a treat yeah geez I'd give it to him at all it is it is so much better than raw meat it's so many leagues better than raw meat all right oh we finally got a semblance of a base together almost almost we're slowly approaching all right ads are sta
rting soon so I'm gonna pop over to my BRB screen so it only feels like they're missing out on anything oh brother ah all right when you get back from agile maybe we'll be able to build a room where people can eat and like he's not not lose their mind where is the cheetah if you save up enough uh silver you could buy yourself a either a cheetah or like your own character in the game oh oh my God I have to I have to build a [ __ ] tailoring room so that we can have clothes for when people are col
d because that's gonna happen really [ __ ] soon and I have nothing prepared the old cheetah he died no we're all this is on a new save husco the person named cheetah is was on a different save I'm gonna get up and stretch a bit while we're on ad break oh oh my god dude oh sheesh Jesus 29th or the 30th I arrive on Thursday which I think is the 30th no that's a first I think the first because it's December first through fourth right I'm only there for the days the concert con is actually going on
all right mostly because of the hotel I would have gone earlier if we got the hotel room but we did not rip foreign oh boy I don't like when I see streamer doesn't know in chat please come on just let me have some like we don't even have a base we have bedrooms like I have barely managed to make non-wooden bedrooms that's all ah Chad giveth and Chad take it we oh my God I just want functioning [ __ ] bedrooms oh all right welcome back from agile everybody we continue on with the nightmare what'
d you say about the hotel room I was saying I would have gone earlier to the con if we had main hotel or if we got the hotel room for those days but we only got the hotel room for Thursday through Sunday and it's not even in Maine so I sent you 100 he must eat them all uh I think we're just gonna let him chill outside oh we have another sniper rifle that's nice oh my God all right incendiary shells explosive shells mega tornado great triple rocket launcher minigun assault rifle lmg SMG all right
so we got a lot of weapons I'm gonna turn the game audio down again because for some reason they did not normalize the audio of the tornadoes and they're just turbo loud God please don't [ __ ] spawn on top of us all right where where are the tornadoes I hear them oh okay they're up there is that all of them what who needs medical treatment stop punching people mapenheimer stop it why are you punching people oh banished oh it's because meowpenheimer's meowpenheimer the banished okay uh okay wel
l we can pick these weapons up I guess and put them on people who doesn't have do you have a gun here pick up a gun do you have a gun pick up a better gun you have a gun no pick up a gun can you not have a gun you can have a gun snowy have a gun why won't you pick up a gun oh you're [ __ ] you're on a mental break never mind will you pick up a gun you can have a funny little mini gun I guess all right we are getting plate armor we're getting explosive shelves we're getting a new [ __ ] colonist
hi WID why are you sending me an awful columnist no ah okay uh a sign uh schedule paste work all right uh I guess you are on plant cutting and Hauling and cleaning it's what you're good for we have a cow from space all right I'm glad all those tornadoes are on the other side of the map for now it seems like they're gonna mostly avoid us yes okay oh oh spared from tornado hell please go away every other tornado has left the map are you okay oh why are you sad Cusco has anybody tended to you have
you been tended to are you not on doctoring anymore you are has anybody attended to you I'm assuming I'm assuming yes yes okay oh we need to build a hospital dude that's another thing we need ah because no tornado hit me yeah mods can set up votes for like random events and [ __ ] to happen hyperweave okay uh sure what is this another IED trap can somebody so you're still psychotic wandering Ron do that and then oh you're not assigned to hauling okay uh can you be assigned to hauling how about a
fter you eat Ron you you are assigned to hauling now though are you not did I not just assign you to hauling I assigned you to cleaning oops very run after you eat chat demands blood why we've come so far we almost have a barely functioning colony almost a barely functioning colony a bulk Goods Trader hello gamer blood blood no is chat is it chat that demands blood or is it you that demand blood what's the point in no suffering yeah okay sell you that you can have that you can have that uh you c
an have another garbage do we not want God we have so many [ __ ] shells oh you can have that uh you can have that you can have that uh you can have that um you can have die you can have uh Warheads do you have anything that we want you have drugs your components you have cloth uh that's great for us you have chocolate I'll buy chocolate um you can have bird skin you can have pig skin you can have dog and leather or lizard skin Panther for you can have at least so many [ __ ] shows so many morta
r shells dude so many mortar shells sure give me all your money you have anything that we care about I'll buy reinforced barrels oh we we didn't want to sell a human meat uh we can use that to cook I think eventually buy all your chem fuel that's actually like something that's usable buy all your Steel you can have keeping those hmm you can have all the guinea pig fur uh you can have those you can have that oh gotta keep that man me you know it baby um what else can we give you that's like nonse
nse you do not need more than like three of either of these maybe like two of those except oh my God now there's where there's more [ __ ] everywhere oh God bombardment from space explosive shells shells drugs Jade sculpture oh no you woke up the [ __ ] you woke up the [ __ ] events oh oh no we are not ready for that okay uh uh well maybe this trade group will just like deal with it for us uh time to find out oh run me up at Iver run away run to the safety of the [ __ ] turrets all right all of
you guys need to [ __ ] get up and come [ __ ] hide behind the safety of our turrets what the [ __ ] oh are they just gonna fire random [ __ ] at us are you gonna come fight or what where are you you're gonna be able to make it away are you gonna [ __ ] get died to death they have very long range weapons yeah I [ __ ] noticed and somebody over here so you're still [ __ ] psychotic are you they cannot walk okay great Zan can you go man the mortar and finally use it and maybe maybe we can drop a m
ortar shot oh my God another bombardment from space okay at least it's not on top of us for now all right so these guys are coming dude honestly I think we back up more behind our turrets why can you not go here whatever can you what what is your range can you let go here maybe all right everybody maybe we form like a funny line like this come on funny little turret also the tornadoes are over so I guess I can turn this sound back up oh all right funny little turrets do your do your work [Music]
all right well we got one can anybody else even range that [ __ ] okay so everybody needs to move like a smidge closer actually what is your range so he's just gonna be trying to fight the turrets so what if we keep our dudes out of your range okay I'm apartment from space can you still not [ __ ] hit this guy all right you know what everybody that's not a sniper rifle user can just [ __ ] off foreign don't [ __ ] off towards the [ __ ] thing but you know if if you must can you guys I know I sa
id you can [ __ ] off but can you not [ __ ] off towards the fight he's just gonna go to bed I guess that's fine dude we did it we conquered the ancient whatever the [ __ ] sweet all right uh it's all good everybody can go chill where are you all right uh cool can anybody deal with you oh all right well ancient evil defeated I guess that was easier than I thought it would be not bad well we did pretty well I think I'll take it dude I'll take it I take we take those we take those we take those Qu
est available Manhunter pack we're never doing quests dude quests are not like happening quests are not happening I don't know how the [ __ ] we would ever leave this place Manhunter pack of what not boom rats oh god oh [ __ ] me will my turrets shoot at them what the oh now now you just got the [ __ ] stop stop Manning it you just got the [ __ ] mortar working after 500 years these boom rats are absolutely going to get blow up these [ __ ] visitors there's nothing we can do about it well I mean
at least the the visitors tanked it for us God bless extreme break risk on who you'll be fine all right well the the visiting party uh tanked it for us God bless there we go baby it's just that easy can't be asked to save them don't care we don't have the spare medical beds guess you'll have to die all right well uh we'll we'll take those we take those that's a win it's a win to me I would say I'll say this is a [ __ ] dead man why are we not how has nobody picked up this dead man oh whatever h
ey buddy could you get this [ __ ] dead body out of here then I don't know can you do medicine Stumpy you do medicine you can barely do medicine go like tent them without medicine if they get up twitch drop shell hospital bed great yeah look at that [ __ ] XP baby great what else did you drop underneath you simple meal we love those steal it from the steal it from him it's [ __ ] pump that [ __ ] right up all right oh my God look at this look at this functioning stuff oh God bless we love it we
love to see it all right oh we have so many mini turrets now that's based maybe we can like actually try and defend our base a bit cool fantastic fire starting spree why wouldn't you after all as is your god-given right what are you there's so many [ __ ] IEDs uh an art sculpture you know we love art sculptures God we have so many [ __ ] shells and [ __ ] what is going on we so much stop so much stuff oh my God so much stuff more shells you guys love the [ __ ] explosive shells it's your favorit
e [ __ ] item so many explosive shells dude do we pick up all the garbage we bought we haven't even picked up any of the [ __ ] we bought man [Music] laughs you mean it's too heavy [Music] what do you mean it's too heavy there people go grab those pick that [ __ ] up it'll be fine you'll be fine hey Talco what's up oh can you [Music] there all right [Music] all right we finally have some sort of stockpile for food barely what is the like room beautiness decent cool ah sheesh exhaustion yeah well
there go rest or something do we pick up all the garbage yet no I want somebody to go pick this up eventually but until then we'll figure it out oh my gosh holy chat how's everybody holding up how you doing how's your night been all of our [ __ ] [ __ ] is on fire why where did this start it's not gonna rain anytime soon man we just cut down all that wood [ __ ] up oh my God more incendiary shells oh all right this is starting to become a problem this is our firewall somebody needs to go stop i
t before it gets to our loot I don't want my [ __ ] loot siding on fire it worked too damn hard to get this loot all right cool we have gotten the ship to the Stars quest all right there should be nothing else for the fire to spread too hoping for chaos man this is already this is so much chaos you have no idea you have no idea compared to like what I'm used to my little baby like default run no idea this is like the most chaos I've ever experienced ah are we doing on bricks oh God we have like
completely run out of granite bricks I need more Granite bricks we're supposed to be making them somebody's making them there's not enough Pig okay cool oh all right all right uh look at them go dude goat joined cool welcome goat uh farm animals Granite thank you oh yes what kind of farm animals we still have three meowpenheimers not bad we do not have an animal pen but I'm sure that's fine I would very much like to build a eat [ __ ] room you know what while we're at it finish the freaking funn
y bunker room [Music] and I'll just go like put it over there or something oh [Music] that's fine a mess hall yes the funny eat stuff room uh basically door Thor bent bent a mogus um floors marble tile Bam Bam Bam Bam okay then we should be able to do uh you can't do a two wide door can you can you put two doors next to each other that's why I do oh I guess you can cool [Music] nice thank you mapenheimer we will have the double doors oh I need to check my twitch drops but I'm doing the stretch b
reak oh oh I should have a redeem for stretch break I have one for hand stretchies project play time well I hope you have fun with that Telco okay what do we got duck more explosive shells Granite blocks steel oh you guys are giving me all the stuff I need thank you yes sir give me those and of course more explosive shells why not [Music] after all why not [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] five tame Ducks okay sure I was like I just saw [ __ ] 500 drop pods coming I was like oh oh God all right no
t bad not horrible ah you're completely out of marble top marble blocks and granite blocks we need more people doing stone cutting God this is such a mess I want to fix this but there's so much else we have to do first oh more shells oh so many mortar shells so much to do what are you made out of steel really needs steel I need and granite is what I need Granite blocks and marble block which we are working on making a bit at a time rainy thunderstorm hope it helps well thank you for the blocks w
hoever send me the blocks locks are very helpful or any thunderstorm psychic drone great we've researched microelectronics God bless uh uh I think we make hospital beds we can get vitals monitor buyers high-tech research bench how do I can I make a high-tech research bench high-tech research bench [ __ ] this doesn't fit in these rooms does it we don't even have enough steel for one [ __ ] all right well uh So It Begins orbital trade Beacon did ours break or do we just have another one now okay
cool can somebody you yeah do all that for me that'd be great and then this can be reinstalled but like uh I don't know can't be put there let me put gear sure uh and then I want to build oh wait this requires power doesn't it doesn't need power we don't need power right just a research bench space already occupied oh we need to unbuild that too can you go oh somebody's doing that already okay sure and then lore wood floor where can you go do all that [ __ ] for me oh more bricks thank you guys
oh my gosh all right we're doing okay figuring it out all right uh no no no snowy please move that now we should be able to do i-tech research bench yes sir uh why are you having a what why What's your deal we killed both of your daughters well listen your daughters attacked us okay I am sorry we killed both of your daughters but uh not our fault human meat great more to cook with I guess oh all right psychotic days sure why after all why not all right sweet reinstall wait no reinstall rotate yo
u do that all right now we can do hospital bed yay not connected to power so it does need power what the [ __ ] why does a research bench need power are you reinstallable oh my God it's not reinstallable well how much power do you make Mr wind turbine I would have to have batteries though oh there any geothermal stuff nearby that I can just extend a really long power cable to oh my God I didn't think I needed power it's a [ __ ] table why does that table need power why do you need power what do
you need power for your table God damn it it's a really cool table Yeah I [ __ ] guess dude ah all right I have a battery in here somewhere don't I yeah she's wasted so much [ __ ] steel building that thing dude that doesn't do [ __ ] well thanks for the refund on the steel I was like we just wasted so much building that [ __ ] research table now we're gonna have to unbuild it eventually God damn it gosh gosh dang it still need a [ __ ] ton more Granite bricks and marble bricks the finish what w
e're trying to do but we're getting there baby we're getting there okay oh boy are we getting there okay what mods did I have for this round just wall lights oh we have like a fair amount of mods going on Common Sense Mad Skills pick up and haul Rim connect wall lights fair amount of stuff Granite blocks oh thank you thank you blessing me with the fortune of granite blocks God bless peace talks uh whatever to a two AI mode mods I would have recommended what once we have like okay AI stuff oh yea
h the ones you would recommended yeah yeah yeah uh shells incendiary dude who what is with all the shells you're just a mortar lover huh really love the mortars all right somebody needs to get that out here Rim world hey Forrest what's up yeah we got Rim world going on that needs to get out of here shells marble blocks oh thank you thank you thank you thank you yes sir very nice very nice yeah you'll be fine you're just super turbo upset because we had to murder both of your daughter listen it h
appened oh power cell and more bricks oh you guys are the best thank you so much oh my gosh it's all coming together baby somebody installed this [ __ ] right there right next to the first one oh they're doing it oh God bless how many colonists do I have far too many you can get your own if you stay in chat long enough to uh buy one with the silver we're playing the twitch integration mod so people can interact with the game a lot far more than is probably reasonable all right your draw your dau
ghter smelly die your daughter smelly died so long ago I don't know why you're still all upset about that no reason to be get over it I'm very insensitive about your daughter smelly dying because they came here with a freaking gun they tried to kill us first thank God what they deserve all right oh well um uh Power [Music] um that's all you're calling stop having problems exactly it's just that simple hide in the room you're depressive okay uh uh or that already has marble tile great anybody wan
t to give us more marble and granite bricks smile you know you wanna you know you wanna smile smile intellectual skill trainer interesting make somebody a genius who wants to be good at trading you're already too good at too many things Zan you're you could be you become intellectually inclined you're gonna become intellectually inclined and you wake up Metal Gear was right all along oh marble blocks thank you all right [Music] um sucking is not it's not attractive all right uh I would very much
like to have a room for people to recreate in I also I also need a [ __ ] proper like storage bunker room we need so many rooms dude we are people that need rooms is what we are we need so many rooms for so many things vent uh okay so you're gonna do something on Alpha Beaver no dude we've already had so many [ __ ] Alpha Beaver things has anybody fed you what is what is your deal what do you Recreation starved I mean you're the one laying in bed oh inspiration wow okay great proud of you all r
ight snowy you can just do whatever the frick you want what if it's Tamed honestly if you really want to help me out you can be bricks I need bricks legendary end table wow now that's Epic [Music] foreign [Music] squirrels oh my God now there's so many squirrels dude oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God oh you should probably stop storing my wood outside you know what here [Music] what's up the own build roof area [Music] now it shouldn't be deteriorating anymore what what I thought building a r
oof roof over it would make it stop being counted as Outdoors oh I was wrong uh [Music] I was wrong I was wrong so why there's so many squirrels what is with the squirrels dude we're back to sending squirrels I guess dude I need marble bricks [Music] marble brick roof collapsed yeah I imagine it did [Applause] yes yes the roof will collapse because we [ __ ] took all the fillers down that is how that works uh structure or no furniture where's Shell how am I blind there's oh it's because it's on
granite that's why ah then I Slumber all right thanks for hanging out with Tatsu funny squirrel make people happy so true all right marble blocks oh thank you techno thank you thank you thank you all right now I can select all these shelves and then link settings storage we are all wood critical important all right there we go now people should eventually go put all the wood on the shelves [Music] can you [Music] well we'll work on that I guess thank you Tatsu this music's really pretty [Music]
all right these need to be set to [ __ ] marble mode marble mode is gosh dang it we need marbles I mean marble marble blocks all right well what do you need oh well you're just mad because both your daughters died still which you know Fair all right Bonk all right all right we've got most of our Barracks set up there are people there are places for people to be [Music] marble blocks oh God bless thank you yes yes we're doing it oh bit by bit we are progressing why are you not Granite Flagstone f
loors can you be Granite flagstone please thank you also Zone expand home area bam Bam Bam [Music] bam [Music] oh marble blocks oh yes oh oh meowpenheimer going in for the kill yes sir salute you good job kill count increases [Music] yeah well I can't help them they [ __ ] decided they've decided their fate [Music] all right we're like doing okay on food a bit almost for now maybe oh I don't care about the quest expiring that's totally fine with me as far as I'm concerned uh uh the Eating Room c
omplete oh God bless making a huge ass table how much Jade do we have can we make it out of Jade 179 I don't think we should make it out of Jade that sounds like a stupid idea uh what is making you out of wood do ud2 I make you out of like what Jade need more Beauty 15. uh sure do we have enough Jade for that one yeah okay we do six make a [ __ ] Jade table these kids are gonna eat lavishly the oatmeal thanks for hanging out I appreciate all the Marvel help oh God bless thank you yes sir oh yes
and then we have 462 light leather we are going to make [ __ ] arm chairs yes sir make the armchairs ah we're gonna have to make another light over here for sure uh Power are you ugly uni minus two yes so let's just be fine I actually shouldn't even need to it goes one two one two three four five six and go like six tiles so should be able to still reach from there shall incendiary shell empty shell so many shells dude you guys sure love [ __ ] mortar shells more shells every shell all kinds of
shells okay come on baby who's our best like Constructor you're really good at can you go finish that go finish that that would be great excellent yeah let's go baby chat killed everyone yet not quite a fair number of people have died but uh you know we're doing all right how's it going shmoops how are you how are you uh three do we have a roof there yes well none of our wood is deteriorating that's great I love having a [ __ ] ton of wood does everybody so everybody has a bed wind and snowy and
meowpenheimer are sleeping up there for some reason it's the owner [Music] with set owner uh uh snowy and then which meopenheimer is it it is me upenheimer banished who needs a bed down here you go all right cool good oh well some goat is getting owned online sure that's fine need warm clothes yeah you bet your [ __ ] ass we do uh uh speaking of need warm clothes uh uh Taylor things can be reinstalled in different places right so uh electric Taylor bench I'm pretty sure it's reinstallable you'r
e gonna go in there buddy actually I know you're not let me let me actually here production steel electric Taylor bench I think one there one there okay we're gonna need to finish off that whole room goat one has been owned online that's probably fine uh chairs there power we need to go at least down probably to like there all right who's good at Tailoring you good at tailoring you're good at tailoring you're the tailoring you're good at Tailoring look at tailoring you're good at tailoring you'r
e good at tailoring all right so that means eventually amongst all of those people somebody should get it done so we need parkas we're going to do until you have X and we currently have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seven to eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One so we'll do until we have 22 count equipped don't count tainted we're looking for ones above 50 hit points and from normal legendary uh cool only allow people with like for
ce killer better uh clear all we're gonna allow cloth we're not allow plain leather wolf skin is fine light love not light leather heavy for okay that's all good all well and good and fine anybody want to give us cloth we could use some claw we are cloth Kneaders on my hoodie looks like a little shared bed yeah I'm Commander guard it's my badge all right I'm Gonna Save because ads are coming up and I don't want anybody who's not subscribed to feel like they're missing out so I'm gonna pop over t
o my BRB screen and then we will vibe to some music while people are stuck in ag jail RuneScape music oh I'm gonna do some stretching dude oh boy oh you know what I've never had but that it sounds so nice have you guys ever had like an actual professional massage have you been to a massage parlor what's that like sounds like it would be really nice I feel like that would be something I could get addicted to I feel like that would be a nice thing to be addicted to don't you I wanna I wanna like h
ave a [ __ ] uh significant other who's a professional masseuse that sounds like it would be so nice what is your like dream partner uh skill set I think it would be really cool to have like a uh significant other that does massage stuff that's cool that's really cool [Music] does anybody know does do walls stop tornadoes even slightly someone who's a great cook honestly that's definitely up there I think that's a great feature they do nothing Frick so there's no way so do tornadoes or tornadoes
are just something is getting [ __ ] is what you're saying tornadoes are force of nature if they're going through your base you're losing whatever they're going through that's tragic oh we've made it pretty darn far though without uh too too many casualties a lot of dead meowpenheimer cats many of those they seem to constantly pick fights with things bigger than them but you know understandable so be it I still can't believe the one where you got [ __ ] dirt schlapped into your eyes that's [ __
 ] up that one was like the most [ __ ] up that was disrespectful traumatic all right a little bit of stretch a little bit of chilling outplayed all right welcome back from ad jail everybody it was super effective I mean it was it's a but throw dirt in the pocket sand tactic dude are you sure you're not French Canadian what makes you think I'm French Canadian do I have like a accent that sounds like it work frenzy very nice um okay somebody's making stuff that's nice I would like to copy uh we h
ave a bunch of parkas apparently already copy pepper paste paste very nice and then you know what we can set up uh make make pants details do x times what is the what was the number we need 22. 22. do x times [Music] uh or not do until you have X 22 count equipped we need 51 and then we want normal to Legendary yeah pretty much exactly that uh you know I can't say I know many French Canadian people so I don't really know I don't live in that area I live in Massachusetts um so I don't I don't kno
w what to tell you so pants you can make out of anything I think I'm not super worried about what the pants are made out of uh let's not make it out of like the crazy expensive stuff uh ideally not below like really [ __ ] crafting skill and then we can copy that pace Pace okay cool worst come on thanks husko you're dropping into a fire why is this on fire can this not be on fire uh assign uh all right uh schedule copy paste work one one four you are husco the haulers that's what you are out of
you who's go hello I'm useless you're gonna haul stuff for me and you're gonna do great can somebody please prioritize putting out that [ __ ] fire on the orbital trade begin not in home area my God there thank you mad boom rat uh okay how did you miss you're gonna blow yourself up can you run are you able to run while you're getting attacked can somebody like help you there we go great uh you're gonna go to the medical bed cool that is a horrible place to have a medical bed but so be it uh wher
e what why are you have nothing to do work Selma where are you at you can do crafting you can do Minecraft go find something to do what do you what are you what's your deal Randall can do art you can do research you can do plant cutting you do crafting you guys really still have nothing to do because is it because we need more stations are you gonna Randall are you good at Tailoring go do tailoring there's three [ __ ] tailoring benches are you wandering you'll find something to do what the [ __
 ] oh I mean that's whatever piss gaming imminent all right we need this needs to not be on fire anymore then you need to go deal with them all right cool a golden shower oh no okay oh that's gonna increase our wealth by a ton uh oh wait no rest until healed please everybody else can deal with that hunting with a [ __ ] bow and arrow go get a [ __ ] assault rifle you stupid [ __ ] why are you still idle what do you what do I need to give you to do mirandi really there's go do Minecraft then or l
ike do something bro what do you need an Oppenheimer all right well I gave I you I actually gave you nothing to do so like that's not your fault I suppose definitely not constructing maybe craft ah work frenzy great awesome okay great we are we're doing great the Oppenheimer is about to [ __ ] lose it understandable power [Music] all right everybody everybody's gonna be okay it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine I'll be fine all right also details you can you can use human and insect meat wh
y not after all what what's food good for if not uh human meat it's after earning silver is it just me did I break something have I broken it have I officially ruined the game foxy got a good colonist where where are you where did you land oh you're already inside okay no drugs bite medicine you have 6 350 Jesus Christ riots trying to buy the [ __ ] nuke everybody in Garland I don't even know if that's an option but please don't please let us live let us live [Music] okay all right foxy actually
can you pick up a gun or something do we have any like POG guns for you we have some pistols you can pick up a machine pistol I guess at least psychic ship okay oh God oh my oh God oh God okay oh God okay um uh security barricade barricade Ma Spike trap bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam oh well I'm glad that uh I'm glad that I told them to build that after all right oh my God Jesus all right I'm glad that it works again mopey all right uh wow that was almost scary all
right uh I'm going to need people to go start building that [ __ ] hi gamers let's go why did you walk into the fire you [ __ ] they're like I'm on my way to build it there's a fire in the way I walk through the fire it's the best way to get there ah oh no I'm on fire what did you think was gonna happen that's so funny oh my God they're so stupid they're all so stupid they're so dumb really stupid little gamers God bless all right yeah you guys build those traps I'm sure we'll pretend that they'
re gonna work or any of these scythers yeah that's the main thing I'm worried about the scythers major break risk yeah you'll be fine you'll be fine oh cool also what about oh my God oh my God they're all tame we don't need we don't need five billion teams squirrels we don't need ducks and keep the rest all right I think that's fine [Music] we will fight them do you want to fight them tomorrow what do you what do you need to be told to do Stumpy Stumpy Stumpy needs [ __ ] to do there [Music] meo
w needs [ __ ] to do right this me Oppenheimer uh you can do crafting other me up and Heimer needs [ __ ] to do the Oppenheimer the banished okay well we just need to make more [ __ ] Stone crafting stations uh uh so what is your efficiency work speed 90 out because Outdoors what why are why are you Outdoors oh cause there's no door here anymore [Music] there um you know what [ __ ] it combat [Music] combat combat combat combat combat combat combat combat combat come back come back come back com
bat let's go gamers yes sir [Music] all right well sure well this is a sniper rifle you go for it gamer someone's surely going to hit them right all right so it begins we didn't do none of you guys have weapons all right anybody that doesn't have a weapon I guess can bail all right except don't [ __ ] bail that way go like over there hey voxy maybe stand in cover how about that come on gamer is this foxy like Bleeding Out uh my buddy foxy you my friend coming back there and you I guess are going
with them oh you are doing some weird [ __ ] your naive Goblin is being pretty naive being a goblin definitely both of those things all right anybody is there anybody here that's like not you're not in range you don't need to be here you don't need to be here you only have a melee weapon you don't need to be here you don't need to be here you can be here you don't need to be here oh did we kill everything oh sweet all right well in that case uh everybody except you you need to go heal uh we are
shooting at that thing uh actually can you you are like bleeding a lot oh my God we need a hospital room we need a hospital room all right unknown nowadays medical oh no now it is Medical you're gonna go to bed uh you're gonna go to bed great oh can you not can you not no no okay we're gonna back up and we're gonna shoot at it we are not [ __ ] punching it wait um why are you guys you guys are all shooting at it all right now buy your editor B higher edit there you go all right there we go all
right well we doubled that pretty okay I would say ah Christ all right where is are you good at medicine but I made Ron good at medicine right Ron I made you good at medicine didn't I yeah you're [ __ ] sweet at medicine okay you are dude you are attending to them okay sweet good uh what else do we need to build so we have that so we should probably start doing production uh so art bench wooden has 100 Works feed Factor does making out of steel do anything no okay we can just make it out of wood
then uh copy Bam Bam Bam sweet why are you getting back up go rest until healed please and then is anybody can did anybody deal with you anybody fed boxy okay good all right well we dealt with that pretty well random [ __ ] thing crashing down event uh uh hopefully this barricade thing we made does not get used against us smile I'm sure it will [ __ ] get orbitally bombarded soon enough all right you know not bad doing okay pretty solid I would say I'm I'm digging it oh I need to uh Zone band h
ome area oh no that's already in the home area it's just nobody's cleaning it all right ooh boxy oh no voxy is actually a good one you you're doing cleaning sad wander final straw with serious pain well enjoy your sad wandering starvation voxy is starving to death are you going to eat food why are you consuming human meat cannibal all right can I make you not do that what if you didn't do that what if you ate a normal Meal instead of human meat are you still gonna eat human meat okay you stopped
great thank you I appreciate that a lot all right do I who else do I have on hunting you guys can do more hunting great we are our dead animal pile is only growing as I'm sure God intended all right solar flare my favorite all right make we're making small sculptures baby we're all we're making it out of marble uh a loud art skill uh you know makes fall sculpture we're making exclusive out of marble do forever great uh solar flares passing about a day well I'm glad we have a bunch of uh Frozen
funny little Frozen Can you like can somebody butcher these who's who's cooking you all right you know what we need to make a proper butchering room at some point you're gonna lose your mind doing that are you gonna be okay all right uh we have so many so many dead squirrels all right we are gonna make the the dead Squirrel stockpile Zone because we uh apparently we need one of those now uh we're just dead animal stockpile Zone in general already critical uh clear all No Rotten animal corpses or
mechanoid Corpses there we go now we can get all the dead animals out of our [ __ ] great um brother well at least we are happy in our funny little Recreation room or our Eating Room somewhat impressive all right I do need a stockpile room which I guess will be next to this one uh and then floor since it's just a stockpile room can be Granite Flagstone that's totally fine good good we'll put 500 million shelves in there it'll be great [Music] oh there's so many squirrels so many squirrels all r
ight all right well um not bad not bad not bad all right and you know what we're at a pretty solid Point everybody's sleeping we're doing okay I'm gonna say we call it a night here this has been [ __ ] incredible uh we made it far longer than I thought we would uh we'll see what tomorrow brings thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I had a lot of fun I hope you guys did too hope you guys have a great fantastic Monday get some good snacks and some good naps in I'm gonna pop over to
my end card and we're gonna find somebody to raid thank you again so much for hanging out with me big heart emoji to you guys all right let's go see how cool is on oh this is not I was supposed to go all right let's see who all is on who do we got who do we got foreign [Music] let's go let's go say hi to Tristan we answered hi to Tristan in Forever go say hi to them for me they're really cool they're playing some wow give him some Pats for me and I'll catch you guys later have a good one
