
Nowy most koło Tarnowa oraz omówienie planowanych dróg w okolicy

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Autostrady Polska

1 month ago

Hello, this is Radek. My films are made thanks to my patrons, for which I am very grateful. The partner is FlyingAtom Gold, which sells gold and investment silver in the form of bars and coins from recognized global producers. The most popular coins and bars can be purchased immediately in one of 20 branches located throughout the country or via the website. In today's episode, I will present you with some information about the bridge over the Dunajec River in the village of Ostrów, west of Tarn
ów. Recently, a new section of provincial road No. 973 was opened to traffic. The route connected the A4 Tarnów Mościce motorway junction in the village of Wierzchosławice with the Economic Activity Zone in Tarnów and the Azoty Group Plants. During this section, an amazing bridge was built over the Dunajec River. Not only is the facility very high, but it is also made in a horizontal arc. The bridge is 815 m long and has the longest span in Poland made using the overhang concreting technology, 1
85 m long. So far, the longest span made using this technology was the bridge in Grudziądz along the A1 motorway - 180 m. The width of the structure is variable and ranges from 13, 9 to 14.35 m, while the road width is 8.3 m. There is also a pedestrian and bicycle path and a technical shoulder on the side. The height of the facility over the Dunajec River is approximately 15.5 m. The highest point above the terrain is 17.5 m at the P6 support on the right bank. The height of the bridge was influ
enced by: - ​​the need to maintain the gauge above the siding of the production plants; - the need to maintain the gauge above the flood embankments; - and the type of structure and the location of the bearings at the P10 support (it is a shore support) above the 100-year water level. The route of the connector was designed and constructed in a horizontal arc due to: - the location of roundabouts both on the right and left side of the investment; - proximity to the production plant; - location o
f water intake wells for Tarnów; - and the geometry of the Dunajec river bed as well as minimizing the impact on the NATURA 2000 area. The investment was implemented in the design and build system. The design period lasted from October 2019 to September 2021. The construction site was handed over to the contractor in September 2021, and the works were completed in November 2023. The 12 spans of the bridge were designed as a system of three continuous beams and their spans were adapted to terrain
obstacles. The bridge was founded on prefabricated piles topped with massive reinforced concrete footings, and the technology of overhang concreting was used during construction. The structure of the part suspended over the river was made using the cantilever method, starting from supports on opposite banks of the river and gradually constructing individual segments. The current span is divided into 36 segments, each 4 to 5 meters long. The works were carried out simultaneously on 4 hanging tro
lleys. Using hydraulic devices, the trolleys moved to the newly constructed segment and were placed in the position for concreting. What do the road plans look like in the Tarnów area? For years, it was planned to build an eastern bypass of Tarnów from the Tarnów Północ junction to the junction at Lwowska Street. National Road No. 73 is a route that starts in Kielce and goes through Chmielnik, Busko-Zdrój, Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Tarnów and Pilzno, reaches Jasło, so it connects three voivodeships - Ś
więtokrzyskie, Małopolskie and Podkarpackie. The design of the route was not without obstacles - the residents of Tarnów and Wola Rzędzińska protested about the route for many years. Ultimately, all formalities regarding the route were finalized and the investment was included in the government program for the construction of one hundred bypasses, but it was not implemented. GDDKiA wanted Tarnów, as a city with district rights, to cover more than half of the route costs, because 56 percent of it
s length was planned within the city's administrative boundaries. However, Tarnów cannot afford the estimated several hundred million zlotys, so the city authorities hoped that the road would be fully financed by the state. Since the mayor of Tarnów has not declared the city's involvement in financing the construction, the project will not be implemented. Last year, a contract was signed to design a completely new road along DK73. The route is to connect the A4 motorway through a new junction ne
ar the village of Nowe Żukowice to the already constructed junction in the city of Pilzno. The 15 km long route will be of GP class (main road for accelerated traffic). As part of the technical and economic environmental study, a traffic analysis and forecast will be performed. On its basis, a decision will be made about the route cross-section (single or dual carriageway). The designers will propose several variants of the road route, which will be presented to the local community and local gov
ernments. For one of them, which will be the most optimal in terms of environmental, social, economic and technical terms, GDDKiA will apply for an environmental decision. The route will be built as part of the government program for the construction of 100 bypasses for 2020–2030. But is such a connector needed in such a place? In my opinion, a much better idea would be a road closer to Tarnów, which is the largest city in the area. Such a connector from nowhere to nowhere in no way solves the t
ransport problems of the largest city in the region because its route is too far from Tarnów. If such a connector were built, from the Tarnów Centrum junction to Pilzno, at best, the road would be only 2-3 minutes shorter compared to the variant with the Tarnów bypass. However, if someone were to go to Pilzno from Rzeszów, it would still be more time-efficient to exit at the junction in Dębica, from where it will be almost twice as close to Pilzno than by driving through the new junction. After
construction, the new road is unlikely to accommodate local Tarnów - Pilzno traffic, which will remain on DK94 due to the structure of Tarnów. There were once plans to connect the roundabout at the new bridge on the eastern side of the Dunajec River with the junction at DK94. The connector would be approximately 3.5 km long and would allow for efficient access from the A4 towards DK94 and DW977 towards Tuchów. The spatial development plan always leaves an area reserve. However, currently the cha
nces of such a road being built are very small. Due to the prolonged process of determining the location of the first part of the connector, i.e. the bridge over the Dunajec River, multiple changes of investors and the selection of the minimal option (due to lack of funds), the plans could be said to have been abandoned. I received photos of the bridge from above and some information from ZDW in Krakow, for which I am very grateful. Regards, Radek



Cześć. Zapraszam do obejrzenia nowego materiału o polskich drogach. W filmie w pierwszej części materiału omówię nowo otwarty niedawno most nad Dunajcem koło Tarnowa (przejeżdżałem koło niego niedawno i zrobił na mnie kolosalne wrażenie więc postanowiłem się z Wami podzielić). W drugiej części filmu omówię plany drogowe wokół Tarnowa. Pozdrawiam i dobrego wieczoru. Radek. Uwaga - w 3:07 materiału miałem powiedzieć startując a nie sterując. Przepraszam za pomyłkę.


O jak miło się zaskoczyłem jak Radek wydał film o moim regionie :D Pozdrawiam z Tarnowa!


Dużo fachowej wiedzy i technicznych szczególików i pojęć branżowych odrazu widać za mamy do czynienia z osobą techniczną, myślę że sprawiło Ci wielką przyjemność opowiedzenie o tym wszystkim:)


Z obwodnicą był jeszcze taki problem, że w Woli mieszkańcy protestowali, bo GDDKiA tak wyznaczyło trasę, że konieczne by było wyburzenie kilkunastu domów. Natomiast wariant zaproponowany przez miasto całkowice omijał domy i konieczność wyburzeń, ale GDDKiA nie wyraziła zgody na taki przebieg, bo musiała by sfinansować całość. Nie rozumiem tylko dlaczego wolą budować łącznik w pilźnie, zamiast wariantu omijającego Tarnów i Wolę Rzędzińska?


Bardzo mi się podoba konkluzja historii wschodniej obwodnicy Tarnowa - ze względu na to, że Tarnów nie chciał się dorzucić do inwestycji GDDKiA, dyrekcja postanowiła zbudować drogę droższą, dłuższą, mniej użyteczną, ale przynajmniej daleko od Tarnowa :P


Część Radek pozdrawiam serdecznie Ciebie i Twoich bliskich i oczywiście dziękuję za Twoją pracę


Super materiał. Przydałby się odcinek o mostach które powinny być wybudowane aby usprawnić komunikację w Polsce


Mój kochany Tarnów <3 pozdrawiam z Szwajcarii


Co do obwodnicy Tarnowa/ Łącznika Pilzna z a4. Masa ludzi w Podkarpacia jeździ na zachód przez Krosno - Tarnów i tam wbija na a4. Droga z Pilzna bardzo by to ułatwiło.


Dzięki wielkie Radku


W planach jest jeszcze planowany węzeł A4 z DW973, często ten temat wraca przed wszelakimi wyborami.


Ale fajnie. Jeszcze nie obejrzałem, a już wiem że warto było kliknąć


Tuchów moje miasto🙂, ktorego mieszkańcy i wszyscy z kierunku południowego, aby wjechać na A4 kluczą po lokalnych drogach ten 3 km lacznik to logiczne rozwiazanie i wręcz na ocznie widać ze najkrótszy. W ten sposób budowana przed laty obwodnica znów zyskała by na wartości i zarabiała na siebie, choć nie dosłownie. A miasto też złapało by trochę oddechu. Most przetestujemy w najblizszym czasie. To też ciekawy punkt widokowy.


Witam i pozdrawiam z Tarnowa ✌️ czekałem i się doczekałem 💪


Poproszę o podobny film o moście nad Narwią w Łomży.


W końcu mój region, i faktycznie ten łącznik do Pilzna to tak średnio przemyślany.


Planowana jest także przebudowa dk73 Pilzno-Jasło z 3 obwodnicami


Fajnie wyszedł ten most


Najlepsza jeśli chodzi o połączenie z drogą do Pilzna byłaby ta trzecia opcja. i widać to jak na dłoni. No ale...