
Numbers are in for first deer season at Mill Creek; debate ongoing

Numbers returned on Mill Creek MetroParks controlled deer harvest Stay informed about Youngstown news, weather, sports and entertainment! Follow WKBN on our website:


1 day ago

the final report from the mil Creek Metro Parks on the deer hunting program is calling it a success so much so that the hunting of deer on metrop Park's property will continue for the foreseeable future unless that is the courts determine it's illegal earlier today I talked with both sides of the mil Creek deer hunting issue mil Creek metrop Park executive director Aaron Young today put the final results of the deer hunt on a big screen we probably could have doubled that on the first day there
were a lot more than 30 deer on that golf course the first day the metr Park's hunting program to thin the deer herd ran from October through January yes it's successful in the short term so far but in terms of reducing the overall deer numbers and the impacts that they have on the park property it's going to be several years before we see any any positive impact from that the total number of deer harvested was 204 far exceeding the goal of 66 to 130 the most deer were harvested in Huntington Wo
ods for 40 and Hitchcock Woods 27 there were no safety incidents one Hunter trespassed on private property and three Hunters were harassed 1,356 PBS of venison were distributed to food banks the question was do we feel that we can do that safely and I think this shows that we can my clients don't think that killing you know hundreds of deer is a success attorney Mark Dan represents the group that's been trying to stop the deer hunt Dan has a case pending and Mahoney County Common Police Court to
declare the deer hunt illegal and the issue has nothing to do with with with how many deer are killed and how they did it and whether it was safe uh the issue is that we don't believe that a a a Metro Park District uh under it Ohio statutes has the legal authority to do this as far as the number of deer remaining in the metrop Parks we're in the middle of trying to figure that out now we just did another fly over of the properties to see what the deer counts were and will the deer hunt take pla
ce again next year yes that's the plan this will be an annual program moving forward now that we've been able to identify that we can safely implement the two component part which is hunting where it's appropriate Sharp Shooting where hunting is not appropriate and some other notes from the final report no deer were harvested north of shields Road and 80% of the Harvest occurred south of Route 224 87% of the hunters worked with a partner and 97% of the hunters say they plan to apply for future h
unting opportunities in the metr Parks hi everyone I'm Lindsay Watson thanks for watching the wkbn27 first news YouTube channel if you want more video news subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the wkbn27 first news app for breaking news alerts
