
O desafio de seguir o Cordeiro - Gerson Lima

Mensagem ministrada em Nova Odessa/SP, no dia dia 21/10/2023 pelo irmão Gerson Lima. _______________ Esse ministério da Palavra é sustentado pelo Senhor por meio da mordomia daqueles que apreciam seu valor. Considere no Senhor ser um colaborador: ● Chave PIX: 455.551.008-92 (Gérsica dos Santos Lima) _______________ ● Siga-nos em nossas redes sociais: ● Participe do nosso grupo do WhatsApp para receber novos conteúdos: ● Inscreva-se neste nosso canal: _____________________ Se este vídeo foi de benção espiritual para você, lembre-se de deixar seu comentário e compartilhar aos seus contatos para alimentá-los e incentivá-los no Senhor. Abençoe vidas!

Voltando a Cristo

4 months ago

[Music] eh Let's open the scriptures of the Gospel of Mark Chapter 1 Verses 16 to 20 Gospel of Mark Chapter 1 Verses 16 to 20 walking by the Sea of ​​Galilee he saw the brothers Simon and Andrew casting the net into the sea because they were fishermen said- Jesus, come after me and I will make you fishers of men, so they immediately left the nets and followed him. A little later he saw James, son of Zebedee, and John, his brother, who were in the boat mending the nets , and then he called, leavi
ng them in the boat to their father. Zebedee the servants followed after Jesus Let us pray to the Lord Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ we bow our hearts mind Our Soul Before the Lord we pray that the Lord may have mercy on us may he open our eyes may the spirit of Wisdom and Revelation be upon us so that we may understand the word the sacred scriptures what the Lord wants to share with us and as sheep of his flock we can be fed only follow the lamb wherever it goes so that the Lord m
ay be glorified We pray in the name of Jesus Christ for your glory amen amen This is a very unique text in the Gospels eh The Book of Matthew repeats it the book of Luke also repeats it and here is the origin of the call of these especially four disciples who are here but I'm just going to use it as a parallel of probably four lines of ministry or four styles of ministry through which God's work has continued during these approximately 2000 years Jesus calls his disciples from the beginning the
challenge is to follow him always calling people to follow him and here he first found Simon and Andrew who cast nets and then James is the son of Zebedee and his brother John who sewed the nets and nothing is meaningless in the scriptures everything has a very rich meaning and It would be great If we could read the scriptures from the point of view that Jesus is training his disciples and us too, when we read the scriptures, we could read from this perspective that the Lord also wants to train
us because in some way he relates the professional career of these men with the style of ministry that they will follow. Peter casts the nets and the Lord handed the keys of the kingdom to Peter as it is in Matthew 16 and on the Day of Pentecost when he gets up he preaches the word about 3,000 souls were converted This shows that Peter cast the nets of the Gospel And this was also repeated using the keys or casting the nets in the House of Cornelius when Peter is sent to preach the Gospel Now no
t only to Jews but also to Gentiles, the Lord didn't just give Peter a key, he says he gave the keys to the kingdom, so he had to preach to Jews and even though he didn't want it in the beginning for Gentiles and there we have the Pioneer ministry of Peter so we see Peter casting nets and if you remember another apostle that you used in a surprising way it was Paul Do you remember what Paul's Office was or in which Paul worked Paul he made tents and God also related Paul's ministry to his own wi
th his professional career now Paul is called to build the church as the body of Christ he was someone very prepared by the Lord but the Lord also used trained him while he was building tents Ah and John and James sewed Kings and later we'll talk a little more about this if we use by the grace of the Lord this parallel of the calling of these men with the work of God and we see that the work of God begins with Peter, the Lord hands over the keys of the kingdom to him in the Gospels, the name Pet
er is used first when relating the disciples among the 12 and in fact Peter rises with the 11, so the work of God in chapter 1 at the beginning, but especially chapter 2 of Acts until the House of Cornelius between chapter 10 and Chapter 11 the greatest evidence of ministry there is the ministry of Peter and we see ped as in a kind of revival Peter represents the authority of the Kingdom of God to the point that when Peter is passing by his shadow would heal but If we could illustrate And summar
ize what Peter's ministry was like, you illustrated this when he is in Cornelius' house fasting and he is there on the terrace he had a breathtaking vision when he saw Open Heavens a sheet being supported by four prongs and there it was full of reptiles four-legged animals filthy animals you tell Pedro to kill and eat and Pedro replies no sir because I have never eaten anything common or unclean and this intercalation between you and Pedro is repeated at least three times and even though Peter r
ecognizes the voice of the Lord but Peter says no sir and then we have a problem because the Lord gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter and now Peter will discover that those animals those unclean animals represented the Gentiles Peter was raised in the Jewish tradition trained from the beginning not to eat these things and now you say kill and eat and now Pedro has a challenge, does he follow his tradition or does he follow the voice of you and Pedro followed his tradition and that is one of ou
r problems, many of the Sometimes we want to follow what we have been trained or learned or conditioned throughout our lives and we almost always prevent God's work from advancing if we are imprisoned in our mental models, the Lord had to break Pedro and Pedro and he finds some men calling they were soldiers sent by Cornelius and the Holy Spirit speaks to Pedro Look, there are some men calling you, go with them without asking anything because almost always Pedro is someone who argued with you, h
e always wanted to reason with you, go with him Pedro this time Be quiet, you know that the Lord interrupted Peter many times and we are not going to spend time on that today but Peter was still in the Training process even though he was the first of the Apostles, the greatest of the Apostles in the beginning, his shadow healed, the keys of the kingdom are with him but he is still an imperfect man and this for us is a warning that God uses imperfect men and if we claim or if someone claims perfe
ction that would be arrogance only the Lord is perfect we are all in the discipleship of following to Christ the holy spirit is there when Peter begins to preach before he finishes the holy spirit interrupts Peter the Holy Spirit is poured out on those Gentiles and Peter now surprisingly asks can we deny the water of baptism to those who like us have received the gift of the Spirit Holy and they baptized those Gentiles who believed in the Lord when they return to Jerusalem the church now corners
Peter against the wall you entered the house of the Gentiles and ate with them in other words the church itself that should follow the voice of the Lord is following a tradition and now you are opposing someone who obeyed the voice of the Lord and Pedro had to explain and give satisfaction, it wasn't me, I didn't want to go but you appeared to me at the House of Cornelius and now Pedro had to give that explanation to them as to how you are wonderful, right And how he uses every detail Do you re
member where Pedro was there and in the game he was in the house of a Simão who was a Pado tanner someone who worked with animal skins it had to be on the shore of the sea of ​​Joppa because for many it was considered a filthy profession, there was a terrible smell from those skins that when you took the skin of a recently killed animal, you had to turn it inside out, remove the residue of meat, wash it in water, then put it under the heat of the fire and let that skin remain for a long time. fl
accid, flexible, then it will be worked until it becomes a wineskin, according to historians, they say that the best skins came from Hebron, in the past, they could withstand the flaccidity, when the flexibility of a new wine that expelled gases was required, because if it were a wineskin coming from another region whose intention was just trade this other one would not retain the new wine as much as Jesus said, right New Wine has to be put in a new wineskin if you put it in the old wineskin it
will break and you will lose as much wine as the other and Peter heard Jesus talking about this in his discipleship and now he is at Simon's house and other words he is only saying to Pedro and obviously to us Look, I need a new wineskin to contain the progress of my work The problem is that you are old, your mind is closed the soul is entwined with tradition and needs brokenness and to know the voice of the Lord the word of God now stone to take to Simon's house God also places us in the house
of a tanner Simon who represents the circumstances and now Peter is seeing Wow what a stench that is it this or be How many things did Peter have in his life ? religious activism so Pedro is placed in the house of Simon the tanner turned inside out and he is seeing that skin in the presence of the fire and that is what you are doing with Pedro when the Angel appears to Cornelius the order is to send men to work in the house of Simão tanner and calls Simão by his surname Pedro So you have two san
e people Simão Pedro and Simão tanner Simão Pedro is the one who has words of life brothers pay attention to the word they are two sane people Simão Pedro has the word of life and Simão tanker was someone who was preparing those wineskins but you can't confuse the sane and that's how it has to be with us too we normally confuse things now Peter goes here to the House of Cornelius and there he enters without any education you know that it is not appropriate for a Jew to enter the house of a Genti
le and agree with them then he comes in offending you are the unclean animals I shouldn't be here but God showed me not to consider unclean what he purified what do you want with me and then Cornelius talks about the angel who appeared and so on when Peter starts talking the holy spirit interrupts and you know the rest of the text now you will remember that The wood that God used to build that was used to build is The Tabernacle of David or the house of God in the time of King Solomon these wood
s also came from Joppa de king of Tire king of Tire who was a friend of David and this wood had to come from the land of the Gentiles I came by boat until I reached Job and by Job I arrived in Jerusalem, in other words this shows that the house of God is formed by Jews and Gentiles and God wanted to include the Jews of Pentecost in Chapter 2 of acts and now the Gentiles, starting with the House of Cornelius, if this didn't happen there wouldn't be a complete house of God so sometimes we want to
be like Jews They don't they wanted the gospel to be preached to the Gentiles Peter didn't want it either they thought that only They were called when you go to Acts Chapter 11 After this journey there was the dispersion of the church in Jerusalem because there was persecution through Saul everyone was scattered forgiveness is in the Chapter eight when the Persecution happens and some reached Antioch and They didn't want to preach the word to anyone then when you get to Chapter 11 those who arri
ved in Antioch those who were Jews didn't preach the word to the Gentiles Can you imagine even after the episode that It happened to Peter there There were some men from chle de chle de siren who preached the Gospel the hand of the Lord went with him with them many people believed in the Lord But if it were up to the Jews we wouldn't be saved Are we like that we think that only we are people of God, if there is work God, this work is with us, it can be arrogance and you have been showing in this
journey through the book of Acts that God's work is much greater than our limitations and after Chapter 11 we have Paul's call do you remember they were there in Acts Chapter 13 then the church appeared in Antioch ministering to the Lord from verse 1 to the TR said the Holy Spirit separate me now Saul and Barnabas for the work to which I have called them They are not ministering to the brothers at home they are ministering to the Lord what need do we have today to return to pray fast to the Lor
d especially those brothers who are in charge of responsibility to hear the holy spirit holy spirit now separate Saul and Barnabas from the work that has called them and they are sent now that they are sent you will find that the work of God continues through Paul, no longer through Peter, although Peter continues to exercise his ministry. But you see that it has changed. If we can make a parallel with these four lines of Ministries, also with the four living beings, Do you remember in the book
of Ezekiel there were those four living beings and one had the face of a lion the other face of an ox the other face of a man and another face of an eagle they are zigzagging there from one side to the other and you have this vision in the heavens and the earth you have wheels the wheels that were Four Wheels too embedded one like hubcaps inside the other They had no end in themselves where The four living beings went what these wheels did they went when they stopped they stopped but if they con
tinued they continued there came a time when these wheels went up they went up they joined with the four living beings then these four living beings are also represented by the testimony of Jesus in the four gospels such as the book of Matthew lion face book of Mark ox face the book of Luke Luke was a doctor who presents Jesus as the son of man and John presents Jesus as the son of God, I know I'm telling you something new and there in the book of Revelation Chapter 4 these pictures of living be
ings appear again while Ezekiel has no order of these four living beings in the book of apocalypse there is whoever comes first lion face man of an ox then the face of a man and the face of an ag Then you have the order of the four Gospels first Matthew Jesus as King then Mark Jesus as a slave or servant or obedient ox then Jesus as a man and finally the gospel of John Jesus as God or the son of God but this relationship is not only in relation to the son but it is also in relation to the Work o
f the Ministry of the son through the Holy Spirit now we have the work of God in the book of Acts first lion face comes Peter but Luke was a collaborator of Paul So you look like a man or Paul identifies the body of Christ as the one who makes a tent and last of the Ministries we have John at the end of the first century talking about Jesus as the son of God but wait then we talk about four lines Peter Paul John one is missing Jesus trained three disciples in a special way there were 12 when he
will resurrect a young girl or three who are the same three who are on the Mount of transfiguration they are the same three who are in the geron praying with them do you remember Who is Peter who else James and John a deep training with them you see Peter's ministry very clearly and you see John's ministry very clearly in the book of Acts and in the Revelation in the letters but and devil you don't find the letters of James because the letter of James that you what comes after is the brother of
Jesus and the brother of Judas, is it not this James, son of Zebu, brother of John who was trained during this time of Jesus' earthly ministry, what did James do, the only work you will find by James is in chapter 11 of acts and chapter 13 is chapter 12 Do you remember what happened in chapter 12 James who remembers Um this is important we almost always talk a lot about Peter Paul and John but you also trained James together with Peter and John What happened to James, he died at the end of when
you look at the Lord's, it was on Easter day, when you see the outpouring of the holy spirit, it was on the day of Pentecost, that is, fulfilling the typology of the festivals of the People of God in the old testament. Everything is being fulfilled in the New Testament Easter we have represents the crucifixion of the lamb and the Lord's table the day of Pentecost 50 days we have the outpouring of the holy spirit that day James was sacrificed to the son Sword It was the day of what Does your Bibl
e say? of the PIS unleavened purity holiness without lied anything by chance that is if the work of God will continue from a revival with Peter from Acts Chapter 2 and then will continue the edification of the body of Christ through Paul between Peter and Paul we have we have to have James as well as in the order of the four living beings You have the face of a lion and between aa and the face of a man you have to have the face of an ox the ox always goes to sacrifice that is between Peter and P
aul you have to have James OK now we have a key here for these 2000 years of church history We have so much problem because many want to be like Peter many want to be like Paul many want to be like John But have you ever found someone saying they would like to be like James, I have never seen it and another thing when you have Peter you have Revival if you study the history of the church you will find that normally God's work begins with Revival preaching of the gospel God's interventions in his
tory but this represents the ministry of Peter healings Miracles and so on but you remember that Peter's ministry is represented by a sheet that descends from heaven tied by four ends have no shape let me try to illustrate I'm from Rio de Janeiro normally those who are simpler with little purchasing power are going to move, prefer to do it at night then gather the boxes, the furniture, everything is put into the truck but there comes a time when there is So many things, so many things, so much s
tuff, right? You open the sheet, a blanket, throw everything there, put them in one place and move at night so no one sees all this stuff. For you, there's no such thing here, right? This is something only for the Poor, that's what represents the Peter's ministry he preaches the gospel together with Jews and Gentiles and that they are what they represent those wild beasts that Paul talks about in the book of cats of the works of the Flesh if you are grilling yourselves dividing discussing also s
ee that you will not be separated devour each other like wild beasts In other words, our nature is like those wild beasts We criticize We complain we divide sometimes from our lips it is flowing Poison with those serpents so while Peter brings it all together In the Authority of the kingdom comes Paul now from God take this sheet and it will take us to the Cross and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit to migrate from the old creature to the new creature Paul will say that now we are sheep we have th
e life of Christ and he begins by presenting to us especially the gospel of forgiveness the book of roman the foundations the cross What is the gospel Chapter 6 we were crucified Chapter 7 the combat between the new life and the old Life Chapter 8it live by the law the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus until we reach maturity this is Paul now Paulo Pega that formless movement of Peter and will work to build the church as the body of Christ this represents Peter's ministry so much so that Peter has
two letters Paul has 13 and some suggest that Hebrews also his so it would be 14 you have foundation and on building However when we reach the end of Paul's ministry he is in prison so he shows that God's work is going through major problems Elijah false workers divisions everyone in Asia abandoned me, in other words the networks of God's work were broken one of the foundations of Paul's ministry it was Ephesus that was in the Wing and after Paul dies once the corrupted networks God raises John
the apostle remembers what John's Office was to heal sew the networks now John comes mending the networks of God's work that were lives that's why John comes at the end the letters to Revelation are the last documents of the new testament when we look at John we need to remember that he is sewing delus what a wonderful thing this is but not only John when Jesus calls the disciples in the first text we read from Mark he calls two disciples were sewing them devil and John James was trained to be t
he first martyr among the apostles James was trained to be nobody James was trained to represent the cross and the discipline of the Holy Spirit when you look at the wonderful tabernacle that work but he was supported by the Stakes that were buried in the ground, these Stakes did not appear, there is James It was the Blood of James that produced The Glory of Paul's Ministry, just as in the history of the church we have a maximum phrase that the blood of the Martyrs was the sowing or the sowing o
f the Gospel without blood without Cross without discipline without the stripping of man without humility there is no work of God there are only divisions authoritarianism Domination and so many other things that do not represent the spirit of Christ for you to join Revival with the building of the house is only possible if you find James in the middle of the way or the cross of Christ every time you read the history of the church you find great tragedies of men that God used But they wanted to
migrate from the influence of Peter to Paul that of Paul to John abandoning James in the middle of the path that is brokenness we are Clear until now so John came at the end of the first century sewing the nets And today we have a great challenge because we are in the end time and the challenge today is to do exactly what John did is to follow in John's footsteps what John did he followed the lamb he left everything to follow Jesus John is at the end of the first century all his companions have
already died the apostles he he says strange things he says that the antichrist is coming and many have pretended to be Christ Peter has already died Paul has died and now John is going to die too, John, if he walked with you, he is an old man who you can leave to the church at the end of time follow maybe if it were us we would leave a manual on how to develop God's work it would explain so many things John didn't do this you will find the gospel of John the three epistles and the book of apoca
lypse we have the five documents an of the apostle John how the nets are broken John does not deal with peripheral things John is returning to what is essential if we can compare the ministry of John and his other companions as the tabernacle John represents the holy of holies Mark represents the external act you will find Jesus preaching the Gospels putting demons Matthew represents the holy place the work of God Jesus has to confront scribes and Pharisees the leadership the teachers who defend
ed their oracles of God are causing so much damage including persecuting Jesus and John does not waste time with these peripheral things or the structures in relation to God's work, but John is calling us to the Holy of Holies and you will find that while the three Gospels are synoptic Gospels, that is, they tell several events in different ways that intersperse and complement each other. John, he practically spends his time talking about things that others didn't talk about and they are unique
things because he talks about the last moments especially about the Ministry of Jesus' life and even about Jesus' intimacy with his disciples he is spending more time talking about the person of Jesus than about the work of Jesus ' ministry one thing is very different from the other and when you take chapter 13 14 15 16 and 17 it is called the Cenacle dialogue or the path of the Last Days, Jesus' last week at Calvary when he goes to Bethany or goes to the house of Mary, mother of John Mark as we
ll and there he is no longer even in Jerusalem spending time with the leadership of his people nor with the crowd he is no longer spending time with the most intimate disciples he is no longer dealing with the Periphery of his work with the crowd And he is not spending time with his work in Jerusalem but he is speaking more intimately to his disciples who will carry on his work after the Holy Spirit is poured out and John will say things that others do not say it is John who says that when the h
oly spirit came he would not bear witness to himself he would not speak of himself and he says this way he will glorify me by saying that Jesus spoke that means the Holy Spirit is God but he will not draw attention to himself because his ministry is to glorify Jesus Christ amen amen now man is not God how can he draw attention to himself how can he think he is important how can he want people to follow him if not even the holy spirit did that the Ministry of the Holy Spirit is to Make Us Remembe
r the words of Jesus make us contemplate Jesus make us follow Jesus and make us remember Jesus' words so John, how is he who is always reclining on Jesus' chest? Do you remember that he laid on Jesus' chest? is he who knows intimacy, how John will sew the nets at the end of God's work when the nets are broken, he begins sewing the nets, calling us to what was from the beginning, someone who remembers how John's gospel begins, look what a wonderful thing, right? In the beginning, er is the verb,
that is at the end of the first century there was a religion that thought it was the work of God called gnosticism and they claimed a prerogative that they were the most remarkable intelligent and privileged they had higher knowledge they mixed [Music] eh spirituality old testament visions of angels things Deep and they created a salon there, including even philosophy, a soca, a great mix and you know what happened to simple people, they couldn't understand their language, it was so fashionable,
only a class, eh, elite elite, could understand and João see with that humility of his showing his testimony of Jesus that Jesus was so simple that when they went to betray Jesus Judas had to give Jesus a kiss because even the way he dressed walked and speaking was like simple people said C luz a 20th century Christian Thinker that he did not believe that Jesus would reveal himself as a philosopher a scholar to speak to a washerwoman to the fishermen he spoke about fish to the farmer he spoke a
bout plantation to the one who created G the shepherds he talked about sheep, he called us to look at the birds, the trees, the sun, the clouds so that his language was as simple as possible because he hid things from the knowledgeable wise men and revealed them to the little ones so that the more the men were mature the sign of their maturity would be simplicity the truth and if you observe the gospel of John John never speaks of being he speaks the disciple who saw these things The disciple is
But he does not speak because his ministry is like the holy spirit giving testimony of Jesus Christ is how he sews up, sometimes dying many problems of division, it is because man has taken the centrality of God's work and when man assumes centrality the holy spirit leaves because the Ministry of the holy spirit is not to glorify or centralize the man in the work of God but the son of God amen amen amen amen brothers amen hallelujah we need to return to the Ministry of the Holy Spirit I want to
invite you for the remaining minutes Gospel of John Chapter 1 Verse 29 which says like this the next day seeing Jesus seeing that Jesus I saw coming towards him John says John the Baptist Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world John Begins to bear witness to Jesus Oh but John took a risk brothers he awakened his disciples because in the next verse we go to verse 35 a 39 the next day John was again in the company of two of his disciples and saw Jesus Passing by said John said
Behold the Lamb of God hallelujah the two disciples hearing this what the two disciples did they followed Jesus they followed Jesus John lost his disciples look brothers and sisters This is one of the evidences of a man of God he is not pointing to him he is pointing to Jesus he is not making followers for him he is making followers for Jesus of Jesus we are called to be conformed to the image of the son of God to let us be conformed to the firstborn the two disciples hearing this they followed
Jesus and Jesus turned and saw that they were following him he said this is what you are looking for and they said Rabbi where do you live Rabbi means master Jesus replied come and see so they went saw where Jesus was living and they stayed with him that day it was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon I'm using the updated Nova Almeida which is the magazine eh Almeida eh Almeida and updated but it underwent a new update the same content brothers John begins the apostle sewing nets talking about the
origin of your calling and talking about how Jesus began his ministry that you are looking for and if Jesus asked you today what are you looking for a higher knowledge a more anointed ministry an Apostle the best place for you to congregate that that we are looking for Jesus asked ISO he doesn't want you to be in the outside world getting involved with so many things or just in the holy place repeating what others say that you are looking for where the Lord lives this has to be our answer if yo
u you know someone at work you know him as a professional Oh but if you know him at home You know his person and his intimacy John is calling us back to get to know the person of the son of God many talk about God's work in the Ministry of the workers and of so many things they bear witness to so many things few are witnessing to the intimacy with the Lord Hallelujah what do you want and today brothers what do we want from now on sir we want to know where I am H Jesus explained where he lived um
no but he said come and see if you want to know the depths of the Lord you have to follow in his footsteps John begins to follow the lamb wherever he goes but whoever led these two disciples, one of them here is John, to take this attitude was the precursor of Jesus who was John the Baptist and Jesus testifies to John the Baptist that he was the greatest among the prophets Before, when they went to ask John the Baptist Who are you so that we can answer those who sent us the dirty devil whenever
man draws attention to him who are you Oh I am so-and-so, son of a beltran who was born in such a place I participated in so many conferences Fi culated my library has so many of these books you have no idea who I am this is the devil wanting man to exalt himself John doesn't answer so they ask again are you the messiah no you are the prophet because Moses prophesied that I would raise the prophet I'm not either, I'm not Elijah, that's not possible, but who are you, what do you testify about yo
urself ? of Jesus but also wants to put the church in the place of Jesus we are the church all his restoration And then we get all vain and if there is an environment where there is more division today it is with those who preach humidity you have to say something and John says So look, it's good but it doesn't give much explanation I am the voice that cries out in the desert As the prophet said but he stops talking about him he says prepare the way of the Lord Hallelujah pay attention to this I
am a voice John is not the word on the contrary the Gospel of John begins like this In the beginning was the living word or the Logos John says I am not you don't have to try to focus on me I am a voice but when the voice stops I think we have all gone hoarse and lost our voice to that the voice only serves to manifest the word and what is the problem Today men want to be the word or want their word to remain and be followed in the place of the word of God as the book of apocalypse says Our Lor
d, people, I'm just a voice, you T have to follow the word, I'm going, I'm going, Come on, João is working with the prerogative that he's going to leave and he's not going to stay and this is a sign of a true S of God, hello, I 'm going to tell you, he said John in your midst is someone greater than me, stop looking at me and I'm not worthy of untying the straps of his sandal, I don't do anything else. In other words, I'm nobody, I'm not special, I'm not an oracle, nobody has anything If it is n
ot given in heaven, said João, no, I don't know anything, I don't want to put myself in evidence because I don't know, but the one who sent me spoke to me and Hey John, the one on whom you see the spirit coming upon him This is the son of God hallelujah So this is the sign and when this happened it happened when Jesus went to the waters of baptism and John says I need to be baptized by you and you come to me and Jesus answers leave it for now because it is necessary to fulfill all the righteousn
ess of God amen Jesus enters the waters as Luke says praying hallelujah glory to God he is praying being baptized the heavens open Oh beloved brothers of Malachi until this period the heavens were like bronze they were closed and this is called Prophetic silence I usually say that in the very old bibles, at least when I was very young, between Malachi and Matthew you had four blank pages Has anyone ever had a book like this that represented four centuries of silence Prophetic of God God was sile
nt there appeared the Macades the great philosophers Alexander the Great the wars the preparation for the rise of Rome because God was on top there was only darkness and a bronze sky that represented God's judgment Ah but one day the sky opened hallelujah the heavens were broken and God broke his heart and spoke again glory to God when this happened when the son of God assumed the centrality of the universe Amen representing all of us hallelujah God could not remain silent anymore and what God s
aid This is my beloved son Hallelujah in whom I buy myself and now the Holy Spirit comes again and again they are on the Mount of Transfiguration and there with Jesus Moses and Elijah appear and one of the disciples said it's good to be here if you want we will make three tents one for Elijah one for Moses it's always like that ok right men want to have a prominence a tent my ministry I am the apostle of M something like that a cloud covered them and a voice came from heaven and what that voice
said do you remember This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased what more to him listen to him I heard him hear and they fell On their knees face down and when they raised their eyes they said the text to no one else I saw but Jesus amen Hey brothers who are you seeing who are you following your eyes are contemplating who is that what John is calling us what was from the beginning I didn't know we don't know the son of God is it serves as a revelation if God wants to reveal but he reveals
the little ones arrogance causes God's silence that God reveals his things to the little ones God's teaching is different of men remember that there was Gnosticism that higher knowledge Today there is a contemporary nostic Gnosticism a claim for a higher knowledge and that is something of the external act of ones not of God God have mercy on us the Lord is yours Amen vi from me he didn't speak to the plots he spoke to his people all of you who are tired and burdened I will relieve you I will rel
ieve you the men who generated this tiredness are burdened I will relieve you when you see Aim take upon you my F my julo my Faro is gentle my judo is take it and learn from me that he is God but he is not beating the flock he is not expelling people he is meek and he is humble and you will find what disturbance anguish doubt insomnia Rest for our souls Amen that's what João is telling us hallelujah that the end of time would be anguish of three tribulations because we are following the wrong pe
rson, hearing the wrong thing, I came from and John comes out here saying, Look, I didn't know, I confess to you, the one who sent me is the one who revealed these things John was Jesus' cousin and he's saying he didn't know who she was. There's no point in knowing a lot of literature, a book, knowing the external theological didactic aspect, you have to have a genuine experience with the son of God. John dropped everything when he heard John the Baptist speak. Here's the lamb of God John the ap
ostle disciple left everything and followed the lamb This is the beginning of John's ministry now when you go to the book of apocalypse there is a wonderful phrase from John quoting, right Chapter 14 Verse 4 when I speak John he speaks the words of Jesus or speaks the word of the angel he comments on what he saw but let's not spend time with the prophecies which is not our interest today but without talking about the one that the prophecy points to John 14 Verse 4 says so these are those who hav
e not defiled if with women because they are virgins They follow the lamb wherever he goes ah John likes these details he begins his ministry following the lamb I leave everything and John's whole life is to follow the lamb now when he reaches the end of the Apocalypse he would see almost 100 years highlights this phrase he follows the lamb wherever he goes are those who buy from all human beings premises for God and for the lamb oh my brothers we should start following the lamb persevere follow
ing the lamb and that the our career ends by contemplating the lamb Hallelujah and if you contemplate the lamb you begin to appear with it, as the psalmist says in Psalm 15, become similar to those who contemplate the íos In other words, you become similar to the one you contemplate all of us with the unveiled face we contemplate as PR of the glory you see fho and then what are we transformed into the same image as by the cloths what is the work of the enemy to put something in the place of the
son for you to contemplate these things if you have to be like these things we believe and Unity but unity with diversity But that unity that everyone is the same Hello, speak the same, repeat everything the same, read the same, Oops, something is strange Because there is something called the multiform wisdom of God, the multiform grace of God, the multiform operation of God many gifts one spirit many ministries one Lord many operations one God but God likes variety diversity unity with diversit
y God wants each of us to be able to express something we know about Christ that the other sometimes did not know but we know that we saw of the word that the other has not seen but we have seen because no one retains or contains all the fullness of God except the son of God who says Paul dwells in him all the fullness of God divinity God wants all the saints and all the saints expressing the richness of this fullness of Christ Jesus the son of God oh brothers there are some ways for Jesus to de
al with us let's go back to the Gospels Mark 16 Verse 12 I will read in my version remember that Jesus is training his disciples and this text says so Mark 16 12 and 13 after that Jesus manifested himself in another way keep this thought well another way Jesus manifested himself in another way to theirs that he was on his way to the field and they were going to announce the too much, but also to these two they did not give credit because Jesus manifested himself in another way and now brothers t
o Mary he refers to himself and reveals himself as a gardener walking on the sea the disciples think he is a ghost or they think he is a great sage although he is but here he manifests himself as a traveler but he is GL he is resurrected in other words Jesus is training them not to follow a method a form because when you reduce the work of God to a form it is no longer Christ who are you following No form can contain the fullness of God perhaps and probably not in all eternity will we be able to
know the unfathomable riches of the Glory of Christ through the Gospel as we will want to reduce Jesus to one form he wants many forms for him to manifest himself but they are not human forms they are reflections revelation of facets of it remember the four living beings in Ezekiel and Revelation it is full of eyes inside and out that this represents many forms many gifts many Ministries oh if you have a ministry only with the poor it will be a gift only how poor will we be Ah, when you read th
e history of the church, my God in heaven, we cannot forget Augustin vito, we cannot forget Luther, nor Calvin, nor the reformers, nor the Politians, nor the mystics, nor the great revivalists like Jonathan and John Wesley nor George Whitefield, we will not be able to forget the great masters of the 20th century nor the revivals, brothers, it is a wealth and we will be very poor if we have it locked in a way because the Lord didn't do it that way. You will find Peter different from John John dif
ferent from Paul Paul from diag Barnabas all are different one s Hallelujah amen amen amen Jesus reveals himself in another way And this is what the text speaking to us Jesus does not allow us to follow one way about him but he trained them to follow his voice Hallelujah your person if you not knowing the person and the voice you will follow a form this is a hiding place Our human tendency is to want a form a method fixation look brothers in the God asked God allowed Rome to invade Jerusalem by
a general called tip destroyed the temple why why the temple turned a fixation book of John he shows that the people of God in the context of the transition from law to grace was we are disciples of Moses Moses had already been more than 1000 years and they are disciples of Moses fixation of man Do you remember the letter of Jude There was a war between Michael and Satan or Satan against him because he was fighting. Do you remember by the body of Moses, what does Satan mean to bring the body of
Moses and make him an idol? But even though he didn't find it for more than 1000 years Moses saw an idolatry an idol only in us Moses Our tendency is to follow one another This is the work of the enemy the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the son to reveal the son to lead us to contemplate the son to remind us of the word of the son and the work of the Enemy, what does it mean to put something in your son's place, contemplate this thing, it will look like him, repeating his words, even the
way you dress, walk, pray, everything is the same, but if you are like Jesus Oh, we are so weak, it's a void so weak brother, you will only get a little bit and I will get a little bit, you have to bring everyone together and there is no point in just us being closed, the church includes all of God's people hallelujah and we will find the riches of Christ Throughout all the centuries of glory to God but our Christ T is not the true Christ is pseo Christ God wants us to follow the lamb the enemy
wants us to follow Fas experiences methods doctrine to men remember that Jesus John said that Jesus Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father when you come to Jesus He is an open door You go to the father in John 10 he says he is the door and whoever enters he enters and leaves he manipulates he does not control he does not stun he does not violate you are free Hallelujah he will follow in the footsteps of desire when you arrive the good shepherd an open door
for you to find the fullness of the Trinity the father the son and the Holy Spirit Hallelujah this is a sign that the true shepherds when you come to them you will not find them you you won't find a great man selfishness what you will find an open door he will lead you to the son and the son to the father and you can enter and leave Lazarus is resurrected what did he order to do untie and do to us what to leave Don't arrest him Don't make the church a chain that manipulates people, don't let him
Amen he wants us to follow him out of love Amen I want to finish there at the end the apochal book about revelation or the path that John leaves us with John's challenge in the time of the end let's go to chapter 1 of the Apocalypse Verse 1 and 2 in principle that tells us what the book of apocalypse is it is a revelation of Jesus Christ we waste time talking about dragon false prophet beast Christ is there but that's not it especially those who talk about the book of apocalypse, today there ar
e people specialized in everything that is bad and they know a little about Jesus . for the Bible So you find these things in the book of apocalypse but it is just a support to highlight the revelation of the son of God, don't waste too much time with these things, the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show His servant the things that in It must soon happen and that he, sending his angel, made known to His servant John that he attested the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Ch
rist, provided that everything he saw now you have the secret of John, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus he attested to what he means between the lines John checked all the revelations of the Apocalypse with the magnifying glass of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus amé that is you can't read anything you can't follow someone you can't even you no You can do nothing if you don't see all these things checking with the scriptures what is written where is it written what is said an
d testimony of Jesus Christ the word you are speaking Gives testimony of you or gives testimony of Jesus Christ sa leadership of the Witness of you or D witness of Jesus Christ when you sing you sing Jesus Christ that the book of Hebrews the testimony of Jesus says like this Behold, here are the children that God gave me and says like this sing you praises in the midst of the con and what that he is singing he is singing to the glory of the Father highlighting This testimony of Jesus Hallelujah
we need to attest to things examine things John is sewing king said Hey guys, you need to read the Bible and when you read the Bible remember that the core of scriptures is Jesus Christ Hallelujah remember what John told you Chapter 537 of the Gospel examine the scriptures because you think they have eternal life in them answering the Bible wrong you don't have to look for anything in the Bible not even eternal life itself he said but the scriptures bear witness to me he is eternal life but you
do not want to come to me to have life they bear witness to me John had a lot to say but he chose the things to tell Jesus if he were to write not even all the books of this world could contain what he would say because of the fullness of Christ in his ministry But every detail in this gospel, whether it's a Samaritan woman or we can be anything in this Gospel, is to call us to content again the son of God [Music] hallelujah is like If it were a shotgun that you're going to turn far, you have tw
o sights, one in the middle and one at the tip, you have to put the two together to hit the target there, the written word and the testimony of Jesus, there you are on target Oops, here I give on the way to heaven I am I Jesus Christ Now take away a Mira that just drips throws itself here and kills the children it creates tragedy division a series of things you are using the Bible in the wrong way We are reading in the wrong way when he arrives at Verse 9 of chapter 1 I John, how does John revea
l himself, he was a disciple of John the Baptist who did not draw attention to him, he was a disciple of Jesus who came to glorify his father, he was a man full of the Holy Spirit and did not wants to draw attention to him I John the apostle this is how he speaks No no who is John our brother Oh brothers in the midst of the crisis we are in need of brothers who cry with us who have scars who stop to listen who share the heart no S alente I am your brother and I am your companion in tribulation,
how many do not even want to know if they are going through tribulation in the kingdom and in perseverance in what the Bible says in Jesus Oh look, look John showing the networks called to be Jesus I was on the island called pmos why John you are there because of two things o the word of God not the testimony of John that now I am the successor P testimony of Jesus brothers is like a bird with two wings o word of God and testimony of Jesus or a clue with two reins word of God testimony of Jesus
if we take away the testimony of the Lord of Jesus we will read the Bible in the wrong way which will point out other things will keep going around and will make us take a shortcut he is the evil way puts a shortcut remember this the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Verse Chapter 6 Verse 9 when the lamb broke the fifth bone I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the What else is your testimony? You already know the word, he tempted Jesus
with the word, if you read the Bible wrongly and think he won't mess with you, no, you're doing a good job for him and you're going to lead the people wrong. also then stay calm like a good religious Ah if you unite the word of God testimony of Jesus poof the moon leaves Fré do Sol the sun shone and the darkness is being dispelled and what happened to John the Baptist will happen Behold the Lamb of God and now people are going to follow Jesus they are lost that's what the devil doesn't want to s
ay and testify Chapter 12 Verse 17 the dragon became enamored with the woman and went to wage war with the rest of her offspring, that is, those who keep the commandments of God and they have the testimony of Jesus chapter 19 verse 10 I fell down before his feet to worship him but he said to me I am the Angel see don't do this if I fix it I am your fellow servant and of your brothers who maintains the testimony of Jesus worships God because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy John w
as tempted to worship the Angel this man who walked with God of course John came from the Jewish culture probably thought he was the Angel of Yahweh who was the Lord himself in your theophany in the old testament Be careful if you get too ecstatic with a great revelation that someone brings you [Music] And if he is an angel of God and not a demon he won't let you contemplate eit to follow the person you have Oh, he says, look, don't do that, I'm your companion and that of your brothers, who main
tains the testimony of Jesus, loves God, sometimes talking a lot, a lot, about other things about other people, little about Jesus today we found a husband and wife arguing over a worker because of the work, people, where is Jesus in this, brother, dividing because of leadership, where is Jesus ISO because the basis of the church's communion in the Ministry of Service is not Christ ? problem that happened in the middle of the al that they turned there Let us pray for them but they are not founda
tion Worship Jesus worship God because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy Now do you have something about the prophetic word what is the prophetic word is the testimony of Jesus Every time you find the prophetic word word of prophecy in the Bible in the old testament pointed to the life of the Messiah his earthly ministry his person his work on the cross his words when he speaks of the coming to F ch back that Peter speaks a prophetic word, no longer all you, the sign that you are
following the prophetic word is when you understand that the spirit of true prophecy says here what it is, it is the testimony of Jesus pays attention Where is the testimony of Jesus in this Prophetic word Chapter 20 verse 4 I also saw Thrones and on it they sat on dry land to Who was given authority to judge I also saw the souls of those who were beheaded for having given the testimony of Jesus and proclaimed the word of God who is beheading here is Rome at the time and in the time to come The
Persecution but in every century there was persecution they are today the ramaz the Isis and so many others today we have at least 50 countries persecuting Christians oh brothers but what a shame that history also shows that Christians were perceived by Christians do you believe that some were cut off, excluded, massacred and even killed literally because I look at the word of God with testimony of Jesus in your time and those who had a system an empire for them that what they did you are not we
lcome here and they were excluded sometimes entire church foam excluded we could cite several examples from the church school missing time if you follow the word of God if you read and follow Jesus you will suffer glorious persecution and worse sometimes by your own brothers that God has mercy on us but it is for a good cause the bad thing is when you suffer persecution for a work or something else that on that day when you arrive at the judgment seat of Christ Fi my son my daughter what happene
d to you not what that it happened 40 years ago here 30 years 50 So but one thing happened there that says that all things work together for the good of those who love God of those who are called according to his purpose and his purpose is to conform us to the image of his son son for him to be the firstborn among many Roman Brothers 828 to 30 there is a problem there and that is you don't look like my [Music] son ​​you look like another son but it's not against son you walk like him you talk li
ke him you think Just like him, you breathe, you pray, you don't look like your son, 30 and 40 years old, you saw the wrong person. Are you understanding me ? ask the father in my name he will give it to you so that there may be Glory John speaks of the only in his gospel about 100 times in his letters of the apocalypse John 154 Some speak 150 Restoring the communion of the Trinity of the father of the son of the Holy Spirit Ministry of the son glorify the father Ministry of the Spirit glorify t
he son what do we do Lord Jesus we Pray to you tonight heavenly father blessed be you L we Pray to you Lord our father ah Lord Jesus wait are you looking at the father or the son we mix the person of the father of the son of the Holy Spirit because we don't know the gospel of John the letters and the revelation of what you will see first John we are called to communion between the Father and the son in the Holy Spirit Of course, you who are a father know when a little child started yawning there
L you're happy at one point you call mommy daddy mixes everything up oh it's wonderful but the mother knows the father knows so there's a time when God Looks at us all children they think they're tough but they're a little baby that's not changed the frauds we don't even know God properly brothers because spending time reading the wrong bible the wrong testimony and following men and not God we need to correct even our theology now father enter your room what did Jesus tell you to do Enter your
room close the door door and hello who to the father who comes to you in secret he will reward you and if you ask the father he will give you the holy spirit that this is the greatest gift from him we have ever but he wants to coat us and fill us with the holy spirit Hallel we will do n address said João remember that we are sewing rees we want to go back to the restoration of the Lord want to see we are there in the L exterior are you thinking that you are inside S Santo we have to go back to
the Bible listen teasing you today is another way that you are finding here the v is very weak then you examine and see if you retain anything if it is good but we are reading the word of God these are those who did not worship the beast nor his image and did not receive his mark on their foreheads in their hands and lived and reigned with Christ for 1 year when you get there on that day what do you look like you are reflecting the image of who you will reflect the image of that that you are con
templating worshiping singing l reading the scriptures to know and love Jesus Christ our lord When you look at your brothers your sisters look at your brothers your sisters according to Christ amen Hallel may God help us God we have several things that John said we would need time to go into John's letters because he talks to the antichrist, he comes and John explains a lot of things, how the antichrist comes from the east, comes from Jerusalem, comes from the United States, sorry, what he says
is like this, look, but you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the anointing of the Holy One teaches you all things and how it is true and not so remain in Him just as the anointing teaches you He is telling you, lady, I'm going away but that's not the problem I'm going away but the holy spirit will continue and you will have a sane of the Saint Of course he will use Ministries but do not follow the Ministries follow the anointing because Anointing of the Holy Spirit who says he will glor
ify Jesus will lead you to remain in him there is the proof that someone has an anointed ministry is when he doesn't lead people to follow him but leads people to remain in Christ Jesus the anointing will teach you John goes away he doesn't explain much he didn't leave the method even though we like the method because he wants each one of us to be able follow the lamb be filled with the Holy Spirit we will love brothers remain in communion without excluding will and she will teach us there it is
here in front how will it be John you are leaving how will we stay Hey you have to follow the lamb no He is a brother and the Holy Spirit will protect you, may God bless us Hallelujah of Jesus



Senhor sempre os abençoe!ministério voltando a cristo


A paz e graça irmãos. O Senhor nos chamou para através de cada um de nós possamos trazer a Sua pessoa na terra com a atuação do Espírito Santo individualmente e coletivamente. Cada um possui uma função, Ele conta conosco ñ naquilo que podemos oferecer , na verdade ñ temos nada para oferecer a ñ ser o nosso coração. Se tivermos um coração favorável ao Senhor DEUS, Ele nos capacitará para O servir. Precisamos tomar a cruz, nos esvaziar e ser usados.


É sempre um prazer ver esse homem pregando


É pela Igreja que a sabedoria de Deus se manifesta aos poderes espirituais. É juntos que nos tornamos uma habitação de Deus por meio do Espirito Santo.


Onde congregam?