
Obi-Wan Learned The True Meaning Of Forbidden Attachments

What was a Jedi Knight’s ultimate attachment? Source: Skywalker - A Family At War #starwars #obiwankenobi #anakinskywalker #lukeskywalker #darthvader As Obi-Wan Kenobi glanced at Luke Skywalker across the Death Star’s docking bay, he understood that his role was only to protect Luke from detection. A more experienced master would teach young Skywalker the ways of the Force. Centering himself, Obi-Wan prepared for his final sacrifice. As he became one with the Force, he finally understood Yoda’s insistence that “Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter.” No longer tied to his body, he understood that the Sith were incapable of letting go of their mortal selves, craving to hold on to their power through eternal life. Thanks to Qui-Gon’s spirit, Obi-Wan had learned to let go of the ultimate attachment: life itself.

Star Wars Apprentice

6 days ago

What was a Jedi Knight’s ultimate attachment? As Obi-Wan Kenobi glanced at Luke Skywalker  across the Death Star’s docking bay, he understood that his role was only to protect Luke from  detection. A more experienced master would teach young Skywalker the ways of the Force. Centering  himself, Obi-Wan prepared for his final sacrifice. As he became one with the Force, he  finally understood Yoda’s insistence that “Luminous beings are we. Not this  crude matter.” No longer tied to his body, he und
erstood that the Sith were incapable  of letting go of their mortal selves, craving to hold on to their  power through eternal life. Thanks to Qui-Gon’s spirit, Obi-Wan had learned  to let go of the ultimate attachment: life itself.
