
Off the Map in Northern Vietnam | A motorbike Adventure

In this adventurous episode we go Motorbiking from Bac Kan to Bằng Lũng, Vietnam and find ourselves in places not even shown on a map. Traveling rural and lesser visited areas and villages of Northern Vietnam. Help Support our Adventures and get bonus content on Patreon: Donations: Find more at: WEB: Patreon: INSTAGRAM: Facebook: TikTok: Threads: OUR MORNING REGGAE PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY: Support us by purchasing artwork: Charlie Duncan Photography's YouTube Channel: Write us at (We love fan mail!): PO Box 937 Darrington, WA 98241 Frequently asked questions: 1) What kind of van is Opal? She is a DIY converted camper and is a 2007 Chrysler Town & Country minivan (similar to Dodge Caravan) 2) When did you start minivanlife? September 2021 3) Camera Gear Used: Samsung Note 20 Ultra Samsung Note 9 GoPro Hero 9 GoPro Hero 7 Canon M50 Canon EOS R DJI Mavic Mini 2 DJI Mavic Pro 2 DJI Mic DJI Osmo Mobile 6

The Adventure Closet

3 weeks ago

uh we are not even on the map right here  like this this town is not even on the map we're starting off our day correctly here with  some Bon from the best Bon Me place we found in ban and the lady gave us these curl things  which tastes like honeycomb cereal without the honeycomb anyway we got the motorbike again today so it's going to be another one of  them Adventures come along with us this is the sign for the Bon Me place and  they make them in this little stand right here right next to the
market in bakan and how are they my mouth is full but they are amazing  good so it's got egg cucumber some herbs a little sliver of Pate uh and basically like hot  chili sauce in a little sandwich so one thing about Vietnam is uh you have to go to a different  place to get your coffee than your food and uh the menu is entirely in Vietnamese you  can pause to read if you'd like um and we have been here once before and we got  this Cafe kimman I'm probably butchering the pronunciation but uh it's
salted  cream um coffee but the best part is the coffee almost always comes with tea  either hot or cold um which I never would have done at home back in America but like  I will do this now I enjoy a tea with my coffee and the tea also helps cuz  some of the coffee is pretty bitter here uh so the tea kind of helps  with that that bitter bite as you will all right this is our salted cream coffee and start by mixing it all up that's probably good I like  to leave a little cream on top it's good
it's um strong coffee and sweet  flavor and then that just a little hint of salt and it's just like Perfect combo probably my  favorite cup of coffee that I get here in Vietnam otherwise it's Cafe sua which is just coffee and  milk or coconut coffee oh coconut coffees are so good too you're probably wondering how do we know  where we go on a bike uh we don't we just uh take a road that looks enticing and go down it like  this one this one just led to a farm so not much down there not much uh let
's find something  that does have much yeah it looks like this road over here is long and windy and uh not too  busy so we're going to check that one [Music] out [Music] down [Applause] [Music]  that chicken just crossed the [Music] road the [Music] road [Music] [Music] stunning it's beautiful [Music] wow [Music] so looks like they've logged this uh Hillside  here but check this out the road they drove goes right through the river I notic that that's  pretty cool that would have been cool see lo
gs across that yeah [Music] dang this is awesome  I love taking these roads that are just I bet you we're probably the first YouTubers ever  to be on this road maybe even the first Americans maybe definitely not the first  westerners because I'm sure the French have have uh beat us all to that one sorry Vietnam  you've had some rough times but such a beautiful country this just keeps getting better the clouds just add to it they [Music] do jungle and the people working together y wow all right w
ell there's plenty more Road  where this came from let's check it out more uh slate looking rock is it slate yeah it's  either like slate or a Shale I need to go see how brittle it is yeah we'll find a good  place to pull over there's a big ditch in between yeah there all right enough of this view  we'll go on to the next one wow I'm sure glad we can bring you guys along with us uh thanks for  coming along this is awesome thank you guys so [Music] much okay so we stopped at a Rog cut here and I'
m  G check out the Rocks hopefully we can find some fossils or something something interesting  it's been a huge challenge finding a lot here all right okay let's  get a closer look at what Charlie's okay now if you've been following  us recently you may not know that we're Rock hounds we love looking at  rocks and a lot of our followers are also Rock hounds so this is why we  tend to stop and look at the Rocks every once in a while it's a little bit  of quartz in the Rock main Rock there and th
ere watch the snakes yeah  quartz keeps catching my eye and it looks like we have shale here some big chunks of course right here yeah oh yeah that is a nice Hefty chunk here just off the side of the road here next to the river beautiful place no fossils in here bummer I think Vietnam's holding out on us  yeah it's got to be we just keep striking out yeah I just told Liz that I want to  drive that [Music] road if it wasn't so muddy and rainy that that would be  fun just riding along the river be
awesome all right let's get back on this  Beast here and hit the road I hope you guys are enjoying these uh motorcycle trips  it gets us out to different places and lets us Explore More of Vietnam and uh we feel  it's the funnest things to do uh cuz it's very free and uh let's us let's us get closer  [Music] to everything uh otherwise we're just stuck in a a town that the bus goes to  and we never see the other parts of Vietnam that aren't on bus routes or Maps or anything  well they're on maps
you get what I'm saying right there oh yeah you can see looking up over  all the Farmland W look like it split there's a town that goes off that way or one that goes  this way so which one do you think we should hit I don't know this one seems like a lot of  downhill look on the map okay we're turning around we got this oh yeah that better wow that's so beautiful Straight Ahead epic wow look at how all that Farmland is plotted  out it's interesting how it's not like so like in the US that' just
be all wheat but it's like  sections of different kinds of things yeah I wonder what it all is well there's corn that's  the only one I know actually that's corn they probably do rice out here and cassava and  all the other Foods we're seeing this is a beautiful Valley you get all the way down that  way so there's the other behind us right there oh that's the that's the village we would have  gone to if we stayed on that road we'll be going through that okay we'll come back and check  that out
but let's first see what's that way yeah have the single day started here we go [Music] something does smell amazing probably rolling right out of  this house right here yeah but they're cooking cooking up some home cooking rush out the farm you can get a bend me all the way out here  it doesn't look like it's been open for a [Music] while man that's a steep driveway yeah can you  imagine driving that hope this one isn't as steep [Music] s all right we're going to go  check out that other town n
ow um this should be awesome I'm excited to uh oh I'm excited to see what  the other town is like if it's a little more developed it looks like it is yeah in hello hi puppy man this is beautiful this is beautiful y  one thing we were just talking about is like sometimes you turn the corner and you see some  you know older gentlemen and the older older gentlemen here in Vietnam well men and women  have seen some horrific things from faces like this not this specific face he could never but  like
we have a green helmet on him and it's the only one that can fit him and I really wish we  had a different color um because we don't want to you know cause any like PTSD or anything like  that coming up on people like that on the bike um but yeah just something I thought I'd share  and you know maybe something to consider if you are a Westerner looking to visit Vietnam  and always wear what on your face a smile a smile Charlie is guilty of a little  bit of RBF face some sometimes wow you are you
you admit it oh my glasses are [Music] fogging see what's on the other side n [Music] oh I just know turning this  corner is going to be epic oh yeah okay [Music] wow that's beautiful looks like we're coming up on a new town maybe this old brick building  or new brick building oh yeah oh looks like they got a  bunch of new bricks so going be nice oh man w off yeah holy cow I want to live out here this is [Music] beautiful [Music] puy Vietnam z z [Music] wow good J [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow
and that'll  be the title of our video wow oh I kind of want to get a picture of this [Applause] wow SP the bush uh we are not even on the map right here like  this this town is not even on the map there is a place of worship that apparently we passed  just back there and everything else is not on the map so you you wouldn't even  be able to find out how to get here like this town name isn't  even on the map on Google at least wish I had my fishing pole oh it looks like there's some poles right
here yeah  you didn't see those no bunch of them you guys see them they're like right there and right there and right there they're  actually all throughout right here yeah wow looks like we reached the end of the  road here but if we had a dirt bike wouldn't be the end yeah and it's  a rental yeah it is a [Laughter] rental all right we just stopped to get  some f here it [Music] comes that smells good thank [Music] you so it has the bu  now like you know the right are [Music] used that's so go
od so we'll take a small  one here so you take the um the klat and you squeeze it into your spoon and then  the seeds come out into it and then you just kind of take it to the side I me take it  to sure you can see you see it like this yeah you guys can see so then you just strain  it like that and then the bitter seeds don't go into your PFF this has been something  we've been trying to figure it out for a while yeah this is like roasted like Ste be this is good F yeah this is really good F exc
ept they can't see our shining [Music] faces hold on sometimes it's difficult to film  these things that's why we don't always film what weat we were just riding our bike by and uh this  guy looked and smiled and waved us on over which is a lot of the times how we pick a restaurant  is how friendly the people seem like if they're inviting us in with a smile then we're going to  we're going to take that yeah and and um also a lot of these restaurants aren't open for lunch  most of them are just b
reakfast dinner places so sometimes it can be hard to find a a lunch in  Vietnam I'm most of the toury areas are going to have lunch places but the non-tour areas  they're going to have family meal for their middle of the Day meal so they're all going to  come uh go to their homes and eat yeah and one thing you guys might not know um I didn't know  before coming to Vietnam is uh there's etiquette in holding your spoon and your chopsticks like  you eat your f with both of these but you want to ha
ve your chopsticks in your right hand and  your spoon and your left always and I know we've mentioned this before but you never um like say  you're having rice we don't do it with anything but you never like put your chopsticks in it  and just let them sit stand there there while you're doing something else with your hands  you just want to rest them somewhere and the reason the reason why you do that  is it when it's like that in your bowl it reminds them of funerals the  incense burning yeah c
uz in funerals they put incense and rice so um yeah  that's why we do the things we do and there is a lot of little  etiquette things we've picked up maybe our Vietnamese friends can tell us more mhm there's a couple things we've started  doing and stopped doing like um pointing you don't like if I pointed out Charlie that's  rude I would rather i' do this instead so just kind of hand gesture and the kamir thing yeah  and Kam here is like scooping forward towards you um which backwards looks lik
e it's get go  away but they're actually here come here yeah and um when you hand money to somebody you  hand it with both hands not just one hand you don't just go here's your money it's here's  your money which is a very hard habit for me to Break um I still am handing with one hand and  you're also supposed to receive with two hands too it's just respectful yeah I feel sorry for  the store clerks though cuz they've got to do it two-handed all day every day well most most of  them will just do
the yeah they grab their sleeves [Music] and this could use a little more spice let make my glasses fog up oh you are going spicy yeah we'll take all of that this do I think that's cilantro I don't like cilantro I'll take it [Music] Yep this is good fun yeah we've been having a little bit of trouble in this town  finding a f that's like super good yeah for the most part tomorrow though I think we're going to try  the lady that makes our bom M she has F in the mornings as long as we don't sleep 
in cuz breakfast is done about 10 sometimes it takes a a  little longer to get out of bed I don't know why we're just so slow  in the mornings we're just kind of like chill and I mean I guess that's nice but yeah  but it takes away from your day when you do [Music] that [Music] all right let's finish this F and  uh hit the road again sounds good to [Music] me smile smile smile smile smile smile [Music] [Applause] smile after I'm a smile smile [Music] 0:35:56.800,1193:02:47.295 [Music] why does
my hat look like that you no like  pull the uh pull the fabric down on my hat there we go now I look like a goober no wonder  everybody's been looking at me I look like a goober he's definitely not a  goober no not at all neither of us are right we're just perfectly  fine people anybody behind us no there and it's back I guess my hat just does that I am destined to be a goober let's go you can take the goober out of  America but you can't take the goober out of you this place is freaking beautif
ul  that's all I got to say like this is like the best thing riding these  motorcycles is like amazing like going through these small towns  in Vietnam is just crazy easy so [Music] [Music] yeah wow that is Epico let's check out the view after a while I'm sensing smile [Music] big truck coming through big [Music] truck just takeing a little butt rest yeah  I need a butt rest too yeah anybody got tips on uh keeping your butt from hurting  on motorcycles or is it just just a process of getting you
r butt like  used to it I think that's the case hello [Music] hello a lumber mill yeah  that make it fly with [Music] [Music] chees [Music] so for dinner we stopped at this place it has  uh rotating chickens for in front we walked by this place many times so we come in and he says  that they have F and they have fried rice so we ordered the fried the chicken fried rice and  we're like oh okay um we were thinking that it it came with roasted chicken but it didn't we  had to order the chicken sepa
rately so yeah we ordered ourselves some some chicken and got a  whole chicken just chopped up we have a lot of chicken yeah probably have to bring some of  this home it looks that smells good [Music] yeah it's [Music] good and the rice is good we've been we've already had a few  a bit of the rice as well but yeah well that was fun that was so much fun  thanks for coming along with us and enjoying the ride and we're going to going to enjoy this  meal and uh we'll see you next time bye now bye [M
usic] now [Music] [Music]



Sharing the passion for traveling, exploring and overcoming challenges together on the journey... husband and wife will love each other more. Vietnamese people have a saying that husband and wife share the sweetness together!


Yous don't waste no time getting out and seeing everything you can see ! It really does beat sitting in a motel and just seeing the small area your motel is at. I love the mountains views there, they are so beautiful ! Oh that food always makes me hungry. The last meal looked amazing ! Thanks for taking us along in the rain, it was great 😊


what i like about your videos is that you show it like it is, nothing guys are very humble and down to earth people, keep up the great work 😊


You guys seem to be thinner and healthier after a whole month of traveling to Vietnam. have fun!


I’ve heard of the place the sidewalk ends, but you found the place both the road and the map end! I really enjoy these videos where you’re out exploring without any planned destination.


Beautiful countryside


The scenic is just tranquility isn't it ?! Love how spontaneously you guys are ! That's making trips more like journey.. awesome!❤❤


What an awesome adventure!! Them views are priceless!!


Beautiful, back on the road with the motorbike….i can’t believe it’s still raining in Vietnam and by the time you get here it will be rainy season in Thailand☔️loved the video guys👍🏼😃


This is exactly what I like to do when traveling. Hit the unknown trails and/or roads, see the real country, see all that gorgeous scenery…muy bueno! I like to travel alone, too, and that’s great, because I don’t have to worry about anyone else’s comfort or what they want to do! 😂 Traveling is a very free feeling. You guys are doing what I most regret not doing when I was young-flip off the norm and go travel as much as you can, especially before/without children! If I could go back in time, I’d head off right out of high school and just find work wherever I am to keep going! Thank you so much for these amazing videos!! Just everything about your channel is fanTASTIC! You should check out nomadic introvert’s channel, pretty sure that’s the name of it. She travels alone and was in Thailand recently! She reserved a long boat just for herself and saw the islands-can’t remember where, I think the name of the place started with a “P.” You should go there! You’re welcome for the great directions! Stay safe, guys. Wear mosquito repellant please! You don’t want to get dengue fever. Sorry to sound like your mom! 😂❤ Oh, also, do you all bring a rock home with you from places where you go? I’ll take one small rock-you can always find a pretty rock!


It's been so long since I've gone down some roads to the point of getting lost and seeing new cool things. What a great trip, really enjoyed this adventure! I definitely enjoy your bike journeys! Love seeing the country there, it's really pretty, different plant life and landscapes! Love the rolling hills/mountains! Love the sound of nature all around you. What a life!!!!


This is what we do when RVing, enjoy the scenery of small towns ! Love it guys ! Vietman is beautiful !


Hello how are you my friend


I've missed some episodes guys, I've been super busy.🥵 This is just a reminder that you ROCK.🪨🤘 Okay, gotta watch me some Adventure Closet.😜 Bye!👋 Thanks for the killer videos!!!🫡🥳⚒️💯✌️🔥


Amazing video!! Thanks for sharing!!


It always makes me so happy to see your faces! How hard is it to get just coffee with some cream? I'm not for flavored coffee unless it's my G7 which is an instant 3in1, it's the only time I have it sweet. No idea what sweetener they use because I can't read the ingredients. lol I really enjoy when you take the bike rides, I hope if you do find a super cool rock that you will keep it! The best way to learn "manners" is by watching others. If you found the Holy Grail of Pho, would you be able to go back or only if it's in the area you are staying? I know Pho is kind of like a really good soup of sorts but the only place we ever walked into smelled really bad so we left. Do a lot of butt flexes when you take breaks, and nobody is watching! hahahaha! This has been such a fun ride with Liz & Goober!






2 bạn nên làm 1 chuyến xe moto vòng lập Hà Giang


#rockhounding Vietnam !! you have to start one vid off like robin Williams and give us all a proper good morning call out : )