
Olay vs. Eric Adams, Diddy Raid & Jonathan Majors Lawyers | Lolo & Olay

Welcome to episode 3! Lolo & Olay unpack what it was like for Olay in that Breakfast Club interview with Eric Adams, their mental health and what they're doing about it, P Diddy news, News from Palestine, and an old favorite movie. Operation Olive Branch has a spreadsheet of many different fundraising efforts for Palestinian families that you can share or donate to: Follow Olay on all socials @msolurin Twitter: Instagram: CashApp: $oolurin11 Follow Lolo on all socials @loloverruled Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Olay's Website: Subscribe to Olurintatti on Sub Stack: Produced By: Edited By: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:26 The Eric Adams Interview 30:51 Mental Health Discussion 36:21 Voting 37:48 Palestine 44:04 P Diddy Update 50:14 Jonathan Major's Lawyers 53:10 Hardball Staring Keanu Reeves

Lolo & Olay

15 hours ago

let chatter yeah sure um okay wait hold let me tell you something really quick so let me ask you a question about walking through the streets of New York City when you walk like you're like this right like your your eye look like this and you're scanning scanning up and down like up and down like you're you see in front of you you see your feet in front of you right you know like you see the ground when I'm walking around I am listening to music romanticizing my life and performing a song like s
o it's a soundtrack to the movie that is my life so I'm I'm deep in a daydream like okay what I mean though is you have an you have situational awareness like you see the ground in front of you you wouldn't step in dog poop right I could I I certainly good it's not okay never never mind I just watched I was just walking I was walking home from the grocery store and I just watch this woman fullon step into dog dog [ __ ] and I was just like this is crazy to me I'm always watching like I'm always
looking at the ground CU I never know even happen to you never know doesn't make any sense um oh I definitely can do some [ __ ] like that I I could see it I could see it there been there definitely been a couple close calls okay well welcome back to the show I now have with us the new mayor of New York City I mean a lot of people who called me the mayor I love it may you're the new mayor you you did they arrest you for killing Eric Adams murdering him you know you know what's funny um we we exc
hanged numbers and I've been paranoid that I need to change my number ever since wait like his personal I yes I do have ER number and I keep think every time somebody like people people keep trying to people are are concerned for me but they're they're just giving me anxiety cuz they're like oh I someone texted me and they were like not that your phone's are to by Eric Adams like do you want and I'm like he does know my number you got to text him something weird like you know he thinks Gracie Ma
nsion is haunted like late at night you got to be like Eric your house is haunted or something like that I'm I I'm never going to T like we had one text conversation and that is it for this life did he what was the so when did you first was this the first time you've ever met him in person yes absolutely oh my God yes uh and did he know who you were when when you first met it feels yes I'm I'm pretty I'm pretty confident he knew exactly who I was especially if you notice people talk about how he
turned his back to me eventually in the interview but if he you watch it over he starts off the interview having turned his back to me Charlamagne like makes him direct himself to me but he starts off by turning his back to me and starts giving Charlamagne this speech about these people online these people like he starts trying to be like I get you brother someone who's being painted a different a different way online by these social media people and their social media stories I that was very m
uch like shots MH did and what did you guys take that picture before or after the interview after oh really after charl and you know they they they the the they always take a picture they asked us to take a picture so it's the picture we gave yeah and then and everybody was talking [ __ ] when you posted it listen I yo I realiz how much some [ __ ] don't like just hate on me because they will makeup [ __ ] there was some [ __ ] quote tweeting it being like oh this y'all movement lawyer blah blah
blah she she called Eric Adams Everything But a child of God and now she smile up him in his face she go to dinner with him then another [ __ ] in the comments was like yeah I unfollowed her cuz she'd be moving funny didn't she like like didn't um she liked to Tory Lanes or something me like Tory Lanes I was like I didn't have several viral videos and two essays I wrote on this nigga's head really word me a a hot girl like that's crazy that's really I I said these people just be making [ __ ] u
p this is nuts and the fact that I'm like you know what I don't understand there is a significant amount of people people a significant amount of people who follow me off of the viral moments of me being on Rising like you literally know me for be sitting across from someone completely across the aisle and tearing into them so why now if you know like you assume I was like this is a this is a profession the fact that there are people who don't even have a [ __ ] profile picture on trying to conv
ince you they would have done this to the mayor in the photos like oh word they're like I was like these people really are like looking for something to complain about like the first one I'd seen like that and everybody who said that [ __ ] blocked like click like on it blocked like blocked block block block block [ __ ] you cuz I was like this is a level of hated [ __ ] I never seen before interviewing ain't out is my I'm like y'all know what defense attorneys do like do we not cross-examine th
e cops mhm right well actually I thought that was one of the best things about your you know interview and just like taking him to task was that my biggest one of my big complaints is whenever you see Congressional hearings is that all these people are former prosecutors they don't know how to cross examing people you know and you lit his ass up constantly like the whole time like relentlessly um we did did you I mean you know so much about him though you know what I mean like you said you've ma
de long form content all about Eric Adams you've been fighting this man for a long time uh is it just second nature to you at this point like you were you were made to take down this man and and that's why I was just as surprised as all of you that that happened like I've had people ask me before like lots of times like when I have ask me a question or whatever my story people would be like oh if you could speak to Eric Adams what would you say like stop asking me stupid questions I would never
be speaking to Eric Adams there's no world than M Eric Adams speaks to me so when I I was like what no way it's not happen there someone's [ __ ] with me how so charlam man set it up or so yeah so Charlotte May um I had actually laid into I I had criticized The Breakfast Club for having cace Owens on there i' put out a video um the weekend before and Charlamagne called me up M din like what's up what's up Gan like let me have it what's the problem like so and I told him and so we had that we had
that whole back and forth about why I think they shouldn't why he thinks this the next thing right right right so we had that conversation and then Char man was like anyway so you should come on The Breakfast Club next week and I'm like cool cool that's on the weekend by like Tuesday I don't there's nothing like I there's nothing finalized um aon's like uh aon's like oh I haven't heard or whatever so I text Charlamagne like oh um you know what's good or whatever we trying to like schedule and h
e's like oh we trying to have you in with the mayor on Thursday so there dudes I'm like the mayor who Eric Adam he's like he's like yeah he was like yeah I was like there's absolutely no way under the sun that happens like there's no way no way I'm like nah so I know about it for a day um about a day a full day before it and I get there I'm there like 9:30 so he's not there and so I'm like yeah no like that's that's not going to be a thing he's not here no it's not a whatever and they're like he
's going to be there at 10:15 and I'm still like you're not doing that coming room no way like no way so listen once once I was starting I was like what even after it was done I was like you ever feel like no one's going to let you have a win like that so like surely something like even after it was done I was like ah they're gonna bury this footage like I like oh my God yeah so yeah I'm I wasn't surprised to everybody else that's insane I can't believe that he did that do you think that it's li
ke just Pride that he did it like like he someone probably said to him don't do this and he's like I've got the swag to do this I'm just going to swag through it his staff people were behind us but like three of them were sitting behind me looking stressed the entire interview one tried was trying to wrap it up Ear kept doing the finger they're like I got some questions they're like beautiful where where did you feel best inside of that or do you like was it just like you saw white and then it w
as the end of the interview or no honest I mean I feel like first of all I'm a person with anxiety I I just want to put this out here as the face of that's why that's why we're friends that's why we're friends yes I'm an anxious [ __ ] okay so I let me tell you what made me anxious it wasn't him it wasn't experience it wasn't anything it was my [ __ ] mother like oh my my God I I call I I the minute I find out I'm like no [ __ ] way like first of all I would have been hyp excited about getting m
y second Breakfast Club interview in general but then on top of that like Eric that that's different that's that is [ __ ] different right I'm like so I call my mommy because of course you know my mommy knows I've been Eric Adams number one critic hater from day one like this is a running gag right like my mommy is always like oh you don't get off Eric Adam's ass right so the minute I call my mommy and I'm like oh Mommy like I'm trying the the point of this story is to get to Eric Adams but I ca
n't even get there because she's [ __ ] an establishment Democrat who's pissed off at Charlemagne so so so the minute I say oh Mommy um I'm going under breakfast go God damn it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that Jin talking [ __ ] about the [ __ ] Democrats [ __ ] that don't go on that stupid [ __ ] show momm momm what what Mommy please Mommy allign me will you hear me don't cuz I mommy I've already been on The Breakfast Club I know but there wasn't a problem then right my mommy is Nancy bosi I ke
ep trying to tell yall so and I'm like Mommy man could you stop screaming I trying to tell you that's not even the point Mommy stop so I'm like Mom and Mommy guess who I'm going to be on the interview with guess who's going to be the interview huh who Eric Adams my mommy oh no Lami no uhuh you can't do that no uh you can't do that it's a setup me I don't know wow it's a setup it's a setup like my mom's like it's a [ __ ] setup I don't trust none of [ __ ] them like it's a setup you can't do it l
isten to your mother this me from for the next for the full 24 hours then whatever because my mother then she started because she couldn't she couldn't defend that there's no actual logical reason no evidence to why it's a setup she just started prophe negativity in MO of my life she was like oh L me I just know I know I could go bad I know oh Lord I know that could go bad I know that could go wrong oh L me don't do that listen to your mother so me for the next 24 hours like like please God Don'
t Let It Go bad it did it did go bad but not for you uh it went bad for somebody else he was like Wy coyote you know running into a wall or something and he drove himself to his own funeral it's pretty it's pretty wild yeah no he they ah yeah and they're not playing it right them and the NY the NYPD strategy and stuff is really like you're just proving points that were made in the interview and it's it's been wild to watch them from these various accounts on Twitter and I'll be honest like I pay
ATT obviously I pay attention to what the NYPD is doing I don't pay attention to all of these social media accounts that they have they have like there are hundreds of these different for every unit they have a social media account and you know 10 of them will be by like one chief of whatever command MH and they're just nonstop harassing you and actually I think at one point you can correct me they they like said come to the funeral uh of of uh this this cop that that was just killed uh last we
ek um John Jonathan John Jonathan Diller is that is that his name yeah it's ins it's crazy like have you ever experienced something like this with them this level no right no I mean no I've had police harass me before but never never quite like this like nowhere nowhere on on this level that we're seeing but you know listen it it it it's beautiful though like in in some ways Beyond you know just worrying about my own physical safety it's beautiful that it demonstrates exactly what we've been say
ing like New York City is a [ __ ] police state like when like if you can't like it's not like this is even like a this is some protest that they could try and characterize as a riot and I gave some some speech or no I was invited to like a nationally syndicated radio I was invited to come and interview and talk to the bear there like I intended I asked him questions he performed I went about my business I didn't there's no but look at looked at the police and the fact that the mayor gets and do
es Eric Adams does presser today and they tell him about it and he stands with it it's it it just it just goes to show how [ __ ] out of control they are right so beautiful beautiful personally I think it's excellent and just and just for clarification name is Dillinger J John Dillinger was the cop that was killed and I also want to note that there were a lot of people a lot of NYPD people some of them very high up who are harassing you and literally like they're like they're a loser on the inte
rnet screenshotting that you have blocked them for for directing people to come harass you basically um that they're basically saying that you had and then the New York Post you were in the New York Post you're in the New York Post they called you the woke defense they called you the woke defense lawyer yeah if you if you if you Google woke lawyer I come up first thing that's amazing I want to be the anti-woke lawyer though and then I think we'll have everything perfectly but sorry that's beauti
ful too because Eric Adams gave that dog whistle in like in the interview and I knew it and I called him on a 10 I said that's not going to work on me I knew what he was doing that was his back signal to them it's very clear like that isn't happen stance they got off that they got off the out of that interview and clearly called up the post called up like that's that is very very apparent they they fed them that and it's funny because it's just like you're just drawing more [ __ ] attention to t
he interview you might as well just don't [ __ ] talk about it dumbass like I but I want to note I want to note like very importantly that you didn't say anything about that officer in this interview you did not say a thing he brought this up and he brought this up with a purpose which is to basically kind of you know disparage you to say what you're talking about as nonsense also talk about how dangerous it is for all the cops and and your response was to say the reality is that's a very what h
appened is a very rare occurrence this is something that's not happening that often and actually in fact mayor the the NYPD just killed a 19-year-old yesterday did you go and and you said did you go and visit that family obviously he didn't go he had nothing to say to that yeah exactly and that's my thing for me I don't even have to I don't have to humor it like I know I I don't care like I don't feel any level of compulsion to defend against what is a straw man that I knew they were doing in re
al time I knew what he was doing when he goes oh I don't want to take you out of context and then proceeds to take me out of context and come up with them Feed The Narrative like that was intentional right but the gag is that would only work if I had political aspirations of some kind like I'm not running for [ __ ] office I am somebody like pushing back on your lives like I don't I I am not required to to paint this picture to make sure I have to panic about seeming like I'm not pro police like
I don't have to do that and I'm I'm not I'm not pro nybd I'm not pro police I'm not like who oo you got me there like whoa like so yeah it's just the it's really it's really desperate attempts and it's and it's funny but it also is I think what's more important is for people to recognize what it means if you cannot criticize if the police and the mayor are one like the head of head of state and you're not even allowed to call them on a lie in a professional capacity like that is that it's that
simple and I think I think it's funny like and and I also think it's telling that it's only right-wing Outlets comeing to his defense it's only po the post Fox NYPD and some nutty ass Republican um council member lady on on Twitter which one God that could be like I like people she's so irrelevant the way I don't know her name but I but she did say something it's not the first time I've seen her say something about me and they I mean I think it's you know if they weren't so generally incompetent
I think it would be much scarier than it is I still think it's scary I think what's happening to you is very worrisome when you're talking about the high up people at the NYPD spending their time on social media harassing a media figure who is like what you're what you're do holding uh you know holding truth to P speaking truth to power um you know I think we need done let me tell you why it's scary at the end of the day for well it's scary for every reason reason that we know what the police a
re but I'm not somebody who like I'm not a black person that lives in an ivory Tower somewhere and just speaks up for black people like the black community I live in Flatbush I live with other black people I live in a which means because I live in a black neighborhood in Brooklyn that means that I live in the over police neighborhoods that I'm talking about which means there are police everywhere in my neighborhood so do you know how different and that I that I always have to encounter and walki
ng by whatever but you know how different it feels when the [ __ ] chief of the police is on Twitter being like this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is our [ __ ] Ed like you know what I mean I'm like ah yeah like I haven't you know that doesn't feel that genuinely feels unnerving like legitimately I can't even lie and say that it doesn't it it literally like I've left my apartment twice since Friday like I'm like you know what you know [ __ ] what I feel nervous and I remember the last time I was at your pl
ace there were just cops hanging out right on that corner right outside yes um they're they they're around there uh did you see also this uh at the funeral of this cop uh someone they threw it the governor yes yes yes they threw the [ __ ] Governor just I think this is worth pointing out just because the people the pro police people whatever you want to call them the the pro uh armed wing of the state in your business um they claim to always be kind of depoli depoliticized right like I saw a lot
of the people that were responding to you including the you know the chief uh on on Twitter was saying oh don't worry we're going to be there for you even if you hate us we're going to save you you know they they they're meanwhile they're the ones harassing me they're only people the only people I'm worried about doing anything to me is them literally the only [ __ ] people I have no worries and concern the way and it's funny the way they always trying to act like like one this idea they always
trying to present people who are not pro over policing like we've never experienced crime like we're divorced from this like we've never [ __ ] considered this or something and two like we're under [ __ ] attack like again I don't live in [ __ ] Gotham City I live in Brooklyn [ __ ] like I'm not [ __ ] like trust me no one's going to CME me this weekend like it's not unless you [ __ ] like decide to B with you the only concern I have is that like also did you notice the post talking suddenly th
ey dropped that HIIT piece on me and then suddenly they're reporting on crime in the Bahamas no [ __ ] way no is that true yes like even the majority report talked about it like they were like yes very obviously like if you if you go find the the post on Twitter it's literally all the bahamians like Al Li me made yall mad wec wait wait wait just give me one second why are they reporting on this wow they really hate you no the way people the way people decide they don't like me and then immediate
ly take it out on Nigeria and The Mamas needs to be studied like it's actually nuts because you know what Des santz remember when Dan Sanz put me in his campaign video and then after that suddenly in all his [ __ ] uh speeches he started talking about flattening the Bahamas remember in his G in his Gaza you missed this like oh my gosh every time I piss somebody off the they want the Bahamas to pay the price oh my God they're like all right where's this where's she from where's this dead ass dead
dead ass um but when you were getting you know harassed by these people and they like to act like they're they're they're notl they're apolitical you know they're they're just trying to protect people and they just care about the community which is obviously complete garbage yeah so so governor hokel who is not an enemy to the police in New York state she literally just ordered a thousand armed people into the Subways at Grand Central and at Penn Station you know the the National Guard that's n
ot enough do more oh yeah no so she shows up to this funeral um and she is instantly turned away and I want to note also that Donald Trump did come to this funeral and he was welcomed with open arms listen I I when you so when you talk I honestly I've never gotten a better example of demonstrating to people how a police state Works in function like that than what than the events we've seen transpire this weekend because do you know what it means if the [ __ ] Police Department the police can thr
ow the governor out of a funeral and the governor has to leave feels compelled to leave like think about that what think about how much power these people are wielding and how dangerous they must be that they can do that and think about how much loyalty they require like it's insane it's actually insane like they're going after like like they're going after I'm not I'm not the only one they're going after journalists because you're not acting like you love the police enough like that's literally
the accusations they're like oh you you you didn't freak his like you didn't freak yourself out over oh but [ __ ] y'all though [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] we killed last night please stop talking about that listen we don't want to talk about that uh or the the record-breaking number of people police killed last year we don't want to talk about that [ __ ] okay because like like why would we want to talk about that that's a bad Vibe right like you're kind of bringing the vibe down no dead ass dead
ass it's funny like yeah no that that that interview it's it's interesting because they're only making it look like worse like to me they're only making it worse I'm like if you felt like your bands won like you did a good job you wouldn't be doing all this yeah I mean and then every psycho is just going full fascist mode on the internet including representative Anthony desposito who who tweeted out a picture of the funeral the march of all the cops uh which is about 10,000 plus strong and with
the and you can you can tell me what you think this means don't ever cross us that was what he wrote in the in the photo so what do you think he means by that thought dog these people are [ __ ] dangerous and like I listen I like I said I tweeted out after NYPD started a little harassment campaign all I had to say about it was if this is what the mypd is doing to a me an attorney and media professional because I outperformed their [ __ ] mayor in an interview just imagine what they are doing to
Everyday civilians just all around the like imagine like it's yeah I mean I don't have to imag we don't have to imagine because of the people we've literally represented and the stories they've told us yeah but like yeah I mean whatever you think it is multiply it by 100 how much worse it is especially when there aren't cameras present and there's Z zero accountability because even when people get caught on camera doing the worst thing you could possibly imagine they get desk Duty for a month i
f if we're lucky the I'm pretty sure the the main the chief of the chief of Patrol or whatever the main one tweeting about me has killed a guy and like yeah shot a guy in the back oh my God yeah yeah all right I take back what I said about not being concerned because of how incompetent they are I they found him to have lied in court and NYPD promoted him I mean yeah that's literally what their job is their job is to lie in court isn't that what isn't that in the job description yes I thought tha
t's the only know how to do do you know someone said to me someone said to me you shouldn't be platforming him speaking about Eric Adams that I shouldn't be engaging with these kind of people and platforming them in their views the [ __ ] mayor Alex wait they said you shouldn't be platforming the mayor yes that's what they said to me as though like the mayor is just something like right-wing comment like commentator I'm I'm taking on for fun like some G I'm like what's happening to people are pe
ople getting stummer brain rot I tell you it's unreal I was like why that's pretty funny though it's pretty funny like I'm like you know he's the mayor right like let's be serious let's be [ __ ] serious let's be so for real did he have swag though he thought he had swag I I like he thinks so he clearly thinks so did you remember the interview he said I'm a ballhead Ain wearing dude oh my God like so he does believe so I could fix I think I could fix him I could fix him and and like no no you ca
n't like he oh my gosh listen yeah yeah May Adams is what he is this is the thing right like people people don't get it right they think you're like y you know you personally I personally hate Eric Adams but it's like it's cuz he's the mayor if he stops being the mayor I will never say his name again like it's not like that's what my role like that's what I do I'm I'm an informed person you know what I mean like this is yeah my career is to Advocate around certain things and then for certain iss
ues and that namely being the black community especially here in New York and how it pertains to the criminal system so yeah like I know if the mayor is a [ __ ] cop doing cop [ __ ] that is that that is of ir but like it's not personal like oh I really just hate Eric I'm like I used to talk [ __ ] on Cuomo too then we got rid of Cuomo and I moved onh you know the Blasio left we move on when Eric Adams leaves we'll move on it's not like personal he's just a shitty may I think it's just the it's
like a reflection of the intense the intensity of parasocial relationships how how they've become you know it's like everybody thinks that it's like this these personal things or celebrity worship and and it has nothing to do with that at all I mean I think he's a pretty goofy dude actually people do there are people like that of people are like oh you are very rude and disrespectful to the mayor it's funny a man can literally be shouting at you spinning his back to you talking while you're like
you're not in the room but it'll always be you right but they're like oh you need to it's about your tone that is the mayor that's this I was like y'all are really idiots if y'all want to elect people and give them power to like Lord it over you be [ __ ] serious like like oh that's the man I'm like what what the [ __ ] is that mean i p saler I'm like and like anybody disrespect him I call that man May Adams I'm talking around him like what are we what are you on about I didn't editorialize I d
idn't give him a speech about how wrong he is as a black man blah blah I just presented to him the facts like this is what's happening this is what you're doing that is you're you just said something that is patently false at what point at what point do you think he realized he had made a mistake the beginning like after the the minute I said how do you reconcile that after the end of the first he like he literally did this oh oh like immediately then yeah I think then you cooked his ass thank y
ou thank you friend listen yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you I I I I was amazed at how many people like forget I'm a lawyer I was like but not not just but it has to be I want to be really clear though like defense like a defense litigator like I was like it's the difference yeah because prosecutors can't can't they can't cross they can't cross all these people people in Congress they're all former to be as creative because because at the end of the day right like a defense attorney h
as to make a c like you have to if somebody needs a defense right like prosecutors take cases that they think they can win you know what I mean like they they they stick to the four corners of whatever police report that's their narrative and that they believe that they can win a defense attorney has to actually like be a Storyteller learn how to do the things defend against this you have to you have to become somebody where you have to be able to make a case like for whatever the stuff so you j
ust I think you're bet I think defense attorneys are generally much better than prosecutors the system is just stacked in Prosecutor's favor undoubtedly yeah 100% what' you do this weekend what did I do this weekend um that's a great question I don't know I'm so I'm just recently unemployed so I'm readjusting to life of not having a job every single day uh and it's pretty it's pretty strange I think I'm you know do you think I'm like a white person depressed which is like not a not a valid form
of depression do you think do I think you're a white person depressed I I think you have like d stemach depression yeah oh yeah if I were if I were going to diagnose you I would diagnose you with dysemia there's this form of depression that's like high level like uh like functional depression that I think a lot of people have um I'm not I'm not a doctor though what did your doctor say because I'm sure your doctor told you already that you're in the breath I'm just trying to I'm making a plan you
know what I mean like I'm just like I got a personal trainer I'm back I'm getting back in the gym I'm going to get in shape we're changing thing you know we're changing lives here we're changing my life yeah yeah I I'm not depressed I'm anxious though I'm an anxious [ __ ] you're anxious oh I'm always anxious just just increasing levels of an anxiety also I have ADHD real bad right but yeah here's the issue I haven't I I've never got my of as an adult my official diagnosis or or I tried to once
with a psychiatrist and then she was like like but you're like all these other things she's like you're you seem like you a PTSD and depression too I'm like focus focus focus like and she and she wanted to just [ __ ] around with other things beforehand whatever but I did have a doctor once like diagnosed but I didn't go and go bother to go like go do the follow through and go get the medication or whatever at the time and I remember I called my mommy like like Mommy do you know why I think I h
ave ADHD like they they say I have ADHD my mom's like yeah the doctor told me that when he was a little girl but whatever a liy me man so imagine I'm here a big grown woman trying to be like I don't feel like I'm supposed to be like this like Meanwhile my boyfriend being house like he will show like he will see videos and it'll be like oh if you're like you're anxious and doing like a bunch of different things and he'll just look like show me be like eight out of 10 this is you like this is you
like I'm the most like Zone the [ __ ] out whatever I'm I'm struggling okay so anxiety and ADHD is what whooping my ass so I'm trying to get officially like finally get medication for it now yeah that'd be amazing um yeah I encourage people to do all that stuff I mean I think that I have I feel pretty confident not to the thing it's funny too cuz like if you scroll Tik Tok you'll discover you'll be like I have everything you can have I have every problem um self self- diagnosed but I think I hav
e uh contamination OCD do you know what that is no what's that it's like um I always think I'm being poisoned and this is actually real like I can't like if there's like a glass of water and I leave it I can't drink out of it and like I always think that there are like particles and things that are poisoning me this is a crazy thing also to admit just because I'm like oh now if I ever get this the government can know how to torture me basically but like I I it's so it's not debilitating I've lea
rned how to like live with it but I probably have unhealthy mechanisms to to deal with it um but I need to figure that out too I haven't figured that out one thing at a time though I'm going to the gym that's what I'm doing right now I'm getting back in shape maybe we could pick a charity and I'll and I'll run the marathon for the charity that you know what I was going to be like why would you think somebody is poisoning you but then I thought about the amount of weird like Ecentric things that
my anxiety tells me I need to do it in this house like I'll suddenly be like like I like my boyfriend will need to like go turn something on in the TV but I'd be like wait while I finish this text like for whatever reason by I like said at the text he's like or I need the curtain closed or if the light is still on in the room at night like it feels like we've never I I'm my my anxiety is all the way up but somehow my anxiety is so high it won't tell me to turn the light off so I won't realize un
til I finally turn it off many hours later like oh if I just done that I wouldn't be freaking out I think I think part of the problem is also like sometimes it's hard to tell not not I mean sometimes your problems are very serious problems and it's obvious what those problems are but sometimes it's hard to tell what's a thing that is just my brain having some kind of issue versus me uh dealing with the stresses of the world that we now exist you know the stresses of this world that we exist in f
or all it's various reasons you know rent bills health concerns and then just the state of the world gener generally like every news article like is horrible you know everything you read is is a nightmare and you feel so detached from it speaking of which people are voting today in New York oh word um it's the primary so I think a lot of people are voting um they're leaving blank ballots uh as a show of kind of a protest of sorts against the Biden Administration um I don't know how you feel abou
t that I know you've made multiple long Forum videos about voting we don't have to go into all of your in-depth thoughts on it but I know it's happening in New York it happened in Michigan also anyway the world's a bad Vibe that's what I'm saying I understand that I yawning just yawning at me it is not like all right shut the [ __ ] up no it is actually it really is actually insane to just to yawn just just be like yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't care about that [ __ ] oh my gosh I I I just don
't have any more energy to for the I'm done I'm dreamed the election is dreamed me I give up people going to have what they want like you know what I'm an immigrant I'll just m I'll just mind my business and suffer whatever my fate will be it's hard to uh you know I mean we've talked about like what we thought about what we would do with this with this thing that we're doing and I think one of the things that we felt was we talk about politics all the time it's a huge part of what we do and in o
ur lives and we do advocacy as well and um so you can't I know that you can't do everything but I I will say like it's so soul sucking to to see some of the imagery that that we see um and you know like just just this week I mean before before to I mean today I was just like reading all about alifa Hospital um in Gaza and I wanted to say something in this episode and and maybe we can link you know Olive Branch operation olive branch which is helping people get money to get out of Gaza to get the
ir family out of Gaza and into safety in Egypt and in neighboring countries and other places um part part of it is that sometimes I feel like I don't even have the words anymore I don't even know what to say I alifa Hospital hundreds of people have died there uh were killed by by missiles that the the IDF you know shot at this hospital um and not only did they do that but they also killed seven people who were working for um an NGO that was bringing in meals uh that this NGO uh world wkc I think
it's or wck World Central Kitchen it's been around for like 14 years um they shot three different vehicles that were marked that were marked as wkc oh sorry World Central Kitchen they were in a safe zone They and from what I understand they had called to like let them know that they were in this area um and the Biden Administration is coming out the spokespeople for the Biden Administration are coming out and saying we don't have any reason to think we don't believe uh they've done anything wro
ng we don't believe they've targeted civilians we've never seen them Target civilians we have that blah blah blah and I I just I don't even mean to be dramatic I just like I don't even know what to say anymore you know what I mean yeah I mean that's the thing right is like that's the thing it's like I I I I I made my whole like I made a whole like production on my Channel about Palestine and my voice on Palestine but that's the thing it's like at this point the people know you know what I mean i
t's like the US government is going to do what the US government is doing and it's or to support it regard I think let me say to support it because I wonder you know Israel is going to do what Israel is doing regardless like of whatever the US says in general like it's going to happen so it's just horrific it's just horrific it's just horrific and I it just it blows my mind for some people because I don't know what it's going to take for people to understand like I don't know if you remember but
back in October there was all this debate on the internet about whether or not uh they had bombed this hospital and it was like a whole week we spent being like they would never do this here's all now bomb mad hospitals they've bombed at least 30 of them at least 30 of the 36 in Gaza have been bombed and and they don't care they and but that's the problem with like see it's like this I I don't know as a as a black person I'm very familiar with bigotry and like what it is like those are always s
trong like those arguments are always make believe those are just to distract you it's just to Gaslight you that's all it is like it's just to Gaslight you like at the end of the day the people who make those arguments don't give a [ __ ] if the argument is true not or anything like that they don't believe in the argument they just believe that ultimately this is right and this is Justified but they can't just say that you know so it's just that like you're just wasting your your breath honestly
like with those people yeah I mean the most recent I mean I've I've paid some attention to the polling and stuff with the with the population over there like Israelis who are living there and um most recent one I saw said that less than 2% of the people in Israel think that the IDF is using excessive force how do you what like what what do we do I this it's a Zionist State I mean they believe in that you know what I mean it's I mean it's no different than like think about how many Americans sup
port the way America is all around the world how America treats IM immigrants right here like so I mean that's what like that's what imperialism is and I think that's the thing right it's like to me everybody is like caught up in the administration and I understand that and I think everybody should be should always feel feel empowered to protest and to make demands of their government and all that so that's not me criticizing but it's like this has nothing to do with the administration and every
thing to do with what America is America is an imperialist Nation it doesn't matter which one is up there they are going to be on the side of imperialism and so it's just like you know what I mean yeah I I some it just makes me feel naive sometimes because I feel like this has been eye openening for me in a lot of ways and it makes me look back in time and think wow how much worse kind of in the same way that you said well how much worse is it how much worse do the police behave to regular peopl
e on the street you know when there's no accountability how much worse have have things been in these other places where you know the Drone program the US drone program which we indiscriminately killed civilians in other countries how much worse was it actually than even what we know you know I I don't know it's been it's been a it's been crazy it's been a destabilizing time which is why I'm going back to the gym so I can get in shape and I can no but I don't know guys so last time we talked a l
ittle about P didy he had just been wait was it last time or is no yeah it was last time uh we had we talked about P didy um he had just been or his houses had just been raided at that point right um in Miami and Los Angeles but now there's a little more information and the information is that he's [ __ ] he's [ __ ] I've had all the that I had to say about like did's guilt like in terms of just whether he's done something when when the Cassie lawsuit had like you know I had I went on Higher Lea
rning and talked about this I was on Mark Lan Hill thing I talked about this I had Bor videos talking about this um that and how we we obviously know that Diddy has done a lot of things like didd he has done many if not all of what he's accused of right like so that's not what I'm disputing I what what I want is a community where the community itself outside of the criminal system outside of the legal system to be able to be honest about something and hold somebody like accountable in terms of h
ow we talk about it how we recognize and respect and the victims and yada yada Y and this is the next thing that doesn't mean that I have any like desire to see like the the the the legal system rise up against him or like I Delight in that or anything like that um and the funny thing is people feel like things got to be you know those ways like oh you against them like I'm not like somebody at the house like you know Baptist stomping cuz oh they got didy you know what I mean I'm like okay like
because for me what matters more is how people understand something like what the what the public consensus is how people talk about something and how something would impact it has on community like the community right cuz like when I think about when I was a kid when R Kelly When R Kelly was getting sued R Kelly was get in court I mean was charged and was in court and everybody knew he did that [ __ ] right and like my mummy and people would be like like caping for [ __ ] R Kelly like when I wa
s a kid like calling young girls fresh you know U and so to me it matters less about the legal what the legal system is doing and about how we're able to inform each other and change how people are thinking about things and how they like to victim blame you know so if the community is still going to talk about it in the same way and still going to victim blame the victims and still just going to the only reason why they prepared to be ging city is because they're being homophobic and stuff that
nothing positive has happened in in terms of Shifting social Consciousness in the community or so all that's happening is the the state is again wielding its power and being even more legitimized because people see that is necessary in order to validate the truth or validity of something that the community in and of itself is still not going to acknowledge so I'm just like yeah I'm not like that into and and the coverage has been so like stupid like seeing people on Twitter just like they're lik
e oh my God Kisha young Miami was a was was a sex worker I'm like who gives a [ __ ] about any of this like this is so ridiculous the fact at all that like Diddy is being accused of something and y'all are [ __ ] talking about young Miami and talking about the women and and just like oh whether or not they're sex workers like please shut up [ __ ] be [ __ ] for real and be serious and go somewhere please so the discourse has just been very [ __ ] unserious I also don't think like enough is legit
imately known at this point like we just have char like we have not known as in terms of whether or not Diddy's innocent I'm not saying didd he's innocent at all at all that is no one saying that I just want to be [ __ ] that's not what I meant I just meant like there wasn't enough to talk about that we factually know and as I gu like so far it's just complaints and the fact that there was a raid like I have no desire to be in people's like big long blah conspiracy blah blah plus I don't like I
don't I just don't like when like over shows of of police state Authority like this uh this the fact that they had the [ __ ] like they had this milit like really was did he did did he have a [ __ ] military in his home we didn't know about was did he going to come out like they act like they had they had it on good authority that Diddy could nuke them like that's that's how they rolled up on Diddy and it's like even based on what Diddy we know Diddy to be accused of like even at the worst of wh
at does that why is the why it up the The Cutting Edge The Cutting Edge sex toy technology that you're not aware of it's very dangerous you don't know about it oh that's true I heard oh that that reminds me about the her and Diddy was recording everybody m this is this is the main thing like I always agree with you and you you always put it better than I put it um but the thing is when I was reading through the complaint and everything uh the evidence they have is so bad and I felt bad for his a
ttorney I was just like oh damn okay hit me the complaint okay I mean if if what they're saying is true they have everything on like video like for okay and it's like it'll be it's like Diddy doing everything or just like other people like all of it recorded and all I could think was just like I think of people where it's like they post something on Instagram of them like doing something illegal and I'm like why are you posting this on Instagram like this is crazy like the cops have it and it's
on Instagram apparently just like very well documented at the crimes that were happening and so I'm just reading it going oh no oh no oh like as a lawyer I was just going to say you know when you hear something and like you know Dave sh I know I'm sorry this is this is not a we know Dave Chappelle in his transphobia this is a joke that has nothing to do with that Dave Chappelle had a joke one time that was like he was like I'm I'm black but I'm also a comic he was like so when I saw Kramer going
through that when Kramer when Kramer went on that racist rant he was like damn this is racist the black guy in me is like this is racist but the comic in me is like damn that guy's having a bad like and and that to be here is like wow is bad yeah that's climbing you're wrong the lawyer of me the defense attorney of me is like [ __ ] his poor attorney oh my God God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you know oh speaking of speaking of attorneys like thinking about attorneys in cases you know this is not this
has I this has nothing to do with Jonathan major in terms of his guilt or his anything or blah blah blah blah blah but his attorneys [ __ ] him from the very beginning of that case like I feel like Jonathan major should sue his [ __ ] attorne like I honestly feel like they I feel like they botched that case from day one like the original they he was originally charged with a misdemeanor regular like misdemeanor assault with with a limited order of protection because this chick did not want to sh
e didn't want to be involved in the case at all right all they had to do she didn't want to participate in that case at all if they had just shut the [ __ ] up and not tried to be smurch her in the in the Public's eye or whatever that would case would have been automatically dismissed and sealed in 90 days but instead his dumbass attorney put out that [ __ ] screenshot of the text messages that made the public turn against him remember like the the text messages of her being like Oh I'm so sorry
or whatever the [ __ ] that that made him look [ __ ] like guiltier to the public she put out those text messages and then by and disparaged uh disparaged the woman which made her be pissed the [ __ ] off and be like yep give me a full order protection I want to participate with the prosecution of the case like she they they [ __ ] him at every turn like just as an attorney his attorneys [ __ ] him I've never seen a [ __ ] up like that in my life like as a as a [ __ ] who's represented mad peop
le for the assault and what I'm like oh my God like I can't the level of bottery that case yeah I would also say just like a tip for people if you're in trouble with the law two things you should know if your defense lawyer refer or public defender well your public defender would never refer to you this way but if your defense lawyer refers to you ever as a defendant or any of their clients as a defendant get rid of that [ __ ] lawyer and two your lawyer should never ever be talking to the media
unless unless they're already it's a media case and the prosecution is talking to the media you don't want your lawyer talking to the [ __ ] press in any way you don't want them coming for this exact reason you're talking know how to do it or there's a like they like it you know what upset me you know what made me so sad I was like yo he probably paid this [ __ ] like I looked up the lawyer one time some expensive lawyer he paid this [ __ ] lawyer an arm and a leg to [ __ ] him like he would ha
ve been better off a like he would have been better off with a PD like a would want like literally a even a PD that didn't give a [ __ ] because a PD that didn't give a [ __ ] wouldn't have done anything on the case and the [ __ ] 90 like the 3030 would have run out MH I was like like oh my God every time I think about it like I'm like there's only one case ever in my life like I never listen I'd be like I never in my life look at how other legal cases and be like oh I could have done never in t
his life except that case so I looked up Hardball because you told me about hard ball the movie with ke reefs I'm so proud of you oh I'm so proud of you yes okay wait wait wait so did you know and I think I'm not trying to give myself an excuse for not having known about this movie but did you know it what its release date was yeah like like 2001 September 10th 2001 it came out the day before 911 that's funny I genuinely never noticed that I I you know and I should tell you what a powerful movie
it's I do not recall I love Reeves I love Kiana Reeves oh my God actually no did did you go watch it but did you go watch it yeah yeah yeah yeah I watched it oh um so did did you cry I was emotional I didn't cry though you didn't cry when you baby died you soulless [ __ ] monster you heartless soulless monster it's very emotional it was very emotional I want you to understand you're a sick person and I hate that you missed out on that as a child okay because that was a cultural moment all right
like I want you to understand that is the first time I ever watched a movie like as a kid like I remember in the theater where I wept like like that G oh my God like that when he shaking look good oh I actually I know him um who plays Kofi his brother that's holding him Michael Perkins I I know him he's Greek um but wept wept it sad still it's the it never stopped being sat it never stopped being satad well we can maybe one day maybe one day we can we can you like character didn't you you liked
it didn't you and I knew you [ __ ] would yeah I love Hardball Hardball is an amazing movie they like even though you know it's it's some white people who wrote it on some hey they you know wh if you're like yeah like it has things intellectually but forget about that I watched it as a child I love hard ball I love it what is the movie about for those in the audience that don't know hard ball is about a broke white man in debt that starts uh being the coach to a baseball team in the hood of um
a bunch of black kids that he becomes uh attached to and becomes yeah then they win the game at the end it's about teamwork and supporting each other that's so funny I guess that's true I sure I suppose it was an important film for me as an adult as a 32y old man to watch I love that you took the time to watch it I appreciate that yeah of course I like that I like that good Al you've earned your ally points for the week hell yeah um I think that's Today's show is that a show yeah that's a show I
bye y'all um we love you all here wait uh also we'll link we'll link operation Olive Branch below check it out they have a lot of um gofund Mees for people trying to help get their family members out of Gaza and support people there right now so it's a good thing beautiful all right okay bye bye
