
On-going construction on MSU's campus causing travel shakeups

On-going construction on MSU's campus causing travel shakeups

FOX 47 News

9 hours ago

I'm your MSU neighborhood reporter Lauren linday and if you've been on campus recently you've probably noticed the orange cones and the traffic light here by Sparty statue I spoke with infrastructure planning and Facilities here at MSU to tell us what's going on and when it might end it gets kind of congested over here construction season is well underway on msu's campus and with multiple construction projects going on at once traveling through campus is looking much different that construction
is causing detours in other parts of Campus and those detours are causing people to um go towards that intersection at the corner of kalamazo and Chestnut Road the intersection is located right at the heart of campus and MSU infrastructure planning and Facilities has implemented some temporary structures to make for safer and smoother travel we put up the uh temporary light structure and the barricades just to keep people give students and the public a safe Crossing despite the temporary safety
and efficiency measures put in place I spoke with one student who emphasized that the alternative routes on campus are not as much of an issue as the ongoing campus construction itself this really doesn't affect me because I don't have classes around here but the bridge does affect me the bus that I usually take for everything uh is not running right now cuz of the bridge and while most students expressed dissatisfaction when it comes to construction on campus I did speak with one student who fe
lt the opposite overall I think it's good I think a lot of you know infrastructure things like that need to uh you know get improved from commuting challenges due to ongoing construction to congested alternative routes the travel headaches throughout campus are indeed temporary great news um things will be put back together by fall semester reporting from Michigan State University Lauren lensi in Fox 47 news
