
Once In A Lifetime Find In This 1800s Gold Mine ⛏️ part 2

In this abandoned mine explore we experience the mine explorer's find of a lifetime after rappelling down the shaft of this 1800s gold mine. This is a return to the beautiful mine that we visited two weeks ago and featured in a previous video. If you haven't seen the video of our first trip to this mine, here is a link to that. We brought our climbing ropes and gear to rappel down the 200 foot deep shaft. We had no idea what to expect or if there were even any drift levels. The shaft is very steep, nearly vertical, with no skip track or wooden infrastructure. Before we could descend the shaft, we had to secure the trap doors that would open and close to allow the skip to be raised up and to dump into an ore car. They had come loose from their hinges and were hanging precariously over the shaft by a single rope. After securing the trap doors, we rappelled down the shaft and found a working level about 80 feet down. We also go all the way to the bottom of the shaft to see what is there. After exploring over 1000 mines in the last eight years, we have not seen any with better artifacts than this one has. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed this very rewarding explore!

Abandoned Mine Exploring with Tom and Julie

9 months ago

what a view good morning mine fans good morning. Tom and Julie here bright and early we're going to attempt today to go down the shaft that's in the mine which was in last week's video so we need to rope up to do that let's enjoy a little bit of the view here before we go underground for today all right let's go we got a little ways to go up this way not very far though we are back in the Hoist room of the mine we were in on our most recent video last week and we're going to go down the shaft wh
ich is right here you guys want to know what's down there and so do we so Tom's gonna rope down and check it out hopefully they've got everything set right you want to stand back over here once I've got a safety all right let's do it okay good luck be careful it's a leap of faith every time you do this because it's certain death if everything fails all right we'll see you later okay it's gonna be a long way back up it's a long jug up it will be wow right here okay so it looks like a level right
there so we'll check back with him in a minute okay so Tom's down about 80 feet he says so there's some really cool stuff down there so I'm gonna Gear Up and climb down there and uh we'll meet up down there okay I'm down here on a level Julie's on her way down I can't really get out there because of the debris field she's throwing down on me I don't see her yet there she is oh boy huh what have we you got, what have we got ourselves into now. It's a long way down all kinds of excitement you got
to go down a little lower you can't get in here though step on the rail behind you yeah you gotta go a little further there you go try not to step on that there's a little ore car right here yeah I know just back straight up I was trying not to muck up the lower car because that's its natural state there, there's a lot of debris that has fallen down the shaft on it but see the little flat car oh neat oh cool okay so we are about 80 feet down in fact while I'm looking at this thing I'm gonna move
it because we might go down lower the shaft continues down at a fairly sharp angle like uh 75 degrees or more so the tracks ended out there they would have dumped into a skip car they must have removed all the infrastructure for the skip track because remember there's that big hoist room above us and there had to be some skip track down here I don't know why they take it out sometimes to reuse it I guess but anyway we're here look at this cool little whoops oh I don't want to wreck that can eit
her this cool little flat car and the wheels are still there it looks like it's metal a metal bed on it and oh see here it's got this hoop for probably they probably had a shaft bucket maybe that would sit in that hoop now you can see on there there's a handle oh there's a hammer that's broken like a two or three Pound Hammer okay then there's a couple of chisels there or drill bits yes oh yeah you're trying to look down so different size bits and then I wonder if we should dump this stuff off t
hat car you think it would make a lot of dust wouldn't it yeah we like to see it roll a little bit though well we could roll this out without dumping the stuff true we just have to move this let's clear this there's a nice can here too it's still got some writing on it I wanted to see um I wanted to see if we could read it because I see those cans but I I never get to oh my God look at this look at it's a Miner's headlamp oh my God look at that oh man you don't find those very often do you that
is so cool it still looks is it is that the reflector too or is that that's missing the reflector isn't it that is so cool so this is made in USA auto light Universal lamp company this is the cap for the water this is the adjuster for how much water drips in there the more you drip the more acetylene it makes it says on right here in the carbide calcium carbide would be in the bottom part there and then the the uh I think this igniter right it's like a little lighter like a Zippo lighter and the
n these are that's your little jet that is way too cool that's just sitting right here it's barely even dirty I know okay well that was pretty cool I was just moving this stuff to try and roll that that uh car a little bit just gently so it doesn't get a bunch of dust here I don't see any more interesting stuff in there well you never know what you're gonna find around here there this thing will roll just a little bit if we could okay foreign there it goes that hasn't rolled for a while has it n
o first roll in a lot probably I'm gonna see if it still goes just right oh don't don't roll over your rope though you cut your rope and we'll go flying down the shaft yeah okay there's this can here now we've seen these before but I've never seen them with a label on it so Julie's going to carefully pick it up because there is a label on this side there might be one on the other side too oh cool what is that is that like a head frame I know it's it's in like Asian print Tea Garden oh and it's l
ike a oh it's like a trellis yeah what do you call that like a shade that is cool I never knew that was tea Tea Garden brands Pacific Coast syrup yeah so Pacific Coast syrup company San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle and Portland oh wow we've seen those cans before I remember the fluted top because this is made to fit like a um you know it's not threaded it's made to fit like a cork all right yeah stopper that is cool well we're not even 10 feet into the level and it's already been pretty cool it
's a neat little flat car in them and I'm pretty sure that that round thing would have fit a shaft bucket I mean maybe that explains too why there's not a big skip track here maybe they just used a bucket but that seems like a lot of Excavating just for a bucket even this this shaft let's move into the drift a little more see what happens there's another can here there's also some fabric but it's pretty well shot this thing over here there are no mice in this level it's they must not be able to
come down that vertical shaft because I haven't seen any mice or rats I mean I haven't seen any rat poop the vein here there's some colors here the tracks are here there's a swab bucket the stick is still in there there's a little bit of a cave here so there's a fuel Can what's that other little can below you there too nothing nothing well something yes something there's a little bit of a side cut here not much though some rail I wonder where this rail came from why it's here nothing on the fuel
can, a lot of times that's kerosene ouch boy those are sharp rocks I guess I should have my knee pads on a little uh stemming stick or tamping if you like for stuffing your dynamite in the holes now there was a ladder apparently it gets a little moisture in some of these spots huh this is just a very small stull and there's the vein up there can you see the drill holes where they were drilling straight up with their stoper drills beautiful vein in this mine a couple little stulls here oh anothe
r fuel can with a Rope on it is that a plastic cap tin you can't tell until you unless you find the tops the tops will say uh cap company here's another working platform on a couple of stulls this one goes a little higher up doesn't it look I felt some fabric on anything burlap two burlap sacks see look at you don't see any rat poop on any of this stuff and this is another very small stope and the Beautiful vein there's the face of this little drift well that's a small level yeah I guess this be
ing pinched down huh yeah okay let's go back track well look at this flat wall here this hanging wall you can see where it's been scraping together over the eons made the fault gouge well for a small level it gave us some pretty good artifacts and oh there's another drill bit good find or that's a that's a hand, oh that's a little scaling bar, well the way it's curved or not but that's pretty cool a curved pick a chisel you never know what you're going to find in here this debris it looks like i
t just stops right there oh there's a box or something back there wood is that just a chunk of wood it's a dynamite box oh my God this can't be no kidding. Is it all there? It's a full Dynamite box wow look the bottom and everything look it's not even dirty because it's there's no air blowing around in here wow I'll bet you that looks like it has a head had oil in it I'll bet you that was used up in that hoist room that's the end that was up apparently huh because of the Dust okay can you turn i
t there's the side I'm looking for 50 pounds I can't read it this is the end where it explains what this is it says 50 pounds Dupont explosive dupont label in the middle explosive DuPont high velocity what's it I can't 40 strength oh gelatin 40 strength November 15th 1944. 1944. see that that box must have been used up in the see how oily it is yeah that box must have been used up in the um hoist room for parts in that that's pretty awesome that's pretty awesome right okay we're back to this are
a now the question is do we want to go down further we're both kind of dinged up we're already 80 feet down and that's looking further down it's pretty steep there are a couple of footholds but what do you think should I try to go further down oh my God I can hear you guys all seeing yes from behind your phones and computers all right let's try it okay Tom has roped back up and he's gonna go down and check out and see if there's another level below us because inquiring minds want to know well I
hope this is a good idea we're going to do most of 200 feet down you know I think the hardest part is getting out there well I don't want to jump out here no all right here's leap of faith right there watch out okay here he goes yep all right we'll see you later okay be careful if you come down and double check all your stuff okay yeah well look at that I'm at the very end of my rope I didn't even have a foot extra I'm 200 feet down that's looking back up there's not a level down here if there w
as it's cave now it might have gone that way but it doesn't anymore here's a dead fox so there's the dead fox I see bugs falling on it so it's not that terribly old and if this ever was a level well that thing stinks if this ever was a level it's not now I'm guessing it might have been but it's not right now you can't get through that that's definitely a fox but he stinks let's see what's up here I guess they were just following this name man I'm gonna be whooped when I get out of here let's see
what's over here I can't even make it up this hill wow there is nothing here either they took a pretty big chunk down here though all this this is a big hanging wall behind me huh wow what a trip some of the things I do this is the other side that's not where that fox is it's really steep right here you don't realize it we can barely make it up there well I guess I might as well start the truck up good thing we found some things on that first level that was pretty cool wasn't it okay hard to se
e but there's Tom making his way up slowly but surely okay I'm working my way up the shaft I'm standing on a small ledge here this is looking back down a little bit of loose debris coming down but not too bad this is looking up I'm about halfway to Julie from the bottom which was about 120 feet it's about 80 feet up from the top where she is and it's about 120 to the very bottom because this is a 200 foot rope and we're at the very end of it so that's the story hi there I'm tired I know you are
you just about got er to my level anyway then you can have a little rest he's just about got it he tips over okay made it just about well that rope so heavy hanging below me that I can't get up yeah that's tough it is Julie's gonna head on up while I rest up for a minute here don't go swinging out there like Tarzan Jane though and I'll try to keep your balance all right be careful all right all right if you hear something starting to fall duck okay tuck your head down don't let your left little
finger get a blister because it rubs on the Rope there with your half gloves okay Julie the mine Explorer, who's idea was this anyway? you know who it was you know whose it was it's always your idea let's go down that shaft maybe there's something cool down there, well there was this time yeah it's still here too this stuff right here Miner's headlamp a cool can a hammer and three chisels and of course the little flat ore car all right I'm not going to lean over anymore since I'm off rope here a
nd I don't want to go back to the bottom so we'll see you later see ya Tom's making it up the home stretch yeah it's easier without my heavy pack on yeah I pulled up the back I pulled it back up which was heavy It'll Make a Man Out of You or in your case a stronger woman. I think I can rest good no no not quite no you about got it anyway here he is almost we're just noting how rotten it is underneath this yeah this is all around yeah oh I forgot about that little detail yeah I did the same thing
, you made it! well we're packing up our gear from our explorationn of this 200 foot deep shaft with only one level about 80 feet down I was noticing the fuel line here at least what appears to be a fuel line to me and then I got to looking up because I thought if there's a fuel line there must be an exhaust and sure enough that looks like an exhaust of some sort and it looks like some uh light tin with asbestos behind it in fact there's part of a fuel can over there lining this top of this hois
t room so this must have been a an exhaust pipe of some sort I don't know where it goes but and then over here I noticed an antique roll of tape look at that it's not sticky anymore but that's an old roll of tape I forgot to look at the Candlestick pick marks in the uh in the side on the beam here see this is all wax they would stick their pick in there for a little light that kind of tells you the age of the mine if they were still using candles. hello little lizard look at this color of the sa
nd aren't you are you gonna scoot off there he goes well we're loading up the Jeep after another fun Explorer we finished that mine off there is another shaft there but I don't think either one of us have enough energy to go down today after jugging up that 200 footer so that's gonna be a wrap for today. Thanks for watching the video today you guys, we hope you enjoyed it and we will see you on our next adventure. all right sounds good let's get out of here it's Miller time except for not we're
not drinking Miller yeah



AWESOME FINDS! This is what mine exploration is all about. Way to go T&J! PS.. Thanks for the extra effort Tom. I could almost feel your agony. 😊


That miners lamp is by far one of the coolest things I've seen in a while! Very nice find guys 🕯


now that is some cool find you two ....the harder to reach areas always produces the best stuff ...looks like they were using a skip bucket to hoist the muck with ....really loving that Carbide lantern ....that is very rare indeed ....good job ....really nice looking Powder box ... good job making the 200 feet .... you might want to use a chest ascender ( Croll ) ....we smashed that like button and now we expect you guys to rappel more shaft you know what we are gonna say huh


Thanks, Tom and Julie 👍


Thank you, Tom & Julie! Nice find at the 80 ft. mark, that lamp was beautiful. May your journey be long and happy, safe journeys ahead.


That was sooo cool 😎. The artifacts were just fantastic. I really enjoyed this. Thanks a ton for taking us along!


That was exciting. Very cool artifacts . Thanks for sharing.


Julie is a Sweetheart, Tom you guys make a Great Team. I enjoy your videos very much!


You two are so incredibly brave and adventurous ! You are a couple of serious explorers and you are not just providing a vicarious experience for those of us that would never get into these places but you keep doing it; No resting on your laurels for you two--You keep producing these. Amazing ! I haven't checked in in quite a while but I am very pleased to see you both out there enjoying yousrselves. Congratulations on the growth of your channel. Great finds in there. I'd have six ropes on me and not go down there anyway...haha. keep doing what you do Tom & Julie !


`that's one of the top 5 mine you guys found very nice and thanks for sharing


Hello Julie and Tom. Well that's really really cool finding those artifacts at the 80 foot level. I would say that since those artifacts are still there that you're probably the first they have ever been down there of all the years and all the videos I've ever watched about mine exploration this is the first time I've ever seen a Miner's lamp. That was truly an awesome find. And also finding that cart that still had wheels on it. Excellent video that was definitely worth going down at least to the 80 ft.


Danke für das Hochladen sehr interessant


Hi there, ! Tom & Julie, you's two certainly put a lot of hard sweat and work into this mine explore, I would have taken the rare miner's lamp out ,and donated it to a museum, because someone will eventually take it for themselves,and the explosives box as well , better for it's preservation,and more people to see and enjoy. Very kindest regards, STAY SAFE ❗


You two are amazing! Great Video!


Boy you sure got lucky, you had enough rope. That miners lamp was cool. That poor Fox. Thanks for taking us along with you guys. Looking forward to the next video. 458 views in 1 hour. Pretty cool man. That looks pretty hard climbing back up. You guys must be in pretty good shape to do that.


You guys are taking mine exploring to whole other level! 😮


Awesome guys , thanks for sharing , love your vids , watch it every Saturday my time , stay safe , greetings from New Zealand 😁👍👍✌️


Tom & Julie, another incredible adventure as usual! 9:15, Amazing discovery of all the fantastic artifacts with the small Flat Car, the Labeled Can, and the Miner’s Head Lamp as the top-of-the-line finds!! 12:20 & 13:22, extremely beautiful Ore Veins!! 14:33, neat-looking curved Pick or Chisel. 15:45, best preserved Dynamite Box I’ve seen; great find! 28:24, unique find of a Roll of Tape; another first for me! Now Tom & Julie, I am even more amazed at your physical abilities after out about your 530’ shaft climb two days before this excursion; truly epic accomplishment!! Thanks for going back to this Mine again; especially worth it!! Keep Safe & Healthy!!!


The lamp was incredible!!!! The other artifacts were awesome too. Both of you going down and up that shaft...just wow! Massive thank you for the tour. Be safe👍👍