
| Ep. 081 | Some Updates! | Deep Rock Survivor | (2024-02-15)

Some updates about sub goals and upcoming content, then a mountain of mining and dead bugs in Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor!


1 month ago

I'm probably supposed to be saying something fuck Hello hello welcome to stream welcome to stream it's Thursday my God where's the week on quam oh yeah I forgot I put him in there funny you say that because there's actually at least one in every scene now And they've been there for a little bit Like your little bouncy boy you know people don't notice right away captions make my brain so happy neat cool you can put them on your speech I can show you how it's a plug-in and OBS it's really easy to
turn on and then boom you get them and they're pretty fucking good welcome in Peach welcome in Dana I know she's still around Also yes Paul's Peach yes Bing Bong welcome in Titan welcome in yeah the captions are it's something that I tried to do back when I first started up again and The built-in captioning really didn't work well like I mean it I don't know if it was just running locally anyway if you've read YouTube Auto generated captions they're a bit hit or miss right like But the trick wit
h YouTube it seems to get better the more it has to read from an individual like if you look at auto-generated captions on a channel that puts out a lot it gets pretty good like it it's able to really keep up with them AndIt's got I don't know. 200 250 hours of me talking now to analyze so YouTube's Auto captions have gotten really good with my voice and on my channel and so anyway The plug-in doesn't have anything to do with having a YouTube channel you don't need to you don't need to do anythi
ng other than just install the plugin instead of your things but it uses Google's TTS Auto captioning system and it's it's pretty fucking good I got to say I think you can probably trick it like I can probably say period some channels right there on captions do oh yeah and I know how to do that I actually used to do that I did that a little bit to make extra money I would caption videos Through a through a service we're kind of like Fiverr style you know like they would just put up a job and you
would say cool I'm going to A trans transcribe this or caption it or whatever I captioned some NASA shit which is kind of cool But anyway yeah it's definitely it's definitely One of the ones I watch the sleep you uploader types them all out and their color coded to the person talking to yeah you can do all that stuff you can do you can get pretty in-depth you can upload them yourself onto the video like as part of the actual video so they're burned in meaning you they can't be disabled or which
you can think like when when people talk in foreign audio a lot of times like those subtitles are always on the screen those are burned in like you can't turn you can't turn them off But you can absolutely do that obviously I'm not going to go back and listen to a 6-hour VOD and type it up you know that night and then upload it like there's just no way but the plug-in I have does the auto generated stuff and that's good enough to follow along which is the point right it's an accessibility thing
rather than a production thing for me I want to be able to Provide a way for people to understand what I'm saying if they for whatever reason can't understand what I'm saying or are just not able to have the point cranked up which is which is a fair number of people And So anyway I just thought it was I thought it would be nice and one of the other benefits is it does a transcription too it'll actually save a text transcription of my stream and the only thing I think I can modify this with some
shenanigans But right now it does this this microphone it so for example people in Discord doesn't get them games doesn't get them which is good you don't want to try to transcribe the game right like crash bang tree But you do maybe wanted to do Discord so and I can do that but I have I have people on stream relatively infrequently and let's be honest half the time herpes here I forget to unmuter so And not in herpes Harpy is She's here a fair amount but even when she's on stream for that like
5 hours or 6 hours or 4 hours on those days she's probably not talking a whole lot you know maybe 20-30 minutes of that time she sang something so Instructions unclear I banged a tree and now have 2,300 saplings you got to get better seeds my man you got to get better seeds in there you should be I mean those are rookie numbers you got to get those numbers up if you aren't fucking Maple you know what are you doing maple syrup maple syrup bro welcome in Jake welcome man Yeah I'm really happy wit
h the caption performance so far and and it's it's super easy to do and anybody who wants to do it I can show you how to do the plug-in it's very very simple it's totally open source and it's totally free and it's totally above the board and legit and it's just a good way to make your stream a little more accessible to people and I know like in my case I turn captions on for everything because For a lot of reasons but I think I talked about it and she's like no I'm just fucking deaf you're reall
y not and if you're one of the people who likes to run with captions on it's not because you have poor hearing I know I don't Like I think I do sometimes But I can hear a cat start to puke at 100 yards not literally but literally in the middle of the night from across the house I don't even know if I might got that I can pick that shit up when they're trying to be quiet and hide it And if I had poor hearing I wouldn't straight up I wouldn't you know or like I can hear the mailbox Creak outside I
wouldn't be able to hear that if I had bad hearing It's an issue of mixing it's how audio is produced and mixed in modern movies along with better microphone Tech where you don't have boom microphones and instead you have actors wearing hidden lav mics and lapel mics so they can really whisper and they can be really really quiet which fucks with the mixing and it's just a it's just how movies and shows are made now necessitates that or constantly pumping the volume up and down and I don't know
about you all but That's something that I find infuriating I hate having to change the volume I mean I'm just I don't know I'm a couch potato man if I'm on the couch I want to tune in to my shit put the remote down I don't have to hold the fucking remote in my hand and constantly finagle the audio up and down if I do have to do that I'm generally going to find something else to watch so when I find like a stream where the audio is really inconsistent It'll make me tune out so that's like somethi
ng I try really hard I've just come to learn I'm picky about audio which is funny because I have I have audio issues on my Audio issues on my stream what gets me is when the music is way louder than the dollar yeah exactly when the Music Died you know like I can deal with with dynamic range I'm fine with that like you got a big explosion it needs to sound louder you can't have people going like okay it's going to blow up in three two one wow that was really huge amazing oh my God takeover we're
in danger right the explosion has to be louder it has to be dramatic But then when you have the something crashing begging soundtrack completely overriding what the people are saying so that no matter how loud you make it you can't make out what they're saying that's that's just bad mixing that's just shitty shitty art you know You said huge like Trump that's weirdIt's like really huge. I said hey h h at the beginning but it might not have picked me up because I was whispering so much yeah I do
not want to sound like that particularly individual no thank you so that that naturally Segways me though kind of interestingly into one things I wanted to talk about which is audio quality As I mentioned audio quality is something that's very important to me it's right up there with with just video quality and trying to do like at least I don't want to say a polished presentation but you know what I mean like I tried at least have like kind of a coherent overlay and and I want to have good qual
ity video I want to have a good bitrate for you guys I want to have you know what I mean I want to look good even though I you know I look like a dumb pile on stream personally like me the human being ButIt's a very good photo of a dung pile you know what I mean does that make sense. So that's important to me and one of the things that as you all know we get to crackling we get the crackling every now and then in some of the stuff that's captured never the mic but like my music my game Browsers
any of that stuff right it gets crackly sometimes and I've told you guys over and over and I don't mean that like I've had to remind you I just mean I've I've said that because people come and people go so I've been saying it on and off for the months that it's in OBS and Windows issue that the two of them are fighting it out trying to figure out where it is it looks like it's a Windows issue Well it is now officially a Windows issue It has been utterly and fully confirmed by Microsoft to be som
ething that they did they broke it And a fix is coming they are going to do a fix but it's going to be in the next version of Windows that doesn't necessarily mean like Windows 12 it just means the next big update you know the next not like monthly security patches and shit And so when will that beWe don't know I mean they didn't actually let me take that back they didn't say the next update it will be in a future. Version of Windows and those versions of Windows typically come out every 6 month
s so The the workaround is to completely gut the streams audio and redo everything and Just change how I do everything the reason I do with the audio the way I do it is because it lets me play stuff that I maybe don't want stored in the VOD without having to Finagle right like I can set up audio sources and have the map to VOD or not VOD or different audio tracks as I want you know it's a fairly complicated thing on the back speaking of the crunch it's doing right now that's funny I got the new
meta smart glasses then I can audio is awesome that's sweet I have not I have not I have We have the quest one It's a little old and a little sweaty it's gotten old and it's gotten sweaty still works still works fine But so anyway The crunch will be disappearing when the new version of Windows that has the fix in it comes out when that will be only Microsoft knows and they're still pissed off basically that OBS found out that it was their problem that it was Microsoft's problem and So They're th
ey're kind of being in communicado about it they're being they're being a little man children about it basically and you know it'll do what it's going to do but it's coming it's coming So we got PS2 PS and group stitching for pcvr and cameras I've got the index yeah I've got I've got a rift I have the original Rift Cv1 consumer version 1 and then a quest one and then the rift s and I like the roof that's a lot other than the fact that it is bright it's got LCDs and instead of NewerNewer ones are
much better for sure but. I'm very very. Well hello hello thank you Bobby thank you for six beautiful months you Immaculate Immaculate person you Absolutely appreciate that thank you thank you We love you I'm glad you're here I bet it's been a pleasure having you here for this time and I and I hope you continue to continue to Tutu sub and be here and that's going to lead us naturally into the next Segway so thank you Bobby but so audio crackling is going to get fixed is the good news It is conf
irmed it has been identified the sources been identified to fix has been tested it is being implemented it it's going to work no action needed on my part and that kind of I'll back up again I was saying that I can either redo all the audio for the entire stream across all the different scenes we think how I do it all And this this doesn't really affect you guys as much like for you guys it's an obvious Center like yeah we do the fucking audio we don't like the crackling Which I can doBut my stuf
f is set up in a fairly fairly complicated way. That gives me a very A lot of granular control over every basically everything that's audio on this stream music games sound alerts my voice harpies voice each browser they're all different audio sources and they all have their own settings and and filters and compressors on them and all kinds of shit to make the stream sound as good as I can make it without paying for like crazy expensive audio equipment you know I don't want to redo thatRedoing i
t in a basic way is not bad but. I'm going to have to redo it when they fix it to go back to the way I do things cuz I like the way this stuff is set up not to mention programming My Stream deck it's all set up that would be a couple of days at least to do that alone So given that a which is the little tiny stream you know right there's not a whole lot of us watching Just pay me to make sound effects into music they go I mean if you if I don't like to submit your beatboxing submit your beatboxin
g you know if you got the Michael winslope thing going on I'll sing Ambience music and sounds there you go there you go I like it chick all you got the bird you got the bird providing the BackBeat you know all right I'm here in this I'm here in this With Microsoft gets told hey you need to fix this they throw a fit yeah they do they really fucking do they do not like it that we got I got to witness that first hand between Microsoft and IBM and they had a shit fit with IBM Because they broke core
functionality that This this client that we used for IBM's Mainframe software that the bank used and stuff stopped working basically because of some windows changes that were not announced and so IBM was getting shitty with Windows Microsoft and Microsoft's getting back like well then you got to tell people when you're going to change it like this cuz this has been in Windows since like version 3.1 I think 3.1 or 3.11 So anyway The crunching doesn't last long enough I think to get it that's tha
t's my opinion Athena I mean having listened to odds and shit where it's happening it really isn't like you know it's like 60 seconds tops and then it resolves itself I'm on the fortunate people that it doesn't it's not a permanent effect it just starts and stops and it's usually short-lived and it only affects one audio Source at a time As opposed to other folks like it hits an audio Source you have to delete the source and recreate it to make it go away or reboot you know there are people who
have a much worse go of this book SoAn IBM driver used with a medical device they freaked out yeah this was. It was It's hard to even get into how to explain it some of the subsystems in Windows that it had to hook into to pull information it it dealt with Fuck what's it called Windows data sources odbc I can't remember what I think it's odbc it had to deal with that whole layer anyway it was ugly it was ugly it sucked I don't have to deal with it not my problem anymore So anyway so there's that
there's that little bit of news I fix this coming I have been keeping abreast of it I've been looking at the Ws Discord pretty regularly up and looking at the The GitHub page for it and the issues and submitting stuff when I can to try and help them nail it down they have Down they have nailed it down it's definitively Microsoft now Microsoft is nailed it down they fixed it it'll come it'll come it'll come when it comes so hang tight I love you all thank you for bearing with me through that and
continuing to while we get it and I can't help but think it'll be nice when it's gone you know cuz we'll get we'll get good audio and and we won't have any bullshit So that that leads into the next part which was Subs So switch over to here and let's bring this bad boy up because this has happened now Harpy's getting it Harpy's getting it it's on order she's being shipped this is herpes new microphone You guys wanted it you guys paid for it so she got it I promise you I was going to get her a g
ood microphone and we are she's getting the exact same microphone I've got a sure mv7 I think it's a wonderful wonderful mic I'll be honest I think a lot of people that go after the the bigger one the longer one that like will be in love and people use the sm7b I think a lot of people that go after that would probably actually be happier with this one I think a lot of people are getting that one because they're just like oh person I like is using this big one I need that that's got to be the bes
t I don't think it's necessarily better And I think from a usability standpoint the fact that this one does XLR and USB makes it so fucking nice so fucking nice I have the same is there any benefit to the XLR There is I mean there is benefit to XLR absolutely you can run into a dedicated Hardware mixer you can't do that with USB it's all software so with that so are you are going to get more control over the fine Nitty Gritty audio stuff so if you're running something where you've got A panel an
d you need to really finally balance audio potentially on the Fly and you've got like a producer doing that I'll fuck yeah go XLR 100%. if you're just some one asshole sitting here you're not changing stuff very much on the fly so the Plug and Play of USB is really nice also it's easy to move you know or Shuffle around or you know and it's 150 bucks cheaper straight up While providing the same level of audio in my opinion for 99.999% of yours there are people who could probably pick out the diff
erence like if I talk on this one when I was looking I looked at the two cuz you know we hope you and I we could afford the more expensive one I didn't want to get it but you know Cuz this was like up around the upper limit of what I considered a reasonable price to pay for a good microphone for a stream this size right Excuse me So anyway we looked at it and I played a bunch of side by side videos where where people would like do a video and it's okay this is me talking to this Mike and now I'm
talking on this Mike dad that to Mike's side by side they move and then they also usually had files where they're like okay I'm in my sound booth now okay I'm out on in my backyard with this kind of ambient noise going on in here are the two microphones A whole bunch of testing and You really couldn't pick out much difference I've got a pretty picky ear about audio and the differences were so negligible and so hard to find And really pretty Niche there were cases where it mattered like if you h
ave high frequency hissing that the more expensive one does do a better job of getting that out but generally not going to run into that in a in a home environment also High buzzing like like what you might get from like a fluorescent light it did a better job to filtering that out a little bit but so anyway this one does great I spoke with an sm7b user and we had like 40 people saying no difference I would agree it's by and large you know it boils down to like like everything like people who in
vest a lot of money in their audio equipment like for home listening you know is the stuff that costs $2,000 you know it is $1,000 headset Going to be better than $150 or $200 headset probably unless it's one of those like it diamond encrusted cabling form Yeah it's probably going to be better Is it going to be five times better is it going to be like the difference between $10 earbuds from the dollar store and your $200 headphones no it is not your $200 headphones are 98% of the way there you k
now so you have to pay a lot more to get that last couple percent right The nice thing is I can take this Racing as I can take this mic and take it with me and just plug it in yeah exactly that USB portability is nice so Harpy's getting Harpy's getting an mv7 just like me and and the old Yeti will after 8 years of service now 7 years of service excuse me Be retired to a tertiary mic to be used for Whatever I have no fucking clue I lost the screws that go in the side to hold it to its stand I sti
ll have its desk stand but I don't have the screws anymore and I contacted Logitech now owns them And they said basically go fuck yourself if you want screws you can try and go to the hardware store and find some Yeah cuz they carry dumb screws like that now I'm not going to do that drive all over Southern California trying to find $2 screws you know looked online couldn't really find them I don't care I don't care So it's got a mic stand hole on the bottom I got a little tripod I can put it on
that if I need to use it The only thing I can think of that we would use it for Well I don't know I guess we'll get to that I guess we'll get to that I 3D printed an adapter so you know that would be that would be perfectly valid I don't have a 3D printer but if I had one yeah cuz you could probably print something the threads are pretty big on it so you could probably print the right size threads That's actually not not a bad idea I should look into that and see if I can maybe go to like thingi
verse or something and like it's one headphones are hard cuz more money can me better sound but you have to get the things to make the headphones work like a whole deck that's exactly what I'm saying exactly can you chase that final 2%, absolutely but by the time you get all said and done with it you know like you got a couple thousand bucks worth the audio Hardware is the sound 10 times better now now is it better almost certainly almost certainly But it's up to each individual to determine how
far up that that slope they're willing to go before it becomes too steep you know cuz you could spend a hundred thousand dollars and you know somebody who's willing to spend 50 Grand on their audio setup will shit all over your in groups setup and be like wow I don't know how you stand that garbage you know I mean maybe not I'm not saying everybody who spends money on audio as a cunt but you know It just depends how how far up that slope you want to go and it rises rapidly you know so back on t
hem on the mic thing this 200 to 250 price range is where I was happy you know and I got lucky I got mine on sale so I got it for for a bit less but hey welcome and Lovejoy welcome in Marvel case headphones yeah exactly exactly that kind of that kind of that kind of wild stuff I'll never forget fucking Diamond ethernet cables like ethernet cables manufactured with diamond shielding for to and I can't remember what it said it fucking did but they're fucking ethernet cables You know it's like HDMI
cables you know it's like the monster shit it it's digital it either works Losslessly or it does not That's it full stop there's a note now if you're talking analog cables we can talk about shielding and there's some validity to it and crosstalk and things like that But otherwise yeahConnecting to chat why are you failing. Well hopefully I didn't just go down No it doesn't look like it went down to you guys are you talking about the quartz crystal Ethan at cable thing these were actually Diamon
d they were like $10,000 6-ft long ethernet cables for like the ultimate audio file experience is how they were billed complete garbage this is not this is just fire about Fireball lost connection to chat which is funny it says disconnected from chat but I can see chat scrolling I just can't read the last two messages cuz the little error messages over it Yeah you weren't down good good so I'm so Happy's getting her Mike it's coming and that's what she's getting she's getting exactly the same li
ke I have and the only thing basically different between her and I aside from our voices I have a different arm than she does she has a she has a smaller lighter weight easier to move around our mind is getting pretty fucking rickety after 7 years the Springs are getting a little stiff they're getting a little worn Holy shit Diamond audioquest cable stupid yeah audioquest set that sounds familiar that could have been it was it was a whole big thing our second guy did a bunch of shit where they w
ere where they were going through and looking at like a lot of this stuff and just going like this crazy but like back in the day like audio you know Yo you knowYou know gold-plated and stuff does that matter it can it can. It absolutely can it generally doesn't but it can low impedance is definitely it definitely comes into play and gold is a great transmitter and all that so anyway sure mv7 that's harpies Mike yay it's coming What are we going to use the yeti for well I don't know Whatever we
want I guess and that kind of leads into the next thing which is what do we want to do next I have a few different thoughts on what to do for a new sub goal I'm going to do the sub goal the same way it's going to be a just a numerical number of Subs AndIt does not it's not concurrent right so every person who Subs. Will contribute towards the goal and when we get that number of cumulative Subs we're good rather than concurrent like Bobby's goal is a concurrent sub goal is supposed to accumulativ
e sub goal so I like to run cumulative because Are are sublevel is pretty pretty steady overall like the first month was Crazy of being an affiliate and beyond that I've had basically the same exact number of Subs ever since for the most part Almost all the people who subbed in that beginning have been here we've had a few new people come in like Jake you came in a couple months ago And started subbing right at the same time that one other person dropped out so What we sell gold doesn't mean any
thing either it's just there oh I know and it doesn't need to be it's I mean it used to mean shit cuz You know he did actually do stuff for it and updated it and all that but yeah it definitely doesn't doesn't mean a whole lot 2 months 7 Days hey I was right did I say a couple or did I say if you don't know either way I mean I feel I was right cuz I was thinking it was two to three months ago that that you first popped up Jake My memory is that it was back aroundBackground Christmas. So. Anywho
anywho so Harpy's getting herpes getting that bad boy we need a thing to do for a new sub thing yeah Dina you unfollowed for a reason I don't remember what it was I think we were testing something maybe that follow age command but I remember very very much that you unfollowed you were actually one of the older followers because you had followed long before I was streaming again like Peach Harpy will probably blow everybody out of the water with that but she's in a meeting right now Cuz hers I'm
sure goes back to 2017 or 18 maybe 18 So anyway what are we going to do with the with the new thing Now you were testing you were testing it down cuz I remember you you offered and I said well if you want to I mean if you don't care about your follow age go ahead and do it and you did you know you tested which I appreciated but I know you've been there I know I know you've been there since before I actually started streaming again So what I was thinking isOkay key light. I have one another would
be good it will light up this room quite quite handily if I had two of them so I could definitely do that You know like what else do I need Harpy and I were talking about it and she was saying like oh well why don't you get to laugh mice I'm like yeah I know but I don't know chat was pretty pretty unanimous that we should upgrade yours I mean again 200 bucks for Laughs they're not going to be great at 200 but getting good ones going to be like 500 I don't want to make it 250 points sub goal you
know it's going to take forever to hit it right I mean not forever but it's going to take a while like almost a year to hit it assuming about the same level right about that the level we're at which is 25ish per month right SoI was like. And it occurred to me. Why don't we get away from the whole you guys pay me for upgrades thing I'll worry about the upgrades part on the back side and why don't I give you something that's more incentivizing to you So with that I present to you my submission fo
r a sub goal and I want to be very clear this is my submission I want you guys to help pick the sub goal okay these are your subs you guys are giving me you guys are subbing to this stream I say giving me money you're giving the stream and you know what I mean Don't get cheap ones I'll see partner got cheap one since it's me and Mike was dying and they're awful yeah and these aren't cheap ones cheap ones like you know the the very very low I mean these are still pretty good they were a couple hu
ndred bucks and they're a known brand and all that like yeah I generally don't do When it comes to audio When it comes to audio stuff especially I don't go for like the the super cheap stuff generally I'm a big believer in the harbor freight Philosophy for a lot of shit by the cheap cheapest tool If you use it enough to break it get a better one otherwise you've done well That doesn't really hold up anymore because actually no joke Harbor Freight shit is has gotten really good really good like I
bought their tool chest which is a rip off of the Snap-on tool chest for about 1/10 the cost still a few hundred bucks like 500 bucks Fucking thing is beautifully built the welds are perfect and I mean it just the paint absolutely Stellar thick dick good enamel paint I want to see Lance DriveI told you I can't read. I love my freebies from Harbor Freight like yes load me down with magnibles oh hell yeah I'm afraid folks and and you can actually get really good stuff there like they're they're P
redator generators the the quiet inverter ones are $800 versus the Honda 2300 she'll pay for a $35 for 3000 watt Honda generator You just read it out loud out loudly I just I can't read I don't know what it is something about that yeah I'm talking about Harbor Freight I don't know what's going on So my submission to you all for a sub goal and again I want to be clear this is not the sub goal unless you guys want it to be I also want your input I'd like to know what you guys would like to subwo t
o be okay but my submission to the sub goal for a sub goal would be this And if you can't read it it says Harpy baking stream 100 Subs So that would be a landed kitchen Harpies baking harpies Harpy's going to be the woman on camera I would probably be back behind the scenes running the tech running the laptop pointing the camera all that kind of stuff a lot peanut on wubby streams But it would be Harpy doing a full stream baking for you guys she would make some cookies maybe a cake whatever I do
n't know and then we would do whatever welcome in Zach I will hydrate for you He's a menace even if he reads it the info will just slip off the top of his brain rude rude I saw that also Zack Were you trying to make me spit that out you were just a hair late if you wereHow could you. So that's that's my thought was a harpy baking stream for you guys it provides a nice goal It provides you know rather than just being like Oh that's going to buy Tech to play with for himself you know That doesn't
immediately like it you guys anything you know I mean like happy getting a mic is great But you know she does it once it wants once a week usually she's on stream So I would rather like use a sub goal as a way of doing something for you you know even though we are getting Harpy and Mike for you because she doesn't need it for anything except stream you know what I mean disapproving dead people leave So I'm so anyway I don't know what are you guys think please please what are your thoughts is har
py baking stream a good good sub goal would you rather something else if you'd rather something else happy and I will put our Collective heads together It's worth Harpy baking extreme sounds perfect I'll cream I'll love her Okay okay so the mods like it the mods like it how about the rest of you how about the rest of you too cuz you guys get equal voices Mom's voices are important but you knowMods are so loud. The mods are noisy as fuck the mods are noisy as fuck so there we go I want to see a b
aking stream okay I'm at I think you know herpes herpes pretty well known for for doing some baking you know She's particularly with cookies That sounds so wholesome and wonderful I think it could be fun you know just watching her and like the idea is that basically like you know I've got a DSLR so it would just be probably me holding the camera and or it on the tripod it's kind of looking at her and and the stove And you can just watch your putter around if she does shit and then I would hand h
er stuff andAnd all that. I don't know if it would work or not I frankly just don't know I know they're they're not the easiest thing to put together it depends how you do it like like the style of of baking and cooking streams that wubby does that's more of what I'm looking for I'm looking for like pretty much a fixed cam maybe maybe a second one that I can move around Cuz I do have some webcams that I can put on like a stick basically that could work but it's just the two of us we'll be stream
s the way he does those cooking ones take a couple people to pull off you need at least a camera person you need a producer person and then you need whoever's on stream So in this case Harpy will be on stream and I'll be doing everything else myself So I don't know I don't know we'll see we'll see but happy and I will play with it we'll probably do a couple of trial runs like without streaming we'll just like try and you know record a video and see how it looks and what we think and and all that
and if and if it needs to change the numbers won't so we're already 2 points in we're 2% of the way there so just keep subbing every month if if you find the content worthwhile and eventually we'll get that Harpy baking stream At current rates right around her birthday Assuming we don't pick up any like gifted subs or or you know unexpected primes or You know just a new influx of subscribers right between now and then we should hit that point usually in about 4 months so it's going to be a litt
le bit before her birthday like a month before her birthday I'll try to bake with her I could stream my own birthday cake that's true you could yeah and herpes finding out right now that I'm putting her up for this We talked about it before then she said she thinks it would be funSo. If that's a lot but I think it'll be impressive and work out well to be honest I mean I think it'll be okay I think it'll I think it'll work so that's that's everything I had to talk about you guys that's that's the
extent of it so why don't we get into some game time Meaning got bumped to noon motherfuckers boy they just do not want you to have fun do they So let's get into it let me see here I don't need to be in that I was looking at my twitch login stuff I could not log in man I got the I got the I got my little pretzel app going on and I could not get logged into the fucker because it says you're two factors invalid and I'm like the fuck it is bro the fuck it is Is most certainly valid Because it work
s everywhere else but twitch was just being just being uppity so gaming gaming here's what we're going to play here's what we're going to play I'll fuck I clicked off here's what we're going to play We play Deep Rock Galactic last stream and it was pretty good I thought I had a lot of fun I think you guys had fun and so we're going to do that again but there's a wrinkle there's a wrinkle cuz there's always a fucking wrinkle around here And the what noAnd the wrinkle is I have updated the game. T
he wrinkle is that we aren't playing Deep Rock Galactic we're playing the brand new game that just got released yesterday Which is frozen God damn it I shouldn't have clicked out of itDeep rock Galactic Survivor. So if you know the game vampire survivors which is an auto shooter then you understand the mechanics of this game inherently this is Deep Rock galactics lore dwarves guns monsters Etc The Survivor one it's only $10 too yes that's it Athena so this is Deep Rock Galactic Survivor it's it'
s an auto shooter it's like $8 right now on Steam it just hit Early Access it just came out it's in a really good place already for an early access game in my opinion I did a little trial run through I played I played a few rounds just to see how it felt did I think it would make good stream content and then I stopped and I deleted my save and this is a completely fresh save so get for Google later yet take a look see if you guys like it it's got it has a lot to do with deep rock Galactic but ga
meplay wise it is a completely different genre it's not first person it's you know it's isometric it's vampire survivors if you know vampire survivors you know this game but let's get into it let's just get right into it shall we I wanted to play maybe two games today I wanted to do this and the other one I was going to play last epic for you guysBecause I thought. That game is coming out version 1.0 Harpy and I have had Early Access on that one for like a year now we've played it intermittently
it's it's quite fun and I wanted to just give it a little more play time before it goes 1.0 and That also leads me into one other thing I wanted to say if we end in time toIf we end in time to raid I wanted to do something a little different. Today I want to read out But I want to specifically try and go find somebody who's got like one two three viewers you know assuming that we've got a decent audience like I don't like to read I think I mentioned this before arbitrarily I don't like to read
if I have under like 10 viewers And it's not to say that like like right now we have however many right that doesn't mean that that's a bad thing it's just some some arbitrary threshold in my head that's got an established there's no reason for it but that's just how it is I don't know why But I would like to I think back to when I first streamed not even like this 6 months then I mean back in the day when I first did it and there were a few people who I still follow who rated me and I remember
like the first time I got a 10 person or a 15 person raid When I had like three viewers and it lifted me for a week I can't even explain how good it felt and so when you find somebody who's working hard and has a stream that they've obviously put some thought and love into And they're streaming to an empty room or just one or two people like their mod who's probably a friend you know like they can be a hell of a shot in the arm I can really make someone stay and I just I want to make someone fee
l good today you know I want to I just I want to I want to dump some love on somebody you know in a way that doesn't involve opening up the wallet necessarily and we can just go maybe throw some follows and just just give somebody a little a little jolt you know I think it'd be really really fun you have hours and Vamp Survivor and he's played tons of deep rock this is going to be up his alley probably So let's get into the game and We'll keep our eyes open for that we'll you know maybe right ou
t to somebody who's playing deep rocker last epic and and has like a low view count but a nice looking stream and you know it's just fun and you know you find new friends that way so I don't want to it's like playing a DJ set to an empty room yeah this is this is going to piss me off this disconnected from chat last epoch Epoch as in a period of time the whole game is about time shifting and stuff it's it's a Diablo like it's an arpg So Diablo Path of Exile Etc that style of game but it's set ar
ound like fragmented time and it's pretty it's pretty interesting So all right let's see hereLet me get over to the music. Cuz this music's fine but deep rock Galactic is going to require something a little harder we're going to need a little bit of metal up in this bitch we're mine are rock and stone boys So let's let's get some metal going I'm going to turn the metal down just a hair so it doesn't detract too much for my game experience all right here we go so we'll start from the beginning al
l right we'll play Crystal and caverns the only place we can go are the caverns We can only do hazard level 1And we can only play the Scout like this is a naked playthrough. So this is this is the first player experience And we can only do the classic Loadout which gives us a little extra Max Speed Max hit points and a little extra speed and then we have the just the Plain Jane assault rifle Which will shoot at the closest enemy Deals Connecticut damage and just dacas until it reloads the reload
period can be pretty long on these so We'll have to see Controls are easy if you have a controller it's a controller otherwise it's Wast you know what I didn't do you know what I didn't do I didn't get the controller out why don't we do that why don't we try thatYeah there we go. It is definitely better and then you Auto mind rocks when you get near them loot bugs You know like you don't have to attack anything it just Auto shootsBut what you do have to do is figure out where you're going to go
. So let's let's find some shit let's level up fuck we got to find some gold and stuff bro And you can just dig through the tunnels shoot these little dudes get on my way back Yeah those little orbs or your experience fuck fuck come on see how long it took me to reload though you got what you got to be patient you got to be careful and they're building up man they're building up oh I can't get to that we can get this shit we really can't get to this fuck fuck fuck fuck get away from me get away
from me get away ugly Ugly ugly uglyAll right so we leveled up. This is this is absolutely shredding me bird got around to a meeting all right we love you Peach do you see T4 had the audacity to ask for $65 for one single single amount Fuck D4 I wanted to love it like all of us fuck you for man I never even finished the campaign I don't know that I ever will maybe someday they'll make it good like I am interested I love the art I love the voice acting I love the sound design all that From the ga
me perspective that game is a heap of shit I feel very very strongly about that and I'm one of the people I did not hate D3 when it came out my only issue with D3 was that when you got done with the story there was nothing to do except to replay the story and that was boring you know that sucked in D2 and it sucked even worse than D3 But yeah D4 like the microtransactions are so fucking obnoxious and the gameplay design is just pretty clunky it's not great and it's very very player hostile and I
'm just I'm old man I'm not in the hospital player I'm not into Deb's who treat their players in a hostile way or who don't respect the players time at all I'm just not when you make the game intentionally hard to play and you intentionally or you intentionally like obviously it's mechanics or shit which D4 doesn't do that but D4 does make it like just artificially extra hard to get anything good you have to just spend hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and you know just to
try and drive up those subscribe Yeah fuck D4 I wanted to love it and I'm sure I'll finish the story someday but right now I'm I'm I spent the time I wanted to spend in it and I'm not going to spend any more in it So we leveled up we get to pick it upgrade just like vampire survivors I think the choice is obvious here we got three we can pick a Reload speed upgrade for all weapons you also get individual weapon upgrades So here this is to all weapons and this is also to all weapons a 3% critical
chance that's not a 3% that doesn't mean your chance goes from one to three it means at 3% so 1 to 1.33 1/3 of your crit chance Epic luck on the other hand Fuck yeah that doesn't help us right now but because we're early on That's going to help us a lot before the run is over And we are going to die like I played this and I could not beat the first dive Which I don't think you're supposed to be able to right away I think it's supposed to take you a hot minute to get through Okay so now we've go
t extra damage for our assault rifle reload speed on our assault rifle or run faster I like running faster I like that a lot let's get this gold see if we can get it can we get it fuck fuck fuck fuck okay we got it we got it let's go let's go let's go dog oh shit And I walked right into the crab dude things Oh no swarm that sucks bro that sucks after playing Poe I'm hard fuck D4 I'm excited to play poe2 with more homies I'm I'm kind of curious what they'll do with poe2 Poe is is extremely player
hostile to new players both the community and the game itself like there's just so much shit that gets flung at you Harpy and I tried it and and we're not dumb But there's so many systems in the first 10 minutes of playing you don't know what the actual like game is you know cuz there's like five different currencies coming at you and this and that it's just a hot mess and God help you if you ask for help pretty pretty ugly pretty ugly player base in that regard It was definitely not for me I'm
just not the right kind of player for it straight up and you know the community is not the kind of community that's going to welcome player like me so I don't know if that's going to persist the poe too I think it will so I don't I don't foresee Harpy and I playing Poe too cuz I just think it's going to it's going to be the wrong kind of community for us but I'm going to keep an eye on it and if it is a good Community like that thenThen it'll be better. OkayAll right oh shit okay so not good no
t good kind of in a bit of a fuck what are those guys. So this red guys clearly just tougherWhat. Where are you. Oh shit fuck me sideways okay so they they detonate all right that's actually all right all right all right I'll fuck let's get out God mine mine mine for your life dude Jesus Christ to get the fuck out of here Get this shit hello hello welcome to oh what what hit me oh fuck I didn't see that little guy shit oh fuck didn't make it through Okay yeah yeah I'm a great asset fuck I'm not
a great asset Bro get the Sleep bugHell yeah. Oh doo doo dude like what else do I need to do What's that always have to help thing that's Health oh shit new weapon oh hold up hold up hold up let me back up here I cannot that that God damn hold up let me disconnect it's going to welcome you all back in I'm sorry but I got to get out of it I got to get fucking I got to get the twitch chat reconnected cuz that little message is over the last like two messages and so I can't keep up with you guys an
d I have to look over here but my microns in the way Let's see her I didn't think it was too bad but I did have Cube to help me and he's played for years out yeah that's a big difference fall and tell Cuba needs to hold all new homie's hands and Poe he can be our Poe later he knows a good places to learn and builds from too there you go welcome me back in brand new stream well I mean I didn't I didn't kill the stream but But yeah I I really I think I've talked about it before like League you kno
w no matter how good of a game league is the toxicity and just nastiness of that community no no I have no interest and and my experiences when I first played Poe and dared ask for help in the chat or just completely off putting Harpy and I uninstalled right there we won't go back to that one anyway but Poe may be better you know when everybody's dumb together Maybe it's a little better but I just I'm a big proponent of the idea that even if you don't participate in that kind of mentality it sti
ll gets into you you know garbage in you know what I mean like you have a limited amount of filtration in your brain and in your ears and in your eyes so to speak And and I don't like being I don't like saturating myself with that kind of like crap in the chat and I know you can just turn off the chat but it's like well then what the fuck am I playing the game for you know if I'm not going to engage you know So I imagine it hasn't woke me back and it may not actually cuz I didn't yeah I didn't b
ecause I disconnected but I didn't close firebot I have to close firebot for it to have to welcome you back in that said Athena right did you say anything yeah Dana Athena here it's going to welcome you in at the end because I love you so you get a special welcome back and welcome in as Period it's hard to get into without having a base build you can't just rebuild yeah exactly and if so if you don't already know that going in you're going to make mistakes and and that's not also it's just not m
y style it's just not my style like I said player hostile to new players right And that's that's not my jam all right so new weapon new weapon we can get a Boomstick fucking love boomsticks close range shotgun that deals massive damage and knocks back enemies knocks back okay love that Quick firing weapon that shoots in four directions Okay that could be useful grenade that deals moderate damage and slows enemies I mean there's only one thing I can think of here And that's the grenade bro slows
enemies fuck yes Okay that's going to make life easierOh wow yeah that makes. Let's maybe not run in there though let's maybe not do that okay Oh shit why do I think something bad just oh fuck fuck get a dog he's slow All right it's okay it's okayOh what's this. Do I have to clear the area Reload speed reload all weapons more quickly or reload the grenade okay is this what I was talking about you can I can get this thing it's a it's only a green level mod for my grenade but it's 15% reload to ju
st the grenade or I can get 9% to everything which right now is only two weapons but I think you can get more weapon slots oh no I can only get two it looks like it looks like you get more at level 15 and 25 whatever the fuck that means Well I want reload speed for everything I think oh shitOh oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Okay that was easy Apparently okay note to self drop the drop the thingy on the big enemies and just fucking murder them that was beautiful I could not have planned thatNo.
Okay we got to go to the arrow 20 seconds I guess let's kill these guys for a minuteSee if we can. Try and get a little more asked I know like in Vampire survivors boy you want to get all the X you can early on cuz it gets really hard later on so it's critical to level up quickly at the beginning Bro 50 Max hip hop we don't have the moneyRight what do we have money where's our money. This looks like a lot of fun it's so far it is I just started it as it just came out yesterday I did a little I
did a little trial run a couple times yesterday just to play the game and make sure it played well and then deleted my saved so we're starting fresh Okay so these are these are me buying things okay I can buy armor I like I like armor I like not taking damage I like that a lot Or I can get increased pickup range or I can spend money to reroll them or you can buy a heel I like that I mean We have 44 Nitro maybe we should just buy this and move on like that's really good but we can't afford it let
's buy that let's just let's continue on it's only level two It's my first playthrough on this guy so I mean you know if we die badly it's okay let's see if we can get into some trouble that looks valuable Okay we got a bunch of goals get the weapons to level 12 collect 200 gold Get away get a getaway get away and there's some more Nitro gold okay let's try and find gold I mean this is still good though we'll still take this and you get asked by like that I like that a lot I see thank you for th
e thank you for the sub stinky you're fucking stinky how dare you how dare you you little cutie Stinkiest cutie Okay oh shit a swarm fuck fuck fuck boy they do put the time pressure on it let's get this we need some help oh my God oh my God oh my God oh fuck oh fuck go fuck go fuck go fuck oh God so I can't get near to near that come on blow my blow them up blow them up God damn it he's reloading all this sucks I was just at a range Jesus Christ Jesus Christ mine mine mine mine for your little f
ucking life my Dwarven friend oh fuck I thought he was frozen I thought he was frozen No dude I'll do it or doodle doodle dude out fuck for some reason I thought that bug was not going to hit me I don't know why Okay man I see an orenville or NFL welcome in What we got here reload speed for the grenade status effect damage increases all damage over time I don't think the cold one does damage over timeNo asset electrical and fire okay so that's irrelevant. Reload speedOh we like magnets oh yeah o
h fuck yeah bro. Max hit points not invaluable I'm on fire rightWe definitely need more guns more gun power. Okay gold gold we got to find gold where's some goldAs thank you for gifting a sub to orenville. God damn we're going to end up doing that Harpy baking stream real quick at this rate But it is also the time where we're getting to the monthly resubs like all the folks who resubbed up who subbed up originally we're coming up to the point where they can Wear their resubs are going to tickOka
y more damage for the gun or for the grenade. Shit Harpy baking stream oh yeah did you not hear that so we hit that we hit the the sub goal right the hundred sub points we hit that sub goal concurrent not accumulative not concurrent right I didn't have 100 Subs but we had 20 subs for 5 months or whatever and so we And so we had a hundred sub points cumulative and that that meant that we got RPM microphone and so now we needed a new goal and I suggested would you guys like if 400 sub points again
cumulative We do a harpy baking stream so it'll be Harpy baking and all I'll be running the stream I won't really be on it I'll yell at her you know and call her cabbage and shit but that's about it but it'll be happy I'm doing a baking streamLive and loud and proud in our kitchen I just think that would be fun. And and and chat seem to agree as well at the time but it's very much open you know like if other people have other ideas that they would rather see than that I'm totally open I mean fo
r a hundred Subs obviously you're not going to be like go to Disneyland you know or anything crazy right cuz I won't even buy you one fucking ticket but you know like a heartbeat baking sub we can buy the tech and stuff and get that ready Damage from the grenade damage from the gun let's do the gun I feel like the gun is most of our damage right now shit I am up against alleged this is not the place to be cuz I don't have an escaper Okay I'll go through here and we can get out here let's just oh
that sucks hey look I found gold oh wow look at this dude we found all kinds of shit here And this is this is called bait this is called major fucking bait I am stuck in here now Come on oh come on come on come on come onOkay it works okay but it wasn't great. This kind of shooting the nearest thing isn't always a good I mean it's not bad butGet these Loop bugs. Don't I like this so this is I don't know it's it's definitely different than vampire survivors it's it's very similar of course but o
h boy oh boy oh boy God I need something else that like I need my gun to pierce or something you know to like hit all those guys Or or find some big groups of themAlmost fell for it you see the experience and you get blinded right and you're like. I'm going to get all that experience no you're not no you are not you're going to die and you're going to die badly and see if we can get down here Oh shit I got too close to himCome on come on come on trying to hit that guy nice. Okay that worked out
pretty wellThat's what I'm trying to do is get some love fucking a 25%, let's go dude. Harpy baking masterclass she is she she that's our girl manWe'll take that one. More rifle damageTrying to weave around these guys. Okay so we got to beat up the big Elite I think we can do this yeah we're kind of no problem Get this coldGet this house. Not get too stuck up here Trying to get this stuff whatever this is it looks valuable right oh shit come on nope Okay who we popped it at the last possible sec
ond Okay so you can't just type forever they ramp up in strength got you Well oh yeah they're moving faster now I can see that I'm just trying to get some levels dog armor okay armor is good we're taking a lot of hits right now I think armor what do you guys think I think armor Armor reload speed for the gun already reloading pretty quick on it it feels like I don't know what this little icon on the grenade means it means something I'm thinking armor I'm thinking armor I'm going to do armor I kn
ow like I remember in Vampire survivors man you get a character that has armor you could I mean you weren't Invincible but boy it made a difference when you had a couple levels of armor You can take a lot They grew up they got stronger again dude they just got stronger oh fucking a Oh we're going to take a hit here okay that didn't hurt as much I just want that experience okay we're not going we're not going to fall for it we're not going to fall for it All damage all damage10% doesn't sound lik
e much but I do add up. God damnGod damn stronger again we are we're struggling we're struggling. It he's he's coming fuckI should not have backtracked there. Okay we made it we made it let's dive down through these rocks let's just hope we can go fast enough come on go go go go go go little dude mine for your life dude mine for your life We are fucking moving it bro we are moving it so hard I'm just trying to get some Jesus For the love of God for the love of GodReload speed brother yes bitch.
OverclockThis. Overclock your deep okay that's our assault rifle we can change the damage type to cold or electric Cold right I mean I know we already have cold grenades but slowing them down is good we can lump them up I mean surely right by the way what were the freebies you added to the new code if you don't oh the freebies on the new code I see was free planets So it's the exact same landage company code so there's Lance company with without free planets and landed company with free planets
Free planets meaning rent dine and Titan you know no charge to go to them which is what like Skelly and a bunch of other people were asking for so I put that in and I made it so there's two different codes and you can use whichever version you like assuming you want to keep using that code you know obviously if you want to add your own mods to it you know You get the idea It was just a free planets yeah yeah just that just because you know folks in your community were asking for it some folks in
mind have asked for it too like they're different it's mostly the same people right And so I just wanted to throw that out there as you know a base for you and then add whatever other stuff you wanted to to it you know and make and make icy company or whatever I'm or keep using Lance company which is fine which is actually quite an honor actually It helps a lot since my work till 5:00 yeah there you go it's the exact same mod we played it's just free Planet so and I thought when we played on yo
ur stream we played for those of you if you didn't know we played Lethal RP and I with IC and and some icees Chatters a couple times and y'all are more than welcome to play I will I will talk with Harpy we probably will same thing like it'll be after dinner cuz we got to get home and and have dinner and everything but so I'm sure we'd miss the first couple rounds but I'd be willing to bet you should love to hop in cuz she really enjoys it so I will talk to her as soon as I have a chance to But i
t's definitely been a lot of funThe. It said but that mod like we played on icystream and it was really really stable it's it's the same one we play on ours and you know it's been it's been really good I think it's a good mod pack it offers some fun I see fell in the back rooms and it was amazing that's all I'm going to say we have to remember to tell Peach Cuz Peach will Peach will definitely approve of that also Lovejoy I think you'll you'll approve of that Okay so we haven't we have this boss
sign I forgot where we were oh God they're stronger again come on kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him Off of the fuck Shake kill him pleaseOkay he's dead. Oh I'm trying brother I'm trying to look at this fucking Zerg I'm dealing with Wow look at them all oh I should not have done that okay we're going to just ignore that look at all that extra left behind that sucks but you know what's better than experience living Dominic doors make me pee a little yeah the mimic doors are a bit rough
They're a bit rough I think the only time I've jumped and been scared is the door getting last they're rough because there's I mean people talk about like oh you can tell you can't accept if you hit him with the shovel I think there's no visual cue like I've looked man there's no difference hole Okay epic grenade Like you click it and you expect it to be safe but nope I'm eating exactly like it just if you don't know that fire door is safe already there's no good reason to ever go through one O
r hit it with the shovel or a sign or whatever because you can tell if you do that if you hit it it goes like grumbles at you but if you hit it too many times it just eats you so you got to be careful like if the fourth person or so I think that hits it with the sign they're going to get eaten I'mma buy this for sure Reload speed damage I'mma buy that And heal 50% I hate to spend the gold but yeah we need it Okay but then I would need to carry a shovel true And we are already mining gold brother
let's go I'm digging this this is this is good this is really really polished for Early Access and just being released I am quite happy with with the game play on this it feels good the mining feels good what I didn't even see him I'll look at all this gold dude can we get it Come on come on come on come on come on can we get it can we get it can we get it I'm so greedy dude I'm just a greedy little dwarf I'm a hungry little new weapon fucking go dude Oh shit a shotgun or a four-way I mean four
way is good but I don't get into the middle of shit I'm I'm pretty good at hiding it I think I don't know what are you going to say I think I'm doing pretty good at fighting I think the shotgun's better it's going to Target the nearest thing and knock shit back that's going to knock it back grenades are going to tend to hit more The guns going at that The the assault rifle is going to be hitting them and chilling themI feel like the shotguns the play I think the shotguns the only way to go righ
t now. I'm going to take it I'm going to take it okayBe easy to keep track of how many shots I have left you have one. Hey we head up we hit a thing we did we got a hundred gold all right Let's get that X let's get the fuck out oh yeah bitch that shotguns down I ain't scared of nothing I ain't scared of no bugYeah shotgun is doing a great job great job. Okay okay all right okay we can do this we take this Also this weekend Harpy was we were talking about what we would play and she wants to play
some deep rock together We're probably not going to do that the whole time Come on come on come on haha get fucked bugs but we're definitely going to play Deep Rock for a little bit of it and maybe we'll do some lethal we'll just see I don't want to overdo Liesel Yeah you definitely do have to clear these oh shit all right let's try and get these good got them got them come on let's go let's go let's go that sucks that sucks okay get these last couple Okay fill up Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip
Phillip please hurry fuck hurry Yes bitch oh fucking god did you see that chain reaction that was amazing that was amazing I love it I was thinking about playing some deep rock next week to try it out oh yeah I definitely recommend it I see this is this is a different Deep Rock there's there's a couple of deep rock galactics out this is Deep Rock Galactic Survivor so it's like vampire Survivor and then the other deep rock is Deep Rock Galactic which is the classic it's it's you know a few years
old now I think right first person shooter where you mine and everything that's that's what we're going to play is Deep Rock Galactic just the base you know fun good Deep Rock game which we haven't really played and I'm really looking forward to so but yeah if you if you play it I see I would be happy to join you as well if you if you're looking for a squad of of degenerative dwarves I mean this seems like a no brainer increase all projectiles Oh X gain x-gain is good but we're I mean I feel li
ke we're coming to the end of our run our health is getting low they're starting to catch me more regularly Like you can kind of tell right like when you play vampire survivors you know when you're coming to the end of your run like I'm taking damage now I don't feel like that's going to but that might give me the levels more quick I don't know dudeLet's do it. OhI guess we didn't pick up the artifact last time okay. You get a chance to find experience when mining any kind of rock Gain X when yo
u take damage I definitely take damage increases the healing on level up all fucking healing Okay okay oh God oh God oh God stay away from them I'll pick up radius fuck yes bro definitely pick up radiusGive me that delicious experience. This stuffSome other mineral. Oh yeah bitch oh yeah bitch that was delicious we'll just cut him backI'll just cut him back around same way we just went. Go pick up all that experience we missed That sucks 5% to everything more pickup radius I definitely like oh m
y god oh no Okay got a minor problem we're going to go this way now that they've swung South and we're going to try and divert through them That worked that worked all right so yeah you can use the train if you're paying attention to it you can kind of make them cuz they're not going to Tunnel through it looks like let's go for this help this is better this is better Cuz this is unobstructed Okay oh that's much nicer let's just give these guys a little minute let's work them down a little Work t
hem down a little come on come on die die bitch burn bitch Okay I think that's all the experience I can really get out of that easily to get the fuck out of here All right so the elite is upLet's get this health. Oh yeah oh yeah okay he's armored man he's a little tough dude Shit we are going to be mowing at him for a hot minute Okay increases all cryo damage that's everything we do all damage is cry out thank you I will take that well not all I guess the shotgun isn't fuck LOLOh no. Did not mea
n to walk into them. Trent in those guys out now know what let's just get all this delicious experience thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you come on level up level up I want to level up come on and hit them hit them hit them fuck I was really hoping I could whack those those explosive guys cuz come on hit him Very good all right they just pounded the shit out of the elite 20 Max 20 Max HP reload speedPoints. Reload speeds good oh fuck well I needed the hit points oh fuck well there
went all of it and then some I can't get down there to get to it okay they're they're now moving about as quick as I do So I'm going to have to watch out cuz they're going to start catching up to me pretty fucking quick here I'm trying brother I'm trying Shit always right on me it's right on me this is so not good dude Real speed critical damage Is really good and important oh my God I'm taking so many hits I don't I don't think we're going to get out of this oneAll right let's go through. Okay
I stand corrected we got through All easier said than done dude oh shit okay we'll go through here Holy fuck I think we're going to do it I think we're going to make it maybe oh okay oh my God that was close Mama stage four let's go 35% extra damage I like thatOh I like that too. I can get fire rate on two things no 18 and 18 no I can't I'm taking thatI'm definitely healing. I'm definitely healingYeah we'll do that too. No reason not to spend it I don't think I don't think you're going to like k
eep that Okay so on level four now we got to collect 200 gold And get to still looking to get the grenade and the and the rifle to 12All right we'll try and get those done but. Look for gold look for gold look for gold what the fuckDude he's spooging at me why you spooging at me. I know it's twitch but sir you're supposed to spootNever mind. You know what you supposed to whoever you want toI'll take it. I'll take it in the spirit it was honored there's one thing Lance is good at it's taking spoo
ge. Okay fucking hey we got it we got it allTwo levels on the grenade I'll take that. Okay Yes so they can hit you in their Frozen or he unfroze at that exact moment shit shit shit maybe that wasn't right maybe the oh God I should not a second guess that We'll go down this back way hopefully okay that works that worked Jesus this wasn't even a swarm but it feels like a fucking swarm Oh no that feels like a swarm okay we're going to do the same trick we're going to try and just go through here ma
ke a little back route Yep and now we'll just make our Quick Escape we'll try and maybe pop these big uglies come on come on Come on come on that worked out that worked out Papa like that shit a lot Yeah papa really like that shit Let me grab my coffee Mama I'm enjoying this I don't know how you guys are feeling about it but I'm loving the fuck out of this game It's just fun I can play this shit for a hot minute or three Crit definitely crit give me give me give me indeed dudeOkay. There's so ma
nyOh yeah all these things that are hitting the nearest or are not great. Because I can't I'm trying to get back thereAnother one. We just got through this one and I'm going this way again and that's maybe not the right play Come On Come On Come On Pop Pop Pop please Pop pleaseThat sucked. Oh that sucks too. Okay now we got a problem Okay now we get to I guess we get the final weapon that we can get oh that helps though that helps that helps all right all right we got this we got this shit now w
e're in it boys we're in It to Win It Ain't No Bugs up in this bitch can can handle us let's go let's go let's go clear clear fuck Oh my God another swarm this is so not okayI don't see this going well. I feel very good about that first run though I think that went very well other than the whole dying part Shield belt deal 250,000 crypto cryo we already did that okay so we can get a shield belt Secondary objectives unlocked okay new secondariesA new weapon. The m1000 classic it looks like a big
high-powered rifle kind ofOr maybe a big shotgun I don't know. All right gained 24 levels17 minutes. 450,000 okay so the grenade the grenade was the most but I feel like the grenade didn't kill as much like this was killing a lot more But look at that DPS so yeah crowd grenade was definitely a good play Okay okay 1.3 million damageI have no idea if these are good numbers but they look good to me. Upgrades we got it exclamation point what's this mean oh we can buy upgradesMineral Market. Okay you
can buy these minerals or sell them I got you okay so like we have a lot of this green shit whatever that is And we don't have really much of anything else so green shit green shit is used for experience we do have enough to get armor Or lock500 gold looks like we are credits we have 1900 credits. Well X gain is going to be worth it always And we can do this again I'm going to do it again 4% X game I mean that's that's not a ton but that's That's an extra level or two in a run soWho 4% pick up
radius too. I think I want some base armorOkay. Okay that's not much but that every little bit right. So I guess we just have to do the same thingOh yeah okay so we picked up one one. Thing whatever that is we picked up one rank I guess is what I'll call it And we need to get more to move to other layersYeah I don't know what those are called. Complete the dive upgrade the Deep core gk2 to level 12 all right let's try and focus on that and I'm level three with the Scout let's go Kent's classic a
gain okay all right so we're going to focus on leveling up the the assault rifle this time Okay so these yeah these minerals are used for upgrades after the run nowNow that kind of makes sense get these loot bugs. So they're worth killing but they don't really give you anything it looks like I'm going to give you minerals but not experience So maybe they're not worth doing okay all damage or crit I'll take the crit Yeah they don't give you any experience so that's not great And those give you a
good amount but they take a lot to break Okay fire rate or damage fire rate for right now Cuz we'll get damaged through other stuff too I love how matter of fact he is where is itShit all we do have a mini map okay. Weapon or reload see this is going to actually level up the gun this doesn't So since we're prioritizing the gun I'm going to level up the gun Oh boy lots of little foolsLook at all of you ugly ugly ugly. You know what I kind of want to wait I kind of want to wait until it gets oh sh
it I kind of want to wait until I die apparently New weapon we got that we got the new weapon shoots High Caliber piercing bullets Target's the highest hit point enemyOkay so it's always going to shoot the boss and it's going to pierce. Which means it's going to it's going to hit like a row of enemiesBro but that grenade that grenade did a lot of damage. We'll take this we'll take thisOkay okay now we'll just try and pull the same trick. Okay that kind of worked a little bit collecting red sugar
increases your max hit points Get X when you mind or get here I just want to get healed broI'll. Mother fuckerI forgot to take the rare. Upgrade it's just too much better Shit I'll take that one againOkay so this big gun wow that thing is powerful. I mean it's just fucking these little dudes upReload speed or fire rate we'll do reload speed this time. Come on carve them down carve them down little guy you can do it Damage reload speed will just take all kinetic Okay let's let's see if we can go
get into some trouble oh great deal eats up fuck Oh shit it's a flying bug that means he's probably not going to I'm not going to be able to cut him around shit Well the gun is fucking smooth up though I'm not getting stuck up thereReload speed. Download speed X game oh man I like some Mexican we're still early enough that I don't know I think reload speed I think reload speed will do that So if I can put him in a row like that with all the other mobs and he shoots it it should hit all blocking
a I'll tasks complete well except the secondary we didn't do that let's get this gold let's get this gold we got time we got time voice Okay we got our 250 gold achievement And I hate leaving all that Expo over there but There was no way to get to it okay so we got 50 gold to spendWeren't they adding dwarfs to 40K. No shit really I had not heard that I don't really keep up with 40K news like my 40K lore is pretty old but Really 40K dwarves holy fuck dude Color Me Color Me interested I do love m
e some dwarves I'm an ark boy but dwarves are dwarves are only in 40K am I an orc boy otherwise I go dwarf like for almost anything like in wow and shit I play dwarves all the time I love Dwarfs Increases all projectile weapons 20% rate of fire or 15% damage I mean I want I want that extra fire rate for everything I think that's great We have 26 so we can afford one we can get reload speed All we get two levels that's what we're chasing so I was so out of loop so and I went to buy some dwarfs to
paint and found out an original found out original Warhammer hasn't been a thing for years that I knew that I knew that they did pretty well discontinued it or now have fully discontinued it I was sad man when they dropped necromunda Oh okay hold up hold upAll right so we did this before we did the crowd thing and it was very effective I thought. But okay extra damage lower fire rate but are shots become piercing So now we'll have two all of our gunfire will be piercing I feel like we have to t
ake this this seems really good and then we'll just hope for the grenade for for the next weapon right Yeah I want to I want to play with that piercing die bitch burn bitch that was great Okay X game status effect we don't have any statuses let's take the X game Cuz we're still early enough that that could be useful all right get that experience oh that's fucking nice dude Okay we got help there we don't need to mess with it let's get this gold Gold and Nitro let's go let's go mine like your min
d like your little heart depends on it buddy Dude imagine this in multiplayer that would be sick if it was likeYou know couch multiplayer style where you're all on the same screen. You know even if you're not like physically playing in the same location like you're across the country from each other but you all have to stay on the game screen together that would be sick It would probably be a little op to have multiple dwarves I'm sure it's Probably tuned around not playing that way Okay let's t
ry and get through here oh my God we somehow made that I don't know how that worked The tunneling aspect this is it's interesting like I can see there's going to be some tactics to that that I'm sure I'm not doing right yet oh yeah oh yeah I know there's a landing site but I can't pass up all that dude look at all of that delicious delicious I'm coming okay so erase that weapon level gain all experience or raise this weapon level I mean we've only got this one up to level six Take thatFire rate
lock the clock. I mean if my option is taking a common tier reward or getting a good rare one I'm going to take the rare almost every time OkayMove speed X game let's take some move speed. I'm definitely I definitely feel the need for more move speed And I'm on a dwarf he's got his move speed buffed so like if you play the otherPlay the other ones they must be really slow. Cuz this guy's he's pretty slowOkay where's that thing oh it's up here okay. Let's get up there and oh God I'm trying bro I'
m trying bro Take a little shortcut that's a long cutOh shit boy is going to be tough to clear. I don't know if we're going to be able to clear this one this way all right I know what we're going to do I know what we're going to do cuz we're going to do we're going to clear from the other side All the crow grenade let's fucking go yeah I want that I want that I want that I want that I want that oh God oh God I die burn bitch Yes bitch I love using that as a weapon that is so satisfying okay with
this piercing shit and the cryo this is nice This is nice Oh yeah yeah I'm digging on this I'm digging on this a lot thank you Which as much as I've been mining lately oh yeah that's greatAll damage all crit. They have sits out already and have called them the legs of votonI got to look into this thank you aren't fell t i l. Reload speed I guessOkay the praetorians up. We've got the ex cleared out how good it's a big bug boy I can deal with thatI feel I feel like in kite him you know. Yeah he's
already down to half houseThis is feeling like a good run. I say that boy it's still awfully early isn't itCute little house. Sing a little song do a little dance Get Down TonightTry and get some gold. Oh shit I can't believe I pulled that off I really thought he was going to catch me I was like well this is stupid this is good you deserve to get clipped on this one but it worked it worked if it works it's not stupid right Come on come on please hit him thank you Dude everything is for the othe
r guns like I cannot get this gun's level up that's so excuse me reload speed I'll take reload on the grenadeOh shit oh come on stop hitting me dude. Oh my God they're just slaughtering me right thereThat sucks I had so much else. Also he glitched there that was weird 12% critical chance hello hello Welcome to fucking stream of it pick up radius dude so pick up radius is deceptive because You get so much more experience with a bigger pickup radius And if you can get like a 100% pick up radius do
ubling your pickup radius oh my God That is powerful how much gold do we haveI want to be able to heal so we need 59 we have 69 nice. Yeah yeah we'll do that will do that increase the grenadeFuck can I reroll or reroll them. Okay fire rate for the gun and increases its weapon level I will take that I will take that I will take this I'm I'm content with those Collect Booloo cap12 okay fungus all right. I can collect fungusI'm a great asset I'm a great great asset. Wait wrong game. I don't know wh
at that shit was but whatever it was it's useful Gold definitely useful to get this gold Okay I see I see on the top bar now there's there's a swarm indicator and then a supply drop indicator and then it's swarm a swarm and the elite So you get you get swarms just based on either killing bugs or leveling I can't really tell looks like killing ooh fire rate and we'll just take that What's the gun up to eight okay Where is it okay it's over here shit I went the wrong wayOh look at all that though
dude. Yeah it's worth it now it's worth it we got to level out of that that was absolutely worth the detour reload speed fuck we have so much that gun just reloads really quickly now all right we'll take it Level 9 we need three more levels on the assault rifle and then we'll get something Fire rateReload again reload speed for everything I'll just do the fire right I'm going to keep pushing that gun forward. All right let's let's get this going Oh that that didn't do as much When you get X you
take damage you get X when you mine knock back and slow nearby enemies when you take damage 30 second cooldown okay I'll try it I'll try it again we'll take the gun So the gun's 11 we need one more gun levelOh fuck I got I got hung up there that was that was on me. Oh boy that actually worked out that worked out thank you for the whole boysThank you for the whole okay luck pick up radius. Take the pickupI swear to God I thought I said I'm going to go piss. I don't know what he said but. Damn it
I'm taking way too much damage If only we had something that did statusMax hit points fire rate. I mean that epic looks great but we don't have anything that that does status damage All our stuff is I mean we have elemental from the grenades but it's not DOT Okay the four-way or the or the shotgun I want the four way this time we did the shotgun early last time let's see how this guy performs Trying to get these leveled up quickOkay we'll take that. We now get a new overclock Target the enemy wi
th the highest hit points okay so it pierces and it will now Target the highest enemy that's good Maybe but it is killing stuff no I think that's good or get extra reload and damage I want I want us to Target the highest Hit point enemyThat just feels like that's going to be good these guys are hitting me when I feel like I'm really far away from him. Clearly I got to get better about that reload Speed Max hit points Okay all kinetic pick up want a little more pickup we're almost to that 100% pi
ck up radius and I feel like we're really going to be yeah like right now we're picking up from pretty far away it feels like Come on pop pop pop pop okay don't pop oh shit Sorry I'm sorry we'll just go through here we're all good Great assets oh my God the Dodge the Duke and the jivan call this Mana running back If only I knew enough about sports ball to make a sports ball quit here but I don't so I won't Cuz I don't know who a good running back would be to say damn I'm running like insert good
running back here just you guys fill in the blank those of you who know I'll project out everything's projectile so that seems really good or critProjectile. OutTrying to get down here. Trying to get down here and just see what we can get let's get this Nitro real quick if we can fuck I didn't think that guy was going to touch me Boy it is that happened faster than I thought it would That 30 seconds is like aggressively short Oh fucking a 50 Max hit pointsFucking oh I can't afford that that's.
Okay we don't need to raise this gun anymore Mining speed is good damage is fine I want hit points I want hip Points bad Yes sir yes sir we got 10 gold leftWe'll take that. OkayThere's gold right there. Let's try and get it. Okay collect six flowers I can do that Level the m1000 to level 12 reach 300 Max hit points not likely Get a bunch of Nitra okay well there's one flower that's good there's another flowerThat's two. Oh there's Nitro we need that we need thatI mean Dewey though do we though I
should I should not get distracted by the shinies. I should really focus on what I'm doing instead of the shinies he did not focus on what he was doing instead of the shinies come on come on come on come on oh God Come on come on you got this you got this you're strong beautiful bushy bearded independent guy Hey you know bearded man united rightI say that for all we know half these stores are women. OkayTry and cut through them here. That works that works I think we're going to be okay yep we g
ot to swarm spawned up behind us now Jesus That's what we're after that's what we are after right there50% damage let's fucking go. Another flower loot bugs Damn look at all these guys holy shit What do you mean what do you mean we're in oneSwim to take oh Jesus Christ. Okay okay fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck nope not me one me pick up armor armor armor armor help help keep me alive keep me alive Fuck if I can find it wow Oh what do you think I'm doing dude what do you think I'm d
oing armor fire rate all fire rates all projectile damage Okay let's pump the fire ratesCritical fire rate move speed let's take critical. Shit I can't get up to itAll right we'll go around. How did that little bastard hit meReload speed fucking hey that's a good one okay. Can I come on come on come on come on come on Healing on level up and I'll take that we'll take that Plus 9 armor I'm I'm going to but can we get to 300 I don't think so dude I really don't think so I don't know unless we coul
d Extra damage extra fire rateMust say the extra damage. On the big sniper rifle Mining speed I'm feeling the mining speed right now I'm definitely feeling my speed Meanwhile experienced vampire Survivor players probably looking at me going like what the fuck are you doingI don't know what I'm doing. It doesn't feel like we need a ton more reload my guns are firing pretty continuously Shit okay critical damageSir. Oh look at all those explosive bugs that's a problem that's a big problem firing o
n that one or reload speed on everything firing on that one It okayWell I dodged most of it. I mean it was only one little hit so it could have been a lot worse Holy fuck I don't know how we got through all of that I'm not passing up all this accident no fucking way reload speed damage or damage all projectile damage let's go dude I don't know this one could this be it could we do it could we do it could we do it could we do it what the fuck the ground attacks you know I don't like that I don't
like that Before easy steps what do you what do you meanOh my god dude. Okay Epic reload speed for the grenade all right throwing more grenades I like that a lot Kinetic damage I mean what are we doing that's kinetic like a lot right are two guns I swear he says I'm going to go piss he's not but Can I look at my gun now yesOh okay okay. So my regular gun is shooting kinetic my my big gun shooting kinetic my grenades doing cold so we have a lot of kinetic right now So upgrading all Connecticut is
not bad Reload speeds okay so there's our reload times about 3 seconds across the board except for the little guy I want more armor I want more armorAnd I won't regret. I'm down with these okay level five what do we have to do Destroy the cocoons to lure out the DreadnoughtOkay how do we do that. I mean there's a cocoon can I blow it up no Nothing's happening to it maybe that's the Dreadnought I think that's the Dreadnought Okay where's the Cocoon where's the Cocoon hello hello if I were a cuck
oo where would I be I really don't give a shit about mining gold right now theoretically we're at the final level dude we can actually do this guys can we do this it's going to be kind of heartbreaking if I die on the 4th on the fifth level But I mean that is the game right that's that is what you do is like usually the first time you find the boss you die to it So you can learn it's tactics and shit Damn itI was a stupid hit to take I didn't mean to. I didn't even see that guy. I'm not going to
take I'm not going to pick up any flower oh okay we got an ugly Okay so yeah that's he he came out I mean we're fucking him up pretty good he's going down quick Finally a level reload speed fire rate Yeah I feel like fire it's kind of more important right nowThere's a cocoon. Oh shit I did not expect something to come out of it I thought I was just popping it fuck fuck fuck fuck Come on come on come on come on come on pop the other one fuck fuck oh God I got a gun come in come in New new new do
n't spit on me don'tSpit on me don't spit on me I don't like it I don't like it. This might not have been the play this might not have been the play This was totally the play what are you talking about this was great that worked out exact that was Immaculate I'm amazing I'll fuck fuck fuck Okay okay we got through it we got through it let's try and dive through here let's try and go through here let's try and get the supply drop Or should I wait for the supply drop it there's no way I'm going to
drop it on the boss right like surely they plan for that Yeah let's just get the artifact ASAP Sorry next I mean do these stack I wonder they must right Don't they wear my artifacts I don't see artifacts artifact artifact okay Yeah okay it does show that I have two I mean so Reload speed move speed right now but Okay so where's the other oh no Okay so we're popping the big boy we're popping the big boy here he comes here he comes any moment any moment maybe maybe kind of don't want to pop him f
uck me sideways oh fuck me fuck me fuck me Please don't fuck me please don't fuck me I know what I said I know what I said don't fuck God damn it fuck me okay okay we're all right we're all right we took it we took it let's take it let's take one hit of Health give it to me give it to me give it to me thank you shit okay I do not like that I do not like that I do not like that I do not like that Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck come on come on come on no no no no no OkayOh God 78 damage okay don't let th
at happen don't let oh no. We're going to have to run it we're going to have to try come on we're not going to get through itI wrote myself in fuck. It's not even because I wasn't good enough I fucked up and we lost that's the worst oh that's the worst Well we made it we made it though we've got to him oh he's nasty nasty piece of work all right all right all right bitch bitch 2.7 million kinetic damage Yeah that piercing dude that like wow look at the damage output on these two piercings the wa
y to go 100% piercing so you chase piercing with this deep core seems to be the way to go God if you can get piercing on this bad boy fucking a I saw this then bear with me let me just double check you old telephoneIt's my breath anyway Jesus Christ. Okay some stuffSome things okay good. You guys enjoying that are enjoying the game I hope you're enjoying the game I'm enjoying it I'm having a lot of fun playing I don't know if it's I don't know if it makes for a good stream content but I'm having
fun Me just make sure we're in the right thing then yes we are I'm going to continueSee we got some upgrades what do we got. Life for Generation yes please don't even have to think about it automatically taking it need five to go to the next level all right we'll save for that Pick up radius 4%Movement speed. Mining speed. Reload straight damage buff great asset Okay I'm about a couple levels of thoseNow we're going to save that. I think I'm going to save there too Mining or move mining or move
Movement wasn't really the major problem it was mining more often than not we'll do we'll do both we'll do both why not do both okay that feels good All right what can we do weWhat can we do we can do magma core now let's try it. Connect 20 red sugar reach level 25 with the Gunner who I don't even have yet complete the dive I mean I kind of want to beI kind of want to beat the thing though. You know I'll bet you you're supposed to root around thoughLet's let's give this one a whirl. Let's give
this one a world and just see Okay collect sugar collect Nitra reach rank six on the Scout yes sir that's all this Okay so that's bad is what that boils down toOkay. Fire rate will just take that it's so you feel so naked when you start over it's like oh man oh my powers The boy feels good when you've got a fun build going That's why I like these games cuz you never know what you're going to get so you have to be flexible and it challenges your ugly little brain to come up with ways of playing a
ll this common shit dude I'll take critical damage there's another flower we need one more flower to hit a bonus objective So we like that shit shit come on let me throughDude it's too early for me to be dying come on now. No no no that little pushback when you level up is really nice we'll take some armor right up the front I'm just looking around trying to see what we got I mean there's more rock sugar I hate to take it when I don't need it hey there's our ooh wow All right I mean we need the
Rock Sugar I'll take it even though we don't need the health Oh shit new weapon already cryo shotgun or peep youStick the crowd grenade. Okay where it is says it's down here right It's kind of funny too cuz like this kind of game like I can Mouse around and stuff and I can play with one hand on the controller it's great Damn common commonKind of poopy bro. Yeah we can get this gold knocked out real quick No I am fighting for it dude I am fighting for it Shit we are not getting good drop stuff ri
ght nowI want the healing right now. That's why I was going up there Reload speed on the grenades that's good we'll take that Definitely I get why you want to level up your gun now though cuz you get those out ooh ow fuck out Ugly ugly ugly Definitely want to upgrade the gun level so you get the you get the what's it called what they call it overclocks overclocks right Quick chance we'll take the gun railroad dammitWalked right into that idiot. Reload speed quit damage most people take that I'm
going to try and prioritize that to try and get something on this gun that will help us Cold okay there's our piercing thank God okay I think that's going to help us I think that's going to help us a lot now we can now we can start getting after it Nasty with the acid though that sucks Status effect move speed damage will take that Please he's getting up at the mouthy come on nowThere we go there we go. Move speed Damage hit points reload speed take that Cuz if nothing else maybe we can level up
those grenades too and see what what new abilities they getTo get the fuck out of here bro. Who mama All we got some gold we did not get any Nitro oh mining speedIt points. Can I afford both 53Why yes I can. Can't get some flowers yes sir there's one there's twoThree it says. There's anotherWell. One more flower. Let's go let's go Chop chop chopDamn it. Wow those have a lot more reach than I thought they wouldThat was that that's on me but still God damn. Bruh Oh okay so now we get new weapon p
iercer shotgun In 1,000 Fox dude I love this thing We don't really need the Rock Sugar yetYeah fuck those things fuck those things utterly. I hate thatWell that's not good. Who okay Reload speed on the gun on the assault rifle or get three levels straight up on the big boy I mean we level up the big boy we can we can also get an overclock on that whatever that means Okay it's behind us fuck Cuz I was probably not to play to go do that but you know I mean whatever take reload Shit shit shit shit
shit shit can I walk across that nope Oh my God the whole thing is covered this sucks this sucks this sucksOkay. Oh they're chewing me up dude That came at just the right momentLet's take that. Okay We're pretty close to getting an overclock on the big boy I'm very curious to see what my options are cuz I have a fuck I have no clue But I also want to get away and try and find some some red chips and rock sugar Trying to get some health I don't remember where there was some nearHack get lost idio
ts. Booty booty booty booty boo boo boo boo And of course it doesn't give us the option this time okay I'll take that one Oh I know there was some around hereThis is it now that's Nitro. Fuck where is itBye I need the Rock Sugar bro there's some there's some. They are everywhere Al my fungusOh this is not good. Not good not good not good not good not good this is going to be badOkay. Good we got a little bit of Hope now Fuck dudePlease keep shooting him please keep shooting him. Oh fuck I got to
go back Rough dude rough I just got noita I have not seen that I don't I don't want is this I don't know what that is New weapon unlocked can now be found during a dive the voltaic stun sweeper I haven't played enough Deep Rock I don't know what that that weapon is it looks like a boomerangCheck it out it's cool I will have to go look at that Jake. If you if you want throw it through a like a link to it on Steam in the Discord as a reminder cuz I may not remember later Damn that was not as good
of a run let's go back to the first one we can get some upgrades though can I get more Health can I get more health no that's all I want is that right there Reload no don't care I can do pick up no I can increase my crit chance or I can increase crit damageI can do both. Let's go back to level one Man how do you get the other dwarves I wonder if they're any good I mean this guy's good he's fine it's just it's challenging I feel like I'm not maybe I'm not doing well Gaming hot thank you thank yo
u appreciate it I will definitely go take a look at that later Okay we drink nine collect 250 Nitra and something else I saw Okay let's start with the armor that's just more Health we're going to have for the entire run the more armor we get early The the better off we're going to be in that regardOkay we're also going to upgrade that weapon. Okay It's so calm right now you know it's like oh there's like four whole bugs and they're so cute I've got the drop onDamn it all damage to all damage I g
uess. Maybe we can get that Boomerang this time maybe that thing is badass I bet you it is After this okay Oh they're making me work for it this time I hear some bullshitOh shit oh I hear a lot of bullshit. Oh man of course. Okay gold when mining anything experience with minding anything experience when you take damage GoldAll we can get the new weapon. There was a boomerang that returns to you Target's closest enemy deals electrical Let's give it a whirl maybe it's good I mean I'm sure it is in
its own way Maybe it maybe it jives with my play style I mean meaning the way my brain can handle these kind of games I mean I'm sure there are other ways of playing it but I always play these by kiting and I try and group them up into big bundles Give me to pick up give me to pick up this is perfect for my build break that fourth wall brother Damn itI keep walking into dumb shit all right let's see. ManI really want this this gun overclocked as soon as possible. Reload speed on the Boomer yes
Gun gun gun any gun damage or reload let's do damage on the gun That's kind of a shitty level thing but you know if I can get that overclocked I feel like we'll be in a good place Maybe I mean there's no guarantee I'm going to get a good overclock of course shit fuck fucking loot bug how dare you slow me down Sorry we're in better shape than it might seem and we're doing fine Okay let's go get this rock sugar Dude I'm not hitting that shit oh my god dudeYou're killing me Smalls literally. Okay g
un leveled up cold damage or increase damage and reload cold Man I am chewed up dude okay we'll try and get this leveled up now we got three on the boomerang we'll try and get that to six quickly too Come on come on oh God reload reload reload reload reload okay good good good we made it Back to work until 3:00Welcome back peach. We have been. We have been we have been struggling but but doing good work cuz we're great assets Increase weapon level by two Damn itAll the reroll cost goes up okay.
Oh armor. Armor or crit chance armorOkay let's go. Pick up 12 funguses yeah rightHouse house. Will definitely get the health let's go let's go let's go give me give me give meGet in my big fat hairy belly. Pick up this whatever it is These are those are whatever that is it's used for those upgrades after the runs so we'll definitely get that If we canOkay we got our 250 Nitra again. Let's get. Skip this rock sugar. Well if I could figure out where it is okay I see it nowIt's over here. God oh Go
d oh God oh God oh God oh God please quick oh that was so nice that was so very very choice Okay let's get that when we level up what's our Boomerang okay reload speed on the boomerang the boomerang should I guess it doesn't get an overclock does it Fuck I thought it would get an overclockOoh new weapon okay cryo. We don't have a piercing weaponBut we do have our gun slows things. DamnLet's take that. Yeah let's take the crowd grenades just to give a set defensive To hopefully give us a little d
efensive slow down on the enemies Okay okay swarm let's get the fuck out of Dodge Get the absolute fuck out of Dodge that Boomerang does not do a lot of damage though I was really hoping for like as as funkyI was hoping it would do more basically. Is what I'm trying to say and not saying clearly Harpy baking stream at 100 Subs you guys I think that'll be fun If you just if you just came in recently we were talking about that earlier Now we're going to shoot for a harpy baking stream whenever we
hit to 100 cumulative Subs not ConcurrentOh shit. I don't think I'm going to be able to get this. Okay I didI have no idea how I match the sneak that out but it worked. Shit shit I think Peach was here for that yeah I just figured it might be other people who weren't you know We got we got lots of lurkersOkay. Chris weapon level by two sure. I don't think that does anything it just gives you the the levels and then that gets you to an overclock So we're chasing that that level 12 overclock on th
e gun now I guess you don't get overclock some anything but maybe that first weapon Or maybe you just don't always get them We are not doing a lot of damage to him now dude not much at all Delicious absolutely delicious love it 12% across the board reload yes pleaseTwo more levels on the gun and we'll get another overclock I think. I'm trying dude I'm trying I'm not feeling good about this oneI am not feeling good about this one at all. If I can get the thing that makes it shoot at the nearest o
r the highest hit point enemy I feel like we can do better oh man I mean look at that they're getting stronger like every few seconds now He's going to run me to ground dude Yeah this is not going to get gas it's not there's no way there's no way this one's going to endI'm trying but. Yeah cuz I'm just I'm never hitting himWe're not we don't have anything to shooting at him you know. Like right now I am cuz I'm I have to get near himFuck. And now he's too far away againCome on. Come on. Oh my Go
d. OkayWe'll have to see where it comes in. Two weapon levels 15% damage will do damageOkay. Oh man we got to run through them all right we'll try we'll try I'm pretty low on hit points fuck I'm really low on head points or down we're done Maybe not maybe not Maybe not maybe not Yeah just not a good run on that one not a good run Yeah whateverWhat are you guys think one more run do one more try. And then switch to last epic Or switch the last epic either way I'm going to peepo pissed before last
epic but we can either do one more run or we can just switch over if you guys are if you guys are have seen enough of this I'm enjoying the game though I'm enjoying this a lot this is fun I could definitely play this for a hot minute like I could I could just go full autism on this and just You know what I mean just go quietNoita Narnia. Is it a Narnia gameNot the biggest fan of Narnia actually didn't like it when I read it two propaganda eat to me. I'm going to do one more run I'm going to do
one more run down for anything Roger that I'm going to do one moreBetter nitrous scanner okay. No it's not okay goodNarnia was never my jam. And I got that even as a kid saying that same we had to we had to read it and thenTalk about it in class and it was like. Yeah it was it was a bit indoctony I guess is is how it felt I didn't you know I was I was a questioner as a kid so it was not a good thing All right more life regen I'm going to do thatIncrease Max hit points I'm going to do that. That'
s good. All right we're going to get this bitch we're going to get this bitchOkay. Yes sir yes sir Returning time for sandwiches and beers I mean isn't that valid for everybody at all timesCritical chance yes sir. Question everything generally generally I agree with thatIt's good it's good overall advice you know. Obviously you got to be sensible about it you knowDon't question your spouse's Fidelity every morning. You know I love you do you you knowBut. Yeah. Anything anything that's important
should be able to withstand some scrutiny damn three levels It doesn't give us anything but three levels is nice that'll that'll bump us up to that overclock more quickly What's this shit more kite rightSo it looks like. Yeah it is more kind okay. Why why is it taking him so long to mind that dude that took way too long to mine OkayThe drop behind me of course. He's mine and super slow it feels like. 25% fire rate yes sir all right we're about to get our first overclock I think Ah shitHate that
hate that a lot. Nitra gold slower let's do this try and be defensive we're going to try and So far this run isn't feeling good yet but okay now it's about to feel better Damn I want the grenade I want the grenade Come on come on come on come on come on come on mine quick mine quick mine quick good man good man all that's fucking go Lots fucking go that's what we needed that's what we needed right there Okay same thing we're going to still try and get that gun to upgrade Come on brother grenade
right in the middle of them right in the middle of them do it do it Okay can we get the fuck we still can't get it mining speedGive ourselves the ability to. Mine quickly to hopefully survive Okay come on let me upgrade my gun let me upgrade my damn it oh I'm never going to get my movement Damn I should not have done that that was that was a really aggressiveSo was that let's just go ahead and get these. Fucked up we'll get them early Yeah finally okay reload speed and what do we got yes bitch p
iercing troll dude but Fuck Happy don't even I see you I see you don't stare at meNasty nasty little woman you need to prove it. All right so we got piercing shots they're not going to Target the biggest enemy hopefully we can get that later There we go that's what I wanted was that magnetI'll take reload on everybody. Pick up radius abso fucking lately that will help us level up more quickly going forward Okay good good all right good Now let's try and get this bitch down before they get too ug
ly Almost down Good got him Fire rate yes sir yes sir give me a loop bug give me a loop bug give me a loot bug give me loot bug Give me the house give me the house give me the help let's get topped upLet's go let's go. Okay we're pretty much at Full House will take that it's just clear these little idiots out Not without me it's not not without me bitch Yeah we don't have enough for any of that fuckWhile any of these I mean. I guess technically we can get this one reload screenSo my favorite it'
s not sexy but. I'll take it it gets me closer to to the next Dover clock so All right we need six flowers2,000 gold. 50% move speed okay we can shoot for that So many little fuck I didn't even realize that I was going to hit me Yeah we'll get thisOn the flower love it. There's a flower shoot that little idiot in the faceGet this delicious gold. Oh take a hit for no good reason Yes sir It's going to be a minute till we get it get the next stop and walk I was hoping we'd hit it pretty quickly and
this run but are in this this level layer whatever it's called I don't have a whole lot of Hope for it to get hit hereWell this this will be easy though. It's literally like hit two rocks NahOkay get asked get cold get Nitra. It's take Nitro we don't have a lot of thatFuck. Move speed reload speedIt's fast as fuck boy. Oh that cost me so much of my health That was so not to playOkay new weapon new weapon new weapon. Targets near standing me shotgun Fort let's do the four directionsShit. Trying
to group these little idiots up a bit all right what else we got what are we at we're at 9:00Now we're at 10:00. We got to get the next overlock overclockDamn it. Complete failure. Total cabbage modeActual bok choy gamer. I want those hit points bro Trying to get it we're close we're close we're real close to the another level Okay come on give me a give me a weapon one fuck yes Thank God okay what do we got increase damage Target with the highest HP let's go dude So we got that highest HP one n
ow ow just scratched my arm and there was a thing on it and now there's not a thing and it was an ingrown hair and that sucks All rightSo now we target the highest enemy and we have piercing rounds. And that should really benefit this kind of kiting style that I like to do Yeah he's going down pretty quick thank God all right now I can kind of focus on on doing other shit Hell yes Or I can just walk into enemies you know cuz reasonsFucking idiot. Give yourself the grace that you give other peopl
e laments practice what you preach be kind No fuck youI'm into being kind I love being kind just not to myself. I hate myself Oh not good not good not good okay we got out of that very nice thank you Crow grenade that was beautifully timed Okay he's about to go downOh shit this is. Not really a good spotA good spot. That's a lot actually had to leave behind God damn fuckBass ass mother fucker. Or 12% move speed braBra. YepAnd yep. Max hit points YahooI'm pretty happy with all of that. Okay we go
t to get hit points we got to get hit points right fucking now That was for being mean to one of my favorite people I wouldn't mean to harpy Well I'm always mean to Harpy I mean it's be honest she's my property though I'm allowed to be mean to her Let's go let's go yeah yeah I know what you mean you sure you you just you just chill with that you just chill with that You cut that talk out sirI will enforce a time out. I am chattel you are Channel quit shot Do we get another or do we get another t
hing thingy Okay so there's two there's obviously spot there for another Overclock at least one more so clearly we can get another overclock Upgrade your weapon to level 12 to unlock over clocks okay so you have to get it to 12 before you can overclock it at all And then it overclocks every ax okay so we got to work on the grenade in the other okay okay Okay got it I turned into fucking what's his name Joe Pesci and delete the weapon what's that guy's name Leo his name is Leo And I in Lethal Let
hal Weapon almost at least whole company Joe Pesci's character in Lethal Weapon in the movies was named Leo and I turned into him for a minute printer ink isn't like toxic on your skin right no It'll stain the shit out of it but it's non-toxic I wouldn't advise consuming it but yeah it's not going to hurt you like that But it will stand the fuck out of you peroxide will often get it off but you know a little hydrogen peroxide but it also you know like that can't hurt your skin if you leave it on
there so don't do that I think fire rate of all projectiles I mean yeah it's two weapons at least right Let's do that oh like why why I didn't have Damn okay okayOh that's not good that's not good I'm kind of in a bad position right now. Okay it's it's better this is now better if I can pop these idiots it's going to be really good Or not come on I'm trying to get those guys right thereThat sucks. Fine fineY'all be like that idiots. Come on come on. I can't even get to it dude I'm tryingI had.
I must have taken two hits I had more Health than 28 I think I mean I don't know maybe I didn't butOh you unlock the Gunner. OkayCool. And the plus side. I fixed my printer issue cool very good I hating jet printers I hate them passionately Passionately but but sometimes they are just the better option for a lot of times why especially if you're doing color Yeah that was not a very great run was it but we did unlock the Gunner so that part's goodDamn. Probably is time to take a take a rest from
this one cuz I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to Get to the point where I get frustrated in runs rather than havingRather than having fun with them you know. Okay when we got here Maxim no no I want life regen if anything there pick up radius or X Move speed or mining speed And then damage or reload I'll fucking damage damage all the way Oops that was easy and now MoonWon't pick up radius. But on the other hand I got people pissed and then we'll figure out if we're going to switc
h games to last epic or if we're going to stay with deep rock Galactic but I'm a people piss I'll be right back Cogitate upon itAnd let me know. In the chat whether you want more Deep Rock Survivor. Or you want to seeLast epic which is. Going to be releasing version 1.0 shortly imminently like in I think fuck few days probably I think it's coming like either an early March or even in late February it's like real soon so I'll be right back and we'll discuss God did not need to happen wow there's
one of those where you get up and you're likeI'm a piss and you realize. The situation had gotten dire without me knowing wow Hello from home hello hello welcome back Emmy for absolutely no reason whatsoever does your stream and phone cam mirror the image You know that's a good question probably yes I'll put it to you this way This is my left side and I have like this mole okay this is fucking weird you guys have you ever had this happen I've had a big old mole on the side of my nose which you c
an see there right And you guys are probably noticedI've had a big mole there on the side of my house since I was a child it's always been there. The bump is there but the mall is goneLike it's gone it's not there anymore there's no skin discoloration it's just regular skin now. I didn't know they could do that I did not know they could do that that was interesting to me but so this is my right hand So yes on stream and OBS what I'm seeing that's on the left side of me so I'm I'm weird but I'm n
ot married you know what I mean cuz like looking at a person when they hold up their if you're standing in front of somebody and they hold up And they hold up their right hand it's going to be on the left side of you so I'm not mirrored right now you know Have you seen a dermatologist for that no If it was going to kill me I would have died 47 years ago I've literally have it since it's the day I was born I was born with that bump and animal on it when I was born Moles are not supposed to change
color yeah usually they don't It's a little scary at that moles always look the same it does I mean it's still got the mold texture and everything I think it's just a blood flow issue today like I'm just for whatever reason or the light but I thought it was kind of funny it's like wow look at that that's crazy But now they they do especially as you get older like you get new ones and stuff like the one in my eyebrow this is definitely gotten bigger over the years but it's like over 15 years you
know it's not like it's going off it's when they behave quickly and unexpected ways is when you get worried not if they change over a period of a long time like that doesn't really that's normal and then there's a difference between like Yeah the normal like age spotting and shit you get as you get older and you know it gets complicated so anyway no it's nothing I'm concerned about at all Not in the least here's my neat fun fact Ayo I Googled it and you have mole cancer true I mean that is exac
tly what I mean everything's cancer according to the fucking Google right at you you have nose cancer Don't worry I'm going to It sounded new and quick when you were talking about it no no no I'm just saying it's it's funny that it's like the colors faded away from it in appearance but it's still there like it's still you know like it says it's a little fucking hair sticking out of it that I have to pluck every now and then Fucking hurts when I do cuz it's a mole and any of you with moles you al
l have them right but like I may remember when I first saw the one in my eyebrow I freaked out it's like Jesus Christ what is that it's God damn turbo cancer I'm going to die so I went back and I started looking through pictures I was like oh it's been there for years I just never knew it was one day I shaved cuz my eyebrows toughed up you know I get the I get the the fucking demon horn eyebrows right here they turn up right here really bad and so I nick him when they do that and so I had nicked
them and I nicked it a little short and I saw that mole there you know how often do you like pull your eyebrow apart and look at underneath the hair you know like not very often right probably so when I did that and saw that one like five or seven years ago or so I was like holy fuck and I went back and no it'd been there for like five or six years before I ever even saw it and Herpes eyebrow mole was in it was it was it was it was impressive it was impressive it's long gone now you can see it
in old pictures of her but she had a very big moment like I mean it it stuck down And it it started getting angry and bigger so she went to the surgeon he's like tell you what hold on And just gouged it out right then and there And she was like oh cool herpes really good at growing things so on that note Deepak SurvivorLast epic what are you guys feeling. Dot dot smashy smashy. New game same game we've been playing I have a thigh birthmark birthmark that's moved As I Grew it was needed it starte
d on my butt as a newborn okay that's funny I had one as a newborn on my side and it's in the same spot it's always been it's a little like a little shifted just because I'm bulbous and around now But it's in the same basic spot on my body that it always was It's fainter probably like it was darker when I was a little kid And probably by the time I was in my twenties it was mostly invisible and it's still mostly invisible I have one under my ear Valid valid I've got them all over I don't have I
only have the one birthmark I have moles I have a pretty fair number of moles I mean these days I have more you can't really see it but Yeah like I have age spotting like that's just age spotting Liver spots from cirrhosis you knowBut like yeah that one I don't think you can see it or. Yeah those guys have always been there they've been there since I lived in SoCal they're they're sunspots I got them from just you know being a kid in the fucking '80s and not wearing sunscreen cuz you didn't wear
sunscreen back then especially if if your folks didn't buy stuff for Folks didn't buy stuff for you and you had to buy it yourself you know it was like well I can buy myself food Or I can buy myself sunscreen I bought food so or shoes What do you want to do I don't know what I want to do that's that's always my issue I'm good with either I'll continue with this since nobody has a strong opinion and we're already in it you know We could play the GunnerI mean I'm enjoying the Scout I want to cont
inue with the scout. Push him forward I'm Addicted To Hell divingTimberborn. We do need to play more timber-born for sure. Yeah I got it I got to learn more about helldiver I know it's it's running right right now like a lot of people are really really playing it And holy fuck hold up hold up hold up hold up what was all that oh I know what that was Harpy your microphone just shipped Right yeah I was Amazon okay I see it I see it charging like wait a minute I didn't buy anything that cost like 2
00 $300 Yeah I did your microphone shipped RP Is it the full package the full package right now what the microphone I'm Addicted To Hell diving yeah I got to learn more about hell diving I got to figure out like what what that game even is about I kind of have an impression but I'm willing to bet you my impression is wrong Impression meaning like what style of game it is and stuff you know I thought it was like maybeHow divers too is the whole package very name. Yeah I got to look into it at som
e point see cuz a few people have recommended I try it out Whose opinions I trust hell diving just reminds me of how much I loved Hellgate London Boy she had potential didn't she she really did it was fun it had the makings of a great game it just never got there And then they they ran out of money and fucked it and and yeah So it's really proof that like you know Diablo 2 was just lightning in a bottle like you they couldn't recreate the magic even with the same team You know and and they came
so close though they came so close four player co-op Starship Troopers that sounds about right so I thought it was it had like a PVE survival you know open world survival element to it and then like mixed with tarkov is is kind of how I thought it was but Okay so we can just straight up get three levels of 50 hit points yes sir Yeah we'll take that we will absolutely take a phone call to hit points boyWe'll also take this more kite get that bonus objective. For the love of God come on come on co
me on come on come on come on come on oh my god look how long it takes to mine it I feel like they've changed that bro like since we've been liveOkay. Kick me giggle because there's a Starship Troopers game tooSo I saw Starship Troopers back in the day. And all my friends were like oh my God this is the most amazing Amazing movie it's so great andAnd I saw it and I was just like. Yawn through the whole fucking thing And at the end I was trying to explain them like I don't know I just it it was b
oring it it just didn't pull me in it was you know just kind of dumb And like it's satire landed you don't understand obviously I'm like well no shit it's satire Like that's fucking obvious you know but it doesn't have in its satire that says Nazis bad Why do you need satire to tell you that well I mean these days you fucking do don't you but Yeah it's just it didn't I thought it was shitty funny it definitely had funny it definitely had like there was good humor in it for sure hundred percent y
ou know it's not it's not a movie that's like without redeeming qualities I don't think but I guess what I'm getting at is not so much shitting on the movie as shitting on the people I saw it with who were like they thought it was like this big fucking Revelation and they painted it up is just like incredible Brand new insightful social commentary and insightful social commentary was big Corporation bad Nazi bad Blind blind obedience bad haha Okay hello it's the 1990s we all fucking know thatFuc
king know that you know it wasn't. I like the concept more than the movie The The it was just I don't know it just it didn't land because the movie was just it was just too heavy-handed I think with it if it had been just a little more subtle or gone a little farther to like straight up camp cheese cuz it was pretty campy I mean it's pretty fucking campy is my memory but you know at the same time I've only seen it the one time back when it came out so maybe I should watch it again cuz I also cou
ldn't make it through Galaxy Quest the first time without really rolling my eyes pretty hard and the second time I watch Galaxy Quest it landed a little bit better I still have a real problem with it cuz I fucking hate him Allen bad like I've always hated him out on I hate him more these days but I I hated him even when he was at the peak of his popularity I found him deeply fucking on funny because I just don'tI think you just don't like satire. And I would very very strongly disagree I like sa
tire quite a bit But I generally probably prefer satire to me has to be subtle For it to be good you know otherwise it's just obvious you know and it's like well then why are you satirizing if you're just if you're being like blatant with it you know that's not good satire to me you know but But I know I'm very much in the minority with a lot of my opinions about stuff like that it's like humor you know right like when when humor I think we're talking about this before cuz I see it said like she
wanted to do like how you laugh you lose right with us and and I'm totally down to do I think that'd be fun and my only concern was and is You got to find stuff that's funny to watch right And so like like Alex and and we'll be do high you laugh you lose and my problem is like a lot of what they watch to me And this is again no slam on them they're watching compilation vids you know and they're they're 50% funny and they're 50% not literally I'm not I'm making up numbers there but A fair amount
of what's funny in them are people or animals getting hurt or people being annoying to each other or being annoying to animals And I don't findAnnoyance or. Suffering I guess is how I'll turn it funny at all in any way ever like there's just you know I don't think guys getting hit in the dick with a bat is funny or ball or or cat running into a glass door At all I find no humor in that you know and call me a stick in the mudBut. I just I don't jam with that at all and if somebody's just being a
nnoying you know like the Like the video of the of the lady you know rooting around like a pig and then go on ain't nothing but a hound dog and doing all that shit and like on the beach and charging people Not funny at all to me not even a little bit just just fucking annoying straight up just annoying inherently unfunny because it's only redeeming quality is that it's obnoxious and annoying you know To be honest that's how I feel about cringe you drink yeah precisely that's that's bleeding in k
ind of more to what I'm saying here yeah It's just people living true to themselves how is that cringe yeah well in a lot of the cringe stuff it's like they have to put in the little disclaimer like hey we put in some stuff that's wholesome to Shake It Up It's like but you know what if it's like if you got some some you know Homely motherfucker up there lip syncing badly to his audience at three You know I mean I guarantee you if I stood up and just walked out of the room I'd be on fucking cring
ey lose you know like this fat guy streaming to six people or whatever you know I don't care I'm living I'm living I'm doing my thing I ain't hurting nobody SoThat that that's in there too but. That therein lies my rub therein lies my rub with like the Laugh You Lose cring Jewelers I love laughing with it I love you know it can be fun and a little bit of cringe is fun a little bit a little bit boy I get saturated on cringe real quick though Because at the same time like cringe is fine like a lot
of the cringe content you know like going off of what you're saying there When it's somebody doing that like in their homeYou know like in front of the mirror or just recording. Live your best fucking life be as be as cringey as you want to be When they go out into public and they're doing it and disrupting other people to do it and shit then it's like okay now it's not so much cringe it's fucking obnoxious you know I cringe it the things that are cringy cringy skits I don't cringe people livin
g yeah yeah Living yeah yeah I'm down with that I can I can definitely agree with that So there's a fine line in it you know and it's like that's the part that makes me nervous cuz you know I think I think I've said like I'm a stick in the mud you know like I'm I'm a fucking old guy I'm not you know like I try to be I try to be you know reasonably Open-minded about stuff but at the same time I do have what I think is funny I do have what I find enjoyable and things I don't find enjoyable and thi
ngs I don't find funny and things that I think are obnoxious you know there's music I really like and and some of it's really new and there's music I really fucking hate and some of it's new you get the idea like everybody And I don't knowI'm not a fun guy. By and large. And I don't know how good at how you laugh you lose for example I would be because I worry that even if I'm smoking weed I'm just going to end up sitting there HuhThat's okay. You know what I mean and that that would like that w
ould end up in the cringe compilation you know the guy doesn't how you laugh you lose girl next to him absolutely dying dude doesn't laugh you know like you get the idea you get the idea what happened should we take what do we take Auntie I'm 1000I want the m1000 will do that. So yeah so yeah there we go. But you got to get out of your shell so I'm certainly game to give it a whirl And I mean who wouldn't do who wouldn't do either of those things with icy Jesus Christ you want to talk about like
ultimate fun I see Goblin Queen energy will make anything enjoyableIn my opinion maybe I'm biased cuz we're friends but. I don't think I'm biased Okay this is going to be tough this one's going to be tougher Okay maybe it wasn't tough maybe it was really fucking easy actually cuz we just popped all of them like grapes Okay what do we got reload speed to everything or increase let's try and level up all guns that aren't the main gun AndYeah sure. Try and level up all guns that aren't the main gu
n reload speed or damage I'll take damage I guess why not fuck it Now that we got the sugar thing let's go ahead and my knees and get some extra hit points Just take a hit so I can get the health you know Okay fire rate very good damage or reload damage thank you we're going to keep trying to level that that sniper gun up so we can get it to 12:00 I guess what it boils down to like with the cringe you know you lose and stuff like that I try pretty hard to be unjudgmental non-judgmental Cuz It's
just part of how I I try to be you know like I certainly was a judgmental asshole like I think pretty much everybody is for special when they're younger You know like kids especially right like kids are very judgmental it's part of what makes them you know talk the way they do and and this and that and there's no malice to it but Kids are pretty judgmental right they're always judgingI tried really hard not to be judgmental. I don't always succeed of course I'm not that good of a person And and
that's what I hear death I hear death Miss Raven This raven thank you for the raid welcome in hello hello hello welcome and welcome in Raiders welcome Fuck and it's it's 2:00 I would totally Take You Higher I would totally Take You Higher it's right here I would do it I would do it but it's 2:00 guys it's 2:00 I got to I got to I got to keep it level for Harpy but you know you know you know I will how about how about I take you higher on Saturday I will take you hard there you go Bobby's got us
Bobby's got us covered spark up spark up I'll take all sip I'll sip if I want to go driving Well thank you very much for thatThank you very much for that raid Ms Raven it's wonderful to see you here how was your stream what did you guys get up to. I must know I must know also ignored monster welcome in I fucking love your pfp That is a great profile picAlso Amy your new one. I'm here I can get her very good very good very good I love you all I love you all at least you guys taking good care of m
e I'm looking forward to that I do want to hear about your stream Raven I absolutely do want to hear about your stream I got to go I got to go I got to go check your streams out too Park of the Viking hello hello welcome in welcome in Oh do you look at those I fucking love them I love them Ignore one Demetrius ignore one Saphira I'll do those are great those are so cleanly done stream is great I was building a mini magical Emporium That was it as not you Ms Raven that was it as but a what yeah e
xactly I was literally about to say Amy is going to Amy is going to go to that 100%, this sounds interesting kind of game but Yeah do teleport to tell moreI'll continue to play I want to hear more. Okay we got it oh shit we got to go we got to go we got to go come on come and come come on Really don't have time to get the Nitro okay well well maybe we can get a little experience I'll fuck Shit shit shit shit oh God that one got me tooI'm working on it do it I'm working on it. You'll post a pictu
re sweetThank you okay what have we got. We've been we've been goofing off it for those of you new here a couple of you new new folks here I'm big lanterns I'm old I have old sour opinions But I try to be nice and and we play games often old games that I that I'm that I haven't played and and we talk and that's it we try and just chill and try to keep it low-key today we're doing there's a channel called the gaming Hut if it's a game thing gaming that's great if it's something like you actually
built or or anything like that or that you were working on like like a more physical thing that you did or if it's like a game thing you did the trophy Hall is where like the trophy is where you show off things you did you know what I mean like hey I made these muffins or I cross stitched this or Here's my new high score you know but the gaming Hut's about like discussing games and showing off games so whichever we're not really to I am not picky in my Discord it's a quiet little Discord and I I
'll be honest I don't really care too much if if stuff goes in the quote wrong Channel cuz if you're posting on the Discord you're already doing great Oh you and I will be friends I'm also all day in this old manLot of gray in that thing. So happy and I are are the resident Twitch Mom and Dad's to to a fair variety of people at this point we we've collected a few ducklings shall we say 84 gold15% across the board damage upgrade. I like that I like that a lot also I like this a lot because I get
this one more level Throw up to six on that let's go ahead and take the Epic upgrade I want some Mexican too cuz we're still real early on assemble Mom and Dad assemble yep yep yep yep Oh God I forgot about that wubby turkey every time I see the wubby ducky I know it's a little ducky and it's a wing It's not what I see it's not what I seeGrandpa's got a filthy mind Grandpa's got a filthy mind. All right let's continue on here let's continue on Can we talk about this we talk about that you know I
'm always open to offer my poor thoughts natala thank you for the thank you for the follow Also a great name got a lot of people with great names in there too I just got to sayFar better than mine Big Planets. What does it even mean doesn't mean anything it's my last name well my last name's land is butTo get that health. Will you talk about book stuff too occasionally but not so much recently I've been I've been keeping pretty mom on that cuz it hasn't been a whole lot to share but hopefully so
on Park thank you for the follow Thank you very muchThank you very much for the follow. Oh not good not good not good not good oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck okay this is This is really not good we're getting okay yep yep yep we're going to go around like this we're going to go around like this we're going to hit the gold from this side Okay that's good that's good let's go go go get out get out get out get out get outThat worked I can't believe that worked. I like the I like that that's
a good combo there welcome man Damn we can't upgrade either the weapons we care about Let's go ahead and take the regular gun cuz we do still want that to upgrade Come On Come On Pop Pop you big ugly zits damn it I was really hoping we can pop some of those big guys Just thought through right there and see if we can get some of this good Stuff beautifully actually totally as I planned it I am I'm very hard yes 240 max out now we're shooting for the 300 Max Health we're all going to shoot for lev
el 12 on the on the sniper Weapon number three okay we've got weapon number three I'm feeling that one I'm feeling the quad shooter it was doing good work for us before The boomerang felt like kind of a mess maybe it's better if you get different upgradesOkay okay. Where's our thingy where's our supply drop let's get this Nitro and I'm all over the place I'm I'm sorry It is wild to be able to play a game like this with the controller in one hand and I'm using my mouse in the other so I can still
like look at you know click on stuff or look over it stream that's crazy to me Okay we'll take even though it's not as good an upgrade we'll take that one Five more oh shit this is going to be tough God it's at the bottom run This is brutal this one's going to hurt Yeah and we got gold dude Kind of loop around here trying to gather them up a bitCome on come on gather up my ugly shit. Okay pop this guy come on come on pop pop you big bastard Fuck okay good made it through all right I think we ca
n get it from here Now we get mining speed damn it bro And now they're all dead well God damn it Okay what do we get what do we get red sugar artifact will do the artifact Okay let's try and sneak around Dodge the praetorian Move speed that will be helpfulOkay. Damn oh we're just getting hosed on the pics today. Getting majorly host on these All right we need six more Market let's see if we can find it while we're roaming just keep nibbling on this dude It's got to be around here somewhereOr not
. Oh my God where is this stuffI run into this problem in an actual Deep Rock like I've I haven't. So many times I've scoured the level and gone back and forth 30 times and I just can't find the secondary resources Which is I'm sure a player issue not a game issue but Okay that was close okay all right we're good we're good we're great we're great assets we got this we got this come on die die die fuck yes fuck yes never doubted it never doubted it Oh man we'll take that oneOh it's going to be a
little tougher try and get through here. Okay good deal good dealsCan I get back to that house I cannot damn. No but I can lose out for no good reason Wait great asset great greatThat's a great great asset. Yeah we'll probably be. Maybe I got to talk to herpe but there's a fair to Middle chance that we'll play some more on icystream tonight Which I believe she's going to probably go live around 6:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Pacific time and then heartbeat and I will probably join after we done with dinne
r so like 7:00 7:30 Increase all damage I mean I like that I like that I like that a lot I like run speed a lot Increase all kinetic damage that's literally every type of damage we have Reroll let's reroll see what else we can getOkay. All right that'll take us to level six I'll take that. Toward the enemy with the highest absolutelyOh yeah we'll take we'll take some hit points too we need 40 more hit points we'll take some armor. I'm happy with that I'm happy with that All right let's try and g
et some of this gold right now just go go we'll get all this gold that we can Yeah we're going to get 40 more hit points you can get 40 more hit points we get that achievement which I don't know if maybe it's not hard to do but it seems like it's not easy So farOut. Okay. Damage reload speed reload speed Come on man I want to level up my sniper gun bro get this more kite WowGod he's still going. I mean we're going to get all of it from that one vein damn near. 18 yeah I forgot 18 for that one va
nShit. Not in the best position for that. We got thisAnd the best part is that gives me a little bit of extra health. Look at them look at themI mean I got to touch it I got to touch it. Where's the LZ please there it is it's right nearby we got this we got this we got this is almost nothing here This weekend it down I would get the Marquette love that for us love that a lot Okay I'm just knocked out very good just like you want one come on come on come on there's two let's go Let's go there's t
hat there's thatEveryone everyone come on join and join and join in let's dance let's go. Sure we'll take more pillsWhen in doubt Papa pill. Oh man that was way closer than I like it I'm going to go through here Okay let's cut them aroundDamn. I was hoping I could pop a little dude loose there Getting all this we're getting close what are we ate now we're at 9:00 Now we're at 10:00Pretty soon we're going to have that rifle fully upgraded oh shit oh shit shit shit. Okay that worked out we can't d
o that again Ooh new weapon let's go Kyle grenade 100% crowd grenade nowThere is no other option. For meOh that was so satisfying dude that I love that I love that so. That's all I have to say to that yes sir yes sir Okay we're getting there we're actually getting to where this is starting to feel like a really Nice playthrough I think we have potential Especially if I can just get one more level on that no two more levels on that sniperOkay we'll take the hit points. He's totally saying pissOh
my God you're killing me bro you're killing me. There's a lot of expert down here to pick up though so I might be able to get We'll take the grenade damageThat's one problem with having extra weapons though is. You may not get the upgrade you're looking for oh there we go one more to go one more to go Okay No more time to wait no more time to wait let's go let's go let's go damnDamn. I want Next Level Next Level we'll get it next level. Oh bro you're killing me dude you're killing meAll right. W
hen when you're constantly pushing me forward give me time you've got to give me time Okay we don't have enough Nitro to do anything good let's roll I I can't I can't pass that up I'm hoping for anything that that works on the on the sniper I don't think we can reroll again 10% mining speed 10% straight damage increaseI don't feel like damage is really a problem yet. I think it's going to beBut mining speed is always a problem and now we've got 25% mining speed at least. RightMinus 33% mining sp
eed okay so that seems pretty good. While we're about to find out we're about to find out oh shit free gold love that And free Nitro love that too or not cells okay Let's get this more kite real quick hopefully Yeah we should be able to get all this before anything gets too close to us yeah 33% helps right here boy does it Get this thing big green rock What I thought I got out of the way of that get this more kite that'll finish up our more kite sub goal Done yay Okay now we're just fishing for
that level on the sniper gun on the big gun the m1000 Okay we do not want to be up here there's no Escape Route we're in a bad position We're in a very bad position we're in the upper corner of the map quote unquoteLet's get out of here let's go through there we go. Like it doesn't already feel that way man it really do it really do oh shit shit shit shit He's so mouthy How Please give me the step yes bitch sniper all right let's go let's go That unlocks for future runs now will be able to get O
verclock some sniper on the M1 on the m1000Okay okay. Good yeah that's what it's all about it's all about doing the challenges not necessarily oh my God we just did a swarm bro cheese at time ah fuck I wish I had Cheez-ItsCheese it's a real life power-ups. No joke. Oh yeah he goes pretty quick through the rock fuck oh no Okay all right we can do this we can do this we can do this go Jesus Christ bitch JesusI'm trying dude I'm trying we had to go the other way. The other way fuck. Oh not good not
good not good not good not good not good not good Naka Naka naked So not good so not good so good so goodCome on come on come on pop them pop them all. Please pop them all. That was a well-timed DodgeOkay we need health. Okay increase all projectiles will take that And we'll take a little yeah we're going to we're going to start leveling up this gun too Okay that's all we can push there that's all we can doGod there's so much stuff dude. Luck absolutely like luck and sugar yes we'll take the fl
ux belts Yeah we can love that up Oh my God we need two more health and we hit 300 we can do that we can do that we can do that All kinetic mining will take all kineticYeah we're at the point where we do need mining or damage. Oh shit shit okay that could have gone really bad and it didn't and I'm really grateful for that 30% pickup That part did go bad that's okay that's okay that's okay That's all right great assets were really great assets stay away from the tiki claws nobody wants to nobody
wants to get 10% across or 18% across the board reload yes sir My God there's so much my kingdom for a magnet right now I'm looking for any any health on the map I don't think there's any up here Increase your gun level by two yes sir Okay no it won't it will not No sir unlike Papa Lana is this dwarf as quick as fuck boy Well there we go we have speed and Hope's most beautiful Okay we got enough time to read through this real quick Okay I'll projectiles will take this one and pray that we get up
there if we did Okay we got to get two more healthAll right. I'm stressingReload speed on the grenade like that. What are we what are we highest with all right the gun the gun needs a level if we can do it and we can DoneChange the damage type to electrical or. Just straight up make it faster and more powerfulI don't feel like electrical is going to really help us much. Unless it doesLet's try it. Okay so the other two yeah we can we can upgrade them but I mean we'll take that one Well rerollEx
tra mining I like that. We'll do it we'll just take that all rightAll right. Level five here we go. Oh my God he mine's so quick bro Yowza okay let's shred this cocoon get it out there immediately All right there's our achievement for 300 healthOh shit well. Two more cocoons okay. He can almost walk through that rock Okay that's all the cocoons That was my goal was to get the cocoons down so I'm not fighting a bunch of these bugs all at once and I can hopefully maybe just worry about that the ma
in asshole you know OkaySo we can level up the main gun more. Let's let's do push the game down a little bitI don't know that we can get it to 18 but if we can it's it's only going to help us. Okay take a quick tunnel through hereOur health is good I'm not going to hit that Health yet. Okay big boys about to go down hereOkay he's down. I think that's all the cocoons I think we're justOh we got a magnet up above. All right we're going to leave the magnet we're going to we're going to hold on that
for a minute Damn I kind of want to wait on this to try and hit the Dreadnaught with it So that everybody get in you knowOkay now we'll hit it now we'll hit it. Come on come on. Can I explain you take damageSure. Fuck it's way too much goo flying aroundAll right let's let's kind of. Give that a little room Shit shit shit shit Let's take that right now get whatever levels we can whole all right 10 Max hit points Reload speed reload speed okay fuck it Mama mama nope not what we want we want Hells
we want to sell sells Shit shit shit shit shit Okay so he can destroy rocks that's good to know Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck don't charge me okay good we're good we're good we're good Okay we're good we're good we're doing good we're great assets or great fucking assets come on you guys we're going to do this give me give me your love give me shit give me a love give me your support I need all of it I need all of it I want to beat this guy I really want to beat this guy We're great assets we g
ot this we can do this we can do this That was a lighter hit we're okay we're okay what's he down to he said half I'm at 2:30 Happy work getting there Oh shit okay I can pause it I can pause it I can pause it I got to not lose track of what I'm doing not lose track of what I'm doing caters for good luck I got you Tina I got you we got this Okay cat ears are on We got this we got this this motherfuckers going down House house Not good but that's okay they're worse things that could happen right n
ow ShitOkay we're in a bad position we're really badly positioned now. Really badly positioned now. We're not going to get him we're not going to get himHome. I'm going to blame that one onNobody. God damn it oh God damn it that was so close. Still though now we get over clocks I feel like next time we're going to get him we're going to get him next timeThe BLT ration pack what is that do. It was so close bro I could taste it it was so closeFuck. I knew I screwed up as soon as I saw that corner
of the map I knew I fucked up I wrote myself in I shouldn't have I had a good root going I should have stuck to it new class Recon Okay we unlocked a bunch of shit actually so that's good God damn yeah we did 3.2 million damage And our big one was them 1000 man it's like you that That piercing is where it's at piercing is 100% to play The Crow grenade didn't do bad for being level threeAll right well I mean I know what I said but I know what I said. Okay we can't pick up more RegenWe can pick up
more health. And get more pickup I like that I like that a lot. LuckMove speeds good mining speeds good. Reload speed I mean I want I want another 4% damage hell yes hell yes I want that I think I want I think I want to move speed Luck or armor luck or armorI'll take some reload real quick just because we can. All right. We got this bitch we got this bitchAccess to light weapons. When dodging enemy damage extra move speed extra reload speed for 5 seconds plus 25% Dodge Weapons let's not fuck wi
th what we've done let's not fuck with what we've done we've got it we've got a good thing going I feel like we're there I'm going to be like so how much you want to bet like most people play in this beat it on the first run you know and I'm on like my 10th I feel like I don't know I feel like I'm doing good though I mean like we're getting good unlocks every time and making progress I don't know dude all of these are kind of Get all this more cut out okayGot all that don't need to help. Reload
speed same thing we're going to we're going to prioritize the gun and then get whatever weapons we can cause a lot of help in this level Get this thing get that real quickOkay. Don't drop the drink helps if you don't drop the drink Okay all this is not a good spot None of those are really bro Okay there's that one done All right we got a weapon already God damn God damn I don't think I really like the boomerang very much you know Shotgun's pretty good but I mean I don't know this feels like this
one might be pretty good YeahRight you get it happy you know. It's a straight up to weapon levels okay kind of a waste but Man we're not getting good drops so far butOkay that helped. Come on come on reload reload reloadLet's get up there. This nitrous going to hurt usLike I'm so happy to see you any other time Nitro just not right now I'm busy. WowWhat look at this BLT round bro. This bit multiplayer would be fun I agree but I think it would I mean like I was saying before if we had like same
screen multiplayer where you're both have to be on the same screen I think it would be really if you could all be on like different parts of the map together but if you're on this if you had to play on the same screen I think it could be pretty good but I think it would be a nightmare to balance it around that this artifact is insane to life regen and 70 Max hit points That was easy That was extremely easy I think it is multiplayer split screen is it I thought it was single player online I'd hav
e to look I really don't know So this one needs to get it unlocked still so we do want to work it up but at the same time Target's enemy with the highest hit points yes sirThree levels God damn okay. Gorgeous gun for a gorgeous dwarf imagine being a bearded little dude who thinks he's beautiful cuz you are beautiful little Scout man you got a great attitude and you're a great asset Level by one or two I'm going to take that I do want to level up like even if we don't beat the boss I want to I wa
nt to focus on getting unlocks at least a little bit of unlocks done quickly Let's take the game to help us gain those levels more quicklyJump us. Very nice thank you for that heads up so Fallout one and two I have no idea if they're Antarctic I have no idea if they are good games anymore right but I played them back in the day and they were outstanding I suspect they probably don't hold up great in the modern era but if they've got like modern resolution upgrades or anything like that I don't e
ven mean a remaster just so that you can play them in something other than 800 by 600 which is I think the biggest they got back then because Fallout 1 was released in 90 899There Bethesda game still probably don't play well. But you got Fallout 1 and 2 fucked they were so good and so fun and they're very different if you know Fallout 3 for ETC New Vegas they're very very different very very different welcome into Lewis and welcome didn't realize this came out today yeah I just dropped yesterday
it's a lot of fun dude if you like the vampire survivors You know this game then you know how it works it is fucking hard though dude Deep Rock Rogue like it's Deep Rock roguelike / Auto shooter so vampire survivors but in the Deep Rock lore and universe you play the different dwarves you can unlock them get weapons so I have yet to beat the first dive I've made it to the boss a couple times we got the boss within this much and I I just fucked up and died at the end But we've gotten a lot of we
apon unlocks and and I mean it's just like vampires you don't beat it right away right I found a really fun always free roguelike oh do tell do tell we always like that Hollow cure I know that I knowYou know that I know Hollow cure that I've heard that somewhere. Save the fans okay. Yeah that make a note of that then that Or throw it in the Discord or anybody throwing a Discord I'll store that on the list to take a look at we need to do it we'll do a game round up again cuz you know we had the t
he game demo day It's vampire survivors ask but with Halo live YouTubers and more in-depth and vampire survivors nice okay I got you I got you Okay Dina your cat ears have ended so they are coming off my poor squish little brain What should we take so we are working on leveling this gun up let's try and get thatWe don't need more kite. Fuck That's right you can't have this nope nope nope Reload speed across all right I want more unlocks So when you level up your weapons the first time you have t
o level the weapon to level 12 and then you get the ability to like permanently mod It on the Run At different levels andI've done that for my base gun. So I'm also trying to get other weapons up to 12 so that I can get the updates for them I don't know if it was short work ever play Risk of Rain yes I have well I've played two I played one a little bit and I it doesn't it didn't sit with me I think if I had played Risk of Rain one and then risk of rain too I would have been fine but because I f
irst played Risk of Rain One or two going back to one when they remastered it even though it was great and it looked good it just didn't work because I was just trying to play a three-dimensional it just didn't click you knowHey trippy how you doing we're good here. Great thank you chunkus thank you appreciate that and welcome to the Discord Yeah we're doing good we're doing good we're we've been playing some some deep rock Galactic Survivor today and having a and having a pair of a Time frankly
I'm not a great gamer I think we all know that but I have 81 hours in Hollow cure sweet take a look that could be really fun Nice nice glad to hear you doing good man I see mining speed that's good but get some damage increase weapon level we like that I like armor tooIncrease survivability Max it points. Yes yes definitely yes that mining speed was very fucking valuable last time We'll keep our gold for the next one Okay yeah that that mining was really huge last time that like that was the se
cret to almost beating him Because it it meant I could I could get through this stuff and not get slowed down And I didn't have to think of too much about my root what are you going to pick up 12 fungi okay 12 fungi Rasta I see you welcome in welcome in let me let me see what you guys are saying here give me a sec okay I will look Another great reason I love this especially a non multiplayer pause I love going into the mines and dying while almost beating the Dreadnought oh my God I made it soFu
cking stupid and then then died at the end. If I'm if I'm around if you stream I'll give a few pointers but it plays incredibly similar to vampires okay still got to play that risky rain remake together I did put that's the one I was talking about then I played it and and it just it did not Jive for me I just I could not get anywhere I couldn't I just died like real quick every fucking time and I could not get used to the controls roster thank you for the follow Okay the controls were just not w
orking I don't know maybe I need to go back and try it again Because I mean you know I've played two and I love it and and I like the style it's just something about it the two dimensional platformy part it just it it fucked me up and it didn't work for me But maybe it was just something simple like it needed to get tweaked again I love let me see what's going on here Doc welcome inOkay did they balance has one to be less brutal. Has one I don't know it's it's still feels it still feels pretty t
ough right now Right now roster I don't think they've changed it I don't think there was a patch Is it Co-op no it's not Lance gives me exclusively controller player Vibes I actually never play with controllers I am right now but I famously am absolutely terrible if you put a controller in my hands that isn't an original NES or an original Sega Genesis controller those are the only controllers I can use weren't the shit these like modern controllers I really struggle with it's funny it's like oh
it's too many buttons you know bitch I play with the keyboard and mouse with like 11 buttons and do combinations in this and that and macros it's not the buttons that's the problem per se but like it's it's too many buttons I don't know It's just it's a matter of practice I didn't have consoles you know for a long time so I never got that like Like people who grew up with this style of controller it's innate to them it's inherent it is not to me I have to stop and think about how to use it so Y
ou have a 211 buttons as a consistent loud for most games also true it's just it it's really a matter of practice for me more than anything Duluth we got to go back in sometime it was so fun and wholesome then I do want to play that sometime by the way you just tell me when and we will do it I'm not saying I don't want to play it I'm saying I played it solo and it didn't work for me I think it would if I played it with people wisd move shift Sprint see like when I played back in the day you know
when I first learned the keyboard use your arrow keys to move like in Doom and shit Imagine that barbarity so you had to use your arrow keys to move space to shoot and then if you were like big brain you put q and E to be your strafe keys The world changedAnd all of a sudden you could do anything but that was not the default keybind. All right let's get these guys let's get these guys Little early but that's okay we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it for sure just let me know when I'm alway
s done nice And yeah I'll take the shield let's focus on survivability a little more this time While I charge explosive enemiesCome in. Bug I am not going to fall for thatThat's bait damn it I thought I was far enough away I was not. Okay luck we'll take the lock this timeIs that a magnet yes well that'll help. Oh Mama come to Mama I love the m1000 I love it so much it makes me so happyBring it they're just tasty delicious experience treats at this point. Actually they're not they're extremely d
angerous fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I spoke too early we're not that powerful yet What else are we doing we're doing the we're doing the four-way okay the four way gun we're leveling that oh we can get unlocks on the big boy now too Okay we'll get some unlocked so God I wonder what kind of unlocks you can get I've never got unlocked on the big guy I'm not going to get distracted by the goldI'm going to stay alive I'm a great asset I'm a good minor. Shit Just cut through right here get that fu
ngus yep get fuck get fucked Damn it I really thought I was far enough away my spacing has just been off Okay well that's that's that's that's that's going to give us something to shoot at Me take that sure sounds good give me another level please Okay reload speed I really want to be able to get unlocked for that too I don't know how good or not good that weapon is ultimately but it's proven relatively useful so far Okay damn this dude he's a little quickie isn't he Shit shit shit okayGet this
Expo over here that we left behind. And let's get the hell oh let's get that to give give me fuck fuck Oh this is not okay it's okay it's right there it's it's not as bad as I thought it was I thought it was really far up there Just trying to get these purple boys I don't know what those purple ones are if they're just like bonus sex Let me see her let me back up here have you seen it while let me back way up here okay I can play figures are too fast all over the place Mine are mine are still Ni
mble enough thankfully but the chunky have you ever have you seen someone made a working version of Doom in Minecraft I did see that even though it runs it like yeah it was I saw another one that was even weirder to me kind of kind of it was Minecraft in Minecraft they built a working Minecraft a version of Minecraft whatever version I don't remember in Minecraft and it like Bully played and like you know they they made a crafting table and shit I couldn't believe it it was like The build that w
ent into it was insane you know with that and it was like I can't remember what it said it was like you know 12 people $2,000 or whatever I don't remember what the numbers were but it was some huge amount just like holy Christ Love how poop lady pulls up says fuck you everyone in chat then runs away true she do do that are we cursing out I see I mean we always criticize you don't we we love I see I see I see fun she's going to be playing I think she said she's going to be playing some lethal ton
ight again for everybody just joining in Harpy and I will probably probably try and curse me Daddy I see all curse you so hard Fuck I don't know Harry Potter dude Expelling our most I don't know what are the curses I know that the big ones I'm not going to wish the big ones on you but how about how about how about this curse I see all I got it now I see I'm going to curse the fuck out of you May you find great happiness and success and all that you deserve in life because you're an amazing fucki
ng woman and happy love you There's my curse for you I see there's my curse for you Pirate I'm taking fire rightCrits are great but fire rate. I want consistency and my crit chance is low enoughHow dare you Jake. I can't read what I see said then all right no cursing I got it all right All right what do we got we're level three on the gun on the on the big boy so which one do we upgrade We can only do one of them we're going to take this one cuz I want to see what the new overclocks are Nine cri
t chanceI do like that. I do like that I like that a lot I like this a lot dang we can't get it Chris is how much damage you can take before dying okay I like Health a lot tooOr do we reroll. I want the healthAnd 16 gold left we're not going to reroll. I come back to see I see just telling everyone yep yep yep well I gave I see I gave I see a pretty strong violent curse so she's allowed to she's allowed to To vent she's definitely allowed to ventOkay. I need 12 fungiI don't know if we're going t
o get those there's. Pretty much it's been reading it was already redeemedJake just redeemed it. Apparently you can you can back to back redeem thatFor icing. I was being so nice what do you mean You were being nice I was I was nice to you I said I said something very pretty to you and very very wholesome oh my God you guys are redeeming tons of pretty mouth what's going on Is it broken or something wrongYou can there is no Yeet oh shoot. Okay pick up some house okay we got the house good good g
ood good good good oh mama mama He's notHe's not in here at all there are no creatures in here except me. You almost got me sir you almost got me sir I see can't swear for the next 10 minutes that's brutal you don't get to use my no cursing 90 you don't get to use my no cursing on chat members I mean unless extra extra noticing I mean if I see wants to well gosh darn oh man I mean I see I see do you want me to say it to him I'll say it to him I'll say it to him Oh sweeties bless your hearts bles
s your hearts I'm a continue I'm a continue don't unsub please don't unsub To hear my own wife in my ear say that just kills me she was so toasty God she was so toasted I hope you guys are having fun I hope you guys are having fun here's Mr bear the second camera will probably get him he's currently sitting next to me while standing next to me he's punching me he wants he wants something Unfortunately for him I'm kind of occupiedWas that somebody redeem a screenshot screenshot okay good. Screens
hots are not disabled it's broken for this screen I got to fix it thank you for reminding me hey Tina will you send me a dimmer just remind me later fix screenshots on minimal I'll know what that means screenshots on minimal I just got to figure out what's going on with them they should be working on this one but they're not Okay okay I really didn't need a divert for that piece of fungus but I did and I made it Cheese Louise bro bro Okay I'll try and get down here yeah I know I know we're going
to take a hit we're going to take a hit we can do it we can do itAnother one bro. Okay we're kind of in a rough spot nowThings are starting to get a little a little tense. K k I see chunkusRoster. You are just a bunch of. Fine I'll look at the Discord and I'll see the broken screenshot from Doc and then I'll remember The reason I snap my head though when I heard that is because that camera sound also plays when someone does the photo redeem and that only plays for like 10 seconds and since herp
es not here I have to look at it to to see what the photo is and tell you guys about it you know so if I hear that I have to snap my head over but luckily I can pause this game Level four never level five I really want to get this thing to level six so we can see oh my Lord Like that that is okay that's that's old That is harpy and landed in 2002 at the end of our first meeting at the end of the trip where she came to visit me and hung out with me for supposedly only 3 or 4 days and at the end o
f the three or four she couldn't do it so she stayed another week she called up and canceled everything and so that is her being landed in 2002 in my little one bedroom apartment Back in back in the old daysOkay. One of the very earliest digital photos I haveOh that got lucky. That didn't get lucky Okay it was worth it to take those couple hits what are we at level 9 on that okayI'm going to take this. Okay we got away we got away from him thank God Yeah cuz I knew this stuff was up over there o
h yeah oh yeah oh yeah 100% clip size so it can shoot fasterBut doesn't reload as quickly I like that a lot. Or we can change it to fire Fire it already pierces and it already that computer sings Smash Mouth I love how the computer won't screams 2000 oh yeah and the color for sure but yeah the computer that computer was from the monitor was from No that monitor was from 97 I got that 97 and that computer I bought with money that I won in Vegas I want in Vegas in 19 In Fall of 99I was 22 for that
one no yeah yeah cuz it was yeah yeah it was 99. Yeah yeah it was so that computer was just coming up towards the end of its careerHe had a couple more years with us but. We'll take we'll take the fire one let's give this world see what it does Okay oh we got the cryo grenade let's go dude so cryo and fire I'm loving it I think this is going to be a good mix I feelWow that was that was wonderful. Okay that should have okay we got one more I'll just say I'm barely older than 9/11 yeah I was I wa
s a full adult when that happened full adult when that happened I was in college like at the end of my time in college when 9/11 happened So it's a it definitely hits for like Harpy and I hits way different for than for a lot of the a lot of the circle you know who were either children or some not even born yet or we're very young you know we were fully grown so like we fully remember how things were before I think I was still in my fair fairWe'll take pick up radius on this one. Oh shoot I neve
r got the status Juno one I was eight but I grew up on Long Island so yeah yeah a little bit different there you'd really feel it that way full show There we goOkay this this one is feeling good. Level three. I'm not going to say we're going to absolutely beat on this one but it sure feels like we got a shot it's how I'll put it hello yeet Hello Yeet I don't think now you can't say well hello squeak squeak let me see if I can grab him because you guys redeem you didn't get to eat let me let me l
et me grab him If you redeem the second camera you will get the dog by the way There you go here's a moment of you for you Thank you bear thank you broI will put the bunny ears on in a moment. Bruh Bruh. OhBro okay he's digging he wants to stay. What you doing. BroHe is not wanting to get off bro I got to put on the bunny ears bro you got to let me at least get the bunny ears. NoDo I got a TurboTax at oh man okay so here's your. Here's your pro tip don't do TurboTax obviously I think everyone kn
ows that if you can do anything do Free Tax USA That's what Lance and Harpy use we still do our own taxes cuz our tax situation is fairly complicated but it's not like crazy complicated you know but like you know we have some Investments and shit and Herpes compensation is weird and of course we got you know we own the home we're in and all that But yeah Free Tax USA does a great job I was really happy with it oh dude don't fight me don't fight me bro I got to put you down bro He tried to climb
out and almost landed on the dog oh he's so angry he is furious that I just put them down my dad buys TurboTax every year and mails me the CD okay if you can get it that way that's fine that's fine obey does our taxes poor guy I'd buy DVD drive for my computer I had a friend he and I always he would buy it and then like you know his in-laws would help pay for it and he just give me a copy I do TurboTax but it's so expensive yet try free tracks try try free text USA you might be surprised I think
I got out TurboTax I think for Harpy and I would be I don't I don't remember it wasn't like their top top tier but it was more than a few hundred dollars I think or more than a couple hundred to fully get everything we needed it to do And I did free text you yesterday I think it was 15Period everything it was just done. So I've been real happy with free text USA don't take my word for it you know red it's got threads about it Galore if you look at like the personal finance subreddit full of fuc
king people talking about it It's a it's been wonderful and it was easy enough to just move over just like go to TurboTax download your your existing like last year's return you can follow the new one all you need to know is like your adjusted gross income and all that from last year and you can follow the new one no problem if you know TurboTax free text USA works the same way it's web only I want to say it's like 15 for federal and then like Real cheap on States or it was free Federal and mayb
e 15 for States I don't remember I think Harpy and I only paid 15 or 25 bucks last year and literally in Turbo Tax it's like 3400 for us to do it normally and for a CPA to do it was like I think 2000 so Not it was very worth it it was very worth it and it did a good job it actually found a couple deductions that I didn't think to look for and and they were huge but they got us a few hundred extra dollars back and I'm running through tax returns for University and I cannot stand TaxACT I have yea
h I tried that one time and I won't go back those long time ago but yeah In that list is Dave Matthews bands crash into me down in Spanish right I need to do taxes even though I legally made no money this fiscal year us that's the worst Yeah I've got to sit down and do ours it's ours are pretty quick I mean they're complicated but it's the same every year so it's it's complicated but it's not does that make sense Let's see her so that's two levels that's wastedI could points. I want hit points I
like move speed I really want mining speed thoughWell mining speed a lot. I'm going to do laundry well and see if we can spend that NitroThat would have been nice. Beautiful okay that unlocks that will unlock the ability to get unlocks on that gun now So we're done there all right good we've achieved our goal Aliens to be killed in Gold to be mine yes sir yes sir you you had me at Gold BilingusWelcome income box. Welcome and welcome and welcome in. It's turned into a busy little stream for usGl
ad to have you all here hope you guys are having fun. Cute oh double shootsOkay let's start paying attention to the game. Get taxes todayBut. I don't get like I mean I know a lot of people get really upset about them and stuff like especially older people tend to You know it's just like I don't know I'm not like happy to pay him I'm definitely not happy to pay him believe me It doesn't really irk me I mean I balance our taxes so generally we don't get much back or we don't owe much you know like
But the property taxes do work me cuz we you know we bought our home so we pay hell a high property tax because it's we just bought it At the gersley inflated rates of of current home prices This is not good this is really not good I'm trying to Tunnel a hole through these guys and see if I can and just buy some time I think I can do it I think I got it I think I got it oh my God tell me that wasn't a great escape that was amazing That was amazing if I say so myself Don't just love opening Twit
ter to see if something and Piccolo wrapping about how they hate the government I I uninstalled Twitter so long ago and I don't ever go to it anymore ever and as an author I know I should have it I should be on Twitter and I should be on Tick Tock making book talks And I just can't but Twitter especially I just I can't I can't engage with the platform given the leadership change and end of And the views and the the proliferation of of hate speech and shit on it and the encouragement of hate spee
ch on it I just I can't I just can't do it I'm not saying if you're on it you support that not saying that at all I'm just saying I just I see too much of it and I just I get too mad and it's just it's fucking bad for me it's just fucking bad for me I filter doesn't work So so there we are Linking to me and just give me can you add huh and quota if I don't know Just asked me the 3D print a funnel it's only a dollar 25 oh man that's that's a little silly right that's going to cost you a little bi
t more than a buck 25 probably let alone the the time 18 tax dollars being used to line the ticket pockets of politicians and war machines I can't drive yeah it's like here we play so much in property taxes and I can't get the city until like even shave the freaking concrete down to let the street drain so the streets just getting chewed up by water and it's like you know I mean literally Harpy and I alone pay enough in property tax every year to repave half the street and the two years we've li
ved here we I mean not literally probably but to buy the materials you know And we pay we we pay a lot in property tax I mean it's it's it's it's it's obscene so yeah it it becomes frustrating when you see that and you're like here in Long Beach it's like wow the City of Long Beach the the police department is like 53% or some shit of the of the city's budget Then why are people getting stabbed and why is like you know why why are there takeovers happening all the time on this and it's not like
all the time but You know like how come we don't see more presents how come you guys are spending all the money on like you know fancy Vehicles armored vehicles and lots of gear for yourself it's always turned off whenever you have to arrest a person especially if they're if their skin color is one of those bad colors you know like oh those cameras just stopped working coincidentally at that point wow who would have guessed you know what I'm saying I hate that stuff man I hate that shit a lot li
ke we pay a lot for all this crap and and it's being used against us and Papa's Got opinions is what I'll say hit a pothole that's on the road and you are taxed for it and you get taxed on the replacement to damages and the car you already paid taxes for and you have to pay to register it and you probably get ticket cuz it you know yeah yeah yeah Yep if they're going to use my tax bucks to fly a fighter jet I feel like I should have a right to fly it I'm down with that I'm down with that I'll go
up I would go up in a fighter jet in a heartbeat did you know that something like I don't remember the exact number but I read a thing and I believe the statistic Because it said something like 60 or 70% of men asked believe they could land a plane if the pilot were suddenly capacitated like I'm on the 737 and the pilot just had a heart attack I played Microsoft flight simulator this is my time You know and I'm like that's so dumb why would you think that I'm like bitch you literally think that
well that's different no it's not no it's not it's not I could land a Cessna I feel very confident I can land us I do not feel confident I can land anything bigger I understand flight Dynamics very well but I think I got him at it cool on the bright side of the country paved the quarter mile driveway I lived on and no other part of the dirt road for more than a decade It it murdered me man the little town we lived in in Oklahoma these pumpkins man God they were just They were the silliest thing
s they had they had a a basically an underground river it wasn't a river it's a stream So they built a road over it And then closed it and figured cool well of course the stream continued to a road so the road starts to collapse you get bigger potholes huge and it's actually a sinkhole finally it opened up into like a 40 foot sinkhole right under the courthouse it was great But before that there's this huge and these were good heavy duty concrete roads that were built you know like back in the '
50s and 60s very durable very very well built And so they started to crumble and fall apart so they come out with their little bag of of asphalt dump it in there and Tamp it a few times with the shovel call it good it lasts about 20 minutes before the first five cars go over it and spray the asphalt everywhere after that to go that's fault doesn't work guess we'll just put dirt in it that was their solution I shit you not for like the next 12 years put dirt in the hole There's a hole in the road
let's go put some dirt in it which lasted 10 minutes and then axles would break they replaced so many local sheriff VehicleVehicle axles tires. I can't count the number cuz we live literally right across the street from the courthouse I can't count the number of times I watch the deputies bust their shit on that pothole and then the next day guys be out dumping literally dumping a wheelbarrow dirt on the road expecting it to do anything like you guys are the stupidest motherfuckers I think I've
ever seen You can park a car you can fly a Cessna basically not too far off actually there were some nasty floods in my hometown about a decade ago washed out a friend of mine's Road where it connects only way in and out to the state six months to fix it I believe it If you can dodge bullet you can dodgeball fuck brutalRed level 10 let's take a look. OkayText me way too long to catch up with chat sometimes I appreciate you guys waiting for me while I do it. Yeah people are crazy I don't mind pa
ying taxes you know like I said I hate it being used for the wrong shit but I also I live in a society it's like people you know like I don't have kids why the fuck should I have to pay proper why should I have to pay for schools Because those kids that you're educating are going to be your doctors when your old asses and you know a home or whatever or you know it's just it's called part of being a society even though I've never suffered a house fire I am happy to pay taxes to pay for a fire dep
artment it's Insurance you know like some happy to pay for those things I really am and and if Are buying a house means that we pay a high amount of it you know like I don't bitch too much about it it's still hurts but whatever I knew that going in but boy I hate it when it's wasted you know I hate it when it's wasted when you see it just getting thrown away Like nobody gives a shit oh that's infuriating that is infuriating We're coming up pretty close to the end of the run so I do want pickup r
adius I think We don't need the x per se we're kind of in a bad spot though There is too much crap in the way what we need is mining speed we need mining speed bad I do not feel confident about taking on the Dreadnought without better mining But we're going to give it to try we're going to give it a tryOkay. That was a hell of a chain reaction Can't ask when you take damage gold Nitro will take will take X bucket Damn oh damn okay I'm more than happy to help pay for education and Healthcare when
I see money going to someone's paycheck for a job they already paid for it kind of piss me off a year Property tax my parents old house for 16k last year that's that's up in the neighborhood of about where Harpy and I are paying yeah it's we're paying well north of like 1200 a month in property taxes Which you know I mean it just is what it is It's just an expense you have to absorb the Dreadnaught is a bitch if you can't avoid him yes he is he is Take reload speedAll right let's try and get ov
er here to these guys. I really really want to beat the Dreadnaught today Okay that was lucrative we like that we like that a lot mining speed even if it's 5% I don't care I'm going to take it Also some more Health let's get that Okay now we're going to try and burn this burn bitch burn bitch I'm trying to burn this bug down South is going down it's okay it's not great also I didn't get the more day or more kite more kite more kite Oh that's what happens when you're looking at too many things Oo
h 30% fire rate across the board yes sirI will gleefully take that. 25% reload speed on the grenade or we'll take this cuz maybe we can get another upgrade out of that out of that big gun I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that even though it's not super high that will help more Okay all right let's go let's go let's go 30% pickupWe'll take that we'll take that we'll take that I will look at what you guys are saying I just don't want to. Don't want to miss out anything here I don't want to
lose my train you know Trying to get this stuff trying to get this is so much here we may regret that God what if we regret that I think we're going to be okay if we go this way Loop around them okay that works we took a couple little minor hits but that worked I'm happy with that I'm happy with that let me back up here going to pay for those things 24% out of $500 return last year that could have been a grand but then I had to fire through HR Block brother that sucks that sucks Why do recommend
free tax free free tax they're they're legit I can confirm I've used them I'm not affiliated with them or anything but I have used them and I was happy with them so I've heard nothing but good things and having experienced them first hand I like them So worth the shot were to shop for some of y'all anyway Also also though I will say this if you didn't know maybe and some of you may not know this I know tax shit isn't the most exciting the IRS is testing a free tax filing program of thei
r own you know like TurboTax free or whatever so they're doing their own version of that and it's in testing right now and it's limited to government employees I think in California and a few other places But if that test goes well which everything I've read about it says it it is And I think March they're going to roll it to everybody in California and a few other places and I think the few other places were maybe like Illinois Florida New York I can't remember but so if you're in Cali Which I
know a fair number of You Are You may be able to follow directly via the IRS for free and that's kind of nice and that's electronic that's They've been doing that too soon At five jobs over two states and a 1099 our first year here was brutal in that regard cuz we both had income in two different states Well I mean we didn't but and SpaceX being SpaceX they're like yeah we know you're living in in Oklahoma but you still have to pay California taxes on it and no you can't not and we're like yeah
but yeah we can we don't live in California we don't owe you any money and it was a whole fucking thing it was ugly taxes were never supposed to be Complicated by the tax companies Lobby for it yes Junkies you are speaking the truth 100% we have been to it to thank for the fucked up tax code they fought flat tax rates and all these other simple simple ways of doing it and of course the the very rich fought it because the very rich do not want any flat 10% tax rate because they're paying point on
e percent or none as opposed to dumb fucks like us who are paying you know 10 20 30% taxes not counting sales tax and shit that's why they love sales tax because sales tax they don't give a shit about it but by God when you only got 10 bucks to spare a month at the end of the month that that point to 5% sales tax eats your ass you know Sales tax disproportionately affects people the less income you have you know it's the more sales tax hurts you fuck sales tax 100% agree hard agree sales tax is
very much it's an economic repression method of repression it was first conceived and designed to help keep minority communities in check economically and and it's used way too much and and fuck sales tax is what I'm going to say I agree with you Yep yep yep yep I moved halfway through the year my employer fucked me over didn't withhold taxes and new state oh I would have gotten an additional x amount on the refund the whole tax system and fucked by taxi yes I agree cuz I thought the idea that y
ou have to tell the IRS how much you made so you can you can figure out how much they need to give you back they know they already know they know how much you made cuz it's been reported to them by your employer by your 1099 Etc you do have to tell them like you know if you earn income that's not reported cash or or your own business or whatever but let's be honest that's what like 2% of Americans right like two maybe more but not many not many right the vast majority people are working a standa
rd W2 job or some 1099 work or a combination thereof you know so anyway Oof but you you can the good news is like if they fuck some stuff up you might be able to refile and and stuff like that a lot of times you can do you can you can still go back and look at it and I can look at it and let's let's figure this out and let's let's let's crush this let's crush this Dreadnought let's crush this Dreadnought okay this will take us to all right let's do that piercing yes Should we take reload speed a
cross the boardMaybe yes. We can get reload speed on the big boy and that's it we'll do it we'll do it all right let's go let's go Dreadnought time I don't feel nearly as confident about this one as I did the other one Not by a mile we don't have the mining speed we got to get more mining speed But we'll give it the world we got to find the damn cocoons too I think we can get thereI mean if I can avoid doing that shit. Okay increase my grenades by three or increase my reload speed yes sir increa
se that reload speed that's not even a question Trying to dig tiny tunnels give ourselves as much room to walk around and work as we can Dude where are the cocoons I'm just not finding them Okay there's one finally Burn bug Not going to get too far ahead of him but she's going to kind of let him do his thingYep yep. Can't get this other one knocked open hopefully come on come on Wow that really shoved him awayOkay we got it we got to help we got to help. DammitOkay big boys down. Oh shit this ot
her cocoon is in a terrible position Really terrible position Okay we can do this we can do this we can do thisTake that. Yep okay this is really bad this is extremely bad Probably need to not fuck with this oneI don't see any good way we're going to get through here. Without losing all of our health like we just didOkay I'm going to try and get this health. Okay that helped a littleSkitter up through here. Just take a little tour just take a little tour And we'll come down Okay now let's get th
is helped over here Yeah the mining speed is killing me it's just killing me I'm I'm I just should have gotten wild should I took it every time we saw it Okay None of those really help me Okay reload speedTake some head points fuck. Like I thought I was way far away from that guy I don'tUnforced errors man. Damn itIt's like there I really thought I was going to hit him before I went through. LOL LOL sorry just keep working out we'll just keep working at it and creates all kinetic yes sir Boy Noe
lle is it is it or are we oh shit oh shit okay let's let's engage kite mode fully let's go let's go let's just get kite mode going So he's going to charge any second he's going to charge he's going to charge come on there we go Dodge that okay we Dodge it let's go straight he's going to charge again not good not good not good Who okay that works that worked amazingly Okay Dr him again go this wayGo down here let's go down here let's go down here. OkayJust barely good good I'm going to take him o
n it now we're going to go down we're going to go down. Come on come on this way I want you to come this way go that way good man good man good man Okay just keep it up keep it up oh this is not good this is not good Shit okay I said okay I'll take the fire I'll take the fire shit shit shit shit shit We're close God damn no no no damn it bro I fucked up at the last one I just didn't dodge right Bro what do you mean oh well oh well fuckFuck. You're so close Well we got that we got the unlock so t
hat's goodAnd we got a new artifact okay some kind of different shield. OkayI mean that's good. Stats were about the same. Once again the M1 m1000 Far and Away are most effective weaponBut did you cuff did good. Okay all right yeah and 1,000 really seems to be the play 100 fucking damage on the hit is stupid I agree I agree it's too much when when you only have 200 hit points It's just like yikes and especially I don't know like at the endI don't know. I feel Like a lot of those bugs were hittin
g me when they shouldn't have and I'm sure they weren't but and I'm not going to be like oh it was lag you know I'm not going I'm not going to play it off as like you know the game fucked me I don't think it did But I'm having trouble Getting running that threshold where you're too close to a bug and it hits you or you're just outside cuz it feels to me like that radius is changing cuz I'm really good at doing that normally And I'm not able to like in these later levels there it's like they're h
itboxes get bigger and maybe they do I don't know Your hitbox is kind of big yeah your hitbox is big for sureTime to get into practically politics what's the best cheese it type. Oh shit got you know that's funny you ask that cuz we literally just did a Cheez-It tier list on the last dream extra toasty are the best ones I think your hitbox is like a rectangle I agree it's not circular I agree with you I think Jake it's either if it's not rectangular it's like hexagonal you have some you have som
e points on it I think I think I think I agree with that for sure extra toastier the best ones extra toast you're very good But Okay if you get normal Plain Jane Cheez-Its and you get a box where they have actual like crushed salt on them right That's nice and rough and you can feel itCannot be beat cannot be beat. Unfortunately getting a box like that is relatively uncommon and it's it's just luck of It's just luck of the draw whether or not you get one like that but if notBack in the day Big C
heese it. They were always like it always guaranteed to always have that Crush salt on them always they were a perfect they were by far my favorite do they make garlic cheese they do make like a parmesan garlic or did And they made an Italian one I think for a little while I like the big cheese cuz you can use them as crackers dead I'm not going to say they're dead I just haven't seen them in the stores for a while I don't know that they're dead but we have not seen them the parmesan ones are ve
ry good this not a whole lot of cheese it's I didn't like the hot ones I didn't love The toasty ones are good but sometimes they go a little too far and they do get kind of a Bernie you know carbony flavor to them not burned they're not burned but they get a little brown you know but Basically took to paraphrase Harpy who always says there ain't no such thing as a bad titty they're no such thing as a bad cheese They're all good they're all Cheez-Its they're all valid they're all Immaculate and I
love them all We still can't get life regen damnYou know I don't know if I want to buy any of this I don't I don't I'm. I'm going to stem on this I'm just going to stem on this And we're going to we're going to take it we're going to take it to true I mean right you right exactly I'll be speaks the truth With her little Southern aphorisms fuck you for controlling my stomach I'm hungry now bro I am so hungry now I believe the big ones are still a thing I'm I've been I've been wanting cuz we have
three boxes of cheese because we have a friend visiting who likes Jesus and and so we have three whole boxes up in this bitch and I'm not going to lie to you I want to go face plant into them so bad I want them Cheez-Its I want them cheese it's now But I'm going to be good I'm going to be good I'm going to keep streaming and keep out of the Cheez-Its Also I want to beat the damn Dreadnaught I'm really fixating on this Dreadnought right now I know I said we're going to do last epic obviously we'
re not Cuz we're going to be just dreadnought And part of it is just luck of the draw I think I do think you know like I I can solve myself with the fact that this is an early access game and and roster you coming in and saying like hey have they tuned this down cuz it's stupid hard like okay good cuz I was worrying like do I just really suck that bad like I know I suck but Do I suck that much I don't think I suck that much And if other people are really having problems with it too then okay may
be then it's probably not just me you know Come on come on dammit Give thing give thing give thing give thing give me give me give me give me it's mine I want it I want itIt's mine I earned it. I'm a little Boomer give it to me what's yours is mine what's mine is mineAnd pull up the ladder behind me. Blue okay well we're going to go right for the m1,000 We're going to go right for the BLT hell yes Having life regen is great I don't know how how much two is if that's to every It's not too per sec
ond is it too per minute surely not that would be worthlessLet's try and get the rest of this more kite just for giggles. Got to take so long to mind dogOkay is that it yes it was 5% crit we like that. We'll take a chanceSee what's going on over here. I need Landis to try it and let me know how it is swear by normal Cheez-Its and corn flakes We can we can probably try that I could see it being good I really can I truly can I think I weigh 140 at 62 I need cheese it's you do you do we got to we g
ot a fat in this man up we got it we got to we got a chunk them up Toyota Corolla Toyota Corolla I've never heard that I like that if you say Toyota Corolla three times I think you summon Med to chat too it like a tank and I'm not 16511 close enough technically be six that's normal weight that's good just be 120 at 120 at 6:10 God damn God damn that is that isThat is not a lot of meat. I got you I got you all covered and then some is all I'll say obviously I'm fantastically overweight look at me
Don't look at me don't proceed me but you know what I'm saying I got a feeling I don't know man I don't know if we're going to be able to get I can get the Dreadnought I can you know what I'm going to talk positively I'm going to be positive I can get the Dreadnought I came very close it's just it's unforgiving that's all it's just like it's like wow raids right like the old ones you know they're unforgiving one mistake can cost you the Run It's all right I got him I got him We're also about to
get the elite so Hit points what no hit points I said Probably not to play the run down here okay it worked it worked come on come on shoot him yes yes Give me all that delicious glowy stuff thank you thank you Take thatI definitely want this thing to level up cuz I want to see what it can do. More. Mining speed but I also want mining speed because that cost us the Run Mining speed is so crucial so crucial I'm working on losing some weight but it's fucking tough with your skin condition Ruby sc
rew I'm like 250 at 5:10 you got this you got this that's all good Do you heal on level up you do a little bit not much there's an artifact you can get to give you more but Man there's my problem I mean this is why we're feeling eat I'm going to blame it on heat Normally I'd blame it on Harpy but she's not here She is neck deep in meetings today she's so close to having her second big project done like so close a week away probably and my God that girl is going to party when it's done and blame
her anyway No I'll blame you eat I love blaming you My glasses were covered in filth it's from when he was Fang wiping on me he pushed them up into my eyebrows and everything and I am a greasy horror So let's take mining speedI am a greasy greasy horror. SoMy glasses were horribly smudged and I just I still can't get used to wearing them. Even though I've been wearing them for a couple years now Do we need house not really but I mean it's funny I'm like let's save the house why dude you're leavi
ng the level you don't need to save anything don't save anything two levels or no I would rather get the levels naturally and like get an effect rather than just hey here's two levels I mean I want that Yes it was worth the 20 Health it was worth the 20 Health to get that Unfortunately we have a big blow up guy on the on the platform and that's going to suck Well shit cannot wait to have a cat and be over my cat allergy I want to Taco Bell I want me to Taco Bell steak and potato quesarito to pet
Fair if that's what you're going to name them that's fair that's it's a bit of a mouthful but you know Our cats generally like like Stan did not get his name I didn't just feel like hey that cat's name is Stan Lee his actual name is Oscar and that was just a temporary name cuz he's a tuxedo so we're like Oscar Oscars you know call him that And it just stuck for a while and then he became you because he has no know anything but like are the cat we had before the one that we just said goodbye to
you that we just had euthanized last year His name Fuck you went through a bunch but he was Helios then he was Cheeto and eventually he became Nutter butter was his like giving his actual quote unquote name But I shit you not like I mean heartbeat called him QB all the time so that was his name was QP and then I would I would like to change that around and call him keep us You know so he was Cupid and cupis but also he liked to like come up and WAP you with his tail and he'd do it like a whip so
when you come up I'd go I'd make the whip noise and he thought that was his name you could go and he'd look over it and go LikeLike that he responded to it so one of his names was. Fun fact maybe not fun but. Odd fact I guessOkay good got that guy let's get out of here. Well let's let's get a little more Yeah yeah I'm going I'm going I'm going hey welcome in back cats tend to respond better with cute names they do better than you little asshole son of a bitch true true I've got a friend with a
void Kitty that's named bacon cheeseburger and when he gets full grown he's becoming Baconator I love that a lot I love that a lot Yes Dan started off as Well let's see so stand Stan took the place of my Siamese whose name was Ty so we're like hey we'll call Stan Sy cuz second tie you know for his temporary name and he very quickly exhibited all the characteristics of a hideous demon so we pretty quickly started calling him Satan cuz he was he's fucking evil I mean he's avoid cat they're all evi
l that's why I love him And Satan got Twisted in the way I would say it I would go like what's up Satan You know instead of Satan I'd be like Satan Kind of you know just little thing at him a little bit and then that just naturally progressed to what's up Stan And then now he's standing and then once we started streaming and sharing pictures of them with people I started calling the BBC because I think it's funny so he's because he's a big black cat he's my BBC I fucking love BBC I mean there's
nothing I love more than when you get a big when you get a BBC right in your face and it's just all over you it's just great you just want to kiss it and snuggle it you know I've got four cats Kelly Nice Let me back up here literally just called my cat a little fucking thief because she stole his shrimp why there you go there you go responded so quick animals take names weirdly quick they do they do Yeah I mean like like Udo our dog he got he picked up his new name real quick his name was Chief
and I'm like I am not living in fucking Oklahoma calling my God damn dog Chief come on bunch of ignore I misses the most unoriginal shit like I mean that's right up there with fucking mittens you know like come on do better big dog named chief get the fuck out of here let me see if I can find him real quick hold on hold on He should be he should be where'd you go where'd you go dick headThis is it I think this is it. There is right now he's on the floor right by I threw my robe off on the floor
and he's snuggling up against it but that there is that's him right next to us He's keeping us company cuz he wants to go visit mom reload speed We don't have enough for that Cold or like fuck okay we'll take cold cuz that's useful Yeah we'll get fire speed across the boardMy cat is May. And she's a tabby with white paws and she broke a TV whoa even Stan hasn't gone that far yet Herpes previous cats were incredibly destructive and they all broke Basically everything that it was a value to me And
I I'm not going to lie to you I kind of took it personally because they didn't break her shit but like every dish I had all the plates I had all the things I had for my mom yeah they broke all that shit so it's like there's not much left of you know old Lance's life anymore and it's mostly because of herpes cats You know I say that but how much of it was I actually there for and how much it was herpes saying it was the cats But I don't really like that there's a swarm coming that kind of sucks
Just kind of wheel around here a little bit It's all the way back the way we came of course Okay they do actually dig their way through the big the big green guys can dig I haven't really been paying attention So that's good to know so you kind of want to maybe leave them a pass All right I'm going to sneak through here There we go I think maybe they'll take the path to least resistance so that's was not well done it's okay we're early enough we'll be all right Shotgun Boomerang I just don't fee
l good about the boomerang yet and this one is pretty good Let's let's try and avoid leveling up weird shit and instead take guns that can be leveled and get New abilities and stuff you know Guns that we have overclocks unlocked for will take we're going to kind of focus on those how much mining speed do we have can I see that right now Yes okay so we have 12% mining speed I want to shoot for at least 33% ish No Harpy wouldn't do such a thing well probably not probably I post a double posted bac
on cheeseburger sweet I will go look and by the way it often I don't look at Discord because I I look at Discord off that I look at it every day a couple times a day but after stream I don't necessarily catch it because I literally often end stream and bolt out the door to go get heartbeat so if it's like 4:30 Pacific and I'm ending stream I'm not going to look at anything cuz I'm going to be leaving So but I promise you if I tell you I'm looking at I will look at the Discord I will it just mayb
e later in the eveningAfter we get back. And her three cups oh I was so mad when she broke the TV cuz Chuckles bones was visiting me and we're enjoying South Park oh brutal My uncle's old dog accidentally broke their four foot by 3 ft window cuz she got extremely excited by another dog outside that's just such a recipe for I mean like you can immediately Envision how that can go so bad right Fuck that fuck that what's your crit chance12%. , what's up it. Send it actually go up to 21 yes it did o
kay so that debt is just a numerical crit chance so if it says plus 9%, it's not 9% to your 1% that you have for a total of like you know 1.1% It is a straight 9% buffThat if she makes that a little better. Oh this is also not in a great spotSo we're going to prioritize weapons we already have. And we're going to prioritize mining speed Okay9% credit again again love that. I mean we're going to need this but 9% credit is so they so tasty that was good that was good big nut big nut All right so t
hose of you in the know those of you in the know you've been you've been paying a little more attention to maybe I saw peanut was back right he played he played some games with Carlos and then he was back on his stream I have not heard whether or not like well being Alex if he was going to maybe come back this Friday I mean I'm assuming he's going to probably be doing the streamer Awards which are soon right but do any of you noticed he planning on streaming tomorrow I'm just curious I'm trying
to ride out my evening a little bit you know we're going to be watching peaches always but I want to make sure I get the VOD you know if he's going to be up I hope he's back I've missed a little bastard I hope they had a good time Let's do thisNo clue okay bear. Fair gee which one should we take 25% fire speed 25% reload oh no they are different okay extra damage extra reload Extra fire rate extra reload Neither of those are goodDamn it. That sucks. Okay. At least download yeah I think fire rate
s better cuz we're going to get more effects later explode in a ring of fire dealing damage and burning nearby enemies when you take damage yes sir Yes sir like that want that in my belly right nowIncreases resistance. You know like armor sounds great it really does but honestly when you're taking 100 damage hits at the end It doesn't matterYou know your arm is going to take that 100 damage it down to 88. Okay so you. Okay so you die you're still going to die real quick if you if you screw up Ye
ah I agree fire rate because it's so slow yes buff the fire Buff the fire rate first cuz it already is a high damage weaponOkay. Let's go down this way get these it ain't leaving without anybody bro we're right here we're good all right so this was kind of a waste level over all it didn't feel like we really got a lot but I don't know maybe we did maybe we did Footlong cookieFrom Bobby Subway. I don't know what spubby is. Got an extra 18% creditWhat are we at so we're at. Word what 36% crit chan
ce 200% damage we need mining speed desperately Move speed could be buffed up a littleOkay we do not have mining now. Yes it's okayI've never tried that I mean I would try it but I mean for breakfast. I'm not ate today and it's near 6:00 p.m. sounds like you're on a Crip build I mean it's kind of what it's inadvertently turned to isn't it it's not what I prefer I prefer reliable consistent damage but You know I mean any important storm I reckon on the other hand what I've been trying hasn't been
working so maybe create is the play A little more crazy I mean I've been getting it just not as much I don't really like any of these for what we're doing We don't have enough fuckAnd I'll take move speed happily. Sure. Okay let's go Beasties to shoot let's go let's go let's go I too am ready for a beer when this is over at Mr dwarf We're going to get this red Dreadnought even if we don't get them today we're going to get them today we're going to try real hard to get them today Keep pushing th
at we'll keep pushing that m1000 upI really like that gun overall I just. I'm nervous because I don't know what other what other overclocks there are for it and if we get the wrong ones I'm worried they're going to they're going to Cripple Us by chasing it Like in general it's like you know don't chase anything right just let the game kind of unfold and build your build based on what you get those first half dozen out I really really thought I would be able to get around that Girl I love a good
Chain Reaction like that though I really do We can do this we can do thisPretzels incredibly disappointing. I tell you what I love I've got a great recipe for just very simple softness or very soft Bavarian style pretzels they're really easy to make and having made those a bunch of times I struggle to ever like get a different kind Pick up radius clearlyOkay or in fact I'll get asked. Knock back and slow we'll do that too so we got we now flame them and we and we blast them with fire shit I real
ly want I loose acts dude I want all this I want all this let's go let's go Yeah exactly don't be delicious it's not my fault you're delicious Let me see here pick up yeah yeah a hundred million percent yeah 45% radius Jesus Christ huge area if you get in a sandwich too get a cookie if not then just get something normal I agree with that take 100% I'm not just going to have the cookie I've had two other footlong and I get an actual Center okay yeah yeah I would say go ahead and try the cookie th
en I am surprised the churros good like a good churro man a good show fucks Way Beyond like we need to describe it your I was describing what they were to harping so like that sounds kind of good I said okay but think funnel cake Oh really but they're not powdered sugar I'm like I know it's not but trust me the way you feel about funnel cake is how the rest of us feel about churros trust me chose fuck Charles fuck And if you don't think Charles fuck go get a churro and come back to me cuz Charle
s fuck I haven't had a churro since I was nine okay fucking 47 charles fuck Love you out of mud yep yepThink funnel cake but dildo exactly exactly. Armor we'll take the reload we'll take the reload oh shit see that's the problem when I stopped though is I may not realize that there's an idiot right there about to hit me Okay quit chance reload and Okay A little better armor up hit pointsYep I'm going to take some hit points I want to get to 300 ish. FuckFuck I knew I got way too close right ther
e. I saw him in the herd right as I approached it. It was just not the playYou know if I can find one more Little Flower too I'll get a. God there's so much exp up here dude Weapon I mean I feel like I feel like our fourth weapon should be the cryo grenade right like to slow down the shotgun unless we can get it moving unless we can get the shotgun just blasting people I'd rather have a zeppole I don't know what one of those is But you know what I do know I do know that I trust him his opinion e
nough That if Amy says she would rather have this over a churro then I should look into it because that sounds like it's probably pretty good then Cuz even if I feel at the end no I like to chill more I know I'm going to like the the things she recommended you know And he's one of those people it's like sight and see and I don't need to know anything just other than Emmy says it's like okay I've already listening I'm already paying attention you know what I mean it's like when you have an actor
or a director and like they're involved in the movie like I don't need to know I'm already watching it you know this person's involved I'm in I don't have a very short list of people like that in terms of like film and shit And and it also very short list of like like that in in lifeBut I mean he's definitely one of them. Have you had strew fully I have not Keep an eye on your weapon upgrades some of them buff certain weapon types okay Reload speed on that one reload speed X game we're still I d
on't know I think we're a bit late for now I think I think it diminishing returns right if you're going to get extra and get it early Let's take let's chase the big gunOr not the big gun but the gun that's closer to 12:00. Okay What level there Max hit points let's go ooh increases all cryo What do we have to our gun is our gun Crown out noNo yeah it is refrigerator gunpowder okay so our Base gun is cryo. What is it though 10% to all that's not very good I would rather have the hit points For ri
ght now cuz that's still a 10% hit point buff over it was like a 12% hit point buff Come on come on you're on your own you're on your own I can get all the loot thank you Very nice very nice I love it when you're able to actually pick everything up15% how big is our pickup radius. Pick up radius 57 This becomes dramatically more effective the bigger your pickup radius gets so That will help us get far more experience far earlier you know as we get into these bigger zergsThe more pickup we get. I
am there was somebody in the way dudeI'd go cry out personally. I'll DM you an address for a bakery I guess okay I mean I can Google what that is I just haven't had it I mean I think I kind of know What make your mouth water real quick does a semi local Italian place where you can get gnocchi with blackened chickenIn alfredo sauce. You're killing me you're killing me why would you do this to me I can't believe you I can't believe you've done this I can't believe you're done that 25% straight da
mage on the big gun I'm leaning towards doing the big gun how much let's do the big gun I don't want to do a reroll yeah reroll doesn't matter we're good we're good Okay what are we on level four we're not doing greatWe haven't got any more mining speed. All right let's see what we can find let's get into some trouble We're also facing the time crunch of having to go get herpy isn't it funny I changed my stream time I'm like we're going to start streaming at 11:00 Pacific so that I can go get ha
rpy So I can stream and still stop and go do stuff and then go get herpe and instead I just started at 11:00 and I still end up streaming until I have to go get harpy I can't help it I have fun You know when I stop having fun or when when it's like it's impeding something I'll stop if I have something I have to go do I'll go do it I don't think I have to go do soWhy not continue streaming we're having fun. Got a bunch of got a bunch of cuties and chatYou know. Get some of this shit Go get that h
ouse too cuz we are I mean we're not low but we are at the point where we're going to stop getting levels quite so regularly Yeah I want I want to throw grenades more Okay that should get us pretty much full on house It's really hoping that I'd pop that whole groupCome on come on come on. Come onCome on. There we go that's what I was waiting for to happen. Shit swarm again electrical okay we don't have fire we don't have acid we have electrical we have cryo I'll take the crit See if I can sneak
through nope that's not going to happen Damn it that could have gone betterWhat like there I don't. I don't know what hit meBut there I just ran through those bugs far closer and they didn't hit me. Okay Supply pot is up this will get us one more level I feel like this is the way we're going to go cuz I really want to get that second overclock On the big boy Let's go down this way where's the supply pod and there it is go around the loot dudes Oh we are loading up on expat least Fire rate let's
go reload speedYeah we'll take that what have we got knockback. Slower reload but double fire oh shit that's tough Knockback will it knock back everything it hits or just the one it's targeting cuz it pierces everything You're at like 30% credit Yeah we're up pretty high I think we're above 30 actually way above 30 right 45 Which is actually pretty nice it's it's it's hitting prettyIt's hitting pretty good but it's it's definitely you can get reload pretty easy. Yeah reload seems pretty easy the
clip size is nice I like that cuz I'm assuming that means it'll double cuz it's one shot one reload so now it'll shoot twice but not back strikes me is really really powerful But our problem hasn't been getting to the Dreadnought and I don't think that's going to knock back the Dreadnought so let's do the double shots Okay let's get this let's get this knocked out oh that sucks that sucks come on come on quick quick quick You can do it you can do it you can do it thank God Thank you yeah you da
mn right door boy let's go let's fucking go okay good Delicious Dee fucking Licious fire rate or damage to sing already shoots pretty quickSo we'll bump it up a little bit. Okay grenade we don't really care too much about the grenade we're going to keep pumping this guy we'll see what we get I guess I'm not specifically targeting either right now move speed I mean Oh that could not have happened much at a better a better time could it okay Explain fuck already level 40 I mean we're at the end of
thatThese all kind of suck I mean three armor whatever. I'll just take three take the ex again 3 hours better cuz I'm going to take more than three hits before I die but Okay I don't really need we'll take this cuz I will mind some goldAll right so where's our doofus there he is. I love a big Chain Reaction like that damn it Ooh fire rate let's go okay I don't need it for that but that's still good we're getting pretty close to to A pop on that little dude aren't weYeah one more level on the li
ttle guy on the on the jukov. We still didn't get any mining speed got to get some mining speed See if we can get anything down there nope nope we're not going to risk itOkay okay. Depends on how the knockback works yeah exactly and I don't know I don't know how it worksBut actually I had a drinks. I never took a break to go get more you fool now there's mining speed God damn it we don't have enough stuff Okay so what can we get we can getOh we can get two levels let's get this straight up. Extr
a damage and reload extra damage piercing piercing shots right there piercing shots 100% That'll help us deal with everything while we work on the bossOkay. We don't have enough money to do anything else all right First Priority Health I didn't realize I was going to hit me when I was close to it and it poppedThat sucks that sucks. Okay let's try and go find the other cocoons Damn where are they I'm not seeing them we have this problem last time I could not find the damn cocoons And try and burr
ow a little bit around the the perimeter too just to give myself some run room if I get stuck on the perimeter Without cutting my only escapers out you know Finally found oneOkay it's back behind me get this popped. Okay good good let's get out of hereIs that all of them yes oh shit. Okay just carve throughThat works that worked well actually that worked very well okay. Buy rateYes. This is clearly going to be our main weapon going forward. Come on come on come on come on come on come on come on
come on come on come on come on Good good that worked out beautifullyCould not have really gotten that to land much better. Okay Max hit points reload speed I think reload Cuz we want this we want this bitch firing as much as we can get her to cuz she's our big guy Where is the other coco or the big cocoon there it is there it is okay let's get to Dreadnought out Pray for me chat wish me luckSave the the you know the thing you know the thing. Okay okay off we go Okay just watching watching watc
hing for him to charge move before he does Damn it This magnet's well-timed Okay reload's not going to arm is not going to help us that's not going to help us reload speed I guess Not going well though is it Well maybe it's not going too bad Ah shit can't hear okay got to not forget what I'm doing got to not forget what I'm doing I see you space coast Rock and stone rocking Stone let's go we can do this we can do this Bitch yes I can't believe I pulled that off God damn it oh that was so loud th
at was so loud I blinked at the wrong time but I think I still made it yes okay but he didn't hit me he didn't hit me he didn't hit me he didn't hit me okay backtracking here was bad Okay we got to pop these guys we got a clear path we're kind of an emergency mode right now Very lucky very lucky get through hereOkay. Okay we're in the clear we're in the clear we're in the clear we're in the clearWe're not. We're not in the clear we're not in the clear but we're close we're trying Oh my God oh my
God oh my God oh my God my heart rate is real fucking high right now electrical releasing explosion whenever the weapon reloads got it do it do it go go go go go Oh shit oh shit oh shitGet him. We got him we fucking got itFuck you. Oh shit fuck you do not kill me on the way out Watch fucking go dudeHell yes. Fuck yeah. With cat ears God damn I feel very proud of that I feel very good about that indeed All rightJesus Christ with a fight what a fucking fight let's fucking go dude. That that was g
ood that felt like an achievement you know like I'm happy with that dude that made me feel good all right it's been a hot minute since I've had a reaction like that to a game you know what I mean like that's that's like that's like molten core first time you get fucking How the hell I forgotten his name ragnaros down it's like the first time you drop rag just God damn feels good feels good this is why we came you're damn right you're damn right damn that was good complete the dive it can be done
Roster was not was not wrong though man that shit is tough and but like they're like there were so many times that that guy should have hit me and I didn't dodge he just didn't hit me So like kind of got lucky in some ways butWho Mama well well. Yeah I did not get like much upgrade stuff at all did I quit chance up quit damage up lock up armor up Yeah I'm going to save my mats I'm going to save my mats what did we unlock so we fully unlocked Crystal Caverns we now have to move to magma core I w
as going to say I've never seen you so intense with that reaction I was very very worried I was going to die again I was getting really fucking annoyed about dying all the time you know I like to I like to succeed you know Okay so we have to get one more point before we can do any of the other stuffWe have four okay where do we have the fourth one from. Okay well I mean do we want to go try them old magma core I'll try magma core let's try it real quick let's try it real quick I don't want it I
don't want to get into it cuz then I'll run too late you know So yeah there we goThat feels pretty good that feels pretty good I got to come down from that for a hot minute though I got to come down from that. First things first let me let me switch over to something a little more mellowSwitch the music some more mellow. I'm going to say deep rock Galactic Survivor Big success big success I don't know if you like that kind of game but If you do like that kind of game I think you're going to like
it I think you're going to like it I certainly like it thank you for keeping me sane during work thank you for hanging out I see it's absolutely my pleasure to be part of your work day and and part of your collection of friends and part of your life as with the rest of you as I always say I'm so grateful that you all are here it's it's just a delight to spend some time with you guys and be a little idiot with you guys and play games badly for you guys and every now and then we win you know ever
y now and then we win and it's fun And in the times that we lose make the times that we win all the sweeter in my opinion so it's okay to suck at it Another thing that happens when you get old if you didn't know sometimes your hands just stopSo another thing to look forward to kids. Every now and then your hands will just go I'm doneAnd the thing you're holding will just say goodbye gravity one bitch. Happens all the time her people drop a cup or I'll I'll drop a remote or something and the othe
r whoever drops the thing goes oh shit and the other person God dammit you know cuz they freak out also I'm sorry if I blew your eardrums out I think I gave my limiter a workout I should it shouldn't have I have a very good limiter on setup I think but Yeah cuz I'm coming and tested before there was a time I think it was Athena and Peach and maybe a couple other people are in chat and I just full on yelled as loud as I could like wake the neighbors loud and they said it didn't peek so we're prob
ably okay but if I blew out your drums I apologize I was just very excited there So let's see what do we have going on let me let me think about what we have going onTo recap. We met the sub goal of 100 sub points And harpies Mike has been ordered and it will be here tomorrow so when when she if she streams with me would she plans to this weekend She'll have her new microphone and that'll be amazing For a new sub goal Harpy is going to do a baking stream the next time we hit 100 sub points so th
at will be her baking RL and I'll be running the text side of things and the camera and all that cuz it's just the two of us so we'll do a harpy baking stream can't wait to get baked with you all no shit no shit Jesus Christ You you definitely missed a boss fight holy fuck we finally got the boss Beach we finally got the boss down it took a minute but we got there and I might have had a rather loud reaction I hope you had fun sorry I've been so busy never apologize for being busy and yes we had
fun and I'm just glad you're here if it's if you're here for one minute or you're here for five and a half hours I'm glad you're here You know if you if you swing in and say hello and leave without another wordTotally valid you know I'm glad anybody. Spends any portion of their day going like hey let's go check in on old man landed and say hi to his stream because there you have a lot of options out there everybody all of us we have a lot of options so anytime you like to spend a little bit of y
our time with with this old guy I'm glad I'm glad and I appreciate itSo Harvey baking stream next time we hit a hundred. Sub points We will we will figure one out and get one done and then Harpy is going to be gaming with me this weekend we're probably going to play some classic deep rock Galactic and/or lethal company we'll see also ICN I see underscore Ann is going to be let me do this I don't know why I'm shouting her out you all know her but I like to type the command now and then so I see A
nne is going to be playing lethal company this evening at 6:00 Pacific ish and probably playing a little bit after that after a little warm up chatter with the with the group so Get a Little Love in for icy and you know spend some time with I see this evening if you got if you got some time going on Harpy and I are probably going to drop in and play a game or two around or 5:00 if we have time and depending on what exactly she's got going on I know she had some stuff that could bleed into this w
eekend so we'll see I'm going to talk to her on the way home I haven't heard from her really much today so and she's up and she's up in it right now she's busy so that's not unusual But I'll talk to her on the ride home and we'll get that schedule figured out and and And we will be there if we can but Harpy and I will be playing some some games this weekend and yeah I just had a great time playing with you guys today I do still want to visit last epic and we have so much more to look at in Deep
Rock Survivor I thought that was a lot of fun and I kind of want to play more of it so I'm thinking Maybe we'll do that if I can keep my grubby little hands out of the game while I'm not streamingThere's the hard part. So we'll see if I can behave myself will continue and otherwise even if I can't pay myself will probably continue but I talked earlier about wanting to read out if we ended early and I just I don't feel like we've ended early enough you know to do the whole like thing I wanted to
do were right out and hit somebody who's got just you know one or two or three viewers Because I don't want to do that and bail I want to do that when I've got time to like stick around for 20-30 minutes and like actually you know talk with the person and engage with them and you know help help drive a little action in their chat so I don't want to do that right now it can it still can't It still can't help someone I mean it does it does still help it does still help you right yeah because I gue
ss it's not just me like there are other people who can be talking that's true that's true all right let's let's get that let's get that going on let me find somebody let me find somebody That would be this button right here that button that button there we go but I get what you're saying you're right you're right it doesn't have to be just me I have in my head it's always just me like it's got to be me doing it and it's not it's not that's not the case at all So brows sure I don't look for for
streams very often anymore cuz I have so many people what category should we look for Let's see What do I love what do I love what do you guys love what do we all love when we like chatting we like to send that you like we like art we like stardew I like Star do a lot we can look for Deep Rock why don't we look for Deep Rock Yeah it's a pretty Galactic survival continue the fun and look for somebody who's just either just getting rolling or maybe doesn't have a whole lot going on bear with me I'
m looking I want to find somebody who's got like some you know they got a little bit of overlays going on they got some cameras you know and and we'll just go hang out This is going to take a minute it's going to take a minute so bear with me bear with me Or I'm just trying to think here any other Deep Rock Depots yeah I see you went exactly where I was going there are they're definitely are some other folks Lurk-friendly I'm just looking at the tags too sometimes maybe shit okay fair fair Portu
guese Hold up maybeMaybe. I'm being picky I'm being picky I'm like who's the right person for all my friends to go to I want only the best you know We have a YouTuber with with cat ears Always valid right can't knock somebody with cat ears I'm sitting here with cat ears Tower Defense real quick English geez Louise man come on now Almost thereI'm spending way too much time looking I'm also fixating on the fact that I'm spending way too much time looking. What's this guy got going on this dude got
Music playing nothing started he's got a whole bunch of treasure on his screen he's got some stuff going on I don't know this guy could be interesting chatty chill Community English birthday streamer Let's give this guy let's give this guy a roll so this is back on five I know nothing about this gentleman nothing about this gentleman let's let's get a little rain message going on And and just I don't know something wholesome right let's like let's be uplifting and just give this dude some love
you know he's playing a game he's playing a game on his own right now and let's let's give him a little bit of love precious stones just don't belong for Valentine's Day for the loot Deep dive for x and Bug hunts rock and stone I mean he's got he's got a he's got a good looking stream here actually better than mine I'd say So let's see here now I see her where's my where's my where's my freaking chatter in a window there it is there it isI got to find my I got to find my emotes. We rocked hard t
oday that works I like that yeah I like that Dina let's do that all right there's a raid message and we're going to raid this gentleman Read Wow or I can just cut off the end of the raid message there we go okay let me get this into the old chat Okay there we go so we're going to raid vagamon 5 I don't know this particular person I just want to give this guy some love and and share some viewership and you know to hang out for a minute with them and and help lift his day up the way you guys uplif
t my day okay if you don't mind I'd love it and I'd love it and cuz I know I remember back when I first dreamed How big of a deal it was when I got you know even just a few follows and even a few and this guy's got more followers than Heidi right now so he doesn't need that kind of lift but you know what I'm saying like when you're streaming it's just you It's a nice pick me up so I'm going to do some homework and find some people to read out to like that but in the meantime let's go visit this
guy I love you all very much I'll see you all this weekend and we're on Isis tonight thank you for hanging out today I'll see you soon
