
Orcas Attack Sea lion | Nature's Great Events | BBC Earth

A single sea lion doesn't stand a chance against a pod of killer whales. Subscribe: WATCH MORE: New on Earth: Oceanscapes: Wild Thailand: Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of astounding, entertaining, thought-provoking and educational natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback

BBC Earth

9 years ago

The smaller females travel as a group, keeping a watchful eye in all directions. They know that killers lurk in the depths. The surface is a dangerous place to linger, especially is you are alone. Orca, killer whales. The sea lion is wounded but the killers keep their distance. His powerful jaws are still a threat to the hungry orca. He struggles towards the safety of land. But his injuries are slowing him down. Blow by blow, they wear him down. It's a carefully coordinated attack. One killer di
stracts his attention while another hits his soft underside. The richest seas on Earth can be treacherous.



Imagine someone narrating your dinner like this


Yo the Orcas are no joke. Powerful and cunning


Man how the hell did you even shoot this. So amazing


Showing this to a penguin.


I am always impressed how they managed to get the underwater shots that close to the hunting


That sea lion must have his back broken to bits by that first attack.


be careful of underwater trucks


That first blow was absolutely brutal! Looks like the the orca might have broken the seals back.


"his injuries are slowing him down" I mean that hit probably broke all of its ribs.


The sound of that first impact... ow.


That first blow scared the crap out of me. Was not expecting that.


2:07 there's a bone sticking out of his back....


0:38 6 tonnes ramming you at up to 40 km/h - one big assed OOF!


Orca really are fascinating creatures. I marvel at the intelligence and discipline they possess!


This sequence is even more interesting than others realize. After the initial strike, by what seems to be a female Orca the follow up hits are by a very young Orca, probably the offspring of the female. She seems to be teaching her offspring how to finish off a large prey item. This may seem cruel , but nature is not cruel she is indifferent. You can view this as a sad event or as a marvelous example of intergenerational instruction. Predators kill to eat.


Came here after seeing a penguin killed by sea lion🤷🤷 edit: time goes so fast. 7 months to this comment now. Thanks for the likes. 🙏🏻


"The sea lion delved too greedily and not deep enough, and woke the nameless fear."


BBC + Attenborough = Extra ordinary


you see that huge contusion after he got rammed .... damn nature .... you scary


It's apparent the initial strike broke the sea lion's spine otherwise he would have been using his back flippers which is used for propulsion. I feel sorry for the sea lion but this has been going on for millennia. I'm just a bystander.